An example of a contextual advertising report for a client. Efficiency and analysis of contextual advertising

I have already given an example of a report to a client.

Today I will continue the topic and give here a "continuation" of this report.

And this despite the fact that the franchise itself cost about 1 million rubles at that time. and according to customers, “applications for 90 rubles” that came from Yandex.Direct turned out to be of the highest quality as a result. other traffic sources, although they brought a lot of applications, in fact did not bring solvent audience.

This is me again to the question that the final efficiency is not measured in the number of clicks and not even in the total amount of incoming calls and requests. But in real profit that a businessman can "touch".

Therefore, NEVER evaluate "professionalism" by secondary indicators - CTR, number of clicks, number of ads, cost of an application.

If your site and your sales department are "upgraded"A “correctly” configured Direct should ultimately give you profit.

It is better to get 10 applications, but the most targeted and motivated to buy, rather than 50 "left" or "bot" ones.

I present the report here "as is" without editing and editing so as not to spoil the overall "impression" of what I read 🙂

Report to the client on Yandex Direct search advertising

Your first wish was to reduce the cost of the application on the site to 200 rubles. per application.

Let's take a look at the statistics for search ads:

This has been achieved thanks to a targeted selection of key phrases and advertising texts that motivate the user to take the targeted action - to leave a request on the site.

* Note. In addition to the design of the landing page and the ad copy on the page, the landing page conversion is also influenced by the ad text.

Yes, the number of applications for the search is not great - only 19 in 3 weeks, but these applications cost less than 100 rubles.

Thus, in the daytime from Yandex search, we get very high-quality filtered traffic, albeit in small volumes.

As for the night search campaign, everything is much more modest for it:

Only 40 clicks and 4 conversions, the price of each conversion is 113 rubles.

The cost of the application is slightly higher than in the daytime, there are few applications. This is explained by the fact that at night the user is less motivated to perform targeted actions.

But the CTR is slightly higher at night, and the rate per click is lower.

That will allow us, at the end of 28 days of search advertising, to make castling of campaigns for temporary targeting.

Thus, daily orders will be even cheaper for us.

And finally, the most interesting 🙂

In 4 days off we got 10 conversions, and each conversion cost less than 80 rubles!

Paradoxically, the cost per click on weekends was, on the contrary, HIGHER than on weekdays.

This suggests that on weekends, users are the most active and "warmed up" to take the target action, despite the abundance of offers on the market.

Conclusion: in total, in 3 weeks we received 33 conversions from Yandex search with an average price of an order of 87 rubles. At the same time, users were most active on weekends. I advise you to take this feature into account when planning your other advertising campaigns (partnerships, advertising mailings, etc.)

Report on the Yandex Advertising Network (YAN)

Having carefully analyzed advertising campaigns on thematic sites, I concluded that, in accordance with your wishes (the price of an application is less than 200 rubles), it is unprofitable for us to unscrew on thematic sites with a rate per click of more than 5 rubles.

However, if I had lowered the rates right away, then we would have noticeably lost in coverage (the volume of purchased traffic).

Therefore, I decided to change my approach - I made a separate advertising campaign for YAN with an extended set of key phrases and strict filter ads, whose task was to cut off an unnecessary target audience.

Let's see what came of it:

In 8 days we received 682 clicks and 23 applications. The average cost per click was RUB 3.46. and the average bid price is 102.68 rubles.

Those. the application cost almost 2 times cheaper than you requested.

As for the other two campaigns with more targeted queries, let's take a look at the statistics for them.

Day Campaign:

This campaign brought 19 applications, the average price of an application was 156 rubles. The average cost per click for point queries is 6 rubles.

Weekend Campaign:

Brought only 5 applications, the average price of an application is 147 rubles.

I turned off the night campaign with point queries altogether. it gave very few clicks and there were practically no conversions on it.

Conclusion: as you can see from the screenshots above, key queries for which we advertise do not play a special role on thematic sites. The most important thing here is the correctly selected ad text and the bids that we pay for clicks. How much we pay for a client directly depends on these parameters.

