How to compose phrases Yandex direct. Keyword operators in Yandex.Direct

Why separate key phrases and how to work with them when composing ads - explains Yevgenia Strizhak, an advertising expert at Yandex.Direct.

What are types of key phrases

Most often, the separation occurs as follows.

Keys with selling additives "buy", "order", "delivery", "addresses", "discount", "action", "inexpensive" do not raise questions - they are classified as hot. Keys without selling additives - to warm. Keys with increments "like", "photo", "video", as well as "problem" keys - to information.

Although even such a division in campaigns, in fact, is rare.

Why didn't I include phrases with the addition of "price", "cost", "reviews", etc. in this list? But they are just not always hot, contrary to popular belief about their "high" temperature of readiness for purchase. If we talk about the stages of the sales funnel, potential customers, clarifying the cost of the product, are just collecting information and studying the market.

Therefore, such key queries, as a rule, they do not sell from the first visit to the site. It is better to separate them into a separate campaign, gradually bringing them to retargeting sales.

How to compose ads on Yandex.Direct search for different types of keywords

The next question is what to write in the ads? Most often, within a campaign, ad texts for all key phrases are identical.

Take the mesh wardrobe niche as an example. The hot keys will include the phrases: "Buy wardrobe", "Buy mesh wardrobe", "Buy Aristo mesh wardrobe", "Buy Aristo Nova mesh wardrobe".

The announcement for all phrases will be the same: "Aristo mesh wardrobes with a 25% discount, delivery and installation at our expense." Is this approach correct? Not really. Let's figure it out.

To understand what and how to write in an ad, we first determine the positioning of our product or service on the market. Who is the consumer - b2c, b2b, or both?

The main thing you have to do is “pull out” the key segment of your target audience in terms of needs. To do this, determine who these people are. For the solution of what problem they come to you. And also identify the key decision-making factors - service, installment plan, promotion, delivery, terms, uniqueness of the product.

It is the link "key problem - solutions - decision factors" that should form the basis of the ad text.

Do not write quality adjectives that are not supported by any specifics or numbers.


Refrigerator -> no-frost technology -> there will be no frost inside -> no need to clean -> free time for other things -> devote more time to children -> wife / husband will be happy.

More options: low price- "save on purchase", free shipping- "save on delivery", big choice- "models for every taste."

Use filters - “recognize yourself” (if your target audience is a narrow segment by interests or occupation), gender, b2b or b2c, entry threshold (minimum cost, party, other restrictions). This will help cut off non-targeted traffic.

Use calls carefully. The time of the slogans "Click" and "Click" has already passed. Better "Choose on the site", "Hurry up to buy", "Call", "Find out the details", "See portfolio".

The main types of key phrases and ads with specific examples

1) General queries - indicate only a niche.

For example, the broad keyword phrase "Dressing rooms". The man did not say anything about what kind of dressing room he was looking for. Because he doesn't know yet.

At this stage, he only has the need to properly and conveniently store his things. It is useless to write about discounts, delivery and other details, while this is not important for the client. It is important to suggest our type of dressing room and indicate its advantages. We offer as an alternative to wardrobes.

Another example is "Buy a cake".

2) More precise queries.

Here we are already showing the advantages of our mesh dressing room:

"Cake to order":

For example, Aristo's Net Wardrobe. Here we present all the benefits of our offer, if possible, we detach ourselves from competitors by terms of sale or service.

"Sour cream cake to order":

For example, "Mesh wardrobe Aristo Nova":

"Cake to order PannaSmetanna":

Relevancy is of the utmost importance for an exact query landing page... For such requests, most often transitions lead to general pages with the catalog.

It is better if you immediately show exactly the product that the client was looking for. It must be in stock, there are clear terms for its delivery, the final price and other terms of purchase that are important for the client. If it is difficult to collect requests for specific products, use feeds.

5) Brand inquiries.

Good afternoon, dear readers!

