Internet over the network 220 volts modems. MGTS will transfer television through a socket

Currently, there are many ways to organize a local network via wiring.

Local network through a socket: how to "make friends" internet with a power grid?

First of all, we consider one of the most effective methods that is very popular: To "start" the Internet through a socket 220 you will need a TP-LINK TL-PA511KIT package.

This set of two adapters that can be connected to the power grid, having connected with an Ethernet cable. The bandwidth of these adapters is up to 160 MB, which provides normal data transmission. The device begins to work immediately after connection and does not require special settings.

However, some nuances are still available.

The local network setting is performed through a special program supplied with adapters:

The program can work through a local server, and through home segment. At the same time, no more than 32 adapters can be connected to the program (although this amount is irrational to create a local network)

After testing, we made sure that these adapters are ideal for the middle office or a small apartment. However, due to safety reasons, you should not create such a local network over long distances.

How to "start" a local network via electrical wires 220V?

Another interesting product for creating a local network by means of wiring was released Western Digital (WD LiveWire)

Despite the fact that the product is quite expensive - he stands his money. The WD LiveWire adapter is designed to connect several devices at once, as it has 4 LAN exit. The device has a high data rate, quite sufficient to view the HD video.

Connect the adapter is quite simple, while it does not require any settings. In general, this is a simple network switch having 4 ports on one adapter and 4 ports on another.

The device has its own security system, which is the undoubted advantage of this model.

Thus, the creation of a local network through electrical wiring is no longer a myth, but a reality. This type of data transfer can be used both to combine devices to the local network, and for connecting smart equipment, video surveillance systems or protection.


TP-LINK TL-PA211 adapters work using HomePlug AV technology, which in turn is a type of PLC technology. PLC (Power Line Communication) is deciphered as "communication via power lines (LP). Many the abbreviation of the LAP is associated with kilometers of thick wires and openwork structures of the supports. In fact, the usual wiring in the apartment is also a power line, only small, "homely" so to speak. Here on this electrical wiring and passes the network signal. There is nothing new in this technology. Similar systems have become applied more than a century ago. Then the telegraph signal was passed on the wires between substations. With the increasing number of high-voltage power lines, high-frequency communication systems for telephony and telemetry were introduced.

⇡ Theory.

The principle of PLC operation in something is similar to the usual XDSL connections for many users. And in that, and in another case, different types of data (tonal signals, voice, network traffic) are transmitted over the same wire, but at different frequencies. Each device (phone, modem, adapter) filters "other people's" frequencies and receives only what is able to process. The main advantage of the PLC, like XDSL, is the lack of need for an additional cable laying for creating another network infrastructure, as well as the relative ease of use and more reliable communication than when organizing wireless access. But the disadvantages of these two technologies are similar. For high-quality communication, it is necessary, first of all, a good wired compound - without twists, cable cuts of another type, damaged isolation and other charming of the electromotion on the ambulance hand. Unfortunately, in most Russian houses, with the exception, probably new buildings, the quality of electrical wiring often retains to wish the best.

Another feature of the PLC is that the total bandwidth of the channel is divided between all network participants. That is, if there are ten PLC adapters in one network, which are actively exchanged by data, the speed for each of them will be about ten times lower than the overall bandwidth. Finally, the most important nuance is a relatively high PLC sensitivity to various kinds of interference and filters. In the first case, even household electrical appliances can adversely affect the quality of the signal - from the electric shaver with a hairdryer to vacuum cleaner and drills. And the connection of a powerful perforator or the welding machine is certainly "put" the network. In the second case, it should be remembered that through network filters, UPS and PLC adapter stabilizers will not work. From here it is another note - all the outlets to which the PLC will be connected should be powered from one place. Roughly speaking, PLC will not work in a nearby apartment or on another floor of an office building (everything has already depends on the specific cable wiring).

