Iphone 4S does not see the WiFi network. Button Wi-Fi Gray and not active - What happened to the iPhone? The main reasons for incorrect work Wi-Fi

Users of all generations of the iPhone eventually face problems in the recognition of the Wi-Fi network. Consider more detailed why Wi Fi fi works on the iPhone and how to fix this problem yourself.

Before changing the problem on your iPhone, make sure the router works correctly. Connect to it from another device. Also try to restart the router and try to connect to it again. Make sure to enter the correct password.

We update iOS.

Unstable Wireless Network C may be a consequence of using an outdated version of iOS. To check your phone for available updates, go to the main settings and then click on the software update item. This update method implies downloading a new version of the firmware "by air", that is, you need a working connection to the Internet (for example, with a 3G network if there is no Wi-Fi).

Also, users can update the firmware using iTunes. Connect your phone to the computer. In the Overview tab, all basic information about the device (model, phone number, firmware version, etc.) is displayed in iTunes. To check the updates and install them, click on the "Update" key.

Use this method if the phone has recently finds the Wi-Fi network and connects to them, but the connection speed is very low.

Reset Wi-Fi Settings

Often Wi-Fi does not work due to incorrect settings. Reset, clicking on the right icon on behalf of the access point in the Wi-Fi window. In the list of available options that appears, select "Forget Network". Then turn off the wi fi, restart the phone and try to detect the network again.

Disconnect Wi-Fi in the system services window. Select confidential geolocation service settings. In the system services window, make sure that Wi Fi is turned off. After that, once again restart the device.

Rare Reset (Hard Reset)

If the iPhone does not work in the iPhone and networks are not displayed in the list of available access points, or the phone has connected to the network, but no online page is loaded, you need to make a hard reset - reset smartphone settings. After that, all data will be deleted from your phone, we advise you to make backup files and contacts.

Go to the main settings. Select Reset item and at the bottom of the page click on "Reset Settings". After that, the phone will turn off and starts Hard Reset. The procedure can last 10-30 minutes. A rough reboot is capable of solving most of the program problems in the iPhone.

Breakdown of hardware components

If no Wi-Fi network is recognized, perhaps the cause of the problem is a breakage of the Wi-Fi module. Replace the item to the new to eliminate the malfunction. The Wi-Fi module in iPhones is a microcircuit that is located in the right upper part of the case. The scheme is closed by a protective panel. Figure below indicates the location of the part.

The problem may be in an antenna that works with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth signals. If these two technologies simultaneously do not work on your iPhone, change the antenna. This hardware component is a plate at the top of the smartphone. There are connectors of the loops under it. Replacing the antenna allows you to solve the problem of a bad connection with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth networks.

If your iPhone does not find a Wi-Fi network, do not rush to immediately attract the device to the service center. To begin with, you can try to connect to the Internet mode in modem. If the mobile Internet works, but the smartphone does not find a WiFi network, restart the device. Methods for restoring the operation of the Wi-Fi module are sufficiently diverse and depend on the causes of faults.

Causes of the absence of a wireless connection to iPhone

Even the reliable Apple technique can periodically fail. Some users encounter such a problem - when using a wireless connection, the gadget finds a network, but at some point it is found that WiFi is disabled, and the parameters disappeared the home network. If your iPhone does not find the Wi-Fi network, while other devices work perfectly on the Internet, try to eliminate the malfunction yourself using simple instructions.

The main reasons that lead to what cannot be connected via WiFi to the home network are:

  • hardware malfunction
  • software failure
  • mechanical phone damage

Mechanical damage can be prevented by following the rules of telephone operation. To warn the occurrence of software and hardware failure is almost impossible. If you cannot fix malfunctions in a timely manner, other problems in the iPhone work may occur.

What to do if the phone does not find an access point

If your iPhone does not find the Wi-Fi network, first you need to restart the router. If other devices see a wireless network, and the smartphone does not catch the network, most likely the problem is not in the Wi-Fi module, but in the software.

