How Google stores the collected data. What IT Corporation Services collect information about the user Applicates viewing user data about Google

When you make any actions in Google services, we collect data about them. For more information about what information we collect, why do we do this and how you can manage your information, read in our Privacy Policy. It also describes why the shelf life of different types of data data.

You can delete some data at any time yourself, others are removed automatically, and others, if necessary, stored for a long time. If you delete any data, we act in accordance with the special rules. As a result, your data is completely disappearing from our servers or persist there only in an impersonal form. How Google anonymizes data

What information we save while you do not delete it

There are many tools that allow you to manage data that are stored in your Google Account. In particular, you can:

  • delete recordings on the My Actions page;
  • delete photos, documents and other content;
  • delete from your Google account various products;
  • fully delete your Google account.

Data will be saved in your Google Account until you delete it. If you are working with our services without following input to Google account, you can also delete some information, such as information that we used our services using a particular device, browser or application.

Data stored for a certain period of time

In some cases, we do not provide the ability to remove any data, but store them for a certain time. The shelf life of all types of information depends on the purpose of its collection. For example, the services interfaces are correctly displayed on the screens. different devicesWe can store information about the height and browser width to 9 months. Some data for a specified storage period are dewritten. For example, from data on advertising stored in server logs, after 9 months, part of the IP address is removed, and after 18 months, information about cookies files.

Information that is stored before the Google account is deleted

Some information allows us to better understand how we can improve our services and how users work with them, so we store it throughout the google of Google account. For example, if on the "My actions" page delete a specific search query in Google, then information can be saved about how often you use the search, but not what exactly you were looking for. After closing the Google account, information about the frequency of searching is deleted.

Information that is stored for a long time for certain purposes

Some information intended for certain purposes, we store for a long time in accordance with the legislation or business requirements. For example, if Google lists you a payment or accepts funds from you, the relevant data is stored during the period that is necessary for tax or accounting purposes. Some goals, in connection with which the data can be stored for a long period of time:

Safe and Full Data Deletion

As soon as the user erases data from its Google account, we immediately proceed to remove them from the relevant service and all of our systems. First of all, we exclude any possibility of viewing data and their use for personalizing work with Google services. For example, if on the "My Actions" page you will delete the data on the viewed video, youtube will not be available information about what moment the playback of this video was stopped.

Next, we launch the procedure safe and complete removal Data from our storage systems. Thanks to her, we can provide protection against accidental data loss, as well as the calm of users. The whole procedure usually takes about two months. At the same time, a period is often provided that allows you to restore the data if they have been removed unintentionally. Usually it lasts up to one month.

IN different systems Google storage uses different procedures for safe and complete data deletion. In many cases, data is erased only after the multiple operation of the operation. In addition, small delays may be possible so that in case of an error, the information can be restored. In other words, sometimes it takes more time to safely delete data than usual.

If necessary, data can be restored, in our services provided additional means Protection - encrypted backup storage systems. In these systems, data can be stored for six months.

For data deletion procedures and the timing of their implementation described in this article, such factors such as scheduled maintenance, technical problems, malfunctions and errors in protocols can affect. In order to promptly detect and eliminate similar problems, we have implemented special solutions.

protection against fraud and other illegal actions;


Ensuring the protection of users and other persons and google companies from fraud and other unlawful actions


Google suspects anyone in fraud with ads.

financial statements;


Google participation in the financial transaction, for example by transferring you payment or receiving funds from you. Prolonged storage of information is often required for accounting, dispute resolution, compliance with financial norms regarding taxes, fraudorous property, counteracting money laundering, etc.


You purchase applications in Play Market or make purchases on Google Store

compliance with legislative and regulatory requirements;


Fulfillment of the requirements of legislation, judicial decision or execution in the compulsory request state institution, as well as forced compliance with the terms of use or investigation of their possible violations


Google receives a summons

providing services;


Support for the continuous work of our products


If you provided your information to anyone (for example, sending a letter to e-mail), and then deleted it from your Google account, it will be saved in those materials that you have passed other

direct correspondence with Google.


