As in the Microsoft Office Word program. Detailed Microsoft Word Guide

Each user using Windows Systems and Office Set Microsoft Office, one way or another came across MS Word. This application is one of the most common, popular and popular among users of the whole world. However, many mistakenly believe that Word is the usual program much more than it may seem at first glance.

Word is what program?

Yes, indeed, initially, at the dawn of creating an office package, this application Designed exclusively as text editorother than the standard "notepad".

The first and most important difference was that the listers were introduced here not as it was done in the "notebook" or in today's outdated DOS systems, but using graphic regime. It made it possible to enter and ordinary, and uppercase letters. In addition, the appendix appeared enough a large number of Fonts that could be applied to the dialing text.

Immediately the possibility of inserting pictures, which put the program to the level above the remaining text editors. Over time, the application was transformed into such a powerful tool for working with texts and related multimedia components, which many developers, creating their started simply copying word featuresBy introducing them into your applications (OpenOffice, Lotus, etc.).

The main features of "Word"

As for the toolkit, everything will not be fully described. However, at some major moments it is worth stopping.

So, Word is mostly text editor. Among all its capabilities, it is worth noting the following:

  • using a huge set of fonts;
  • support from almost all known languages;
  • spell checking with the possibility of adding words to the main dictionaries;
  • check syntax;
  • search for synonyms;
  • text formatting;
  • using a variety of pre-installed patterns;
  • arbitrary volume (restriction only at a free space on the hard disk);
  • changing the orientation (position) of the text;
  • setting page parameters;
  • output of printing documents;
  • use of the clipboard;
  • import and export of different formats;
  • use of different colors for text and background;
  • cross support for inserting and saving documents with excel Tables and Access databases;
  • ability to work with macros, XML documents and PDF files;
  • insert and save graphics;
  • availability of a special formula editor;
  • working with tables;
  • enter the calculated formulas;
  • autocomplete forms;
  • use of Visual Basic scripts and macros;
  • availability of a table of special characters;
  • several modes of displays documents;
  • support multilone documents and much more.

Additional tools

As you can see, Word is more than just a tool for editing text documents.

There are many more interesting features. Everyone knows that the editor supports the insertion of the graphics, but few people guess that the sound or video can be added in the same way.

Among other things, you can use as the simplest tool to create full-fledged web pages with hyperlinks based on hTML language, knowledge of which is not required to the user with a mandatory.

Finally, Word supports postal clients like Outlook and can even send editable or ready files On the local network.

Instead of the result

In general, it is already clear whether Word has turned from a regular text editor to a powerful tool for working with a multitude of file formats and enhanced web design support and multimedia. Naturally, not all the possibilities of the program were affected here, but only the most basic, since it is impossible to mention absolutely everything that this unique program is capable of, it is impossible in the format of this article.

This is a text editor that can be part of the Microsoft Office package or a program installed on your computer separately. The program can be used to record letters and various types of documents that may include graphics and images. This manual explains how to open Microsoft, create and save new document Using operating windows systems 7.

Do not be afraid that something may not work or go wrong. This program was created for users, and it is thought out to the smallest detail so that you can use it as convenient as possible. And of course, in every case, the main workout, do not be afraid to make mistakes. If you accidentally pressed not there, in the upper left corner there is always a curved arrow that allows you to cancel last action. You can also make it using the Ctrl and Z keys combination.

Last advice before start detailed instructions Upon using a text editor from Windows - do not forget to save the file. This is especially important when working with volumetric texts or serious documentation. It happens anything: can turn off the electricity, the laptop can be discharged and turned off, and no one is insured from breakdown. Lose important files and then spend hours on their recovery - is not the most pleasant lesson. All you need is from time to time to press the floppy disk in the upper left corner.

How to create a document in

The program can be found in the "Start" menu in the "Microsoft Office" section. Follow it step by step instructionsTo launch a document in Microsoft Word.

Step 1. On the desktop or in the Start menu, open Microsoft Word.

Step 2. Microsoft Word will open and prompt you to choose a document template or an empty document.

Step 3. If you do not want to use any of the displayed templates, click an empty document.

Step 4. A new empty document will open for you to start typing text.

Navigating program

Step 1. The flashing cursor (mouse pointer) in the document tells you where you are typing. Wherever the flashing cursor, the letters that you enter, will be inserted at this point. When you start an empty document, the flashing cursor will be at the beginning of your document, it means that it is ready to start input.

Step 2. As the cursor is inserted, it also moves with each letter. It shows you where the focus is input.

Step 3.. Move the mouse pointer to where you want to change or add text. Click. The flashing cursor will be moved to the place where you have pressed, to edit or insert text.

Step 4. You can navigate the document using the arrows. Pressing these arrow keys moves flashing cursor upwards, down on line rows, and to the right / left one character.

You can navigate the document using the arrows

How to choose (allocate) text in

The selection or selection of text allows you to change the selected fragment from the point of view of style, font and / or color and even replace words if necessary. Follow these step by step instructions to select text in the document.

Step 1. You use mouse to select text. When moving, the pointer will change.

