What program is not an online browser. What is the internet browser: general concepts and work of modern browsers for novice users and webmasters

If the prevailing majority of older people with the Internet are familiar only superficially, for the younger generation daily "web surfing" is the same integral procedure as cleaning teeth or food intake. However, even among those who come to the network daily, few know that he represents and what opportunities has. Therefore, let's understand.

What is a browser, and why it is intended

Browser - software that allows you to request and display the content of Web sites, manage virtual applications, upload files from a computer, as well as perform many other tasks. The functionality of web browsers is continuously growing, which is promoted by healthy competition between developers and active implementation. information systems and technologies in various fields of activity. The browsers are distributed for most free, but some of them are regularly offered to the user to make a voluntary donation for their development.

The history of the appearance of browsers and a brief overview of modern products

The first web browser saw the light in 1990 and was named WORLDWIDEWEB (later renamed Nexus). The author of the project was the famous London inventor Sir Timothy John Berners-Lee, whose contribution to the development information technologies It is difficult to overestimate. The basis for the world's first browser served as the NEXTSTEP platform used also when developing Mac OS X.

However, due to the fact that the browser program code for a long time (until 1993) remained closed, the first browser released for the broad masses is taken to be NCSA Mosaic. It was he who served as the basis for Netscape Navigator and Internet Explorer., It is from him that the legendary "browser war" began.

Unlike Netscape, Microsoft practically initially distributed its product for free, which allowed her to monopolize the market by 1999, taking more than 95% of its volume. For users, it turned out that many sites and web documents were optimized for one particular browser (IE) and did not open in others. The developer itself, feeling the advantage, has ceased to pay due attention to the development of its product. This took advantage of Netscape. Leaving the market, she released the source code of its web browser under the MLP license, thereby applying Microsoft "Blow in the back" and putting the beginning of many modern projects, including:

Google Chrome.

Today, Chrome uses more than 300 million users daily, which automatically makes it the most popular browser in the world. Obtained on the basis of Chromium and Blink, it is suitable for both an ordinary and advanced PC user. The strengths of the browser include:

  • Safety that is expressed in the presence of a black list of phishing sites and resources containing malware, personal task manager, etc.
  • Speed. Due to the proactive reading of the DNS and the V8 productory engine that is responsible for javaScript processing, "Chrome" has one of the best indicators for downloading pages.
  • Stability. The Chrome work is based on the principles of multiprocessing, so that the problem in the work of one tab does not affect the functioning of the rest.

From the minuses of the project, users allocate a large number of options for collecting client's web surfing information and artificially limited selection of parameters when installing. Also not satisfied with their fact that current version The browser can be installed on a mobile device only if there is a last access to the Internet. Offline loaders from Chrome have, however main page The project is not presented.

Mozilla Firefox.

This browser works on the gecko engine (which from version 57.0 is gradually replaced by the new generation of Quantum) and in popularity it takes the world in the world among the free-spreading software. Officially produced for Windows, Android, MacOS, and GNU. In Linux distributions, it is one of the preset files. The development of the web browser is engaged in Mozilla, which initially called his Phoenix project, but then (due to the conflicts of trademarks) was forced to rename it first in Firebird, and then in Firefox.

Although the same time project was positioned as Netscape heritage, it's not entirely true. After the defeat of the company in the "war browser" code was written from scratch. This allowed the developers to make the product more flexible and responsive to users' needs, as well as to endow the functional, inaccessible to other web browsers.

The benefits of Firefox are counted:

  • Regular updates.
  • Operational elimination of detected vulnerabilities.
  • Ability to control cookies.
  • Actual for an advanced user features (including the "incognito" mode and a flexible system loading system).
  • Support for W3C standards.
  • Large selection of extensions and additions.
  • Lock pop-up windows.

From shortcomings, users allocate close cooperation of Firefox with Google and Adobe Corporations. For them "alive" google search In the address bar and support for DRM plugins looks like imposing services, which is unacceptable for open.


Opera is one of the few browsers that are ported for many operating systems. It is compatible with various Windows, OS X, Linux assemblies, as well as with mobile operating systems: Android, Windows Mobile, iOS, Symbian OS and MeeGo. One of the strongest parties to Opera is work with JavaScript. Its loading speed is about 2 times higher than the same indicators from other browsers.

