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Sterilization of cats performed by a specialist is a procedure that does not represent a special complexity. Risks are minimal, negative consequences happen extremely rarely. But, nevertheless, this is a bandwidth operation carried out under general anesthesia. Pitomitsa should be properly prepared for the procedure and provide everything necessary during the rehabilitation period.

Preparation for sterilization begins with an animal survey. Even if the cat is clinically healthy, it is necessary to pass urine and blood tests, consult with therapist and cardiologist, pass the abdominal cavity and echo of the heart. These are additional costs and spending time, but not a single doctor, just looking at the animal, cannot argue that it is great. Many complications after the suffered anesthesia, showing themselves that the cat does not eat, does not come to contact, it is restored for a long time, the heartbeat and thermoregulation is impaired - the result of the operability of a weakened or sick cat. The doctor should know about all diseases of the four-legged patient in advance to prevent unpleasant consequences. If the results of laboratory and hardware studies are satisfactory, you can choose the day of operation. If not, the doctor will prescribe treatment if it is necessary immediately, or select anesthesia and the sterilization method that is suitable for this cat.

Caring for comes and care for seam. It is advisable to ask the veterinarian in advance, which means for processing the wound needs to be purchased. In addition, you will need two light beats to change them daily.

Choosing the day of operation, it is desirable to proceed from the owner's work schedule: at least two days after the procedure, the cat should be under the supervision of an adult family member. During the day before surgery, you need to give a petomice a tablespoon of vaseline oil so that the cat is emptying the intestines. Sometimes the laxative and even enema are used, but only on the recommendation of the veterinarian. For 12 hours you need to remove all the food so that the stomach on the day of the procedure was empty. For three hours, it is possible to give a little water, and then remove the bowl and all the containers, from where the cat can drink (sink plates, water cans for watering, etc.). It is very important! If the cat grows during a narcotic sleep, the pet can choke.

Day of operation

List of necessary things:

  • veterinary passport and passport of the owner;
  • carrying with a folding riding or a comfortable basket (the cat should lie smoothly and on the side, you can not turn it out with eating);
  • sterile diaper that you need to lay on the bottom of carrying immediately before the cat will go home;
  • warm Plaid, Popon, Napkins In case the pet is described or will leave it;
  • the guide, which will need to put on the cat's paws only if the veterinarian says it. Water in the heating floor Nallet nurse. Typically, doctors provide warmers, if necessary, but it is better to be restrained.

Sterilized about half an hour. If everything is in order, immediately after the operation you can take a cat home. If an animal is an elderly or chronically sick and in the case when the clinic is far from home, it is recommended to leave a nurse in the hospital until a complete exit of anesthesia.

In this article, we will not describe what sterilization of cats and why it is needed. This is already written about it. Let us dwell on cat care after sterilization. After all, the owner mainly interests not how doctors will hold the sterilization operation, and what to do with their favorite after surgery.

However, it is briefly necessary to tell that there are two concepts of sterilization of cats:

1. Ovirobysectomy - this is full removal uterus and ovaries, i.e. All reproductive organs. The most correct, in our opinion, the method of sterilization in animals.
2. Ovaredectomy - When only ovaries remove, leaving the uterus in the abdominal cavity. Several controversial view of sterilization, because Not functioning body in essence becomes superfluous. In addition, after many years, the uterus can inflame and become a reason for another operation, but already a cat of old age, when the risk of developing complications after anesthesia is very large.

