What does the level of trust mean. Attendance and behavioral factors

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What is Site Trust Level?

However, the indicator is very conditional, representatives of search engines often state that it is not calculated for each individual site.

In the beginning, Trust Rank was only used by search engines. google system... A little later Yandex joined a similar system. The level of trust in resources is indicated on a 10-point scale (from 0 to 10), there is also a letter designation XT.

When buying links on exchanges, it is important to consider not only the indicators of attendance, TIC and PR, but also the trust level to determine the quality of donors. The selected site may have good performance, but it will be heavily spammed with links. Such a site can at any time fall under the filters of Yandex or Google and the purchase of links will be in vain. Trust Rank will show you roughly how search engines feel about a selected resource.

In addition to third-party sites for links, the trust and trust of the PS is important for your site as well. If the authority level of the resource is high, the chance of new pages getting to higher positions in the search increases. Wikipedia is usually cited as an example. Services for determining the trust of search engines to a resource give this site the most high level trust equal to 10. Therefore, most of the articles on key queries occupy the TOPs of search results.

What does the site trust depend on?

Let's list the main points that are taken into account when forming an algorithm that determines the trust of a resource:

  1. Unique content. No borrowing of texts from other sites. Only high-quality copywriting or no less high-quality rewriting.
  2. Reference mass. Site with a small amount external links won't get a high level of trust from search engines. At the same time, blind purchase of links from questionable and non-thematic sites will not benefit the project. Buy links only from non-spam thematic donors with a high level of trust. It is also very important that all purchased links are permanent.

  3. ... A new domain that is only a few months old will not be able to immediately earn a high level of trust from a search engine. It will take time for the usefulness of the resource to become evident for searching.
  4. Domain zone and site name. If possible, choose a domain in the first-level zone that corresponds to your region (for example: .ru). Secondly, it is worth paying attention to the commonly used domain zones - .com and .net. If there are no other options, use the remaining options. It is desirable to include in the domain name keyword related to your topic.
  5. Uptime of the resource (site availability). For an impeccable reputation in front of a search engine, it is necessary that your project is constantly available. The allowed uptime level is 99.9%. You can monitor the availability of your site using a convenient and completely free service: http://uptimerobot.com/
  6. Outbound links. It is worth keeping a close eye on outbound links from your project. Ideally, their number should be minimal (it is impossible for the search engine to think that you are selling links), it is better if these are links to your partners or, possibly, to thematic projects. In no case should you allow your site to contain links to resources excluded from the index by search robots and sites with low trust rates.
  7. Unique website design and code validity. Don't use standard design templates: your design must be completely unique to be awarded a higher Trust Rank. Otherwise, pieces of the same code, which are certainly present in such templates, can be mistaken by the search engine for duplicate content.

    It is worth considering both the validity and the modernity of the layout.

    For example: lack of flash-based navigation elements.

  8. Page loading speed. An important indicator for both site users and search robots. Long load times = low ranking and low trust.
  9. Lack of viruses and. In order not to lose the trust of search engines, you should make sure that the site is not infected with malicious code.
  10. Content update frequency. The more often the content is updated, the better. The main thing is that it is unique and thematic.
  11. Behavioral factors. Avoid high bounce rates (when users leave the site quickly): this will also affect trust.
  12. Clickable and convenient snippets in the SERP. If there is a good percentage of clicks from snippets, then your project is relevant and interesting to the end user, which will also affect the growth of the trust level.
  13. The number of pages in the index. The more thematic pages with unique content in the search, the better for the project.
  14. Usability. Convenient navigation for the end user. This indicator affects the time a visitor spends on the site. The higher it is, the greater the chance of earning trust from the search engine.
  15. The number of visitors. Gradually growing traffic without sharp drops and fluctuations is desirable.
  16. Authoritative directories. The latter is worth noting the presence of the project in large and reputable directories, for example, Yandex. Catalog. Attendance is recommended but not required.

Having dealt with the main points that affect the trust level of the project, let's move on to checking the trust in the site.

How to check the trust of a site?

There are several different ways check the trust and trust of the resource.

1) The first way to check Trust Rank is through the RDS bar. This plugin for most popular browsers (Chrome, Opera and Firefox) shows trust when enabled in the settings of the Trust Flow parameter. The data is calculated by an algorithm from Majestic SEO. It is slightly different from the one described above. Trust is calculated from 0 to 100.

First, enable the display of the "information panel" in the Additional settings tab.