Special attention developers are paying security on the network. Thus, for encryption, the SSL 3 and TLS protocols known for their high reliability are used when visiting the user of secure pages. The base of the saved password is encrypted using the 3DES algorithm, cutting off access to them who does not have encryption key. Also in the latest releases, mechanisms were presented to combat hidden mining, which against the background of increasing interest in cryptocurrencies is particularly relevant.

Among the disadvantages of the "Opera" users allocate:

  • Bulk, not particularly friendly to the user interface.
  • A closed code that interferes with third-party developers find in the product of vulnerability and promptly eliminate them.
  • The transition to the WebKit engine, which increases the share of its developer in the market and may well contribute to the beginning of the new "war browser war".

In addition to the "Opera" browser installed on the device offers its customers the so-called [Email Protected] - A program that works directly from the interchangeable media. In fact, it allows you to have all your settings, bookmarks, chat logs and other data, wherever you are.


This Web browser is a kind of alternative to Internet Explorer for the entire electronic products of Apple. The WebKit engine developed on the basis of a freely distributed code, it has been part of IOS and MacOS for many years. Starting with version 3.0, was introduced support Windows. However, it ended on version 5.1.7. For other operating systems, officially Safari has never been released.

TO strong sides Browser belongs:

  • Recognition of non-standard fonts used by sites and their download.
  • Support for different encryption protocols.
  • Private view - alternative to the "incognito" regime.
  • The integration of multimedia technologies QuickTime.

In Europe, Apple products occupy an increasing share of the market every year, and therefore Safari users are growing steadily. In the second half of 2017, the browser held a second position in the rating of popularity. In Russia, it has not been able to achieve such successes. Here, the browser was able to climb only 4 lines.

Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge

Speaking about web browsers, it would be wrong to mention Internet Explorer (for Windows 10 - Microsoft Edge.), Which today for the Internet community has become a stable supplier of local memes. I once winning the "browser war", the developers were superficially reacted to updating and protecting their product, because of which in a couple of years, the progressive community has practically refused it, preferred more convenient and functional Firefox and Google Chrome..

Faced with harsh reality, Microsoft was forced to reconsider their priorities, and starting with the ninth version, the browser began to fully support the SVG and CSS3 standards. Moreover, today the company's developers closely cooperate with the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and are actively involved in the creation of its standards. The embedded developments include Pointer Events, which allows you to determine the type of user interaction with the device.

However, neither all these steps, nor rebranding and change the name from Internet Explorer on Microsoft Edge fully restore the browser reputation did not help. Most, users still consider IE slow and poorly protected product. This is confirmed by the fact that we use the browser mainly workers public institutionswhich he is imposed on the existing alternatives.

What criteria are raising browsers

Market software Offers dozens of free or conditionally free web browsers, from the abundance of which inexperienced user goes around. Choose among them the best is not easy, because Some are not safe enough, others are dragging into the system all software "garbage", others are not optimized and often "tightly suspended" system. Therefore, if you can't boast of knowledge of modern standards, we propose when choosing a browser to be guided by the following criteria:

Support standards

Almost all modern browsers are positioning themselves as an independent innovative product. However, in fact most of them are only another variation on the basis of the popular Chromium. There is nothing criminal in it, as the engine code is open. Here are just some web browsers, allegedly being at the stage of active development, for some reason use the decisions of 2015, and even 2012 (which today hopelessly outdated). Why this indicator is critical, the user will learn on personal experience when it tries to install some application, and eventually sees the following message:

And if the browser is also with modern standards (for example, with network Protocol Http / 2) is not friendly, you can forget about fast loading Pages, about prioritization for requests, support for push notifications and many other features and opportunities.

Want to check your web browser to relevance? To do this, it is enough to know its version and string User Agent.The information on the first item is in the "Help" section - "On Program", on the second - with the help of numerous online services.


Almost any program can be found vulnerability. However, not every developer can eliminate it, and even do it quickly. Therefore, to assess the security of a web browser, several indicators should be taken into account, as:

  • Exposure to vulnerabilities.
  • Regular safety updates.
  • The number of vulnerabilities revised from the moment the release of this version.

Obviously, the most popular browsers, such as Chrome or Mozilla, will be detected an order of magnitude more than that of the same Safari or Yandex.Bauser. This is explained by their popularity, because the actions of hackers are most often aimed at the mass audience. To look for vulnerability from unclaimed software "evil geniuses" is simply not interesting and not profitable.