TP-LINK TL-PA211 Support the HOMEPLUG AV standard, which was presented in the summer of 2005. According to this standard, the network connection speed can reach 200 Mbps, which should be enough to transfer streaming video and voice. At the same time, the speed is automatically regulated depending on the quality of communication. The connection must be encrypted using the 128-bit AES key, as well as maintain QoS (QUALITY OF SERVICE). Reverse compatibility with previous versions of the standard is also implied. In the theory, all this sounds great, but in practice it turns out not so riddling. Although the results of TP-LINK TL-PA211 tests can be said that recently technology has advanced well. The fact is that a similar set of two PLC adapters got into the hands of five years ago (we will not say which manufacturer), which according to the specifications was supposed to give a speed of 85 Mbps. Alas, the first test, this set faery faeged. When connected to one teach, it issued speed in the 15-20 Mbps area. When the adapter is turned on in the outlet in the same room, the speed decreased to 10 Mbps, and when moving to the adjacent room, it turned into some kind of vague 1-2 Mbit / s. At the same time, the PLC network fell under the slightest chich. In general, the hopes to organize a connection through several walls without drilling these (Wi-Fi, of course, did not "finish") turned into spent 200 with a small dollars. However, the lyrics will be enough, we will return to our, Mmm, devices.

⇡ Equipment and appearance

A set of two TP-LINK TL-PA211 is packed in a box of fine cardboard, decorated in traditional light green colors. An image of devices and their technical characteristics are applied to the box. Inside the outer box is one more - from hard cardboard. In addition, in addition to adapters, there are two patch cords of a meter length, a brief instruction, a warranty card, several advertising brochures and a disk.

Most of the housing of each adapter is made of black matte plastic. On the front lid of white glossy plastic, there are three green indicators that signal power, network connection and data transmission. In the lower end there is an Ethernet port, next to which there is a small button for pairing adapters. TP-LINK TL-PA211 is quite compact and weighs quite a bit. It connects to the electrical network using a conventional European fork.

⇡ Specifications

Supported standards HomePlug AV, IEEE802.3, IEEE802.3U
Modulation technology OFDM.
Supported protocols TCP / IP.
QoS. there is (+ support IGMP)
Encryption AES 128-bit
Interface 1 x Ethernet LAN 10/100 Mbps
Zone of action 300 meters indoors
Dimensions (DXSHX), mm 93x56x30.
Power consumption, W 3
Price (set 2 pcs.), Rub. 2 200

⇡ Practice

The process of organizing PLC network is extremely simple. Turn on the adapters in the socket, climb the button for a few seconds about the Ethernet port on one, and then on another device. Everything, the network is ready! This is a minimalistic option. In fact, it is better to put the utility to manage adapters from the supplied disk. With it, you can select the adapter or network to which you want to connect. You can set the network name, specify the password, select the security policy, add trusted adapters, to view diagnostic information, reset the settings, update the firmware and, most importantly, configure the QoS.

There are two ways to set up QoS. You can select the transfer mode, the best for web surfing and online games, audio and video transmission or for VoIP communication. The second option is much more complicated for a regular user, but it allows you to more finely configure QoS policies. The documentation does not say anywhere, exactly how QoS settings affect the connection in the first case. It can be assumed that, for example, for online games, there would be more important than the minimum delays, rather than the high data transfer rate. For audio and video streams, the speed is more critical. Experienced, it was found that it was just that with such a setting the transmission rate of maximum. However, when you turn on the VoIP mode, the speeds were similar, but in web surf mode, the connection speed was noticeably lower, and in all three cases, no delays were still not observed.

The connection setup after connecting the adapters takes up to 10-15 seconds. QoS settings when they are changed almost instantly. When testing, another curious feature was revealed. Within a few seconds, after the start of data transfer, the speed gradually increases until it comes to the "cruising". After that, it is stably preserved and deviates to a smaller or most side of megabits per second. It was pleasant to surprise the fact that the inclusion of the vacuum cleaner (see above about interference) did not have any effect on the speed. But the fact that during operation adapters are noticeably heated, slightly spoiled the overall impression.

⇡ Testing

As test stands used asus K42JC laptop (Intel Pentium 6100, 2 GB RAM, HDD WDC WD3200BEVT, Gigabit Ethernet JMICRON JMC250) and a stationary machine (AMD ATHLON64 X2 4800+, 2 GB RAM, WDC WD3200AAKS, Gigabit Ethernet Realtek RTL8168B). The state of the PLC network was estimated using the branded utility, and the testing itself consisted of copying files over the network from one machine to another. Also, the Iperf 1.7.0 utility was used for tests, and for monitoring the connection, the MSI I-Speeder 1.2 program. TP-LINK TL-PA211 adapters were connected at two points. In the first case, both devices were connected to one teach, and in the second one of the adapters connected at the other end of the apartment (a typical "double room" in the crunch). Testing was conducted in all three QoS modes. In the second case, actually adapter connected to sockets in the kitchen, corridor and the second room. In all three points, the speed turned out to be identical, so you can take them in one case of connection.