2) The second service that allows you to assess the trust of the site is XTool.The resource allows you to evaluate the Trust Rank of the site only by Yandex. The exact algorithms for calculating the service data are unknown, but the developers claim that the algorithms work in practice. Their website also contains an article with evidence: xtool.ru/dokazatelstva.php. The service allows you to spend 10 free checks during the day.

Checking the site is easy. We indicate the address and see the result.

It is indicated in brackets whether the trust value has changed compared to the previous update. If the level of trust has changed in positive side, then the number is green, if negative - red. If everything is unchanged, then 0 will be indicated.

In addition to trust, the service shows indicators that affect Trust Rank. Thus, we have before us a completely detailed audit of the selected site.

3) The third service is similar to the previous one. Site sbup.com. The verification principle is identical. Enter the site address and get the result.

4) The fourth service is CheckTrust. The service allows you to check the trust of the resource. As well as the RDS bar, the indicator is calculated on a 100-point scale.

Let's summarize

Will have a positive effect on trust:

  • Convenient design, structure and navigation of the site, valid code, download speed.
  • Unique text, photo and video thematic content.
  • A minimum of outbound links.
  • High quality reference weight.
  • Natural behavioral factors.

Negative for trust:

  1. Text copied from other sites, poor quality rewriting.
  2. A large number of external links, especially to low-quality sites.
  3. Purchase a large number links from donors with a bad reputation.
  4. Duplicate pages.

The Internet is developing at a tremendous speed, the number of sites is growing exponentially, diverse. They differ in purpose, purpose, audience, etc.

How to evaluate the quality of a resource? There are many parameters for such an assessment. I want to consider one of these parameters in this article.

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What is a trust and how can you verify it?

The word "trust" is English and means trust, that is, it shows the degree of trust of search engines to this web resource.

The trust is formed on the basis of many indicators, it is not some exact, measurable value. It is of an evaluative nature, although it is expressed in numerical value. Which of these indicators are the most important?

Of course, the quality of the content is of paramount importance. It must be unique and updated regularly. Regularity is very important. The site must be "live".

Age of the site

The age of the project plays a very important role. Young sites have a very low trust, and cannot rise to high positions in search results... They say that such a site is in the "sandbox", search engines check if this resource is a one-day site. Only a few months later, the site can begin to rise in the search results. And vice versa, seeing an old site, search engines understand that it works, develops, it has prospects and increases the level of trust in it.

There is a controversial opinion that age matters too.

External links

It is absolutely certain that the trust is influenced by outbound and external links. The links are believed to convey trust. Therefore, a large number of links from your resource, especially to low-quality pages, has a very negative effect on your credibility. Search engines believe, and rightly so, that by placing a large number of such links on your site, you are recommending bad content to visitors.

This is especially important for young sites that are just gaining the trust of search engines.

On the other hand, inbound links, that is, links from other resources to yours, increase its trust. Links from well-promoted, trust sites are especially important. PS understand that if you are referred to, that is, they recommend such resources, then you have good, useful material, and your positions in the search should be increased.

It is also important that the incoming links are diverse, leading from different sites, both good and not so good. It's no secret that links are bought, so it's better to have 10 links from different sites, among which may not be very trustworthy, than 10 links from one promoted one. In this case, they look more natural to search engines.

It should be especially noted that being in the directories of search engines such as Yandex Catalog, DMOZ, Aport, Mail.ru significantly increases the trust, since only really good resources can get into these directories.

Behavioral factors

Most likely, the behavior of visitors on the site also affects the level of trust in it on the part of search engines.

If visitors go from page to page, linger on them, return, leave comments - this means that the resource is interesting and useful, search engines will notice this and raise your rating.

Website optimization

In this section, it should be noted such points as correct internal linking, structure, navigation through it, design. As you know, recently, search engines have begun to impose special requirements on the adaptability of design, the presence of an SSL certificate.

Domain zone

To some extent, this parameter also affects the site's rating. It is known that there are more and less trusted zones for search engines. This applies to both the resource itself and those that link to you.

Trust verification services

There are many such services now, they work according to different principles, using their methods and their formulas, therefore, the results they show may differ. These services have nothing to do with search engines, but, as I already said, a trust is an approximate, estimated value, it cannot be determined exactly, just as, for example, you cannot give an exact numerical estimate to a person.

The most famous service xtool.ru ... Using this service, you can determine the trust on a 10-point scale, in addition, the main indicators by which it is formed are shown.

