How to make a computer more powerful for games. How to set up a weak computer for games


For games, the video card and processor play the main role. Changing accessories for more perfect multiple times will increase the amount of FPS: while the quality processor remains high-quality long enough, while the video card should be changed every six months. At the same time, it is rationally not to acquire the most dear model - After 4-5 months of open sales, its price drops by about twice. The choice of manufacturer's company is exclusively affected by taste and the topic for a conversation on specific configurations of machines.

Install the Gamer's "Gamers" assemblies of operating systems. The fact is that the modern OS is calculated for many different applications and therefore contains a lot of unnecessary and frankly unnecessary internal processes. There is a mass of special Windows options, in which the number of "extra" things is minimized, and the speed is generally improved by 1.5-2 times (for example, the minimum assembly of Windows XP takes only 60 MB).

Optimize the system additional programs. There is a whole mass of "accelerators" and "optimizers", many of which are designed to work with the games. They will allow cleaning rAM, free on the hard disk and generally make PC much more productive. In addition, do not forget to regularly carry out defragmentation hard disk.

The computer can be "dispersed". Increasing current flow in cPU And changing some other indicators, you use a strategic reserve of power laid by iron developers. At the same time, the PC will make an order of magnitude harder (obviously, it will have to put a different cooling system) and risks generally to fail - however, with successfully done acceleration, the system performance will increase by several points without any costs on your part. However, to resort to this method only under the guidance of a knowledgeable person.

Helpful advice

On the network of the network there are whole portals dedicated to PC acceleration.

Related article

On Windows XP, there are often problems associated with too slow work Games based on VIA chipset. The slowdown in the user reduces the pleasure of the game from the user, spends your time, and also spends in vain computer resources. In this article you will learn possible reasons The problem of slowing the operation of the game and how to increase their speed.


The very conclusion that can be made of slow games is wrong installed Drivers. Go to My "and open the Device Manager. Find there the line "Via CPU to Agp Controller". If this line is present, the drivers are installed correctly. If it is not, the driver was clearly installed incorrectly, did not introduce into the system, and its permutation is required.

Find on the Internet and download a set of new VIA 4-in-1 drivers. Make sure your drivers are updated.

Click on the Setup.exe application right-click and call the context menu. Click "Properties" and "Compatibility". A window will open in which you will find the compatibility mode setting.

Specify in the settings that the program needs to be launched in Windows 2000 compatibility mode, which can be selected in the list of operating systems. Click OK and restart Setup.exe.

Install the drivers, and then restart the computer and check whether new drivers integrated into the Device Manager.

Try to start the game that previously functioned slower than usual and check whether it was accelerated. If the acceleration did not happen, try to refer to the issue of the technical support of the game or register on the forum where users of the game decide among themselves the most frequent problems arising, including at speeds. Perhaps the Forum users will offer you an original way out of the situation that is only suitable for a specific game and fascinated by experimentally.


  • games increase speed

It happens, the computer does not have enough strength to maintain this or that playing application rich in graphics and multimedia elements. Almost every lover of computer games came across such a problem. What to do in such a situation, each user chooses himself. Someone is solved on the capital "upgrade" of his PC. Others are trying to use all the truth and increasing resources of their computer. Thirdly humble, choosing toys "easy". But few people know that with the help proper setting Windows, you can significantly improve your computer with game applications. Here are some tips.


First method - Game XP. This software tool is designed by Theorica Software. Game XP allows you to solve several tasks at once: extra processes and windows services, adjust cache memory, improve settings and optimize other components operating systemTo free up resources and add it superstitions. Important moment - Before making any changes, the program creates. This allows you to freely return to initial settings Computer. Software application Game XP is distributed free of charge and is suitable for operation in Windows 98 / ME / 2000/2003 and XP.