For the largest web browsers, this item is not particularly relevant. Standing one developer to introduce some kind of developer into your browser new featureAs another almost immediately presents the same or close in meaning analogue. A vivid example of the "incognito" mode, which first appeared in Google Chrome, and then was implemented in Firefox.

However, if you use a less well-known product, its functionality can be strongly cut or modified compared to the "giants" of the industry. For example, some additions (blocking advertising that allow you to bypass blocking, etc.) are simply not installed on them. Somewhere not supported by video calls, live search or synchronization mode. However, the most greatest fears in users are called a national search engine "Satellite", for which a unique search engine is developed, issuing information only with a limited number of sites.

US convenience

This indicator is one of the key arguments in the incessant disputes on the topic "The best browser". Evaluation criteria here have their own. One is enough that the browser simply worked, the other is critical to adapt the interface to itself, and the third above is the performance indicators of loading and consumption random access memory. However, and several generalized parameters can be allocated. So, a good browser:

  • It does not drag an extra "garbage" in the form of applications and extensions that will not use the user to use. A visual example of this Amigo from Mail.Ru, which, stands only to the user to lose vigilance, sets the Mail.Ru Agent to the computer.
  • Does not "hang" the system, picking up a lion's share of RAM at 1-2 open tabsWhat recently "sin" Google and Firefox.
  • It has an intuitive understandable interface And in the question of settings gives the user maximum freedom, which is not exactly related to "Opera" and IE.

Basics of work in browsers

However, for successful web surfing alone, the "best" browser will not be enough. In advanced features and convenient additions there is no point, if you do not know how to work with them. Therefore, consider the main features of the browsers, which everyone should be able to use.


Although the interface of various browsers looks different, all of them have common elements, including:

  • Address line - place where the address of the site is prescribed, and is also carried out quick search (If the browser retains the history of views).
  • Search - a rectangular window with a magnifier icon that allows you to quickly use the search for "Google", Yandex and others search engineswithout moving directly to their pages.
  • Buttons "Forward", "Back" - help move between multiple pages viewed in one tab.
  • "Update" - by pressing this button you reboot the page if that long loads or suddenly stopped working.

Tabs and windows

Move between pages (especially if more 2) with the "forward" and "back" buttons are not always convenient. Therefore, more often users prefer to open new pages in new tabs. All tabs are placed within the same window, and therefore switching between them occurs in one mouse click.

Good to know:

  • To add a new tab, click on the "+" icon on the tab panel,
  • To close the superfluous - mouse wheel along the tab.
  • If accidentally closed the tab that you needed, click on the tab panel with the right mouse button and select "Restore the Closed tab" in the drop-down menu.
  • If you need to compare two pages, open them in different windows. To do this, select the "New Window" item in the browser menu.

Download files and photos

Downloading multimedia, software, text and other files to a computer is one of the most sought-after functions of modern browsers. To save the image, just click on it with the right mouse button, select the "Save As" item and in the window that appears, specify the desired file name and save path. For files, this process is often more simplified. After you click on "Download", "Download" or another button with a similar name, the file will be added to the download folder on your computer. To find out its location, go to the browser settings and find the "Path of File Saving path" or similar to the wording.

However, do not forget that the files saved from the Internet often contain malicious codes And other dangers. Therefore, never agree to the jacket if:

  • Not sure about the reliability of the resource.
  • To download, you are offered to send SMS to some number.
  • To start downloading, you need to install a third-party plug-in or program.

Plugins and expansion

Working with any program, the user always seeks to set it up "for itself." And browsers here are no exception. In an effort to make web surfing more comfortable, browser developers have created their own online stores, where anyone can put their application. Here you can find the themes of browser, advertising blockers, blocking services, systems for downloading with YouTube, Vkontakte and other media resururov in one click and much more. A product will be paid or for free, it depends only on its author.

Where to look for a list of plugins available for installation depends on what kind of browsers you use. So, in Firefox, it is enough to hold the combination of the "Ctrl + Shift + A" keys (which corresponds to the transition: "Tools" - "add-ons"). And in Google, you will need to open the menu panel (vertical row of three points), select "Advanced Tools" in the drop-down table, and then "Extensions". Or open a store google applications, alternately by turning into: "Settings" - "Additional" - "Special Features".