Overall total for advertising campaigns in Yandex

3 thousand rubles went to VAT, 17 thousand rubles remained on the account.

Thus, starting from April 7, you spent 10,139 rubles on advertising. (excluding VAT) and received 79 applications.

Each application cost you 128 rubles.

In the future (if you continue) this indicator will improve.

A couple of notes on the landing page

In general, your site is very good, users also like it, which is what the minimal bounce rates in Metrica for the "desktop" audience (Mac and Windows) say:

But there are problems with the mobile audience - iOS and Android users have a bounce rate 2.5 times higher:

Obviously, the site needs to be optimized for mobile devices.

Also, I will note that your site very often "goes down" as soon as the number of visits exceeds 500-700 per day!

In support of this, here are the reports from Direct that came to me by e-mail:

The letter itself:

And although Direct (like Adwords) automatically stops advertising after the site "goes down" - it can take up to 30-40 minutes from the moment of activation to stop.

Think how many clicks during this time can go "into the void" ...

That's all for now.

If you have any questions, write to me on Skype: direct-profit or by mail: [email protected]

Sincerely, Dmitry.

This is a true story. It is collected bit by bit - from advertising clients' offices, audits, correspondence and screenshots. Spoiler alert: one of the clients mentioned in the article spent 6,000,000 rubles on advertising. And their agency didn't even track targets.

We do not pursue the goal of denigrating someone or cursing competitors. There are no perfect agencies and no perfect clients. Everyone is wrong, and so are we. This article is an attempt to once again draw attention to the problems of the market and make it better.

The client's problem is that he doesn't understand advertising. And, as in a bad car service, the mechanic will not look at the beauty and kind heart of the girl on "Infinity". He will cheerfully charge her everything according to the full price list, while the latter tries to understand what “condensate in the carburetor” is.

It's no shame that a business owner doesn't understand advertising. For this, he hires an agency. But let us, nevertheless, in a very simple and understandable language, tell you where and how you can be deceived. And what could all this be worth.

Goals not set. Example 1

Our remarks:

Yandex.Metrica is not configured for conversion goals. No callback target, no price calculator, no chat.

Agency response:

Setting goals, as noted in the previous letter, is in progress.

Here, the agency tells the client that setting goals is in progress. And an inexperienced client will not ask unnecessary questions. In fact, goals need to be set upbefore the start campaigns.

What are goals?

Goals are certain events or actions of visitors on the site that set up in analytics systems. With their help, you can see how many important actions were taken by people who clicked through the advertisement.

What are they needed for?

These statistics give an understanding of the effectiveness of campaigns, the ROI of advertising in general. For example, you can see that after one advertising campaign, people go to the site, but then quickly leave. And on the other - they go and buy. This data is used to evaluate advertising campaigns and build a strategy.

What will happen to a client's advertising campaign without customized goals?

The agency conducted campaigns on one of the most expensive topics - real estate. With a budget of half a million rubles, people didn't even bother to set goals and evaluate the effectiveness of advertising.

That is, the metrics were measured by clicks on the site. At the same time, out of 10 campaigns, only one could bring applications, and the remaining 9 simply wasted the client's budget.

Working without goals is a direct drain of money.

What are the agencies behind?

This is one of the most common techniques used by unscrupulous performers. Often, goals are not set up on purpose, because statistics on the number of clicks look more impressive than a report on real requests and calls.

Managers convince the client that "traffic is growing / cost per click is falling / we are doing well."

In fact, you shouldn't look at efficiency in terms of the number and cost of clicks. The main indicator here is the number and cost of targeted actions. But it is precisely this indicator that is difficult to keep at the level if you are doing bad advertising.

Goals not set. Example 2

Let's look at examples of reports from an agency that advertised for a large Russian sanatorium. Advertising budgets - 500,000 rubles per month. Figures and screenshots taken from our audit.

Here is an example of a PPC report that a client received.

At the same time, we are talking about budgets of 500,000 rubles per month. That is, 6,000,000 rubles a year.

And here is the report:

Report without key indicators

What's wrong here?

If now it was 2006, such a report could pass. But in 2017, it should be a shame to send such reports.