There are also several techniques for the operation of sterilizing cats:

1. Classic scheme. The incision is carried out on the white line of the abdomen, carry out sterilization, sut the wound. The method used for many, many years, and with proper care of the cat after sterilization, no complications. Benefits - all the practitioners of veterinary doctors are well dominated by all without exception. Cons - stronger traumaticism in the station with other sterilization schemes.
2. Sterilization with the use of lateral cut. Skin cut is made on the side. It is usually smaller than the cut of the skin in the classical sterilization scheme. The muscles of the peritoneum are moved by a blunt subject (transparent), and not cut the scalpel. It is carried out operational removal of organs and the wounds are invented. Advantages - less traumatic operation. Disadvantages - it is not always possible to fully remove the uterus with ovirobysectomy.
3. Laparoscopic sterilization method. The operation is carried out through a very small puncture in the abdominal wall. Special tool - laparoscope is introduced inside and under visual control on the surgeon monitor is carried out coagulation of vessels and removal of uterus and shuffles from the abdominal cavity. The most progressive, safest and most expensive way of sterilizing cats. Pluses are the low invasiveness of the method, the practical absence of seams and the need to care for animals. Cons - very expensive equipment and staff training. As a result, expensive operation. Equipment is far from all veterinarian clinics. IN currently The service is more exotic.

Depending on the method of carrying out the operation is assigned postoperative cat care after sterilization. However, there are several general moments. Cat sterilization operation - invasive procedure, i.e. At the same time, the integrity of the tissues and organs of the animal is disturbed. Therefore, the overall malaise after surgery will always be.
After sterilization, it is necessary to provide peace, create conditions for a comfortable stay. Avoid games with children or other animals.

Caring for seams after sterilization by a cat
The seams are applied to the inner wall of the abdomen and on the skin. The peritoneum is squeezed by absorbable surgical threads in aseptics and this seam does not require any care. It is extremely desirable to limit the mobility of the cat after the operation so that the seams on the peritoneum disagree. Skin seams can apply different ways. The most common - non-disseminating thread with the need to remove seams 7-10 days after surgery. The second option is a sinking surgical thread hidden seam. For this method No seams are not required.

In the photo: Normally healing seam after sterilization by the cat

Is it necessary in the postoperative period processing of seams? It depends on the methods of overlaying seams in a particular veterinary clinic. In the market of veterinary drugs, there are means that allow you to "make seam" and do not carry out any actions on their processing. For example, the application of aluminum spray on aseptically made seam gives almost 100% protection against pathogenic microflora to the wound.

To prevent bacterial dissemination of the seam region, it is recommended to wear an hourly postoperative sponge. Popon is a specially stitched fabric protective jumpsuit with strings.

In the photo: Postoperative abona for cats
The photo shows how to wear a poporn on a cat
Popon dressed on a cat

Dress and remove the popone quite easily, the instructions with drawings are on the package with the poporn.

Pain after sterilization in cats
Pain sensations after the sterilization of the cat, as a rule, do not experience or test on the first day after the operation. Paints are insignificant and do not require the appointment of potent painkillers. If the cat after sterilization is painful - it is necessary to consult with a veterinarian.

Anesthesia and Postgrocoses
Currently, several types of anesthesia are applied to sterilize cats.
1. intramuscular administration of Miorolaksanta (Rometar) and analgesic drug (Golden). The widespread anesthesia with such operational interventions. Pros - High efficiency. Cons - the animal leaves the anesthesia for a long time. The time of complete neutralization of the drug and the exit from anesthesia ranks 6 hours before the day.
2. intramuscular administration of the Miorolaxanta and the conduct of epidural anesthesia (the introduction of anesthetic in the shell of the spinal cord and blocking pain sensitivity). Pros - low toxicity. Cons - a high probability of complications after epidural anesthesia, a very significant human factor (skill qualification). From anesthesia cats come out quite quickly, depending on the dose of the injected drugs from several hours to 6-8 hours. Restoration of sensitivity in the hind limbs and gaining opportunity to move freely can delay up to two days depending on the body and the nervous system of the cat.
3. Inhalation (gas) anesthesia. It is rarely used for sterilization, the equipment is not in all veterinary clinics. After the operation and disabling the anesthesia, the cat immediately wakes up.

