Personal finance management application. Personal finance accounting software

08.08.18 92 252 154

Readers' Choice T-F

The first step to financial literacy is to understand where the money is going.

Maria Dolgopolova

analyzed user experience

We've collected apps that our readers use to record spending and plan a budget. Take your pick.


Price: 229 Р for the full version.

A simple application that allows you to skip the setup step and start recording income and expenses right after installation. There are two buttons on the main screen - plus and minus - you need to click on one of them, enter the amount and select the desired category. To create your own list of categories and keep track of money in different currencies, you need to buy the paid version. Bonus: all data can be password protected:

Max Gerasimenko

and bought a car, and flew on vacation

“I use Monefy Pro in my phone - it is very simple, it starts quickly and data is quickly entered. And on a computer in Excel, I make a budget by category for each month. At the end of the month, I rewrite the data into a table and understand whether I am living within my means. In the past, with a good salary, I didn’t save anything and didn’t really gain anything in a year, and this practice helped me a lot. I started to keep a budget - I bought a car, paid off a quarter of the mortgage, and flew on vacation! "


Price:$ 83.99 per year.

A service with its own budgeting methodology - the creators are sure that the accounting of income and expenses should start with planning. When income is received, it must be entered into the program and distributed between categories that each user configures manually: how much of this money will go to food, how much for rent, and so on.

Within a month, you need to enter expenses and - depending on the circumstances - change the budget, redistributing money between categories, if some expenses turned out to be more than planned. To use the program, you must definitely install the desktop version - you won't be able to limit yourself to the mobile one. But in the program you can

stopped living paycheck to paycheck

“The main thing that this program gives is the idea of ​​living not from paycheck to paycheck, but on the money earned last month. That is, if you follow the “YNAB method”, you will automatically have an airbag for one month. Of course, all this long-term planning becomes a little more complicated taking into account inflation (and the authors of the program do not see this problem, since they themselves are from the USA).

Cost track

Price: 749 Р for the full version.

The application allows you to manage several budgets at the same time. For example, create separate pages for wedding and renovation expenses. The expenses for each month are displayed on a pie chart, you can see how much money was spent on each category as a whole or for a certain period. You can add a comment, location, photo and even an audio recording to each waste if you want to remember what exactly was bought, but there is no time to write:

Polygraph Sharikov

was ready to pay

“I took a long time to choose the application, I was even ready to pay. It was important for me that the application was pleasant in appearance, not confusing and that it was possible to look at expenses for different periods in different categories, as well as to look at everything together in diagrams - so that it was visually visible what the most money was spent on.

The first months I just contributed all the expenses and looked at how much money was actually spent on what. It turned out that from every little thing for 100-200 R some fantastic sums can run up. I have been using the application for two years, and it still amazes me. I like to meditate on numbers for a year - I would never have thought that I would take 100,000 rubles each to Pyaterochka in the next house. And of course, it's nice to see how incomes are growing - for example, this year we managed to earn a serious amount of money from hacks.

Now that I know how much money I'm spending on it, it allows me to plan my future budget - I do it separately, just in a spreadsheet. By the way, my budget is planned out in more or less detail for a year ahead, and with broad strokes - somewhere else for three years. It turned out that planning for a year is very convenient - if you know how much I will earn in 12 months and how much of this money will go conditionally on “everyday life”, then it is clear how many vacations you can afford and how many more large purchases you can plan. "

Visual budget

Price: 529 Р for the full version.

A detailed application that allows you to view data in a list, in the form of a pie or line chart. Categories can be grouped: for example, business lunches, takeaway coffees, and home products can be counted separately, but they can be grouped into a large Food category. To make it easier to deal with the frightening interface, the developers added a Sample Account to the application - it looks as if you were in someone else's account, but it is clear how it works:

loves simplicity

“I tried many applications - I couldn't find anything easier and more convenient. The interface is simple, but it is very easy to record your income and expenses. You can see in advance how much money is left, how much is not enough and that it is necessary to reduce the expense in another category. Just like in YNAB, all receipts need to be budgeted by categorization. All regular spending can be configured so that they are automatically entered. "

Personal Finance


An application that allows you to keep not only personal, but also a joint budget - there is a function "Analysis for each family member." You can create an unlimited number of categories and subcategories and set up automatic loading of data from bank SMS. The application predicts an approximate budget for the next month and the amount of savings:

Irina Potapova

pays expenses to the application every day

“I don’t pay anything for using the application, I like it very much. It is possible to manage a family budget or an individual one. Categories: income, bills, expenses (plan and fact). I do not use the function of downloading bank sms from my phone. Yes, and I do not track the ruble - the balance can be adjusted. But yes, I make changes every day. "

Money Manager EX

Price: free, only for Android.