There are no key indicators in the report - conversions, ROI, the number of requests and calls, the cost of conversions for these indicators.

And one more:

What's wrong with this report?

Here the situation is the same - vague phrases, no goals, specifics and real results from advertising.

Increased traffic alone means little without other metrics. And these statistics should be viewed in conjunction with the data on the configured goals.

There are no conversion rates, call costs in the report

Another report from which nothing is clear. We found out the average costs, the average number of clicks too.


  1. There are no conversion rates, cost of calls, analysis of the quality of such calls, analysis of the further funnel of such calls.
  2. The conclusions are dominated by the most streamlined words and subjective opinion -« on the this moment obviously andclearly works well " .

No statistics and no socio-demographic indicator configured

Our remarks:

No bid adjustments set for mobile and socio-demographic indicators.

Agency response:

This question has already arisen, after discussion with the Yandex manager, an answer was given.

The classic transfer of responsibility to a third party. To enable the adjustment of bids for social demo - you need to put 3 checkboxes in the campaign settings. The problem here is not in the boxes, but in incompetence, and the fact that the agency does not see the need to do this at all. The classic option is when campaigns are launched and forgotten.

Yandex support is rather arbitrary - an ordinary manager sits on the other side, who is not obliged to plunge into the essence of campaigns. The task of the agency is to defend the interests of the client. The question here is why did the agency ask the Yandex manager at all whether to enable this function.

Agency response:

"In our further work with audiences, the social demographic will be further analyzed, and the least relevant audience will be singled out."

By the time of the discussion, the agency had been advertising the client for six months. The key point here is that analytics by goals were not set up before the launch of the ad, and even after six months. The agency is talking about further work. But in fact, two weeks may be enough to collect statistics.

This is not about classic statistics (who visits the site), but about customized goals, thanks to which you can see exactly who buys, leaves applications, performs targeted actions.

Thus, the client can see that both boys and girls come to the site equally, and only girls buy. In this case, you need to increase your bids to show your ad to this group of people. In the analyzed example, the agency did not track targeted actions at all.

If the client does not know about this, then such an answer from the manager will pass for the truth.

What's wrong here?

In Yandex and Google, you need to set bid adjustments for your priority audience.

Why does business need it?

To improve the effectiveness of the campaign. For example, if your site does not display well on mobile, you can remove ads from showing on smartphones. Or increase bids for priority audiences.

To make such decisions, you need to regularly collect statistics. And in order for the data to be true, it is necessary to correctly configure the analytics systems. It is then that every important action on the site will be taken into account.

Retargeting not enabled

Our remarks:

Remarketing is not configured.

Agency response:

Remarketing / retargeting in the discussion / adding process.

If the client does not know that connecting retargeting does not require titanic additional efforts, then he will believe it. In fact, the specialists did not set goals. And without them, it is impossible to set up normal retargeting.

This is the same problem as with the user's demographic profile settings.

What is retargeting?

Retargeting or remarketing is a type of advertising that "catches up" the user who visits the site. At the same time, the visitor does not have to go to the site with an advertisement. Retarget works for everyone who was on the site and performed certain actions.

Why is this needed?

Not all visitors make a purchase decision right away when they visit a website and see your product. You remind of yourself with ads and users come back. Retargeting can be customized according to various criteria. The main thing is that all the necessary goals are set up on the website and in analytics in advance.

Blurred phrases and general wording in reports

Continuing the topic of reports. When the agency has nothing to show and goals are not set, two extremes happen - either a heap of numbers and tables, or questionable screenshots and vague wording that "everything is going well."

Another example of such a report from an agency that did advertising for 500,000 rubles a month.

Everything is fine here. Starting from the syllable and ending with the signature. And here is the screenshot in question:

The problem is that this screenshot doesn't say anything about the effectiveness of the ad. Most likely, the agency had nothing to say and they decided to copy a beautiful picture from Yandex.Metrica. For solidity.

And more examples of vague wording and data that do not say anything about whether the client's advertising budget was invested correctly and whether advertising pays for itself.

