How to resize images in Photoshop. Interpolation process

Good day! If you have, hundreds of megabytes in a small folder with pictures? Or are pictures sent by mail more than 10 minutes, even with a decent speed of the Internet? Or so, to send photos of photos on the USB flash drive need half an hour? Welcome to the right place, in the article I will tell you in what program and how to reduce the size of the JPG file without loss of quality.

Squeeze an image - a simple science. You can reduce all the pictures in one folder with a scope, at a time, this is called batch processing. Or handle each image separately. About these methods and talk.

How to reduce the size of the JPG file - a bit of the desired theory

Regarding the JPG format (and its type of JPEG), there are 3 ways to change the size of files. The size of PNG, BMP, GIF and other graphic formats can be adjusted only by the first method.

  1. Reducing the resolution of the picture (number of pixels) without loss of quality;
  2. Reduced quality without decreasing permission;
  3. Simultaneous decline and permission, and quality.

Any photo - a set of pixels. In modern cameras, their number exceeds 2-4 thousand horizontally and vertical. This is a lot, from such permission and "grow" megabytes. Does the image quality improve improve? There is practically no, especially in unprofessional photographers during everyday shooting. Since changing the resolution of photography can be almost painless for quality, many use exactly this way in order to reduce the image.

I will definitely tell you about the most convenient ways, you will just need to choose the right one for you.

Squeezing the image 2 times (by 50%, in terms of graphic editors), we reduce its area (and volume!) 4 times, school geometry in practice.

It is logical to reduce the number of points to reduce the size of the photo - and not notice changes in quality.

Alternative option for jPG files, Leave the image resolution of the original, but allow the computer to reduce the quality. Some blur, smoothing or fuzzy are quite admissible. We can assume that the quality of compression in graphics editors is approximately:

  • 100% - the compression of the pattern is absent;
  • 90% - Default setting in many programs - minimum compression;
  • 80% - deeper degree: Files are compressed quite strongly;
  • 70% - still acceptable loss of quality, but within reason;
  • 50% and below - Cardinal decline external view Figure, noticeable with a naked eye.

How to squeeze an image: workshop in graphic editors

We will experiment with this "still life": a private telephone photo, which does not claim for artistic, rather - a class "scary to show", but for the family archive it is suitable.

Technical details: jPG format, resolution 2560 for 1920 points, the weight of the source file is unacceptable 2.44 MB. Before compressing a photo, we recommend copying it into a separate folder so as not to lose the drawing during the compression process.

Source File: 2.44 MB, with extension 2560 × 1920 pixels

Image compression in Paint

In vain, this standard graphic editor from the Windows set is considered a non-test tool. First, it is very interesting in it and useful to train "teapots" Azam PC literacy, secondly, it is everywhere and always - and when it is not installed on the computer powerful program To work with graphics, its capabilities will be helped out more than once.

Opening the source in Paint: The number of points is shaking, but their number does not mean beauty or quality. Scale: 100%.

To open the image in Paint, you need to click on the right-click file and select "Edit".

This editor does not allow you to manually configure the JPG compression level, but, in sensations, it sets it about 80%. It is enough to recover a file to obtain 1.83 MB instead of the initial 2.44 MB. On the eye, the level of quality remains practically the same.

The image squeezed to 1.83 MB after powering in Paint for 2-3 clicks and 10 seconds.

In the Paint Arsenal there is a way to reduce the size of the picture in pixels. This is a button "Resize" (Resize). When it is pressed, the dialog box is offered, where it is proposed to introduce new dimensions horizontally / vertical as a percentage of the initial number of points.

Choose 50 to 50: 2 times less than the length and widths mean the area smaller than 4 times. By the way, permission must be changed equally on both measurements, otherwise the picture is deformed.

Function "Change image resolution" Standard in most graphic editors, from primitive Paint to Montstrucan Photoshop.

The result is 616 kilobytes. Low enough for a family archive, but is excellent for publication on sites. Without a magnifying glass, the difference with the source is barely noticeable.

616 kilobytes with a resolution of 1290 × 960 px.

Note that 0.6 megabytes turned out not only as a result of a change in permission, and with the help of a "combined" method - the image size in Paint is also adjusted and reduced the quality of JPG by about 85%. Change the value of the COMPRESS parameter in the desired side is not possible. Painte does it on the machine.