In general, TP-LINK TL-PA211 provide a very good connection speed. With an ideal connection option, they are generally almost similar to the Ethernet steward channel, and when the devices are removed from each other, the speed is slightly higher than that of Wi-Fi 802.11g, but not as an example is more stable. The possibility of viewing HDTV in general is realized in the HomePlug AV standard, albeit with some reservations. What speed will turn out from those who decide to try to organize a connection on the basis of these adapters, it is difficult to predict. Use PLC makes sense only in case of inappropriateness or inability to pave an Ethernet cable to some remote point or a small network segment or organize a wireless connection. Taking into account not a special prevalence of this technology, the price around 2,200 rubles per set of two TP-LINK TL-PA211 adapters seems quite reasonable.

PLC Adapter from Rostelecom is a device that allows you to transmit an Internet signal over the electrical network. Such equipment will help get rid of laying additional wires in an apartment or a private house.

Now most people in their own home or apartment have a wireless network. You might think that PowerLine (the so-called HomePlug), which uses the electrical wiring of your home as a wired network for data transfer, is outdated and useless technology.

Such an assumption will be incorrect. Yes, Wi-Fi is convenient and fast - 802.11n technology is widespread, and the newest 802.11ac class routers provide a connection at a speed of up to 1300 Mbps.

Important: the simplicity and reliability that PowerLine offers, wireless technology has not yet can provide. It is not intended to replace Wi-Fi network. These technologies complement each other.

What is PowerLine Network?

PowerLine is essentially a wire network. Let's assume that you have a broadband router in the corridor and smart TV in the living room that does not support wireless communication. The only way to enjoy digital TV is an Ethernet cable conducted from the router along the corridor and the floor of the living room. You can try to hide the cord under the plinth. But, if the apartment has recently been repaired, starting it again because of one cable will be not the best idea.

PLC adapter from Rostelecom will not require complex schemes for its connection. It is almost impaired. The base kit comes with two PowerLine adapters and multiple short Ethernet cables.

The scheme is simple, connect one Ethernet cord to the router and the other to the first adapter. Then we insert it into the nearest socket. Connect the Ethernet cable in HDTV and the second adapter. Insert the last to the nearest outlet. Adapters automatically detect each other (without drivers and without a long configuration process) and are connected. This allows you to transmit data packets from the router to a TV through electrical wiring in the walls.

What is the speed of connection?

When the first standard HomePlug Powerline was introduced in 2001, the data transfer rate was limited to 14 Mbps. But the newest PLC adapters for Rostelecom support a gigabit class of networks, providing positive reviews even among users of the Internet GPON.

Why use PowerLine network?

If you already have a wireless hub, you can not see the meaning in purchasing PowerLine adapters for your home network. But technology has a number of advantages compared to Wi-Fi, namely constant speed, reliability, safety and ease of use.

Configuring the network using the PLC adapter from Rostelecom, you can cover places where the wireless connection has low quality due to a large number of overlaps or other interference on the signal path. This option will also be convenient when connecting the equipment without support for Wi-Fi, such as the game consoles of past generations, avoiding the fancy of your Ethernet cable. PowerLine is a neat and efficient network solution.

Important: Technology is safer than wireless networks. Since the data is transmitted over copper wires in your home, you can be sure that you only get access to the connection.

Some sets of PLC adapters allow you to additionally protect the connection using a password.

How do Powerline network work?

Transfer of signals for electrical wires at home is not a revolutionary idea. Energy companies began to send control signals through such networks in 1920. Thanks to this, electricity meters know when to go to the non-spike speed. Electric wiring in homes can support various frequencies. Typically used 50 / 60Hz signals. Additional data can be transported along the same wiring at higher frequencies without causing any interference.

The first of the standards allowed to achieve a data rate of 14 Mbps. Already in 2005, the upgraded version increased bandwidth up to 200 Mbps, which is more than enough for streaming video.

Before connecting the PLC adapter, it is necessary to inhibit the support of the electrical network of your type, provided that the purchase was not produced from the Rostelecom operator. The device will facilitate the connection to the Internet for many users who, for various reasons, cannot lay an Ethernet cable.

