Vectorization and digitization of drawings and projects. Programs for automatic vectorization of drawings Vectorization of a raster image in AutoCAD

Specialists Engineering Services Center "Modeler" perform manual vectorization of engineering and construction drawings ( vectorization is the translation of drawings into electronic view ), floor plans, various schemes and other images. To digitize drawings, you must provide the original drawing on paper or scan and photocopy. Drawing vectorization is the same as digitization of drawings.

What is image vectorization?

The easiest way to convert an image from a paper sheet into electronic form is to scan or photograph it. It will take less than a minute and the image will be immortalized in the computer's memory, the file can be saved in the archive, printed if necessary, or sent by e-mail. Unfortunately, bitmap there are a number of significant disadvantages:

  • it is impossible to change the image;
  • when zooming in, the clarity decreases (100% vectorization of raster images is required);
  • when printing, accuracy is lost;
  • the file is large.

The only correct solution for drawings is manual bitmap vectorization.

Vector format does not have any of the above disadvantages, the image can be changed, scaled, printed with high precision, and the file takes up much less disk space. The only drawback of the vector representation of the image is the laboriousness of creation. vector image... V this format all objects are specified by functions. That is, the task of vectorizing an image is reduced to representing a given image as a set of segments, lines, arcs, polygons and other elements.

Automatic and manual bitmap vectorization

The image can be digitized both automatically and in manual mode... For automatic vectorization specialized programs have been developed, with their help it is possible to digitize emblems, logos or photographs.

Manual vectorization more accurate and laborious process, as a rule, it is used for more complex and accurate images: drawings, diagrams and plans. When digitizing manually, a person himself breaks images into elementary objects and presents them in the form of segments, arcs and lines.

Manual vectorization of drawings

Our company's engineers perform vectorization of drawings to order in Compass and AutoCAD programs, as well as others software packages... We carry out work on the digitization of engineering and construction drawings, plans, diagrams and maps from a paper sheet, Whatman paper, tracing paper or blueprint. When working remotely, we receive images in the form of a scan or photocopy.

We accept orders from 1 sheet

Additionally, at the request of the Customer, we carry out vectorization using the styles, fonts and blocks of the Customer. We are ready to perform drawing of drawings on a scale other than the specified one, drawing up of drawings according to the requirements of ESKD, translation of technical requirements and much more.

Vectorization cost

Drawing format The complexity and workload of the drawing
Low Average High
1 A4 format 250 450 negotiable
2 A3 format 450 650 negotiable
3 A2 format 650 1100 negotiable
4 A1 format 1100 1600 negotiable
5 Format A0 1600 2400 negotiable
unit of measurement Price
Making changes to your (already finished) drawing 1 hour RUB 1000

¹ The table shows the approximate cost depending on the complexity and workload of the drawing. When ordering several of the same type of drawings, a discount is provided.

² The exact cost of work is determined individually after submitting your drawings.

³ Drawings can be sent via the form on the website or by email This address Email protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Examples of vectorization

Exercise Result

On the site you can order the service vectorization of drawings or digitizing drawings. On this page you will find comprehensive information on this service. After reading the page to the end, you will find answers to your questions and be able to place an order. If the information below is not enough, you can always contact and clarify.

Vectorization of drawings- translation of raster copies of drawings (images, scans) into vector format. The site offers the translation of drawings into the format of the Compass and AutoCAD programs.

How to order the digitization of drawings?

To order a service digitization of drawings, you need to scan or photograph the paper sources that you want to digitize. Next, send the received images through the order form or by Email. After reviewing and evaluating the amount of work, you will receive an answer where the price and terms are indicated. If everything suits you, confirm the order.

How is drawing vectorized?

Drawings are vectorized in AutoCAD or Compass, at your discretion. Digitization all drawings are done manually, that is, the drawing, in fact, is performed anew. All lines are manually redrawn, dimensions are set, inscriptions are applied, defects and inaccuracies of scanning are eliminated.

For vectorizing drawings, no special utilities that would automate the digitization process. Such utilities simply do not exist in nature. The existing software for the so-called automatic vectorization of drawings cannot cope with this task. After digitizing drawings in this way, it will take even more time to correct errors than to make a drawing again.

It is possible to convert digitized blueprints into the formats of other drawing programs, if required and technically possible. After completing the order, you get the result in Compass (.cdw) or AutoCAD's (.dwg), and also, for the convenience of viewing and printing, you receive documents in PDF format and JPG (pictures).

How much does it cost to vectorize drawings?

The price for vectorization depends on the quality of the provided material and line density.

The influence of the quality of the source code on the final cost. The cost of the work directly depends on the quality of the provided source images. If a picture or scan is made of poor quality, then the price of digitizing such an image will be higher than vectorization a well-made copy. Low-quality copies of drawings - such pictures or scans on which straight lines become curved, horizontals - not perpendicular to verticals, inscriptions, dimensions, etc. are poorly distinguishable.

Examples of digitized drawings

Examples of digitized drawings can be found on the page. Below are 2 examples of drawings after vectorization. To enlarge - click on the picture.

Even in our digital age there is a need to transfer drawings from paper to vector format. The reason for the lack of drawings in vector form can be a lot: the documentation was originally carried out on paper, technical malfunction of the media, force majeure, etc.

It is often not enough to simply scan or photograph a drawing - it is impossible to make a change to it, and when printing such a photo or scan, it is unrealistic to obtain the required quality.

We offer you services for the vectorization (digitization) of drawings from any media - paper, scanned images, photos. All drawings are made by hand, i.e. we only deal with manual vectorization in the Autocad system.