Reduce image size in Photoshop

This powerful editor You can use for the tasks described. But this is how to carry a package with products not in a passenger car, but to call KAMAZ. Photoshop - excessively powerful application for such a simple goal, how to reduce the weight of the photo.

On the opening of this program and saving a file in it will take much more time than the compression itself. However, that our instruction is complete, we describe and how to squeeze a picture in Photoshop.

Opening the file in the Photoshop editor, follows select the section "Image", click on it to the "Image Size". As shown in the picture below.

A dialog box opens where you can manually set the height and width of the pattern. OK button - Save the file. The same dialogue is called hot keys "Ctrl + Alt + I", rapid maintenance, the combination of keys- "Ctrl + S".

The second way to reduce the file size Pictures or photos, it is to apply quality while saving. That which you consider suitable for you. Let's show on the example how to do it.

You must open the window with settings for saving the image, in the desired quality and format. I will continue to torment my photo with the pins. Let me remind you, the size of the file is exactly 2.44 MB, let's see what can be squeezed from it.

Choose from above - 4 options. Look at quality changes with compression, you can move the images before viewing it.

Pay attention to the left at the top - the source, then go already with compression.

If you look at the second option, the quality has not changed, and the weight of the image has decreased to 1.6 MB, when the quality is selected 72. A fully suitable picture for storing or sending by mail.

Pad saving You can also set the size of the image. Which you need. And click Save, select the path for recording and everything is ready.

The best programs for compression. Batch processing

Paint is always on hand, but too primitive. Photoshop redundantly bulky and bad. What programs will fit better to compress JPG? Good viewers-winners, they are - image managers! These are advantage - support for batch compression: simultaneous processing of all or several selected files in any folder instead of manual change in drawings one by one.

ACDSEE, XnView and IrfanView: Only a three of the many programs for compressing the pictures with all the scope. Free, but quite workable version there are even through commercial "Eisidi". If the program is not Russified, the COMPRESS word should be remembered - "compression". We will analyze batch compression technology on the example of the XnView graphics browser.

Opening one of the files in the target folder, click on it twice. A windower window will open with all image premises.

Viewer and XNView editor says 9 files occupy almost 20 MB. Straits!

In the arsenal of viewers there are both the "JPEG" compression function without reducing permission.

Image compression in online services

Although have a program for resizing a graphic file at hand, it is convenient and correct, you can use numerous online services for this task.

The principle of operation is fully similar to the work of classical PC applications: either compression, or resizing, or - both actions immediately. All parameters are customizable.

The disadvantage of online-techniques - in the need to send an initially large file: this process takes some time. Web services for compression are usually free, but you need to download the result back to the PC.

Tract time is justified if the number of reduced files does not exceed several pieces per month. Specific recommendations? Please, those online services Which I use myself. - Zabugorny Service

Not bad surcharge service, without unnecessary settings. The service will do everything for you, just specify the place on the PC to load the pictures, after which the compression process will start automatically.

Warning immediately, on the site for unregistered users there are limitations on compression - 20 images with a maximum volume of 5 MB.

Upon completion of the process, it is possible to download all the files to one file or one by one as it will be convenient. - comfortable and understandable

If you use this serviceIt can be changed on it as the size of the image itself, as well as squeeze the file itself with the installation of the desired quality. What quality is acceptable, I wrote at the beginning of the article.

One of the free online services.

Both services allow not only to play with sizes and quality, but also edit pictures. There is detailed reference system. With which I advise you to get acquainted before use.

In others operating systemsah, including mobile, principles and settings for compress technology are the same.

Pictures processing in Mac OS

Let's look at the process of working with images on Mac, for example, drawings will greatly exhibit standard application "View": Installing additional on nothing, even for batch processing. The program "View" on Mac He knows how to change the size of several photos at once.

Choose one, or several images, open them in view, then choose Tools\u003e Configure Size, and fill the desired values. And save.


We recommend experimenting with the compression of pictures yourself - while pre-copying them into a test folder in order not to lose important photos. After 3-4 attempts, you will understand how to reduce the size of the image in an optimal way, with the most suitable compression parameters, width and height.