The disadvantages include the fact that it shows trust only for Yandex, and only 10 measurements per day can be made for free.

Another reputable service is seobuilding.ru ... It shows more information, even gives an estimate of the cost of the resource. An unlimited number of checks can be performed on it. Here you can also get scripts for installing informers on the site.

What to do to increase the trust

Now, knowing what factors the trust depends on, you can take certain actions to increase it.

  • Constantly update the pages, adding interesting and unique content to them. It is desirable that it be varied - text, pictures, videos, interactive elements.
  • Improve its design and navigation, constantly work on internal linking.
  • Reduce the number of external links, especially to low quality sites, and avoid the presence of broken links.
  • Acquire external links to the site. There are both paid and free ways... You can get links to your site for free by commenting on other resources, leaving links on various forums, on social networks. A noticeable result is the purchase of links from trust sites.

As you can see, in order to increase the trust of the site, constant work is needed to improve its quality. Your site should be “for people”, and both people and search engines will understand it.

See you soon.

Concept " trust"characterizes the degree of trust in a web resource from the side of search engines. It affects the position of the indexed page in the top results search query... All other things being equal, the search engine will rate the site with the best trust higher.

Several factors affect site trust:
- the time spent by the resource in the index list of the search engine. The higher it is, the better the position of the site;
- the ownership of the domain zones of the sites linking to the considered one;
- a high level of content uniqueness. Continuous, gradual site updates are preferable to its initial large volume;
- the number of visitors, the time they spend on the site and the number of pages viewed. The higher these indicators are, the higher the trust.
- properly organized outbound links. It is important to constantly monitor the status of linked sites: their questionable content and low rankings can negatively affect the rankings of your own site.
- rationally formed external links. It should be noted that a gradual increase in the number and variety of external links has a positive effect on site trust, while a sharp increase in the number of external links acts exactly the opposite.
- participation of the site in the catalogs of the search engine. Some search engines increase the site's trust if it integrates in this way into their system.
- page load time. The smaller it is, the better the attitude towards the site.

Question: What is this service for? And how do you use it?
Answer: This service was created to identify fraudulent sites and determine the level of trust of Internet users to the sites.
Using the service is very simple, you just need to enter the domain of the site being checked into the check form and view the results.
In addition, you can register on the site of the service, which will give you the opportunity to leave comments on sites and change their level of trust.

Question: Why do I need registration, can I use the service without it?
Answer: Yes, you can use the service (see information on the site you are interested in) without registering, but in order to change the level of trust or write a comment on the site, registration is required.

Q: What is a site's trust level and what does it affect?

Answer: This is the level of trust of Internet users to the site. The level of trust (trust) in sites is formed from the ratings and reviews of Internet users. The site's trust level can be negative or positive. The level of trust also varies depending on the availability in reputable directories and the results of virus and threat scans in reputable services. Depending on the site's trust level, the color of the icon on the site analysis page changes. Red shield from the level of trust-50 and below, Attention! A significant number of negative ratings.
Orange shield from the level of trust -49 to -1, Attention, there are negative marks.
A blue shield from a trust level of 0 to +50 indicates that the website has a negligible trust level.
Green shield from trust level +50, Safe website.

Q: What is a user's trust level and what does it affect?

Answer: This is the level of trust in the registered user of other registered users. The user's trust level can range from 0 to 10. The higher the user's trust level, the more weighty their scores are for the website's trust level. User ratings are not static, but change with the user's trust level.
When registering with a user, the level trust is 0, as comments are written, the user's trust level will change depending on the ratings of his comments. For example:
A user with a trust level of 1 rates the website site.ru "+", which raises the trust level of the website by 1 unit. trust. If the user's trust level rises to 2, then the website to which the user has marked "+" will also increase the trust level to 2. Or the user's trust level drops to 0, then all his ratings will not be affected to the trust level of websites.

The level of trust of a user varies with the ratings of his comments by other users. For every 10 pluses, 1 unit is added to the user's comment. trust, for every 10 minuses, 1 unit is removed. trust.
For example:
A user wrote a negative review about site.ru, after which 20 users gave a "+" for the comment, and 5 users gave a "-". With this in mind, the user will have a trust level of 2.

Question: Why are comments needed and what do they affect?

Today we will consider a very simple online service, which will help to check the trust of any site, the history of its changes, to conduct a fairly detailed analysis of any resource on the Internet and will give a lot of other useful information for everyone involved in SEO.