Price for vectorization and digitization

Drawing format The complexity and workload of the drawing
Low Average High
1 A4 format 150 300 negotiable
2 A3 format 300 550 negotiable
3 A2 format 550 1000 negotiable
4 A1 format 1000 1400 negotiable
5 Format A0 1400 2200 negotiable
unit of measurement Price
Making changes to your (already finished) drawing 1-2 hours RUB 600

The table shows the approximate cost depending on the complexity and content of the drawing.

The exact cost of translation of a drawing (document) is determined individually.

Drawings can be sent through the form on the website or by email

Discounts are provided for large orders, for example, digitize and translate into vector whole sections of projects KM, KZh, AR, AS, OV, KMD, vectorization of standard projects and standard series etc. It is worth considering that it will not be possible to digitize the project quickly. In addition, we can consider the option of designing the design and estimate documentation sections.

The urgency is also stipulated (for example, a correspondence student or a full-time student needs to complete a drawing or task very quickly).

Additionally, at the request of the Customer, we carry out vectorization using the styles, fonts and blocks of the Customer. We are ready to perform drawing of drawings on a scale other than the specified one, drawing up drawings according to the requirements of ESKD, translation of technical requirements and much more.

The completed drawings are not published anywhere and are not transferred to third parties

Examples of digitized blueprints:

Possible languages: Russian, English

This is the translation of raster (graphic) drawings (paper or scanned copies of drawings) into vector format files, in other words, this is one of the ways converting drawings into electronic form (copying drawings).

Of course, after converting the drawings into electronic form, you can also print the drawings, thereby updating the paper documentation.

On the site you can order a service for vectorization (digitization) of drawings. Vectorization (digitization) of drawings is carried out in the AutoCAD program (AutoCAD).

If the information provided below is not enough, you can always contact me and clarify.

How vectorization (digitization) of drawings is performed

Vectorization (digitization) of all drawings is performed manually on a computer using the AutoCAD program, which ensures the high quality of the resulting drawing, that is, the drawing is, in fact, made anew. All lines are traced manually, dimensions are applied, inscriptions are applied, defects and inaccuracies of scanning are eliminated.

For the vectorization (digitization) of drawings, no special software, which would automate the process of vectorization (digitization). The existing software for the so-called automatic vectorization (digitization) of drawings cannot cope with this task. After vectorizing (digitizing) drawings in this way, it will take even more time to correct errors than to make a drawing again.

After completing the order, you get the result in the AutoCAD file (.dwg), and also, for the convenience of viewing and printing, you receive documents in PDF and JPG format (pictures).

Price for vectorization (digitization) of drawings

The price for vectorization (digitization) of drawings depends on on the quality of the material provided and the saturation of the lines.

The cost of the work directly depends on the quality of the provided source images. If a picture or scan is made of poor quality, then the cost of vectorization (digitization) of such an image will be higher than the vectorization of a well-made copy. By low-quality copies of drawings, I mean such pictures or scans in which straight lines become curved, horizontals are not perpendicular to verticals, inscriptions, dimensions, etc. are poorly distinguishable.

The final cost of vectorization (digitization) of drawings is affected by the saturation of the lines on the sheet.

Below is a table with the approximate cost of work for this service.

Table - Price for vectorization (digitization) of drawings.

Sheet format Line saturation factor
small average high
A4 (210x297mm) 100 150 250
A3 (297x420mm) 200 350 450
A2 (420x594mm) 400 600 800
A1 (594x841mm) 800 1200 1600

* Prices are indicated in rubles.

* Cost of works on vectorization (digitization) of drawings of derived formats(А4х3-А4х9, А3х3-А3х7, А2х3-А2х5, А1х3-А1х4, А0х2-А0х3) is equal to the product of the cost of the main format by its multiplicity

EXAMPLE: Vectorization of А2х3 format, saturation factor is low; the cost of vectorization of the main A2 format with a low saturation coefficient according to the table = 400 rubles; accordingly, the cost of vectorization of the derived format А2х3 = 400 rubles х 3 = 1200 rubles.

Drawing vectorization is the process of formatting raster images and scans of drawings to vector. Vectorization allows you to edit, use and store drawings on portable storage devices.

When you enlarge a standard scan of drawings, the image starts to deteriorate. This is a disadvantage of bitmaps. Vector drawings allow you to enlarge and edit a picture without losing quality. And to transfer the drawing into digital format and at the same time achieve high resolution images, it is necessary to perform vectorization using special programs(AutoCAD, KOMPAS, SolidWorks, etc.).

AutoCAD software is the best and most accurate software available today software tool allowing you to open and read drawings from any vector program. It is in this format that we provide the customer with a ready-made vector drawing.

The vectorization process can be conditionally divided into the following stages:

Photographing the original drawings and obtaining their scans / PDF files

Digitization of the drawing (manually or using specialized software). - Formatting, error correction and processing of the result

Issuance of drawings to the client in electronic format

Among the advantages of vectorization are:

1. Ability to print drawings in large sizes without loss of quality.

2. Elimination of deficiencies and errors during the adjustment of the drawing.

3. Conducting presentations, creating 3D models, sending and editing drawings without preliminary printing.

Vectorization of images and scans of drawings

Our center specializes in vectorization of drawings in AutoCAD / Compass programs, etc. The company's specialists have many years of experience in working with drawings and their vectorization. We will be able to scan the drawings, digitize it and eliminate all inaccuracies that may appear in the document. All work and the final cost are agreed with the customer.

We are engaged in vectorization of the following types of drawings:

Engineering drawings

Engineering drawings

Equipment and individual parts

Electrical circuits, plumbing, ventilation, heating, sewerage, etc.

We carry out vectorization in AutoCAD and Compass with the highest accuracy. The digitized drawings will fully correspond to the original, because your project is undertaken by professional engineers with over 10 years of experience.

Our center guarantees efficiency in the implementation of the project and full compliance with the customer's technical specifications.