The topic of today's lesson is operators keywords... Probably, many have heard about them, but, as often happens, they did not fully understand how to use them and what they will give when used. Let's find this out.

What are Keyword Operators? How many are there?

Keyword operators are symbols with which search system understands what to do with.

There are 6 of them:

  • “+” - stop - word. They are used only for prepositions / conjunctions that the search robot does not take into account.
  • “-” is a negative word. Used to eliminate non-targeted impressions for non-targeted keywords.
  • ”” - quotes. Used to reinforce a phrase.
  • “()” And “|” - grouping. Allows you to group "keywords", making several different words of combinations.
  • "!" - used to fix a word form.
  • - square brackets. Used to fix the word order.

Can not understand anything? Now we will analyze each one in order.

Used only for prepositions and conjunctions. Since, by itself, does not take into account prepositions / conjunctions, then “+” we help him see them.

Example, request: "from hand to hand". Without “+” before “from” and “to”, the results of issuing to will be as follows:

As you can see, the main issue is related to the hands, not the newspaper. I highlighted the key phrase in red: “+ from hand + to hand”. Please note that this is a completely different "key" according to Wordstat, and the frequency of impressions is also very different.

Let's introduce the following query: “+ from hand + to hand”. The results will be as follows:

Here, the results are related directly to the newspaper.

Thus, you cut off a bunch of unnecessary garbage. Without an operator, Yandex will only see "hands", and with it - "from hand to hand."

Operator -

It is the most frequently used and most necessary for any advertising campaign... Thanks to him, a huge part of non-targeted impressions is cut off.

Let's take the query “apartment renovation” as an example:

What do we see? We immediately see a non-target “key”: “apartment renovation photo”, everything is clear here - a person is looking for photos with apartment renovations and wants to make repairs himself. And that means the word "photo".

And that's what happened. We have cut off the “keywords” that contain the word “photo”.

The request looks like this: apartment renovation -photo

This is how you minus words that can bring non-targeted traffic to your site and waste your budget.

Operator ""

Allows you to pin a phrase, without any attachments.

Let's take the same “key”: apartment renovation.

As you can see, the frequency of impressions reaches 470,752 impressions, which is undoubtedly a lot.

And if we add quotes (""):

Voila, the frequency of impressions by given request with an operator makes 49,456 impressions per month. And all nested queries were removed.

We found out the exact frequency.

Operator () and |

Allows grouping of several words into one query.

In order not to enter each model separately into Wordstat, we will enter the following phrase: buy iphone (6 | 6s | 6 plus):

Thus, we quickly deduced the necessary "" keywords ".

() and | - will save you a lot of time and effort, if, of course, you collect key phrases with pens.


With its help, the form of the word is fixed. Must be placed before the word.

Example: case + for! smartphone

Using "!" we have fixed the form of the word “smartphone” and in the SERP we will not see the word “smartphones” or “smartphone”.

When adding a phrase: case + for! smartphone in an advertising campaign, our ad will be shown only if the word “smartphone” is present in the user's request.


Helps to fix the order of words.

It is used very rarely, Yandex itself does not even mention it, but it is worth saying a few words about it.

Example: train [Moscow Vladivostok]

Using it in this "keyword" we cut off impressions by: train [vladivostok moscow].


Also, operators can be used together. It will not do any harm, unless we cut off most of the potential customers (ha ha). And so, it is very much even necessary.

For example, the phrase: case + for! smartphone

There are two operators used here: + and!

This helped us clarify both the preposition and the word form of one phrase.

This time I will touch upon a very important and rather complex topic - the use of operators in Yandex.Direct. They can do a good job of improving the accuracy of your displays, or they can only hurt if they are unsuccessful. Let's look at everything in order: which operators are supported, how they work, how you can use them, and how you shouldn't.

Exclamation point

Symbol "!" before the word fixes its form.

This may be necessary because in Russian the word forms of different words may coincide, which leads to irrelevant displays. A classic illustration of the operator's work is the distinction between a billiard cue and the city of Kiev. Here you can also add a car that is searched for as "Kia".

