The physical memory of the computer is loaded, what to do? Methods for cleaning the memory of the computer. Effectively clean the RAM to check how to check what is busy RAM

If there is little RAM on your computer (for example, only 4 GB), the resource-intensive programs can quickly take it all and start slowing down, reducing the performance of the computer as a whole. To play the video game in this case, it will also be particularly not particularly, since to access the necessary data that did not fit into RAM, the game or the program will refer to the slow HDD.

What to do if the upgrade of an old system seems to you inappropriate (it is more logical to accumulate money for the assembly of modern), and I still want to improve the speed? We will share with you some tricks that will help increase the speed of "iron", whether stationary computer or laptop.

1. Close unused programs

All programs while working saves the data they need in RAM. The more programs work, the greater the place in RAM they occupy. If you close applications that you do not use this moment Time - this will have a positive effect on speed. For example, before playing the game, close the browser and messenger.

2. Remove the unnecessary software from the startup

Programs that run together with Windows will also not bring anything good when you have a deficit of RAM. In Windows 10, open "Task Manager", go to the Advanced Display Mode and click on the "Auto-loading" tab. You will be surprised by finding here a bunch of unnecessary to you in everyday life. For example, you are unlikely you are going to reprogram the mouse every day. Then why do you need ever launched software for customization of settings? But the system utilities do not touch not to harm the computer.

3. Managed background processes

Unfront background processes can also be disabled in the same "task manager" on the corresponding "Processes" tab in the "Background ..." section. Program update monitoring services, screenshot removal software, etc. Only eaten precious megabytes RAM. But be careful: do not turn off randomly system processes, otherwise it can be negatively affected by the computer's robot.

4. Disconnect unclaimed services

If you do not have the Xbox console, then you are unlikely to have the Xbox Game Monitoring service. The same with the rest of the service. Antivirus reliably replaces " Windows Defender"And the Steam client can be launched by demand. Here, the task is about us relatively simple: to understand what services we do not need, make the right click on them with the mouse and select the "Stop" menu item. The main thing is as in the previous paragraph to be attentive and not disable anything necessary for ignorance.

5. Checking for viruses

The reason for the shortage of RAM can be conventional viruses. Alternatively, your computer could place hidden miners, a spyware or "worm" program. Here the methods described above will not help. Only antivirus software will help correct the situation, which you need to carry out a deep analysis of the entire PC. And even if the antivirus finds anything, but there is a suspicion of infection, you should not give up additional check third-party antivirus utilities.

6. Clean the RAM specialized software

Those who laziness are manually engaged in optimizing RAM can resort to the help of numerous utilities, such as Advanced Systemcare. This program is a real combine to remove unnecessary data and minor repairs. Softin even under the power to find and neutralize viruses, and in management it is very simple. The interface will be intuitive even a newcomer, and regardless of the selected cleaning mode, SystemCare effectively releases RAM from the rubble.

7. Clean RAM with a simple script

And you can not put any utilities at all. If there is a couple of hours free time, it will be easier and faster to write a small script with which you can free up the required amount of RAM at any time. To do this, create a text document on the "desktop" by making the right click with the mouse. Name the "Cleaning RAM" file, for example, and make the following data in it: MSGBOX "Draw a place in RAM?", 0, »Cleaning RAM»

FreeMem \u003d Space (1024000000)

MSGBox "Place released", 0, »Cleancharam» Now change the file extension from ".txt" to ".vbs" and run the resulting script. After activation you will see text message "Draw a place in RAM?". Click on the "OK" button and after completing the procedure, the script will notify you that "the place is released". In our script, we set a value equal to 1 GB RAM. If you need to free up more space, enter your value in the bars in the brackets. How many RAM is installed in your PC? 4 GB 8 GB 16 GB 32 GB 64 GB and more View Results Loading ... Read also: How many RAM is needed for computer games?

Select DDR4 RAM 4: 12 best sets on any budget

RAM is not recognized: what could be the causes?

RAM - Important Attribute personal computer. Often it is littered with superfluous processes and files that interfere with its normal functioning. For proper and fast, the computer should periodically unload and optimize the system manually or using special utilities.

Computer memory differences: Operational, physical and video memory

Computer RAM - Memory that stores temporary information necessary for normal operation running processes and programs. When the system is completed, it is reset.

Computer performance depends on the volume of the RAM: with an increase in the range of RAM, the number of processes started simultaneously.

The productivity and speed of the computer depends on the volume of RAM

The physical memory is implemented in the computer architecture in the form of a microcircuit. It is divided into physical pages, and the address space is divided into logical pages. TO physical memory include hard drives, Removable memory modules, external drives.

Performance problems most often arise due to lack of physical memory.

A variation of RAM is video memory. This is a memory that is used in computer video cards for processing graphic processes. Video memory supplies graphic processor With all the information necessary to visualize the image. The higher the value of the volume of the video memory, the easier it is to process the processor to process the computer graphics, and, it means, the frames on the screen will change faster and better.

Video memory is necessary for processing graphic processes

How to find out what is the busy memory

Through the "Task Manager" you can see all the processes running at the moment and the part of the RAM that they occupy. To run it:

In order not to clog the RAM, it is worth turning the tabs in the browser program on time, close applications in the system itself and periodically make a reboot of the computer. This will avoid problems with hanging processes that may not be displayed in the list of programs in the Task Manager.

Video: How to enable Task Manager

How to optimize the RAM

Optimize RAM can be optimized in various ways.

Close unnecessary programs and applications

Unloading RAM is starting from closing unnecessary programs.

