How to clean the computer so that it worked faster. Complete cleaning of a computer from garbage: detailed instructions

Long-term use of the computer inevitably leads to a decrease in its performance. What modern components, installed on the computer, sooner or later, the system will start to slow down. To return the initial speed of work, you need to install why it decreases.

Causes of occurrence

When buying a new computer or after reinstalling the operating system, the applications work quickly, and the system immediately responds to user commands. Over time, short-term hangs, overheating and sudden reboot begin to occur.

This is due to several reasons:

  • pollution of the corps of dust;
  • the presence of malicious programs;
  • the scored register of the Windows operating system;
  • the work of many unnecessary programs in the background;
  • the presence of a large number of temporary files;
  • storage of garbage on a rigid disk.

With all these problems, it is easy to cope with yourself.

How to clean the computer so as not to brake

To begin with, it is better to make physical cleaning of the system unit from dust. Often Dust and other debris clog the coolers fans and interfere with a full air exchange inside the system unit, or a laptop housing. From this temperature rises, and the performance falls. From dust you can get rid of themselves with the help of a conventional vacuum cleaner and rags.

It should also be checked how well the fan rotates above the processor, as well as inside the video card. With a lung push with a fingerThey should easily rotate. If they are tightly turning, it is better to think about their replacement. Their cost is relatively low, compared with the cost of repair after overheating.

Most. the best option Will pull out all the components from your slots and wipe them separately from each other.

First, all the loops should be disconnected, and then carefully remove the components. It will help to clean in those places where it is difficult to penetrate the cloth in the assembled state. This is especially true for laptops. If you are unspecifiedthat you can properly assemble and connect everything back, you should not resort to this method. Simple dust removal with a vacuum cleaner will be quite enough.

All components should be wiped only with a dry cloth.

Another problem of overheating can be caused by dried. Between the processor and cooler for better heat exchange special paste is applied. Over time, it comes into disrepair and should be applied again.

Attention! Before any actions inside the system unit, disconnect it from the power supply.

It is worth noting that the laptop may overheat regardless of the internal state. Sometimes, users use a laptop so that important air ducts overlap, which is why the speed of work may decrease.

One of the frequent causes of the loss of former performance lies in the presence of viruses. Today, not every virus makes itself felt. They can penetrate the system when downloading files from the Internet, as well as through removable media. Therefore, the system may be many hidden malwarethat penetrate the autoload and spend the processor time, and also occupy RAM.

To search and eliminate them, you can use paid or free antivirus.

Also, especially for this task, DR. Web released utility Cureit.. It is completely free and weighs only 160 MB. It can be downloaded from the official site, after which you run the disc scanning. It will take some time, depending on the busy place On disk. After the scan is completed, the application will show all the threats found and offer them to neutralize or make it automatically depending on the settings. After rebooting the computer, malicious programs will be removed.

How to clean your computer from unnecessary programs

After physical cleaning, as well as the removal of viruses, it will be advisable to get rid of unnecessary programs and files. Some of them can be installed without a user's knowledge, for example, when installing other programs. They take not only a place on the hard disk, but often prescribe themselves in autoload. Thus, working in hidden mode, they occupy RAM, which operating system startup time significantly increases.

To view a list of all installed programs in Windows, you must go to the control panel, select the "Install and Delete Programs" item. Here you can find and remove those programs that are not used.

Deleting garbage files

Another problem affecting performance is residual and dump files. They remain even after removing programs. At the same time on a rigid disk, saved empty folders And temporary directories no longer existing applications. Get rid of them can be standard windows tools.

For this you need:

  • go to "my computer";
  • open the "properties" of the desired hard disk;
  • select "Clearing Hard Disk" and confirm the action.

After that, Windows will analyze the disk and delete the remains of non-existent programs.

Clearing Windows Registry

In addition to the presence of unnecessary files and programs in the system, the operating system registry itself is clogged over time. To clean it, you can use simple and free program CCleaner. This program finds and clears temporary and not files installed applications, for example, cache browsers.

After clicking on the Analysis button, CCleaner will collect all the information and show what files can be deleted. All actions The program performs automatically, the user does not need to be deliberate in the subtleties of the registry device. In case of deleting something important, the program creates backup former version Registry with which everything can be restored.