Free open source service that anyone can contribute to improve. Thanks to teamwork, the service has been translated into 30 languages ​​and an Android application has been created. Here you can plan your budget for the month and for the year, set up automatic entry of regular expenses and make a list of your expense categories:

"Where's the money"

Financial diary from Russian developers that allows you to keep track of expenses. You can create categories - for example, "Transport", "Food away from home", "Auto" - and systematically record the amount spent for each of them in the application. After a while, a clear and rather indicative breakdown by spending is obtained, looking at which you can draw conclusions about your financial behavior. The basic functionality of the application is free, but a significant part of the interesting functions is available only in the paid version: automatic addition of expenses from SMS, shared wallets, debt control, etc. The strengths of the application include a simple interface and a nice design.


Helps to accurately share expenses for joint spending - renting a house, organizing a party or traveling. It is enough to add all the participants to the application, indicate who spent how much, and Splittable will calculate how to pay among themselves honestly. First of all, the service is aimed at those who rents an apartment in a joint: within a month, everyone contributes their expenses - from paying bills to buying paper towels, and at the end of the application will tell you about mutual debts. Splittable leaves in the past long, nervous evenings trying to remember how it was, and long calculations on pieces of paper.

Money lover

A mobile service for monitoring expenses and income, which is also available in the desktop version. The user prescribes the categories of his spending and synchronizes the application with the bank account, after which it remains to enter only information about purchases in cash. Also Money Lover can read receipts and automatically categorize purchases. Expense statistics can be tracked using detailed graphs and charts. It is possible to set a money limit for a day or a week. This function will alert the user if costs are approaching an acceptable limit. In addition, while traveling, the app can easily convert purchases in local money into the main currency of the app and also categorize them.

Smart Receipts

Scans receipts with your smartphone camera and automatically organizes purchase information into categories. Based on this, the application generates reports in text format, which can be very detailed. Smart Receipts will help those who constantly account for business trips and at the same time do not really like collecting stacks of checks. The creators of the application say that it will be convenient for employees of any accounting department and for those who are interested in the most detailed information about their spending.


A bank card tracker that combines them all under one icon. Binding of cards is not required, the service works based on the analysis of SMS and data on the tariffs of Russian banks. When entering credit card information, WiseCards will add the dates and amounts of required payments to the calendar and remind you of them in a timely manner. The service stores information about all transactions on added cards (both credit and debit), as well as a catalog of discounts available for them. In addition, the application can tell you which credit card is more profitable to make a purchase for a certain amount.

Friends money

A service that helps to borrow money from friends from social networks. The user must log in to the application via VKontakte, Facebook or Twitter and link a bank card to the account. After that, it will be possible to place an offer or request for a loan of money. You can negotiate only with your friends on social networks, and borrow - no more than 15 thousand rubles. In this case, the details of the loan - the term, remuneration, penalties, etc. - are determined by the parties themselves. Friends Money commission is 1.5% of the transfer amount for each transaction plus 20 compulsory rubles. The most slippery moment - the application does not bear any responsibility for the refund. It is understood that in the era of social networks, reputation is worth more than a few thousand rubles, and “being bad” is simply unprofitable.

I Owe You

A minimalistic application for remembering who borrowed what, from whom and when it is time to repay the debt. A single app button creates new cells where you add information about the borrowed item or amount, the deadline for the return and the date of the reminder. You can link the debtor's contacts to the loan so that the application can send him an SMS or email reminder without hesitation. You can set periodic notifications, which will help, for example, those who systematically replace the payment date for an apartment from their memory.

Unfortunately, most of the best personal finance applications are not localized in Russia, so all their capabilities are not available to users in our country. But they are worthy of mention - perhaps they will be adapted someday. For example, an application that, in fact, is a messenger like WhatsApp, but allows you to transfer a small amount to another user of the service without commission - for example, when you share a bill for dinner together. This is the functionality of the chat bot, which in the dialogue mode will reasonably advise how to reach your financial goal as soon as possible, or will show the spending schedule for the last time. The service monitors the user's expenses for a couple of days, and then quietly begins to deposit small amounts into a savings account. A veteran and leader of many ratings of applications for personal finance accounting, he can aggregate almost all possible personal financial information - from charts of expenses for sunflower oil to indicators of the state of investments and cryptocurrency rates.