D-Link DHP-P308AV is a PowerLine network adapter. It allows you to connect the device to the local network using the power supply network.

The development of Power Line Communications (PLC) specification is engaged in HomePlug Alliance. At the moment, such specifications have already been developed by several:

  • HomePlug 1.0.
    • up to 14 Mbps
  • HomePlug AV.
    • AV 200 (up to 200 Mbps)
    • AV 500 (up to 500 Mbps)
  • HomePlug Av2.
    • Up to 1200 Mbps

But it is necessary to understand that the values \u200b\u200bof the values \u200b\u200bare physical speeds. The actual data transfer rate will always be less. In addition, the real speed will depend on the quality of electrical wiring in the house.

The disadvantages of PLC technology include the impossibility of the operation of devices in the shared network if they are connected to electrical outlets at different phases. But this can be circumvented in two ways:

  • Turn on one device for each phase and connect them through the switch;
  • Put an interfacial repeater, such as MRC-1 (Russian production).

D-Link DHP-P308AV is the HOMEPLUG AV 500 adapter. The adapter is equipped with a built-in "Passthrough" socket through which other electrical devices can be connected to the main outlet. In this case, the adapter filters electrical interference from the connected device, which may affect the PowerLine connection.

D-Link has similar devices:

  • DHP-308AV - HOMEPLUG AV 500 adapter without built-in socket "Passthrough";
  • DHP-P309AV - set (Starter Kit) of two DHP-P308AV adapters;
  • DHP-309AV - set (Starter Kit) of two DHP-308AV adapters.

The D-LINK DHP-308AV adapter looks like this:

The DHP-P308AV adapter differs from DHP-308AV the presence of a built-in socket, the rest of the device is identical.

Data transfer in PLC network is provided by using AES 128 encryption. And this means that encryption keys should be generated. This is the configuration of adapters.

Everything is configured very simple.

1. Connect the adapters to electrical outlets. For resetting settings to the default settings, click the SIMPLE CONNECT button and keep it pressed for 10 seconds.

2. Then on the first adapter, click the SIMPLE CONNECT button. Pressing time - no more than 3 seconds. After the button is released, the power indicator (Power LED) will flash.

3. No later than 2 minutes, you need to press the SIMPLE CONNECT button on the second adapter. Pressing time - no more than 3 seconds. Release the SIMPLE CONNECT button, the Power LED indicator will flash.

Adapters configure encryption keys. The settings will be remembered before they are disconnected from the network.

If you need to connect more than two adapters, then on subsequent adapters you need to press the SIMPLE CONNECT button (no more than 3 seconds) and then press the SIMPLE CONNECT button on any of the adapters of the existing PLC network. The Simple Connect button on the second adapter must be pressed no later than 2 minutes after pressing the button on the first adapter.

If you quickly press the SIMPLE CONNECT button twice, the adapter will switch to energy-saving mode. To "awaken" the device, you need to click on the SIMPLE CONNECT button again. And be careful, because the adapters cannot be configured while they are in energy-saving mode.

The fact that the Poweline connection is set to signal the 18 Powerline LED indicator (PowerLine LED).

Now we can connect network devices to the Ethernet ports of the adapters and our local network will work through the wiring.


Look at the following photo and no preface you will need.

The inscription in the lower left corner says "The Real World Wide Web", which is translated as a "real global network". Indeed, no matter how dynamically there was no connection of houses and offices to computer networks, all these local and global networks and in comparison do not go with electrical networks. Electrification only on the territory of the former USSR is already ongoing more than 80 years, or rather from December 20, 1920. The electrical outlets are in each room of each apartment of each house. The idea of \u200b\u200busing electrical wires for data transmission is not NOVA - by high-voltage wires of the LAP, telemetry data required for the operation of electrical substations has long been transmitted. The principles of data transmission over networks 220V are not different from those used in the LAM, which means that if desired, it would be possible to spend the Internet into each apartment and connect home to the global network with an incredible speed. Why then on the creation of a device that allows you to connect computers through a network of 220 V, it took so much time and they begin to appear only now, when it is a little late ... perhaps the reason for the distribution of home networks. Today, the computer in the house is almost the standard, two or more computers in the same apartment - not uncommon. Dozens of cable meters, connecting all computers, printers, and other network devices with each other. But then each computer will become a "workplace" stationary located indoors. To transfer it means shifting the network cable.