For such purposes, you can also pay attention to Regcleaner and Norton Windoctor programs, but they are suitable for advanced users.

Defragment of a hard disk

All programs and data are recorded on the hard disk sectors. Over time, some programs are updated and becomes more, and some are removed. This leads to uneven filling of the hard disk. It turns out that one program is recorded in several distant places of the hard disk and reading significantly slows down. Defragmentation takes all the data of one program and records them next to the data to be read sequentially. It significantly accelerates work.

IN windows system This feature is built-in. To run it, you need to do the following steps (using the example of Windows 7):

  • go to "My Computer" and right-click on the desired disk section;
  • in the list that opens, select "Properties";
  • next, go to the "Service" section;
  • press the "Defragmentation" button.

Moving files It will take some time, after which the laptop will work faster.

After conducting these simple actions, you can achieve this speed of the system as on a new computer. It is recommended to perform them regularly so that the computer pleases the speed and reliability of its work constantly.

The slow work of the computer annoys most users, and some brings to real hysterics. At the same time, it is often possible to solve the problem with simple optimization actions.

Get rid of dust

Dust is one of the main reasons that leads to a decrease in the speed of the PC, since overheating appears because of it. In some cases, it can apply a computer and more serious damage, causeing the failure of components.

Avoid problems will allow the regular cleaning of the computer from dust and dirt. It is recommended to do this at least 2 times a year. In stationary PC, execute the procedure for cleaning the user may well independently without the help of specialists.

Consider how you can clean the computer so as not to brake because of dust:

Important. The replacement of the heat-conducting interface (thermal paste) is recommended for each cleaning, since over time it dries out and loses its basic properties that ensures heat dissipation.

Check computer for viruses

Viruses often cause slow work Computer. Finding into the system, they can apply the most diverse harm, for example, delete or encrypt important information. Many of the malicious programs significantly load PCs and slow down the system.

Consider the main of them:

  • install antivirus software;
  • download regularly and install OS updates;
  • never download suspicious files;
  • include regular update of antivirus databases;
  • use the firewall, it is built into the system starting with WindowsXP;
  • check all USB drives before opening.

These simple actions will significantly reduce the possibility of penetration of the virus, but will not give 100% warranty. If there are suspicions that the system can be infected, it is recommended to immediately scan with special utilities, for example, Curitot Dog Driver.

Consider the main signs of penetration into the system of malicious software:

Council. With the slightest suspicions of viruses, do not postpone scanning than before treatment, the more likely to maintain important data and less likely that the virus will cause significant damage to the system.

We carry out defragmentation

Write on hDD It is performed in the first free space to speed up the process. This may lead to the fact that the files of the file will be located in different parts of the disk - fragmented, which significantly reduces the speed of access to information, as the system is forced to search for it throughout the disk.

Defragmentation orders the location of the data on the hard drive and helps increase computer performance.

Consider the procedure for disk defragmentation inWindows 7 orXP:

In Windows 8, default, defragmentation is performed once a week. It passes in the background and the user can not notice it. If you need to start the optimization process forcibly, you can do it by analogy with other versions of the OS from Microsoft.

Video: What to do if the computer slows down

Restore system files

In some cases system files May be lost or damaged. This may happen because incorrect work Removal, viruses or user actions. But in any case, the system without the right files can work incorrectly: to slow down and pick up. To normalize work in the OS, a special recovery means is embedded.

Consider the procedure for launching system file recovery tools:

PC optimization with GLARY UTILITES

Convenient to optimize PC operation use special utilitieswhich allow you to perform the process even inexperienced user. One of them - GLARY UTILIIES.. It is a whole set of utilities that will help increase the speed of the system.

Consider the main functions of GLARY UTILITIES:

  • cleaning system from temporary data;
  • removal of programs;
  • registry cleaning;
  • encryption of important data;
  • optimization of working with RAM;
  • management of autoload and active processes;
  • cleaning hard disk from unnecessary files.

The application interface allows you to easily optimize the system even inexperienced user. The product is distributed free of charge. It can be freely downloaded on the developer's website.

Adding RAM

The size random access memory It has a significant impact on PC performance. If its volume is insufficient, the system is forced to store part of the data used in the hard disk, which significantly affects the speed of work.

Before adding memory, you need to find out which type is compatible with the computer.

