Open Google Search Engine. Use the little-known google functions to find hidden

History of creation

Google's search engine was created as an educational project of Standforsk University of Lari Page and Sergey Brina. In 1995, they worked on the BACKRUB search engine, and in 1998 it was based on the Google search system.

Site indexation

Algorithm ranking

Meta Keywords tag is not taken into account when ranking sites.


Google uses the algorithm for calculating the authority of PageRank page. Pagerank is one of the auxiliary factors when ranking sites in search results. PageRank is not the only one but very important way Site position definitions in Google search results. Google uses PageRank indicator on the request of the pages to determine the procedure for issuing these pages to the visitor in the search results.

Search queries

Syntax requests

Google interface contains a rather complicated query language, allowing you to limit the search area by individual domains, languages, file types, etc. For example, search "intitle: Google Site:" will give all Wikipedia articles in all languages \u200b\u200bin the title of which the word Google.

Search found

For some of the search results, Google provides a search box that allows the user to find what he is looking inside a particular website. This idea originated from how users used a search. According to the programmer's programmer, Ben Lee (Ben Lee) and the manager of Jack Menzel (Jack Menzel) "Teleport" on the network - this is exactly what helps Google users complete their search. Google has developed this concept on the step forward, and instead of simply "teleport", which means to search for the desired site, the user just enter a part of the website name in Google (optionally remember the entire address), users can enter keywords to search inside the selected site. It turned out that users often hardly find what they are looking inside the corporate site.

Despite the fact that this search tool is in a novelty, he caused disagreement among some publishers and distributors. On Google Search Results are displayed by paid (Pay Per Click) Advertisements of competing companies that are based on advertisements on brands. "While the service could help increase traffic, some users" merge "as Google uses brand fame for sale advertising announcements, as a rule, competing companies. " To smooth this conflict Google proposed to disable this opportunity for the wishing companies.


see also


Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

Google Search Engine (Google) world famous and largest search system.

The name happened from the distorted "googol" - the number depicted as 1 with 100 zeros. The creator of the search engine Sergey Brin just wrote the word incorrectly, and this typography tightly entered the use of Internet users.

Why it all started

Personal information was posted on the Internet, while having occupy the memory of the World Wide Web, they were "settled" in the network, which arose the name of the information unit of the Internet, Site (letters. Translation. Like "Seat").

Soon the owners of sites, especially businessmen, wanted fame in the network. Sites were advertised in all sorts of ways, even by distributing leaflets.

But, as you know, the offer gives rise to demand. To buy goods, the client will search for other options for a long time, for example, cheaper. There was a need for a search, and the Internet was to satisfy it: sites were developed focused on finding goods, services, and soon and information. They were the name of search engines or systems, one of which became Google.

Flash supernovae

Responsible for the emergence of Google are students of Standford University, Larry Page and Sergey Brin. The innovation agreed with enthusiasm, as a result of which originated, after 20 years, which took place of the search engine No. 1 around the world. The search engine domain was registered in September 1997, and a year later, Google Inc. was specially opened for Google.

Google work mechanisms

The search engine continuously converts all new and new features in terms of algorithms and functional.

Any search engine algorithm is based on software templates ranking sites to match query results and in terms of significance. In 1997 Algorithms considered quantity external references to the website. A large number of Links were the key to high positions in the issuance of the search engine. Over time, the site's authority and the external links were also taken into account, and the term "weight of reference" was introduced.

Google has gained world fame, as in every way improved its navigation and facilitated the search for information. It was worth the user to write a part of the word, how the options for its end appeared in the pop-up menu, on any of which could be clicked.

Google in SEO.

Search engine I. search promotion They are inextricably linked with each other, because the webmaster tends to increase their positions in every way to increase their positions, but without indexing the site it is impossible. Therefore, a webmaster to attract the attention of Google's robot, optimizes its website with white and illegal, black SEO methods. The latter is better to avoid, otherwise you can get under the ban or filter.

Each page of the site is assigned a certain degree of quality, rank - PR, or Page Rank. Random coincidence of the name of Larry Page and Page Rank even led to the fact that the Internet there is an opinion that PR is based on the sympathy or antipathy of the search engine for a particular site.

