How to disable certain keys on the keyboard. How to Disable Windows Hot Keys

In some situations, it may be necessary to turn off the computer using the keyboard. A visual example can be called a situation where the mouse is hanging, without which this procedure seems impossible, unless of course, do not count the extra option - disabling the system of the power button. In this manual, consider how to turn off the computer using the keyboard four in simple ways.

Standard method from the "Start" menu

Disable the computer by a classic way from the "Start" menu, you can not only with the mouse, but also with the help of the keyboard alone. To do this, click the "Windows" button on the keyboard and, operating the navigation keys (arrows) down and right, select the appropriate item, then click on the "ENTER" button. After that, the system will automatically complete the operation and the computer will turn off.

Combination of hot keys

Among the many combinations of hot keys provided by the Windows operating system, there is also the one that allows you to turn off the computer without using the mouse. This combination involves the interaction of the "ALT" and "F4" buttons. After their simultaneous clicking, a window will appear with a proposal to complete the system.

note: The combination "Alt + F4" is provided by the system to quickly exit their running applications. Therefore, before using it to turn off the computer, you must first close all active applications.

With a shortcut on the desktop

The third option of how quickly turning off the computer using one keyboard, implies the creation of a shortcut on the desktop of the SHUTDOWN system utility and assign a combination of hot keys to start it. At first glance, it may seem like a time-consuming process, but it is not. To configure a quick disconnection of the computer by the keyboard, perform the following actions:

  1. Create a shutdown utility on the desktop. To do this, click the right mouse button on the desktop and in the context menu, select the "Create Label" item.

  1. We prescribe the path to the executive file of the utility "shutdown.exe". It has the form - "% windir% \\ System32 \\ shutdown.exe -s -t 00".

  1. We assign the name label

  1. We assign a combination of hot keys to quickly launch the utility. To do this, click on the right mouse button on the created label and select the item "Properties". Next, in the column "Quick Call" assign a combination of fast buttons. Immediately you can choose a more suitable icon for the created label.

Using the Command Interpreter "Run"

To turn off the computer from the keyboard, this method will be required:

  1. Run the command interpreter "Run". Its start is performed by a combination of hot keys "Windows + R".
  2. Enter the "Shutdown -S" command and click "ENTER".

note: The last digits of the commands are responsible for the PC trip speed. That is, "00" is responsible for the immediate completion of work, all subsequent values \u200b\u200ballow you to activate the computer shutdown timer. At the same time, the desired timer time is indicated in seconds. You can get acquainted in more detail with the timer setting in Windows 7 and 10.

After actions done, the system will automatically complete its work after one minute, which will warn with the appropriate message.

The most predominant feature of this method can be called what they can turn off the blind computer, using only the keyboard. That is, for example, if the monitor does not work, then all previous ways, in contrast, it is unlikely that this task will be solved. When using it, you just need to know the accurate procedure, the shutdown command and be sure that when it is inserted, the English keyboard layout is worth it.

The Windows button on the keyboard performs a lot of important tasks. With it, the "Start" menu opens and a lot of key combinations are pressed (Windows-R, Windows-X and others). But, in certain cases, this button may create inconvenience. Particularly often complain of her computer games, in view of the fact that the accidental pressing on this button throws them out of the game. If you also encountered such a problem, then this material should help you. Here you will learn how to turn off the Windows button with the registry and third-party software.

Turning off the Windows button through the registry

The windows key can be turned off in different ways. First of all, we will analyze shutdown through Windows. To do this, click Windows-R and execute the "Regedit" command. Even if the Windows button is already disabled, and you cannot use Windows-R, then the "Regedit" command can be entered into the Start menu.

After opening the registry, you should go to the "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SYSTEM \\ CURRENTCONTROLSET \\ CONTRO L \\ Keyboard Layout section". Please note that you need a partition called "Keyboard Layout", and not "Keyboard Layouts".

After that, in the "Keyboard Layout" section, you need to create a binary parameter "Scancode Map". To do this, click the right mouse button on the empty space, select "Create - binary parameter" and name it "Scancode Map".

As a result, you must have this parameter.

At the moment, open it and enter in it one of the values \u200b\u200bthat are given in the table below, close the window by pressing the "OK" button and restart the computer. After rebooting, the Windows button must be disabled.

Note, these parameters must be entered manually, due to the fact that copying and inserting does not work in this registry editor window.

In order not to enter the parameter value manually, you can prepare a REG file with all the necessary changes. To do this, create a text document, insert the contents in it, which is given below, and save with the REG extension instead of TXT. After that, run the created REG file and it will automatically make all the necessary changes to the registry. Next you need to restart the computer, and the Windows button will be disabled.

