No BIOS signal when you turn on the computer. What do sound signals mean when you turn on the computer? Decoding bios signals

The sharp sounds of the speaker located on the computer's motherboard always scare us. And even more so forced to think about the private user of the PC, if they accompany the stopping load. To do this, I wrote an article about this, as it is importantly aware of the meaning of all these sounds when the computer is loaded, as they will help you determine the reason for stopping the download.

It is worth noting that with the definition of the cause, small problems may arise, since there is no standard for all manufacturers. There are at least three Standards: Award Bios, Ami Bios and Phoenix Bios. - And this is not counting the possibility of some manufacturers to establish your own standards.

Determine the type of BIOS on your motherboard will help the manufacturer's official website. We will analyze the standard Award Bios.Since they are more popular with work:

  • 1 short signal - with your computer everything is in order and it is ready for launch;
  • 2 short signals mean minor errors. The system will propose to enter the settings menu to correct the situation. With this signal, you should check the fastening of the loops to the motherboard and the hard disk;
  • 3 long signals - keyboard controller malfunction. If after rebooting the problem does not disappear, then it may be possible to change the motherboard;
  • 1 Long and 1 short signals - RAM problems. Check the boards for the motherboard, as well as the operation of each module separately. You can also check the operation of the system with other modules;
  • 1 Long and 2 short - problems with the video card. Get the board and insert anew, as well as check the monitor connection;
  • 1 Long and 3 short signals - problems with keyboard initialization. Check the keyboard connection reliability with motherboard. It is possible that your keyboard failed;
  • 1 Long and 9 short signals - Error reading data from CMOS - memory in which stored bIOS settings. Restart the computer if the problem remains, then in the case of supporting your flashing board, you can update it;
  • 1 Long repeating signal - error when installing memory modules. In most cases, it is solved by installing modules anew;
  • 1 Short repeating signal - a problem with the power supply. Often arises due to accumulated dust.

This article will also be useful for those who have:

  • sounds when you turn on the computer
  • sound signals when you turn on the computer
  • sound when you turn on the computer
  • three signals when turned on
  • signals when enabled
  • signals when loading a computer
  • computer sound signals
  • signal when enabled
  • when you turn on the computer
  • long beep when enabled

Hello everyone! Probably many of you have come across a situation where there is no signal on the monitor when the computer is turned on. With such a problem, any PC user may encounter. But what could be the reason that the display, when starting the system unit, remains dark? What to do in such cases? We'll figure out.

If, when you turn on your computer loads, out of normal sounds, the flashing red light bulb on the front panel indicates passing processes, but there is no image, the operating system will boot and the computer will work normally, only you cannot see this, as you can not use it. The reasons that may actually be quite a lot. Here are the main of them:

  • malfunction of the monitor itself;
  • there is no contact in the connecting connector of the video card with a monitor cable;
  • "Flew" bios;
  • rAM issues;
  • faulty video card;
  • faulty motherboard;
  • faulty computer power supply.

Consider how you can correct the position or reveal the breakdown in each of the cases at home.

Attention! All the following actions should be performed only if the system unit is disconnected from the power!

Faulty monitor

Unscrew the monitor plug screws from the connector that feeds the signal from the system unit video card, remove it. If the inscription caught fire on the screen: "No signal" (it can be in English), then everything is in order with the monitor. If he had burned down, he did not even show this inscription.

If you have the opportunity to try. The easiest way can this be done with using HDMI cable.

Problem with contacts in the connector

Actions are the same as in the first case. The connector comes from the video card to the monitor may be (in most cases) of three types: VGA (blue), DVI (white-gray or black) and HDMI (black). You can read more about connectors and other monitor characteristics.

Unscrew the connector screws, remove the plug, insert it back and turn it back. Turn on the computer. If not earned go on. Try insert the cable into another connector or apply an adapter. It may be possible to help the banal cable replacement, i.e. If possible, be sure to try another cord.

Perhaps we met just a loose connector, so put pressure on the plug and see if the result would be.

BIOS problem

Otherwise software For the motherboard is called bios. If problems arose with it, you can easily return the factory settings to him.

Somewhere in the area of \u200b\u200bthe video card slot (it happens above, it happens below - it depends on the peculiarities of the motherboard) there is a flat battery, from which the BIOS "feeds". If this battery has not changed (4 or more) for a long time, you can replace it at all. If the computer was purchased relatively recently, just press the contact, remove the "tablet" of the batteries from the connector.