History Views

Found a few days ago an interesting resource, but forgot to add it to bookmarks? Not trouble, the browser (if the settings are not provided otherwise) stores the entire history of your web surfing over the past few months. It also implements a convenient search system, and therefore, if you remember the approximate viewing date or (at least partially) the name of the page, it will not be forbidden to find her work. In different browsers, this service can be called differently, but the essence always comes down to "history" or "Log of Views".


There is more and more information on the network every day. When you are interested in only 2 or 3 sites, store their addresses in memory or on paper, can, and conveniently. But what to do when the number important pages Pull over a hundred? Right, march them with "bookmarks". This feature Today is implemented in all running browsers.

Click on a special icon (most often reminiscent asterisk), which is either in the address bar itself, or directly next to it. The browser will prompt you to add the page to the list of bookmarks and assign a name for which it will easily find it easily. If the list is obtained too large, group sites in the sites in the folders, which also create you yourself.

Why need to update the browser

An advanced user will seem strange to an advanced user. However, many newcomers do not understand, why update it

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Greetings to all readers of your blog, in touch Roman Chuechez. For many years, people have come to the network for many years, without at all thinking about the programs that they use. Here you know what is the internet browser and how does it work? It is about this today and will be discussed. I recommend to read the article to the end, where I will tell why it is so important to install several browsers to my computer and be able to correctly configure them. So, forward.

Web Browser as it is

I get acquainted with the browser to start with his definition.

The web browser (another name) is a special program that allows you to view the sites posted on the network and the information contained on them.

It works as follows:

  • the program sends an HTTP request for information;
  • the server provides access;
  • the program processes data on approved standards;
  • the screen displays an interpreted code image.

Browsers appeared at the moment of the invention of the Internet and gradually flooded everything electronic devices. Today, on each computer, a tablet or smartphone will be installed by default one of the web browsers.


The very first Web Browser having graphic interface, became. But after the staff of this company switched to Netscape and engaged in the development of a new product, the development of "mosaic" was discontinued. Fortunately, the source code hit Microsoft. As a result, the world famous appeared Internet Explorer..

Here, many can shrink in surprise: why then it was IE that became so popular, and many have not even heard about Mosaic? The fact is that Microsoft made one very important and, as it turned out, a very smart move - she turned on the browser for a mandatory update for the operating system (at that time it was Windows 95). So users simply did not have the choice - they used exactly IE.

Internet Explorer. Quickly won the market (95% - almost the whole world), and the work of Netscape was finished. At the same time, the developers, closing the project, published the unfounded code under the free license, so that in the future it was possible to create it.

In 1995, also appeared Opera.. These two browser were forced to quickly develop to at least a little to win the market, which they successfully did. And while Microsoft was inactive (really, why try when you are a monopolist?!), Mazila and opera have become quite popular. A real battle has begun for users who pushed the market to create a completely new product -.

Modern Web Browser.

If you dealt with the concept of Web Browser, you can move to the selection of a program that will meet all the requirements. A few names already flashed slightly above - most of them are still afloat.

So, the most popular are:

  • Opera;
  • Internet Explorer;
  • Apple Safari;
  • Yandex browser.

Google Chrome today is the most common browser. It was created on the basis of Chromium and works on the WebKit engine (webcike). In just a few years, the observer was able to conquer 25% of the market.

And he did it at the expense of simplicity, functional and the speed of page loading, as well as the presence of various extensions. Note that Yandex, being the main competitor Google, recently also presented his version of the program. The question is whether users will want to download it? I think yes, want.)

Mozilla Firefox. Popular in Russia, as well as Germany and Poland. However, he gradually loses its position and soon can ride the Opera level. As for the latter, it was used mainly for mobile devicesAnd now I went at all in the summer. The same happens with IE, which is used in extremely rare cases.

Separately, it is worth mentioning about Safariwhich was designed specifically for Apple products. It is included in the list of preset programs on Mac OS X and IOS.

But Phoenix and Amigo - browsers who are ordered to users. They are free and installed automatically when visiting some sites. More resemble a virus that you want to remove from a computer as quickly as possible.

Remember that you have to work with sites, so it is very important to take care of the correct display of the web resource in each browser. Because We will also be engaged in the site layout, i.e. Convert a drawn blog layout in Photoshop, by tag marking, in the visual display in the browser.

