How to change search options in Yandex. Yandex: Basic Fast Search Takes in Yandex

Itself does not break anything. If your touchpad does not work on a laptop, it means that you need to remember the moment when it stopped working. Let's try to refresh your memory, beats can after windows installations Or did you shed something on it? If he stopped working in itself, it means that 99% we will turn on it now, and if he is chosen or shock, we will try to figure it out.

How to turn on touchpad

I confess, once and I had a touchpad myself stopped working. I didn't even understand why it happened so because I use a laptop as stationary computer And I don't wear him anywhere, so I always have a mouse. As you understand, at one fine moment I still needed, and I had to deal with the breakdown. In my case, the problem was programming, if the driver did not come more accurately. About this and everything else Let's consider below, in each case separately.

Enable in Windows

To include a touchpad in the operating room windows systemYou must go to the control panel and select "Equipment and Sound", and then choose the mouse masonry. Click the "Device" tab and turn on as in the screenshot below:

How to turn on the touchpad in bios

If you look at our problem in various forums, in some cases fly bIOS settings And together with them, the touchpad ceases to work. To enable it in the BIOS, you need to find "Internal Pointing Device" and put "enabled" which is most often located on the Advanced tab.

How to turn on the button: different models

If you are included in the BIOS or made sure that the touchpad is turned on, then we go further and try to turn it on with special buttonswhich each model has different. Buttons for switching on:

  1. Acer Aspire - Fn + F7
  2. The remaining Acer models - Fn + F6 or Fn + F7
  3. ASUS - Fn + F7 or Fn + F9
  4. Toshiba - Fn + F5
  5. Dell - Fn + F5
  6. Samsung - fn + f6 or fn + f5
  7. Lenovo - Fn + F5 or Fn + F8
  8. Sony Vaio - Fn + F1

The keys must be pressed at the same time. Also, in your laptop there may be a specially designed key next to the touchpad or the touch button in the Touchpad corner. If there are no buttons, and the key combination did not help solve the problem, go further.

Driver for touchpad

One thing, but - be careful when you install the program and click install the drivers, along with them, do not install a bunch of useless software (browsers, buttons on the panel and other slag, which is not so easy to remove, as it seems at first glance). Just remove the birds near unnecessary software.

Hardware breakdown Touchpada

For example, the laptop was flooded with a liquid (tea, coffee, etc.), in such cases it is best to immediately (the faster, the better) de-energize it turn off and remove the battery. After that, to disassemble and wipe it thoroughly and dry, after which you can only turn on. Most likely you didn't do this, and now let's see what you can do with it.

Disassemble the laptop (do not forget to remove the battery), get to turn a touchpad and make everything above (wipe the alcohol and dry), after which, check whether it is connected correctly:

As you can see in the photo above, it has a loop that should be tightly connected and quite possible, it oxidized. Wipe it and dry, then connect as it should.

If all the ways did not help you turn on the touchpad, and he did not work, it only means that he has tested his own and it's time to change it to a new one.

How to change the touchpad

In each model, the attachment laptop is located differently. Better decision It will be if you are looking for on the Internet "Disassembling + Your Laptop Model", and there I clearly glisten, how to replace any detail in your model. But, by and large, in all models only different fasteners, and the principle is the same. I recommend to see this video, and everything will become clear:

Quite comfortable in itself. However, it has a wide possibility of adjusting the interface for itself, which we will tell in this article.

Many Internet users (and more specifically - a runet segment) do not even realize that the search page in Yandex can be configured personally for themselves. But this allows you to output necessary information, delete unnecessary, and also have it as convenient for you! Consider a closer time.

The Yandex setting occurs on the page installed on the computer. This site fully belongs to the service itself.

Let's start with the highest: setting up the city. By clicking on the link, we set the city "by default". You can also install a tick "Do not specify my location" so that the site will no longer asks if you are in a particular city.

"Setting the Interface Language" - Also everything is clear. The point here is only one, choose a language and come back.

"Setting Search Results" - Specifies the default search results. Automatically here are the most optimal settingsBut you can substitute them and under yourself.