Second way - Service Profiles. This program does not make global changes in the system and is suitable for creating various profiles of the operational memory services. Using Service Profiles, you can optimize windows work With a minimum set of services, which will ensure the most computer speed in games. Or you can configure the operation of the system with a complete complex of services and in the future just to switch between the formed profiles with one press of the Apply Profile key. This program is also distributed free of charge, you can download it from the site manufacturers.

Third way - Game Accelerator 7.6.95. This utility is one example of programs to speed up 3D graphics. Game Accelerator 7.6.95. Optimizes many parameters of the operating system at the level of "iron" and at the program level, it can be achieved with maximum access of the computer, as well as its stability in gaming applications.
So, thanks to these programs and applications, you can run "big toys" on those computers that were previously not ready for such facilities.

Video on the topic

Not all modern shooters can be launched on little device called a netbook. But some projects have low system requirements and excellent gameplay.

All levels of the Great Arena, which was built by the Radryigar race for gladiator fights. At the beginning there will be simple rivals, however, in the process of passing the battles will be harder, and enemies are stronger. At the end of the user is waiting for the powerful champion of the arena. In multiplayer mode you are waiting for slaughter brutal battles, powerful weapons, various bonuses (invisibility, strength, and so on).

Doom 3 - Classic Horror-shooter from the company ID SOFTWARE. According to the plot of the game, the army of demons invaded our world and captured the station UAC, which is located on Mars. The evil killed almost all the soldiers and employees. The main hero of the game is Morpekh, who managed to survive. Now the hero has to go through hell to save his life. The player will have to face various demons and bosses and destroy them with firearms. The game is a classic shooter in which the player needs to simply destroy all enemies at the level.

How many times have you bought new gamewho conquered you with his trailer or recommendations of friends, you are waiting for installation, run the game. But, everything slows down, reduce the quality of graphics and remove the animation, and the computer does not even pull the computer.

In this article, I will tell you how to make a computer work several times faster than a little upgrade PC or completely replace iron with minimal cost.

How to increase computer performance?

Hi Friends, Today I want to tell you how to increase the power of my computer, what features you need to pay attention and what details will need to be bought to achieve each of the goals.

Those who still do not know how the computer works and that he is inside, I recommend to carefully examine the article: the PC structure, it will allow you literally for half an hour to present the whole process of work, which depends on, besides, all examples with pictures are Allows you to quickly understand even the novice user.

But also experienced users I will try not to offend and in the near future I will write an article with detailed for you. technical characteristicsthat are usually needed only to very demanding users.

So, proceed, the entire article is distributed by category, choose the parameter you need and read how to improve it. I recommend reading completely and allocate for myself the most needed.

But it is worth understanding from the very beginning that good update Computer is a comprehensive replacement of the main parts, and not the replacement of just one part. By replacing one detail you can simply not achieve the result that I would like to get.

Acceleration of computer work

In this section, it will not be about how to make a computer - a "reactive rocket", but improve the speed of work several times that you get:

  1. fast inclusion PC;
  2. - accelerated program response;
  3. - Improving copying speed, movement;
  4. - A little acceleration inside the games.

You can list long enough, so we just turn to the point.

For such an improvement, you must add RAM - these are small boards inside the system unit. The replacement of such boards does not require much costs and takes about 5-10 minutes by time. You will not need to carry a computer in service centerYou can easily do it easily.

Such fees keep the temporary memory of the computer. The greater the volume of this fee, the better. How to find out how much you have the RAM and how to replace it, you can read the separate section dedicated to the RAM.

Increased PC power, partial.

To increase power, you will need to upgrade your computer processor.

I did not say once again that the processor is a "brain" of the computer. He is responsible for all computing operations on your PC. Following certain algorithms that manufacturers created, it reproduces specific actions and so let's say, distributes orders to all other details.

The more productory there will be a processor, the more powerful your computer. For a detailed study, read the article: Why do you need a processor? In it, I will tell you what features you need to pay attention and the power will depend on.