Step 2.. Move the pointer to the beginning of the desired fragment. Press and hold left button Mice. Performing this, move the pointer to where you want to stop the choice. When moving the mouse, the text will stand out. When you finish your choice, release the left mouse button.

The selected text can now be formatted or changed.

You can copy the text using the Ctrl + C keys. Delete text - Backspace.

Change the size and font

The following actions can help make your text more interesting and attractive. Text can be changed differently.

Step 1. To begin with, the text fragment must be highlighted, you already know how to do it.

Step 2. To change the type of font, click on the arrow next to the font style in the toolbar.

Step 3. Select a font style from the drop-down list.

Step 4. Next to the font style field is a field containing the number and arrow. It changes the font size. Click on the arrow. Select size as well as the style from the drop-down list of options. So, by selecting the BAD SCRIT font and size - 16, we will get the following.

Leveling text B.

Sometimes the document being created may require different location of paragraphs. By default, the text is aligned to the left edge. However, the text can be aligned on the right edge and in the center.

On a note! Select all the text Ctrl + A

Step 1. To change the layout of your text, highlight the text, any way convenient for you.

Step 2. To align it in the center, click the "Align the center" icon on the formatting tape at the top of the document.

Step 3. To align the selected text on the right edge, click the following icon in this row.

Step 4. To "justify" the text so that it is aligned both on the right and left, click the "Width Alignment" icon.

You can change the selected text using the combination of keys combinations, which is sometimes easier:

  1. In the center - highlight the text, click ctrl key + E.
  2. On the right edge - Ctrl + R.
  3. By width - Ctrl + J.
  4. On the left edge - Ctrl + L.

How to highlight the text with bold font, italics or underlines

Ability to change the font style can make your document more interesting. Various text styles, such as bold or italic, can highlight it. Underlining can be useful for headlines.

Step 1. As usual, select the text fragment you need.

Step 2. To change the selected font to the bold, click "F" on the formatting pane.

Step 3. To change the selected font to italic, click "K" in the formatting tape.

Step 4.. To change the selected text so that it is emphasized, click "H" on the formatting ribbon.

Step 5.. You can also change the selected text using the keyboard shortcuts:

  • bold - Ctrl + B;
  • italics - Ctrl + I;
  • underlining - Ctrl + U.

Copy and insert

It is not necessary to talk about the importance of these two functions. They significantly save our time, allow you to insert text from third-party sources, without reprinting it, as it was during printed machines.

Step 1. Highlight the fragment you need.

Step 2. Click the copy icon on the left side of the formatting tape. The text immediately copied to the clipboard of the exchange of your computer.

Step 3.. Move the cursor and click "Paste".

This can be done with hot keys. Everything like the last time: click simultaneously Ctrl and C to copy the text, and Ctrl and V to insert.

How to create a numbered or labeled list

Use of numbered or marked lists It can help highlight elements or show important steps, hierarchy or a sequence of something.

Step 1. To create a numbered list, click Numbering icon.

Step 2. The text will appear in the text.

Step 3. Start enter your text. At the end of the input, click on the "Enter" button on your keyboard. The second point will appear. Etc.

To stop adding new items and return to the standard text, click the numbering icon again at the top of the document.

The marked list is created according to the same principle, the only difference is 1 step. Instead of the "Numbering" button, click the "Markers" button, it is right.

There is another way to create a list. First, the user introduces all points of the list, each must new String. When all items are scored to highlight them all and click either on the numbering or markers, depending on which list you need.

You will have the same result. it different methods And there is no correct or wrong, the main thing is that the goal is achieved. Use a convenient way to you.

Example of a numbered list

Insert the table

Tables help structure information, feed it in a more presentable form. Without this skill, do not do.

Step 1. IN top panel Tools Click the Insert tab.

Step 2. Click on the table icon. You will open the window in which you want to select the number of cells. You can do it and enclosing the numbers manually. To do this, on the panel that appears, click on the "Draw Table" area.

You will only be fill in the fields. If you suddenly need additional strings Or columns, you do not have to redo it entirely. Left-click on the table area. In the menu that appears, click "Paste" and select the appropriate option.

These basic knowledge should form you from the basic principles of work with the text. We highlight the main:

  1. The text is entered to where the flashing cursor is located and anywhere else.
  2. To change the character, word, string, paragraph or all the text, it first needs to be highlighted. It is necessary that the computer understands what exactly it should perform actions.
  3. Having all the text with it, you can do anything. You can work out, select a fragment and alternately press the buttons that are located on the Home tab. You will notice what functions can be used together, and which are mutually exclusive.
  4. Do not forget to keep changes, so you will protect yourself.
  5. Use those methods of solving tasks facing you that are comfortable for you.

Video - Word for beginners

How to make a second page

To make a second page in Microsoft Word 2007/2010, you do not need to repeat the "ENTER" key repeatedly. To do this, there is a "page break" function. You will find it in the Insert tab.

The page break is not as static as the emptiness formed by the multiple press press. If you add from above before breaking the page some text, it will not affect the state of the next page after breaking the page.