  • Description of the document: either standard or advanced with additional information;
  • Open the found - in the search box or in a new window;
  • Documents on the page - how many results of the query will be issued: 10 (default), 20, 30 or 50;
  • Graphics - whether it is necessary to show graphic banners and pictures or pictograms of sites. Necessary to save traffic;
  • The language of the interface - choose between Russian, Ukrainian, Kazakh, Belarusian and Tatar;
  • The interface is standard or without AJAX - scripts;
  • Language of the found documents - either anyone, or selectively - Russian, English, French, German, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Tatar or Kazakh;
  • Filtering pages - Family search is the most stringent filter that does not give out any "forbidden" for children of pages, a moderate filter is standard, without restrictions - the results are not filtered at all;
  • Correction of the request - automatically or with the prompt of options;
  • Search results - take into account or no search history in Yandex;
  • Search tips - show or no requests or favorite sites in tips;
  • Record or not the history of the service "My Finds".

It was understood. We return.

Now - settings for the service "My finds", which is responsible for keeping the requests for Yandex. Here you can either enable the history record, or stop the record.

In the "Search Tips" menu, you can mark "search prompses", "My requests in search prompts", clear the history of requests, as well as include "favorite sites in the prompts."

In the "Banner Show on the Main page" menu, you can turn on or off advertising banner on the home page. Advertising, as a rule, is formed from search queries, which means it can be useful. The default is turned off.

Now Yandex search has become more personalized, and therefore - more comfortable! Use on health!

Hello, dear blog readers Website. Today I want to continue the topic and go to the description of my main tool, which I use the second millennium.

So historically developed that I usually lead search in Yandex, And then, if nothing worthy is found, I will switch to Google (recently, by the way, I wrote about what tools can and how they can be used).

In Yandex, as well as in Google, there is a place to be (but very similar), an advanced filter, as well as a family search. True, there is no such rich set of filters in the most search results (page with search results), but then there is a display that are present in this extradition. I do not know how to you, but I really helps me quickly find a worthy sites, which I trust and the answers of which I completely satisfied me.

Is it convenient to look for in Yandex?

In general, of course, it looks a bit strange that about the main tool of Yandex Corporation (read,) I am writing after Others reviewed (minor by attitude to search) Services:

Probably, this happened because the process of finding information on the Internet was the same for us of a granted thing, how to breathe, walk, speak, etc. We do not focus on this, although if you approach this process with akin to this process, you can significantly save your time, nerves and find the fact that in normal conditions will slip away from our attention.

So let's run on appearance Pages with search results and tools that are present there.

At the very top there is a list of other services and thematic searches of Yandex, which may interest you. However, the results of the general search for issue are mixed with results from searching for news, goods, pictures, etc. For example, images are just displayed from the search by pictures.

According to some types of Yandex requests (as well as Google), it is able to give a rather specific answers. At the mirror Runet, this feature calls sorcerer. The sorcerers are quite a lot (you can read about them and look at this page). Sometimes the sorcerer displays its own block, on the likeness that I described in the article about, and sometimes gives only a link, for example, on.

When requesting weather, immediately after the input form, you will see the weather sorcerer:

Settings and search capabilities

If you have a slow Internet channel (for example, via mobile), then you can disable the display of a graphic banner and pictureslocated on the right ("Setup" button in the right upper corner Output windows).

By default, the search window settings also include the display of site icons (Favonov), which allow you to very quickly find those sites that you used to trust among the results. Also, there will be an increase in the number of answers on the page with the results up to 50 pieces, which, personally, and I do, for in the top ten, a lot of noise is present, as a rule.

You can enable the display of separate statistics on each of the words contained in your request (displayed under the query form form), but this is an overwhelming majority of users will be unnecessary excess. Yes, in the search results of Yandex sometimes you can see dialogue Tips (see gray buttons on the previous screenshot under the query input form) that allow you to quickly view the results on a refined query.

Search tips and what is important can be seen in the issuance (results)

Yes, I'm still about search tips Yandex did not say. Now they become personalized by default and take into account all previously recruitment requests and all other nuances of your personal life.

You can disable their personalization or on this page, or by going to the relevant link (my requests) directly from the drop-down window with these searches.

See, this page with settings is different from the general page of search settings. For some reason, Yandex has several such pages and the functionality of some of them intersects. Sneak everything possible settings Search Runet mirrors can be on the page.

