The sound on the computer is poorly played. Why disappears the sound in Windows: reasons

Updated - 2017-02-14

Did the sound on the computer disappear? And God knows him. Such a problem occurs quite often. And the most unpleasant thing is that such a trouble is detected at the most inopportune moment, namely, when it urgently needs to listen to something. Many begin to pull cords from the speakers or headphones in a panic, to remove, and take the plugs in the connectors again. But the problem most often does not solve this. Consider in order the most necessary measures to eliminate this problem.

The first thing is to be done is to check whether our device is connected to the necessary connectors and sockets, and whether the wires are used.

Wires of columns and headphones check first.

If your home has domestic animals, it is possible that they could damage them.

I, for example, the cat loves the wires to nibble. I try to hide everything well so that it does not get to them, but the other day I lost vigilance and moved literally for one minute to the kitchen.

I returned to the computer, caught up headset to continue communication with a friend, and ...

I see on the screen of the monitor that she says something, and I have deeply in the headphones as in the tank. I looked with suspicion of my cat, and he sleeps next to the processor with an angel.

I began to check the wires, and they are naught in four places. And when the reptile managed only? In general, our chat was covered. I had to go the next day and buy a new headset. Just in case, bought two at once.

  • All headphones or speakers in the computer are connected to a green plug.
  • Connector on the sound card of the computer, as green.

  • If a laptop or an old sample computer, then all connectors can be the same color - usually black or silver. Then you need to look at the designation opposite the connector. Little headphones are usually drawn in laptops.
  • The columns are additionally connected to a power outlet 220 V.
  • Check the volume knob on the speakers, whether it is installed at a minimum. It is better to install it for the average value.

If it is all right, it would be good to check the speakers or headphones on another computer.

Check if our service is included WindowsAudio. .

  • Open - Start - Perform .

  • In the row opposite the button Overview We write a team services.msc.which calls the window Services .

  • Find in the column Name service. WindowsAudio. and check in the column condition Whether it works.
  • If written Works So all with the service is fine.
  • If nothing is written, double-click on the recording of this service and in the window that opens on the tab General In the panel condition Turn on the button Start and do not forget to keep everything with the button OK .

Any voltage jump could provoke turning off the sound on your computer.

If you have in Services All inclusive means checking the settings of the audio devices.

  • At the very bottom of the desktop on the right in the tray, we find the speaker icon and click on it twice.

  • Checking whether the switch is not worth the (check mark) opposite the write off, and does not fall the slider to the niza itself, i.e. Volume at a minimum.
  • If you stand, then remove it. The sound should appear.
  • If you do not have in the third volume knob icon, then read the article

If everything is fine with the volume controller, and there is no sound, right-click on the sound volume knob icon and select the drop-down menu. Setting up audiorameters .

  • In the window Properties: Sounds and Audio Development On the tab Volume Check if it is worth a check mark on the record Turn off the sound . If it is worth, then remove it.
  • Look The volume of the mixer . Do not need a regulator at a minimum.

Click on all buttons Additionally And check if something is disabled there.

If off, turn on.

If again nothing helped, then

  • go to B. Properties of the system And check whether the driver is installed on the sound card.

  • Go to the tab Equipment - Device Manager .

  • In the window Device Manager Check if there is no exclamation mark on the sound devices in a yellow circle. If there is, it is better to reinstall the driver sound card.

I have such an icon on a device that does not relate to sound. In a normally working system, no signs (questioning or exclamation should not be).


Sometimes when installing some new program Or due to a low voltage jump, the driver can break. Then it must be reinstalled.

Well, we checked possible reasons Loss of sound on a computer.

Video WHY SOUNG SOUNT on the computer:
What if the sound icon disappears on the taskbar:

The sound output device is an integral component when working with a computer. Usually, the connection of such devices does not cause completely no problems, but how to do if the problems still have any problems? How to connect speakers on a computer without problems? No sound, do not turn on - this is the most common problem when conjugating the audio system with PC. But what caused problems? How to setup? What to do if you do not reproduce sounds and does not play music? It must be sorted out. In order to find a solution to the problem, you need to get acquainted with the causes of this problem. Options may be a lot, and everyone needs to know about each of them. Today we will talk about six reasons for the absence of sound.

Non-working speakers

Checking the integrity of the audio system is the first thing that the user should pay:

  • There are such incidents when the user in a hurry just forgets about the wires.
  • There is a high probability that the connection is made incorrectly. In other words, the wires are connected via the wrong input. The bottom line is that the personal computer audio card has several conclusions: for recording devices and for sound output devices. The output for the microphone has a pink color, and for columns - green and they are connected to the same color. Cool on this attention to confuse anything.
  • Also, the inputs could also simply be overwhelmed due to frequent operation. To fix it, just correct them. At the same time, it would not hurt to clean the connectors from dust.
  • Look at the front panel of audio equipment. If the LEDs are not glow, the columns themselves do not eat. Sometimes users simply forget to turn on the device.

Of course, all the above problems are elementary, but most often problems are associated with it.

