AMI BIOS Flash Bios Flash Utility. W25Q64 BIOS Microcircuit Firmware

Or a tale about how I murmured D845GVAD2 BIOS. Narration in two actions.

So, the initial position.There are Intel Desktop Board D845GVAD2 on the i845 chipset, BIOS is seriously damaged. It is required to flash it. The idea is to flash only the button, "collect" which is much simpler than the entire BIOS image. The rest can be flashing with floppy or CD / DVD. The idea is not new.

The action is the first in which you need to write to a clean Bootblock flash drive, according to the reason described below, I advise you to miss this action, even if the button is alive. We go to, we find a page with BIOS-AMI for this fee. In my case, is it\u003dy&dwnldid\u003d6652&prodid\u003d898&la ....

We see two files:

English: Ly84510a.86a.0043.p17.eb.exe - Windows version
English: Ly84510a.86a.0043.p17.ib.exe - DOS version

We are interested in DOS version. Download. We get the file Ly84510a.86a.0043.p17.ib.exe. This is an archive, unpack it. Inside the following files:


We are interested in two archives - SW.exe and diskimg.exe - Actually disassembled BIOS files with a firmware and an image of a naked boot floppy disk, respectively.

Unpack SW.exe, we get such files:

Further, the boot block of my board takes 64kb. In my case, the first half is the last 32kb p17-0043.bin and the second half - the last 32kb P17-0043.BI6. Just see what the end of P17-0043.bi6 looks like, in the case of other Intel BIOS based on AMI will be a similar picture. Here you can access something else to this topic:

Cut the last 32kb from these files and glue (I use Total Commander for these operations). A file must turn out the size of exactly 65536 bytes \u003d 64kb.

1) Create a file size equal to the size of the flash drive, consisting of bytes with the 0xFF value (or 0ffh, as more convenient). In the last 64kb, write our boot block.

After that, record this file in the flash drive programmer.

2) Be sure to erase the flash drive, make sure that it is clean (all bytes have a value of 0xFF), after that it is simply to write down our boot block into its end.

After that, insert the flash drive in Matplatu. Since there is nothing except the bootbble, the Bios Config jumper can be left in the Normal position. Turn on the fee. Sign of that everything is done correctly - running postakods. E9 code - FDD initialization, its presence is an attempt indicator to restore the BIOS.

The second action in which you need to rain the BIOS from a floppy disk or CD / DVD disk.

1) for a floppy disk.

Unpack the diskimg.exe file, we get such files:


We are interested in the disk.img file. Write it on a floppy disk (you can use the WinImage program or diskimg.exe, obtained when unpacking LY84510A.86A.0043.p17.ib.exe).

Next, copy all the files obtained when unpacking SW.exe on a floppy disk. Go to a floppy disk, view * .bat files for the firmware start command. In my case, there are two lines in the execute.bat file:


Keep these lines somewhere. After that, we delete with the AUTOEXEC.BAT and config.sys diskette. Create pure autoexec.bat and insert the stitches saved earlier. Then create an empty config.sys file.

Insert a floppy disk, we turn on the fee, waiting for the end of the firmware (in my case, the codes 46-\u003e EE, if I do not confuse). Turn off the fee, we set the jumper to the "Normal" position, turn on again. If the board has not started, it means that either something is not done, or something else is more.

2) for CD / DVD disc.

Here the idea is to make a boot disk with a diskette. All the same, only all the manipulations described above are with a diskette in the WinImage program, then save an image with an IMA extension, launch the Nero Burning ROM, select the type of CD project (boot) or DVD (bootable), select the use of the image file, specify Our * .ima file, set the emulation of the 1.44MB floppy disk, write, insert into the drive, run the board, wait for the end of the firmware.

It is possible that the button of another board does not know how to boot with CD / DVD, then only a floppy disk remains.

Why do you need to clean the flash drive before recording a boot lock? When I restored the BIOS, at first I "cleaned" 8 bootblocks and got a 512kb file. The procedure further passed normally, the board started, POST passed, but instead of some inscriptions, Abrakadabra was displayed - Flasher was clearly inflicted. For those who wish to figure out two files - a normal image (Ly84510a.86a.rar) and "with abracadabra" (vnimanie_fajl_povrezhden_ne_vshivat_warning_file_is_damaged_do_not_flash.rar). Interestingly, Flasher mustache ...