If you have a lot of information, then the new sheet itself will automatically be created when the text will not be placed on the first sheet.

How to move text using a ruler

From above and on the left side of the Microsoft Word 2007/2010 window are two strips.

With the help of the ruler, you can move the text without making many spaces, and in two or three clicks with the mouse.

An indent of the first string. Makes a paragraph of the desired size, while the Tab key is set to the standard value of 1.25 cm. Highlight paragraph or all the text, and install the desired indent of the first line.

To move all the text to the right, except the first line, use the "protrusion"

If you need to place the whole text closer to right sideTalking for a rectangle called "retreat on the left".

Click on any digit of the line of the mouse. It appears on it.

Now, after pressing the Tab key, the text move to this distance, and will be located to the right of the sign.

Click again on another line of the ruler, set the cursor further on the same line, and press TAB again.

It is so convenient to cut the text when working, titles, and the like.

With each click on it will appear one of the tools:

Choosing one of them, it will be it that will appear when clicking on the ruler until you replace it on another.

How to make interval

To set the required interval between lines in the text, go to the Home tab. The paragraph menu contains a symbol, while pressing the window with standard options for the rigneling intervals.

You can configure the interval according to your own parameters if you select "Other options for web intervals ...".

When the interval value is changed, in the lower window "Sample" will clearly demonstrate the gap between the text strings.

How to make the interval between paragraphs

In the main tab, the "paragraph" menu is editing tool interval intervalHere the user will find the function of adding an interval before and after paragraph.

Install the cursor in the desired paragraph, and select one of the interval options is a single, one-time, dual or other.

How to find out the number of characters

In order to find out the number of characters in the document, the number of words or pages, it is enough to look at the bottom left corner open window Microsoft Word 2007/2010. Number of pages and information on what page the user is in this momentis immediately displayed in the page "Page: 1 of _". The remaining statistical data can be obtained by clicking on the "Number of words: _" string.

How to make numbering pages

The pure sheet in the program has its invisible markup. In the upper and bottom of the sheet, the areas of footers are reserved, which are empty by default.

Here, any text can be passed (manually entered; it will be repeated on each sheet) or numbering pages.

Double click left-click on the sheet area closer to its upper or lower boundary will automatically open the processor editing constructor. On the left in the menu you can choose any of the desired numbering species.

The numbering can be both at the top of the page and below, and even in the fields.

Function numbering function You will also find in the "Insert" tab.

How to make content in the Word

To take advantage of the automotive table of contents, you need:

Set the header or subtitle style ("Home" - "Styles") for those proposals that will have to be in the content;

You can change the style - select the desired font, color, interval, and set it for the title style. All other suggestions in this style will be the same on the design.

You can also change the word "table of contents". Highlight it and use the tools from the Font panel.

How to make content without dots

You have added a table of contents to the text, but you do not like that the emptiness between the partition name and the pages number is filled with chas. This can be changed. Highlight your table of contents, and then go to the Links tab.

After pressing "Table of Contents", a dialog box appears. In the "Filler" line, select any of the four options and click OK.

After that, the dialog box will appear, which requests to confirm that you really want to apply adjustments for table contents. Click "Yes" again.

After that, the filler of the lines will be as you chose it. In the example, we chose the filler "(no)", that is, between words and number there is nothing as a placeholder.

How to make words

To add ports to the text, go to the "Page Markup" tab.

Here in the "Parameters of the page" menu contains the "Movement" tool. Click on the arrow in the team row, and the menu is downloaded with the variants of the porterances.

For automatic distribution of transfers, select the "Auto" string.

How to make a footman

To make a footnote in Microsoft Word 2007/2010, go to the "Links" tab.

Put the cursor after the text to which you want to specify the footnote, and click on "Paste a footnote". After the text, a small figure will appear, and at the bottom of the sheet - the trait with the same digit, and the place to keep the text of the footnote.

The numbering of the footnings will automatically pick up the location in the text, regardless of what order you installed the footnotes - from the end of the document, from the beginning of the document or the corrosion.

How to make a break

The rupture function in Microsoft Word 2007/2010 is transferred to two tabs. In the "Insert" tab in the "Pages" menu there is a "Page break". It is used to go to one click from the end of the text on one sheet to the top of the next sheet page.

In the tab "Page Markup", the "Page Settings" menu, there is also a break function, but not only to go to the next page, but also for breaking the column, partitions.

To see where the gap is located, you can use the "Display All Signs" function on the main tab, the menu "Paragraph".

How to make a numbered list

To create a numbered list in Microsoft Word 2007 2010, go to the "Home" tab, the menu "Paragraph".

To select the numbering format, click on the arrow, and the numbering library will open. It includes both the Arab and Roman numbers and the letters of the alphabet.

If there is no suitable number format, you can set it yourself through the "Determine new format Rooms. " In the "number format" string, the character is set, which is after the number.

How to make fields

Go to the "Page Markup" tab to set the size of the page for the page in Microsoft Word 2007/2010. In the second left, the "Page Parameters" menu has sub-clause "fields". When you click on it, the window of the standard field variants appears.