What is a site trust and what does it affect

In general terms, a trust is a certain level of trust in a resource on the part of the Yandex search engine. The level of this trust determines Yandex's attitude to many aspects. For example, links ... Links from a more trusted site will always rank higher by the search robot. The position in the search results for the pages of the more trusted resource will always be higher than the position of less trusted competitors.

How, in fact, is this trust determined by search engines? Here, friends, we are faced with the fact that no one really knows anything about it. It is known that one of the criteria that determine the trust of a site is the link mass to this resource. The logic is simple: the more quality (trust) resources link to your site (with a thematic anchor!), The more trust it deserves in the eyes of a search engine. Moreover, you yourself should not link to low-quality sites, otherwise the trust of your site will decrease.

Most likely, other factors also affect the trust indicator: the uniqueness of the content, the content of the site, behavioral factors, traffic, domain age, the frequency of site updates, etc. It is probably easier to name what exactly affects it than to list the factors that are involved in its calculation: )

The developers of the service, on the contrary, are sure that the trust is determined only by "the quality of the link profile of any site."

The following video will help you understand the essence of the issue:

An example from personal experience

I will tell you a story from personal experience. When I bought my first domain, I didn’t know anything about trust and other wisdom at all. I just worked on the site (not this one, this is a story about a completely different site), filled it, increased traffic, in general - everything is as usual.

A month has passed ... Google indexed every single page, Yandex did not even start indexing. I wrote a letter to technical support. Platon Shchukin promised to figure it out, and just a few days later home page site was indexed. I was happy, but not for long ...

Google continued to regularly index all pages, while Yandex did not advance further than the first one over the next month. I wrote to tech support again. The answer I received was very interesting:

"Thank you for your interest in improving the quality of search, but I have no right to disclose the principles of our search algorithms ..." Platon Shchukin

I started looking for my problem on the Internet, and came across an online service for verifying the trust of the XTOOL site. According to the results of the analysis of my site, it turned out that it has a very low trust equal to 0.1. But more interesting was the fact that the trust of my resource began to fall from the position of 5.86 a year and a half before I bought this domain !!!

It turns out that this domain had a history, i.e. it was not new and earlier it had some kind of vareznik with and software. At the time of this writing, about 70 absolutely non-thematic external links (most likely corrupt ones) led to it, to which I have absolutely nothing to do.

Trust verification with XTOOL

XTOOL shows not only the numerical indicator of the trust, but also the graph of its change:

The algorithm used by the service when calculating the trust is not disclosed by the developers. However, they argue that its active development and testing in practice lasted for many years, so the results can and should be trusted.

How to interpret the values ​​that are shown based on the test results? Which trust is good and which is bad? The following scale can be used for interpretation:

  • XT = 8-10 trust sites
  • XT = 4-7 normal "average" trust (for most resources)
  • XT = 3 lower limit of trust, but not yet GS
  • XT<3 ресурс можно отнести к ГС

Many people ask the question: why did the trust decrease and how to raise it? Unfortunately, no one will tell you the exact reason for this, not even Platon Shchukin. As we have already said, there is a whole set of factors, and in order to understand the reason for the drop in the level of trust of search engines to your resource, you need to analyze each of them in detail. At the same time, we note that a large number of sites live well with trust at the limit of the GS (in the region of 4), have good promotion in Yandex and traffic that is not bad for their topic. Therefore, in principle, you can ignore the trust level, but not in the case when you buy a new domain!

My advice from personal experience: try to buy only new, previously unregistered domains (by the way, you can buy the cheapest domains), otherwise you can easily get into a situation like mine. You will simply waste your energy, time and money on the development of the resource. For those who are going to buy domains with history, it is strongly recommended to use XTOOL.

What else does XTOOL show

XTOOL is a very useful online service for SEO-optimizers, because in addition to the numerical value of the trust indicator, it also shows:

  • The ratio of internal and
  • Overall quality of traffic and inbound links
  • Has Yandex applied filters like Minusinsk or AGS to the resource?
  • Promotion on requests in Yandex and Google
  • Site age and number of pages in the Yandex index
  • Content update rate on the site (pages / day)
  • History of TIC and PR
  • Traffic history graph (data taken from LiveInternet and Alexa)
  • Google search traffic

Are checks paid or free?

Every day XTOOL allows you to analyze up to ten domains for free. If you need more, you will have to buy additional points for verification. 1 paid point = 1 RUB = 6.67 checks.