Some more excellent reports.

The client can take this as a weighty argument. But the problem is that without adequate settings it is impossible to launch ads in principle. However, the agency was not embarrassed.

And again, empty, useless numbers.

And here is the call report. Again, it is not clear how much the calls cost. Are there many or few calls now? And how much was in the previous period? And what is the dynamics?

"Garbage" requests for advertising campaigns

Junk queries are queries that are not related to your business. For example, let's say you sell expensive watches from elite brands. Then, the person who enters the search query “buy cheap copy watch” is clearly not your client. Such requests should be excluded from advertising. And so that there are no random impressions for similar queries, the words "cheap" and "copy" must be specified as negative keywords in the company settings.

Practical example:

Screenshot from the audit. The client's ads are smeared so as not to compromise him.

Agency response:

If a client who does not understand the topic comes with this question, then all the answers will seem adequate. But this is not the case. Let's figure it out.

« These phrases are not there, i.e. the money was not spent anyway. "

It's not so much about the money as the fact itself. Serving these ads impairs the CTR of the campaign and the quality of the account. Deterioration leads to an overall increase in cost per click. And he is already high in this topic.

Plus, the very fact of such an issue indicates that negative keywords were not worked out. This indicates the agency's approach to advertising and that there can be many such requests.

"To prevent this from happening. During the RK, we look at the requests for which there were transitions and eliminate the non-targeted ones."

Everything is bad here. To our reasonable remarks that advertisingis shownon "junk" requests, colleagues begin to looktransitions.

You need to watch not requests for transitions, but requests that led to impressions. That is, if a person entered the query "buy a house in Rostov" into the search line, saw an ad and did not click on it, then such an ad will not be included in the list of queries that were followed by clicks. Statistics on it will be collected, and the quality indicator will fall.

Therefore, you need to look at all requests and carefully monitor those for which there were impressions.

“Screenshots of ads from platforms are not being added to analytics”.

This phrase is a gross mistake. Ads from Google Edwards are being pulled into Analytics. And to Metrica - from Yandex Direct.

If desired, query texts can be seen in these analytics systems. Judging by the dialogue, the manager is extremely poorly versed in the subject.

What's happening?

Agencies are too lazy to compile negative keyword lists. And "junk" ads are shown to people who will never buy that product.

Bad example elaboration negative keywords and junk ads. A person is looking for a tourist navigator, and he is shown an advertisement for a navigator for a tractor.

How does this threaten the client?

Yandex Direct and Google Edwards use sophisticated algorithms for evaluating the productivity and compliance of advertisements with user requests. The two main metrics that affect this score are CTR, the click-through rate of the ad, and the ad's relevance to the search query, roughly the ad's "adequacy".

If an ad campaign has a lot of ads that are shown frequently, but clicks are low, the system penalizes the ad campaign by increasing bids. As a result, the client overpays. And, in the long run, it creates bad "karma" for itself in the advertising system. In other words, the lower the ad quality and its click-through rate, the higher the cost per click and the higher the ad spend.

UTM tags configured incorrectly

Practical example

The agency claims that there is no binding of tags to their content. In fact, of course there is. This has to be proved with the help of Yandex Direct.

If the client does not understand how links should be tagged, then the agency's response is correct. But the problem is this.

The tags that we give in the example are marked in such a way that it is not clear for them which visitor from which campaign took an action on the site. That is, in the analytics system it will be seen that (for example) 10 goals from Yandex have been achieved. And from which campaign - no.

If the client is not strong in analytics systems, then he will not be able to determine this.

This data is needed in order to understand which campaign is bringing in customers and based on this, adjust the strategy.

What are UTM tags?

Example UTM Link Markup

What are they needed for?

If UTM tags are configured correctly, you can track the effectiveness of your ad right down to the ad and keyword in any analytics or CRM system - this is very important for correct setting advertising, budget adjustments.

Why is it important?

If the labels are configured incorrectly, you can "lose" some of the data on purchases and actions of people who clicked on the ad. That is, it will be seen in the analytics system that people come, buy something, but where they came from, from which advertising campaign, by which ad - it will no longer be possible to find out.