They can also be set at their own discretion by large or smaller, or set certain fields for one page.

How to make album sheet

Standard sheet orientation in Microsoft Word Book (vertical).

To make a page with landscape orientation (lay a sheet horizontally) The user needs to go to the "Page Markup" tab, where in the page parameters there are two types of sheet orientation.

To make only one sheet in another orientation, highlight the text on the page you need, and then open the page Parameters dialog box.

Here in the "Fields" tab, select the orientation for the sheet, and in the bottom line "Apply" select "to the selected text".

How to change sheet background

To change the background of the sheet (from white to another color, or to insert pictures as a background), go to the tab "Page Markup" in Microsoft Word 2007/2010. Here there is a "page background" menu and item "Page Color".

When you click on it, a window appears with color palette options. Select one of the available, or define another using the "Other Colors" features.

To use a picture as a background, click on the line "Methods of Fill". In the "Figure" tab, select the desired image from available on your PC.

How to split text on columns

To split text on the speakers, go to the "Page Markup" tab.

Select the text to be divided into a specific number of columns, and click on the "Column" icon. A menu appears in which you can select the desired number of columns for the text distribution.

Click on "three" and get:

If you need more than three speakers, click on the "Other speakers" line, after which this window will open.

In the "Speaker Number" line, select the number you need (using the side arrows at the string or manually, using the keyboard), and also make the interval adjustment between the speakers.

Click on the "Apply" menu You can make a choice - split the entire document on the speakers or only the part that is selected.

How to make a booklet

The booklet is a sheet A4, which has a certain background, landscape orientation, and its text is divided into three columns.

The steps to create a booklet:

  1. Enable landscape orientation.
  2. Add background. Just pour some color or add a picture instead.
  3. Enter the text and divide it into three columns.

Select the desired color and font type using the "Font" panel in the main tab, and place the text as it should.

How to make a frame

If the user needs a conventional frame in the form of a rectangular sheet framing, in Microsoft Word 2007/2010 you need to go to the "Page Markup" tab. In the "Page" menu, there is an item "Borders of Pages", click on it.

In the window that appears, select Type - "Frame" and the desired type of line that will perform it.

Here they change its color, thickness or choose instead of the frame framing.

If it is randomly chosen not the same type of frame, you can delete it. Immediately after an incorrect selection, press the keyboard combination "Ctrl + Z", and go back to the "Borders" menu to select another type.

How to make text in the frame:

  1. We highlight the desired text.
  1. On the Home tab in the "Paragraph" menu, click on the icon
  2. In the menu that appears, it is possible to immediately install simple boundaries in the form of a thin black line for the selected area. For example, choose "External borders":

And we get:

  1. or go to "Borders and Pouring":

After that window opens:

  1. Choose any border type, line type and its color, thick. After pressing "OK" you chose the frame will be applied to the selected text.

How to make paragraph

To highlight the paragraph, it is written with the so-called red string - they make an indent to the right of the first line. To make a paragraph allocated in Microsoft Word 2007/2010:

  1. Install the cursor using the mouse before the first word of the paragraph and click on the Tab keyboard.
  2. Use a ruler:
    1. turn on the line (if not included);
    2. install the cursor before the first word paragraph;
    3. transfer the arrow of the first string retardation at the desired distance.

In these versions Word decoration The text and its location (with deposits and paragraphs) is saved during the transition to the next paragraph after pressing ENTER.

How to make an indent

An indentation in the Microsoft Word program (not only in the last 2010 and 2007 versions) is the function of transferring the left boundary of the entire text or one paragraph. It looks like this.

Make an indent will help the function of increasing / decreasing the indent on the Home tab.

The same operation can be done using the program rule.

Highlight the text to which the indent must be set, and drag the slider for the rectangle, called the "retreat on the left", at the desired distance.

How to make text vertical

The Microsoft Word program has two ways to make text vertical. The first is to add inscriptions.

  1. In the "Insert" tab, the "Text" section is the "Inscription" button
  2. Click on the button calls the menu:
  3. If one of the proposed types suits you, choose it. If you need your own, specific location, choose a simple inscription. After clicking on it, such a window appears:

Insert text in the inscription:

The "Format" tab appears on top:

In the "Format" tab, there is a button "Direction of Text". Here we choose the turn in the desired side.

Move the text to the desired location, and remove the lettering frame:

The second way to make text vertical lies in the use of the table.

  1. In the "Insert" tab, the "Table" section add one table of the table:
  2. Enter text in it. The "Work with Tables" tab appears on top, where the "Layout" button contains the "Layout" tab.
  3. Click on the button "The direction of the text, it turns in turn 90 degrees to the left or right.

Change the sizes of the cell using the up / down arrow:

Remove table frames with an elasty. Hover over the sides of the cell after pressing the "Eraser" button in the "Drawing Tables" menu tabs "Designer" tab.

How to emphasize the text

To to emphasize a specific text in Microsoft Word 2007/2010:

  1. Highlight the desired text:
  2. Go to the Home tab, Font menu:
  3. Click on the button:
    1. if you need an underline one straight black line;
    2. On the arrow next to the symbol to select another line for underscore.