Although for most users, the developed processors became noticeable, only with the introduction of the concepts of dual-core, quad-core, etc. And as not strange, many people looked around at it and now it is mistaken not to get the type of processors that they really need.

Improving graphics

Here I think everyone guessed, the name speaks for himself. All pictures, beautiful transitions, movies, games - can be collected under one concept - graphics.

For the graphics in the computer corresponds to a separate detail - a video adapter (video card)

It is responsible for the correct display of everything that happens on the screen of your monitor. The video card converts an incomprehensible to the usual user code in those beautiful pictures that you see.

The video card has its own built-in processor, its main goal to remove the maximum load from the central processor and transform all the commands to our usual color, pictures, movies.

The more productively your video card will be, especially the "heavy" games with good graphics you can run on your PC. By the way, the replacement does not take much time in personal computers This is a discrete card, that is, a separate fee, independent of others, it can be easily removed, to buy a new, modern and put in place.


Increase computer memory

With this problem I meet almost every week. How we usually come to someone to configure, or go through the computer, as you immediately get a question, can I add more memory? Of course you can, if you know what detail you need to replace.

But for internal memory The computer is answered by a device called - hDD (Hard Disk), some are called their hard drives and, in principle, all right. But now a little is not about it.

We want to increase the memory, for this it would be necessary to first find out how much memory we have now and estimate how much you would like to add. How to do this you can see if you read a separate article about increasing the memory of the computer. Also, in it you will read what kind of hard disk you need - it will help you avoid overpays.

But at all, I do not advise you to put a large volume disk on your computer - it can not only reduce performance, but also lead you to a situation when you lose all the information from your PC.

Well, if it is a system failure and can be copied all personal information. And if a hard disk burns on a pair of terabyte, this is a large amount of information that will be very insulting to lose not believing already with what your projects or business can be provided there.

Use external hard drivesto copy your expensive information or you can in the old way conventional discs Periodically record, in the event of a breakage, re-set.

Computer upgrade in all directions at the same time

And here we are slowly, but surely moving towards the end of the article. Under the simultaneous upgrade, I meant a set of events aimed at improving all parameters of your computer, and if you read the article completely you already guessed that it is necessary to replace all the details that are responsible for calculating, encoding, graphics, speed, storage, etc. .

After all, in fact, all the power is concluded in it, one way or another, changing the components of one one you will spend a lot of time and the results will delight you gradually. Suppose you changed one item and so in turn for two years all the rest, but so far you all updated the first item again has already been isolated and requires updating or replacement.

Thus, you will update computer components constantly, which is not always convenient. Therefore, I recommend that you simultaneously upgrade a computer is the highest possible improvement, an increase in all parameters several times.

For such an event, you will need to lay out a good amount of money. Below I will give a list of details that will need to be updated, I will make small notes in brackets, explanations. Where it is written: "If necessary," the replacement is not mandatory, but recommended.

So, what details to change to improve PC

  1. - motherboard (if necessary)
  2. - power supply (if necessary)
  3. - processor (to replace the thermal paste)
  4. - Kuller (if necessary)
  5. - Video card
  6. - RAM (buy a new one or add another bar to the old)
  7. - Hard disk (if necessary)

Replacement priority exhibit on these details:

  1. - Processor
  2. - Video card
  3. - RAM

Many say why so much change is better to buy new system unit And do not bother. And these people can be understood, for them in life, time saving is a priority direction.

But most of my acquaintances it is important to understand what is inside and spend the minimum of money. They will better spend a few hours on the replacement of components, but at the same time will save several thousand rubles.

I myself believe this: "If you want to do something good - do it yourself ..."

I hope that the information before you brought, if you need a video to replace any of the details, write in the comments, will add as needed.

Fix the material viewing video

Computers are famous for their slowdown in old age, but there are several techniques and tricks to increase their speed. From small tricks in the settings before buying several new RAM memory blocks, there are many ways for each budget and any skills.