In order to prevent non-target audience impressions, which can lead not only to accidental clicks, but also to the fall of the city, which in turn will increase the cost of advertising, you need to fix the word forms.

Another possibility of using "!" - Creation of ads that more closely meet the needs. For example, Yandex.Direct glues together “cheap” and “cheaper” by default. But they have slightly different meanings that can be played up in advertising.

A plus

The "+" sign makes it mandatory to enter a word.

This may be needed in two cases:

  • for compulsory accounting of stop words;
  • when repeating in a key phrase.

Let's consider both options.

Stop words in Yandex.Direct are service parts of speech and pronouns that are automatically excluded from a phrase. But sometimes they can be important for meaning.

For example, the queries “water at home” and “water at home” have different meanings, determined precisely by the preposition.

Here's an example.

In the organic search results of Yandex, there are sites with a clearly different meaning. In order to prevent such impressions, you can fix the preposition: water + home.

The second use of "+" is in repetition. Yandex.Direct's work is structured in such a way that double use of a word in a key phrase is not considered, as a result, one is replaced by anything.

I will demonstrate it using the example "From hand to hand". In Wordstat, such a query will show unexpected results.

To receive information only on the phrase we need, it is necessary to use "+" everywhere: fix stop words and repeat.

We do the same in campaigns.


The "-" sign in front of a word turns it into a negative keyword.

If the user enters this phrase, they will not see the ad.

Minus everything that is not relevant. How to find negative keywords, what ways to indicate there are different levels campaigns, I wrote in detail.


If you enclose a phrase in quotation marks "", impressions will go to all variants of queries containing only these words in any form (the so-called phrase match).

For the key phrase "buy a beautiful dress inexpensively" there will be impressions for the queries "buy a beautiful dress inexpensively", "buy a beautiful dress inexpensively", etc. But there will be no advertising for the queries "buy a beautiful black dress inexpensively", "buy a cheap beautiful dress in the online store ", etc.

Important note! If any words are repeated in a quoted phrase, they are counted as one and make it possible to substitute any addition.

Let's see an example in Wordstat. Let's take the quoted phrase “buy a dress in an online store in Moscow”. It uses the preposition "v" twice, so any word can be used instead of one of them.

It is important to remember this when using quotation marks, because the meaning of the action is lost.

Another important point- the temptation to use all keywords in phrase matching, abandoning negative keywords. At first glance, this seems like a great idea: I collected the widest possible kernel, quoted everything and completely forgot about the routine with negative words.

  • no matter how much time you spend collecting the kernel, you still won't be able to cover everything. Some requests only appear, some are asked only once. You can't predict everything;
  • there is a great chance to get under the "Few impressions";
  • managing such a huge campaign will be extremely difficult.

When to use quotation marks? They are used by:

  • for high-frequency queries by securing an increased rate;
  • quick testing, when you need to check something without spending hours, days, weeks collecting negative keywords;
  • if there are a lot of junk requests.

Square brackets

The square brackets operator in Direct fixes the word order in a phrase.

It is perhaps most actively used in ticket sales. Indeed, for a person there is a huge difference between “Moscow Vladivostok tickets” and “Vladivostok Moscow tickets”, but for an advertising system without brackets there is no such difference.

For our case, you need the following spelling of the key phrase: tickets [Moscow Vladivostok].

Parentheses and vertical bar

The construction of parentheses, in which various complement options are written through the vertical bar, is an iteration operator.

Let's see how it works in Wordstat.

If you use this construction for a key phrase, then all of the listed options will trigger the display.

This can be useful if you need to quickly launch a campaign and really close concepts are grouped.

But there is also an important drawback: the ad will not be as relevant as if it was written for a specific key. Alternatively, you can create ads in the same group with different headings or use variations in different combinations, say, one in the headline, the other in the text.