REG file to disable the right and left Windows left buttons.

Scancode MAP \u003d Hex:,00,00,00.00.00,00,00,5B, E0.00,00,5C, E0.00.00 00.00

REG file to disconnect the left-click Windows.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

SCANCODE MAP \u003d Hex:,00,00,00.00.00,00,00,00,00,,00.00

REG file To turn off the right Windows button and MENU button (right).

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

Scancode MAP \u003d Hex:,00,00,,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00 00.00

Reg-file To disable the right and left Windows and MENU button (right).

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

Scancode MAP \u003d Hex:,00,00,00.00.00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00, E0.00.00 , 5D, E0.00.00.00,00.00

To enable the Windows button back, simply go to the Registry, open the "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SYSTEM \\ CurrentControlSet \\ Control \\ CurrentControlSet \\ Control \\ Keyboard Layout" section, delete the previously created SCANCode MAP parameter and restart Windows.

Turn off the Windows button using programs

As an alternative to digging in the registry, you can use special programs for reassigning and disconnecting the buttons on the keyboard. Then we will analyze several such programs.

Simple Disable Key 3.0 is a free program for disconnecting individual buttons and key combinations. With it, you can turn off the Windows button or disable individual key combinations using this button. For example, you can disable the Windows-X or any other combination of keys.

Sharpkeys - free program for reassigning and disconnecting the buttons. With this program you can reassign faulty or disable unnecessary buttons.

Keytweak - free program for reassigning buttons and disable buttons. It has an intuitive interface and many functions.

The Windows button on the keyboard performs a lot of important tasks. With it, the "Start" menu opens and multiple keys combinations (Windows-R, Windows-X and others) are pressed. But, in some cases, this button can create inconvenience. Especially often they complain about computer games, because accidentally pressing this button throws them out of the game. If you also encountered such a problem, then this material should help you. Here you will learn how to disable the Windows key by using the registry, and third-party programs.

The Windows key can be turned off in different ways. First of all, we will look at shutdown through. To do this, press the key combination Windows-R, and choose «regedit». By the way, if the Windows button is already disabled, and you cannot use Windows-R, then the "Regedit" command can be entered in the Start menu.

After opening the registry, you need to go to the section " HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SYSTEM \\ CURRENTCONTROLSET \\ CONTRO L \\ KEYBOARD LAYOUT" Please note that you need a partition called "Keyboard Layout", and not "Keyboard Layouts".

After that, in the "Keyboard Layout" section you need to create a binary parameter "Scancode Map". To do this, right-click on the empty space, select "Create - Binary Parameter" and name it "Scancode Map".

As a result, you must have this parameter.

Now open it and enter in it one of the values \u200b\u200bthat are given in the table below, close the window by clicking on the "OK" button and restart the computer. After rebooting, the Windows button must be disabled.

Note, these parameters need to be entered manually, since copying and inserting does not work in this registry editor window.

SCANCODE MAP parameter value Result
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 5B E0 00 00 5C E0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Disabling the right and left Windows left buttons.
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 00 00 5B E0 00 00 00 00 Disconnect the left-click Windows.
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 5C E0 5D E0 00 00 00 00 Disable Windows and Menu button Right button (on the right).
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 5B E0 00 00 5C E0 00 00 5D E0 00 00 00 00 Disable the right and left Windows left buttons and the MENU button (right).

In order not to enter the parameter data value manually, you can prepare a REG file with all the necessary changes. To do this, create a text document, insert the contents in it, which is given below, and save with the REG extension instead of TXT. After that, run the created REG file and it will automatically deposit all the necessary changes to the registry. Next you need to restart the computer, and the Windows button will be disabled.

REG file to disable the right and left Windows left buttons.

Windows Registry Editor version 5.00 "Scancode MAP" \u003d Hex:,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,5B, E0.00,00,5C, E0.

REG file to disable the left Windows left button.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 "Scancode MAP" \u003d Hex:,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00 00.

Reg-file To disable the right Windows button and the MENU button (right).

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 "Scancode MAP" \u003d Hex:,00,00,00.00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,5d, E0.

Reg-file to disable the right and left Windows left buttons and the MENU button.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 "Scancode MAP" \u003d Hex:,00,00,00,00.00,00,00,5B, E0.00,00,5C, E0.00,00,5D, E0.