To reset the settings, you can snatch the contacts (+ to -) or wait ten minutes. Then insert the battery back and start the computer. If the image appeared, the problem is eliminated. If there is still no signal to the monitor, then go further.

Problem with RAM

Slots (connectors, in Russian speaking) Modules (boards) of RAM are located, as a rule, to the right of the processor (massive square with radiator and fan). In any case, they will not confuse them with any other fees. This can be one module into several gigabytes, and maybe several 1 or 2 gigabytes.

Press the locks on both sides of the board, pulling it out of the connector. Clear Clean Contacts. For this, the usual student eraser will suit. Insert the module into place. Run the car. If the image appears, then the problem is eliminated. If not, it would be nice to try to replace the RAM to a new one. It can be bored with friends for a while. Otherwise, you do not make sure that you "normally" with you.

Easier when the boards are several. After driving and cleaned everything in turn, do not insert all over the place. Resect a non-working exclusion fee. Insert three, and then, in turn, change the boards. Inserted three, turned on the computer. Display does not work. Turn off the computer. They reset one, replaced another, turned on again. If the display will start displaying the display, the board that remains not connected, and is not working. It should be replaced with a new one.

In the end, try using another slot if the characteristics allow, since it is often the problem may be in it.

If everything is left unchanged and when the computer is turned on, the display remained the dummy, go further.

Fault video card

If the motherboard is built in the motherboard, then you are direct road in service center. You will not be able to check it. If it is separate, you can replace it to another. It happens that the built-in video module is low, and people acquire a separate, more powerful. Although sometimes it will be enough to walk along the contacts of the video card with a brush. There are cases that the problem lies in the axial dust.

Disconnect the monitor cable from the video card connector. Remove the video card from her slot. To do this, you will need to unscrew the fastening screw at the housing of the rear wall and press the clamp (plastic lock) with right side (Sometimes it may not be).

Then plug the connector from the cable to the monitor to the output of the built-in video card, which is usually higher. It is the same color and the same form. Run the computer. If the image appeared, the problem was in the removed video card.

Attention! If you do not pull an additional video card from the slot, and simply switch the monitor cable to the built-in, it does not work. The system will only start the built-in module when it does not recognize another video card in the slot!

On motherboards without a built-in video module, you can reveal a malfunction by replacing it to another. Also, as in the case of the built-in video card, if people do not suit the power of the video module and they buy more powerful. Replace it on the one that stood before. If the image went, your more powerful map "Caught". If the display is "silent", then the problem is glorial.


Motherboard or power supply can be identified only by passing the equipment to the center service. Of course, "Specam" will not be difficult to get a power supply on the side and try it, reconnecting all the connectors. But it is better to trust these procedures to real masters. But just never refer to the ads' masters! This is such a game. Write you soddoroga, and repair will be doubtful.

Well, on this I finish my article. I hope that she was useful for you and the information presented in it helped you cope with the problem. Do not forget to subscribe to my blog, as well as mine social networks. Good luck to you. Bye Bye!

Sincerely, Dmitry Kostin.

Each time, new inclusion personal computer Running automatic program POST self-test diagnostic (Power-On-Self-Test). On the "recorded" in the BIOS ROM. Good time of the day Dear friends, visitors, guests of the site and just familiar personality !!! In this small post, I would like to give some examples of tables with the decoding of PC signals.

To begin with, to use these tables you will need to learn the manufacturer of the BIOS of your motherboard. The manufacturer of BIOS find out sufficiently enough, it is necessary for the BIOS itself, (description below) and find the signature of the manufacturer.

A few words about the POST diagnostic program - this program Checks all the most important components of a personal computer, such as: CPU working capacity, CMOS, supporting motherboard chips, and of course produces a quick operational memory test. All this information about the performance of the PC, the computer produces a micro speaker in the form of a sound signal, (BIP).

If POST program successfully completed the diagnostics of the most important components of the computer and if the PC works in excellent condition, then you must hear one short beep(BIP) , after which the download will immediately begin operating system PC. If when the computer starts, an inoperable component will be detected, then the programPOST. immediately give a certain beep, (somewhat short or several long beeps)Thereby determines the detected error, respectively, the computer stops working.

How to enter B. BIOS Windows 7:

In order to enter the BIOS with Winows 7 or XP, we need to click defined key, or set of keys immediately after turning on the PC, respectively, before downloading the operating system of the computer.