Operator rules

Special characters can be combined with each other.

For example, "tickets [Moscow! Kiev]". Quotes forbid other words, square brackets indicate order, exclamation marks - word form. As a result, impressions are excluded for the phrases "Moscow Kiev tickets are inexpensive", "tickets from Moscow to Kiev", "Kiev Moscow tickets", etc.

You need to use any keyword operators in Yandex.Direct only where it is really necessary, that is, it affects the meaning of the question and the display conditions.

Greetings, Dear friends! We all know that keywords in Yandex.Direct are the basis of any advertising campaign. And if for the media and YAN they are of much less importance, then for search advertising it is the main tool for determining the target audience. They are responsible for whether the ad will be shown on specific request or not. Using keys in the semantics of a site is a whole science. But today is not about that.

Today I will tell you how to add keywords to Yandex.Direct, describe three methods and give you step-by-step instructions.

The ways

You can set up keywords (phrases) in Yandex.Direct in three ways:

  • manually when creating (or editing) an advertising campaign;
  • using the program "Direct.Commander";
  • using the XLS / XLSX template.

The first method is fine if your campaign is small and it doesn't take too long to fill out each ad group manually. The second and third are suitable for working with large amounts of data. For example, when there are hundreds or even thousands of ads.


If your campaign contains 10-20 ad groups, you can set keywords manually. Same this way Suitable for those who want to edit a separate ad group. For example, remove ineffective keywords or add new ones.

So, below is described step-by-step instruction how to add keywords to Direct yourself, without using third-party programs, services and templates.

  • title;
  • time of impressions;
  • geography of impressions;
  • strategy;
  • business card;
  • Metrica data;
  • notifications;
  • special settings.

I will not dwell on this step in detail, since I have already talked more than once about creating and setting up new advertising campaigns in Direct.

Key words and phrases are added to the right margin. The left one will contain hints (they are not always useful). If you want to add a hint, just click on the phrase and it will be moved to the right field.

All keywords on the right must be specified either as a list (each new key with new line), or separated by commas.

After clicking on the "Arrange and clarify" button, all the keywords and phrases you entered will take the following form:

The Refine button will allow you to see the projected impressions per month, as well as add negative keywords at the level of each key.

You can also use the button "Find words". It allows you to show, based on the entered phrase or word, which queries and how many times are entered by users (built-in WordStat).

  1. Click "Save".

To add a new announcement, click the "Add announcement" button. One group can include no more than 50 ads with general conditions impressions and general keywords and phrases. In total, you can add up to 200 keywords for one group.

If you want to add new group ads with new keys, you need to go to the "My campaigns" page, open the required campaign and click the "Add ad group" button. Next, the same form will open as when creating a campaign. It must be filled in the same way.

Through "Direct Commander"

Setting up key phrases in Yandex.Direct in this way implies the use of the Direct.Commander program. You can download it from the official. Then it must be installed on your PC (the installation process is standard).

When you start Commander for the first time, you will need to log in using your username and password from your Yandex account.

After authorization, you will see the following interface:

The first window is responsible for the account structure (all advertising campaigns are listed here). The second is the ad groups for the selected campaign. The third is keywords and phrases.

How to add key phrases to Direct:

After adding, a red error notification will appear. Hovering your mouse over it will show you exactly what needs to be fixed. In the future, all these errors will need to be eliminated so that you can upload an advertising campaign to Direct.

Each new key is written on a new line. You can also add negative keywords at the key level by appending them with a "-" sign.

Specify the cost per click for each key manually (double click to edit).

Or use the "Betting Wizard".

Before uploading a campaign to Personal Area Do not forget to fill in all ad parameters in the "Ads" tab in "Direct".

After passing the moderation, the campaign will be automatically launched (if there are enough funds on the balance). With the help of Commander, you can not only create new, but also edit existing Direct advertising campaigns.

Using XLS / XLSX templates

This method of working with keywords for Yandex contextual advertising involves the use of tables in Excel program... We also need a "Direct.Commander" to carry out cross-minus and upload a campaign to the server.

