Setting the satellite antenna on your own 3 satellite. Device satellite antenna

It is not necessary to call a specialist to configure the usual satellite antenna. IN this case You can save money. We will tell you how to independently adjust the antenna "Tricolor TV" to the satellite. Guided by these tips, you can do everything right. It is only a little more difficult than connecting the monitor to the computer.

By the way, the seller can be asked to collect an antenna and bring her home assembled. It will save a little time, but even self-assembly this process will not complicate. All you need to do at home is to drill holes for the bracket (a plate is attached for it), and then perform recommendations and actions in the instructions. The manual itself is necessarily attached to the purchase, so check the kit for its presence.

Tools and appliances for setting antenna "Tricolor TV"

You will need those tools that are in any house: a strong tape (where without it), different screwdrivers (perhaps it will take only one screwdriver of a certain type), perforator or drill, passation, knife, wrench on 8-13.

It is possible that any additional toolkit (staircase, a stepladder, special drills for a perforator, clippers for fixing the cable, etc.), because the installation conditions are always different for different homes. Some used and at all manage to improve the initial design of the bracket and weld additional edges to it.

The standard shopping kit includes antenna itself, bracket, receiver (prefix), converter. Sometimes sellers have promotions and different bonuses can be included in the kit, but it is rare.

Self-configuration of the Antenna "Tricolor TV" in theory

The procedure itself looks like this (very generalized): one person sits at home and looks at the TV screen, the other is trying to direct the antenna to the satellite and catch the signal. With the help of the remote, the signal is adjusted until the picture on the TV becomes a clear.

It is worth noting that for different settlements, self-configuration of the tricolor TV antenna on the satellite will be carried out slightly differently. For example, when setting up an antenna in Samara, it costs it to the other side where the sun is at the time of 12:30. Then it needs to be adjusted a bit depending on how the picture on the TV screen changes. As soon as the Adjuster sees that the picture has become a clear, it gives a signal to the one who sets the antenna on the roof, and the one, in turn, fixes it on the bracket in the desired position. That is, in the position in which the antenna catches the signal.

Catch the signal is easy, because the satellite Eutelsat 4 (it is with his help that the company "Tricolor TV" is being broadcast) covers a huge part of Russia and gives a strong signal.

Instructions for self-setting antenna "Tricolor TV" on satellite

As indicated above, the "tricolor TV" works Eutelsatw4, which is located on 36 degrees of Eastern longitude. The installation is carried out in several steps, each of which we sequentially describe below.

Determination of the place to install antenna

The main criterion of this place is a free review in the direction where the signal comes from. Behind the antenna may be leaves and trees, it does not matter, but before its face should be pure. Depending on the city, the visual line connecting the satellite and the antenna is raised from the horizon to 27-30 degrees upwards. If this visual line rests on any construction (house, for example), then you should look for another place.

Experts recommend installing an antenna on the roof of the house, on the outer part of the balcony, but not in the inner (due to glass). Also, you can not install an antenna for lower roofs, because It will collect snow in winter, and these are additional loads that the antenna is not calculated.

If you were not collected in the store an antenna, then it should be assembled independently strictly in this order as indicated in the instructions. On the spot you have chosen, Krepim Bracket. Depending on the conditions (wall material, etc.) we select the right fasteners: drills, anchor bolts, screws, etc. It is important to take into account the possibility of precipitation, in particular, snow. Install the antenna is needed in such a place so that the snow can not get to the converter.

Connect F-connector

Next to the converter, connect the cable using a special F-connector (it is included). Then the cable to the convert holder and necessarily seal the F-connector with screed or simple tape. The same tape is ideal for sealing. Just clog the joint in several layers. It is desirable in addition to use silicone sealant, but if it is not, then nothing terrible. Some users find another way out: they use a conventional plastic bottle of gas. Cropped bottom, the junction is placed in it, then both ends are wrapped with a tape. Reception, though primitive, but working. Although ideally, it should be silicone sealant and tape.

The F-connector itself is installed easily: pinch the cable, insert it into the connector, lock. Everyone dealt with a conventional cable that connects to the TV. Here is the same. The photo below shows examples.

Now we put the plate itself to the bracket. To begin with, it is not necessary to twist tightly, but it should not hang out from the wind. Tighten the adjusting nuts, but not very tight, because you have to turn the plate left-right and up-down to search for an ideal point.

Setting up satellite antenna "Tricolor TV"

First puts the angle of the antenna and azimuth. So far approximately. Depending on the city, it is necessary to exhibit differently. For example, azimuth in Tolyatti - 197.49 degrees, angle of space - 27.884 degrees (you need to focus south). Compass or urban map will help.

Install the antenna is necessary so that it corresponds to the corner of the seats 26.6 degrees. This means that the plate itself is to tilt on 3-4 degrees down. Then connect the cable to the console, which goes from the converter. It must be inserted into the LNB IN socket (the leftmost in the picture below).

Connect to TV.