Previously, I also chose a display of a more detailed snippet taken from the text of the site (in the area "Document Description" An option "Extended") or its descriptions, in order not to switch to those resources once again, where the answer to my question is most likely no. Now, with a sufficiently fast Internet (), it is easier to go to the site than to read in a snippet, which is formed by the Runet mirror is not always successful and informative.

Under Snippet, there is a link chain leading to the found document on this site (similar to bread crumbs), which in some cases can stimulate additional clicks if they are attributed to the heading name or partition, where this page lives. Usually these chains and take them bread crumbsavailable on the site.

The document header is taken from, although sometimes exceptions can be made. But it is rather important not for those who are looking for in Yandex, but those who want to find them ().

The user is more interesting, for example, link "Copy"which allows you to see a copy of this document saved in the search engine cache. This may be needed in the case or in the case that will lead to the impossibility of transition to it from issuing Yandex.

In addition, on the page with a copy of you typed keywords will be highlighted with a bright yellow background, although this case can be turned off with simple tick removal in the "Select the query word" field. Arrogments on the right and to the left of the query text can be moved between the found keywords and in the text.

But there is still the best way See what no longer is. Very interesting thing and even about thin or not very yindex Humor Maybe we can tell (the source is located, and the dedicated fragment is visible only during the selection, for it is written in white font on a white background, which is not allowed to make the rules of the search engines themselves).

Also, you probably noticed that, as a rule, in the results of the search for Yandex, and Google, too, most often there is only one page from the site. Here. And if you are interested in this resource and all information on the problem you are interested in found only on it, then the button will come to the rescue "Yet".

Much less you can meet the inscription "Found on the link"What will tell you about the fact that words from your request on this site found was not found, but but there are references leading to this document, in the anchor of which there were such words. A similar way, the Bush site of the younger successfully was looking for a very unlucky phrase, which could not be in the text of his pages. Guess how it happened?

The next area of \u200b\u200bthe Yandex search settings allows you to select a language on which you would prefer to see answers, as well as it is possible to prohibit automatic fixes of your typos or errors made by you. In fact, earlier there was even such a tendency as promotion on requests with errors that are often repeated. But now Yandex itself corrects them and the chip no longer works.

Family Search, Live Ether and Related Requests

Here you can enable or, on the contrary, turn off the filtering of adult content (who needs it). The default moderate filter is used when adult content will be shown only in the case of your expressly expressed desire to see it. If children enjoy the computer, then it will be best to switch to Family search, in order to avoid all unpleasant excesses.

Well, and if you certainly want to prevent the possibility of incorporating adult content into the search results, you can use special site Yandex for Family Search, which looks like the same as main page. Runet mirrors, and which can be added as the default search and homepage In your browsers you use.

They have and special search People where you can search for a person both in all popular networks and for some separate one.

Since we started talking from Special Jandex sites with a specific search, as you like this option. DNEA search When pressing the "Find" button will be displayed by one of the recruitment now:

It will also be very interesting to follow the link "Live " And to see against the background, which requests and at what point the planet are gaining those who try to look for something in Yandex.

In the last part of the search results settings, you can enable or disable the tracking of Yandex for you and accounting for the data obtained when forming prompts and issuing.

Just as in Google, on those who decide to look for something in Yandex, a dossier will be charged, which will be available by clicking on the link "My finds." Everything, with the settings is completed.

By the way, at the bottom of the window with the search results quite often meet related requestswhich introduced the same users trying to find an answer to the question torque. First, you can by clicking on them, see the page with these search results, well, and secondly, the webmasters can choose here for their future articles.

Unlike rich sets of Google filters, we only see the Runet mirror sort switches By relevance (conformity of the query text) or by date. Moreover last method Gives sites extremely far from what you wanted to see Introducing your request.

Advanced Search and Yandex Request Language

All filtering capabilities are concentrated exclusively in extended search Yandexwhich we are now quick and consider.

Thus, not only the connoisseurs of the language of requests may not only be looking for in Yandex search engine (He, by the way, is very similar to the language of google requests), but also the usual unprepared users. First, enter the query in the "I'm looking", where you can apply one or more operators to narrow the search area. In Google, in this regard, the advanced search is more functional.

