How much is the call to the satellite phone. How to make a mobile phone to the satellite telephone for free

Main Mobile Purpose satellite communications - provision of high-quality telephony services outside the coverage of cellular operators.

Iridium is the first in the world global system Satellite communications that works anywhere in the world, including the areas of the South and North Poles. Satellite communication system Iridium (Iridium) has a number of advantages:

  • coverage area - the whole territory of the globe
  • low tariff plans
  • the possibility of switching between satellite and cellular communications automatically
  • low cost of services and telephone sets
  • free incoming calls

Tariffs for mobile satellite communications Iridium on site Russian Federation

Name of voucher


Number of minutes

Price with VAT

Electronic voucher for 150 minutes

Electronic voucher for 250 minutes

6 months

NEW! Electronic voucher for 250 minutes
Only on the territory of the Russian Federation!

Electronic voucher for 600 minutes
Only on the territory of the Russian Federation!

Electronic voucher for 5000 minutes
Only on the territory of the Russian Federation!

Extending the term

* For the purposes of electronic vouchers 250 minutes, 600 minutes and 5000 minutes "only on the territory of the Russian Federation": under the territory of the Russian Federation only the land territory of Russia and inland water is understood. Not included in the territory of the voucher either sea territory, no marine zones (200-mile economic zone, 12-mile zone, etc.). Also, air and sea vessels, the territory of embassies and representative offices abroad and other similar territories outside the land territory of the Russian Federation are also included. The service and quality of communication are not guaranteed within 12 km from the indicated boundaries of the land territory of the Russian Federation, due to the error of satellite positioning. For use in border areas and at sea it is necessary to use other tariff plans.


Price with VAT

Monthly subscription fee

Tariff 25 min, monthly subscription fee **
Includes a monthly 25 minutes of outgoing conversations on the PSTN network and on the Iridium network for free

Removal Repair Fee *


ISU-ISU calls (from Iridium Iridium Terminal)

ISU-SAT call (C Terminal Iridium on the terminal of another satellite communication system)

ISU-ISU Data Transfer (C Terminal Iridium on Terminal Iridium)

Outgoing SMS.

Incoming SMS.

* Initial activation is free. If the SIM card is deactivated for any reason, the re-activation is charged. After deactivation, the Customer can reactivate the sim card with the preservation of MSISDN numbers only during the first 60 days.

** The estimated period is the calendar month, the minutes entering the package are not transferred to the next billing period. When connected in the middle of the month, the subscription fee and the number of minutes included in the package are recalculated in proportion to the number of days of using the tariff plan (with rounding to kopecks and up to 20 seconds to the biggest). When the tariff plan is turned off, the subscription fee is charged for a full month, including if the shutdown occurred in the middle of the month.

POSTPAID tariffs - 6 months.

Service / Call View

Price, in rubles with VAT

Without discount

With discount

less than 6 months

more than 6 months

Tariff connection fee

Cost minute:

ISU-PSTN calls (from the Iridium terminal
on public network)

Iridium on the terminal Iridium)

Outgoing SMS.

Incoming SMS.

1 Iridium provides a discount in the subscription board when using a SIM card from 6 months. For customer convenience, the subscription fee when connected is charged in the amount of 2,800 rubles. Monthly, in the event of a SIM card deactivation before the expiration of 6 months, the subscription fee is recalculated without taking into account the discount at the rate of 11 200 rubles. per month.

POSTPAID25 tariffs - 6 months.

Monthly subscription fee for access
In the international satellite communication system Iridium 1

Tariff connection fee

SIM card reactivation fee

Number included in the subscriber
feet minutes per month

Cost minute:

ISU-PSTN calls (from the Iridium terminal
on public network)

ISU-ISU calls (inside the network from the terminal
Iridium on the terminal Iridium)

ISU-SAT calls (from the Iridium terminal
On the terminal of another satellite communication system) 3

ISU-ISU data transfer (from the terminal
Iridium on the terminal Iridium)

Outgoing SMS.

Incoming SMS.

1 Iridium provides a discount in the subscription board when using a SIM card from 6 months. For customer convenience, the subscription fee is charged at a rate of 3,700 rubles. Monthly, in the case of the diaratage of the SIM card before the expiration of 6 months, the subscription fee is recalculated without taking into account the discount at the rate of 14,800 rubles. per month.