To the iPhone starts finding a WiFi network, try following:

  • reload the router
  • reload the phone (click the Restart button)
  • translate iPhone to modem mode
  • check the adapter parameters and access points
  • change the channel and region in the router settings
  • change password to access point
  • run the network settings
  • make backup and flash iPhone
  • update operating system
  • perform a complete reset of the gadget parameters

These methods most often help when the iPhone does not find the Wi-Fi network. If such methods did not help restore the wireless connection, check the parameters of the router.

How to configure the router

Sometimes the reason for the Apple technique does not detect a wireless network, lies in the confined router parameters. Try to carry out the following:

  • perform a reset
  • connect again

But not always, if you restart the router and try to connect, it turns out to solve the problem. If you are confident in the correctness of the settings of the Wi-Fi iPhone network and the correct operation of the software, as well as hardware, try to perform the following steps with a wireless connection router:

  • update by router
  • make a reset of settings and restart the router
  • change in the adapter parameters. Encryption type
  • update the IP address of the wireless device
  • change network connection password
  • change IPv6 protocol to another

After the actions performed, be sure to restart the router (click the Reset button) - then you can try to connect. If the smartphone still does not find the WiFi network, try to restart the phone and try to connect again. If the gadget sees the Wi-Fi network and after these actions - most likely, the problem is in the hardware of the iPhone.

Without having experience and necessary tools, you should not open the device yourself and try to restore the work of the Wi-Fi network. Illiterate actions can cause damage to other elements of the internal system, so it is better to seek help to experienced specialists.

Professional Wireless Connection Setup

If you want to cheap and efficiently restore the operation of the wireless Internet network, use the services of qualified registered on Youdo. Certified wizards will quickly leave for you to check the settings of the access point and signal recovery. Juda's performers will conduct a thorough diagnosis and determine the reason why you cannot connect to WiFi network, after which the Apple Gadget Wi-Fi is repaired.

Most often, WiFi does not work on the iPhone 4S for several main reasons, the main of which is the weakness of the WiFi module with respect to external factors. Water getting, overheating, pollution - any intervention can become fatal, but all this is fixable.
In addition, there are less predictable causes, ways to identify and eliminate which each owner of Apple's techniques should know.

Why 4S iphone does not work WiFi: the main reasons

There are several possible events that resulted in this breakdown:

  1. Curve firmware or incorrectly installed configuration. The device itself is intended and functioning correctly, but due to glitches in the system or incorrect signals is interpreted incorrectly than it creates an illusion of failure.
  2. Source software that affects the Internet channel. Some applications specifically or accidentally can completely score a communication channel with background streams, which makes it think: why WiFi does not work on iPhone 4? It is not enough to close them, decisive actions for cleaning the phone's memory are necessary.
  3. Breakdown module. The saddest situation, entailing or long hours of painstaking self-repair, or major costs of payment for the service center services. Here, independent intervention may worsen the situation.

Do not be afraid in advance: even if Wi-Fi does not work on an iPhone 4S, it can still be fixed, and often on its own.

Refracting and reset

As mentioned earlier, the unsuccessful update or the phrashing curve of the phone may entail the wrong operation of the modules. In the absence of other reasons, all this is corrected in two ways:

  1. Safe Method. If WiFi does not work on the iPhone 4S, then back up in ICloud or via iTunes, and then reset the settings to the factory laid down (factory). To do this, go on settings -\u003e Reset -\u003e Reset all settings. If the IOS image was integer - after some time, the iPhone will start again and will work without interruptions.
  2. Dangerous method. If the Wi-Fi does not work on the iPhone because of the firmware curve or the image of the ayos broken, then the only output is flashing through the DFU mode. If you do not know how to do this - better contact the service center, in order not to turn the apple device into the brick.

Third-party applications

Having wondered why Wi Fi doesn't work on the iPhone, check the entire incoming and outgoing traffic. It is possible that some of the newly installed applications constantly shakes something in the background. Solving this problem is trivial: Delete the application and restart the iPhone.

If there is no signs of employment of the Internet, but I did not start working, then make a rigid reboot by holding the POWER + HOME keys for 5-7 seconds. This will help clear not only the Internet channel, but also the RAM together with the processor registers.

Physical breakdown and repair

Way Fi does not work on iPhone 4 after the procedures described above? Well, we condemn: you encountered mechanical damage to the communication module. It is strongly recommended to immediately carry the device to the service, but if there is a desire to try to correct everything yourself - read below.