Complications after the operation on the sterilization of the cat

Bleeding in the abdominal cavity
It usually occurs, as a rule, from the culture of the uterus due to incorrectly imposed ligatures or insufficient efficiency of coagulation of the vessels of the uterus. Manifests soreness in the abdomen, refusing to eat, meow kat. Cat hurts on the stomach even 3-4 days after surgery. For treatment, a re-operation is carried out, the blood clots from the abdominal cavity and fibrin spikes are removed (if any). Spikes are rarely formed.

Punch postoperative seam
Seam can be mistaken if dirt got on it. To prevent this, after the operation on the cat, it is necessary to wear a special popone.

In addition, it is necessary to contain an animal clean, not to produce into the street and carry out prescribed by the doctor's processing.
If nevertheless, the cat got sterling after sterilization - it is necessary to turn to your doctor. The doctor will appreciate the state of the seam and take measures to correct the situation. With strong infection, the seam wound will not be lit, they will have to be removed, removing dead skin under anesthesia and put the seams again.

"Cryer" in the seam area when sterilizing on a white belly line

A similar phenomenon is often found quite and is not pathology. Associated with a feature of animal tissue healing. In fact, it is just a strong back of granulation tissue. The bump will become inconspicuous and will completely disappear about a month after sterilization.

In the photo: "Bryer" on the seam after sterilization

As we can see, the sterilization operation of cats, though simple and worked out by all veterinary doctors, certain risks of complications still exist. Therefore, by making a decision on the sterilization of the cat, appreciate your cat care facilities after sterilization. If you have free time to fulfill all the prescribed recommendations of the attending physician - care for the cat will not cause strong difficulties.

If you are busy at work and can not pay due attention to your favorite, then, perhaps, you should contact veterinary clinics, where they provide services for the overexposition of cats after sterilization. According to the reviews of the owners, inexpensive and quality services can be obtained at the center of animal sterilization ( website). In addition to sterilization and overexposure, there is also delivery of cats to the operation and back, which is definitely very convenient for occupied people.

Maria Smirnova, veterinarian and breeder of Abyssinian cats
nursery Abyssinian cats "La Murr", Schelkovo, Mo

Increasingly, the owners ask themselves the question: "Sterilize whether the cat?" And this approach is more faithful than the use of hormonal contraceptives or a complete refusal to regulate sex hunting. The fact is that drugs are negatively reflected on cat health, can lead to different tumors, etc. And in the second case there is a threat that the animal will be pregnant several times a year. Sterilized cats are walking and no offspring do not bring. Operation once and forever removes all questions and problems.

Preparation for the operation

There is nothing cunning here. An animal must not eat for 12 hours and not to drink 4 hours before the operation. This is due to the fact that the operation is carried out under the whole preparation. Sterilize animals over 8 months old. In this case there will be no complications. Optimally to carry out the operation before the first mating or the first desire. A month before the procedure, it is advisable to make vaccinations to protect the pet from possible complications and infections. When it is required for 1-2 weeks.

Transportation Home

How does the cat leave after sterilization? Sometimes animals become too excited, active and restless. Can start jumping and run around the apartment and room. No need to worry - it will pass soon. Moreover, you should not try to catch up with your favorite, it is better to leave her alone.

As soon as the cat begins to come to herself, she is trying to remove the collar or popone. However, you do not need to let it do. After a couple of days it will get used, and protective funds will not give her inconvenience.

Caring for the cat at home. Feeding

Appetite returns to the animal within two days after the operation. How to feed the cat after sterilization? As before her. For several days, the pettomica will begin to eat in the same volumes as before the operation. If this does not happen on the 5th day, then this is a sign of unhealthy. It is recommended to refer to the veterinarian.

You need to feed a little, as soon as the Pitomic has a desire to eat. However, if vomiting appears, then with food you need to wait a few more hours. In order not to have problems with the collar, the diameter of the bowl should be less. The cup must be placed at a height of 3-6 cm.

Corpolation of natural needs

In the first days, urination becomes less frequently and less in volume. However, with the recovery of appetite, everything should return to normal.