2 includes calls from the Eridium terminal to the public network (ISU-PSTN) and calls within the network (ISU-ISU) on one subscriber SIM card. The estimated period is the calendar month, minutes included in the package are not transferred to the next billing period. When connected in the middle of the month, the subscription fee and the number of minutes included in the package are recalculated in proportion to the number of days of using the tariff plan (with rounding to kopecks and up to 20 seconds). When the tariff plan is turned off, the subscription fee is charged in proportion to the number of days.

3 ISU-SAT calls are not included in the package of minutes and are charged from the 1st minute.

Download Iridium Tariffs

Tariffs for mobile satellite communications Thuraya in the Russian Federation.

Thuraya is a satellite operator that provides a service for 35% of the territory of the globe. Services implemented in this system: satellite and GSM tubes, as well as satellite payphones. Inexpensive mobile communication for freedom of communication and movement.

Satellite communication system Turaya (Thuraya) has the following advantages:

  • compact size;
  • the ability to switch between satellite and cellular communications automatically;
  • low cost of services and telephone devices;
  • free incoming calls.

Tarispension is performed compensated.
Throughout the territory of the Russian Federation, there is a single tariff plan "Simple-2014".
There is the possibility of connecting "Packets minutes" to the "Simple-2014" tariff plan, which operate on the city and cellular rooms of the Russian Federation, as well as the GTNT and Thuraya rooms.

Tariff plan


Connection fee

Package Service Package

Subscription fee per month

Cost 1 minute of outgoing traffic in Russia

Cost 1 minute of outgoing traffic on Thuraya satellite phones

Cost 1 minute of outgoing traffic on Thuraya GTNT satellite phones (+ 7954101xxxx)


Cost 1 minute of incoming traffic

Outgoing SMS.

Incoming SMS.

Data transfer for 10 KB

Payment for voluntary blocking (one-time) 1

Payment for voluntary unlocking (one-time) 1

Rates for international communication 2

All prices are in C.E., 1 cu \u003d 75 rubles C VAT.



Baltic States and CIS

Asia and Middle East

America (North and South America, except US and Canada)

USA and Canada

Australia and Oceania

Other Satellite Communication Systems (except Thuraya)

Tariffs for additional services

All prices are in C.E., 1 cu \u003d 75 rubles C VAT.

Name additional services


Changing the owner or name of the owner, reissuing the contract

Changing previous tariff plans for "Easy-2014" (for 1 number)

Re-connection after forced locking 3

Account detail (one-time)

Account details (per month)

Sending an account or detail of a fax account (for one page)

Sending an E-mail account

Re-sending an account or detail of an E-mail account

Repeated account

Choose the "golden" number at the request of the subscriber

1 Management of this service occurs through personal Area Subscriber on the site or
2 Calls with Thuraya GTNT from the territory of Russia abroad.
3 fees are charged if 30 days have passed since the establishment of forced blocking.

Rules of the number of the number and the procedure for making calls.

If you need to call satellite phoneFirst of all, you should know, the services of which satellite telecom operator uses the person with whom it is necessary to contact. On the this moment Four providers are presented on the Russian satellite market: Thuaraya, Iridium, Inmarsat, Globalstar. Each operators have their own codes and ways of making calls, but some common features are traced from everyone.

In order to call the satellite phone holder, you must first find out the tariffs outgoing call Your telecom operator so that the invoice for services is not surprising. At the moment the price of a minute of conversation can be up to 300 rubles.

When calling from a stationary phone, a set of satellite number is performed almost the same as when calling abroad, standard scheme, Only instead of the code of the country and the city enters the satellite code of the provider:

8 - 10 - (satellite code) - subscriber number

If you need to call satellite from the phone GSM network, then some satellite telecom operators have a set through +8 It is necessary, the other provide connection only when the satellite number is set. Variations of the satellite phone number when calling with cell phone Presented B. summary table below.

The call from the satellite phone to the cellular or TSOP phone is carried out in all operators almost the same.

00 / + - (country code) - (city code) - (subscriber number)

In the summary table you will find information about which operators should be recruited "00", and which «+» .

Tariffing a call to a satellite phone or from it begins on the first second of the connection. When signing the contract of satellite communications services, in the tariff grid, information about how and with which the interval is rounding the conversation time.

Summary Number Set Table

Features of calling with different satellite telecom operators.