Why are agencies mislabelling?

Most often it is a simple non-professionalism of the performer, nothing more. If on the side of the agency they did not notice the problem after six months of work, and did not attach any importance to it, this indicates the general approach of the agency to the client's advertising.

It should be?

For the tags to work correctly, the utm_source, utm_medium and utm_campaign parameters must be used. These parameters indicate the source and type of traffic, the name of the campaign.

Ads that are not relevant to the request

Practical example

In the example above, the agency convinces the client that it works on the principle of 1 request = 1 ad. This principle implies that for each search query a separate, highly relevant ad is written. However, the agency slightly modifies this principle, using separate words from it instead of the entire request.

If the client does not understand what all this means, then he will be sure that the agency is working well and fulfills this condition. In fact, there is an error in this example.

1 request = 1 ad is needed in order to include the request in the headline and / or in the ad text in full. In this case, you can write a declaration likeBuy a plot by the lakeand thus get 100% backlight in bold in the issue.

This approach takes more time and increases the cost of agency services. Therefore, many neglect it. And the client is told something similar, from the screenshot above.

What is a request?

A search term is a phrase that a person enters into search string... For example, he searches for "Order a gluten free cake." In our case, "Order gluten free cake" is the request.

Why does the ad need to include the entire request?

Is not required condition... But agencies that work seriously with advertising try to write ads so that the entire request falls into the ad text.

The more query words the ad contains, the more it stands out. And these are the main indicators that affect the quality of the ad. The system encourages these ads by lowering entry bids for high-profile positions. The ad rises above the competition, the client gets even more clicks and, accordingly, orders. For the same money. These ads are more likely to be clicked on and generate more conversions.

It should be?

It is necessary that the entire request appears in the headline or ad text. First of all, in the title. If your keyword phrase is too long, it may not fit in the headline. Then, the most important words from the request are entered into the title, and the entire keyword is entered into the ad text.

Example of placing everything key request in the ad and highlighting in bold.

Responsibility for the texts was transferred to the client

Practical example

Usually, the texts are agreed with the client and written based on his wishes. But an important factor is that the agency must decide which texts will be better. Because the agency is responsible for the result.

By whom?

This example shows the attitude of the agency itself to the client's campaigns and to their business.

Why are ad copy so important?

You have a few seconds to get a customer interested in your ad. Therefore, the ad text should be written exactly according to his request,contain a description of the benefits and deterrent factors (for example, if you are selling expensive homes, the price will be a deterrent. Or words that betray high prices).

Writing the correct text is not an easy task. And professionals who immerse themselves in PPC advertising know this.

That is why, at the stage of preparing ad texts, good agency will defend their versions of the texts and convince the client of their decision.

Sell ​​free services for money

As the cherry on top, here are two more examples from our audit practice.

One agency presented to the client as a USP - a free connection to the A / B testing service using Google Analytics. The point is, this is a free feature for everyone.

Another agency sold to a client the development of a phone number substitution module for 12,000 rubles. And then, they took money from the client for using this module. Everything is fine. Except that such services already exist, they do not need to be developed. But the client did not know about it.

On this, we do not want to say goodbye to you. The following article will help you assess the quality of your customization contextual advertising on one's own.

We have released a new book “Content Marketing in in social networks: How to get into the head of subscribers and fall in love with your brand. "

Advertising reports can turn into a big problem. It is difficult to make them, preparation takes a lot of time. And the things that the client wants to see and that the analyst can provide often don't intersect at all. The entire amount of data is sometimes just difficult to cover in one piece of paper.

We often catch ourselves thinking that it would be nice to improve reporting systems, create ready-made templates, develop universal methods for analyzing data on advertising campaigns... But all this takes time. Don't know where to start.

Good customer relationships are built on trust. It is based on how to define and measure success. [For each client, you need to find metrics and metrics that are important to their business. The customer must understand what he will receive as a result of the work of the AC, and the analyst and Internet marketer must invest in this data success indicators].

