As in the Word, turn off automatic spelling. Checking spelling in manual mode

Word - perhaps the best decision To set text and edit text documents. Among the many features of this program, one of the most useful is the test of spelling and grammar.

But, with this feature, many users have problems. In this material we will tell about how to include spell check in Word 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016.

Inclusion of automatic spell check in Word

Default, text editor Word always automatically checks spelling. If you do not happen, then, most likely, this function is simply turned off in the settings. In order to turn on the spell check in Word, you need to click on the "File" button in the upper left corner of the program and select "Parameters" in the menu that opens.

In the screenshots below, we will demonstrate how the "File" menu in Word 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016 looks like.

Menu File in Word 2007

Menu File in Word 2010

Menu File in Word 2013, 2016

After you have opened the "Word Settings", you need to go to the "Spelling" section and include functions there, which are related to spelling in Word.

  • Check spelling during the text set;
  • Use contextual spell check;
  • Mark grammar errors in the process of setting text;
  • During spelling, also check grammar;

It should be noted that these functions may be called a little different in your Word version. Also do not forget that the settings should be saved using the OK button.

Manual launch of spell check in Word

You can also manually enable spell check in Word. To do this, select the text for which you want to start checking, go to the "Review" tab and click on the "Spelling" button.

As a result, the "Spelling" window should open, which you can check the word spelling word for the word. Words in which text word Editor Detect errors will be highlighted in red. At the same time, several options for writing this word will be proposed. In order to correct this word, you need to select one of the options for replacement and click on the Replace button.

If you think that the word is written correctly, then you can skip it. For this there is a "skip" button.

Also using the Add button you can add a correctly written word in the dictionary.

Words that were added by the user in the dictionary, Word will no longer march as errors.

How to change language to check spelling in Word

If spelling is performed according to the rules of another language, you need to change the text language. To do this, highlight the text that is incorrectly checked, and click on the name of the language, at the bottom of the Word window.

After that, a small "Language" window will appear. Here you need to highlight the language, according to the rules of which the spell check should be performed, and click on the "OK" button.

Also, using the Language window, you can completely disable spelling check for the selected part of the text. To do this, select the text, click on the name of the language, and in the Language window include the function " Do not check the spelling».

Verification of spelling is one of those functions that the writers of past years would envy and even text operators working with printed machines. After all, now there is no need to be so attentive to prevent errors, because of which you have to reprint a whole page. And in the form of inspiration, you can also forget about all the rules of punctuation, grammar and spelling. The computer will fix everything. The main thing is not to forget to give him this command.

By default, Word includes automatic spelling. At the bottom of the screen you have 2 indicators: the first shows whether there is an error in the text or not, demonstrating, respectively, a tick or cross. Nearby displays a dictionary language that is used to check.

In order to disable or make sure that the check is enabled, click on the language in this case « russian"And check the box next" Do not check the spelling" It is so easy to get rid of useful, but depressing emphasis on the text.

The same operation can be done by going on the tab " Review", In chapter " Language»Press the item" Language"And choose" Spelling language audit ... "

The program is smart enough to independently determine which language you are used in the document, even if in one sentence there are phrases on different, but for this you need to make sure it is a check mark in front of " Determine the language automatically».

Additional spelling settings are available at the following address: " File» -> « Parameters» -> « Spelling" The first and second sections are responsible for exceptions and replacement rules. And in the third " When correcting spelling inWord.»You are free to disable, directly the automatic check function.

An important feature Microsoft Word. Is the ability to connect third-party programs To check spelling. They are created for more in-depth verification and providing detailed definitions of grammatical rules. However, the built-in features and Microsoft Word dictionaries are perfectly coping with the main languages.

You also, as a user, have the opportunity to independently complement and improve your dictionary. For this, in case of an error with which you do not agree, you can simply click on the word right-click and click " Add to dictionary" Subsequently, this phrase will not be considered an error.

In Word 2003, the inclusion and disconnection of the automatic spelling check is carried out at the address " Service» -> « Parameters»-\u003e Tab" Spelling"-\u003e First section" Spelling» -> « Auto checking spelling».

When writing the article, the Word Text Editor emphasizes the words, thereby pointing to grammatical or punctuation errors. If the word is written with an error and already exists in the program dictionary, the word will be replaced (if the auto-transfer is enabled). There are cases when you need to check the spelling in the Word, and the auto transmission is not included and the program does not emphasize words with the mistakes. In this case, consider how to check the document on errors in words and in punctuation.

Setting up automatic text check

For places with spelling and grammatical errors emphasized automatically, you need:

  1. Go to the "File" tab and click on "Parameters";
  2. In the left pane of the new window to choose "Spelling";
  3. In the area "when corrected spelling Word.»Slide checkboxes in the windows" Check spelling during the text set "," use ... spell check ", or" mark grammar errors ... ";
  4. You can put ticks in all windows of this subsection, since all the listed variations will help in working with the text.

Attention! If the Word stopped emphasizing the errors of the red line, then you must remove the checkboxes in the "Exceptions for the File" subsection. Go "File" - "Parameters" - "Spelling" and finally "Exception for the File". Remove ticks from rows "Hide spelling and grammatical ... in this document."