To make a call to the phone Iridium. From the smartphone, first of all it is necessary to be a subscriber of one of the operators mobile communications. If the call is carried out from a homeproof phone, then it is important that the operator international relationship was "Rostelecom" and a contract was concluded on individual. It is necessary that the caller has access to international communication services.

Call to satellite phones Iridium. It is not always possible to make from a landline phone using the standard input of the satellite code. In this case, you need to call the number + 1 480 768 2500 And follow the instructions for the connection. Such a call will be implemented through an American telephone gateway with the need to enter the PIN code (4 last digits of the SIM card number) in tonal mode.


Usually calls to devices connected to satellite provider Inmarsat. are carried out with the mandatory introduction of the PIN code. Following the dialing number you need to enter an individual PIN in a tonal mode, only after that there will be a connection to the satellite subscriber Inmarsat.. Each satellite phone of this operator is configured to work with one of four satellites, so when entering the number, the code of a specific satellite is specified. If the satellite code calves is not known, then you can use the general code Inmarsat - 870..

When a call from a cell phone, the PIN code may not be required - it depends on the GSM operator. If the ringing enters PIN, then the call is set to the satellite communication subscriber, if not, then pays the call the owner of the cell phone.

If the international communication services operator TSOP does not provide, then Inmarsat. You can call this: you first need to dial the number 967 12 44, then translate the phone to the tone mode, dial the satellite code, the subscriber number and the PIN.

Inmarsat satellite codes

  • West Atlantic Satellite - AORW - 874
  • Indookean satellite - IOR - 873
  • Pacific satellite - Por - 872
  • East Atlantic Satellite - Aore - 871


Satellite connection Thuraya. One of the simplest, if we talk about the implementation of calls. The principles of the dialing of the number are presented in the consolidated table and have no exceptions. If in the device Thuraya. A mobile operator's SIM card is inserted, then the calls will be exactly the same as if it was a phone of any of the GSM networks.


Communication provider Globalstar, just like Thuaraya., It has simple system Dialing the number when calling both on a satellite phone and from it. Perhaps the only feature is the need to recruit +7 instead 8 If the call is carried out from a cell phone from abroad.

The company's online store presents a wide range of satellite equipment, as well as satellite operators tariffs Iridium, Inmarsat, Thuraya, Globalstar. When buying a satellite phone, you can immediately choose a satellite communications rate and conclude a service agreement. Specialists "MARINEK" Consult you when choosing an equipment and select the optimal tariff plan.

Frequently asked questions on satellite communications

Satellite phones Iridium.

- How to call from satellite phone Iridium?

Regardless of your location, the call from the satellite phone Iridium is always performed as follows:

+ [country code] [city code] [phone number]

- How to call an iridium satellite phone?

Call on satellite phone Iridium from some Russian mobile networks cellular communication, as well as from abroad:

+ [8 8 1 6] [satellite number]

Unfortunately, from Russian public telephone networks, it is impossible to call an iridium using international Code. Iridium + 8816. Calls to Iridium satellite phones from Russia are carried out through a telephone gateway located in the USA. Dial the number + 1 4 ... and follow the instructions of the system. You will be asked to enter the Iridium subscriber number in the tonal mode, as well as the PIN.

- How are calling calls in the satellite network Iridium?

When talking on satellite telephone, the iridium rounding the conversation time occurs up to 1 minute to the biggest. Tariffing calls starts from the installation of the connection.

- How can I locate the satellite phone Iridium and with what accuracy?

The satellite telephone Iridium does not have built-in navigation tools (such as telephone tour). Therefore, the owner of the phone Iridium information about its location is not available.

- What external devices can I connect an iridium to satellite phone?

You can connect a computer with a special adapter to the Iridium satellite telephone.

Satellite phones inmarsat.

- How to call from the Samarcat satellite phone?

Calls from satellite phones Inmarsat Mini M or Inmarsat M4, supporting satellite telephone communicationAlways carried out the same way:

[0 0] [country code] [city code] [phone number] [#]

0 0 7 4 9 5 7 8 2 1 8 8 8 [#]

If you are calling at another satellite phone inmarsat, then the form of the number dialing will be next:

[8 7 0] [satellite phone number inmarsat] [#]

- How to call the Samarcat satellite?

The procedure for setting the number in this case depends on where you call on the phone of Inmarsat:

Call to satellite phone Inmarsat from a cell phone.