If you contacted Google by contacting the support service, leaving a review or sending error information, we can save information about it


You sent feedback in Gmail, disk or other Google app

Few users think about security and confidentiality on the network. Very often we go to the network and log in in personal offices with various devices - From smartphones and computers that are available to other users. In addition, modern sites and web services are collected a large number of Statistics and user data. Google is no exception. In fact, the company Google knows about you even more than you can imagine. So, what is such an interesting Google know about us, users?

Google has developed enough services that enjoys more than 1 billion people around the world. This is a search engine (Google), Mail (Gmail), Google Earth (Google Earth), Maps (Google Maps), Utyub (YouTube) and others. Each of these services collects data on users, which is used for efficient Internet advertising and for other purposes that are known only by Google.

Sites that report Google user data

Google uses its own services in which users indicate actual information About Me. In this case, you agree that the data specified when registering accounts are real, as well as give good to processing personal data by Google. I doubt that more than 1% of users from the CIS countries read fully the terms of the user agreement or a public offer before clicking "agree" and start using the service or program.

In addition, the company collects numerous technical data and parameters associated with software and technical characteristics User Devices (Computer, Mobile Phone with which Google Services has been running).

What sites tell Google data about users

Sites that send data about users in Google, not so much. But the specifics obtained by Google information makes it possible to estimate the scope of "surveillance" for users.

Google+ profile

Personal Profile on Google+ is similar to pages in other social networks. You fill out basic data - your age, gender, basic interests (agree with the processing of this data by Google). These data are taken into account when selecting the relevant advertising announcementsthat will be shown to you on the pages of partner sites using google.adwords. Detailed information about the user is available at

Location of the user and the history of its movements

If you use an Android smartphone, it has the ability and the ability to send your current coordinates and movement speed in Google. In addition, some applications for correct operation require permission to send the coordinates of the user device. Probably, you noticed that it appears in some location, a notice of photographs and descriptions appears on the smartphone. this place. You can view the history of your movements and display it to the file

Google search history

Google constantly monitors the requests that the user specifies the search engine, especially if the user is logged in in one of Google services. In this case, the sent requests are encrypted and hidden from embedded statistical systems. The user's response to pop-up advertising and any user behavior with the search results is also monitored and monitored. It is used to improve search algorithms, selection of more relevant (appropriate) advertising

Account entry devices

Google keeps devices, IP addresses, locations, ways to access their own services and accounts Google users. Relevant Lists The user can see and find out to find out if anyone has an extraneous accounts and Google

List of applications that have access to your Google data

This list shows applications that can work with your Google user data. The user can see which rights and opportunities for these programs, as well as change the level of access to personal data

Google user export data

Use Google users has the opportunity to export or archive their personal data from google accounts. For export information is available from the following applications and services: bookmarks, mail, contacts, calendar, files with Drive, video with YouTube, Picasa photos, etc.

How do you? -

Internet companies earn the data of their users, knowledge of our preferences make it possible to show us the most relevant advertising. Each user action on the Internet is monitored. . Now we figured out that you can extract useful from the database that Google Corporation collects.

How does Google collect information?

Sources of creation search engine was a scientific project of Stanford Students Larry Page and Sergey Brin. In March 1996, they launched their first search robot, on September 15, 1997 registered the domain Officially, the company was established on September 4, 1998, and in October 2015 Google Inc. Reorganized into the International Conglomerate Alphabet Inc. For incomplete 20 years, the technological products of the holding did not use only one who never went to the Internet. Now the company has more than a hundred different services, Programs and Applicationswhich represent a whole ecosystem.