A WARNING: All actions you spend on your own and the risk described algorithms are not recommendations.

You will need: a hairdryer (construction or ordinary), a set of screwdrivers for disassembly and free time.

  1. "Lazy" blowing. The phone warm without disassembly, which allows you to remove moisture and from other nodes. Unfortunately, after such a purge, the service life of the phone is a maximum of several months (although there are lucky ones, using 4 iPhone so far).
  2. Neat blowing. WiFi does not work on the iPhone - it means that we will remove the module itself and the halter hairdryer. With this method, even inaccient actions are less sad: only the module will go under the replacement, while the rest of the phone can work for years.

In both cases, the main thing is not to overdo it and give the device to cool before launching, otherwise there is a risk to spend more money for repair than to buy a new iPhone (especially if there were no data backups).

Connect to Wi-Fi - the same feature for a modern phone, how to make calls or send SMS. Each owner of the iPhone sooner or later faces the problem when this function fails for some reasons. This article is designed to most fully explain why Wi-Fi does not work on the iPhone and how to deal with it.

The problems with Wi-Fi on the iPhone can manifest itself in different ways: the phone may not see the network, or see, but not connect. Sometimes the function icon itself in the device parameters does not work.

Usually there are two groups of malfunction sources:

  1. Hardware - all that is associated with mechanical damage to the iPhone, burnout by modules or factory marriage.
  2. Software - incorrect operation of the IOS operating system or other software.

The type of breakage is easy to identify if Wi-Fi stopped working after the phone visited the water, fell and overheated - it is clearly a hardware fault. On the other hand, notice, for example, a short circuit during charging is almost impossible.

If the cause of problems is not obvious, it is advisable to contact the service center, where they will help cope with the module breakdown. But most often the gadget can be repaired at home. There are several simple ways to troubleshoot your own hands.

We update iOS.

It often happens that the source of failure becomes incorrect operation of software. This is especially firmware. Most errors associated with this, developers are corrected in new IOS versions, so the first thing to be done is to update the operating system to the latest version.

This is a fairly easy process, and with a high probability he will solve problems with Wai Fatch.

Reset Wi-Fi Settings

Developers also recommend to try to reset all connections settings, remove known access points and passwords to them. This is done through the standard iOS configuration menu, through the "Main" menu. Next, you need to select the "Reset" section (Reset) and already there - "Reset Settings" (RESET NETWORK SETTINGS). The device may require an apple ID password.

After reset, user parameters will be deleted, including passwords and saved addresses. If the connection to the wireless network is not restored after that, it makes sense to search for hooks elsewhere. There are still several light methods to restore the connection.

Re-connection to the Wi-Fi network

Among the possible ways to establish the work of Wai-fi on the smartphone - re-connection. To do this, go to Wi-Fi configuration, select the access point to which the gadget does not want to connect and set the "Forget Network" command, then start searching for distribution points. Read more to familiarize yourself with the problem of finding the network, you can go on.

If you do not help manipulates with wireless connection configurations, it makes sense to make Hard Reset. It will return to the state of the factory all the configurations of the phone. You can make it simultaneously clamping the "Home" and "Power" keys. After such a reset, all user settings and programs will be deleted.

Restarting the smartphone, as a rule "treats" most Wi-Fi errors. This is at most that the user can do independently if the bug is a failure in the IOS operating system.

Breakdown of hardware components

The most serious problems with the hardware. The malfunction of the internal components of the gadget is a frequent cause of communication with the connection from the Internet. Replace the phone is not recommended independently, especially in case of damage to the Wi-Fi module. But if the failure occurred due to overheating or water from entering, you can try to eliminate it with a hair dryer.

For this you need:

  • Remove the back cover (for 4 models) or on-screen module (for iPhone 5 series and above). To do this, you will need a screwdriver Pentalobe - "Star". The best option is a special screwdriver for iPhones.
  • Find a module. It is located under a metal lid, which you also need to remove. Then you need to unscrew the screw, which locks the antenna and extract the module to accurately. Learn more about the location and the full replacement process, see the video, at the bottom of the article.
  • Gently warm it with a hairdryer. Hot air (a little hot room temperature) should only go there, but at the same time not "beat" constantly in one place. The procedure takes no more than two minutes.
  • Collect the device back only after complete cooling board.