You can install home wireless IEEE 802.11b network, but problems may occur with the penetration of the signal through the walls and overlaps, besides, this is an extra radiation, which in modern life is enough. And there is a different way to use already existing electrical wires and sockets installed in the walls. The only thing this is required to be-complevant adapters. To create a unified data transfer standard for electric networks 0.4 kV, the Alliance HomePlug Powerline was created.

Of course, the quality of the carrier, in our case, is the wiring, leaves much to be desired. The case in the interference arising in the network. These interference can be caused by both electric motors and other household appliances, aqueous harmonics and noises in the network. To ensure the transfer of data in such difficult conditions, the companies included in the homeplug Alliance adopted various algorithms that allow data transmission, such as error detection algorithms, automatic Request Request, Interliming, etc. To ensure protection against unauthorized access, 56-bit encryption at the Mac level is used. So the network is protected from intruders. Although, of course, not as the usual, wired.

A few words about the characteristics of the HOMEPLUG POWERLINE standard. Network connection speed through electrical wires is 14 Mbps. Of course, more than Bluetooth and IEEE 802.11b, but less than the IEEE 802.11g and Fast Ethernet. The range of approximately 500 meters. This is quite enough for one entrance, or even at home. But it should be borne in mind that the distribution network is three-phase, and to homes are supplied by one phase and zero, evenly loading each of the phases. So, if you are connected to one phase, and your neighbor is to another, then it will not be possible to use a similar system. HOMEPLUG POWERLINE adapters work completely at the hardware level, without drivers and software. Accordingly, they are compatible with all Windows operating systems on computers with a Pentium 166 MMX processor with 32 MB of memory.

HOMEPLUG Ethernet Powerline adapter

Consider the first device in our review - the RJ45 adapter by 220V :). The manufacturer of this device should be installed and failed. The device comes in a small cardboard box of blue.

The package of delivery is quite simple - the adapter itself, the RJ45 network cable and the CD with electronic user manual and drivers, which, by the way, cannot be useful here, since the device itself works exclusively at the hardware level.

Externally, the device is similar to the usual power supply. Five light bulbs on the upper side and RJ45 port at the end.

The adapter feeds, as logical, from the network itself 220 V.

The photo above shows the adapter device - transformer, filters, two chip and network socket.

Naturally, to connect two computers through the network by connecting through an electrical outlet, we need two similar adapters,

each of which will be connected with a network cable to its computer and its electrical outlet.

In case you have no unnecessary network card in your computer, you can connect computers to the network via USB ports. HOMEPLUG standard implies this type of adapter - USB by 220 V.

Only in this case, the maximum speed is limited to the speed of USB 1.1 of the port - 12 Mbps and by network wires you can combine two or more computers to the network, but you cannot connect the USB devices. I would like to connect the printer through the homeplug, which is in another room, but this device is not yet produced. But two computers connect via USB - easy.

This adapter is slightly smaller in size, it has one USB port, and its electrical plug turns 90 degrees to adapt to a specific position of the outlet. By the way, the HOMEPLUG PowerLine Ethernet and HomePlug Powerline USB adapters are compatible with each other. This means that you can build a network using on different USB or Ethernet computers version of these adapters. The main thing is to install the appropriate drivers on the USB version of the adapter.


Of course, the HOMEPLUG POWERLINE series adapters appeared with a small delay. Today, when a boom of wireless connections occurs, problems with broaching networks go back. But in different situations, when wireless networks cannot be used (for example, in buildings with thick walls, where the signal is already fading in the next room), and broaching a conventional twisted pair can be difficult, such a solution may well become a panacea. Theoretically, with the help of such adapters, it is easier to connect homes to the district network (the main thing is to know the distribution of the phases of the electrical network), it is easier to connect your computer with a neighbor's computer, and just connect some home or office PCs. The cost of adapters is about $ 70 per homeplug Ethernet and $ 50 per homeplug USB, it is impossible to be called too high, especially if there are no other ways to stretch the network.

We are thank you by the company "Data Storage" for the provided HOMEPLUG PowerLine Ethernet and HomePlug Powerline USB adapters.

Mikhail Degtyarev (Aka Like Off)