Well, before the heap of the Flasher option - somewhere asked someone, and the flash drive gives them only in DOS mode and / or only on a suitable board:

Intel Flash Memory Update Utility Part 643643-046

/ M - Monochrome Display / B - Use Bios Video Calls
/ T - USE EGA / VGA Line Count / N - Do Not Use Pointer Device
Command-Line Mode Options:
/ H - Help (This Text)
/ Q - Quiet Mode; Errors ONLY, AND NO PROMPTS
/ QB - QUIET MODE; No Beeps.
Standard Options:
/ R - Force Reboot After Update / @ - Use Override File
/ F - Force CMOS Defaults Next Post / D - Verbose Debugging Output
/ C - Clear Escd (Extended System Configuration Data) NEXT POST
/ P Pathname - Program Flash Device with Contents of "PathName".
/ PU PathName - Program User Binary Area with Contents of "PathName".
/ V Pathname - Verify Current Flash with Contents of "PathName".
/ SX Pathname - Save Resident Flash Area to "Pathname" (OR "VVVV" BIOS),
X \u003d ("b" iOS, "L" Anguage, "U" Ser, OR "R" ECOVERY) Area.
/ X Pathname - Examine Flash Header of "PathName".
Special Operations:
/ V Pathname - Verify Current Flash with Contents of "PathName."
/ X Pathname - Examine Flash Header of "PathName".
/ SX Pathname - Save Resident Flash Area to "Pathname" (or "vvvv" BIOS)
X \u003d ("b" iOS, "L" Anguage, "U" Ser, "R" Ecovery) Area.
/ AE - Erase OEM CMOS Defaults.
/ AC - Copy Custom CMOS Defaults INTO The OEM CMOS Defaults.
/ AG PathName - Get Oem Cmos Defaults to "PathName".
/ as PathName - Set Oem Cmos Defaults with Contents of "PathName".
/ EW Pathname - Write BMI Settings with Contents of "PathName".
/ ER Pathname - Retrieve BMI Settings to "PathName".

/ I / V may not work
On read the guide in which it was indicated:
Refracting Ami Bios.
Enter the BIOS Setup and configure the following parameters.
System Bios Cacheable. Allows you to copy the contents of the BIOS to the computer's RAM to speed up access to it. One side -
it is good, on the other - unacceptable (when the size of the free size is very important
random access memory). To flash the BIOS temporarily set for this parameter to disabled.
Power Management / Arm. In the process of flashing automatic control
computer nutrition is not needed, so turn off this feature,
also selecting the Disabled value.
First / Second / Third / Fourth Boot Device. Specify as the first boot device FLOPPY.
For flashing AMI BIOS, the AMINF program is used. "The syntax of the program is:
AMINF [File_1] [File_2]. . .] Consider the parameters used in the program.
File_1 is a file containing a new BIOS version.
File_2 - the file to which the current version of the BIOS will be saved.
/ C - When flashing, set the default BIOS parameters.
/ E - After flashing the BIOS, clear the contents of the CMOS memory.
/ D - After flashing the BIOS, remove the password (if any) on the BIOS input or the operating system boot.
/ G - reserve a memory area to keep the log log in the flashing process.
/ L - when flashing a BIOS not to use the USB bus.
/ N - after flashing Clear ECSD table, which contains data
about installed in the computer devices Plug and Play.
/ I - show the checksum of the current version of the BIOS on the screen.
/ V - Show the checksum of the file with the new version of the BIOS on the screen.
The remaining actions when flashing AMI BIOS are similar to those performed when flashing Award BIOS. Only when rewriting a file with a new version of BIOS, remember that its expansion in this case must be ROM, such as New. ROM, and the created AUTOEXEC file. Bat must contain the following entry:
@echo offaminf. EXE NEW. ROM OLD. ROM / C / D / E / G / I / 1 / N / V
The flashing program will perform the following:
Save the old BIOS version to the OLD file. ROM;
will lead the log of events;
The program file name may differ from the specified one.
will not use a USB bus;
Display the checksums of the old and new versions of the BIOS;
Q Clean CMOS memory and ESCD table.
Prepare everything you need, download the computer from the floppy disks and expect the end of the flashing process.
If, after restarting the computer, there is nothing on the screen, and the hard disk indicator does not flash, it means that the BIOS flashing is over the failure and have to restore the BIOS.
Using BOOT BLOCK to restore BIOS
So, you decided to rebuild your BIOS with a newer version from the best motives, and she did not want it. As a result, the computer after switching on does not submit any signs of life: no messages or sound signals are nothing but flashing the power on LEDs. Do not be discouraged - it happens. Let's wonder how to do in such a situation.
If when flashing the BIOS did not affect BOOT BLOCK memory, then the "cure" BIOS is quite easy. To do this, at least you need to have an old version of the BIOS, which you had to keep before flashing. Next, it all depends on the BIOS manufacturer.
The only unpleasant moment of using Boot Block is that not all versions of BIOS support the output to the video cards installed in PCI or, especially the AGP slot. If your BIOS does not support the output to these slots, you will have to restore it blindly, that is, to do something and not see the result until the computer reboots.