You can choose other underscores, or change the color by clicking on the "Other underscore" or "Stress color" line, respectively.

How to align text

To align the text on the left edge, in the center or other way, go to the Home tab, the menu "Paragraph".

Here in this area there are four buttons, visually on which it becomes clear how the text is located after pressing them.

Highlight the desired text, and click on one of these buttons.

How to make a string of underscore

To make an empty underlined line in Microsoft Word 2007/2010, use one of three ways:

  1. Painting.

Instead of the arrow of the mouse, a cross appears, which draws a blue line. You can change its color through the "drawing tools".

  1. Table.

We remove the side limits of the table.

  1. Auto plane from the program.

Enter the required number of lower underscore from the keyboard. After press ENTER and the auto station will make it a solid black line of them. Its length is regulated using the line of the line.

How to make flowing text

When microsoft document Word 2007/2010 You need to add a picture around which the text must be used, use the "flowing text" function.

Add a picture to the document. So it will be located without flowing.

Click on the picture. The "Work with Figures" tab appears.

In the Arrange menu, the flow button flows the text. When you click on it opens a menu with options.

Choose a mouse click on the row.

How to make text the same

So that the entire text in Microsoft Word 2007 2010 has the same font parameters and location, select the entire text by pressing the Ctrl + A combination keyboard.

Click the Home tab and ask the necessary parameters Font to manual using the "Font" menu.

How to make a different numbering of pages

In the Microsoft Word 2007 2010 program, you can install different columns for even and odd pages using footers. Instead of even pages numbers in this case, you can write the phrase you need, which will be identical to all other even pages.

Odd numbers will go their own toe in order - 1, 3, 5, 7, and so on.

If you need, on one of the pages, its number is not shown, it is better not to delve into all the subtleties, but simply smear.

How to make mirror fields

In order to make mirror fields, go to the "Page Markup" tab. Select the text for which you want to apply this function.

Open the Page Settings dialog box.

In the Page menu, click on the side arrow and select Mirrored Fields.

In the "Apply" string, select which part of the document use the function.

How to make a signature under a string

To create signatures under the line of the following type

you will need:

  1. Add substitting text to the second string.
  2. Move the text to the area below the line. For example, the Tab button can be pressed and using the line to move the text for the string.
  3. Navigate to the first line and remove the interval after paragraph:

And also install a single interval between the lines:

  1. Make a small font suitable for signature

How to make a table

In order to create a table in Microsoft Word (versions 2007 and 2010), you need to go to the "Insert" tab, where the window with the table settings is located in the access pane.

You can create a table of the desired size, choosing the table inserts the desired number of rows and columns.

A table will appear on the sheet at the same time, and its size will be inserted in the table inserts window. The maximum size on the grid is 10 to 8.

If you need more columns, you can go to the "Insert table ..." menu and specify the desired size.

How to split the table into two parts or more:

  1. Highlight the string in the source table, which will have to be the first line of the second table.
  2. In the "Working with Table" tab, "Layout" in the "Combination" menu, click on the "Share Table" command.

Or the same can be done using the Ctrl + Shift + Enter combination.

How to make a repeating table cap

Suppose you have a large table that does not fit on one sheet. To make the headers of the table, each time the new sheet is manually, you can make a repeating header.

Highlight the entire string with the title table.

In the tab "Working with Tables", "Layout", in the "Data" menu, select "Repeat the header lines"

After pressing on next page The exact same title appears with the same formatting as on the first page. If you change the title in one place, it will become exactly the same automatically and on other sheets.

How to make an inseparable table

In order for the table to save its integrity when adding text above by document, do the following:

  1. Highlight the paragraph with the title of the table and the table itself.

On the Home tab, go to the paragraph dialog box. Put the checkboxes in the position tab on the page on the contrary, do not tear off from the following.

How to make an announcement

To make an advertisement with tear-off leaves, use the table.

Combine the cells in one of the lines.

Highlight the second string and change the height of the cells in it. To do this, in the tab "Working with Tables", "Layout" change the value in this field:

Now in the same line you need to change the orientation of the text. Highlight the string. In the "Layout" tab, click on the "Direction of Text" icon.

Here, select one of the alignment options for text.

Add, edit text and change view, type, font size should be as usual - through the "Font" and "paragraph" menu on the Home tab. In a horizontal solid string, add basic ad information.

How to Add Figure

If you need to add a picture to the text, and this picture is saved on your computer, go to the "Insert" tab, menu "Illustrations".

Click on the "Figure" button, and the selection dialog box opens. Go to the folder where the picture is saved, and select it. Dialog box "Insertion" will look different, depending on the version operating system On your PC.

The picture will be added to the text, and its position you will manage using the "Work with Pictures" tab, which appears after clicking on the picture in the document.

Click on the picture also includes six tools for managing its size. If you pull one of them, the picture will plunge after it.

If you want to draw some kind of drawing yourself, then a set of simple figures is located in the same place where the insertion of the pattern.