You can do this in the following ways:

  • with the help of special utilities;
  • by referring to the documentation supplied with PC;
  • in appearance and information on modules.

It is worth noting that best wayallowing you to avoid annoying errors - the use of documentation.

Before purchasing RAM modules, you must also find out how many modules support motherboard And how many of them are free. This will allow you to select the volume of each module when purchasing.

We give the procedure when installing new or replace the existing RAM modules:

  1. disable computer power;
  2. open the lid of the system unit;
  3. if necessary, remove old modules;
  4. making advantage of the correct location to establish new planks in slots;
  5. check the reliability of the attachment and be surprised that all attachments to the end snapped into;
  6. close the system block case and check the PC.

It is important to remember that 32-bit systems cannot work with a large volume of RAM. When using 4 or more gigabytes of RAM, it is recommended to go to the 64-bit version of Windows.

Configuring Podchock File

System in case of lack of space for running applications RAM uses the so-called virtual memory. To do this, a special paging file is created on the disk, which moves part of the data from RAM.

Proper to configure the paging file can increase computer performance. Optimal sizeIt is recommended to be installed in OS parameters should be 2-3 times the volume of the existing physical RAM.

Consider how to configure the paging file inWindows 7:

In other versions of the operating system, you can specify virtual memory settings.

When installing the parameters, you must remember the following tips:

  • the paging file should be located on the rapid hard disk;
  • the maximum and minimum (source) size of virtual memory must match;
  • periodic defragmentation will speed up the operation of the OS with the paging file.

Video: CCleaner Clean Computer

Not enough free space on the disk and its optimization

Normal work of Windows only if there is a sufficient amount of free space on system disk. It is recommended to leave about 20% free, but not less than 5-10 GB.

You can free on the hard drive, you can not only delete unnecessary files or programs, but also by checking temporary files.

For this there are two ways:

  1. running the built-in Windows;
  2. using third-party utilities.

In practice, the utility built in OS is often ineffective. therefore optimal option There will be a third-party utility, such as Glary Utilities or CCleaner. They allow cleaning with a friendly interface quickly and efficiently free a place from temporary files.

It is worth remembering that files can be located on the disk rather chaotic. As a result, over time, the free space remains also in different parts of the drive, and the speed will fall. Therefore, periodically must be done disk defragmentation.

Setting up visual effects

Modern version of the OS contain many visual effects to create a more enjoyable external view. At the same time, they all require system resources and slightly reduce performance. Refusing a part of visual effects, you can improve the speed of the PC.

Consider how to open the window of the settings of the visual effects in Windows 7:

Deleting temporary files

When the computer is working, a huge number of temporary files are created, which not only occupy free space, but also affect the operation of the system, slowing down speed. Some of these elements are removed immediately when the application is closed, but not all. You can solve the problem using the built-in OS built-in facilities or additional utilities.

Most effective cleaning Exercises diverse software from third-party manufacturers designed to improve PC performance, such as GLARY UTILITIES.

By regularly cleaning the system from the garbage, removing dust from the computer and performing simple actions to optimize the operation, the user can significantly increase the performance of the computer, and in some cases, even extend the service life.


Greetings dear reader. Today, almost everyone has computers, laptops, tablets and other gadgets. For no matter how powerful is your computer, it is starting to slow down and the farther, the worse. There are many reasons for this, but most of the way can be fixed easily. The way described below will be for WindowsSince most ordinary users are sitting on it.

To begin with, clean the computer so that it does not slow down, in two ways. First - Call masters at home. This is if you are not sure about your abilities or simply do not have time. Second - Clean yourself, namely: clean from dust, from temporary files, from information debris, from viruses and malicious programs, optimize the system. This option takes time and perseverance, but you do not need to be a programmer or hacker, all actions are simple. But if not sure In their forces, actions - call the wizard or take a computer.

Why slows down the computer?

Of course, it's nice to work on a new PC or laptop, or if you just installed a new operating system. Everything works fast, does not slow down. But over time, the "brakes" begin, something does not immediately open, posits, sometimes freezes or even turns off, in consequently overheating. This can serve as several reasons. The most basic:

  • Case Pollution: Dust, Crumb, Wool ...
  • The processor is heated,
  • Not required programs score RAM,
  • On the hard disk, the informational "garbage" accumulated,
  • Viruses and various malicious programs brake windows.