All information is tied to your Gmail Mail account. The principle is pretty simple: applications and services provide more opportunities or do not work without authorization at all, and when you first start, you ask for a collection of personal data to improve the operation of algorithms. Slotting can be turned off by sacrificing some amenities (sometimes at all without loss), but, as practice shows, license agreement Almost no one reads. Most of all about you tells mobile phone, especially on the Android platform.

First of all, the company collects data to sell more personalized advertising. Also collecting information about the application of applications helps to speed up and improve their functionality. Each user becomes almost free tester, and this significantly reduces the final cost of the product.

What does Google know about you?

Google can know more about their users than their close friends. In addition, the "Corporation of Good" stores the information you have long forgotten.

Here is an incomplete list of user data that is stored in Google: Name; floor; birthday; personal rooms and contacts; Search queries and surfing on the Internet; preferences and hobbies; Movement in the real world, including Favorite institutions, place of work, how the route is to get to it and on what transport; In some cases, the system has a recording of your voice and even the ability to determine you by photography.

In the Google Account settings, all information is distributed in three major sections. "Security and Login", "Confidentiality" and "Account settings".

Find lost, limit suspicious

In chapter "Security and Login" can strengthen security your account; change password and add backup mail; According to the prompts of stages to find lost phone where your account is used, and if the device on the Android platform, it can be blocked and write a message to the found.

Be sure to check on which deviceswhat time and even in where your account is used, as well as suspicious actions. If you notice something strange, it is worth sending a password immediately, and you can add to reliability two-stage authentication;

At the bottom of the section security is a switch that is responsible for automatic blocking unreliable applications, you can also conduct an audit manually in the subsection "Applications that have access to the account". If you click on any applications in the list that appears, detailed information will unfold, which privileges have a program. It is worth a more careful to see the list and turn off what has not been using or do not trust.

Google knows where you were last summer

Confidential section - A real find for a spy. To begin with a couple of clicks you can rewrite personal information.

All contacts from mail and applications as well phone numbers With synchronized devices are in the appropriate tab. In the "More" side menu, you can make a copy either, on the contrary, download new contacts from the archive and other services, and the tab will show just above, with whom you often communicate.

Then useful to look into the settings track your action. You can prohibit or, on the contrary, allow collecting information from devices, transmitting search history, locations, voice control and YouTube views. Each item is a short description, and the decision is made in one click on the slider on the right.

IN separate window You can see the story of your actions: search queries, including voice, viewed video and visited sites. IN local line The filtering function by the name of the service, theme and date is embedded. On the same criteria, you can clean the story by clicking on three points in the upper right corner of each block or using a special the History Removal tab.

Chronology in google-maps Shows the places you visited. See when you were there, you can double-click. Also in the menu that is located in the upper left corner you can choose a day, month, year to see your route for this day, but not earlier when it was included this feature . Every year, the service improves: the later the chronology, there is more and more accurate in it, right up to the transport where you moved. If necessary, each record can be deleted by clicking on the basket icon.

The menu does not have a separate link to the "Google Photo" settings, although usually the default program is on Android devices. If desired, it can be installed on Apple products. Many users do not notice that the application, synchronizing with Google account, stores in the network of photography. Access to them is only at the account owner, but in the settings you can create general albums. The quality of the saved photos is also selected. The initial occupies the volume of the google disk, and the compressed has no restrictions. In the settings you can give permission to group photos with similar persons, it will give the opportunity to tie a person's photos to his contact.

The service itself is quite convenient, allows you to find photos by date, location or just in the search string you can enter what you are looking for. If you want to remove everything from google serversBe sure to disconnect the synchronization in the application on your devices so that the photos from them do not disappear.


What do you advertise and why?

Advertising preferences Collected on the basis of your sex, age and interests. If the list of interesting topics hit what you are not interested or not like, then each of the items can rewrite or block at your discretion.

If you deactivate the switch in the right corner top panel, it will turn off personalized advertising in Google's partner networks, and on the link at the bottom of the page - on third-party services.

Users are given the right to install a plagin from Google in the browser, it will block advertising personalization, even if it is enabled in the account settings: for Chrome, Mozila Firefox and Internet Explorer.

