Old drawings and new technologies. Programs for automatic vectorization of drawings Frequent questions about the vectorization of drawings

Vectorization of drawings is the process of formatting raster images and scanning of drawings in vector. Vectorization allows you to edit, use and store drawings on portable storage devices.

With an increase in the standard scan of the drawings, the image begins to deteriorate. This is a disadvantage of raster images. Vector drawings allow you to increase and edit a picture without loss of quality. And to move the drawing into a digital format and at the same time to achieve high resolution images you need to perform vectorization with special programs (AutoCAD, Compass, SolidWorks, etc.).

AutoCAD is the best and most accurate today. softwareallowing you to open and read drawings from any vector program. It is in this format that we provide the customer ready vector drawing.

The vectorization process can be divided into the following steps:

Photographing the original drawings and getting them scans / PDF files

Drawing digitization (manually or by means of specialized software). - Formatting, troubleshooting and result processing

Issuance to the customer of drawings in electronic format

Among the advantages of the vectorization is distinguished:

1. The ability to print the drawings in large sizes Without loss of quality.

2. Eliminating deficiencies and errors during the drawing adjustment.

3. Conducting presentations, creating 3D models, sending and editing drawings without prior printout.

Vectorization of snapshots and scans of drawings

Our center specializes in the vectorization of drawings in autocades / compass programs, etc. Specialists of the company have many years of experience with drawings and their vectorization. We will be able to perform scan drawings, digitize it and eliminate all inaccuracies that can appear in the document. All work and final cost is coordinated with the customer.

We are engaged in the vectorization of the following types of drawings:

Engineering drawings

Machine-building drawings

Equipment and individual details

Electric circuits, water supply, ventilation, heating, sewage, etc.

We perform a vectorization in AutoCAD and a compass with the highest accuracy. Digitized drawings will fully comply with the original, because professional engineers with work experience over 10 years are taken for your project.

Our center guarantees efficiency when performing a project and complete compliance with the technical task of the customer.

This is a translation of raster (graphic) drawings (paper or scanned copies of drawings) in the vector format files, simply speaking, is one of the ways translation of drawings B. electronic view (copy drawings).

Of course, after translating the drawings to the electronic form, you can also print the drawings, thereby updating the paper documentation.

On the site you can order a service for vectorization (digitizing) drawings. Vectorization (digitization) of the drawings is made in the AutoCAD program (AutoCAD).

If the information presented below is not enough, you can always contact me and clarify.

How to Vectoring (Digitization) drawings

Vectorization (digitization) of all the drawings is performed on a computer manually using the AutoCAD program (AutoCAD), which ensures the high quality of the drawing received, that is, the drawing, in fact, is re-manufactured. Manually overcaps all lines, the dimensions are affixed, the inscriptions are applied, defects are eliminated and not accuracy of scanning.

For vectorization (digitizing) the drawings do not apply any special softwarethat would automate the vectorization process (digitization). Existing software for the so-called automatic vectorization (digitizing) drawings, does not cope with this task. After vectorization (digitization) of the drawings in this way, it will take even more time to correct errors than on the manufacture of drawing anew.

After executing the order, you get the result in the AutoCAD file (.dwg), as well as for convenience of viewing and printing, get documents in pDF format and jpg (pictures).

Price for vectorization (digitization) drawings

The price for vectorization (digitization) of the drawings depends From the quality of the material provided and saturation of lines.

The quality of the source images provided directly depends on the cost of performing the work. If the snapshot or scan is made poorly, the price of the vectorization (digitization) of this image will be higher than the vectorization of a qualitatively removed copy. Under poor-quality copies of the drawings, I mean, such snapshots or scans, on which direct - become curves, horizontally - not perpendicular to verticals, poorly distinguishable inscriptions, sizes, etc.

The final value of the vectorization (digitization) of the drawings affects the saturation of the lines on the sheet.

Below is a table with the estimated cost of work in this service.

Table - price for vectorization (digitization) drawings.

Sheet format The saturation ratio of lines
malaya average high
A4 (210x297mm) 100 150 250
A3 (297x420mm) 200 350 450
A2 (420x594mm) 400 600 800
A1 (594x841mm) 800 1200 1600

* Prices are in rubles.