Given the authority and scope of Google, optimizers try to promote their sites in this search engine. But a huge number of external references and prohibited, black optimization methods do not guarantee positions in the top. First of all, it is necessary to focus on the desire of users.

Hello, friends! Today, let's try to reveal the topic of effective search in the Google system. Today, practically, everyone starts their activity on the Internet from entering a search query in the browser string. Also, many know that in the search string you can enter a bunch of different operators to raise this very. Many know, but not many use. So I was lazy to deal with the nuances. But, the search on the Internet is what we use every day. It is almost impossible to replace it. This is what you need to know and what you need to use. For this I am writing a post - how to search in Google.

Before diving in the search you need to talk a little about search engines. The latter consist of robots that go through sites and index them. All indexed information enters the database (index). There, it is sorted by various parameters that you can specify in the search query or set in an extended search.

At the time of clicking on the Search button, the search engine brings through your database and selects options suitable for your request. That is, Google, as well as Yandex, is not looking around the Internet, but makes a sample from its database.

From here it follows that if we cannot find something, then: either we enter not that search queryOr the search engine has not yet indexed the page we needed, or there is no one at all. In any case, if it is impossible to find information in one search engine try another. Perhaps the page you need got into the index there.

This probably occurs when adding a directory to the operating index windows systems Also for.

Working with search results

Let's start understanding the search from the end. That is, from the results search results. Once we asked your Google's question and pressed the search, we will see about the following picture

The first page shows the default 10 results. Each has a header, which is with a huge probability contains our request. There is also a link to the site on which we will be if we click on the header and a multiple description, the announcement or snippet of the page. On this description, we may not turn to the page to estimate what awaits us.

Saved copy - opens a copy of the site page saved on google servers (in the database). The function will be by the way if this site is temporarily not available for any reason.

Related - Google will find as close as possible, according to content with this page. The function helps when the result you almost suits and need similar pages or documents.

At the bottom of the search for issuing there is a section along with (your search query) are often searched for. These are links to search for issues close to your request. It is also worth paying attention to it. Perhaps there will be more accurately formulated inquiry


In the Google search engine as in Yandex, the search is carried out at once in several sections. The main search on text documents (articles on the similarity of this), pictures, video, etc.

To view the results on a specific partition, you must go to the appropriate tab. They are below the search query input row. By default, we are on the Search tab. We are also available pictures, maps and the button by clicking on which we get access to additional tabs to sort information

That is, if we need for example, forums on which they are discussing salads from cucumbers, it makes sense to choose the discussion tab.

Google search tools

Next to the button there is still a search tool button The opening panel below with additional features sorting. And for various search queries will be different additional menus. For the request "Salad of cucumbers" there are only three of them, and for the request "" their significantly more

Use simply. Open the menu you want and install a check mark for filtering results for a specific parameter. For example, you need reviews with H87 chipset indexed no later than a month. Choose this filter in the search tools.

If you need information for a certain period of time, you choose for the period ... and in the window that opens, choose the required time interval

One more out useful features Or sorting is accurate match. It is useful when it is important to withstand this particular word form in the documents found

Thus, using search tools, you can significantly reduce the amount of time required for finding necessary information online.


These are terrible symbols that can greatly improve search efficiency in Google. In this section, consider some of them.

Exception of words from search results. To do this, use a minus "-" without a gap from law. For example. If we need to find reviews excluding Biostar models, then the request can be formulated so

overview motherboards -Biostar

Search by accurate phrase. This uses the quotation operator "". Helps if you need to find a quote, a certain song or book.

"I love the storm in early May"

If the quote is not accurate, the search will be the same.

Search for forgotten words. In that case, if you do not remember the quote, the operator "*" can help completely help.

"I love a thunderstorm at the beginning *"

Search by one site or domain. An excellent option when there is no search on the site or it does not work properly.

Search for similar pages or documents. The operator "Related:" is used. With it, you can find similar to sites. They will also be associated with electronics or technique.