In general, the number set form is the following:

+ [satellite phone number]

Depending on the cellular network and on the type of your contract with the cellular operator, the calls to the satellite phones of the Inmarsat can be carried out both by the PIN code, and without it (see also the previous item). If after dialing the number you will be requested by the PIN code and you enter it, the owner of the PIN code will be invoiced for incoming call On the satellite phone inmarsat. If yours mobile operator Connect you without a PIN code, then the operator will put your account for such a call, and for the owner of the satellite phone this call will be free.

Wait for the response of the called terminal.

(There is a feature - you can first hear the call signal, and then the signal is busy. This means that the terminal is busy).

With some commercial telephone networks, calls to satellite telephones can be carried out differently. We advise you to contact your telephone service provider.

- How is the calls for calls to the Samarcat satellite network?

When charging the satellite communications services in Marsat the dependence of the value of the conversation from its durability.

Minimum call duration: 15 sec.

Ringing the duration of the call: 15 seconds.

Connections lasting less than 3 seconds are not charged.

- Does the confidentiality of communication preserves when calls from Samarcat satellite phones?

If you are an inmarsat subscriber, then the full confidentiality of communication can be guaranteed when calling from one satellite phone to another. With this scenario, the signal does not pass through Russian ground-based networks, since all pairing stations are abroad. When the connection between satellite and conventional wired (or cellular) telephone is established, the conversation can be intercepted by the attackers connected to the ground telephone networks. To ensure the confidentiality of the call in this case, you can only with the help of a special encryption device - a scrambler.

- What accuracy is the location of the Samarcat satellite phone?

Satellite location phones mini m And the M4 network of Inmarsat can only be determined up to the continent. Those. It can be said, for example, that satellite phone with a number is in Europe, or in South Africa. This information is available only to the technical staff of the InMarsat coastal earth stations (located abroad) and is not subject to disclosure. Inmarsat network also exists user equipment with a built-in GPS navigation satellite signals. For example, the equipment of the Inmarsat-C, which does not support telephone communications and is intended to build dispatch control systems. The location of the Inmarsat-C terminal can be determined with an accuracy of 20 - 100 meters.

- What kind additional devices Can I connect to my satellite phone inmarsat?

You can connect to household satellite phones. personal computers For data transfer and Internet access, fax machines, as well as ordinary external phones or radiotelephones.

Turay satellite phones - Thuraya.

- How to call Thuraya satellite phone?

Regardless of your location, the call from the satellite telephone tour is as follows: + [country code] [city code] [phone number]

- How to call Thuraya satellite telephone?

The call to the satellite telephone tour of the tour from some Russian cellular networks, as well as from abroad: + [8 8 2 1 6] [satellite number]

Unfortunately, with Russian public telephone networks, call the Turay satellite telephone is still impossible. Please note that if instead of the Thuraya satellite SIM card you installed the GSM SIM card in your satellite phone, your subscriber number will change.

- How are the calls in the Thuraya satellite network charge?

When talking on the Thuraya satellite phone, rounding the conversation time occurs up to 1 minute to the biggest. Tariffing calls starts from the installation of the connection.

- How can you determine the location of the Thuraya satellite phone and with what accuracy?

Thuraya satellite telephone has a built-in navigation GPS receiver, which makes it possible to determine its coordinates with an accuracy of 20 to 100 m. This information is available for Thuraya ground stations personnel, since it is necessary for the correct tariffing of satellite calls. Thuraya satellite telephone owner can see its coordinates on the display of the satellite phone.

- What external devices can I add to Thuraya satellite phones?

Both portable phone satellite phones allow you to connect computers through a serial COM interface.

- Procedure for Unlocking PIN Phone Code Iridium Motorola 9505A (9505,9500)

- Procedure unlock SIM. Inmarsat cards for WORLD PNONE phone

1. Enable

2. Enter PUK.

3. Press OK

4. Wait (up to 1 minute)

5. Now you have PIN code 1234

Reprogramming PIN SIM Card Inmarsat Card for For World Pnone Phone

1. Press the MENU key

2. Select level 002 \u003d Set Access Level

3. Press the SELECT key

4. Press the Edit key.

5. Dial the old PIN code (default 0000)

6. Dial the new PIN code.

7. Press the OK key

8. Repeat the new PIN code

9. Press the OK key

Calls from satellite phones Inmarsat Mini M or Inmarsat M4, supporting satellite telephony, are always equally carried out:

[0 0] [country code] [city code] [phone number] [#]

0 0 7 4 9 5 7 8 2 1 8 8 8 [#]

If you are calling at another satellite phone inmarsat, then the form of the number dialing will be next:

[8 7 0] [satellite phone number inmarsat] [#]

- How to call the Samarcat satellite?