Today, users use various browsers, so the same display of information (site) is very important in them.

My computer has all the most common browsers: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Internet Explorer, Apple Safari for Windows, Yandex Browser. You can download them all free on the Internet on official sites.

That's all. Install your browsers on your PC and continue to read articles from this category, and you will learn how to configure them correctly for fast and uninterrupted work.

Since respect, Roman Chuechev

Even for those who can not be called a newcomer on the Internet, since it has long been sirphins on the unburses of the World Wide Web, it is not always clear, what is browser. For those who are interested in getting information on this issue, and the presented article is intended.

What is a browser?

It is customary to call specially written programused for website visitsplaced on the Internet. Actually the ability to read this article you also receive thanks to one of them. The attitude of all existing browsers today is considered to be NCSA Mosaic. He was developed by company specialists Microsoft. For use as a basis when starting a browser called Internet Explorer..

The most popular browsers for today

The listing of all existing browsers today will take too much time. The following browsers are among the most popular:

  1. Internet Explorer;

Examples of other browsers

Not so popular as the above listed, but in demand enough:

  • Konqueror.
  • DILLO.
  • Avant.
  • Seamonkey.

Perhaps I voiced by me is subjective, but personally I like working with such a well-known browser as Google Chrome.. I personally are convinced that he is the most good today from all the most popular. He is enough high speedCombined with a simple appeal. The interface of the name browser meets all modern requirements.

Here, in general, and that's it. I hope that I managed to sufficiently highlight this question. If someone is interested to learn more detailed the history of the origin of browsersIt is better to contact Wikipedia. Remember that going on the journey should not be forgotten about the installation. After all, the possibilities of the browser does not always have enough to protect against the impact of codes of viruses containing viruses.

The first word that any newbie is heard at the entrance to the Internet is a browser. What is a browser? What are they, how to choose the best? There are a lot of questions, but there are no answers to them on the network or they have to be assembled in parts. I am going to write a full article on this topic so that any newcomer reading it to understand everything from A to Ya. For example, you will need to explain the basics of surfing on your grandmother, which is far from the computer as the Earth from Jupiter. It's not a problem! Just open her my article and let her enlighten! ;)

So, here is the small plan of our today's lesson - lectures - notes, who like it more.

That's the plan and we will move to miss anything. After this lesson, you should not have white spots in this topic. For a start, I will give a couple of definitions and descriptions of the term "browser", since everyone seeks to give him his interpretation, but it will often be erroneous or incomplete. If you bring several explanations at once, then a complete picture may turn out. Then, I will tell short story Development of browsers to understand why it all began and what goes. Only knowing the story, at least brief, you can understand the current state of affairs. This rule works everywhere: both in the political sphere and in computer and in legal and in whatever else. Next will be given all modern browsers who have some kind of weight in the market. After all, why do you need to know about a exotic program that uses a bunch of gickers? I'm thinking that there is no need. Well, all we begin.

What is browser

1) Browser, Web Observer- Special program designed to view websites. This happens with hTTP requests To the server and receiving data from it, which are processed on special approved standards and thus formed a web page.
2) a simpler language Browser - This is a program that you have opened in this moment And with which you have the opportunity to read my article now. That is, the browser is a conductor between the worldwide Internet and user. It is it that allows access to the whole set available on the Internet information.

Now it is clear. Turn on the computer, connect to the Internet, but get any data from it without special Program It is impossible. There must be software that can request information, get it, process and display the user screen. This is exactly what the browser is engaged.

Brief history of browsers

The very first browser with a graphical interface is Mosaic from NCSA. But, despite the fact that he is a pioneer in the field of observers, the development of mosaic was discontinued in 1997 due to market loss. Now I will explain how it all happened. The fact is that some workers from NCSA moved to Netscape and began developing a new, more advanced browser - Netscape Navigator. He had to better provide support for standards and be much more convenient to use. They succeeded and their product was successful.