  1. Install and use every day any quality graphic file manager.
  2. Forget about Photoshop: This is too powerful and a bad editor for such simple tasks.
  3. Use online services only when there are no other ways at hand - but for single files to use Paint'om.

Disclaimer: No dog in the course of artistic and program experiments did not suffer. :)

Sometimes it is required to reduce the size of photos to send to email or download to the dating site, or in your favorite social network.

The fact is that modern cameras make photos in large resolutionWhat is very nice, but at the same time such photos have an impressive size. Up to several dozen megabytes.

Of course, that on the sites such a big photo will be very long to open, and the one who has a slow Internet connection may not wait until she boot entirely.

What then to do? Everything is simple, we can reduce the photo or squeeze it. At the same time, this will not be noticeable on the site - the photo will still be the same natural.

There are many programs to reduce the size of pictures and photos, as well as there are sites that allow it to do online.

In this article we consider first several programsand then provide a link to website that will reduce the image in online mode.

We use the standard Paint Program

The Paint program is the default in the Windows 7 operating system and in other versions. To do not look for it for a long time, you just click on the "Start" icon and enter into the search string "Paint":

In the list of found Budy of the program you are interested in. Run it.

Left will be an icon in the form of a document.

When clicking on it, the menu is dropped from which you choose "open".

We find photos on a computer that will be reduced.

Then in the program menu, click on the inscription "Image" and "Change Size"

We switch the button to the "pixels" and enter the number you need. Note, if you have a check mark "Save the proportions", then when entering the horizontal value - it will automatically change the value vertically.

If you want your value and there and there, then remove the checkbox, but then the image will be distorted: stretched or compressed (if it is not proportional).

Minus Paint Program In the fact that we cannot affect the strength of compression. Therefore, we will look at very similar paint program.NET.

Change the size and compress the picture by the Paint.NET program provides us opportunity to influence the force of compression and the size of the output photo. Therefore, we recommend using it.

This program is also usually already installed on the computer. Try again to push the start and enter already Paint.Net.

If you find - run, if not, then on this link It can be downloaded. The program is free. Install it and run.

Also, as in the program described above, you open the file on the computer, and then in the "Image"\u003e "Size" menu, or the Ctrl + R key combination.

We also put the parameters we need.

Free SmallFoto program for batch image processing

This program is very easy to use, with free license, and allows not only to reduce and compress images, but also to apply on top of a watermark, process and rename several pictures at once, i.e. Batch processing is supported - whole folders.

Appearance of the SMALLFOTO program:

Choose "Source" - folder on a computer with your original images (in the folder there may be any number of pictures or photos);

Also select the "Recipient folder" Where reduced copies will be saved. You can create it in advance.

You choose the size you need, format and quality by clicking on the corresponding buttons and click "Start". That is, everything is very simple. In your "folder, the recipient" will appear the same photos, only with the new size you wanted.

Reducing photo size online

Nowadays, there are many sites that you can go, upload a photo and get its reduced copy.

And this means that you can not even run any programs to change the size of the photo. Of course, on sites in online capabilities mode, it is much less than providing programs, but if it is important for you to quickly reduce the width and length, then why would they not take advantage of it.

This feature will be provided by the site, but the exact link tool

Click, choose a photo on the computer. After downloading, the window will appear with the ability to set the size and the download button.

Download the resulting image to the computer.

The need to reduce photos or pictures occurs quite often, but how to do it without loss of quality, interests many. Especially relevant ability to reduce the size of the photo to users social networks, because everyone knows that the more photos will be, the longer they will be loaded.

It should be remembered that the size of the photo is two species:
The size of the picture in pixels (the height and width changes).
Size photo in kilobytes (image weight).

But it is worth considering that by changing the size of the photo in pixels, its weight will change under any conditions.
There are many ways to reduce the size of the photo without losing its quality. To do this, you can use standard programs that are in the operating system downloaded by software or online resources.

In any version of the Windows operating system there standard program Paint. It is quite simple in management and is created for minimal photo and image processing.

To invoke the Paint program, you must go to the start, find the standard and click on the desired line. In the program window that opens, click the Open button and in the new tab find the user's you need.

Now you need to click on the Home tab and find the Size button.