Greetings to everyone who continues to get acquainted with the world of investment and all its components! Financial well-being depends not only on how much a person earns, but also on how he manages his money. How to choose the best financial accounting application to conveniently track the movement of your money? I will tell and show you in this article.

PC (desktop) software


Can be safely called the best option among budget monitoring programs an individual user or group of people... The application provides loans and deposits. Registered categories that take into account the user's property.

Exists synchronization computer version with an application on the phone. However, the connection between the two programs on different computers is not well thought out. This feature can be inconvenient when considering Family as a multiplayer option. The developers of the project made it such that it will not be possible to switch to another product without losing data... The system of export and import of information is not well thought out. Therefore, starting to work, you will have to fix income, expenses, etc.

Installing the full version on a computer will cost 14,95-29,95$ ... The mobile phone app will cost the user $ 4.95. Conveniently, you can download the program and use it free trial for a month... Download link: . (home accounting)

Designed to monitor financial condition all family... In this case, a password can be set on the record of each individual user. The rules for the formation and maintenance of the list of sources of personal income are described in detail in the instructions, so all family members will be able to deal with them.
And the function synchronization between computers and smartphones will allow you to work with on different devices at the same time. For the convenience of analyzing the family budget, there are visual graphs and diagrams.

Your sources of personal income and monetary transactions can be recorded immediately in multiple currencies if necessary. Monitoring of loans and money that you borrowed or lent is provided. There is a timely system of reminders for this category of funds. The application allows you to import and export information.

Mobile applications


Very convenient for working with a touchscreen. For example, Money transfers carried out by dragging and dropping coin icons of different accounts. Such a system allows you to quickly complete a transaction. Difficulties can arise only if you have a lot of accounts.

The program can be used by several people who form joint budget since there is cloud data sync system... In CoinKeeper, you can select one or more currencies. The categories of debts and loans are spelled out, for which reminders are provided.

The cost of such a program is about 265 rubles per year... The application is suitable for devices with Android and ios, and you can download it here: .


It pleasantly surprises the user already upon registration. At the beginning of work, you can set up individual categories, taking into account which, you will periodically be offered recommendations on the distribution of income. If you start spending too much, a special indicator will inform you about it..

The program has a function financial pillow... When registering, you create a goal for yourself to accumulate a reserve for six months of living in conditions if you do not have a stable income. A financial pillow is the kind of cash reserve that will help you in unforeseen life circumstances. With the help of the planning wizard, you can see at the beginning of the month how much money needs to be allocated to pay off debts and loans, mandatory expenses, and how much you can spend at your discretion. Automatic sync with Google calendar helps to avoid fines and penalties for late payments.

It's worth noting that EasyFinance supports multiplayer mode... For example, it is much more convenient to keep track of the expenses of family members if you group the lists of expenses by user. The advantage is that you can set up automatic synchronization with bank accounts. Besides, favorite accounts and lists of systematically recurring transactions are saved.

EasyFinance software for complete personal financial plan preparation is available for installation on phones with iOS and Android. You can download the application from the link: .


This is the system that is better than others. disciplines the user and teaches them how to use their funds rationally... The peculiarity of the application is in it the amount that can be spent daily is calculated.
You indicate the monthly income and the planned items of expenditure, the amount of funds for each day is automatically calculated. If you spent more money, recalculation occurs immediately and the daily rate decreases. All this is very easy to trace.

In order not to spend too much, you can enter the maximum amount of expenses, which you do not want to exceed. When the monthly costs are approaching this mark, you will receive a corresponding message, and this will mean that it is time to start saving. Unfortunately, there is no function that allows you to set payroll dates.

Feature BUDGET is the presence of the mode " Travel". When you travel to another country and pay there in other than your usual currency, it becomes a little more difficult to fix expenses. Travel allows you to temporarily enter a conversion rate and fix your costs in the currency of the country where you are. The information will automatically adapt to the main currency system.

By using BUDGET personal finances are recorded in the program for free. Application sends reminders... Reporting on the user's monetary status is presented in the form charts and graphs.