Any computer equipment and software, as you know, stirrelines over time and ceases to meet relevant requirements. Equally, this is worn to primary BIOS / UEFI systems, the software of which is integrated into a special chip on the motherboard. When installing new equipment ("iron"), it may sometimes be necessary to flash the bios. On a laptop, there will be such a procedure on a stationary computer terminal, it does not matter. The technology is almost always the same. Some users unfamiliar with the azami such techniques are considered (and harmoniously) that this process is unsafe and difficult. If you can agree with the first statement, you can argue about the second. In fact, flashing Bios motherboard - it's not so troublesome. But for the correct implementation of such a procedure, special attention should be paid to some important details and nuances, which depends on the system board manufacturer and used to flash programs and techniques.

What is needed by flashing bios?

In general, if not planned, and the entire system works stably, to update the BIOS version in principle no sense.

But when the new equipment is installed on the computer, which is not supported by the primary system only because of its obsolescence (the BIOS device simply does not recognize), the BIOS flashing becomes the problem of the pressing. Although many users consider this process difficult, nevertheless, any person working with a computer will be able to perform such actions independently. It will take it no more than 10 minutes.

Refracting Bios Motherboard: Mandatory Conditions

To begin with, pay attention to several mandatory conditions, the non-compliance of which can lead to disastrous consequences.

Download files and programs to update primary systems should only be with the official resources of motherboard manufacturers. In the event of an unofficial firmware, the warranty that the process is successful, and the system will then work as expected, no one can give.

The second thing to pay attention to is during the update. Take care that there are no voltage jumps or a spontaneous disconnection of a computer or a laptop from the power grid, you need to in advance.

General rules for updating all firmware

BIOS flashing is almost for all Motherboard models implies the use of the same scheme:

  • creating a boot drive (USB device only);
  • installation of firmware;
  • For standard BIOS systems in most cases, DOS mode is used. However, for some BIOS versions, as well as for more modern UEFI systems, a special program for flashing bios, created by the motherboard manufacturer, which is capable of running even in the Windows operating system environment without mandatoryly creating a bootable carrier.

    How to find out the modification of motherboard and the current version of the BIOS?

    The very first thing to be done is to determine which model of the motherboard is installed in the computer system, as well as find out the version of the primary BIOS system (perhaps it is currently relevant and does not need to be updated).

    You can view information about the board and version of the BIOS in the section that is called from the Console "Run" by the MSINFO32 command.

    For the motherboard, you can use specialized utilities like CPU-Z (former Everest). For a device defined in this way, on the manufacturer's website, you need to find the latest firmware and save files on the hard disk.

    Preparation of bootable carrier (general technique)

    In the case of using the bootable media when the update from under Windows is not provided, it must be created at the first stage. Normal recording of downloaded files will not fit.

    To simplify the work, you can use the utility RUFUS, which is very simple in mastering and creates a bootable flash drive for a pair of minutes. Not needless to change parameters. Only in the file system, you should specify FAT32, and in the recording method, use the MS-DOS mode, be sure to check the check box next to the creation of the bootable media. If this is not done, then when you re-load the device as the boot will not be recognized. Then, to install the update in some cases, you will need to additionally copy the control program to the media and the firmware file.

    Next, the BIOS update process with examples for maternal cards of several well-known manufacturers will be considered. Although in general, among themselves, they are very similar, nevertheless there are nuances in each of them. We assume that the priority in the BIOS settings is already installed.


    Refracting Bios Asus can be made in several ways. Among preferred utilities it is worth highlighting two programs - AFUDOS and ASUSTEK EZ FLASH 2.

    When using the first utility, you should create a bootable media and pay attention to the AFUDOS.EXE program file and firmware itself (for example, P4C800B.ROM).

    Refracting Bios Asus looks as follows. Loading from the flash drive. Since the carrier was recorded for the DOS mode, the initial line C: \\\u003e will appear on the black screen, in which you need to register the / i P4C800B.ROM command and press the input key. Upon completion of the update, a reboot will be restarted, during which you just need to extract the media from the USB port to start the system from the hard disk.