Search by part of the address. Recalls if you remember part of the site address.

inurl: You * .ru

The search includes any of the listed words.. For this purpose, the OR operator is used

selection of the Circuit Corps

According to the above query, pages will be found where or or or. This operator tried to write and small letters, the result seems the same.

Search links. This request, probably more than all use optimizers. Used LINK operator: With which there will be all links to a specific site

link: Site

Search by range of numeric values. As it does not want to look for the range.

computer Price 5000..7000 UAH

You can also search with a limitation of a range from one of the sides.

computer Price 7000 .. UAH

Search for word meanings. To do this, use the operator Define:. In most cases, Google right at the top of the search results will show the definition of the requested word. for example

Search by type file. If you need to find documents in certain formats, then the FileType operator: it will help you. For example, or

Here are the most common from the operators that can be used. You can also read about them at\u003dru&rd\u003d1

Advanced Google Search

In this article, we have considered far from all google search functions. Missed voice search and search by pictures. To whom it becomes interesting to google a little.

Google search engine is the most popular in the world, so if you do not know how to use it, you can feel knocked out of the gauge. If you want to learn how to use simple search engine In Google or want to improve your Google use skills, this article is for you. Follow the instructions below - and you will learn to search for anything in Google.


Simple Google Search

    Open the browser.

    Type at the top of the page in the address bar and you will fall on Google's homepage. You will see white screen With a search field and a color Google logo above it.

    Dial the word or the phrase you want to find. For example, you can search "how to find a job" or "Best Restaurant in Moscow".

    Press ENTER on the keyboard. You can also click on the Blue Magnifier, the effect will be the same. After that, you will be given a list of results that meet your search query.

    Browse the results obtained, turn down the page from top to bottom to see all the options. If you did not find anything suitable on the first page, turn the page to Niza and click "Next" to view the next page with the results ..

    Click on the result that suits you. If you have found an article that meets questions, you can reveal it. A new site page opens. If, after reading the article, you will want to read anything else on the same topic, click on the arrow, the tip of which is directed to the left, (it is in the upper left corner of your browser) to return to the search page ..

    • You can continue searching as much as you want.
  1. If you did not find anything suitable for your request, check it. To do this, you need to return to Google Search page. Make a request more specific. For example, instead of looking for a "best restaurant in Moscow" and get a bunch of links in response, you can drive into the search for "the best restaurant in Chinese cuisine in Moscow in 2013," this is significantly narrowing the search.

    • You may need to clarify the request and in cases where it is too specific. If a key phrase Too long or specific, you can not get suitable results, and in this case you have to go back and search something more general.
  2. Use these tips to clarify the search. In addition, you can specify the request, not only changing the words used, but also using the tips below:

    • Common words are more often found in the search with use Google, so if you are important to find queries with the words "how" or "where", put in front of them +
    • If the set of words is combined into the phrase, you can take it in quotes or brackets. This is very useful if you, for example, know a few words from the song and want to know its name:
      • Steps-in glass or "Steps on the glass".
    • You can put minus opposite the words you want to avoid in the results obtained. For example, if you are looking for "nano" and do not want the search to give you an iPod Nano, you can depict the request: "Nano - iPod."
    • If you are looking for the cost of the subject, enter the bottom limit after the currency icon, then type "...", then again the currency icon and the upper price limit. For example: "Mattress $ 250 ... $ 400"
  3. Transfer your search to other Google sections. Instead of searching through the usual search string with homepage Google, you can make your search more specific - depending on what you need to find. These can be sections of news, images or google maps. Links to them are at the top left over the search string. That's what you can do:

    • Select the section "Pictures". He is the third on the right on the panel. Using it, you can search solely on the images. For example, if you want to find a photo of some celebrity or frames from the fashion show, the Google Images section can become useful source information.
    • Go to the "News" section. This section is the fifth on the account of the right edge of the panel. This is a very useful thing if you want to find something from the news area, and not just some kind of general concept.
    • After you went to the "News" section, you can choose a country by choosing an arrow under current version News and change it to the desired one. This feature is directly under the search string.
    • Select "Maps". Using Google maps you can find a way from one place to another.