Therefore, before throwing away a computer to a landfill to buy a new, try the methods offered in this article, you may be able to find a new life.

1. Start cleaning programs as often as possible.

CCleaner is an amazing application that will help you find and delete cache, as well as temporary files in many applications.

2. Remove unnecessary visual effects and animation.

Yes, some of those things you delete, make your operating system more beautiful, but don't you need a computer that will work much faster? In Windows 7, try to turn off, albeit a beautiful, but very resource-intensive theme "Aero". Right-click on the desktop and select "Personalization", then select the "Window color" tab, and then uncheck the Enable Transparency check box.

3. Update and be sure to use antivirus software.

Viruses and malicious programs can reduce the speed of any computer, so it is better to prevent their appearance at all. If you use free trial version antivirus software whose notifications annoying you like the virus itself, delete it and try to use free antivirus software from Microsoft Security Essentials, which will not bomb you with advertising. Plan for yourself the time of daily rapid scanning system and full scanning weekly.

4. Buy more RAM to accelerate the multitasking system.

RAM, or memory with arbitrary access is cheap and simple upgrading your computer, which will allow the sluggish PC to feel new forces.
You can use this element "Memory Finder" utility from Newegg to find out what the needs of your computer in memory. You can either install a new memory yourself, or entrust this to a friend who can be carefully installed in your slot motherboard.

5. Buy solid-state drives (SSD) to save time download.

Hard disk update is simple way Achieve a much smaller computer loading time. There are two types of drives: traditional hard drives (HDD) and new solid-state drives (SDD). While traditional hard drives are cheaper and have moving parts, SSD drives are manufactured according to the principle of flash memory, which does not have moving parts. The latter are cheaper, almost every day, and the presence of SSD disks in the computer means more fast start operating system and short loading time.

6. Reduce the number of applications that run when the computer starts.

Waiting for the computer during its download is always tedious, so here you will always help limit the number of programs and applications that are started at the start of the operating system. To see the list of these programs, click the "Start" button later "Run", in the "Open" row, type "MSCONFIG". Then click on the "Auto load" tab, where you will see a list. Here you can cancel the download at the start of any program that you do not need when the system starts.

Important!!! Do not delete checkboxes in those places where you could not recognize using Google search and do not understand whether this program necessary for normal computer operation.

7. Check that it works on your computer now to find a source of braking of the work process.

Your computer always works with several tasks at the same time, and it can be useful to make sure that they are all running by you, not viruses or some incomprehensible program. In Windows, right-click on the "taskbar" (under the clock), and then select the Task Manager menu, on the Processes tab, here you can see all the tasks that your operating system is busy. If there is a process that occupies the RAM tons or consumes greater power of the processor, try to google it. If you can not find the purpose of this process, it is possible that you have some kind of malicious program.

8. Perform a fresh reinstall "Windows if your computer is infected with viruses or malicious programs.

You may, as a rule, get rid of viruses using authoritative antivirus softwareBut sometimes it's easier and faster to clear your computer completely. Performing fresh reinstallation of the operating windows systems Deletes all the former software, settings, drivers, so make sure in advance that you have everything you need to restore the system's performance. When you are ready to reinstall the system, insert installation disk Windows, or USB flash drive In the computer, and then turn off the computer. Then start it again and follow the instructions on the screen. If you do not have boot flash drive, not trouble, you can find a detailed article how to create it for Windows 10 without using third-party programs.

9. If your online browser works slowly, try to clean it cache.

If your computer is used for surfing on the Internet, then the problem with speed can be in your browser, and not at all with a computer. The instructions are slightly different for each browser, but in any of them you need to go to the "Settings" menu and find the history of the story to clear the browser cache.

10. Update your computer search index.

This advice will help greatly speed up the process of searching for data on a computer by renepening the entire hard disk. This process may take quite a lot of time for large. hard disksBut it is definitely worth it. In Windows, use the disk defragmentation application, which comes with a computer. Configure weekly defragmentation planning.