It is necessary to remind you about both cases advertising will not disappear anywhere: it will be less relevant; Some ads can not be blocked or disable sound on them; Most often, the ads will be based on the contents of the open web page.

There are applications that fully block advertising in the browser, but then the sites that you visit will stop earning.

How to delete and backup all data

In the depths of confidentiality settings there is a transition to personal Area . It contains a list of basic services and their content. Each tile is clickable, when you press it gives detailed information, and in the right corner of the dropped list will cause a lot extra menuwhich some services allow you to download all the information or delete it.

To download everything that Google stores you, in a few clicks, you need to go to the export menu. In it, you can choose the services you need or simply press further, and then an additional menu will appear. In it, you can choose the format of the archive (including breaking the archive into several parts), as well as the service or link to download. Dozens can be collected in the old account, or even hundreds of gigabytes of data. Therefore, to create an archive is required from a pair of hours to several days. When it is ready, the system will notify you by mail.


Data delete menu is divided into removing accounts in services YouTube, Google+, Play games and gmail. Also the user has the opportunity total destruction In chapter "Account settings"where you have twice ask confirmation since full cleaning will affect many useful servicesassociated with the account. For example, Internet banking can be tied to mail Gmail.. Just in case, you can leave the restoration path by adding backup mail and telephone in the respective graphs.

For emergency casesIf something happens and you will not use your account for a long time, choose a friend or relative, which will access your data. In the menu you need to select an inactivity time (from 3 to 18 months), a list of data and the person who will receive them. After the specified period, the account will be blocked, and the trust will receive an SMS message with access to mail. You can also specify that everything is destroyed automatically 3 months after deactivation.

Collecting data on users allowed Google at one of the annual developer conferences to announce several of its new developments: an assistant who can assign meetings by phone and configure proposals for google maps A function that will end the sentences for you.

The development of such technologies in many ways has become possible due to the massive data collection. Google services are collecting billions of users every day. This is one of the conditions for use. free Services. Many people do not even think about it. But the one who owns information, he owns the world.

Google has seven products, each of which has at least 1 billion active users per month, and they cannot work without having access to users. The Morning Consult survey has been able to make Google one of the most famous brands in the world.

All the well-known scandal with Cambridge Analytica led to tightening in the laws on the storage of personal data, and the company that turned out in the center of the scandal was declared bankrupt.

Google goes on "thin ice"

Professor Harvard Business School David Jofphi says:

"Search as well mobile devices Equipped Google Play. Merrably understand your user. Such mutual understanding is achieved through the collection and storage of your personal data.

Facebook had a declared policy over the past three years, which most of us considered acceptable until Cambridge Analytica was found. "

Where do the data come from?

The more google products you use, the more Google can collect data about you. No matter whether it is Gmail, operating system Android for smartphones, YouTube, Google Disk, Google Maps and, of course, Google Search. - The company collects gigabytes of data about you.

Google offers free access To its services, showing you targeted advertising, which brought $ 31.2 billion only in the first three months of 2018.

The Company's data acquisition practice also includes scanning email to extract data. keywords for use in other products and google services And to improve the possibilities of its machine learning. This information was confirmed by the representative of Google Aaron Stein.

"We can analyze the contents [e-mail] to set up the search results, it is better to detect spam and malware," he added.

But that's not all. Google claims that it also uses some of its data sets to "help build a new generation of decisions for the next-generation artificial intelligence." On Tuesday, Google released "Smart Replies", in which artificial intelligence helps users finish offer.

Consultant by information technologies Dylan Carran recently downloaded everything that he has on Facebook, and received a 600 MB file. A similar file with personal data from Google was 5.5 gigabytes, which is nine times more!

"This is one of the most crazy things in the modern era, we would never allow the government or corporation to place the cameras or microphones into our homes or track the location on us, but we went ahead and did it yourself, because ... I want to watch a video of cute cats And dogs, "Karran wrote.