When you click on the "Figure" symbol, a window appears with a set of standard variants of figures.

How to make a drawing transparent

Just to change the level of transparency of the whole picture can not. For this operation will have to do several steps.

  1. Insert the shape from the "illustration" panel into the document. For example, a rectangle is suitable for a conventional rectangular picture. Click on it, then click on the white sheet area.

This square appears - the blue in 2010 version, white with a black contour - in 2007. Change its size, dragging over the angular or sides, grabbing the left mouse on the circles in the corners, squares - in the middle of the sides.

The "Drawing Tools" tab appears on the toolbar. It is active if the figure is highlighted, and disappears when the user works in another area of \u200b\u200bthe document, for example, above the text.

In the "Format" tab, the menu "Styles of Figures" Select the "Fill Fill" command - "Figure".

The "Insert Figure" dialog box appears, in which you select one of the files of the pictures available on your PC.

After selecting a picture and adding it, you will find such a result:

Pick manually sizes of the figure (rectangle) so that the drawing is not distorted.

Now when you click on the picture area, two additional tabs will appear:

In the "Drawing Tools" tab - "Format" you need to remove the contour of the figure.

Now you can proceed to changing the transparency of the pattern. In the same tab "Drawing tools" - "Format", open the Figure Format dialog box.

In the window that appears for version 2010 there is a side menu, select the "Fill" string in it.

Take the transparency slider to the desired meaning and click "Close".

In 2007, the version of the Figure format window looks like this:

Take the transparency slider, and click "OK".

How to make a picture frame

Add a picture to the document by turning to the "Insert" tab, the menu "Illustrations".

When the picture is in the document, click on it to appear an additional tab "Working with Figures".

In this tab in the "Styles of Pictures" menu, there are already ready-made options for framing.

They can be changed a bit through the "Format Figure" dialog box after you applied one of the styles to the drawing.

For version 2007, this window looks like this:

For 2010 version, as follows:

In this window, the drawing borders include the lines "line color" and "line type". After clicking on one of them, on the right side of the dialog box, available to change the parameters.

The frame can be done both by using the Figure Border function.

In the menu that opens after pressing the line "Drawing Border", you need to choose the thickness of the line and its color.

How to add an inscription on the drawing

For these cases, it is better to use graphic editors, even the simplest Paint. But here you can add inscriptions to the picture, applying simple methods And more complicated.

  1. Add the inscription.

When you click on the string "Draw an inscription", the mouse takes the appearance of a black plus, and you can make the field for the inscription anywhere in the document. Click on the left mouse button, and, without releasing it, move in any direction. When you release the mouse, it will appear about such a rectangle:

Enter text in it, change the color of the text using the Font menu in the Home tab.

You also need to make the background of the inscription transparent. Click on the field with the inscription to appear the drawing Tools tab.

Here you can remove the outline contour:

How to make a picture mirror

Highlight the picture to appear the "Working with Figures" tab.

Click on the "reflect left to right" row, and the picture will turn the mirror.

How to make a title page

The program has a blank of title pages. They are in the "Insert" tab.

For version 2007:

For 2010 version:

Select any of the appropriate types of title pages.

On the page there is a markup for text, clicking on which you can enter text.

How to make an indisputable gap

In situations where parts of the text should be near (for example, surname and initials), you need to use the inseparable space. It is installed instead of an ordinary space by pressing the Ctrl + SHIFT + SPACE combination keyboard (space).

You can find out whether an ordinary space is supplied or inseparable, you can use the "Display All Signs" function.

After clicking on this symbol between words, at the end of paragraphs and in other places, those symbols that are not visible without this function will be displayed. This includes a space, an indisputable space, transition to the next section, etc.

The space is depicted by a single point between the words. Inspection gap - small circle.

The function is turned off, as turned on by a single click of the left mouse button on its character in the "Paragraph" menu, the "Home" tab.

How to make the same gap

By default, the gap between words in the Microsoft Word program is constant if you align the text in any way except "in width".

The last alignment is just due to the increase in the intervals between the words.

Disconnect it so that the spaces are again the same. And so that the text is uniformly located between the left and right field, turn on the automatic portion of the transfer.

The size of the space can be changed. To do this, select the text, and then right-click. Click on the "Font" row.

The dialog box opens. Go to the "Advanced" tab, where there are different functions for changing text. The second line is the "interval". It can be made less (compacted) or large (rarefied).

How to make a block diagram

The Microsoft Word program has in stock almost all (if not all) items to create flowcharts. They are in the "Insert" tab, the menu "Illustrations". Create a full-fledged technological, electrical or other scheme is better in a more suitable editor for these affairs, and through it.

Click on the "Figures" symbol, and you will open a large menu with all the figures available in this editor. Among them are allocated separate paragraph Figures flowcharts.

You can connect separate blocks using lines whose different options are also available in this menu.

Click on the desired block diagram and draw it on a sheet. For example:

Change the color of the contour and the inner field of the element manually using the tools:

or select one of the finished styles for the unit:

To add text to the block, select it and start writing, without waiting for the appearance of a blinking cursor.