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Computer technician today develops at such a pace that the computer is much faster than the morally, rather than physically. And in the end, the hour comes when performance is missing, so as to cope at the proper level with the recent toy, or to stay capable of processing video or work in a graphic editor.

Next, the question arises: what to do? Buy new computer, And the old sell for the pennies or to throw away, or try to raise the productivity of the old man on a more or less adequate level by replacing the part of its nodes. Next, we will tell you more about how to upgrade the computer with your own hands.

So, let's start with the very concept. Wikipedia gives us such information: Computer upgrades (Upgrade) is a replacement separate components Computer to more powerful and perfect.

Let's start with the fact that when your system works fine when there is no discomfort while working on the computer, in this case the modernization of the PC can still wait. However, if the computer begins to periodically hang, slow down, etc., in this case, without improvement, it will not last long, or rather you, in the end, get bored, and you still decide to update.

We give a few examples that are forced to think about how to update the computer:

  • When a certain resource-intensive program is launched or an application, you need to wait for a long time.
  • Also, if several programs are started at once, the computer reacts very slowly to your actions, which means that the button or the shortcut does not immediately receive the system reaction, and only after a while it will go.
  • By downloading a new game, it is not possible to fully enjoy graphics and dynamics. Since the frames on the monitor screen are updated very slowly, and the game itself goes like jerks. This means that your graphic editor does not have time to handle incoming images.

Thus, if your "machine" can no longer give the desired performance while working on it, then in this case, the computer update will give the opportunity to achieve a certain desired level of performance.

The easiest way to improve computer performance is the installation of an additional component. As an example, you can offer the installation of an additional RAM module or the installation of another hard drive to the computer.

A more serious way is the complete replacement of one of the components of the system. For example, replacing a larger RAM module, the replacement of the video card to the more powerful, replacement sound card From 5.1 to 7.1, replacing hard drives faster and capacious, replacement DVD-ROM on Blu-ray, etc.

Perhaps the most difficult way to update the computer is the replacement of the motherboard. Moreover, by changing the motherboard, you will have to change all other components: a central processor, RAM, a hard disk with a new connection interface.

As a result, yours old block Nutrition will not be able to provide normal functioning new system. That is, it will have to be replaced by more powerful. As a result, only the case and DVD-ROM will remain from the old computer, which is already well reading discs. This, of course, the "extreme option" of the situation, but this often happens. Consequently, before upgrading the computer, it is necessary to all be well planned and calculated the cost of this pleasure.

How to upgrade the PC processor

A fast processor speeds up the operation of programs and applications that require intensive calculations, thereby gives the system the opportunity to work without hanging and brazed.

However, the replacement of the processor is quite expensive, in addition, this possibility is limited, since the types of chipsets and sockets are often replaced on motherboards. Moreover, the laptops concerns even more than desktop personal computers.

In the case when your computer is mainly used to work on the Internet or with office applicationsYou will be quite sufficient to have a two-core processor that will not be necessary to update. However, if you have installed, for example, a single-core Celeron or Sempron, then replacing it on a dual-core or four-core, not even from the most recent generations, you will get a significant increase in productivity. Thereby significantly improve your computer.

Novice users do not know how to make a computer faster, so often they often cause a specialist or carry a PC to the service center. In fact, you can independently increase the performance of your car, saving money at the same time.

Of course, there are many ways to increase the rate of PCs. For example, an upgrade, "overclocking" processor, video adapter, etc. However, first of all you need to know how to make the computer work faster with minimal financial costs, following the standard recommendations of experienced users.

PC Cleaning from Dust

After breaking the recently purchased computer, you probably wonder how much dust inside gathered in a short period. It settles on the coolers and radiators, as a result of which these components are much worse than begin to cool the processor, video card and other PC elements. As a result, the computer "slows down", which is especially noticeable if you are a fan of modern games. That is why it is necessary to regularly clean the system unit from dust. How to do it? Read further.