It uses the same F connector here, so there should be no problems. Now we connect the TV to the receiver. Make everything is necessary in this order as indicated in the instructions. That is, first connect the cable to the TV (we use the RF OUT socket on the receiver and the only antenna socket on the TV), turn off the TV. If the receiver turns on for the first time, the LNB power can be turned off on it. In some this way. The power is turned on when performing the start menu. When you turn on the search is activated, and it should be noted by simply pressing the EXIT button.

Configuring receiver on TV

  1. Antenna - 1;
  2. Frequency - 12226;
  3. Satellite EutelSatW4-Eutelsatssat;
  4. FEC - 3/4;
  5. Polarization - left;
  6. Flow speed 27500.

There will be two indicators on the TV screen. Nizhny shows the level of the signal, the upper - quality. The man on the roof should weakly move the antenna mirror horizontally to find the position at which the maximum signal level will be (lower indicator). Then the plate is worth moving up and down to search better quality Signal (top indicator). So the desired point is searching and configuring the tricolor TV antenna to the satellite. As soon as the point is found, the plate must be final and firmly fix in the desired position.

Effect of weather on setting up and search for signal

The signal level is highly dependent on weather conditions. If it is raining or fog, cloudiness, then setting the antenna "tricolor TV" is unlikely to succeed. It is simply impossible to catch a strong signal level. It is necessary to do it on a clear day under ideal weather conditions.

Once all the actions described are produced, you can search for channels. The instructions for the receiver necessarily written how to do it. But this is understandable even intuitive. Here we will not describe the process of searching the channels, but we note that for a start, we need to find only infocanal. In theory only it must be accessible to the user after installing the antenna. Access to others after registering on the Tricolor TV website and activation of the card.

Subtleties on self-installing and configuring antenna "Tricolor TV"

There are some unwashed rules and subtleties that you need to know:

  1. We look at the neighbors. In the nearby houses of neighbors, there are almost always plates. Its antenna to begin with approximately the same.
  2. If the satellite failed during the first 20 minutes, it is better to look for another place for mounting.
  3. When setting up the receiver is better to have a small monitor (TV), to immediately see how the picture changes when the antenna is moving. Most often, people trying to configure the "Tricolor TV" antenna on the satellite on their own, shifted with each other or communicate on the phone.
  4. Without extreme need, it is better not to change the PIN code. If you change the code, and then forget it, you can't restore it. Although it is possible to re-flash the receiver, but it is difficult and not available to everything.
  5. Once all channels are found, you need to finally tighten the antenna to the maximum.
  6. If suddenly the antenna comes to another satellite (and it can be), then you do not need to save the found channels. It will be necessary to adjust the satellite antenna "Tricolor TV" independently, rotating it horizontally and vertical to find the best point of the signal.
  7. Tighten the bolts finally need carefully. Often, users when tightening bolts knock down the position and everything has to be done again.
  8. Register on the "Tricolor TV" website you need after setting, and not before. First, configure the antenna, and as soon as the infocanal will be shown clearly, you can register on the company's website. After receiving the smart card, all the channels will be available after some time.

That's all. We can assume that you set up the "Tricolor TV" antenna with your own hands. There is nothing difficult in the process itself, and with it any person who knows how to use the drill / puncher and knows how to connect the simplest F cable to the receiver and the convepor. No specialized knowledge is required, so it is not necessary to call a specialist if you do not want to spend extra money.

Of course, this process is not described as detailed as possible. Probably, during installation, some difficulties may arise that it is impossible to anticipate when writing an article.

Probably every person wants to watch many television canals From satellite antenna, while the cost of materials, package and installation should be minimal. All these conditions correspond to satellite television with 3 satellites: Hot Bird 13 ° E, Astra (Sirius) 5 ° E, amos 4 ° W - This is a suitable variant to view most of free Russian-language channels (about 90), as well as foreign (about 2000). At the same time, a set of equipment for installation consists of a satellite antenna, 2 additional plastic mounts (called multifides) side converters, 3 converters (heads) on KU-diapanone, supports or masts for fixed antenna fixation, Diseqs (disc) -CUTO Heads, RF Cable 75 Ohm and F - Connectors.

Preparatory work:
- Before installing the antenna, it must be assembled and equipped with additional fasteners and convectors. First, screw the arc to the mirror. At the same time, we observe all the geometric dimensions - we will tighten the bolts, then we install the mounts to the bracket and fastening (multifides) convectors. First install the mount for the HOT BIRD 13E convector - this fastening will be closer to the antenna mirror, the second set the mount for the AMOS 4W head and put on the central axis, we put on the third convector of the ASTRA 5E, we are caught by the corresponding fasteners.
- Cutting 3 segments from the RF cable of a meter length (can be less), we put on the ends of the cable F connectors and insulated the metal part, then we screw these 3 cable sections to the Diseqc switch, in our case, use 4 port discs (DiseqC 1.0). Since we will connect the cable, after setting the antenna, then at this stage of preparation it is desirable to sign or mark on the following Recommendation: 1 Input DiseqC Connect the cable with the Sirius 5E head, 2 input to connect with the AMOS 4W convector and 3 input to connect with the head Customized on the HOT BIRD 13E satellite. As a result, we will have:

Select a place to install antenna:
The locality where our antenna will be installed should be free in southwestern reduction (SOUTH-WEST) from trees, houses, outgrowing structures that may interfere with the passage from the satellite to the receiving plate. In such a place there may be a wall of the building, a roof of a building, mast or tower. If you install the building on the wall (this is the preferred option), then you first need to fix the bracket using anchor bolts or dowels of suitable size. The satellite antenna has already prepared on the bracket, but so far without a disc. Satellite Antenna Setup:
First of all, you need to configure the plate on the Astra Cepping Satellite (Sirius) after that, by crimping the bolts of the angle of rotation and angle of inclination of the plate, as they do not participate in the AMOS and HotBird satellites setting. Using the cable segment, connect the receiver with the ASTRA central convector (Sirius), and configure our plate to the Astra satellite (Sirius). To configure the most convenient to prepare the equipment in advance to configure satellite antennas: it can be both a SATFINDER special device and a satellite receiver (for example OpenBox X-800) with prepared transponder frequencies and a connected portable TV.

Table. №1. Parameters for configuring satellite antenna:

Satellite Transponder Channel for visual verification
Astra 4a (4.8E) 11766 H 27500. 1 + 1, Tet, 2 + 2
Astra 4a (4.8E) 12073 H 27500. News One, Glas, Business
Astra 4a (4.8E) 12399 V 27500. INTER, NTN, MEGA
HotBird 13B / 13C / 13E (13E) 10815 H 27500. Russian Music Box, TBN Rossiya
HotBird 13B / 13C / 13E (13E) 11034 V 27500. RTR Planeta, Shanson TV
HotBird 13B / 13C / 13E (13E) 12597 V 27500. EURONEWS, PERVIY KANAL ROMANIA
Amos 2/3 (4W) 11139 H 30000. 112 Ukraine, Tonis, Inter
Amos 2/3 (4W) 11175 H 30000. Telekanal Stb, M1, Novy Kanal
Amos 2/3 (4W) 10842 H 30000. UA TV, Boutique TV

Select the "Antenna Installation" mode in the receiver menu, in the "manual search" set the frequency for the ASTRA 4.8E satellite - 11.766 GHz, H -Gorizontal polarization, 27500- flow speed, correction of error- auto, this data is shown in the table. The search for a satellite must be performed by the most strong transponder, and even then the accurate setting of transponders with a weak signal, while achieving the maximum signal value.
- Weient an antenna on the expected satellite location, it can be determined by a compass (complex method) or for neighboring antennas (simple method). This is very an important stage Settings, and if you do not correctly select the direction for a long time and painfully passes with the antenna setting without receiving the desired result.
- After you were convinced that the direction was chosen correctly and the angle of inclination is in the middle position it is necessary to smoothly and slowly rotate the antenna in the horizontal direction controlling the presence of a signal on the quality scale, one way, and if the scale does not react, then to another . After the first pass, it is necessary to change the angle of inclination from top to bottom, to start moving in the horizontal plane and thus the signal appears several times until the signal appears. When you manage to catch at least some kind of signal, you need to stop with light minor movements upwards, to the left-right to achieve the maximum signal level on the scale. After, you hardly fix the tilt angle bolts and the angle of turning the plates. Next, proceed to the exact adjustment of the convector, for this, by slightly rotate it in the holder, you can also move it slightly along the holder back and forth, while we achieve maximum readings on the quality scale.
It is necessary to make sure that the antenna is tuned to that satellite, which we set it up, and not for some other. To do this, scan the transponders from tables 1. and turn on some channel from the table. If the channels have not been scanned or not shown, then the antenna is configured to another satellite, and the setting should be repeated. When everything is done, you need to hold all the adjusting screws. The indicative level of the signal for Astra 4.8e is presented in the picture below. However, for each satellite, transponder, receiver, the diameter of the antenna, as well as the installation site signals will be their

- Setting the remaining 2 satellites (AMOS and HotBird) is to find the position of the converter relative to the central one. It should be moved in all planes relative to the focus of plates: up, down, left, right, forward, backward. To configure the HOT BIRD satellite, you must connect the cable to the HOT BIRD convector, and in the receiver menu, you must specify a satellite and signal parameters from the table. We also do the same with the AMOS convector. After all manipulations, it is necessary to make sure of the configuration of all satellites once again, check again check all the antenna elements. Now you can connect Diseqc (disk) using prepared and designated cable segments with the appropriate convector. Unforgettable in the receiver to set the port numbers for each satellite. In our example: 1 port -Astra (Sirius 5e), 2 port - Amos 4W, 3 port - Hot Bird 13e, 4 port is free.

To configure a satellite antenna tuner yourself, you need to make a small preparation.

First, you need to find out the exact coordinates of the point where the antenna will be installed. It can be easily recognized on the Internet.

After that, you need information about data transfer options from the selected satellite:

  • satellite position horizon;
  • transponder frequency;
  • information transfer rate;
  • signal polarization;
  • error correction (FEC).