What about doing with it? There is nothing terrible, the described below can repeat any, even a novice PC user or laptop. To begin with, you need to clean the computer from dust. You need a wet cloth, a dry rag, cotton wands, vacuum cleaner, if possible, a compressed air balloon, but it is not necessary. And if you have a laptop, then most likely the dust will not be there, it means to physically clean it is not necessary. The fact is that the building of the laptop is arranged so that the dust is practically not accumulated there, and it is difficult to disassemble it, so it's better not even.

For subsequent cleaning, we will use various programs for cleaning the operating system, so get ready for what you need to install them.

Cleaning a computer from dust.

With the accumulation of dust on the inner parts of the computer, the heating of these very elements begins. In this connection, they cannot carry out 100% of their functions, it leads to the braking of the computer in games, programs, and so on. This is especially true with the top assemblies of computers, they are very powerful and warm often. Moreover, if processors often warm, whether it is central or graphic, it leads to irreversible processes inside the cores, which is a serious breakdown and is not repaired.

I also note that the cause of strong heating may be drying the thermal paste. If you are a novice in this matter - then to clean the computer well, it should also be replaced. In general, the thermalcaste is simpler to put the paste that helps to remove heat from the processor to the radiator. And it is between them, respectively.

And so how to clean the computer from dust:

Ideally, of course, it is better to remove all the elements and wipe separately. But you need to do it, if you are confident that everyone will collect back.

Removing unnecessary programs.

The next step is to clean the computer - to find and remove unnecessary programs and applications. The fact is that over time a bunch of programs is installed, they hang in autoload and some are simply not used, and the RAM is lit up.

First delete the program:

You can use third-party programs. I recommend to clean your computer, as such programs usually delete the program for all 100%, the subordination of the folder and the registry. For example, I use.

She is free, and weighs a little, I have never noticed problems for her. To use it easily, install, and just as I described above, delete the program. After it scans the computer, and if you find folders and files, click delete them.

Cleaning autoload.

Sometimes there are some necessary programs to leave, but they hang in autoload, that is, they are turned on with a computer. We can not use them and do not work and fill the RAM. Then we need:

There are also third-party programs To clean the startup, but they are with great functionals and for those who understand what you need to turn off. For example, to clean the computer using the program. It is free and works fine.

Removing viruses and malicious programs.

If you have an antivirus installed, perform a complete computer check. This is one of important factors How to clean your computer. What to say about antivirus? Many opinions, many programs. In my opinion, you need to install licensed programs And buy licenses. Some of the best: Kaspersky Lab, Dr.Web (Doctor Web), ESET NOD32 (Node 32) and so on.

True, some of them load the operating system well, and it turns out that you do not speed up the computer, but on the contrary. But the system does not affect viruses and malicious programs. Of course it is worth to keep in mind if you have powerful computer, I should not worry. Well, it is desirable that the Internet connection constantly was, so that the antivirus was constantly updated.

There are certainly alternatives. I like many I love free, it was for myself that I was able to choose a good antivirus, more precisely this is a complex of programs, cleaning and unnecessary files, temporary files, optimization of the operating system and checking for viruses. it 360 Total Security . It is free and easy to use. And on personal experience I will say that not bad with viruses copes.

Check or scanning, as elsewhere called, can last long. It all depends on hard size Disk and number of information on it. Well, after that it is worth a computer reboot.

Cleaning the computer from unnecessary files and folders.

This item is very important in order to clean the computer well. After all, what happens when a lot of information debris in a man's head? He begins to blend. Similarly, with a computer. He sees all the information on the computer, indexes folders and files, and when the mess, then you need more time, in the investigation starts the computer to slow down.

Cleaning the registry.

What is the registry? Simply put, this kind of operating system database with settings and various parameters. Very important windows element. And when it is litlazy, the computer also slows down, because all the programs that we install there also prescribe their settings, and when we do something, the parameters also change in the registry. In general, to clean the computer, it also needs to be cleaned.

Here we will help installed program She copes with this.

  1. Run the program and selects the Registry tab.
  2. Here also, first we analyze.
  3. Now click "Fix". A window will appear, which requires a backup copy of the registry, agree, will not hurt.
  4. We are waiting to the end and reboot PC.