Once you rebooted the computer, it is better to immediately press a definite key, or a set of keys, and preferably click it before entering the BIOS menu.

Keyboard combination options for the entry in the BIOS:

- F1

- F2.

- F10


- Ctrl + Alt + ESC

- Ctrl + Alt + Ins

- Ctrl + Alt

POST diagnostic program and computer sound signals:

Award BIOS:

Sound signals sequence Error description
1 short Successful Post.
2 short Multile errors were found.
On the monitor screen appears a proposal to enter the CMOS program Setup Utility. and correct the situation.
Check the reliability of the fastening of the loops in the connectors hard disk and motherboard.
3 long Keyboard controller error
1 short, 1 long RAM error (RAM)
1 long, 2 short Video card error
1 long, 3 short Error video memory
1 long, 9 short Error reading from ROM
Repeating short Problems with the power supply; Problems with RAM
Repeating long Problems with RAM
Repeating high-low frequency Problems with CPU.
Continuous Power supply problems


One short signal
Two short signals Error dough RAM
Three short signals RAM test error (first 64 kb)
Four short signals The motherboard is faulty, (system timer error)
Five short signals Faulty processor. Try to remove the processor and set it again, (if you are not afraid). If it does not help, then you need a replacement processor.
Six short signals Motherboard faulty, (keyboard controller error)
Seven short signals The motherboard is faulty, (virtual mode error). Try to restart the computer if it does not help, then only the replacement of the motherboard.
Eight short signals Faulty video adapter or video memory test error
Nine short signals Error control sum ROM BIOS.
Ten short signals Error writing to CMOS memory. You must "reset" the BIOSA memory, then doublech the two contacts located next to the battery (Clear CMOS), or remove the battery for 20 minutes by turning off the power cord. If it does not help you have to change the chip.
RAM errors. Try the memory strips reinstall.
(One long and two short), (one long and three short), (one long and eight short) signals Fault video card.

Dell BIOS:

One signal, pause, two signals Video card error. You need to check the video card connection
One signal, pause, two signals, pause, two signals, pause, three signals Error bIOS microcircuits
One signal, pause, three signals, pause, one signal, pause, one signal BIOS chip error
One signal, pause, three signals, pause, one signal, pause, three signals Keyboard faulty
One signal, pause, three signals, pause, three signals, pause, one signal
One signal, pause, three signals, pause, four signals, pause, one signal
One signal, pause, three signals, pause, four signals, pause, three signals Error checking RAM. It is worth checking the memory
One signal, pause, four signals, pause, one signal, pause, one signal error checking RAM. It is worth checking the memory



One short signal The processor is faulty
Two short signals (three short signals)
Four short signals Keyboard faulty
Five short signals Keyboard faulty
Six short signals The motherboard is faulty
Nine short signals BIOS microcircuit faulty
Ten short signals Timer microcircuit faulty
Eleven short signals The chipset driver is faulty
Twelve short signals Non-volatile memory power failure
One long signal DMA Controller Microcircuit Faulty (Channel 0)
DMA Controller Microcircuit Faulty (Channel 1)
Video adapter is faulty
One long and three short signals Fault memory video adapter
One long and four short signals Video adapter is faulty
One long and five short signals RAM faulty
One long and six short signals Errors loading vector interrupts in memory
One long and seven short signals Video equipment is deficient
One long and eight short signals Video memory is faulty


One long signal The POST error diagnostic program has not found, it works fine. All OK.
One long and one short signal Needless BIOS memory checksum. It is necessary to check the batteries
Two short signals Total error
One long and two short signals The video card is faulty. It is necessary to reinstall the video card
Seven signals AGP Map is faulty. It is necessary to reinstall the video card
One long (repeated) RAM faulty
One short and two long signals RAM faulty

Phoenix BIOS:

The signals of this BIOS go through short sound signals pause. For example - 1-2-1 ( 1 signal, pause, 2 signals, pause, 1 signal)