The last parameter is not always mandatory, because Some receivers models laid the corresponding feature automatically.

Information about the transponder can also be easily found on the Internet, if you simply enter the name of the satellite.

Also be sure to know the angles of inclination and turn antenna. You can find them either at the neighbors if they already have a configured antenna (and if they were tuning independently), or calculate manually. To do this, you can find special algorithms on the Internet.

The receiver is a device for recognizing and decoding television signals that receive an antenna-plate. The main requirement for these devices is to ensure a stable and high-quality broadcast of television programs. In addition, for modern users The reception of a number of progressive multimedia functions is important.

The main criteria for choosing tuner

The most important thing is the signal supply interface. Most modern satellite receivers are digital. It is believed that today the required requirement is the support of the standard "S2". Very important from the point of view of ensuring the quality of the picture in satellite tuners is a microcircuit of the coordinate of satellites, as well as an automatic antenna position selection module.

Criterias of choice: appearance, Support connectors, as well as simplicity in management. It is desirable that the device has its own display, on which all data on the tasks performed were displayed. For many users, a significant factor when choosing a tuner - the presence of buttons for controlling channels, adjust the volume, access to the menu. Moreover, it is desirable that these buttons be located on the front panel of the device. They may be needed if it is lost or fails. Most modern models have from the front side connectors for access cards to paid channels, different interfaces for decoding, as well as USB ports used for flash drives and external devices to which video content can be recorded. On the rear panels modern devices There are interfaces such as:

  • RS-232 used to connect the instrument to the computer;
  • S / PDIF - to connect a tuner to different audios, as well as home theaters;
  • HDMI - to transfer a picture in high definition format.

Popular receivers

The most sought-after devices in Russia are produced by OpenBox, WORLD Vision, GL, General Satellite.

How to find a new channel on satellite antenna

If for some reason the receiver settings were violated, then the problem can be solved on their own. How to install channels?

First you need to find out what satellites a plate is configured. It is not difficult to do this, if you remember which specific TB channels earlier took the tuner. Usually one antenna is placed on 3 satellites: "Amos", "Astra", "Hotbird". Sometimes heads for additional satellites are attached to the antenna.

A specific satellite always corresponds to a certain head. If you have an ordinary antenna for 3 satellites, then you need to take into account their location: on the left - "hotbird", right - "Amos", in the center - "Astra". From each head, the cable connects it to the DiseGC switch, which is located in the rear of the antenna. All outlets Disegc have their own numbers.

Setting satellite channels manually

  1. In the Find Settings menu. When switching to it, satellite parameters appear on the screen: name, polarization, level and signal quality. In different models of consoles, these parameters may be called differently.
  2. When switching to the "Satellite" point, a list of laid satellites appears. You need to click on the one you want to configure.
  3. Switch to the "DiseGC" tab. In this tab, you need to find a number that corresponds to the selected satellite. This is the "binding" of the satellite to the switch port.
  4. These actions need to be repeated with all available satellites. After that, click on the "Exit" button on the remote control, and save the settings by pressing the "OK" button.

If the antenna is installed in such a place that access to it is difficult, it will be more difficult to configure the receiver, because It will be necessary to act at random. In this case, you will first need to perform actions No. 1-2 in the specified instruction. After that, go to the "TP number" tab (in some models, it may be called "frequency", "transponder"). In the list of frequencies, find a worker, i.e. The one on which the channels of interest are being broadcast. After that, click on the "OK" button on the remote control, and go to the "DISEGC" tab. There younce to choose any number from the list, click on "OK". After that, to observe the signal indicators. If they rose to maximum value, then you need to leave, as is. If not - then you need to do all these manipulations with other numbers, while the signal scale has no maximum. All these actions need to be repeated with each satellite, then perform step number 4 of the previous method.

And what if your favorite channel just moved to another frequency, which is not in the list of consoles?

The settings menu in different models may differ. The "blind" function (i.e. automatic) search for all frequencies is not available to all devices, and where it is, it does not always function successfully. Therefore, you have to search for channels manually.

First of all, it is necessary to find out the parameters of the satellite broadcasting of the required channels. Most often for a certain period of time until the channel goes to another frequency, it makes the appropriate notification - text message With those broadcast parameters that will be in the future. If such a notification appeared on the screen, it must be recorded. If the parameter change has become a surprise, you will have to search for relevant information in the frequency table.

First, you need to execute items 1-2 instructions for setting up tuner. Then on the remote control to press the yellow button and go to the edit menu. By clicking on the green button ("Add"), manually register the settings for the broadcast of the channel of interest. To do this, use the buttons with numbers on the remote control. If the parameters are already on the receiver, a notification will appear on the screen, the tuner will go to the specified frequency. After that, you need to click on the red button on the remote control, and then on the "OK" button. The device will start searching channels by specified parameters. After the search is completed, it is necessary to exit the menu by pressing the "Output" button, in simultaneously agreeing with the preservation of the modified settings.

TV channels that were found by the instrument with such a search are usually displayed at the end of the list. At the same time, the found previously not deleted. But you can delete them manually before starting new settingsBy dropping the device settings to factory (there is an item in the installation menu).