There is also a program that I really like and constantly use it - Wise Registry Clasner.. It does not even require installation. What are the pros:

  • Cleans the registry, as the analysis, then cleaning.
  • Optimizes the registry
  • Defragmenses registry

I do all three points, a powerful program.

Here as well as with the registry, all files and folders must lie in their places and shelves, and not scattered throughout hoody disk. This item is also important to clean the computer normally. Thereafter operating system It is easier to find files and folders, as a result of which the system does not slow down.

Now you can do your affairs, because this process is long, but effective. So you need to do with all the disks on your computer.

But if you already have a modern SSD disk, you don't need to defragment, it is simply meaningless, as such discs are the same flash drives. And on ordinary discs there is a disk that is spinning when reading files, and the head can read what is near. Well, if the files are scattered, then the head has a lot, the disc is spinning faster, there is a lot of time. And the flash drive excludes all these moments and reads information instantly practically.

Optimization of the Windows operating system

Here we will analyze several more points to optimize the system itself.

  1. Disable visual effects. right-click on my computer - properties - extra options - speed - parameters. Here we turn off as much as possible, see yourself, try. If the computer is generally weak - turn off everything.
  2. Clean the task scheduler. Go to C: \\ Windows \\ Tasks and all delete. Now without your knowledge, the system does not plan anything 🙂.
  3. Turn off system recovery. From practice, it rarely helps restore the system, but if necessary, leave this item. Again, right-click on my computer - select the property - system protection (in other versions of operating systems, it can simply be called the system recovery) - click on each disk and click configure - in the window that opens, click Disable and remove all the points so as not to occupy a lot of space and approx.
  4. Optimize desktop. All icons and folders on the desktop are loading the system, so in order to clean the computer well, leave on the desktop only the most necessary. Or better to create shortcuts on the desktop.

Well, I think this is the most basic thing to do to clean the computer. And it is better to do this at least once every two months, and then your computer will live and breathe freely. Have a nice day.

And here is a video about how to clean the computer so that it does not slow down.

How to clean the computer so as not to brake. Updated: September 11, 2017 by the author: Subbotin Paul

Hello everybody! Now I will try to write a bombing article about how to clean your computer or laptop so that it does not brake!In general, everything that works on the Windows Operations, I will show on example Windows 7. Advanced user Will be able to repeat all this and on other operatingers.

Computer cleaning sequence (laptop)

1. Delete everything from the startup

Why did I put it first? Because computer slows down Usually due to a shortage of RAM, and how can I do something at all if it slows down? According to this first thing, clean the startup.

Of course, the first reason may be in, but it happens in such problems a maximum of 3%, but how to look at the temperature, I will show a little lower ...

To clean the autoload of the computer, you can use special programsbut we will be standard means, because We need only to disable unnecessary programs From autoload I. standard means Allow to see non-standard, which also need to be disconnected to free up the startup.

Press the keyboard key + R or Start - Run. Or you can open the task manager and select the file - execute ... But I usually click just Win + R ...

10. Hard disk breaking

Now we will break the hard drive for 2, if it is not yet broken. I will not pushing your head with acronis, I will show how it is done in Windows. Again press the right mouse button my computer is control.

On the left we go through the control of the disks and press the right mouse button system disk - choose to compress(If it gives an error, then the disk defragmentation service is disabled).

Now carefully. I was inappropriate, because it was written not the best way!

The size of the compressible space, which will be the volume of the new disk, and not the one that is compressed.

If you squeeze the C drive, then on my example, the C drive will be 36477, and the D - 23895 disk.

When all choose, press compress. Next will appear unbalanced space. By right, click on the right mouse button and choose the creation of a simple volume. Next, click further - hereinafter, there is everything according to the standard. Create a disc B file System NTFS and formatted.

11. Optimization of the desktop

People make a very big mistake when they throw out all the files on the desktop.

There are 2 minuses in this:

  • The desktop is on the disk with, and the fewer files on the system disk, the easier it is to work as an operating system.
  • Icons on the desktop are constantly simplified.

To avoid this, delete everything unnecessary from the desktop, and move heavy folders to the D disc, which we created in paragraph 10. If these folders are needed on the desktop, simply after moving, right-click on each folder and select send - Desktop (Create Label).
12. Removing unnecessary programs

Not that unnecessary programs are directly interfering, they can clog the registry, browsers and occupy rapid memory hanging in services. For this you need to delete all programs that are not needed.