One signal, pause, one signal, pause, three signals An error occurred when accessing the BIOS memory
One signal, pause, one signal, pause, four signals Needless BIOS memory checks. It is necessary to check the batteries
One signal, pause, two signal, pause, one signal Motherboard faulty
One signal, pause, two signal, pause, two signals (one signal, pause, two signal, pause, three signals) DMA Controller Microcircuit Faulty
One signal, pause, four signal, pause, one signal Motherboard faulty
One signal, pause, four signal, pause, two signals RAM faulty
One signal, pause, four signal, pause, three signals Error system timer
One signal, pause, four signal, pause, four signals Fault of one of the I / O ports
Two signals, pause, one signal, pause, one signal, (two signals, pause, one signal, pause, two signals), (two signals, pause, one signal, pause, three signals), (two signals, pause, one signal, pause, four signals) RAM faulty
Two signals, pauses, two signals, pause, one signal, (two signals, pause, two signals, pause, two signals), (two signals, pause, two signals, pause, three signals), (two signals, pause, two Signal, pause, four signals) RAM faulty
Two signals, pauses, three signals, pause, one signal, (two signals, pause, three signals, pause, two signals), (two signals, pause, three signals, pause, three signals), (two signals, pause, three Signal, pause, four signals) RAM faulty
Two signals, pause, four signals, pause, one signal, (two signals, pause, four signals, pause, two signals), (two signals, pause, four signals, pause, three signals), (two signals, pause, four Signal, pause, four signals) RAM faulty
Three signals, pause, one signal, pause, one signal The second DMA channel is faulty
Three signals, pause, one signal, pause, two signals, (three signals, pause, one signal, pause, four signals) Channel DMA is faulty
Three signals, pause, two signals, pause, four signals Keyboard controller is faulty
Three signals, pause, three signals, pause, four signals Video memory faulty
Three signals, pause, four signals, pause, one signal Monitor is faulty
Three signals, pause, four signals, pause, two signals Malfunction Chip BIOS Video
Four signals, pause, two signals, pause, one signal System timer is faulty
Four signals, pause, two signals, pause, two signals Ending test
Four signals, pause, two signals, pause, three signals Keyboard controller is faulty
Four signals, pause, two signals, pause, four signals When switching to the protected mode, the processor fails
Four signals, pause, three signals, pause, one signal Error RAM
Four signals, pause, three signals, pause, two signals (four signals, pause, three signals, pause, three signals) Timer error
Four signals, pause, four signals, pause, one signal Fault serial port
Four signals, pause, four signals, pause, two signals Fault parallel port
Four signals, pause, four signals, pause, three signals Mathematical processor fault
Long repeating Motherboard faulty
Continuous Fan faulty (cooler) processor
Siren Video card faulty

Attention: Do not perceive this information as absolutely reliable, since the sound signals may change as new versions bios.. On this I finish this post, I hope it turned out to be useful.