The text inside the block can be changed, like any other text in the program.

If the block diagram is located inside a text document, it is better to make it in a separate document. So you will avoid unnecessary offsets while working on the text above the scheme.

In order for the finished block the scheme to be conveniently moved by text without losing anyone it, you need to combine blocks into a single element.

Select one diagram element and clamp the Ctrl key on the keyboard. When the key is squeezed, press the rest of the circuit items, release the Ctrl key. All blocks stand out. Then click on the contour of one of the bar shapes with the right mouse button, and in the menu that appears, click on the "Grind" line.

Now all elements will be a single whole. You can make an association in stages, separate blocks, combining only a few parts - so it will be easier for you to make adjustments.

How to sort by alphabet

If you need to streamline alphabetically some list (for example, a list of references), do the following:

  1. Highlight the list.
  2. In the "Home" tab, the "Paragraph" menu, click on the sort symbol. After that, the "Sort of Text" dialog box opens.

Without changing any settings, you will get the list sorted by alphabetically after clicking OK. And in 2007, and in 2010, the program versions function has the same location, dialog box.

The same goes and sorting in the tables. Suppose you have such a table.

You need to place the alphabet of the last name. Highlight the column with the last name and click on the sort symbol.


Sorting put the name according to the alphabet, while the data moved in the second column.

This article presents the basic concepts used in Microsoft Word to help new users start creating complex, professionally decorated documents.

Title 1

On the quick access panel 2 Preservation, Cancel, I. Return

"File" tab 3 New, Open, Preservation, Print and Close.

Tape 4

Editing window 5

Scroll bar 6

Status bar 7


In Word, you must save the document to exit the program without losing data. When saving a document, it is stored as a file on local computer or in network folder. More late version You can open the file, change it and print it.

    Open the conductor and select documentation. A list of documents will appear.

    If the document you want to work on is in the list, click the file name to open the document. If the document is not listed, go to the location where the file is stored and double-click the file. A Word Screensaver will appear, and then the document is displayed.

Tip: file and choosing a command Open. To open a recently saved document, click last.

Most text formatting can be found by clicking on the tab. the mainand then choosing in the group " Font ».

1 This is on the tab the main.

2 this group " Font "On the tab" the main ".

3 Font ».

Font change.

Font size

Change text size.

Increased font

Increase text size.

Font decrease

Reduced text size.

Change register

Changing the selected text in uppercase, line or other common written words.

Deleting all formatting for the selected text, leaving only normal text.


Turning the selected text to the bold.

Italicizes selected text.


Draws a line under the selected text. Click the drop-down list arrow to select the underscore type.


Draws a line over the selected text in the center.


Creates substitution symbols.


Creates upward characters.

Text effects

Application to the dedicated text, such as shadows, glow and reflection of visual effects.

Color selection of text

Turning the text of an attractive marker marker.

Font color

Changing the color of the text.

Using styles

Styles allow you to quickly format the basic elements in the document, such as headlines, headlines and subtitles. Follow the steps below to apply styles to the text in the document.

    Highlight the text you want to change.

    On the tab the main in a group Styles Move the pointer to any style is available dynamic viewing directly in the document. To view a complete list of styles, click Arrow Additionallyto open the area styles.

    To apply the style that is most suitable for text, click it.

When everything is ready, the use of styles for individual elements, Word allows you to use the set of styles at the same time change the appearance of the entire document.

    On the tab " Constructor " in a group Formatting documents Select one of the sets of a predefined style, for example Normal Authentication or authentication ordinary. Move the pointer to any style Available Dynamic viewing directly in the document. To view the finished style sets, click the down arrow to the right of the group. Formatting documents.

    To apply a set of styles that is most suitable for text, click it.

Changing the firmware in the document

FROM using Word. You can easily change the interval between rows and paragraphs in the document.

    On the tab " Constructor "Select Interval between paragraphsTo view the list of the drop-down list of interval parameters between paragraphs. Move the pointer to any style of paragraph interval for dynamic viewing directly in the document.

    When you find the desired view, click it.

Tip: To set your own interval between paragraphs, select Custom interval between paragraphs.

Preview and print

Short review user interface Word.

Title 1 : Displays the name of the document file, edit and program name, you use. It also includes standard fold, restore and closes the button.

On the quick access panel 2 : Commands that are often used, for example, Preservation, Cancel, I. Return Here are located. At the end of the shortcut panel is located in the drop-down menu where you can add other frequently used or frequently used commands.

"File" tab 3 : Click this button to find commands that are executed by the document independently instead of the contents of the document, such as New, Open, Preservation, Print and Close.

Tape 4 : commands that are necessary for work are located here. Appearance The tape will vary depending on the size on the monitor. Word will compress the tape by changing their order controls in accordance with smaller monitors.

Editing window 5 : The content of the document is shown. You change.

Scroll bar 6 : Allows you to change the screen position you edit the document.

Status bar 7 : Displays information about the document you change.

Presentation buttons 8 : Allows you to change the display mode, you edit the document in accordance with the needs.

Slide Scale Control Element 9 : Allows you to change the parameters of the document scale that you change.

