How to disable special buttons on the keyboard. How to shut down the computer using the keyboard

The Windows button on your keyboard does a lot of important things. It opens the Start menu and presses many key combinations (Windows-R, Windows-X, and others). But, in some cases, this button can create inconvenience. Lovers especially often complain about it. computer games, because the accidental press this button throws them out of the game. If you also encounter such a problem, then this material should help you. Here's how to disable Windows button using the registry and third-party programs.

Windows key can be disabled different ways... First of all, we will look at disconnecting through. To do this, press the Windows-R key combination and run the "regedit" command. By the way, if the Windows button is already disabled, and you cannot use Windows-R, then the "regedit" command can be entered into the search in the Start menu.

After opening the registry, you need to go to the section " HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Contro l \ Keyboard Layout". Note that you need a section called "Keyboard Layout", not "Keyboard Layouts".

After that, in the "Keyboard Layout" section, you need to create a binary parameter "Scancode Map". To do this, right-click on an empty space, select "New - Binary Parameter" and name it "Scancode Map".

As a result, you should get the following parameter.

Now open it and enter into it one of the values ​​shown in the table below, close the window by clicking on the "OK" button and restart your computer. After restarting the Windows button should be disabled.

Please note that these parameters must be entered manually, since copy and paste does not work in this window of the registry editor.

Scancode Map parameter value Result
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 00 00 5B E0 00 00 5C E0 00 00 00 00 Disable the right and left Windows buttons.
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 5B E0 00 00 00 00 Disable the left Windows button.
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 00 00 5C E0 00 00 5D E0 00 00 00 00 Disable the right Windows button and the Menu button (right).
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 00 00 5B E0 00 00 5C E0 00 00 5D E0 00 00 00 00 Disable the right and left Windows buttons and the Menu button (right).

In order not to enter the value of these parameters manually, you can prepare a REG file with all the necessary changes. To do this, create Text Document, paste the content below into it and save it with the REG extension instead of TXT. After that, run the created REG file and it will automatically make all the necessary changes to the registry. Next, you need to restart your computer, and the Windows button will be disabled.

.Reg file to disable the right and left Windows buttons.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 "Scancode Map" = hex: 00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,03,00,00,00,00,00,5B, E0,00,00,5C, E0,00 .00,00,00

.Reg file to disable the left Windows button.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 "Scancode Map" = hex: 00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,02,00,00,00,00,00,5B, E0,00,00,00, 00

.Reg file to disable the Windows right button and Menu button (right).

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 "Scancode Map" = hex: 00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,03,00,00,00,00,00,5C, E0,00,00,5D, E0.

.Reg file to disable the right and left Windows buttons and the Menu button (right).

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 "Scancode Map" = hex: 00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,04,00,00,00,00,00,5B, E0,00,00,5C, E0.00,00,5D, E0,00,00,00,00

To turn the Windows button back on, just go to the registry, open the "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Control \ Keyboard Layout" section, delete the previously created "Scancode Map" parameter and restart your computer.

Disable Windows button using programs

As an alternative to digging through the registry, you can use special programs to remap and disable buttons on the keyboard. Below we will look at several of these programs.

Simple Disable Key 3.0 () - free program to disable individual buttons and key combinations. It can be used to disable the Windows button or disable individual key combinations using this button. For example, you can disable Windows-X or any other key combination.

SharpKeys () is a free program for remapping and disabling buttons. With this program, you can reassign faulty or disable unnecessary buttons.

KeyTweak () is a free program for remapping buttons and disabling buttons. Has intuitive clear interface and many functions.

It would seem, why do this? Still, there are times when the Windows key (the one between Ctrl and Alt) gives the user a headache. For example, to avoid accidentally minimizing the game during particularly active online matches. That is why manufacturers of gaming keyboards often bundle software with the ability to turn off software. Windows key... If you entered this article from a search, then you probably know why you need to disable the Windows key.

Does your keyboard not have built-in Windows key disabling mechanisms? No problem. You can turn off the Windows button on the keyboard with the usual systemic means, namely using the registry editor. If this method is not an option for you, consider disabling the Windows key using simple third-party utilities.
For reference: following this instruction requires account with Administrator rights. If you do not have one, you will need an Administrator password.
Once again for reference: After disabling the Windows key, you deprive yourself of many useful bonuses, like dozens of keyboard shortcuts. If you have read several instructions on our website, you probably noticed that we often recommend using the combination Win+ R(execute), Win+ X(Start context menu), Win+ E(Conductor), Win+ I(Parameters) and many others. All of them speed up your work with your computer (not to be confused with speeding up your computer) and save you a few extra clicks. After disabling the Windows button, all of these abbreviations will no longer be available. You can read more about keyboard shortcuts in Windows in the article "Windows keyboard shortcuts".