The procedure should be used extremely neat. There is always a risk of critically damage the components of the smartphone.

Problem in router

If the above tips do not help, there is a possibility that the router itself incorrectly works. Check it easy - if other devices, including the computer, also cannot connect, then most likely, you should pay attention to the transmitter configuration. They are often reset due to rebooting the connection and any external problems. In some cases, the reason lies in the hardware fault of the router.

There are primarily indicators about the incorrect operation of the transmitter. All of them, with the exception of the power indicator and the WLAN performance indicator, should blink - this suggests that the device transmits data. Power and WLANs must burn exactly. Many users often simply forget to turn on the last on the router itself.

Internal configuration of the router is made through the menu, go to which you can with the help of an Internet browser at or If the user does not know the correct values \u200b\u200bfor configuring the connection, it is better to call a specialist or call the service operator support.


Difficulties with connections are found quite often, and many of them can be solved on their own. This should be done if the causes of problems lie on the surface and are easily recognizable. And if you can bring the device in order without risk of breakage. In all other cases, it is strictly recommended to contact the service center, especially if the hardware error. In some cases, only specialists will be able to eliminate the specifics of the fault and eliminate it.


Confidently I can say that almost every second iphone 4s owner faces such a problem when it does not work or really catches Wi-Fi in the iPhone. Let's look at why and how can I fix it.

We are very often treated with the problem - Wi-Fi does not work in the iPhone 4S. Although not only in this model there are such problems, but in other iPhone it is an order of magnitude less. And so, to begin with, we will understand: you do not work with Wi-Fi at all or does it catch a bad thing?) Because, you voiced "- it works Wi-Fi," and in fact it is bad or very bad finds the Wi-Fi network.

Option number 1 - Wi-Fi does not work (in general)

In this case, you will see the following in the iPhone settings:

As you can see the "slider" is not active, it cannot be turned on. In this case, in the iPhone 4S (albeit not only in the 4S iPhone, in other models there will also be a Wi-Fi switch in other models) no Wi-Fi module.

Surely everyone will try to save and fix this problem on their own, you will start looking for ways on the Internet and come across a couple of ways.) First - throw the iPhone in the freezer, the second - heat the iPhone with a hair dryer. In both cases, Wi-Fi may, it may be underlined (that is, not a fact) earn, but not for a long time. But you can "finish" your iPhone 4S finally, at best it will restore such a service center as we -. In the worst case, you just throw it into the trash)

I will explain from a technical point of view why these ways (possibly) temporarily! You will help you.

But before you start, I want to say that this problem needs to be solved only with. The method of replacing the Wi-Fi module itself. And in no way !!!

We will continue.

Here is a photo of the iPhone 4s, on which I highlighted the Wi-Fi module myself, this is a small chip on the motherboard.

Accordingly, when heat treatment (whether you put it in the freezer or you will heat the hairdryer) this chip and its contacts will expand and narrow (physics :)) and contact with the motherboard may improve and for a while there will appear Wi-Fi.

And now why this should not be done:

1) If you put it in the freezer inside the iPhone 4S, condensate is formed and then it can be very well corrected / closer and then you already contact IFIXApple service center))) But it's not always, after such methods, it turns out to restore the iPhone.

2) If you begin to heat the iPhone 4s with a hairdryer, then everything is very simple, you can easily pay absolutely everything that is inside the iPhone itself. Accordingly, and then you will have to go to the SC, and also, there already as lucky) or will restore it or in trash)

Option number 2 - Wi-Fi does not work (bad catches)

Surely you saw when in the settings not to find Wi-Fi networks at all, just except to come straight to Wi-Fi Router, almost put on the router itself, you have to find a network.

Most often, in this case, the problem is in the Wi-Fi antenna. Or bad contact of antenna with a motherboard or you just need to replace this antenna. That's how it looks like:

That's all, I hope, told and explained all the questions you are interested in. In any case, our team of Apple lovers recommends not to sacrifice the device and entrust the decision of this problem to professionals.

Team IFIXApple