This was not the attention of Microsoft's unsolicited company. It is logical, because such a huge piece of cake practically floated from their hands. But the situation quickly changed, and completely in the opposite direction, when Microsoft based on the open source code of the first graphics browser Mosaics quickly collected his browser - Interner Explorer. They included it on a mandatory update for their Windows 95 operating system and it was in a hat. Now each user has been practically deprived of the right to choose, including because of its illiteracy in this matter. So the whole secret of the staggering success of IE is a monopoly. The brainchild of the company Moikrosoft quickly captured a niche and had about 95% of the market. In this regard, Netscape was forced to close his project. But here they have taken pretty right step, Namely published code under the free license MPL (which is deciphered as Mozilla Public License). It was a great contribution to the fight against the monopoly.

It is based on this code later appeared perfectly new project Mozilla Firefox, which was forced to develop faster to disregard the market. And the project Microsoft, meanwhile, was abandoned and practically did not improve. They did not need it, because users practically did not have a choice, or rather the overwhelming majority and did not know about alternatives in the face of the same Mozilla. In the same 1995, another browser appeared - Opera, which, due to its free (until 2005, was distributed conditionally free) gained popularity in the CIS countries. IE continued its development only to the 7th version.
Thus, we smoothly approached the next item.

What are modern browsers

Google Chrome. . This browser is designed by Google's giant based on their free Chromium browser. It uses to display the WebKit engine (webcike) web pages. The first public affordable beta version of the chromium for the operating microsoft systems Windows was released on September 2, 2008. Low later, on December 11, 2008, a stable version was released. If you believe in these StatCounter, the browser is currently in the first place in popularity in the world, and its market share in May 2012 amounted to 32.43%. As for the Runet, LiveInternet reports that in May 2012, Chrome ranks first - its share is about 20.6%. In January 2014 - 32%.

Distributed for free under public license. Enters the set mozilla programs Application Suite, which is engaged in Mozilla Corporation. If you believe this statcounter, the Firefox is the third in popularity in the world, but the second among the free software, thus in May 2012, its market share was 25.55%. It is also worth noting that this observer has a special success, for example, in Germany and Poland. There it takes 55% and 47% of the market, respectively. As for Russia, here Firefox takes the third place in popularity with a share of 23.73% of users by July 2012. And in January 2014 only 14%.

Internet Explorer.. A series of browsers whose development is engaged in Microsoft Corporation since 1995. It is included in the operating system windows family. IE, according to the LiveInternet service, in Russia, by March 2012, it takes the third place with 15.6% of users. As already mentioned above, the first place google browser Chrome. It is worthwhile to take into account that Internet Explorer is installed in almost all major and medium-sized companies as the only browser in order to politize the security policy. In fact, alternative browsers are not worse in this regard, just a stereotype "Once IE develops Microsoft, it means that this serious product" tightly sat down in the minds of the leadership, which does not want and hear that in fact the situation is completely different. Often, 5 and 6 version of IE are installed on working computers, which has the unlocked vulnerabilities of three or four-year limitations.

Opera.. Web browser and software package To work on the Internet. Released by Opera Software. A group of enthusiasts from the Little Norwegian company Telenor was developed in 1994. Since 1995, this is the Opera Software company, which was founded by the authors of the first version. It is known that the total market share of Opera and Opera Mobile in April 2012 is about 2.3%. In Russia, the percentage of the browser users is much higher than in the world. So, by March 2012 Opera, together with the mobile version of Opera Mini, ranked first in Russia with 32.1% of users. But by 2013 everything has changed. Quality mobile version The browser fell, and the appearance of the desktop version of the opera 18, where the bookmarks turned into something very inconvenient, the opera began to dramatically lose their fans. For January 2014 - 9%.

Apple Safari.. The browser, which was developed by Apple Corporation. Included in the operating mAC systems OS X and IOS, naturally. Absolutely free is distributed for operational windows systems. It takes 4th place in the number of users (a share in November 2011 - 6.66%). In the Russian-speaking Internet segment, its share is 8% per January 2014.

General browser popularity in world Internet:

As you can see - the schedule confirms everything written by me. IE from the very beginning was almost a monopolist in this area. But gradually, his share was reduced due to low quality work. He constantly depended, did not support the tabs of a very long time (each page opened in a new window, but hanging 1 windows led to the fall of all). Firefox since its appearance was hotly love with active users who saw in this browser the main competitor Internet Explorer'y. But with the arrival of the Chrome market, everything began to change dramatically and at the moment the browser from Google fully dominates this market.
That's all, the rest of the browsers, on my purely personal look, are not worthy of attention. I am not the truth of the last instance, I just express my thoughts.