How to disable the Windows key using Registry Editor

A relatively simple way that does not require the user to download any third-party software or a lot of time to complete. All actions take place inside the Windows registry system editor. Please note that there are risks associated with editing the registry, so we advise you to follow the instructions carefully and never blindly change the registry values. Whatever happens, you alone are responsible for your computer.

To turn the Windows key back on, you need to follow the same instructions, only delete the key you created. ScancodeMap... Note that start the registry editor using the keyboard shortcut Win+ R will not work anymore (you just turned off the Win button), so use the search. Just open the start menu and type the same command regedit and press Enter.

How to disable the Windows key with SharpKeys

This simple but very functional utility will allow you to turn off the Windows key or change the settings of any other button. We will not go into the details of using SharpKeys, but will only focus on disabling the Windows key (or keys, if you have two). The advantage of SharpKeys over disabling through the Registry Editor is that the utility allows you to equip a key with some more useful action, rather than a simple dull disable.

To return everything back and turn on the Win button again, open the same SharpKeys, click on the parameters you wrote down and click Delete or DeleteAll... Then press again WritetoRegistry so that the application can overwrite your changes and roll back everything to its original form. After that, don't forget to restart your computer.
Such simple instruction will help you get rid of accidentally minimizing games or any other phenomena that made you disable the Windows key.

Sometimes users need to turn off the keyboard of a laptop manufactured by Asus (Asus), Acer, HP, Lenovo (Lenovo), Sony vaio and other brands temporarily or permanently. How to perform this operation correctly different ways in the laptop, read this article.

Disabling the keyboard temporarily

There are three ways to "de-energize" the keyboard (turn off the built-in keyboard on the laptop) for a while. Let's consider their implementation step by step.

Method number 1: in the Manager

1. To open the list of equipment, hold down "Win + Break" together and select "Device Manager" in the window that appears.

Or open "Start", in the search box, type "manager ..." and then click the inscription "Device Manager" that appears at the top of the menu.

2. In the list of equipment, open the "Keyboards" section.

3. Right-click the line with the name of the connected keyboard. In the list of commands, click "Disable".

4. Before turning off the equipment, you must confirm the command. In the query panel "... do you really want to disable ..." click the "Yes" button.

Method number 2: using the program

To quickly enable / disable the keyboard without "digging" into Windows settings, can be used special utilities... Let's get acquainted with the most popular solutions.

Kid key lock

Free app... Supplied in portable format (no installation required). Controlled by a set of commands from the keyboard:

  • kklsetup - settings;
  • kklquit - exit.

In the program options, you can set the following blocking modes:

  • mouse buttons;
  • separate key, key combinations;
  • global shutdown.

You can also change the symbolic combination of the command to enter and exit the setting panel.

A blocker operating on the .NET Framework 3.5 platform (its presence in the system is required). After starting, it displays a panel on the display with one single button to completely disable the keyboard, mouse and touchpad. Activation is carried out by a "hot" combination: "Ctrl + Alt + Del" → "Esc" (to close the utility window).

Method number 3: on the command line

1. Open windows menu: Click "Start".

2. In the search bar, type "CMD".

3. With administrator rights, run the file icon that appears in the panel.

4. In the console, type the command:
rundll32 keyboard, disable

4. Press Enter.

How do I turn off numbers?

To turn off the numbers on the keyboard (case) that appear on the display when you try to dial the characters "J", "K", "L", try one of the following:

  • press the Num lk key ( Num lock);
  • use the combination "Fn + Num Lock", "Fn + F11".

After switching case, letters will be printed again.

Disconnecting forever

Full deactivation may be necessary in cases where you need to disconnect the "native" keyboard and connect an additional one, or replace the keyboard panel with a new one (another model).

Before you turn off the keyboard on a laptop completely, you need to know it digital signature, or identifier. This procedure is performed as follows:

1. Open the "Keyboard" section in the Task Manager (see Method # 1 for temporary shutdown).

2. Right-click on the name of the input device.

3. Select "Properties" from the list.

4. In the new window, click the "Details" tab.

5. From the Property drop-down menu, set the Hardware ID.

6. Right-click on the first entry in the value field (this is the identifier). In the menu, click "Copy".

7. Transfer the entry to Notepad or another text editor... Or save to the system clipboard. You will need it for deactivation.

After receiving the ID, proceed with the configuration group policy:

1. Press "Win + R". In the "Run" line, type - gpedit.msc. Click OK.

2. Click: Computer Configuration → Administrative Templates.