    Advanced Search

    1. Open browser

    2. Go to the advanced Google search page. You can get on it in two ways:

      • Go to:
      • If you are already looking for something in Google, you can click on the button on the right side of the search page. Select "Advanced Search".
    3. Find pages with the words you need. To do this, you will have to fill out as many fields as possible on new pageYou will not need to fill them with everything, simply concentrate in the categories that you need to specify the search query. Here is the information you need to provide.

      • In the string "With these words", enter keywords for your search.
      • In the string "The exact word or phrase" write the word or the phrase you are looking for.
      • In the "Any of these words" row write any words you want to see in the results obtained.
      • In the string "does not include words" enter unwanted words
      • Under the "Normal Range" enter numbers in any desired range ..
      • It should be noted that Google provides you with advice on how to search with in different waysYou can find these tips to the right of the search tools.
    4. Supervise the results obtained. You can add more information about the search for the search to further narrow the results obtained. You do not need to enter data in all categories, concentrate only on those that can help find more accurate information about what you are looking for. Here are some options for how you can do it:

      • Language. Select the language you want to get a search results.
      • Region. Shows results published in a specific region. For example, searching for sites in Eastern Europe.
      • Renewal date. Find pages that are updated from the date of the specified date.
      • Website or domain. If you want to narrow your search to a specific site, enter its name - and you will receive results only from it.
      • Keywords. Decide exactly where they must meet: in headlines or in the body of articles.
      • Safe search. Select "Show the closest results". If you want to eliminate potentially inappropriate articles from the search results, select "Filter to exact results".
      • Read level. Change the search criteria so that they match your reading level.
      • File type. Find pages with files in the desired format, it can be PDF or Word Doc (.doc).
      • Rights of use. Select pages on which the material is placed for free use.
    5. The same search query can issue different results in a few days.
    6. You can set the settings to search for Google using a link to settings that is located next to the search string.
    7. If you want to carry out a Google voice search, you need to download Google app on your iPhone, phone with Android OS, as well as other mobile devicesSupporting the installation of Google Application. After downloading the application, you can choose a "voice search" and say any words that you are interested. Search will start after you start talking.

Press set up icon Settings.
A new tab opens.



Press set up icon in the upper right corner and select Settings.
A new tab opens.

Step 2. Make Google Search by default

In the "Search" section in the drop-down menu, select Google.

Step 3. Make Google Start Page

In the "Startup" section, select " Next Pages:" and press Add.
In the field that appears, enter www.set. Click OK.
Close the settings tab. Changes will be saved automatically.

Make Google Search by default

Click arrow down On the left side of the search window.
Choose Google In the drop-down menu.


Click ON. Firefox. in the top Left. CORNER, THEN SELECT Options., and then click on Options. In The Right Menu.
Click on the GENERAL Button In The Top Menu with the Picture of a Switch.
NEXT TO. WHEN FIREFOX STARTS.Open The Drop Down Menu and Select Show My Home page.
Type www.Syt in the Home Page Box and Click OK. to Save.

Step 1. Make Google Search by default

Click arrow down On the left side of the search window.
Choose Google In the drop-down menu.

More: Make Google Start Page

Using the mouse Drag Google Blue icon, shown below, on icon homepagelocated in the upper right corner of your browser.
Then in the pop-up window, click Yes.

... or change the start page manually

SELECT Firefox. from the Menu Bar, Then Click ON Preferences..
Type www.Syt in the Home Page Box, and Close The Preferences Window to Save.

Step 1. Open the browser settings

Click Safari. In the Apple menu and select Settings.

Step 2. Make Google Search by default

In the drop-down menu Basic search engine Choose Google.

Step 3. Make Google Start Page

NEXT TO. New Windows Open WITHOpen The Drop Down Menu and Select Homepage.. Open The Next Drop Down Menu and Select Homepage. To See Your Homepage in New Tabs.
Then Type www.Sight Into The Box Next To Homepage..
Your Changes Are Saved.

Step 1. Open the browser settings

Click Opera. In the top menu and select Settings, and then General settings. Duration, Settings or Parameters. If the main menu has an item Service, Click on it and select Properties of the Observer.

Our advice: download, fast and free browser. Google Chrome. Lightning open web pages and applications.