Often after sterilization in cats there are constipation. If the animal does not go to the toilet more than three days, you need to give him a laxative. In the nearest vetaptec, you can purchase various drugs based on vaseline oil or other means. After the first chair should get better.

Temperature increase

During the first 5 days after the operation, such phenomena as lethargy, weakness, or, on the contrary, excessive activity are possible. Also, fluctuations in body temperature can also be observed with an increase in it to 39.5 degrees. This is not connected with infection, but with damage to tissues and their healing. This is the normal response of the body. Painkillers will significantly improve the well-being of the pet. However, if the temperature is too high or lasts for a week or more, you need to consult a doctor.

Use of protective equipment

What to wear on the cat, each owner decides on their own. Regardless of the choice, one must observe one condition: the pet must wear a collar or a popone. It is necessary to ensure that they are clean and, most importantly, integer, since their main purpose is to protect against distinguishes. However, the animal in a few days can lead them into disrepair. The behavior of cats after sterilization is characterized by increased interest in the seam. In this case, the steps mentioned above will have to be replaced. It is important to protect the seams from the cat language, otherwise they may dispense and inflamed.

It is necessary to ensure that the popone and collar can have enough tight, so that the animal could not remove them, but at the same time the cat should be comfortable. Typing and collar are easily adjustable. As a rule, protective equipment can be removed by 7-10 days. It is better to wear longer, because sometimes cats seams are captured slowly.


The most difficult period is immediately after the operation and within two days. These days it is desirable to give painkillers. It can be both injections and tablets (when a swallowing function is restored). However, it is necessary to give special feline drugs, and not human! The painkillers will not only make it easier for the life of the pet, but will allow her to feel much better, before the appetite will return, the temperature will not rise greatly. The postoperative syndrome itself will be much less pronounced.

If the behavior of cats after sterilization does not differ from the usual, then this item can exclude from therapeutic measures. However, in most cases it is required.

Healing seam

Immediately after the operation, several drops of blood or sucrovitsa can perform from the cut. Blows and poured blood. This is a normal reaction. As a rule, after a couple of days, the swelling will fall, the incision stops mocking. If the seam condition does not improve, then this is a reason to consult a doctor.

Shavi processing

This event becomes mandatory from the second day after the operation. It is held every other day, it is better every day, an hour after taking painkillers. The task of this event is the antimicrobial seam processing. For this, cotton swab is wetted in chlorhexidine, and they are cleared all the smallest folds. From the cut you need to remove wool and selection. Finally, the wound can be treated with a tampon with the ointment "Levomekol". Usually the healing rate is 10 days. The easiest way to clean the seams together: one person puts a cat on the hind legs, and the second processes.

Additional drugs

If the operation has passed successfully, and the animal itself is great, it does not require additional drug treatment. However, the following drug groups may need:

  • Antibiotics. As a rule, one injection is done in operation. It is necessary not to incur infection. They may need if the animal will spread the seam. But in this case, the recovery process will delay for another 2-3 weeks.
  • Vitamins are given by weakened cats, if they feel bad in the postoperative period.
  • The hemostatic agents will be needed with poor blood clotting, if blood is constantly soocated from the seam.
  • Anti-infectious serum will be useful if the owner decided to leave a pet for the recovery period in

Sterilization of cats. Care after the operation in the veterinary clinic

Many animal hospitals are already offering hospital services for postoperative animals. You can put a cat back both on 1 day and 10 - until complete recovery. Depending on the wishes and financial position of the owners. In the veterinary clinic, the animal guaranteed competent care, but, on the other hand, it will not see the owners, which will not be very favorable on his mood.


This placement has a number of advantages and disadvantages.