Some users are interested in what the sounds that gives the computer when switching on or during operation. We decided to help, and below shows a list of signals and what they mean.
Award Bios.
- No signals - faulty or not connected to the motherboard power supply.
- Continuous signal - faulty power supply. Replacement required.
- 1 short signal - errors are not detected. Typical behavior of a working computer - the computer is loaded normally.
- 2 short signals - minor errors have been detected. A proposal appears on the monitor screen to enter the CMOS Setup Utility program to correct the situation. Check the reliability of the fastening of the loops in the hard disk and motherboard connectors.
- 3 long signals - keyboard controller error. Restart the computer. You may need to replace the motherboard.
- 1 long + 1 short signals - problems with RAM are detected. Check the installation of memory modules. Either replace other memory modules.
-1 Long + 2 short signals - the problem with the video card is the most common fault. It is recommended to pull out the board and insert. Also check the connection to the monitor video card.
-1 Long + 3 short signals - keyboard initialization error. Check the keyboard connection with the connector on the motherboard.
-1 Long + 9 short signals - Error reading data from permanent memory chip. Overload a computer or reflash the contents of the chip (if this mode is supported).
-1 long repeating signal - Incorrect installation Memory modules. Try to pull out and insert them again.
-1 Short repeating signal - problems with power supply. Try to remove the dust accumulated in it.
Ami Bios.
- No signals - is defective or not connected to the motherboard power supply.
-1 Short signal - errors are not detected. The computer is ready for work.
-2 short signals - Error parity of RAM. Restart the computer. Check the installation of memory modules. It is possible to replace the memory modules.
-3 short signals - an error when working in the main memory (first 64 KB). Restart the computer. Check the installation of memory modules in slots. It is possible to replace the memory modules.
-4 short signals - defective system timer. It is possible to replace the motherboard.
-5 short signals - faulty cPU. It is possible to replace the processor.
-6 short signals - defective keyboard controller. Check the quality of the connection to the latter with the connector on the motherboard. Try replacing the keyboard. If it does not help, it is possible to replace the motherboard.
-7 short signals - faulty motherboard.
-8 short signals - problems with the video card.
-9 short signals - the error checksum of the contents of the BIOS chip. A corresponding message may appear on the monitor screen. It requires either the replacement of the chip, or overwrite its contents (if it is flash memory).
-10 short - it is impossible to record in CMOS memory. CMOS or motherboard chip replacement is required.
-11 short signals - faulty external cache memory. Cash memory modules are required.
-1 Long + 2 short signals - Faulty video card. Check the monitor connection with a video card connector. You may need to replace the video card.
-1 Long + 3 short signals - Faulty video card. Check the monitor connection with a video card connector. You may need to replace the video card.
-1 Long + 8 short signals - problems with the video card, or the monitor is not connected. Check again the installation of the video message in the expansion slot.
Phoenix Bios.
Manufacturers of Phonenix BIOS have developed their own system of alternating signals.
-1-1-3 - CMOS record / read error. Replacing the CMOS memory or motherboard chip. Also, it may be discharged a battery that feeds the CMOS microchro.
-1-1-4 - error checksum of the contents of the BIOS chip. Replacing the BIOS chip or flashing (when using Flash memory).
-1-2-1 - faulty motherboard. Turn off a computer for a while. If it does not help, replace the motherboard.
-1-2-2 - DMA controller initialization error. It is possible to replace the motherboard.
-1-2-3 - Error trying to read / write to one of the DMA channels. It is possible to replace the motherboard.
-1-3-1 - Problem with RAM. Replace memory modules.
- 1-3-3 - error when testing the first 64 KB of RAM. Replace memory modules.
- 1-3-4 - error when testing the first 64 KB of RAM. Replace memory modules.
- 1-4-1 - faulty motherboard. It is possible to replace it.
- 1-4-2 - a problem with RAM. Check the installation of memory modules in slots.
- 1-4-3 - error of the system timer. It is possible to replace the motherboard.
- 1-4-4 - Error contacting the I / O port. This error may be caused peripheral deviceusing this port for your work.
- 3-1-1 - the initialization error of the second DMA channel. It is possible to replace the motherboard.
- 3-1-2 - the initialization error of the first DMA channel. It is possible to replace the motherboard.
- 3-1-4 - faulty motherboard. Turn off a computer for a while. If it does not help, you will have to replace the motherboard.
- 3-2-4 - keyboard controller error. It is possible to replace the motherboard.
- 3-3-4 - error when testing video memory. Perhaps the video library itself is faulty. Check the setting of the video message in the expansion slot.
- 4-2-1 - the error of the system timer. It is possible to replace the motherboard.
- 4-2-3 - error when operating the A20 line. Faulty keyboard controller. Try to replace the motherboard or keyboard controller.
- 4-2-4 - error when working in protected mode. Perhaps the central processor is defective.
- 4-3-1 - Error when testing RAM. Check the installation of modules in slots. It is possible to replace the memory modules.
- 4-3-4 - real-time watches error. It is possible to replace the motherboard.
- 4-4-1 - Error testing a serial port. Can be caused by a device using a serial port for its work.
- 4-4-2 - Test error parallel port. It may be caused by the device using a parallel port for its work.
- 4-4-3 - error when testing a mathematical coprocessor. It is possible to replace the motherboard.

This situation is undoubtedly one of the most common computer malfunctions associated with the computer's iron. Reinstalling programs and drivers do not fix it. Here can only help reinstall, repair or replacing the components of the system unit.

In this article we will tell you what you can try to do at home to troubleshoot the problem when there is no signal on the monitor when the computer is turned on.

What can there be no signal for?

The cause of this situation can be both a banal disconnection of the monitor cable and a breakdown of such computer components, as a motherboard or video card.

And sometimes the problem appears due to large number Dust and the emergence of "non-contact" and solved by banal removal and installation of the part in place.

How to fix the problem?

Start solving the problem with the missing signal on the monitor at home is worth checking the cable connection from the monitor to system block. Also check the connection of the monitor power cable into the outlet.

Checking monitor cables

If everything is fine with wires, they are securely connected and do not have visual damage, it is worth trying to remove rAM, wipe the contacts with the river and insert it into place. Very often it helps and the computer turns on.

One of possible causes - bad contact of RAM

Also pay attention to whether the computer makes any audio signals. If so, then you can compare their sequence with to try to find a problem by the number of BIOS sound signals.

Install / Removing the Video Card