BUDGET- the best program for accounting money in the ios system. If you decide to download it, then use the link:


Differs in its bright and attractive interface, an interesting system of work with the user. The program will help you design, the instructions for drawing up which will be given with the help of a funny character. It is the cute three-eyed alien who will tell you the state of your monthly budget.

Cost categories need to be configured manually by entering tags... It is necessary to fill in the columns at the same time as teaches to some systematic work with Toshl... It can be considered a plus that the export of information is supported. Some additional functions are opened only after they have been paid for, which, of course, is not very pleasant. The personal finance application is available for smartphones with iOS, Android, Windows Phone. You can download Toshl from this link: .

Other programs

In the review, I presented the most common and convenient programs. In addition to the listed options, there are many more:, Moneytracker, AceMoney, Own money, Personal Finances, Cash Organizer, Zen Money and many others.


In this article, I have made a selection of popular paid and free programs for personal finance accounting. They all work in approximately the same way, but still each has its own distinctive features. To understand which financial control system is right for you, you need test several such programs... Write in the comments which applications you use and why. Goodbye!

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Money is like water - it flows through your fingers, no matter how you try to keep it. And figuring out where they go can be very difficult. Few of us keep in mind the amount of daily petty expenses, and it is they who create that very, it is not clear where it came from gap in the family budget.

Have you finally decided to put your family finances in order? Take your time to enroll in accounting courses. A computer program can become your personal economic advisor. Do not think that this is something complicated and expensive. Many home bookkeeping programs are completely free and do not require any special knowledge of economics. They will open the channels of money leaks for you, take upon themselves the reduction of "debit with credit", teach you how to properly plan your budget and tell you what you can save on. As practice shows, those who regularly use such programs have managed to reduce their monthly expenses by 5-25%.

More than 15 years, but users still consider this program one of the best among its analogues. It does not shine with sophistication of design, but it is very clear and simple, which can be judged even by the appearance of the main window. In addition, it is very functional: if you compare the capabilities of CashFly and the bulk of free counterparts, then the former wins in many ways.

Here is a partial list of what she can do:

  • Work without installation, which allows you to use it on different computers (for example, at work and at home). It is enough to unpack the archive with the application files into a separate folder and save it to removable media or in the cloud.
  • Keep track of income and expenses for an unlimited number of items, several accounts and in different monetary units. Initially, the program contains US dollars and rubles, but you can add other currencies.
  • Take into account the income and expense transactions of several users - both in the general budget and separately.
  • Maintain bookkeeping for a small business.
  • Make calculations using a calculator.
  • Make account statements, compile summary reports on the movement of funds for selected periods of time and display them in the form of graphs and diagrams.
  • Print summaries.
  • Protect data with a password.
  • Plan a budget for future periods.
  • Keep old data in archives.
  • Store user notes (diary) and phone book, more precisely, lists of organizations and individuals with their phone numbers, addresses, dates of birth and other information. Make reminders for events.
  • Convert amounts from one currency to another, according to the rate set by the user.
  • Disable unused features.

Unfortunately, the development of CashFly has stopped at the moment. Its last version was released in 2010, and since then the product has not been updated. The list of systems it supports officially only includes Windows 7 and earlier operating systems, but, as it turned out, it starts and runs on Windows 10 without any problems.

(download from the mirror) is another worthwhile personal finance management tool, but, like CashFly, it has long been abandoned by the developers.

The main advantages of the program are simplicity and flexibility, as well as high performance due to the absence of rarely used functions. The user can customize the appearance of the main window to his liking by enabling or disabling individual blocks and panels in it.

How Xenon can help you control your Family budget:

  • Will take over the accounting of income and expense transactions for any period of time. The list of the main items of income and spending is already present in the program. Each operation can be supplemented with text notes-comments.
  • It will allow you to control the movement of funds on several accounts in five currencies: Russian ruble, Ukrainian hryvnia, Kazakh tenge, US dollar and euro. The current rates do not need to be registered manually, as in CashFly. It is enough to download them from the Internet.
  • Shows reports on types of transactions and currencies for the selected period of time.
  • Exports the selected data to Excel documents or prints it to a printer.
  • Save your notes about various events.

Xenon Family Budget is a single-user program, but allows you to keep track of the income and expenses of multiple family members. There are no restrictions on the amount, number of accounts and transactions in it.