If you are sure that all actions have done correctly, but failed to configure the device, then you need to contact the specialists.

How to enter a new frequency of the transponder and scan new satellite channels

Software (software) of different models of receivers has a number of common properties and parameters. They are the basis for receiving the signal, settings and adjust the channels.

First of all, it is a setting of disc ports, as well as input and scanning frequencies of transponders and satellites.

Most models you need to go to the menu (Menu of the Installation or Satellite Settings).

Turn on the disk settings, select the desired port for a specific satellite.

Tune the frequencies in the satellite tuner you need to color buttons or by the names of the menu items. Most of satellite consoles have the function of creating a new transponder by pressing the desired button. If there is no such function, you can safely edit an unnecessary frequency (which does not work, or lost the relevance). To do this, you also need to just click on the desired button in the menu. After that, enter the necessary parametersSave and scan. If you carefully look at, the scanning of a certain frequency will not be difficult. Or you can scan the entire satellite.

In addition, the frequency will need to specify the flow rate (in some devices, the DVB-S or DVB-S2 stream itself) itself, as well as polarity - V or H (vertical or horizontal). Sometimes it is required to introduce FEC (direct error correction) - ½, 2/3, ¾, etc.

Frequencies can be found on the Internet, or you can learn them from specialists.

All new channels will appear at the end. general list canals.

The transponder is a transceiver that sends a signal in response to the received signal. The transponder itself is not needed in this case, only its signal transmission frequency is needed.

Built-in TV satellite DVB-S2 tuner

What is in the DVB-S2 TV?

The presence of a DVB-S2 digital tuner makes it possible to directly connect the satellite antenna to the TV, and view CT channels without receiver. Those. The DVB-S2 device is an integrated satellite tuner. Many television models have such devices inside. About their presence manufacturers always indicate in the technical description.

But the built-in TV DVB-S2 has its drawbacks. If using usual satellite tuner You can look at the TV 70-80 free Russian television channels, then when connecting a plate just to the TV it is possible to view only completely open, non-encoded channels. The keys that open the encoded channels are already entered into the firmware of domestic receivers. There is no such keys inside the TV.

All TVs that have such a built-in tuner support self-modules. This device in which the map of a paid CT is inserted, and which, in turn, is inserted into the TV, in a special PCMCIA connector. Those. You connect the satellite antenna, acquire a starting package of any CT operator. The package must include a CAM module. The map with the module must be inserted into the PCMCIA connector.

After that, you need to start the channel search on the TV (on those satellites that your operator will indicate). Paid channels should open.

This method has several important advantages. First, a separate receiver is not required to view CT. Secondly, you will need only one remote control, i.e. Channels you will manage with the remote control from the TV.

When buying a package from a provider of st, be sure to specify whether their self-modules are working on TVs with built-in DVB-S2. And be sure to specify this question in relation to specific model TV.

  1. Connect the cable that goes from the antenna to the connector on the back of the TV with the designation "Sattelite".
  2. Insert the DVB-Cl + module itself with the TB access card installed in it (so that the card number is sent to your direction).
  3. On the remote control click on the "Settings" button. The menu opens. Find the "Channels" item in it, and then click on OK.
  4. A window will open in which you want to select the "Software mode" item. After that click on "OK". A list appears in which you need to put the point opposite the "satellite" inscription, and press OK again.
  5. The device will offer automatic search, it is necessary to refuse. In the "Channels" window, you need to select "Satellite Setup". A window will open in which you need to go to the Satellite "EutelSat 36 A / B 36.0 E". After that, return to the window with the satellite settings.

The following parameters must be specified:

  • lNB frequency - 9750/10600 for two-band convectors with circular polarization;
  • lNB - 10750 frequency for single-band convectors;
  • nutrition LNB - "On".

Other parameters depend on the specific television connection scheme to convectors and antennas.

  1. Click on "MENU". A menu will open in which you want to select "Channels". It is depicted as a satellite antenna icon.
  2. Go to the "Country" section.
  3. If the TV requests a PIN code, then enter numbers 1234, or 0000, or 1111. This is a standard set of numbers for a password.
  4. If you want to configure the essential or digital TB, then go to the "Other" item.
  5. After that, it will be necessary to go back and select "Cable Search Parameters".
  6. Here you need to enter the parameters:
  7. frequency - 290 000 kHz;
  8. transmission speed - 6875 ks / s;
  9. modulation order - 256 QAM.
  10. Return to " Automatic settings", As a source of the signal, select" Cable ".
  11. Select a digital and (or) analog TB.

In the search mode, go to "Network" and run the setting using the "Login" button.

class \u003d "Eliadunit"\u003e

After we have determined with the place of installation of the antenna and its approximate direction, the pre-assembled antenna is hanging on the bracket. After additional multifides and converters, cables and other structural elements are used.

  • Important: To accurately adjust the antenna, it must be moved vertically / horizontally. But the mounting attachments should be smoothly so much so that the antenna itself does not move and not change the slope, but you could, albeit with the effort, but still move the antenna in the planes. For this, the left / right screws are not fully tightened.