Outcome. Today I told you about all popular browsers, now you know what a browser is, as well as their story. I hope this article was useful for you!

The browser is a tool to access the WWW world wide web. To get the maximum return from the Internet you need to understand and know various functions Web browser.

In this lesson you will learn what a browser is, and we will also talk about navigating the Internet using a browser, downloading files, bookmarks your favorite sites, tabs and plugins.

The browser is a program to view web pages. With the help of a browser, you have the opportunity to walk through the Internet spaces, visit sites, watch images on the Internet, movies, listen to music, etc. Now you are reading this material with the help of a browser.

What are the browsers

Currently there are many web browsers, but the most popular of them are (chrome) and Firefox.(Firefox) . Rest browsers: Internet Explorer, Opera, Safari. Each of the above browsers has its own appearance and navigation, but the goal of them is the same: properly and quickly download web pages.

Like most modern programs, browsers use graphic user interface (GUI), What means you can move and perform actions using the mouse, and not as in the first time of the computer, using the command entry.

Some devices, for example, use different types graphic interfaces such as touch screens. Nevertheless, many principles remain unchanged.

In the image below the graphical interface of the computer, where we use the mouse and the touchscreen interface of the smartphone where the touch is used in the mouse.


To better learn how to work with the browser, you should know some basic concepts.

All browsers have a targeted string that shows the web address (also called the URL) of the page on which you are. To go to another page, you can enter URL address In the address bar and press ENTER.


Basically, you can go to another page by clicking on the link. They can be in the form text or imagesAnd usually they stand out. Basically there are blue and can be emphasized. If you do not understand this link or not, then hover the mouse over it, and he must change his view on the hand icon.

Sometimes after you click on the link, you may want to return to the previous page. To do this, use the Back button. , then you can click on the button forward. To go on the link again. You can use the update button in cases where the page incorrectly loaded, the pictures are not visible or some of the text is missing, etc. This sometimes happens.

There are times when you do not have to use navigation buttons. For example, in online stores, you should not update the page after purchasing a product or during purchase, because it can lead to the purchase of goods twice.

Many browsers combined the address bar and a search string in one panel. A string where the URL of the page is, there you can write and write conditions. Nevertheless, there are browsers that have a built-in search string in the form of a separate panel.

Adding a bookmark

If you find an interesting page on the Internet, you can add it to the bookmarks. Add to bookmarks to add it easier to return to the page and do not forget it. It is convenient and easier than remembering long incomprehensible addresses, and constantly enter them into the address bar.

  • In Chrome, you can add a bookmark by clicking on an asterisk that is at the end of the address bar on the right. Similarly, bookmarks are added in other browsers.


Suppose you visited the page a few days ago, but forgot to add it to bookmarks. You can find this page using a story that is a list of sites / pages that you used to come in. Pages usually remain in history during a certain number of days. For confidentiality, you can delete the story at any time.

View history

  • To view history in a chrome browser, click on the button in the upper right corner and select History:

Deleting history

  • To remove the history of chrome, go to the story and click Clear Story.

If you have another browser, the process of viewing and deleting history will be different.

All browsers allow you to open a link in a new tab. This allows you to leave the current page open. For example, if you read an article that contains a link, you can open a link in a new tab, and finished reading this article, and then go to a new tab.

The tabs are designed to view pages have been more convenient. You can open so many tabs as you want. They will remain in one browser window without launching the screen with several windows.

  • To open a link in a new tab, right-click on the link, and click "Open a link in the new tab"

Loading files

You can download different types of file types from the Internet using a browser. Suppose you need to fill and print the form that we found on the Internet. You can download it on your desktop, and then open it using the appropriate program (for example, using Microsoft Word).

How to download a file?

If you click on the link under which you need the file you need, it can automatically boot. And sometimes it will simply open in the browser instead of downloading. In this case, to download the file you need to click on the right mouse on the link and select "Save the object as ..."

This does not mean that you can download anything from any sites. Some sites do not allow you to download content.

Some sites do not allow you to save their images.


Plugins are programs that are installed on your browser, which allows him to play video and flash animation. For example, QuickTime Player plugins and Flash Player.. If you do not have the necessary plugins, the site instead of playing the video will give you a link to download the plug-in.

If you have the necessary plugins, you can enjoy streaming video, and play games.