The last release of the program was released in 2006, and since then it has also never been updated. However, there were no problems with using it on Windows 10.

It is a lightweight version of AceMoney - an advanced commercial product for home bookkeeping. The difference between the free version and the paid version is the ability to manage only two accounts (the program counts not only funds stored in the bank as an account, but also, for example, cash belonging to a family). The rest of the functions are practically the same for both products.

Features of AceMoney Lite:

  • Control and accounting of any income and expense transactions.
  • Automatic accounting of recurring payments and income (for example, loan installments and salaries) according to a custom schedule.
  • Supports 150 world currencies. Display of exchange rates in real time (if you have Internet access).
  • Planning a budget for different purposes at different time periods.
  • If a bank account is connected to the program, AceMoney can receive up-to-date data on its status directly from the bank (however, the program is not “friendly” with Russian banks).
  • Display of up-to-date information on the value of stock exchange shares (significant information for investors).
  • Calculation of debts (payments on loans and credits), savings (deposits and deposits), mortgage payments.
  • Various types of reporting: on the movement of funds in the account, expenses, income, categories of expenses (for example, monthly expenses on gasoline, food, utilities), budget, investments, etc. Reports on individual correspondents (to whom you pay and from whom you receive payments).
  • Password protection of reports and backups.

For those who are just mastering home economics, a help on working with the program will be a useful help. In AceMoney it is in Russian.

AceMoney Lite, unlike the two aforementioned applications, is regularly updated. In addition, it officially supports Windows 10 and all earlier releases of the system starting with Windows XP.

- another "lightweight" commercial product of the same name. The free version retains full functionality until the combined monthly income of all its users exceeds RUB 14,000. After exceeding this modest amount, the program will offer you to buy the full version, which costs 250-500 rubles.

Features of Economy Lite:

  • Support for multiple users and any number of their accounts in different currencies (US dollars, rubles, euros, pounds sterling).
  • Accounting for receipts, expenditures of debts (loans) both for each user individually and jointly.
  • Accounting for transfers of funds from account to account (for example, when withdrawing funds from a bank card, the program will write off the amount from the “card” account and add it to the “cash” account).
  • Generation of reports on income, personal spending, account balances, debts (how much and to whom you owe, as well as how much and who owes you), loans, income minus expenses. Display of reports in graphical and text form.
  • Printout of reports on a printer.
  • Color highlighting of individual categories of receipts and expenditures for greater clarity.
  • Reminder of the timing of regular payments, for example, loan payments, utilities, etc.
  • Built-in help in Russian and useful tips for using the program.
  • Scheduled data backup.
  • Convenient system for searching and filtering the information of interest.
  • Password protection of access to the program.
  • Automatic installation of updates that come out almost every month.
  • Technical support.
  • Moving from the Economy Lite interface to useful articles on the developer's site. Articles are devoted to finance, personal growth, earnings from investments, work and career (including earnings on the Internet through affiliate programs, blogging, YouTube, freelance exchanges, etc.).

Economy Lite is officially supported on all Windows versions starting from XP.

Is the only cross-platform application in today's rating that, in addition to Windows, can be used on Mac OS X, Linux, iOS and mobile phones based on the java platform. To install the distribution kit, you must have Java SE Runtime Environment 1.5 or later.

At first glance, DomEconom may seem complicated (at least in comparison with other reviewed applications), but immediately after installation, along with the main window, a Russian-language help opens, which contains all the necessary information on working with the program. In addition, the Wizard accompanies the registration of a user account and the creation of the first financial notebook (a file that stores information about income and expense transactions).

DomEconom features:

  • Support for multiple independent user accounts.
  • Maintaining general and separate budgets.
  • Data input from various devices. When you connect your computer or phone to the Internet, DomEconom data is automatically synchronized, but if you wish, you can work autonomously.
  • Support for different types of accounts (cash, bank, credit, etc.) in almost any currency.
  • Automatic update of exchange rates.
  • Planning expenses for various types of needs.
  • Drawing up balances and reports for all categories of income / expenses in tabular and graphical format.
  • Export reports to Excel documents.
  • Creation of an unlimited number of individual and shared exercise books protected by passwords.
  • Automatic backup.
  • Password protection of user accounts.
  • A large number of built-in templates for all types of operations, expense items and more.
  • Help section in the main window, where tips on actions in the program are displayed (if desired, you can turn it off).