To enable the Windows button back, just go to the Registry, open the "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SYSTEM \\ CurrentControlSet \\ Control \\ CurrentControlSet \\ Control \\ CurrentControlSet \\ Control \\ Keyboard Layout", delete the previously created SCANCODE MAP parameter and restart the computer.

Disable the Windows button using programs

Alternatively, digging in the registry can use special programs for reassigning and disconnecting the buttons on the keyboard. Then we consider several such programs.

Simple Disable Key 3.0 () is a free program for disconnecting individual buttons and key combinations. With it, you can disable the Windows button or disable individual key combinations using this button. For example, you can disable the Windows-X or any other combination of keys.

SharpKeys () - a free program to override and disable the buttons. With this program, you can reassign faulty or disable unnecessary buttons.

Keytweak () - free program for reassigning buttons and shut off buttons. It has an intuitive interface and many functions.

Windows Hot keys are used to simplify (acceleration) of the user's work with a computer. This is achieved by minimizing the user with the mouse.

Most combinations use a key combination with Windows logo with other keyboard keys. For example, key combination Windows +.M. Folds all open windows. Agree, it is much faster and more convenient than turning all the windows separately.

Now let's go directly to the topic of the article. Although these shortcut keys are designed to simplify the life of the user, in some cases there is a need to turn them off. How to turn off the Windows hotkeys? Let's consider several options.

Using gpedit.msc.

1. Cover the menu Start.

2. Select Perform.

gpedit.msc.and press ENTER.

If you have Windows 7 Home Premium, Home Basic or Starter, then to start the gpedit.msc use the instructions.

4. In the window that opens , on the left in the menu tree, select items User Configuration - Administrative Templates - ComponentsWindows - conductorWindows

5. In the list of parameters on the right we find the string Disable keyboard shortcutsWindows +.X. And click on it 2 times.

6. A window will appear in which you want to select item. Enable and press OK..

7. Close the window Local Group Policy Editorand reboot the computer.

As a result of the execution of the above actions, all hot keys using the key will be disconnected. Windows.

Using the registry editor

Attention! Incorrect use of the registry editor can damage your computer's operating system. Therefore, very carefully follow the items described below. It will not be superfluous to create a system recovery point.

1. Cover the menu Start.

2. Select Perform.

3. In the window that appears, enter regedit.and press ENTER.

HKEY_CURRENT_USER \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ Currentversion \\ Policies

If in paragraph Policies.present section Explorer, then go to paragraph 7.

Policies. Create, then Section.

6. Rename just created section in Explorer.

7. Press the right mouse button on the section Explorerand in the context menu select the item Create, then ParameterDWORD (32 bits).

8. Assign the name created by the parameter. NowinKeys..

9. Right-click on the parameter NowinKeys.and choose paragraph Change.

10. Enter the value 1 and click OK.

11. Close the registry editor window and reboot the computer.

As with the first option, in this case all hot keys using a key will also be disabled. Windows.

Disconnecting selected hot keys

Both variants described above are disabled all hotkeys. But how to disconnect individual hotkeys? To do this, you need to perform the following actions:

1. Cover the menu Start.

2. Select Perform.

3. In the window that appears, enter regedit.and press ENTER.

4. The registry editor opens in which you need to go to the next section:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ CurrentVersion \\ Explorer \\ Advanced

5. Press the right mouse button on the section Advancedand in the context menu select the item Create, then Expanded string parameter.

6. Assign the name created by the parameter. DisabledhotKeys..

7. Right-click by parameter DisabledhotKeys.and choose paragraph Change.

8. Next, you need to enter the characters used in the combinations of the Windows hotkeys that you want to disable. For example, if you want to prohibit combinations Windows + R. and Windows + E.then you need to assign a value to the string parameter Re..

Now consider an example in which you need to prohibit a combination with the key that is not associated with any letter of the Latin alphabet or a digit. In this case, you need to use the codes of the virtual keys and the ASCII table of characters.

Here we will not disassemble what the codes of the virtual keys and give the ASCII code table, because On the Internet on these issues of information is enough. Consider only one option on the example of a combination of hot keys Windows +.HOME..

And so, key HOME. Complies with the code of the virtual key 24 . But we are in the string parameter need to enter a symbol. Therefore, using the ASCII codes of characters, we find the symbol corresponds to the number 24. In our case, this is a symbol. $ .

Now, if we want to block the combinations of hot keys Windows + R., Windows + E.and Windows +.HOME.need to in the string parameter DisabledhotKeys.enter the value Re $..

9. Close the registry editor window and reboot the computer.

That's all. Now you know how to turn off the Windows hotkeys in three different ways.