For programs do not leave excess tracks, download the program below:

It is a portable, it does not have to install on this. Just click Next, then select the folder where to unpack the program.

Run ... initially the program on english languageBut there is Russian. To do this, go to the options and select the Russian language from the list.

First, the program is removed by the built-in uninstaller.

After removing the program with a built-in uninstallator, the program will begin search for the remaining elements.

But not in all programs remain unnecessary files. Suppose in the first program, there were no extra elements, and in the second only files. And it happens and a lot of registry keys remains superfluous.

If there are unnecessary files, just in case, look at them. If they are really unnecessary, you click to choose everything and delete.

That's all. Do these operations with all unnecessary programs.
13. Clearing registry

there is excellent programwhich is straight off the computer ... Download:

In the archive 2 programs. This is CCleaner and Wise Registry Cleaner. We need the second. Again, it does not require installation. Run.

This program can be put in order. After starting, click Scan.

After scanning, the program will show the errors found. Click clean.

AND last tab The registry compression is the most efficient. We press the analysis.

And after analysis, press compression. The computer will ask to reboot. Reboot.

This is completed on this to clean the registry.

14. Disk defragment.

This item is relevant if you do not have an SSD drive, because W. sSD Disc The information is stored as on the flash drive and there is no spinning disk.

And the conventional hard disk has read information by promoting the disc and reading the reading heads from it. Defragmentation at its level is collected all the information close to each other. In a consequence, the reading head is faster starting to get to the information and less it is to wear out. This procedure is very important for a regular disk.

The program is again portable in Russian. Download.

Run. As I said, defragmenting for SSD is not needed, and indeed it is harmful! SSD has a resource and unwanted many times to move the files on it. But in this program is not presented to defragmenting SSD, and its optimization, no movements occur. On this if you choose the SSD on the left in the checkbox and click next to the defragmentation button on the triangle and choose Optimize SSD..

SSD optimization will go

This program also has the defragmentation feature of individual files.

And a very convenient Smart disk. What I wrote it in.

Defragmentation of a regular disk occurs almost the same way. Select the side of the checkbox normal Disk And click Samu defragmentation button.

After defragmentation in the status field, an inscription will appear: Defragmentation is completed.

15. Iron factors affecting the slow operation of the computer:

  • High temperature processor
  • High temperature video card

If the temperature of the video card is higher than the norm, then the computer may not be slow, it can be rebooted at all. And when I was generally the case when the client brought system unitWe have turned on the systemist and from the video card I saw smoke, and when I ran off from the socket system, the fire rose! Horror! I also wrote about it in the article.

  • Bied sectors on hard disk

Another reason for the slow work of the computer is the battered hard drive. The data simply cannot be considered from the hard disk and in better case the computer brakes, and at worst at all the operating system refuses to load. How to check the hard disk on broken sectors, I wrote, but check the response of the hard disk.

  • RAM errors

Computer brakes are very rare in this case. Usually pops up blue screenBut still it can be. How to check the prompt memory, I wrote.

16. System assessment

Perhaps you have a computer not balanced ... it's like if you swing one hand, it will not grow up, and if you download all the muscles in the complex, you can achieve good results. So ... in the computer the same.

To see a balanced computer or not, press the right mouse button along my computer and select the property.

If you have never done a computer assessment, then you will have inscription System Evaluation is not available. Or the system of the machine will appreciate it. Then go through the Windows performance index.

As you see, everything is balanced, only the processor shows a smaller rating, but at that time I bought the last i7 ... Buy Extreme, not logical, they cost a lot ... just in case, click Repeat the rating, right at the bottom. When iron analysis is completed, see if there is a strong difference in estimates. If there is, it is a reason to think about the upgrade of this element.

And by the way, I noticed that after evaluating the system, the computer started working faster a little.
17. Windload widget(for versions of Windows Home extended and higher)

Well, on the last, the bonus can be said ... To constantly control the loading of the computer and know when it is busy, and when it hungs, install a widget ...

Click the right button on the desktop and select gadgets:

Now the processor loading indicator and RAM will be displayed on the desktop ...