Let's now run on search queries language operatorswho really might need:

    By default, between all the words of the Yandex request puts logical operator OR. However, if you need in the results of issuing one of the words i would be present, Put the sign + before it, without a space on the right, but with a mandatory space on the left:

    Website Promotion + Moscow

    Just like any other search engine, Runet mirror ignores words that are too often found in queries. These are the so-called stop words And most often these are prepositions, particles or pronouns. In order for these stop-words to be taken into account by, again, it will be enough to put in front of them without a blank sign +:

    Engine + for the site

    You can search with operator denial. For example, you need to find an overview of any thing, but you are in the results of the online stores with this product. How to be? Quite simple. It is enough to put in front of the words that you do not want to see in extradition, double tilde ~~ (with a space between them and the word), well, or at the thin end a minus sign (without a space on the right, but with a blank left):

    IPad 4 ~~ prices ~~ Buy iPad 4 -tsen

  1. Often, people are looking for quotes and for this it is possible to conclude this phrase into double quotes so that Yandex is looking for these words in the same sequence.
  2. If you have forgotten one or a few words in any quote, the proverb or saying, then you can put a sign or signs of asterisks instead * separated from other words by spaces: "Soiling in *"
  3. By default, Yandex understands the morphology of the Russian language and searches not only for those wordforms (cases and numbers) that you used in the request, but also for everyone else (smart type). True, the parts of speech does not concern this (if the nouns specified in the request, then the adjectives formed from this word will not be referred to). But this is no longer important.

    Another thing is that in rare cases you may need prohibit Yandex look for morphology. This can be done with exclamation mark Delivered without a space before the word that will be searched only in the form in which you used it (the case, number).

    "!website promotion"

    Moreover, if the desired word is usually written with a capital letter (for example, last name), then an exclamation mark before such a word will make a search engine look only words with a capital letter:

    Lev! Nikolaevich

    There is still an option to use a double exclamation mark, which makes the mirror of Runet to look for the dictionary form of this word, but I am far from linguistics and did not understand where it can be useful.

    Often there may be a situation that the search on the site that you are interested in is so stupid and stupid that it is better not to use it. In this case, you, of course, you can refer to the extended search for Yandex (see Screenshot a little higher) and specify the address of the desired site (or several sites through the comma) to limit the search area.

    But this can do it. It will be much more effective to look like site Query Operatorwhich will look like this:

    Promotion of sites Site: https: // Site

  4. Also advanced search allows you to choose type of documentsin which the phrase you need will be searched for ( ordinary Internet pages pDF Documents, Vords files and something else there). It is convenient when the abstract or diploma will be found in the format that is required for its delivery - you do not need to make unnecessary gestures. However, the operator Mime. It will take advantage of much more cool: MIME site promotion: Doc
  5. It is not entirely clear why it may be needed, but operators exist since the mirror of the Runet & and && that allow you to look for the words divided by them in one sentence or in one document (in fact && replaces the default logic operator or operator and)
  6. An even more mysterious for me is the Operator of the Yandex requests in the form of flash "/"which allows you to set the interval (measured in the amount of words), which will be held with the search for your request. The distance between adjacent words is taken equal to one.

    Promotion / 2 sites

    This means that between the words "Promotion" and "site" in the documents found could not stand more than one word. And there are still options for using a sign plus or minus before the digit to determine the order of words. Yes, and even there is also possible & (&&) to shove so that it takes off the tower completely at the poor user:

    Promotion && / (- 1 +2) sites

  7. And as you could see from the last example, we can use round brackets to compose ultra-smbed queries.
  8. In the extended search, it is possible to quite finely limit the area by specifying a specific time interval when these documents were created or updated. There are also operators of the query language that allow you to do the same - Date.. It allows you to specify both a specific date and intervals.

Examples of using all those mentioned and forgotten operators can be found, it is possible that it will help you to search in Yandex more productively, quickly and with less powerful nerve cells.