Reporting is one of the ways to interact with the client. It is not enough to be able to tell stories. You need to be on the same wavelength with the client. We'll talk about how to build trust and create informative reports on online advertising today.

Internet marketing has already emerged as a separate field. It has its own abbreviations, abbreviations and indicators that the client does not know about. Therefore, below we will talk about ways to achieve mutual understanding with the client in the reporting documentation.

1. Honesty and consistency

Numbers never lie. But they can mislead a person - to talk about what actually does not exist and will not be.

The first trait of good reporting is honesty and transparency. It doesn't matter if the ad brings leads or not. Just talk about what's going on.

Trust builds up between you when you provide the client with the right data for each reporting period, so just be honest about what works and what doesn't.

An important point to make. If in one report you give information about some indicators, and in the next - about completely different ones, the result will be bad. Maintain consistency. To do this, prepare a report template, coordinate it with the customer. Discuss how easy it will be for him to navigate.

Report results regularly. Agree on a reporting schedule. The client will have fewer questions, you will have more time for work, and not for educational programs. The customer will figure out what to expect and when.

2. In the report - from general to specific

Organize your report from the main to the details. First, post a summary of what you have done. Then provide statistics. Below it, insert ad groups with key phrases... The customer can easily figure out what's what.

Surely you have clients who do not advance beyond the first page of the reporting document? And to others, on the contrary, take out and put all the ins and outs of your work.

The way of organizing proposed by us will appeal to both. If the customer does not want to dive into the report headlong, he will stop after general information... If he wants comprehensive information, read on.

3. Start with goals

The specialist really wants to start the report with the metrics he is working to achieve:

  • impressions;
  • clicks;
  • conversion;

Of course, the employee wants to show off the achieved performance to the customer. But the business owner thinks on a larger scale. And for him, general performance indicators are important:

  • ROI - ROI profitability;
  • ROAS - gross income from RK (ratio of RK profit to spending).

Put information that matters to the customer at the beginning of the report

4. Add a dashboard or short summary

Remember: a customer can show your report to a person who does not understand anything in terms of online advertising.

So make a dashboard that shows the overall results. Describe them in words and post them near the beginning of the report. The client will ask fewer questions, even if they show your report to someone else who is not at all versed in online advertising. The customer will see what is happening with his business: whether your ad is helping to increase sales.

If the talk starts with the client's goals (not PPC metrics) - and tells general information, then this dashboard will fit perfectly into this place.

Use whatever information you have to answer the client's questions. Most often they are:

  • will advertising achieve business goals?
  • what strategy do you use?
  • What about the media plan?
  • can we compare the report for the previous period?

Decode all information to the client. And he will make sure you succeed.

5. Give definitions

If you use abbreviations and complex terms, explain to the client in plain language what they mean.

Footnote each complex term, or prepare a one-size-fits-all glossary section for clients. And no one will reproach you that you consider the customer a schoolboy.

By consistently making these definitions, you will educate the client with each report. He will have fewer questions, he will be better able to navigate in details.

6. Separate KPIs by different types of interaction

Not all keywords generate conversions. Model attribution, lead the customer through your report.

Separate different conversion segments in your report. It is not only increasing because of your actions.

Think about how to report the sales funnel of the business you are working with. Determine the path the customer takes. So, you can separate brand requests from commercial ones, include conversion data at each stage of the funnel, divide the audience into segments according to different conditions.

Your customer should easily understand how advertising works in each segment of his target audience.

7. Summarize everything you can

Google AdWords does a great job of providing statistics.

There are communications that can get lost. For example, Google does not see them. phone calls... If you don’t want to miss them, include them in a separate paragraph in the report.

Combine the data, draw a beautiful picture that will explain the state of affairs on your fingers. The customer will immediately see and understand everything.

8. Detail the report

The reports are used in meetings, brainstorming sessions, and building new marketing strategies.

For example, we in the studio use reports as the reason for another call to the client. We discuss details with him and get feedback on our work. Some clients want to see statistics for each keyword and impression. And some just need reassurance that everything is fine.