    Refracting Bios The ASUS motherboard when using the second utility is somewhat different from the previous version.

    Despite the fact that most of the firmware on the official ASUS website have an extension .Rom, sometimes CAB files can occur. There is nothing terrible in this, since they are used for UEFI systems.

    To firmware, enter the UEFI settings when rebooting, go to Advanced Mode mode and in the Tool section of the Tool Select the ASUSTEK EZ Flash 2. Next, select the media with the program again, after the list What to the right will be the desired firmware file. We choose it and agree twice with a warning (first to check the file, then for the start of the firmware process).

    At the end of the process, a reboot notification will appear, and at the beginning of the re-start a proposal for initial configuration will be issued. Click F1 and set the desired parameters. Otherwise, just come out of the settings without saving changes.


    Refracting BIOS GIGABYTE systems differs from other processes strongly. First of all, this is due to the fact that you can use an online update to install the firmware. But first consider the use of the Q-Flash utility, which is considered to update the firmware best.

    First, you should enter the BIOS settings and use the reset option of all Load Optimized Default settings. After that, you need to save changes, restart the computer and log in to the BIOS settings. Next, the F8 key is pressed to start the Q-FLASH utility, and the start is confirmed by pressing the Y and ENTER keys. To begin with, it is recommended to save the current version by the Save BIOS option, after which you need to use Update BIOS. Next, a request to specify the source from which you want to update are followed. As a media, select HDD 2.0 (this is exactly the flash drive is displayed in the settings). Further, everything, as usual: Select the firmware file present on the media and agree with all warnings.

    For Internet update, you can use the @BIOS utility specifically developed by the Gigabyte specialists, which runs in the Windows environment. In this case, it is strongly recommended to disable Hyper-Threading mode in the primary system settings, as well as deactivate antivirus and other resident applications to avoid errors or failures in the update process.

    After starting the program, you can immediately save the current version of the BIOS by clicking on the Save Current BIOS button, and then select Online Update Update Mode Update, click Update New BIOS and specify one of the servers present in the list. After that, it will be proposed to specify the model of the installed motherboard, and the program will automatically load all the necessary components and activates the update process.


    Refracting BIOS MSI, as in the case of ASUS, can be manufactured either from under Windows or from under DOS. For the DOS mode, the "enshrined" tool called BIOS-MFLASH is used. But the MSI Live Update 5 or 6 application can also be applied as an initial control utility 5. It is noteworthy that it is still possible to update all installed MSI drivers, as well as reflash the BIOS of the corresponding graphics accelerators. From him and let's start.

    In the main window, you just need to install ticks on the necessary items. Select the MB BIOS component and press the scan button below (SCAN). If the new firmware version is detected, we use the Download and Install button, after which the update process starts.

    First you need to select the update environment. To simplify the case, mark the in Windows Mode, in the next window we click the closure button of all programs that will appear in the list (Close All Listed Programs), click the continuation button (Next) and in the next window press the start button.

    For the DOS mode, select it from the window of the running update process, after which you specify the media and agree with the destruction of all the data present on it (the process will take no more than a minute, after which a message will be issued to successfully create a bootable drive). When rebooting will remain only follow the instructions of a kind of "master".

    In the event of an update, using the built-in MFLASH mechanism, you will have to download the firmware manually, create a bootable media and produce the same actions in the BIOS, as described above (the media and firmware file are selected in the tool menu).


    Refracting bios Acer systems is surprisingly produced much easier. Even the bootable carrier is not necessary, although it is still necessary to format it in FAT32.

    A special utility called Insyde Flash is used to install the update, which is copied to the removable media. Simultaneously in the primary directory of the program on the flash drive, you need to copy the firmware file downloaded from the official site, having an extension. FD and corresponding not only to the motherboard, but also the laptop model. Please note that only one firmware file must be contained on the device, otherwise the application will give a proposal for flashing only one of several. After starting the utility when the power is turned on, the update setting proposal will be issued immediately.

    The second way is as simple. First you need to completely turn off the laptop, pull the cord from the outlet and wait for the moment when the power indicator will stop flashing. Next, we turn on the cord into the socket, insert the USB flash drive to the appropriate port, clamp the FN and ESC keys and press the power button. Once the indicator starts flashing, let go of the clamping keys. After that, reading information from the drive will begin (this can be noted on the flashing of the LED on the device itself). At the end of the update process, the laptop will restart independently.