  • if the owner hurries to work or in cases, he does not need to spend time on the transportation of the animal to the house and at the complex of primary measures;
  • you do not need to drive anywhere in a pet that has not yet left anesthesia;
  • the clinic is accurately known than feeding the cat after sterilization;
  • do not have to independently put injections and give pills or every day wearing a favorite to the veterinarian on the procedures;
  • often animals are aggressive; The owner does not have to experience it for himself;
  • responsibility for the operation and recovery period fully falls on the shoulders of doctors, experts know well the behavior of cats after sterilization;
  • in some cases, if a cat has a health problem, she needs specialized medical care;
  • the hospital is especially convenient for sterilizing homeless cats.


  • the cat will have double stress: from the operation itself and from changing the living conditions;
  • not in each clinic are really responsible doctors, therefore it is possible that the pet can "forget" and not to carry out the necessary procedures on time. This question must be additionally clarified by the owners of other patients;
  • cat can be very offended by the fact that the owner threw her in a difficult situation;
  • the possibility of infection with viral infection is not excluded;
  • the content in the veterinary clinic is quite expensive.

And finally. If a sterilized cat is yell, then this reason to seem like a doctor. Complications are not excluded. If this happens in the first weeks after the operation, then this is a simple consequence of the hormonal background setting. Is a sterilized cat cat asks? Not. After operation, there will be no problems with its cries and labels.

The word veterinary specialist is the law. Observe the recommendations and do not self-medicate. If the doctor prescribed antibiotics cat, let us antibiotics, and exactly so many days as it should be, even if it seems to you that the pet has already recovered. All destinations must be respected - the success of rehabilitation depends on this.

2. Control the state of the pet.

If possible, take your vacation for the first days after the operation. A weakened cat will need your help and attentive control over the condition: temperature, chair, seams, etc. Under hand, there should always be a telephone of a veterinary doctor. In the case of deterioration or when there are questions, it is sure to contact it.

In no case cannot handle iodine or green: it will cause burn. Typically, veterinary specialists recommend chlorhexidine or a solution of vetericine - powerful and completely safe antiseptics. By the way, they are appreciated painlessly.

4. Do not allow the cat to lift the seams.

The cat can not be given to losing the seams, otherwise they will become inflamed and will not heal. Discharging "Access" to seams with a poppone or a special collar.

5. Organize for the cat an ideal place of rest.

During the day after the operation, the cat may be broken coordination, because Action of anesthesia will still hold on. So that she accidentally fell and did not injure itself, arrange a calm warm place for her on the floor, away from drafts, doors and household appliances. The same applies to weakened pets. If your cat has not yet fastened, it is undesirable to put on high surfaces (bed, armchair, etc.).

Also, after the operation in cats, the temperature decreases. The task of the owner is not to give a pet frozen. Make it will help the plaid and soft warm laying with sides.

6. We restore immunity!

The nutrient diet gives the body for restoration. A special diet for the cat will appoint a veterinary specialist.

To accelerate the rehabilitation process, enter special prebiotic drinks to the diet (Viyo Recuperation). Prebiotics have already proven themselves in people's therapy as an effective tool for strengthening immunity and recently produced for dogs and cats. In addition to strengthening immunity, they are well affected by the intestine. Prebiotics stimulate the reduction of its walls, which is very important in the postoperative period. Action of anesthesia causes aid (slowing down the movement of the intestinal walls), leading to constipation. If the operation is strip, in the first days the pet hurts to hurt, and constipation cause huge discomfort. Prebiotics decide this problem.

Watch that clean drinking water is always for pets in free access.

During the rehabilitation period, the animal requires peace. It should not be disturbed by other pets, children, strong noise and other stimuli. Rest and Sleep - the most important steps to recovery.

9. Care must be careful.

After the operation, the weakened pet is experiencing stress, and sometimes even fear, and may behave inadequately. Communication is not something that requires him at this stage. It is advisable to disturb the cat as much as possible, and the departure to entrust one person is to whom she trusts the most.

10. Limit exercise.

At first, after surgery, physical exertion cats are contraindicated. Over time, the life of the pet will be active and energetic again. But how quickly it should happen and what pace - will tell a veterinary specialist.

Be careful and take care of your pets. We wish them a speedy correction!