Even from those who have enough general information, we need Feedback by detailed report elements - for example, ad texts or semantics. But they take up a lot of space in the report. Therefore, it is better to put them at the end or even put them out in a separate document-attachment.

9. Add non-digital marketing data

In many customer relationships, PPC conversion is the primary measure of success. This is a sign of closing a deal, which shows the income itself and its source.

Work with the sales department, ask the client for access to CRM. Indicate an increase in leads, an increase in user activity on the client's portal. That way you can better describe the result of your efforts.

At the very least, you will have customer feedback. You will be able to manage the AC in real time, and not wait for the approval of a dozen ad texts or angry letters that you broke everything.

Get the data as quickly as possible. This way you will avoid a situation when, from your point of view, everything is going as it should, and your customer's contracts are falling off.

Ivan Tseluev

Making a report template is difficult only in theory. In practice, it is enough to follow a simple scheme: glossary - promised results - obtained results - conclusions. And you will have a simple and informative report. Do not overload it with unnecessary metrics, this will only confuse an unprepared client.

The point is that having created a template once, you will forget about it and will make all subsequent reports according to the ready-made template, only occasionally supplementing and adjusting it.

It is also worth taking care of the visual component of the report. Add graphs and screenshots, make nice headers and footers and work on the overall layout of the report. The client will be doubly pleased to read your report if, in addition to good indicators, it is stylishly designed.

26.04.2018 Reading time: 8 minutes

In the first articles of our cycle on contextual advertising, we revealed the basic concepts of CR and found out how it works: this is the initial information, the minimum basics that are necessary to present a more or less general picture. Today's third article goes into a slightly narrower specialization: we will tell you how to analyze contextual advertising.

Analysis of the effectiveness of contextual advertising: which tools to use

Yandex and Google have developed special analytical mechanisms for their systems - Yandex.Metrica and Google analytics... These are special tools thanks to which the account owner can understand what is happening on the site after the user clicks on the ad (the same analytics systems are used in). They have systemic and functional differences, but regardless of which search engine you are promoting your campaigns in, you need to be able to set goals.

Let's start our overview with the goals of Yandex.Metrica. This analytical tool Metrica takes into account all visits to the site - and it doesn't matter where the user came from, but thanks to the integration with Direct, you can get information about CR. For it to be correct, you need to set up goals. A goal is a specific user action that is expected in response to an ad.

An example of creating goals in Yandex.Metrica

You need to set goals right away, because they will be used to generate a report on the work of the CD and it is they that allow you to track the actions of visitors. For example:

  • set the goal "Number of views" - we track and see in the report the number of visits during which certain pages were viewed;
  • we set the goal "Visiting pages" - we track whether a page or several pages of the site were visited, whether there were clicks on external link whether there was a click on the button Email and the file was downloaded;
  • we set the goal of "JavaScript event" - we track almost any arbitrary events on the site, in which the page address does not change: click on a button, filling out a form, time spent on the page;
  • set a "Composite Goal" - keep track of all of the above.

You can learn more about setting goals in Yandex.Direct in Yandex.Help.

After installing the Metrica counter on the page, the data about which is needed, the collection of data on the set goals will begin and a report will be generated.

What can you learn from the report?

  • What campaigns advertisements, keywords and phrases, search users find your site and visit it, as well as in which region these users are located and from which advertising platform they went to your resource.
  • Who is your audience: gender, age, interests, preferences are analyzed using Crypt technology.
  • Did the campaign achieve its goals - did the users behave as you expected: they clicked on links, filled out forms, downloaded files, visited the required number of website pages, registered or subscribed to the newsletter, and so on.
  • If you are the owner of an online store, then using Metrica you can get detailed information about the orders that were made on your site, as well as data on how much profit each order brought and where the orders with the highest price tag came from.
  • Directly in the Metrica interface, you can estimate how much was spent on advertising, what is the average cost of conversions, what is the average or total cost per click for a region, request or site.
  • Using the Target Call service, you can compare how effectively different promotion channels work: you, as an account owner, receive special phone numbers, bind to various sources, then the number on the site and in the virtual business card is automatically replaced according to the source - so you can find out from which channel the call came.