For example, the free left lower screw on a P-shaped adjustable antenna element (see PHOTO) allows you to adjust the antenna by vertical, and those who are on the cottage to fix antenna to the mount on the wall, usually two of them, - by horizontal.

What is a multifide and how it works

Multifide- This is a design that allows you to take at the same time several satellites per satellite antenna due to the possibility of installing additional heads (converters). This allows you to save your funds for the purchase of an additional satellite antenna.

Multifide law: drop angle \u003d reflection angle

The antenna is often referred to as a mirror. And in the case of a multifide, the laws of optics and reflection are valid (remember physics?) And specifically: the incidence of the incidence is equal to the reflection angle. That is, if you configure an antenna to the appropriate satellite so that it is in focus, the signal from the neighboring satellite, located on another orbital position, will not be reflected no longer to that converter, which is in the focus, and at any other point. All this work works on the same law!

Understand this law is simple:
If the neighboring satellite (AMOS 4) on the geostationary orbit is the right of the center of the central converter (Sirius 4.8) of the satellite antenna, the reflection of its signal (yellow arrow in the figure) from the plate mirror will focus to the left of the place where the central converter is in the focus of the antenna. (see fig)

If the satellite above signal focuses below. In general, the effect of the mirror.

Configure antenna on a satellite with mounted multifides

Then you need to wear 2 torches for the attachment of the antenna spout on which there is already a installed holder for the main converter, (the converters are fixed in all holders). Next, everything must be reliably tighten, but leave the ability to turn the converters in multifides in all directions and planes with some effort. The cable system is already connected at the very end.

Setup: Stages of the Purpose Process

Equipment setting is a rather troublesome business and requires a lot of time. All begins with screwdriver to the center. F-connector converter with a cable length from 2 meters long. The other end of this cable is fixed at the receiver.

The receiver itself connects to the television receiver. Be careful: Nutrition (220 V) must be included only after connecting. Another important momentWhat needs to be remembered: When you screw the F-connector, make sure that the screening film and the finest conduirers on the cable braid did not get closed with the central residential. Otherwise, everything can end the breakdown of the receiver!

Setting up satellite antenna on the main satellite SIRIUS 4.8E

Turn on the TV and receiver. Go to the menu item - Installation, hereinafter - to search channels. On the left you will see a list of satellites from which the reception will occur. Select the desired, for example, Sirius 2 / KU 4.8E, if a central converter is configured, which was firmly fixed before it.

  • LNBP.- Enable the converter.
  • LNBP Type.- Choose Universal (the type can be viewed in the documents for the converter).
  • LNBP FREQ. - 10600/9750 (these data are also listed in the instructions for the converters).
  • 22Khz.- Choose an auto item (this is a signal that switches the disk).
  • Diseqc.- Leave None (if the signal reception is connected directly without using DiSEqc).

Then look for the appropriate button on the remote control: it will lead you to the transponder submenu. Exactly here and it will be necessary to look satellite signal. Tip: In advance note for yourself a couple of transponders from satellites with various polarizations and any channels (better free), which actually work (FTA). Such easily find on the Internet on specialized sites.

  • Example: We will analyze the option with the 11766H transponder. It broadcasts at a frequency of 11,766 mega hertz (horizontal polarization). To make it easier to configure the quality of the picture and the signal, it is better to bring all the information in full screen mode. For this there is an Info button. Focus on the quality will be conveniently in the microble located below.

Do not be afraid if at first the "quality" of the signal will be equal to 0. The reason for such a failure is completely explained: at the very beginning we discussed the options for the direction of the antenna and turned it into the right side by the "Scientific" method. And then the time of the antenna setting in all planes has come. Immediately prepare for a long and monotonous process that requires accuracy, care and self-control. Why? A pair of millimeters, and the signal will be lost. The case will not even in his poor quality, but in the complete absence!

Setting the receiver antenna in planes

First you need to find one ideal position vertically. After that, slowly and smoothly try to deploy the antenna horizontally. At the same time, you need to constantly monitor the signal quality scale. As soon as the digit is shifted from 0, it means that you act correctly. In this way, the scale should be brought to at least 15. It will option that all manipulations with horizontal movements will be unsuccessful. Then you have to return to the vertical position and change it a little. And then start all at first: neat movements to the right and left until the signal appears, at least small. Your task is to achieve the highest quality of reception. To do it, of course, is not easy, but without it, what is called nowhere.

You can try a little checked in the holder (around the axis) converter. For this, there are even special labels on the housing. You can also move it a bit along the holder back and forth, while achieving maximum readings on the quality scale.

Tackle: To achieve better signal quality, you need to try all adjustment options. Only the result will be completely arranged.

  • IMPORTANT: If you have doubled everything a hundred times, they tried to adjust the antenna, repeatedly changed the receivers, but did not find the signal, try replacing the converter. There is a possibility that he is simply broken.