The Size button will call the new window in which the parameters of the downloaded photo will be displayed. Resize the program allows horizontally and vertical. To do this, you need to put new data in the windows on the contrary, as well as a tick in the column to keep the proportions. Now you can click OK.

If after changing the size of the manipulation with the image is completed, the new file can be saved to the device by pressing the appropriate button.

It should be noted that any changes in size will affect the quality of the pattern, so it is impossible to drastically change the size and make a very large image from the little image or vice versa.

Working with Photoshop Program

Reduce image size without quality loss can be guaranteed using photoshop programs. This software is much more complicated, and it is necessary to work with it in stages. To reduce the size of the photo, you must first upload the file to the editor. To do this, select the file - open.

Now you can make any actions with a new file, but to change its size without loss of quality, you need to click on the Image tab and select the image size line there.

In the window that opens in the Width field, you need to put a value that is half less than the original size. If in the column to save the proportions to put a tick, the value in the height field will change automatically. And so that the photo does not lose in quality, you need to select the "bicubic" parameter. To save the new size, you must click OK.

Changes in width and height are enough to ensure that the quality is not lost and the pictures looked well, so after saving new parameters you can save a photo. To do this, in the File section you need to select the string to save.

IrfanView Size Resizing

There is another, no less popular, editor to reduce the photo without loss of quality. Called irfanview. It is not so complicated as Photoshop, but it also needs to be installed on the device.

To reduce the image in the IrfanView editor, you must run it and select the Image tab in the window that appears, change the image size.

This command will call the window in which various ways of reducing the photo are presented. Without loss of quality, the drawing can be reduced by installing new values \u200b\u200bin pixels, centimeters and inches, it is also possible to set the size in percent or click the Reduce button twice. At the same time, you need to install the LanczOS algorithm (the slowest) algorithm, which ensures the preservation of the photo without loss of quality. After installing new parameters, click OK.

Reducing the photo using an online program

On the Internet there are many online services that allow you to process photos without downloading the editor to a computer. One of these programs is called Optimizilla. To start working with it, you must first upload photos to the site. To do this, there is a button of the same name. The difference between such a program from other editors is that the size of the photo in kilobytes is changing. At the same time, the quality remains without loss. In order to edit the picture, there is a special scaler with a slider that allows you to set the required level of quality. To download ready-made photos, you need to click on the appropriate button.

You can use the methods for both all right and depending on personal preferences.

One of the everyday tasks, which is facing not only every photographer, but also any computer user is to reduce or increase photos and other images. For example, a decrease in the size of the photo may be required to place it on any site.

True, for chala, it should be decided about what size we say! Sometimes there are some kind of photo size requirements - measured in pixels. Pixel is such a small point, of which they consist - photos! For example, you may need to reduce the photo to size 800 * 600 pixels.

And there is another size - it is measured in megabytes, kilobytes or bytes. This is the size of the information is contained in the file. Since each pixel can carry a different amount of information - the image is not always less in terms of pixel - will contain a smaller size of information. Therefore, sometimes with a decrease in image size - you should pay attention to the amount of information - which it contains after a decrease. Usually, this volume can be seen or directly with a decrease (especially in Photoshop), or by depositioning the cursor on the file icon - then the appropriate information will appear.

There are several ways to reduce photography, including - a decrease in the size, a decrease in the "weight" of photography without reducing linear dimensions, or both ...

But the paths with which you can achieve the desired result:

1. Reducing the size of the photo in Paint.

Paint is installed almost on each computer on which Windows is installed, so let's start with it.

First, open Paint. Secondly, in the menu (opens from the left above), find your photo and open it.

The third step is to choose - how much you wish to reduce your photo, and click OK.

Step fourth - In the main menu (left on top of the window), select "Save as", as a format to select JPEG (if anyone is not required), and save ... Ready!

2. How to reduce photos in Photoshop (Photoshop)

There is a whole little oook on this topic. Please read ... It is online, it's free!

3. Reducing photo online

We go to the site ... And what do we see ?? No matter! You must find the "Loading Images" item, click the "Overview" button, select your photo, just below Select the size - to which you need to reduce the photo and other parameters completely without comment - optional.