After this setting, not only spelling ability, but also punctuation will be emphasized in the document.

How to enable automatic error check

Thanks to this feature, you can easily correct all errors at once. You can include "Checking spelling and grammar in the text" by the F7 button or go to the "Review" tab - in the "Spelling" department - click on "Spelling".

A new window will open and the first assuming error will pop up. You can fix it directly in the "No" field, or specify the desired form in the "Options" section and click Replace.

Attention! MS WORD does not know how to automatically correct punctuation blots. Therefore, if there is a green or blue wavy line during the whole text, you will need to make changes yourself, i.e. manually. Moreover, the program makes the prompts, after which word is not enough of the comma.

Next will pop up a new window with new error And so it will be until all errors are corrected. After all changes, a window will pop up with a notification that checking the spelling is completed, click on "OK".

Following Word will provide consistency statistics. We hide this notice by clicking on "OK".

Manual error check

Stressing the red line means that a spelling error or phrase is probably admitted in the word word program And not listed in the dictionary. With ease, you can fix errors manually, as follows:

1) Press the right mouse button allocated by the right button and select the correct option in the window that opens.

2) Add to dictionary of program new for Word Word. Click on the wrong word with the right mouse button and choose "Add to the dictionary" and the underscore will disappear. With the further use of this word, the underscore will not appear.

3) Find below the Word program, a book with a cross (if there are errors) and click.

The correct writing options will appear, you need to specify the correct word written.

How to configure the "Auto-Performance" function

The function "Auto-winning words" is very useful because during fast set Texts are typos in words. This feature It will help to correct the incorrectly written phrase automatically, for this you need to do the following settings:

1) by clicking on the "File" section select "Parameters";

2) in a floating window on the left side of finding "Spelling", in the "Auto Parameters" section, click on the "Auto Parameters ..." button;

3) in the "Auto Plant" section, put the box next to "replace with input";

4) Add a phrase that is often printed incorrectly. For example: "Pickup" enter under the "Replace" as an incorrect version under the field, and under the "on" field, specify the correct word form form and click on "add". As shown in the picture below.

You can add any phrase and specify its correct writing. It can also be a reduction in everyday phrases, an abbreviation or hot key name in English. Here are examples:

How to change the phrase in the list of author

It is necessary to rush the entire list and find the desired phrase, allocate it so that it appears in the "Replace" field and in the "on" field.

Now it only remains to install the mouse cursor in the desired field and enter your own character writing or phrase, replace and save. Consider an example. To quickly write a symbol (a) in the form "@" you first need to add and specify which symbol will be replaced.

Standard actions as before when adding a new phrase. "File" - "Parameters" - "Spelling" - "Parameters of the Auto Plant". In the section, where "Auto Plant" under the "Replace" field - we introduce "(a)", and in the field "on" - write "@". We add and click "OK".

Now time to check. We print the desired fragment of the article and write "(a)" (in the picture below), replacement to "@" occurs after pressing ")" of the final character.

Working with Word will be much easier if you make all the settings for the automatically of different phrases. Just imagine that you can print (Moscow State University) For one second, only writing three letters "MSU". Thanks to certain options, the user will be able to commit automatic check On the correct placement of punctuation, very quickly, if we consider that you will look at the document out of 10 sheets A4 to the manual will be long. In this case, we are talking about using the "Spelling" option in the "Review" section.

Using so powerful text processor, stupid to contact the dictionary for the correct writing of controversial words and phrases. Let Word make this ungrateful work! But on the frank provocations, the editor does not respond in any way and pretends that our Scripture is a sample of literacy of the Russian language. Understanding that it is impossible, we wonder: how to enable spell check in Microsoft Word? The answer is located below.

Automatic spell check

To enable this feature, you must click "File" - "Parameters" - "Spelling". In the window that appears, select the required fields in the checkmark and click the Save button.

Attention! If another Cyrillic keyboard layout (Ukrainian or Belarusian) is used for a set of Russian words, the entire typed text can be emphasized. Be careful!

Adding unknown words

To add similar words to the software dictionary and exclude it underline in the future, you need to highlight it (or phrase), press the PCM and select "Add to dictionary" in the context menu. When you click on the option "Skip", this lexical design will no longer be highlighted in this document.

Attention! All considered ways to incorporate spelling work in versions, starting with Microsoft Word 2007 and newer.

Enabling spell check modules

If for some reason, when checking spelling, a notification appears with the text "Check of spelling Completed" or "Spell Check for Language for Language" you need to perform the following actions:

  1. Log in to "This Computer" - "Delete and Changing the Program".

  2. In the list of applications, find Microsoft Office.Click on it and click the Edit button.

  3. In the window that appears, select "Add or remove components" and click "Continue".

  4. Go along the "General Office General" path - "Tools of spelling" - "means of checking spelling for Russian language" - "Checking spelling and grammar." By clicking on the button (as shown in the screenshot) and calling the context menu, select "Run from My Computer".

    Enabling spelling check for the selected language

    In the case of a set of text in other languages, spelling may not work. For its inclusion you need:

    Now you can be sure of 90% literacy your text. But learning how to enable spelling check in Word, do not forget to follow the neologisms and those words that are missing in the editor's database or have several values.