How to add keywords to Direct using Excel templates:

  1. Create an Excel document.
  2. In it, you need to create columns with the following headers (in order):

After passing the moderation of "Yandex" and with a sufficient amount of funds on your balance, the ads will be launched.

The XLS / XLSX template does not have to be created manually. It can be downloaded ready-made from various sources. Then you just have to fill it out in accordance with the instructions.

Today I told you about three ways to set up keywords for Yandex.Direct. Now you know how to add keys to an advertising campaign, edit them in an existing campaign, create new groups, and much more. Which of the ways to use - decide for yourself. Proceed from the goals set for you, your preferences, as well as the amount of work.

Keywords - a set of specific words or phrases, when used in search queries or the context of sites, will be shown advertisements specific advertisers.

  • using the interface of the advertising system;
  • using additional software- Direct. Commander;
  • via Excel spreadsheets.

Adding keywords in the Yandex.Direct interface

Keywords in the interface are added when creating a new campaign or when editing an already running campaign.

To create a new campaign - click on the "Create campaign" button on top panel management:

From the drop-down list, select the type of advertising campaign “Text-Image Ads”. The first form for filling is loaded on the page - information about the advertising campaign. Here, be sure to specify - the name of the campaign and the region of display:

Information is indicated directly in the form - about the name and type of the group, headings, text and links to which the ads lead are entered. Add-ons to ads are also added here, as well as information about keywords and negative keywords.

The field for adding keywords to an ad group looks like this:

Add no more than 200 keywords to one ad group. Keys are inserted into the field as a list, in a column, or entered manually. The system will suggest options for new keywords in the right column, similar in meaning to the keys entered in the left column. If you click on the arrow next to the word, it moves to the left column, that is, it is added to the list of keys that will be used to display ads.

If the situation with keywords is unsatisfactory, or they have not yet managed to collect keywords, the word selection function will come to the rescue - a built-in service for collecting Wordstat statistics. To get started, you need one phrase that matches the advertised product:

If you intend to use individual negative keywords for this ad group that do not affect the impressions of other groups from this campaign, add the following phrases in the “Negative keywords per group” column:

In each ad group, set individual parameters for the display region, audience selection, tags, bid adjustments, and the highest bid for new and changed display conditions.

After filling in the required fields (do not forget about the ads themselves), saving and sending the group for moderation, the keywords will be published, and after passing the moderation they will become active.

Since all actions in the interface are performed online, do not worry about cross-minus, as the system will correct it automatically.

On the ad group management page, set bids for the added keywords, either individually or all at once.

To add keywords to an existing group, click “Edit Group” in the interface, after which you will see a form for editing an ad group with the same fields as when you created it. In this case, the added keywords will be placed in separate fields, and the area for entering new keys will remain empty. Then add new phrases to this area.

How to add keywords via Direct. Commander?

Direct. Commander is an application for working with the Yandex.Direct advertising service. The main advantages of the application are processing a bulky data set and working in offline mode. The main rule is that before making changes to already loaded campaigns, update the campaign data by uploading from the server.

Accounts, campaigns, ad groups, ads, and keywords are interacted with in separate windows, into which the program interface is divided:

The first window is a list of managed accounts for agents (partner accounts), which regular accounts do not have. The second window is a list of campaigns and account parameters (in the tab). The third window is a list of ad groups and campaign parameters (in the tab). The fourth window is ads and phrases (keywords).

Add keywords to Direct. Commander manually or automatically.

To add keywords to Direct. Commander manually, create a campaign and ad group. On the Campaigns tab, click Create New Campaign and from the new list select Text & Image Ads:

Enter the name and go to the ad groups tab. Click "Add group" - this opens access to manually adding keys and ads.