Good luck to you! To ambiguous meetings on the blog pages Website

see more Rollers you can go on

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Search engines when using the Internet play a very important role. The career of Internet users is often starting their "working day" from search engines where they are trying to find such the information they need and solve their problems. Of course, most users enjoyed, use, and will be used by classic search engines. To date, the most popular Russian-speaking search engine is Yandex

In the Internet, such a number of information is concentrated that its search is already turning into a separate task and takes a lot of time. About how to facilitate the search for information on the network using the Yandex search engine and talk today. And let's start, perhaps, from the simplest - search tips.

Search prompts - this is additional opportunity Search, thanks to which you can, in the course of the query set, evaluate, clarify and quickly select the appropriate option of the query without dialing it entirely.

How to use?

Start typing a search box. By typing a pair of letters, you will see the list of these letters of requests.

When dialing letters or words, watch the list - it is updated.

If the desired request is listed, you can click on it. This action will automatically lead you to the search results page on this request.

Also to select a suitable query, you can use arrows "up down". To go to search, click "Enter" ("Enter").

To clarify the query, using the selected option as a sample, continue to type words on - the list of prompts will be updated.

To send the selected Yandex query, click on the key "Enter" ("Enter").

Enable / Disable Tips

You can enable or disable tips on the search settings page, removing the checkbox in the counts of the graph Personal search (To be at the bottom of the page). Do not forget to click Save After all manipulations

In the browser, there is a function of autocomplete, which when filling the fields, it offers to choose the option from the previously entered lines. If the prompts are disabled, old requests from auto-complete will be displayed, when the prompts are turned on, the data from the autofill is not displayed.


Links to sites

To shorten the search time of the site, in some cases the prompts make it possible to directly go to the site without referring to the search results. The link to the site will be shown in the prompts, if with a high degree of confidence it can be said that this site is a good answer for the user.

In order for you to make sure that you need the site you need, the prompts are equipped with descriptions.

Correction of typos

In Yandex everyone search queries Pass through the service of corrections of typos, which reveals and corrects errors in phrases and individual words, and also knows how to recognize the text scored in the wrong keyboard layout and make it automatic correction.

Typo? Not scary - in the list you will see a corrected request, use it!

If the correctness of the typos detects a typo, for which the correction option is known with a high degree of reliability, for example, in the word "Yandx", it will fix it automatically and you will immediately see the page with the search results for the corrected version of Yandex.

For each word request, a torture service is trying to find similar to writing, but more consumed in this request word. If such a replacement can be found, the search engine gives a familiar to the whole tip "Perhaps you meant ....". In addition to the hint, in some cases, the results found on request, which picked up a twin service (as in our case) can be added to the search for issuance.

Well, and by yourself, you can still use the search strictly on your request if you wish: O) for example, if you think that the service is wrong and you want to view the search results for the initial (defective) request, click on the text Links Search only<...>

Not that layout?

Did GJBCR scored instead of searching? Do not hurry to switch the layout. Especially, you do not need to type the request again. Tips "predict" what you wanted to dial, and show requests already in the correct layout.

Even if with a set of a query text set, one or more typos was made, the correction service of typos will try to fix them.

In addition, you can always view the search results for the initial (defective) request. To do this, click the text link in the message. "Inquiry<...> The keyboard layout is restored. "staying directly under local line.

Refix request when nothing has found

Automatic correction of the request occurs in one case - when it was not found on the source request, and the twin service detected an error in the query. In this case, the authemistry of the request is made independently of the degree of replacement reliability. Watching in an empty search for extradition is usually not for that, and automatic correction, as a rule, saves the user the time required to correct the request manual.

If you still want to return to the defective query wording, click on the text link in the message "On request<...> Nothing found " under the search string or "The desired combination of words is not found anywhere."

How will it be in Russian

Do you know the exact word writing? Cancel as you know. In many cases, you will see a hint before printing the word to the end.

The origin of search tip

Internet users specify a variety of Yandex search engine queries. The query that Yandex gets more often than others is shown in the first place. Following the less frequently asked query, and so on.

That is, Yandex sorts tips on descending popularity of requests from users.

My search prompts

What it is?

Search tips can be personalized - show not only common request options, but also your personal requeststhat you have already set before. Your requests are highlighted by color among other prompts.

How to enable personal queries?

To enable "My Requests", log in to Yandex, go to the search prompt settings, check the box "My prompts in the prompts" and press "Save».