What guarantees Google?

The company has established various restrictions on the use of this data. The company does not sell your personal information, makes user data anonymous after 18 months and offers users to remove the collected personal data partially or completely. Such innovations complicate the work of marketers who try to identify your beliefs, sexual interests or personal difficulties.

However, this does not prevent the company to sell advertising themselves, the coverage of which can be narrowed to postal index User. In combination with a sufficient number of other categories of interest and behavior of users, Google advertisers are easier to identify the target audience, which means to create the most successful advertising campaigns.

What can you do with this?

Users can see and limit the data collected by Google by changing their advertising preferences.

Internet giant offers customizable controls to abandon tracking through advertising file. Google Cookie, as well as limit whether you can show targeted announcements based on your groups of interests and categories. You can also view and delete many personal tracking data about yourself, including the entire search history and any geolocation data that could track every physical movement if you entered Google services on your phone.

"We provide users to remove controls individual elements, services or all of their account, "said Google Stein. "When the user decides to delete the data, we pass the process over time to safely and completely remove it from our systems, including backups. We save some data with a Google user account, for example, when and how they use certain functions, until account Will not be deleted. "

Google does not hide the fact that he will know about his users if not all, then a lot. Another when you created your account, you were warned that they would track your history of search queries, views on YouTube, audio information, purchases, contacts, call data. That's just registered this in a multi-page agreement, which not everyone can read to the end.

Google explains - all this is done in order to adapt to users and make products more comfortable. For example, provide individual offers, content or applications. But the main thing, information is used to select the most sharpened ads for you.

Why a track of Google is dangerous

Limit the data that the default gathers google should if only because Your personal information can get into other people's hands. And not only if someone hacks the account.

Your information can merge into the network. For your fault

So, in July, the search engine "Yandex" indexed the files with google service Docs, not protected by privacy settings. listed google files Docs. The first thing that users found through the search "Yandex" are passwords. IN open access Passwords have been passwords for personal and working accounts in social networks, to e-mail and other services. In addition, the documents discovered electronic wallets. However, all password-protected documents in search results did not appear. Leakage occurred due to the negligence of users themselves.

Your information can be transferred to unauthorized people. Perfect

In the user agreement, it is clearly spelled out to whom Google can merge your confidential information:

  • Private companies, if you gave this consent. Example from Google: "If you use Google Home to call a driver call, we will provide your address to this service only with your permission."
  • Affiliates Google and other trusted companies and faces for processing on behalf of Google.
  • Law enforcement agencies, security officials, FSB.
  • Publishers, advertisers, developers. Example from Google: "We provide this information so that users can study the trends in the use of our services. In addition, we allow individual partners to collect information from your browser or device using your own cookie files and other technologies and use it to display advertising and evaluating its effectiveness. "

Why google to follow you

Google's task, like any commercial structure in this world, make money. One of the ways is to efficiently sell advertising. For this service collects a huge amount of information about everything. After all, you can register and use the product for free, and for each for free you have to pay, anyway.

Exposure from the Google User Agreement:

How to get rid of google surveillance

If you just got a Google advertisement that offers you the goods for your requests (you never know what and when you were looking for and do not want to advertise), you can turn off personalization. For this . But this does not mean that Google will cease to collect information on you. It will just disturb less.

However, any user can prohibit Google not only to offer advertising, but also collect information.

To google to stop watching the whole and completely (In any case, the parameters that are officially talking about) is simply what is incorporated by default.

If you are ready to provide information about your preferences in YouTube, but do not want you to listen to, for you the following instruction:

To access their personal dossier, you need to go to your account,

Here are the settings for search queries and viewed pages; places you visited; information from devices; voice inquiries and teams; The video you were looking for and watched on YouTube.

All data from your phone microphone is stored. It is worth saying "OK, Google" once, and everything you will interest you will become known to advertisers.