Have you achieved the highest possible admission? Take congratulations! It seems to be time to twist the screws and enjoy perfectly performed work?! Not everything is so cloudless. Remember: The setting was carried out with a transponder broadcasting only in horizontal polarization ("H" on the housing). You must configure the V-transponder, that is, with vertical polarization. Yes, and again into battle!

In each case, there can be completely different actions. Somewhere to success brings a small turn of the converter around the axis clockwise or counterclockwise. And some have to scan transponders in manual search. This process description can be found in the documents for the purchased receiving. And after visually monitor the reception of certain channels, their compliance with the desired satellite.

Tighten the nuts!

The long-awaited moment occurred when the signals in both polarizations give extremely possible quality. Now you need to very tightly and firmly tighten the nuts. And here again you can overtake difficulties: tightening the adjusting nut, you yourself do not want to change the direction of the antenna slightly. As a consequence - the quality of the signal is noticeably declining again! Therefore, it is necessary to make it extremely gently, with sick caution.

The position of the converters on the multifides

Before proceeding with configuring converters on multifides, you need to know the angle of tilt to the horizon and understand how they will be located.

Satellites in the sky at the geostationary orbit regarding the territory of Russia are located on the arc, which runs closer to the south of the sky. For the observer it will look like this:

Therefore, the location of the converters on the antenna must be inverted-mirror. If the antenna is directed to the southern sector, then adjacent converters will be failed as follows:

If the "plate" is configured to the Western satellite, the converters on the multifide should be located as follows:

Finally, if the satellite antenna will be directed towards one of the eastern satellites, then the "heads" in the neighborhood should be positioned as follows:

We will analyze another important point that should always be remembered. Since the satellite transmits a signal in most cases in horizontal or vertical polarization, then for different satellites, the vertical polarization will not always be "vertical", and, accordingly, the horizontal is not always "horizontal". Vertical and horizontal polarization will remain exclusively for southern satellites, and for all other polarization will be somewhat "tilted", as shown in the drawings. Therefore, the central converter and the converter on the multifide must be positioned at a certain angle relative to its axis. For this, there are special labels in the converters

Calculation of the position of the converters on multifids relative to the central head

The program "Rainbow TV: Assistant Installer", which can be downloaded here is intended for calculating the angles of the satellite antenna installation. It also contains all information for setting up a multifide. To calculate the multifide, you can use the corresponding tab in the program. Converters will need to be placed according to the calculation scheme represented on the tab as a result of the calculation.

Here is an example of calculating the program of our multifides with distances relative to the central converter:

where HOR. - distance from the core of the central converter to the center of the head on the multifide Ver - Distance from the center of the main converter to the center of the head on the multifide.

Setting up multifide on satellite

So, the antenna itself and one of the converters are safely configured. After that, turn off the receiver and twist the cable of the central converter to the converter from the multifide. Then turn on everything again.

You already have a familiar menu, only now you should choose HotBird 13e and another valid transponder. As in the case described above, it is necessary to systematically achieve excellent signal reception. However, it will not have to move here not to the antenna itself, but the converter on the multifide. By the way, it is capable of moving in any planes: up / down; right left; back forward.

If you see that the signal is excellent, twist the nuts. But do not forget about checking polarizations. Scan transponders and check any channel broadcast without payment, clean visually. Everything is okay?

Multifide on Satellite Amos 4W

Turn off all the equipment and twist the cable, as before, on the last converter. Then the configuration process is repeated with some changes: in the receiver menu, the Amos 4W satellite is selected and its operating frequency is selected.

Configuring a multifide, connect all three converter with dissected short cables, in accordance with the accompanying pattern.

In the receiver settings, you must set the port parameters in accordance with the following numbers: Sirius 2 / KU 4.8E - 1, HotBird 13E - 2, AMOS 4W - 3) with the connection of cables to the disk.
Then, automatically search for channels on satellites. If not all channels are found as a result of the search, then you should switch to manual search mode and by entering the parameters of missing transponders to have their search.

Is it worth close the disc from the rain or moisture

Of course yes disk too electronic device And it works from electricity, and when the water is hit, a short circuit cannot be avoided. Lucky if he burns only. Just a package with a scotch will not help, he will only aggravate the position.

But a plastic bottle with a sliced \u200b\u200btop is another thing, simple and reliable. You can fantasize and find a bottle or a box of suitable shape and slit to smell with silicone or sealant.

Modern discs are already sold with a plastic protective cover in the kit.

Diskes need to be installed in such a way that water would not reach the cable to the connectors. Therefore, it must be raised above the level of the converters.

Antenna configured for 3 satellites installed successfully!

Instructions in 5 Councils: Setting the satellite antenna yourself

First of all, before the start of the process, the satellite antenna is properlyWith how digital broadcasting is spreading today (and it is seven-mile steps), it is not necessary to say that satellite television itself has been outlined. Receiving a picture from a satellite is interesting because you have the ability to enable a huge number of channels. And many channels from the satellite are in free access. And there are such regions where solid coverage digital broadcasting Physically not possible. Therefore, put an antenna - the only possible Solution. Do not be afraid of such words how to "establish parabolic antenna"Or" satellite "," polarization "," head position ". Maybe in your not the most complex task These testimony will not be useful. Yes, and, if necessary, see the position of the head and decide on the turning part will not be difficult.