At the time when I did a screenshot, the processor load was 0.2%, and the loading of RAM 47%. If these arrows enter the red zone, know that the computer does not depend, but is busy with some kind of processes. And in this case, you need to think about either over the upgrade, or you opened a large number of programs, or programs are too heavy.

That's all. These are all the ways that I remembered, which will help to make the computer does not slow down, well, or a laptop.

Hey! It's time to proceed to the second phase of cleaning home Computer. Let me remind you that last week I wrote a few words about which lead to acceleration and to the stability of work, as well as about help if the computer slows down. Now, as promised, wrote the second part about how to clean the computer.

In the previous time, we used third-party programs, such as CCleaner, Defraggler, and. Now, we will continue our prevention, but this time we will delete manually not the necessary files and during the remaining checks will use exclusively utilities that are already preset in the Windows operating system.

Here is a short list with the content that we will do:

  • Cleaning the computer and user folders from temporary files;
  • Removing spam programs, as well as not used applications;
  • Scanning and restoring disk errors using the command chkdsk / f / r;
  • Liberation on HDD, deleting old, not used files, as well as various garbage that has been stored for a very long time;

Clearing computer from temporary files

Temporary files are those files that appear links with long-term use of the browser, various programs and utilities, which leads to a strong braking of the computer. A vivid example of such files is encoded video, various pictures and icons. But with this, still climbs a lot of nasty, such as advertising spam or even viruses. The most interesting thing is that all this is stored in one folder called Temp.that it will very simplify the process of prevention.

The first thing to do for cleaning is. Then just go to the following folder:

C: \\ Users \\ User \\ AppData \\ Local \\ Temp (where user is the name of your account)

And here, you will see all the files from which we need to get rid of. Therefore, we allocate everything to single File and delete them using the key " Delet."Or by clicking on any file right-click \u003d\u003e" Delete" If suddenly, the system will say that some files are now used, then simply skip them by clicking on the corresponding button.

Remove not used programs

To remove not the necessary programs, we will use the computer's control panel. I am sure that everyone has applications that you have using several times, and then just forget about them, while they continued to lie on the computer further and take free space. To be honest, even with me there are such cases, and I remove them with the next master cleaning of the computer. Also, I would like to remember, about a lot of famous browser "Amigo" (no offense Mail.Ru), which is progressing with the help of an aggressive installation (put in the form of an addition when installing various software) and with time, as a result, the computer begins to brake hard.

So, this step is also very important in the process of cleaning the computer. To begin with, launch " Control Panel", Further, if you have a display of groups, click in the upper right corner to the" categories"And choose" Large icons».

And already in the set of icons that appeared, we find and click on " Programs and components" Well, in the window " delete and change programs", We find not necessary programs and remove them.

What to leave, and what to remove certainly choosing friends, here I can, except, advise you to remove such applications as an "amigo" if you certainly do not use them, and various Tulbars.

Checking disk on errors If the computer slows down

The next step we will have a disk check for errors. The same procedure, you could meet in an article with where with this utility it was successfully restored.

So go " Start» –> « All programs» –> « Standard"And found in the list command line, Run it on behalf of the administrator. In the window that opens, we register the command:

cHKDSK / F / R

  • / F. - responsible for correcting disk errors;
  • / R. - responsible for finding damaged sectors and restore surviving content;

If you are interested in more detailed information about this team, you can get acquainted with it and at the end adding the following symbol: /? .

Well, let's go back to check the disk, so typing the desired command Click " ENTER" A notification will appear that now it is impossible to block the volume and will offer to check when the computer is first rebooting. To confirm the query, press the key Y."And restart the computer.

After the new start wid check disk, which will save you from stable braking of the computer. The duration of which can be different depending on the number of errors and damaged sectors on the disk. Be sure to wait for the end, after which the computer will boot, as always in the usual form.

The last thing I would like to recommend, it is also a clean computer from all the unnecessary or old files. First of all, start with full cleaning of the basket, well, and then you can take the desktop by removing old shortcuts, files ( labels without icon, files such as readme.txt, etc.). Well All, also do with the disk " D: \\"Cleaning it from various garbage.

On this, the prevention of the computer can be considered complete. For those who hit this article immediately, you can get acquainted with the first part of the cleaning that will save you from strong braking of the computer. In general, after watching your computer and supporting the order on it, you will need such preventions as this much more. Waiting for you visiting our