What a Yandex.Direct report looks like from Metrica

Just like in Metrica, you get a report on the work of the CR in Google AdWords:

What the CR report from Google Analytics looks like

E-commerce from Google Analytics is more difficult to set up and more extensive in results than Metrica.

There are two types of settings: standard (as in Metric) and advanced - the most interesting and rich in a wide variety of useful data. If, by setting up the standard option, we find out the data about the orders and how much they cost, then the extended one will give us information about the different actions of users with the goods, for example:

  • clicks on product cards in the catalog and search;
  • manipulation of items in the cart (for example, adding or removing);
  • detailed review checkout and so on.

At the end of the term, you receive two reports: "Ecommerce Review" and "Product Performance". They include:

  • information about the income from the product, conversion rates (more about them - just below);
  • average number of items in a transaction;
  • average order value;
  • information about the refund;
  • cost of goods, which allows customers to add products to the cart and place an order and others.

Why is this type of e-commerce useful for online stores? Because these are essentially generalized characteristics of consumer behavior, which help to determine not only the further strategy of the online store's CR, but also to understand what to invest in and what not; what will be profitable and what will not. This is not just data on how much was sold and how much earned, it is qualitative indicators that allow you to identify errors in work and save real money.

KPI of contextual advertising

KPI (key performance indicators) - key performance indicators of a KR. These are characteristics that give an understanding of how profitable the RC is for business and how economically justified is the budget for this channel.

There are no templates for KPIs and it is impossible to say what level of each indicator should be and what combination will be one hundred percent win-win. However, analyzing these metrics can help identify problems and redirect campaign operations into a profitable track.

If trade data is configured, ROI can be seen in Google Analytics in the Cost Analysis report, Traffic Source section, ROI column.

PPC management requires both analytical and creative skills. It is important not only to correctly analyze data from reports and compose relevant ad texts - you need to create interesting and attractive advertising campaigns for users. You can order the setting of contextual advertising of this level with us, write and call us!

    As a result, it can take a lot of time to prepare reports, and you can easily forget to whom and what to send.

    SEO-reports is in a hurry to help!

    And it gives such opportunities as:

    connection of Yandex.Metrica and Google Analytics web analytics accounts and Ya.Direct accounts and Google adwords;

    work with Y.Direct agent accounts;

    one-time setup of the report structure for each of the sites, which is remembered by the system;

    conclusion of basic metrics and such important KPIs as cost per lead, achievement of goals, etc.;

    branding of reports;

    displaying data on positions through the API of such services as Topvisor, AllPositions, SEOlib and TopInspector;

    connecting your own domains to send reports in html;

    auto-generation of reports on a schedule.

And this is not a complete list of available functions, there are other interesting options that will come in handy in your work.

Here are some screenshots that clearly give an idea of ​​what is at stake:

Everything is simple and straightforward, which is especially important for clients and owners who value information content, and not just a set of graphs and numbers.

Who needs it?

1. Specialists and agencies involved in customer promotion.

2. Inhouse specialists who need regular project analytics and reporting to management.

To get started with the service, you need to take just five simple steps:

    We add our sites through web analytics accounts

    We connect additional services(if needed)

    Setting up the structure of the project report

    Press the button and wait a few seconds to get the report.

This is true for any traffic specialist.

And one more non-obvious point - the service is perfect for the site owners themselves, who would like to independently monitor the dynamics of their project development. After all, the indicators are displayed visually and informatively, and the report designer can be configured in such a way as to receive information on those metrics that are most important for your business.

How to try the service in action

SEO-reports rates are available for professionals of any level - from a beginner freelancer to a large agency:

There is also a free demo tariff that allows you to work with one website and one analytics service.

You can test the service on a paid Freelance plan.

The MOAB promo code gives you the opportunity to use the service for free for 2 months! The only limitation is that it must be activated before December 31st.

To use it, on the payment page choose tariff plan, term, enter the code in the "Coupon" field, then click the "Calculate" button:

You can register for SEO-reportsby this linkand hopefully the service will save you a lot of time when working on reports and fluent analytics.