Next - click the "Download" button, the photo is loaded, and ... Voila! On the page that opens, find the "Open" link and enjoy contemplating a reduced photo! You can save it to your computer either by dragging the mouse to the desktop (if your browser does not prevent this), or clicking on the photo of the right mouse button, and selecting the type of type "Save the image as ..." (the name of the item depends on your browser) . I hope that now for you - a decrease in the photo - no problems will create!

Sooner or later, all Internet users have the need to reduce the size of the photo. Sometimes you need to reduce the weight of the photos, sometimes - change the aspect ratio. You spend no more than a pair of minutes if you know how to do it.

Change the size of the photo in pixels

If the picture is too big and does not fit into the frame for the avatar of the beloved messenger, it is enough to reduce or trim. There are many programs for the computer and mobile phones On android, which will help you with this.

Built-in Picture Manager.

The Picture Manager application is part of the Office package to 2013. It allows you to work with photos of any format, including JPEG and easily runs even on weak computers.

To open the desired drawing in Picture Manager, click on it with the right mouse button, Mouse over to "Open with" and in the drop-down list, select the necessary program. After that, its main window will open.

If you need to standardize the photo, click on the second menu item and select the desired aspect ratio from the drop-down list. The third item allows you to specify clear parameters in pixels. The latter is to reduce or enlarge the picture on the desired number of percent.

At the very bottom, the window is shown how the image size will now. If it suits you, click "OK". After that, run along the path "File - Save".

Multifunctional photoshop

Photoshop is perhaps the most popular with "Self-designers" program for editing photos. It can a lot, including gently change the size of the photo without loss of quality. However, she has a significant drawback: the system requirements will not suit the owners weak computers.

To open the desired photo in Photoshop, click on the file and select the appropriate item in the drop-down menu. After clicking on the "Image" - "Image size".

In the "Feed Under" field, you can select the format from the standard list. Opposite the width and height, enter the required parameters. A tick near the resampling field is necessary that the program automatically retain the proportion. If it is delivered, you just have enough to introduce the width, and the height will calculate automatically. Or vice versa.

When you finish, click on "OK" and save the changes through the "File" menu.

The same program will help you and in case the image you need to edit android on the phone. Developers have long adapted their software for operating systems and compact screens Smartphones and tablets.

Simple Paint

Paint - Another popular program that is included in the standard operational delivery kit windows systems. It has a small set of functions, but is extremely easy to use. To open the file in the Paint application, click on the blue icon in the upper left corner and find the appropriate item.

After click on the Home tab, and select "Change Size" in the "Image" section.

Everything works in the same way here. You should choose a unit of measurement - pixels or percentages, and enter their values \u200b\u200binto the appropriate fields. Tick \u200b\u200b"Save the proportions" will save your picture from changing the aspect ratio.


To change the size of the image online, follow the link Click on the selected area and download your image to the site.

In the fields from above, enter the required parameter values \u200b\u200bin pixels. After clicking on the "Create" button.

How to change the weight of the image in megabytes without changing the size of the parties and quality

Sometimes the picture must be squeezed for transmission over a network or layout to a resource without losing in quality. For such purposes, there are also programs for both the phone and on the PC.

File Optimizer is a simple and widespread software in English, which perfectly copes with its task. It allows you to optimize the size of any graphic file and not only. Being very simple in mastering, it will be suitable even to beginners who are not too skillfully addressed the computer.

To download the file in File Optimizer, you must click on the File - Add Files button. In the window that opens, you can choose one or more pictures. After that, click on Optimize - Optimize All Files and wait a bit until the process is completed.

In the program window, you will see what the original image size was, as far as it was possible to reduce it and what progress was. Pictures are saved to your computer automatically.

JPEG Optimizer is a compact program designed for phones. Fully free, but it has a small, unobtrusive advertising. Helps compress images of 10 MB to 2 or even 1 MB without loss of quality.

In order to download the photo in JPEG Optimizer, it is enough to click on a small pink icon in the upper right corner of the screen. Next, allow the application to access the gallery and files. Find the photo on the device and just click on it.

The program performs all the work independently, reflecting you the parameters. It will only remain to save the final result using the icon in the form of a floppy disk at the top.

Programs for resizing the image is designed abound. Choosing a suitable specifically for yourself and your devices, focus on system requirements, Device power and Internet speed. We have brought only a few most popular applications and services, but know what others are. Do not be afraid to experiment and look for something yourself.