By the way, on the same page you can enable / disable all search bookmarks, and add your favorite sites to search bookmarks.

My favorite sites in search tips

To make it even easier to open the sites to which you most often go from the search, you can include them in personalized prompts (check the box "Favorite sites in tips" and press "Save"). You can even see your favorite sites without dialing the request - just click the mouse over an empty search bar. Enable

For example, if you regularly gain a request "classmates" or "VKontakte", then tips links to relevant resources.

For example, on request [Kittens], the search understands that you can search for photos with kittens, are going to buy a kitten, etc., and offers the appropriate tips. In one click you can proceed to the search results on a refined query and get only the necessary answers.

To cancel this action, it is enough to click on the cross in the prompt or remove the refinement in the search bar.

While the user enters the request, it is shown on average ten sets of tips. For the whole day, all users of Yandex shows the hints of more than a billion times.

Like the search responses on Yandex, search tips depend on the user region. For example, starting to write a request [Cinema] or [Restaurant], Petersburst and Muscovite will certainly keep in mind the institution in their city. And they need the prompts for St. Petersburg and Moscow, respectively. For each region there is a list of search prompts based on requests from this region.

By default, Yandex itself determines your region by IP address. For example, it gives me this in the issuance of answers to requests

And I, let's say, I just want Russian sites. We'll talk about how to set up the right region next time ...
According to

Today, a little shocking header, in order to experiment on screaming headlines, let's see how much I can squeeze on the Internet. And if on the topic, then, in fact, Yandex has become more trusting webmasters and allowed to manage one function of his search. Do Yandex opened his secrets and makes it possible to manage issuing webmasters? ..

Yes FIG. - Relax. Naturally managing issuance, Yandex did not give anyone. It turns out, I deceived you by the title of this post. In fact, not quite. Yandex really took a step to a meeting of webmasters and now they will be able to better customize the search on the site from Yandex. That is, the search prompt management function has now been added to the search settings and now each site owner, which uses the search from the Yandex search engine, will be able to configure search prompts.

What is the search tips Yandex and what is the management of the issuance? Search prompts - this is a drop-down list key phrases, while entering the user request. In general, I wanted to say that this is a list of words that Yandex offers when you enter a search request. You probably saw them.

But how is this due to the management of the issuance? In fact, indirectly. But still connected. Yes, and note that I do not mean the total issuance of Yandex, I mean the issuance of your site. That is, if you use a site search from the Runet leader, when the user is on your site and starts to enter your request, search prompts appear, which will be able to help the user find what he wants, because now we can set them up, but It means to influence the issuance of search results on the site. What can be called the management of the issuance of Yandex.

So let's figure it out how it works and what benefit to us from it. First, set the search from Yandex, if it is not yet installed. If installed, then you need to make a minimum of actions, namely: Go to search management, select which you want to edit both in the menu, on the left to select "Search Tips".

Here we can choose to show tips or not. Select language. And of course add, remove or move search tips Yandex.. To do this, you need to start typing a request, thereby present yourself at the site of the user. For example, he wants a visitor to find information on installation dle.But not yet to fully enter the request, because "laziness" will not allow this to do. Here for them and prompts are created, so that they can choose, and not to enter a request completely. So, for example, we will simply enter DLE and what do we see? The search offers us rather strange options, well, if a honestly complete garbage, which is not connected with my site and especially with the installation or setting of DLE.

But now we can fix this position and simply remove the not necessary and add the necessary, and also to change requests in some places - to put some lower, some lower. And it is convenient and indeed search tips Yandex can affect issuance. After all, if the visitor does not enter the request further and will not find the appropriate option in the listed list, it can just leave. And with the help of management, we can correct the situation and the user will select the phrase from the list and will remain on the site, to read the article, which in turn may affect behavioral factors And, accordingly, on the main issuance of Yandex.

But what can be obtained as a result, by editing the prompts. And a small instruction, editing.

And to change requests in some places, it is enough to hold left button Mice and drag to the right place. And do not forget to save the results.

That's it. I hope no one is upset that it is not possible to manage the issuance of Yandex and move your site to the top. Then, what will interest? In general, everyone is good, I have everything on it. Search tips Yandex, to help you.