    Video card

    As the dominant video cards are GeForce and Radeon, the BIOS flashing will be considered on their example.

    At the initial stage, for your card on the manufacturer's website you need to download a new firmware and management programs. If there are several video cards in the system, you need to leave only one to the update time, inserting it into the PCI-Express slot.

    For GeForce cards, the NVFlash program is used (from two files), for Radeon - the Atiflash utility (one file). Next, you need to create a boot USB media for the DOS mode, and then copy programs and firmware files to it.

    When starting from the flash drive, make sure that the card is single-processor, otherwise the proposed method will not work. For NVIDIA, the NVFLASH --List command is used for ATI - atiflash -i. If information is issued on two cards, then the adapter has two processors, and the proposed firmware method cannot be used (it is better to refer to the manufacturer's site and find the instruction there).

    At the next stage, flashing bios GEFORCE video cards assumes disabling protection. This is done by a string NVFlash -Protectoff.

    Further, the NVFlash -4 -5 -6 newbios.rom command is used to start the GEFORCE card update process (the name of the ROM file must match the name of the downloaded firmware), for Radeon cards - atiflash -p -f 0 newbios.rom. After that, we are waiting for the completion of the process and overload the system in normal mode.

    Brief results

    That's all that concerns flashing primary I / O systems. Based on the foregoing, it can be concluded that the optimal option is to install the update exclusively in DOS mode, although special utilities can be used to simplify operation. But they only work in the case of the presence of UEFI systems, and for standard versions of Bios are not suitable. With video cards you need to be extremely careful, since the improper installation of update or the slightest disorders in the process of flashing can lead to the fact that the graphics adapter fails.

    BIOS microcircuit firmware W25q64. Type. For motherboard ASRock h110m-DGS.

    Since all budget mothers on the H110 chipset are supplied with "old" bios and with new Intel processors, just a black screen.
    There are 2 ways to be updated:
    - Install the processor on Skylake and flash the latest version.
    - Sat the chip and flash using the programmer.

    Chicken microcircuit, so I decided to hurt :)

    Bought a programmer CH343A. 3 $ 100 UAH (shop near the house)
    I wanted a donor chip for experiments, but in my DIP8 was not. Therefore, he took the native experiment.
    Software CH341PROG.
    Compilation in the folder with a unpacked archive MAKE I needed another sudo apt install libusb-1.0-0-dev

    I installed a chip in the clamp (according to the circuit on the board), it snapped the block by the retainer.
    Connected to USB port.
    What do we have sudo ./ch341prog -i

    Manufacturer ID: EF
    MEMORY TYPE: 4017

    Capacity: 17.

    Firmware Dump (Safety) Sudo ./ch341Prog -r ./dump-defolt-bios bin extension can not be put
    Cleaning (people say that it is not needed, but ..) sudo ./ch341prog -e

    Expand / fold hidden text.

    Device Reported Its Revision
    Manufacturer ID: EF
    MEMORY TYPE: 4017
    No CFI Structure Found, trying to get Capacity from Device ID. SET MANUALLY IF Detection Fails.
    Capacity: 17.
    Chip Capacity IS 8388608 Bytes
    ...................... Chip Erase Done!

    Actually final step. Pouring dump downloaded from the official site sudo ./ch341prog -w ./h11mdgs7.30

    Expand / fold hidden text.

    Device Reported Its Revision
    Manufacturer ID: EF
    MEMORY TYPE: 4017
    No CFI Structure Found, trying to get Capacity from Device ID. SET MANUALLY IF Detection Fails.
    Capacity: 17.
    Chip Capacity IS 8388608 Bytes
    Write Started!

    Write OK! Try to Verify ... Read Started!

    Write Completed SuccessFully.

    Well, that's all you need for firmware under Linux

    A few moments.
    Unnecessary cut into the hash editor either 2kb n ns 4kb!
    If Flash is downloaded, then what is it, so and pour.
    Exception - Patched Bios (although) and moving under Windows Instaliblies.

    Immediately about the question of the service center. 10 days and 2 hikes with queue - not in a buzz, well, quite.

    I wanted to get experience and at the same time compared as it is on Linux. At my request to Windows HP, it fell and no longer rose. Toli Kakashka's controller, Vinda Toli (both of them) - in general there was no way. Although the car is used directly for firmware of different devices.

    Lack of functional
    - No hash editor
    -No reconciliation two hash tables

    In the dry residue one single line. sudo ./ch341Prog -w ./h11mdgs7.30