A red STOP sign means there is one or more errors in the ad group. To find out about the problem specifically - hover the cursor over the symbol. The error field is highlighted with a red dash-dotted line. Until the error is fixed, the campaign cannot be uploaded to the server:

When creating ad groups manually - errors occur due to the lack of data in the Title, Ad text and Link. Uploading changes is prohibited without announcements, but without phrases in the group, it is allowed, so be careful when entering keywords.

Add keys in the tab phrases by clicking on the "Add Key Phrase" button:

In the pop-up window, add one or more key phrases - in a column or separated by commas.

Let's not forget. You can add up to 200 keywords to one ad group.

To add phrases with negative keywords at once, add them in a line to the keyword with a dash in front of each negative keyword. If these are general negative keywords that will work for all ad groups in the same ad campaign, add them at the campaign level in the parameters (Ad Group window - Parameters tab).

To correct the intersections of the added keywords automatically, select the tool "Multi-edit" - "Correcting phrases" - "Correct intersections":

The Multi-edit tool also allows you to find duplicate phrases in campaigns, ad groups, selected phrases and remove unnecessary ones. Okay, so your keywords have been added and your bid settings are awaiting.

Set bids for key phrases manually, typing in the “Bid” column the amount opposite each key, and for all keywords at once using the “Bid Wizard”:

Set a flat rate or rate that will provide the required amount of traffic. The last bid option is calculated automatically by the system for each keyword:

There are phrases, the cost of a click on which, even to receive the minimum volume of traffic, is too high and exceeds the predicted income from such a key. Here it is advisable to calculate the maximum allowable costs per click and set the rates with the upper line, which cannot be exceeded. Add such a cost with a condition in the Bid Wizard to automatically place bids for all keywords.

Add a small amount of keywords through Direct. Commander manually is possible and easy. But what if there are more than 20 keywords and ads? In this case, the automated addition of keywords using Excel spreadsheets(we do not say goodbye to the Commander).

Add keywords to Yandex. Direct via Excel

As mentioned above, the advantage of Direct. Commander - the ability to work with large amounts of data. So, the program has useful function“Import campaign from file” and “Import campaigns from clipboard”. In both cases, prepare information for the program in Excel tables.

To properly unload keywords with ads, create Excel file with headers like this:

  • Campaign name
  • Group number
  • Group name
  • Phrases
  • Heading 1
  • Heading 2
  • Announcement text
  • Displayed link
  • Link
  • Headings quick links
  • Quick Link Addresses
  • Quick link descriptions
  • Clarifications

If you need to upload only keywords, for example, to an already running campaign, the first four columns are enough:

We insert into the column “Phrases” already grouped keywords (it is possible with minuses through a dash, it is possible without negative words). If two or more phrases belong to the same group, opposite phrases in the “Group number” and “Group name” columns must contain the same values ​​for the system to classify them as one group:

If you need to add ads, fill in the rest of the columns in the Excel. Opposite each keyword, we write the corresponding headlines and ad text, displayed and end links. If the number of phrases in 1 ad group does not match the number of ads, you can leave empty cells in the column with a smaller number, but in all rows, write down the names of groups and campaigns.

For example, clarifications:

We work 24/7 || Fast delivery || For all holidays

Quick Link Addresses: / page1 || / page2 || / page3

Note! The total length of quick link titles is no more than 66 characters.

Before importing, check if the line types match the header names that are written in the file. If some header was not recognized by the program, manually select the required column name from the drop-down list:

If the campaign is new, at the bottom of the form, select “Create new campaign (or campaigns) for imported ads”. If you want to add keywords to an already running campaign, select “Place all imported ads in the currently selected campaign”.

To import campaigns from the clipboard, before clicking on the corresponding button in Direct. In the Commander, select the required data range with headers in the Excel table:

When you click the button, the program will automatically use a piece of text in the clipboard and present the user with the same form for editing as when importing from a file.

After uploading all the keywords, ads, filling out the campaign information, upload it to the network: That's all. Now you know how to add keywords to Ya.Direct and you can easily cope with this task.