Preparation for configuring antenna

Suppose the antenna suspension has already been implemented. That is, the installation of antenna in an optimal place, which still needs to be found is finished. Then it should be pretty prepared for the configuration. Otherwise, it happens that the antenna is already on the street, the location is chosen and it's time to customize, and some annoying trifles are missing.

Self-installing can sometimes save a considerable amount

The Adjuster must prepare:

  • Keys and screwdrivers of different sizes, those assumed by the installation of suspension, and fasteners of the mirror itself;
  • TV, tuner, connecting cable;
  • Extension with a pair of sockets;
  • Protractor;
  • Compass.

Sometimes, the exact setting cannot pass without helper. Suppose if the connection cannot be conducted with control. That is, it will not be possible to place the tuner with the TV so that you can correctly monitor the indicators and set the channels. Then the antenna adjustment is carried out together.

Rough setting of satellite television

Suppose you decide to carry out a rough setting. Then you need to install an antenna on the laid place, and then consolidate it is not very tight. Why not tight? So it is done to preserve the ability to change the position of the mirror. And when the data on the right angles of inclination are, you can take on an antenna orientation.

Antenna must be installed in the area of \u200b\u200bthe right visibility of the desired direction

How to orient antenna:

  • The compass needs to catch the landmark on the horizon, which is located on the desired azimuth. This means that you need to choose and put an azimuth on the compass, and look forward to the direction. That object that came to the Vizier's slot, and there is a landmark.
  • First, the angle of the vertical inclination is taken rude. But if you can search, it can be clarified, looking at the selection of antenna mirrors through the transport. In this case, the equipment has a slightly more, rather than required.

Accurate Satellite Antenna Setup

Next, you should turn on the TV and receiver. For you, interest on the screen should cause a signal quality indicator strip. Quality and signal - keywords. Divide the antenna to the left of several degrees. Then he is already slow, looking at the indicator readings, turn the antenna to the left. If there is no increase in the reading, lower a little antenna mirror, repeat the procedure already in the opposite direction.

To receive a radio signal from the satellite, it should fall on the receiving mirror and nothing should interfere with it

So you can say, at home, make a snake movement - and you will find that one point in the space in which the level of signal quality will be higher than 75%. This check will give a reliable signal reception.

Remember that you need to turn the antenna from behind or on the side, because the human body is a big barrier to search for a signal. The movement of the antenna mirrors should be very slow. The receiver must have a reserve for signal recognition. When you have already achieved a high-quality signal, it can still be improved if the convector is a little brief.

Completion of the process: how to set up a satellite antenna yourself

When you found the direction to the satellite, the channels are automatically searching. Usually, how you are looking for a channel on the TV, exactly the same principle and search for channels of plates. And after completing the setting, you need all the adjustment and fastening screws to be tightly spinning. Yet the antenna has a huge sailboat, and the wind can bring down the setting if the screws are tightly tightened.

Many people think that the satellite antenna setting is a complex process, in fact it is not

And then you need to securely secure the cable. It is easier and more correct to fix it at the convector stand and suspension with plastic disposable clamps. If they ourselves are not sure that all this can be done, you need to collect a small command of already experienced adjustments. Sometimes two pairs of hands do not cost, only three.

Scheme: how to connect a satellite plate to the TV

The instruction will be large only if everything is done from scratch. If the case is only in "reconfiguring", as well as remove unnecessary channels and find missing, the process will go faster. Such an instruction is universal - suitable for those who establish an antenna in Belarus, Kazakhstan, Karaganda, for example, Kharkov (Ukraine here). Even yamal can be included in this scheme.

Installing the satellite antenna must be made above, in most cases - on the roof

Antenna Connection Instructions:

  • Select the desired location of the antenna (if you live in the northern hemisphere, then satellites are located in southern);
  • Check if it is convenient if it is difficult to maintain it;
  • Connect antenna by the attached instruction;
  • Install it in the selected place so that it is ready for adjustment;
  • Prepare a cable;
  • Converter and receiver Connect the cable, connect to the TV;
  • To the place of antenna, bring electricity;
  • Receiver and TV Connect to power;
  • Install an antenna in the same direction, under the same angle as the neighbors;
  • Enter the menu and follow the instructions;
  • Change the vertical angle of inclination;
  • Give the antenna the desired slope;
  • Turn the antenna in the horizontal plane, in order to achieve the highest possible signal level;
  • Tighten all the fasteners bolts;
  • OK - in the settings menu;
  • Look at the names of the channels, making sure that the satellite caught.

Antenna can always be reconfigured. Why do you need Chinese channels if it's not interesting for you? Why do you need channels about Sirius and Venus, if you are focused on the sport, for example? In short, set what you really need, without loading the list of excess.

How to set up a satellite antenna yourself (video)

Much can be made independently, including, and install an antenna. If the satellite plate is the only pleasure of viewing a large number of channels, then it is possible to do in the connection on both forces.