* Cost of work on vectorization (digitization) drawings of derivative formats (A4X3-A4X9, A3X3-A3X7, A2X3-A2X5, A1X3-A1X4, A0X2-A0X3) is equal to the product of the main format for its multiplicity

Example: vectorization of A2x3 format, minor saturation coefficient; The content of the vectorization of the main format A2 with a small saturation coefficient on the table \u003d 400 rubles; Accordingly, the value of the vectorization of the derivative format A2x3 \u003d 400 rubles x 3 \u003d 1200 rubles.

Vectorization of drawings

Vectorization of drawings - Translation of paper drawings (technical documentation) into electronic form, for more convenient and rapidly working with drawings. Systems are used to work with drawings in electronic form automated design (AutoCAD, Compass, SolidWorks, etc.)

Types of vectorization

Distinguish the following types of vectorization.

  • Automatic vectorization - Translation of raster images of drawings (scanned copies, photographs) in electronic view using special software. The poor quality of the electronic drawings obtained is compensated by the vectors rate (from a few seconds to several minutes).
  • Manual vectorization - Transfer of paper drawings into the electronic type of overcriminating each document manually in automated design systems. Absolutely accurate drawings, can be easily used for further work, are expensive.

Currently all large quantity Plants use automated design systems, which implies the translation of all technical documentation into electronic form, and these are thousands of drawings that are stored in the archives of the factories. This painstaking, heavy and responsible work requires experience and high qualifications, to fulfill this work usually use the services of specialized firms.

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  • Vekne
  • Vector magnitude

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Specialists Engineering Service Center "Fashioner" Perform the manual vectorization of machine-building and construction drawings ( vectorization This translation of drawings in electronic type), floor plans, various schemes and other images. To digitize the drawings, you must provide an original drawing on paper or scan and photocopy. Vectorization of the drawings is the same as digitization of drawings.

What is the image vectorization?

The easiest way to translate the image from a paper sheet into electronic look is scanning or photographed it. It will take less minute and the image will be perpetuated in the computer's memory, the file can be saved in the archive, print if necessary or email. Unfortunately, raster image There are a number of significant drawbacks:

  • unable to change the image;
  • with increasing scale, the clarity decreases (100% is required vectorization of raster images);
  • when the printing is displayed, accuracy is lost;
  • the file has a large size.

The only correct solution is applied to the drawings - manual vectorization of raster images.

Vector format It does not have any of the above disadvantages, the image can be changed, scaling, displaying high accuracy, and the file occupies a much smaller volume on the disk. The only drawback of the vector image representation is the complexity of the creation a vector image. IN this format All objects are set by functions. That is, the image vectorization task is reduced to the presentation of the specified images in the form of a set of segments, direct, arcs, polygons and other elements.

Automatic and manual vectorization of raster images

Digitize the image can be both automatic and in manual mode. Specialized programs have been developed for automatic vectorization, it is possible to digitize with emblems, logos or photographs.

Manual vectorization A more accurate and time-consuming process is usually used for more complex and accurate images: drawings, schemes and plans. With manual digitization, the person himself splits the images to the elementary objects and represents them in the form of segments, arcs and straight.

Manual vectorization of drawings

Engineers of our company perform vectorization of drawings to order in Compass and AutoCAD programs, as well as other software packages. We perform work on digitizing machine-building and building drawings, plans, schemes and cards from paper sheet, watman, tracing or blue. With remote work, we accept images in the form of scan- or photocopy.

We accept orders from 1 sheet

Additionally, at the request of the customer, we perform a vectorization with the use of styles, fonts and customer blocks. Ready to draw drawings on a scale different from the specified, design drawings according to the requirements of the ECCD, the translation of technical requirements and much more.

Cost of vectorization

Drawing format Difficulty and load workload
Low Average High
1 Format A4. 250 450 contractual
2 Format A3. 450 650 contractual
3 A2 format 650 1100 contractual
4 Format A1. 1100 1600 contractual
5 Format A0. 1600 2400 contractual
unit of measurement Cost
Amendments to your (already ready) drawing 1 hour 1000 rub.

The table indicates the estimated value depending on the complexity and workload of the drawing. When ordering several of the same type of drawings, a discount is provided.

² The exact cost of work is determined individually after the provision of your drawings.

³ Drawings can be sent through the form on the website or by email This adress email Protected from spam bots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view.

Examples of vectorization

The task Result