What does computer memory and how to clean it

If you remember, not so long ago I published a blog in which I told about the processor load. So, I want to hold a parallel here, since applications that ship CPU also occupy and rapid memory.

And this means that we will use the same tools to identify resource-intensive processes. It is good because people are lazy for their kind and learn something new wants not always.

Starting, of course, with the task manager already known to us. Click on the keyboard the magic combination Ctrl + Alt + Del and begin to understand. Oh yes, it is interesting.

Immediately we sort the "Memory" column as descending and see the programs that eat the resources most. The simplest thing you can do is cause the right mouse button extra menu And complete the process.

But again I want to warn. See what you close. Systemic windows processes No idea does not touch. And you can find out that the system uses it using the "Details" function or using the search on the Internet. The picture above is the example of such a (system) process.

Do not pour browser tabs

We all love to sit on the Internet. Well, without him in our time. It often happens that the user in the browser is open a whole pool of tabs. Of course, because many have time to read the news at the same time, correspond in social. Networks and, for example, check mail. Wunderkind!

Each such tab is in the computer's RAM. Count how easy it is possible to download it to the limit. Hence the output: Do not hold the pages unnecessary to you in the open state. Why guys? We used and closed. It's so easy.

The following example shows that for each such page Yandex.Bruezer launches a separate process. And now imagine if the volume of RAM on the computer is so grabbing. There is something to think about.

Look at the autoload and service

I think everything is clear here. We go into the same names of the task manager and see whether everything from the list really needs to work in the background.

Quite often in the network in cases of acute memory shortage, they are advised to disconnect services that are not directly related to Microsoft, that is, to systemic. As for me, the measure is not quite popular, but has the right to life.

Is done as follows example Windows 10. In the search bar, you drive the combination shown below the figure below and go to the "Services" section.

Of course, after action with autoload and services, it is advisable to restart the computer. Well, how did he turn on you? So you did everything right. And I asked himself in this place to think that the post smoothly switched to the topic, how to clean RAM. 😉

Let's summarize. Now you know how to analyze the occupied computer memory. If all of the listed manipulations did not help you, perhaps it is time to think about an increase in its volume. What do you think about this? Write in the comments.

If the question suffers to tomorrow - I'll tell you where your judgments are wrong: half a day I am watching the "discussion" smiling, and there was no time to write. The use of RAM in the OR is not limited to user processes: with UAC whether Task Manager is launched or without - it will not show what is really needed. It is unlikely that your brakes are associated with a lack of memory, but we will talk about it tomorrow - with new forces. piligrim2180Unfortunately, in this topic you strongly disorient the surrounding written above - it has an extremely distant attitude towards the Memory Management Theme. As already mentioned Yang above - the main means for analysis will be ProcessExplorer, which is how to set up - tomorrow.

The user did not write that he had problems with a slowdown in the computer, and wrote about that - "Where to go rAM? "And to slow down the discovery of tabs in the IE, and the conductor itself.

But she, just, is eaten by IExplore.exe processes - Ie. If there are many windows or tabs, especially with large quantity running panels that are not always compatible with ye9, as with each other, or even harm it, causing a slowing down of the tabs, or even just freezing, both yourself and conductor .. Plus conductor, from the same process . Plus megabytes of gadgets, plus the weight of the desktop wallpaper, plus files on the desktop.

I do not think that the user will manage with a program, which is in reference, as it is English, and not for inexperienced users.

But half a day to watch and smile, it is somewhat unethical.

Given that you also do not see the user's computer, but only as long as reasoned.

Process Explorer for Windows (version 15.01)

Work area program Process Explorer. Consists of two windows. The top window displays a list of active processes, including account names that belong to these processes. The information that is displayed in the bottom window depends on the selected program operation mode. In the mode of descriptors, all open descriptors selected in the upper window are displayed in the lower window, and in mode dLL libraries - All loaded process dynamic libraries and displaced files. In addition to this program Process Explorer. There is also powerful search capabilities, thanks to which you can quickly find out, what process a specific handle is open or a certain DLL library is open.

Thanks to its unique opportunities, the program Process Explorer. Useful to solve problems with version of DLL libraries and leaks of descriptors, as well as to understand the principles of Windows and applications.

The free computer program (the famous manufacturer) described today will help (perhaps) to those users who are always lacking memory that have little it.

It will be about - she will allow you on time clear computer prompt memory By defragmentation.

Personally, I think that such programs are temporary and forced to solve the problem of lack of RAM. Fully remove this issue Only a physical increase in its volume (buying an additional RAM strip).

But not all users can afford easily to fork out for such a purchase - the operational memory for the computer today is worth a decent money 🙁.

How to determine the shortage of memory

Very simple. After starting the computer, it works for some time smartly, and then begins to "shy". The programs and the browser will begin to work more slowly. Website pages - there are few RAM in the computer.

Clear the prompt memory of the Wise Memory Optimizer computer allows you to turn off the unnecessary consumers, the closure of unnecessary background processes and its defragmentation.

Wise Memory Optimizer is available manual mode and automatic - program in the right moment (when the specified number is reached busy memory) Itself produces cleaning.

By the way, the manufacturers have the same program that they created excellent cleansings -.

Let's already clean the RAM (: Connie_13. Everything is very simple - run downloaded (according to the official link at the end of the article) and the installed Wise Memory Optimizer ...

Go to the settings and exhibit Russian ...

Described today is free computer program (The famous manufacturer) will help (perhaps) to those users who are always lacking memory that have little it. It will be about - she ...