The procedure for setting the number in this case depends on where you call on the phone of Inmarsat:

Call to satellite phone Inmarsat from a cell phone.

In general, the number set form is the following:

+ [satellite phone number]

Depending on the cellular network and on the type of your contract with the cellular operator, the calls to the satellite phones of the Inmarsat can be carried out both by the PIN code, and without it (see also the previous item). If after dialing the number you will be requested by the PIN code and you will enter it, the owner of the PIN code will be invoiced for an incoming call to the satellite phone inmarsat. If your cellular operator connects you without a PIN code, then the operator will put your account for such a call, and for the owner of the satellite phone, this call will be free.

Wait for the response of the called terminal.

(There is a feature - you can first hear the call signal, and then the signal is busy. This means that the terminal is busy).

With some commercial telephone networks, calls to satellite telephones can be carried out differently. We advise you to contact your telephone service provider.

- How is the calls for calls to the Samarcat satellite network?

When charging the satellite communications services in Marsat the dependence of the value of the conversation from its durability.

Minimum call duration: 15 sec.

Ringing the duration of the call: 15 seconds.

Connections lasting less than 3 seconds are not charged.

- Does the confidentiality of communication preserves when calls from Samarcat satellite phones?

If you are an inmarsat subscriber, then the full confidentiality of communication can be guaranteed when calling from one satellite phone to another. With this scenario, the signal does not pass through Russian ground-based networks, since all pairing stations are abroad. When the connection between satellite and conventional wired (or cellular) telephone is established, the conversation can be intercepted by intruders connected to ground telephone networks. To ensure the confidentiality of the call in this case, you can only with the help of a special encryption device - a scrambler.

- What accuracy can be located in Marsat satellite phone?

The location of satellite telephones Mini M and M4 network of Inmarsat can only be determined up to the continent. Those. It can be said, for example, that satellite phone with a number is in Europe, or in South Africa. This information is available only to the technical staff of the InMarsat coastal earth stations (located abroad) and is not subject to disclosure. Inmarsat network also exists user equipment with a built-in GPS navigation satellite signals. For example, the equipment of the Inmarsat-C, which does not support telephone communications and is intended to build dispatch control systems. The location of the Inmarsat-C terminal can be determined with an accuracy of 20 - 100 meters.

- What additional devices can I connect to my satellite phone inmarsat?

Satellite phones can connect personal computers for data transmission and Internet access, fax machines, as well as regular external phones or radiotelephones + smartphones.

- LLC Open Mobile System

In connection with requests for the clarification of the legal framework and legality of the provision of mobile satellite communications services with the licensed Russian national operator "Open Mobile System", we inform the following:

The decision of the GCRH of 12.02.2007 No. 07-19-05-015 (taking into account changes made by the decision of the GCRH of 19.03.2009 No. 09-02-2 / 184) the OMSI operator highlighted radio frequency bands in the range of 1.5-1.6 GHz to implement the National Program creating a mobile satellite communication system "Marathon-M", for the purpose of designing and construction of the Marathon-M PSS network with ka at the point at GSO 90.5 ° V.D.;

Open Mobile System (OMSI) LLC has a license N 102983 of 05.09.2012 for the provision of mobile satellite radio services issued by the Federal Service for Communication Supervision, information technologies and mass communications;

Based on the decision N 74215 of 08.11.2012, the Federal Agency of Communications on allocating the numbering resource of a unified telecommunication network of the Russian Federation, Open Mobile System LLC received a range of Russian federal telephone numbers with a code zone code DEF \u003d 954. The Network Management Center and the CSPP Switch Center is located in Moscow, the Russian Federation;

Between Open Mobile System LLC and the International Satellite Communication Operator "Inmarsat Global Ltd." Agreement on the provision of satellite group resources for the Marathon-M network was signed;

The project of the communication node of the mobile radio telephone bond network LLC OMSI "The Marathon-M personal satellite system was a state examination. The communication network was commissioned by Roskomnadzor in the prescribed manner. A permitting act was obtained in the form of KS-14 on the launch of a communication network into commercial operation;

LLC "Mobility satellite system"And CJSC" MWS Telecom "concluded agency agreement on commercial distribution of the Marathon-M network services.