Currently, the development of DomEconom has been suspended, but the official site, from where you can download the application distribution kit for all supported operating systems, is still working.

Looking for free home accounting software? Then you've come to the right place.

Household bookkeeping is the success of maintaining wealth in the family.

You can control income and expenses as in the old fashioned way, i.e. in a notebook, and by modern methods, by installing the appropriate software on a PC.

In particular, we will consider 5 of the most convenient and common programs for these purposes.

  1. HomeBank;
  2. Family Budget Lite;
  3. Family Accounting;
  4. CashFly;
  5. Home Bookkeeping Lite.


Free application that allows you to keep track of your finances.

With the help of the software, you will be able to fully control your income and expenses, plan family budget, analyze expenses and more. Take full control of your spending.

The program supports tight integration and data import from Microsoft Money and Quicken services, as well as other applications for managing your own funds.

Supports QIF, QFX, CSV and OFX formats.

The functions provide for the detection of duplicate transactions. This avoids confusion in calculations and clutter in the database.

Note! Transactions can be sorted into categories. You can also schedule the automatic addition of receipts to the created database by adding various tags and more. There is also a function that allows you to edit several fields at the same time, which greatly speeds up and simplifies the accounting process.

Set an annual or monthly budget level for each category as needed.

Generate dynamic reporting that reflects the current state of your financial position. If necessary, they can be provided with diagrams for clarity.

Family Budget Lite

This program is designed to relieve your agony in relation to the calculation of personal spending. All you need to do is enter your own income and expenses in the appropriate columns.

The program will do all other operations on its own.

The customer benefits are as follows:

  • the profitability is taken into account for several main categories and accounts;
  • you can deal with accounting for your own debts, loans, investments, deposits and other settlements;
  • you can use the auto-category function, i.e. when entering product names, the program will automatically select the required category from the table;
  • detailed report from 8 parts with one click;
  • export to HTML, BMP, TXT, Word, etc. It is also possible to print and save the document.

The client can be used by several people at the same time. In this case, everyone will have their own account and password.

The latter can be installed when starting the application.

Searching for income and expenses is very convenient, since it is possible to customize the results by several filters at once: product, date, category, etc.

Family Accounting

If you do not want to systematically wonder where money is constantly going, use this program.

You do not have to speculate and remember where the money went, which was put off for so long for an important purchase, but at a critical moment took and evaporated in the literal sense of the word.

The program will allow not only to analyze, but also to control revenue. You can also plan your own expenses by thinking over the budget more carefully.

The client has enough opportunities:

  • accounting of income and expenses;
  • accounting for debts (both borrowed and borrowed);
  • analysis of financial transactions;
  • possibility of accounting in different currencies.

You are free to work in the program yourself, or give access to other users. Everyone will log in with their own credentials.

For security, backup copies of databases are provided, which can be saved for later recovery from the archive or downloaded to Excel /.


CashFly is a simple and very user-friendly program for accounting personal financial transactions.

You can create tiered structures that display items of income and expense.

It is also possible to build charts of varying degrees of complexity, based on previously entered data and other important financial information for you.

It includes an address book, a list of organizations, and a personal diary that allows you to record reminders of important events for you.

The application is capable of keeping records in almost any given currency, performing scheduled calculations and printing data.

Databases are password protected for greater security and safety of content.

Home Bookkeeping Lite

This application is intended for financial accounting. You can organize both personal and family expenses.

Also, the program is perfect for systematizing the profitability of small companies and enterprises.

The software is very easy to use and does not require any accounting knowledge from the end user. You have the ability to record income, expenses and other transactions.

The number of accounts is unlimited.

Note! You can make your entries in several currencies without being tied to any particular unit of calculation. If several people are using the application at the same time, the entries are entered independently, since the logon is carried out under different accounts.

The program interface is in Russian. It is intuitive even for beginners. It is possible to adjust the interface for the needs of a particular user.

A special help system is provided to resolve issues.

As you can see, home bookkeeping is possible not only on paper.

Now, in order to store several records and not get confused in calculations, you just need to install one of the applications, create your account and start calculating, systematizing the total profitability and other financial transactions.

This is much more convenient than long hours of calculating costs on a calculator, followed by filling in tables.

And it is much more difficult to make a mistake in the calculations, since the system will warn about possible duplicate data.

The best home bookkeeping software. Home Bookkeeping Overview

Top 5 free home accounting software for every day