Remove the side cover from the "Systems" by unscrewing several cogs. Now you will come in handy with a soft pile or loss, as well as a vacuum cleaner. Speak all the components of the brush, while turning on the vacuum cleaner so that the dust is fluttered. Special attention is paid to the coolers and radiators. If it is possible, then remove them and lubricate.

When the dust is removed, put the lid back. By the way, in the summer time of the year it can not be put.

Check for viruses

One of the most likely reasons for "braking" are viruses, so if you do not know how the computer make faster, then be sure to check it on the presence malicious programs. To do this, use good protection. It is not recommended to install some dubious utilities, better download yourself one of the popular antiviruses - Kaspersky, Avast or, for example, Avira.

there is free versionsBut they are usually established in order to familiarize (per month). Then you need to pay to use the program. But it is not worth saving here, as it is better to be restrained and know that your computer is under reliable protection.

So, the antivirus you installed, now run deep system scanning. If you find it, remove them or place it in quarantine, and damaged files Try to "cure."

Delete unnecessary applications and files

Over time, a lot of different programs and files that you already may have accumulated on your PC that you may have. Some people looking at the film, just forget to remove it, and after a few months on the hard drive almost the free space remains. Do you remember how quickly your computer worked when you just purchased it? The fact is that it was not overloaded unnecessary files - Only the most needed. Therefore, if there is such an opportunity, be sure to remove everything too much from the hard drive.

Open the "Control Panel" and set the "Minor Icons" view options (Windows 7). Go to "Programs and Components" and remove those of them that you do not use or run very rarely.

Also check the hard disk and manually remove unnecessary movies, music or games. You learned how to make a computer faster, getting rid of unnecessary files, but there are other factors affecting the speed of PC.

Clearing PREFETCH and TEMP folders

If you believe developers, then in the Prefetch and Temp folders are files, thanks to which the PC works faster. However, they are still recommended to cleaned, because, most likely, you no longer use many standard applications, and the files in the "temp" and "prefetche" are still stored.

First of all, you need to make these folders visible. Go to the control panel and open the folder parameters. Select the View tab and scroll through the slider at the bottom. Mark the option "Show hidden folders", And then uncheck the checkbox with the" Hide Protection "option system files" Confirm your actions by clicking ok.

Open the hard disk on which the OS is installed and go to windows folder. Find here folder Prefetch. And clean it from all files. Do the same with the TEMP folder.

So, now you know how to make the computer work faster, removing unnecessary elements from the Temp and Prefetch folders.

Checking startup

Very often, the system starts for a long time and works with "brakes", as other applications are loaded with it, many of which are no longer needed. Such programs "eat" the RAM and use an Internet connection.

If you are interested in how to make a computer, you must check which applications you run simultaneously with the OS. Make it very simple. Press the WIN + R buttons combination and enter the msconfig command. Opened "System Configuration". Click the "Autavar" tab and remove the checkboxes with unnecessary programs. At the same time, be careful, because some of them are service, that is, they are responsible for the correct work therefore, if there are some doubts, it is better to leave the checkbox in place.

and defragmentation

How to make a computer faster? You can perform the cleaning of the disk and its defragmentation. To do this, click PCM on the Winchestera and open the "Properties". Now click "Cleaning the disk". In order to make a defragmentation, open the "Service" section and click on the corresponding button in the menu.


If you do not know how to make faster, then, most likely, you will need to upgrade it. Of course, this is a very expensive thing, especially in the case when you need a powerful gaming machine. Perhaps it is better to even buy a new PC in order not to bother.

If the computer was bought recently, then simply follow all the recommendations that are mentioned above. These are just general advice, because in reality there are still many ways to speed up the system. For example, you can properly configure visual effects, which will also affect the speed.

So now you know how the computer is faster, without spending money to call a specialist. You can spend savings to the improvement of your PC.