Based on the above licenses, acts, solutions and assignments of the relevant regulatory bodies of the Russian Federation, Mobile Satellite System LLC provides mobile satellite communications services using their own Russian SIM cards with Russian identification in the Marathon-M network, as well as on the basis of an agreement with Inmarsat Global Ltd. Provides the services of mobile satellite radio communications and broadband access on the technology of Inmarsat and serves the appropriate equipment in its network.

Based on the contract of commercial and settlement representation, as well as the power of attorney, CJSC "MWS Telecom" has the right to operator LLC "Open mobile systems»To enter into subscriber contracts and make calculations for rendered communication services.

Enter the subscriber number and the message no more than 160 characters in Latin letters (on english layout).

By email: Send emailcontaining no more than 160 characters in Latin letters (in English layout), to the address of the type of [email protected]

How to call on satellite phone iridium?

  • From a cell phone: +8816 - (satellite phone number: 8 digits).
  • From a city phone: 8 (beep) 10 8816 - (satellite phone number: 8 digits).

The call is possible if the phone from which the call is made, access to the international communication service. Always recognize the cost of calls to the satellite phone from your operator: the call can be charged at a very high cost.

How to check the ballast on the iRidium satellite phone?

1. Send an empty SMS message from the satellite phone to the number +2888 or 002888.
2. Dial from the satellite phone number "2888" and listen to information about the state of balance (in English).

How can I see my phone number on the SIM card?

Step 1 - Press the "MENU" button until the "Phone Book" section appears, then click "OK".

Step 2 - Press the "Menu" button until the "My Phone Number (S)" section appears, then click "OK".

Step 3 - Your phone number will be displayed on the phone display.

Step 4 - Press and hold "C" to exit the menu.

Note: If the list "My Phone Number (s)" is empty, then phone numbers Did not be programmed to your SIM card. Contact your service provider for more information.

How to send an email (e-mail) from the phone Iridium?

Create text message Next content:
- in the message Enter the address of the recipient email;
- After the email address, enter the space (| _ |).
- Then follow the message you would like to send.
Next in the recipient number field, enter + * 2, or 00 * 2, or 2.
Send your message.

How long does the message delivery to the satellite phone iRidium?

Message delivery time The iRidium subscriber depends on the size of the message and routing time. In most cases, the message is delivered in 7 minutes. Almost all messages are delivered in 15 minutes.

What indicates the light indication in the phone?

Red and greenflashing alternately: Incoming call.

Flashing green: Communication with the satellite is installed, you can make and accept calls.

Flashing yellow and green: The satellite is available, but the phone cannot register on the satellite network, you cannot perform outgoing calls and receive calls. You may be in a limited action zone and service in this region are not provided on your tariff Plan. Also, you should check whether the SIM card is inserted into the phone.

Flashing red: Service is unavailable.

What do messages on the display of my phone?

Blocked. - The number of attempts to enter the PUK code was exhausted. You should contact the service provider.

BLOCKED, CONTACT YOUR SUPPLIER - Please contact the service provider immediately.

Check card - This message means that the SIM card was incorrectly inserted into the phone or damaged.

- The phone has been blocked after the last use, enter the four-digit unlock code and click "OK".

ENTER PIN. - Enter 4-8 digit PIN code. If you forget the PIN code, you should contact the service provider.

ENTER PUK. - Please refer to the service provider to unlock your SIM card PUK code.

- Please turn off the power and check whether the SIM card is inserted into your phone correctly, then turn on the device again.

Registering- Your phone is recorded on the network, after registration, the recording will change to "registered".

- You will also hear sound signal When these messages appear. You should push the antenna and go to the open area.

Searching ... - The phone is trying to establish a connection to the satellite network.

How to unlock an iRidium SIM card after a three-time input of an incorrect PIN code?

Options for action that lead to blocking can be the most different - from elementary forgetfulness, to curiosity of unauthorized persons. And the result is always one - the card is blocked and the phone becomes inoperable.

If SIM is blocked and "BLOCKED" appeared on the display.