Saving and opening the document

    Specify the location to save the document in the field. Save B.. When you first save the document, it is previously filled as a file name in the field. file name Enter the first line of the text in the document. To change the name of the file, enter a new file name.

    The document is saved in format. Changing the file name in the title bar according to the name of the saved file.

Can open document continue work. To open a document, do the following:

    Click the Start button and select item. documentation.

    Go to the location where the file is stored and double-click the file. A Word Screensaver will appear, and then the document is displayed.

Tip: You can also open a document in Word by going to the tab file and choosing a command Open. To open a recently saved document, select Last

Editing and text formatting

Before editing or formatted text, you must first select text. Follow the steps below to highlight the text.

    Place the cursor to the beginning of the text you want to edit or format and press the left mouse button.

    Hold down the left mouse button, move it to the right (called "dragging") to highlight the text. The color of the background will be added to the location to specify the range of selection of the selected text.

Most text formatting tools are found by clicking on the tab. the mainand then choosing in the group " Font ».

1 This is on the tab the main.

2 this group " Font "On the tab" the main ".

3 This is the "bold" button. In the table below for the names and functions of the buttons "" in the group " Font ».

Font change.

Font size

Change text size.

Word 2010 is a text editor that allows you to create different types documents, such as letters, documents, leaflets, faxes and much more. In this lesson, you will get acquainted with the tape of the main menu and the new pop-up menu, learn how to create new documents and open existing ones.

Word 2010 is a bit different from previous versions. The toolbar is the same as in Word 2007 and includes the main menu tape and the shortcut panel. Unlike Word 2007 such teams like "open" and "Print" Locked in a pop-up menu that replaces the Microsoft Office button.


The new tape of the main menu was first introduced in Word 2007 to replace the traditional menu. The tape contains everything you need to perform regular commands. It contains numerous tabs, each of which contains several groups of commands. You can also add your tabs that you prefer the commands. In some groups there is an arrow in the lower right corner, through which the commands can be revealed.

Some programs such as Adobe Acrobat. Reader can add separate tab in ribbon. Such tabs are called "Built-in Elements".

To roll and deploy a tape

The tape is made to meet your current tasks and be easy to use. However, you can roll it if it takes too much space on the screen.

  1. Click the arrow in the upper right corner of the tape to roll it.
  2. To expand the tape, click the arrow again.

When the tape is minimized, you can temporarily call it by clicking on any tab. The tape will disappear again if you do not use it.

Setting the main menu tape.

You can customize the tape by creating your own tabs with any teams. Commands are always located inside the group and you can create as many groups as you want, to organize your tabs. Optionally, you can even add commands to any standard tab, creating a user command.

  1. Right-click on the main menu tape and select "Configure the tape". A dialog box appears.
  2. Click "Create a tab." A new tab will appear with a new group.
  3. Make sure you have chosen a new group.
  4. Select the command from the list on the left, then select "Add". You can also drag commands directly from the group.
  5. When you finish with the addition of commands, click OK.

If you do not see the command you need, click Select Commands and from the menu that appears, select All Commands.

The pop-up menu contains various options with which you can save, create, print and share documents. It looks like the Word 2007 button menu and the file menu of previous versions. However, in contrast to the usual menu, it has a full-lane view, which makes it easy to work.

To call a popup menu:

  1. Click on the File tab.
  2. Options are on the left side of the page.
  3. To return to the document, click on any Ribbon tab.

The shortcut panel is located above the ribbon and allows you to get fast access To standard commands, regardless of which tab you. By default, it shows commands to save, edit and repeat. You can add other commands to make it convenient to work.

To add commands to the shortcut panel:

  1. Click on the arrow on the right side of the menu
  2. Select the command you want to add. The command will appear in the quick access menu.


The ruler is located in the upper and left parts of the document. It allows you to align your document with accuracy. Optionally, you can hide the ruler to free up more space on the screen.

To hide or show a ruler:

  1. Click on the line icon in the scroll bar.
  2. To show a ruler, click on the icon again.

Creating and opening documents

Files in Word are called documents. To start new project In Word, you first need to create a new document that can be both empty and template. You also need to know how to open an existing document.

To create a new document:

  1. Click on the File tab. A pop-up menu opens.
  2. Select Create.
  3. Select a new document from available templates. It will be highlighted by default.
  4. Click Create. A new document will appear in the Word window.

To save time, you can create a document from existing templates that can be selected in the new document window. We will talk about templates in the following lessons.

To open an existing document:

  1. Click on the File tab. A pop-up menu opens.
  2. Select "Open". A dialog box appears.
  3. Select your document and click Open.

If you have opened a document recently, you can open it from the list Latest documents. Just click the File tab and select the Last.

Compatibility Mode

Sometimes you need to work with documents that were created in more early versions WORD programs, such as Word 2007 and Word 2003. When you open such documents, they will open in compatibility mode.

Compatibility mode has certain limitations, so you will have access to only those teams that were in the programs in which they were created. For example, if you open the document created in Word 2007, you can use the Word 2007 tabs and commands.