  • Turn on the phone and wait for BLOCKED inscription (blocked)
  • Press * * 0 5 *
  • Enter the eight-digit PUK1 unlock code and click
  • Enter the new PIN code and click

If you take ten times wrong when entering PUK1 code, then SIM Card Blocked forever, it will have to be replaced.
If SIM is blocked and "! Blocked" appeared on the display (with an exclamation mark ahead) the following should be done:

  • Turn on the phone and wait for the appearance of the inscription! Blocked (! Blocked)
  • Press * * 0 5 2 *
  • Enter the eight-digit PUK2 unlock code and click
  • Enter the new PIN code and click (ATTENTION! The new PIN should differ from the one that was used in the phone before blocking)
  • Repeat a new PIN code and click

If you rent a phone, PUK1 and PUK2 codes can be found out by contacting us. By default, when you take the phone, all security measures are disabled - the device does not ask any code to the phone nor PIN from the SIM card. If you accidentally turned on the PIN check, then the set code \u003d 1111.

If the device itself has been blocked, and you see the "ENTER PHONE UNLOCK Code" on the display, then try entering the code 1234 and press the button.

How to use batteries in satellite phones.

1. We remind you that the batteries are typing full capacity after several recharge cycles. The capacity of the batteries is reduced by increasing humidity, with a decrease in temperature, with long-term storage without recharging. Battery type - Li-IO. Batteries are not subject to the effect of "memory", so before charging them is not necessary to discharge.

2. Included with the deployed antenna phone is in standby mode. The discharge time in standby mode is just a few hours, see the instruction for the phone. The phone even with a folded antenna actively consumes energy, so it is not recommended to leave it turned on without recharging if you do not speak, or do not wait for the call.

3. It is recommended to charge the batteries only with the help of appropriate certified chargers included in the phone set. The design of the battery includes special stabilizing and protective chains under the control of the microcontroller, which may be damaged by non-standard charger.

4. Do not remove the battery from the phone turned on. Failure to comply with this requirement can lead to a breakdown. software Phone and, as a result, to its lock. Be careful in using the charger. Its connector can break while trying to insert the plug into the phone with the wrong side (top / bottom), or if you attach to the plug too much power.

5. With long-term phone storage, the battery must be recharged periodically. Otherwise it is possible to fail rechargeable battery. After a long storage, we recommend that you make several battery recharge control cycles to ensure that it has successfully survived long-term inaction.

Terms of use of satellite antennas

To register the phone in the satellite network, you must push satellite antenna. In addition, the satellite telephone requires an open sky. Registering the phone indoors, near the window - an atypical case, and can not be a guarantee of a reliable connection. The phone will be located in the satellite network until the satellite antenna is deployed (extended).

Fold the antenna to the same direction through which you have advanced it. Do not try to turn the antenna in the other direction, it will lead to her breakdown.

For convenience, we recommend purchasing car kits. Installing the phone in the autocomplekt will allow it to be unlimited in standby mode for a long time. And connecting to the radio telephone car complex (for example, DECT standard, through a special adapter) will make satellite communications as convenient as possible. Then you can use the phone both in the car and inside the building, next to which you will leave the car.

2019-01-11 - Starting satellites Iridium Next successfully completed

The company Iridium congratulates and thanks Spacex, Thales, regular partners and customers with whom a huge path before creating Iridium Next!

2018-12-21 - Iridium helps The Ocean Cleanup get rid of the ocean of world plastic

Earlier this year, The Ocean Cleanup became popular in the news and social networks Due to its ambitious goal: Reliable the world ocean from plastic garbage and carry out the largest cleaning of the ocean in history.

2018-12-20 - one million connected subscribers: Iridium® PTT changes the rules of the game in the Emergency Communication Market

To celebrate one million active subscribers, Iridium will tell the success stories in all markets that the company serves: Earth, Fleet, Aviation, Government. Full these stories and see the growing influence of Iridium at the level of persons, organizations and the whole world.

2018-12-15 - Iridium-7 satellites launched from the Vandenberg airbase

Iridium Communications, in collaboration with Spacex, launched 10 IRIDIUM® Next satellites on July 25. Spacex launched this seventh set of new satellites on its Falcon 9 rocket to low near-earth orbit. After their deployment in space, there are a total of 65 IRIDIUM NEXT satellites.

2018-12-10 - Iridium satellite communication corporation invites its users to participate in creating Iridium Next Launch 8 Spotify Playlist!

2018 was the Grand Year for Iridium. The company has more than a million active users, announced the Iridium CloudConnect project with Amazon Web Services, three commercial iRidium Next commercial satellites are launched, ready to start commercial service Iridium Certus ...