In the settings disabled or unbalanced

How to set the sound on your computer? Perhaps the problem lies in the settings operating system. In order to check it out:

  1. Press the "Start" key and go to the "Control Panel". There you need to find the section "Equipment and Sounds".
  2. Now you need to go to the "Sounds" tab. Your audio device is displayed here, which is connected to a computer. Highlight the mouse cursor the desired speakers and open their properties.
  3. You must turn around the General tab, in which you need to make sure that the devices are defined and included.
  4. Next, go to the "Levels" tab. There will be a current volume amplification, which should be more than 80-90%.
  5. Go to the "Advanced" tab and activate audio test. If you did not hear anything, save the settings and move on.
  6. Try returning to the "Volume Settings" and look at the sound level. It is possible, it is turned off or removed to a minimum.
  7. Right-click on the dynamics label, which is located in the lower right corner near time. Check the current volume level there.

Important! Do not forget about the columns themselves. There is a chance that the volume control is set to a minimum.


How to set speakers on your computer if they are already connected to it? The sound may not be due to the fact that the corresponding drivers are not installed on your PC. In order to determine if the required version of the drivers is installed:

  • Visit the Device Manager, which is located inside the control panel. You need a "sound, game and video devices" tab. If the audio card is connected to the computer, it should be displayed here.
  • If a yellow or red icon is standing opposite the devices, then the driver is faulty or is completely absent. We recommend using the Everest program. With it, you can find out the model of your board and download the necessary software For speakers.
  • It happens that the card is installed, but operating windows system It does not want to see her. The root of such a problem can be anywhere. It is possible that the device is faulty or incorrectly connected.

Important! Most the best way - It is cleaned by a system unit from dust and blow a slot. In other words, the problem is associated with the computer hardware, and if the cleaning does not help you, we recommend using the services of a specialist.

Other problems

If you still have not allowed the question, then read the other less frequent "sources" of sound problems:

  • You may have no codecs on personal Computer. Try to download and install "K-Lite Codec Pack". Included with codecs, you will also get a good player.
  • Incorrect BIOS setup. Try to restart the PC and click F2 or DEL while switching on. You will open the BIOS menu in which you want to find the "Equipment" tab (the name of the tab depends on bIOS version) And turn on the audio card if it has not been enabled. Save the settings and run Windows.
  • Viral files or malicious software. It happens that the virus prevents enjoying his favorite music. The solution here is quite simple - it is necessary to take advantage of any antivirus program.

Stock foot

This information should help you set the speakers on the computer. Do not hurry and be careful, then you will definitely succeed.

How to restore sound on your computer.

Imagine such a situation, you, as usual include a computer, but instead of a pleasant overflowing melody, only the hum of working system Block. No sound on your computer! What to do, why did the sound on the computer disappear? You, in the silence of your speakers, enter the Internet and enter the cherished question: "Why there is no sound on the computer." This article discusses the main causes and ways to eliminate them. You will find out the answer to your question, namely, step-by-step recovery of sound on the computer.

Here is such a question - why there is no sound? And where is the answer and some instruction to find it?


Why no sound on a computer?

The reason for the lack of sound on the computer can only be in the hardware or program environment. That is, you either have faulty components, or you have problems in the operating system settings or individual programs. It does not depend on the operating system. Similar incidents can happen to Windows XP, the sound can be lost in Linux and even in the newest system Windows 7. Character, headphones and sound card can be the most modern and expensive.

How to recover sound on your computer?

First of all, you need to find out the cause of the missing sound on the computer. You can do this in several ways, and you should start with the simplest.

So, the recovery of sound is stepdown. Each subsequent step will bring you closer to the result.

one). Try to restart the computer, it is possible that the sound will appear when the operating system starts. This is found.

2). Check if the plug of the speakers in the outlet is inserted. When disabled, plug the plug into the outlet.

3). Check the switch on the speakers, is not turned off. Turn on the sound on the speakers by turning the knob clockwise. There should be a LED on the column with the knob of the regulator (there are practically all models).

Whether the columns are included - usually the power light burns on one of them

four). View on the taskbar and find the speaker icon. It should not be crossed. If so, then turn on the sound simply by clicking on the "Enable Sound" button.

Disabled sound on the desktop. Put on the emblem

five). Check the level of speakers, it can be reduced to a full minimum - to zero. If the sound is eliminated, it is easy to raise the sliders to the desired level.

6). Check the performance of columns on any sound source. On the player, on the phone, on another computer. Another computer can be a laptop, yours or your comrade.

7). Check the device manager for unknown devices. Such a device is displayed with an exclamation icon. You can open the Device Manager so: Start -\u003e Control Panel -\u003e System and Security -\u003e In the Count "System" Find the inscription "Device Manager". All devices there should be in this window identified, there should be no exclamation marks. If there is such a badge, you need to install the driver to sound.

The reason for the non-working sound can be detected in the Task Manager

eight). Install drivers for sound. The sound processor can be built into the motherboard or be installed on a separate audible fee. Download drivers from the site manufacturer website or processor.

nine). Try inserting a well-running sound card to the system unit. You can take it in a comrade for a while. If the problem decides in this way, then try to do the next step or buy a new audio card.

10). Try to restore the previous recovery point in the operating system. In Windows 7 this software Located in the "Start -\u003e All Programs" menu -\u003e Standard -\u003e Office -\u003e Restore System.

When the sound disappeared, it is possible to restore the system from the recovery point. Suddenly the sound will appear.

eleven). Try reinstalling the operating system. And install sound drivers first, immediately after the drivers on the chipset motherboard. Equipment conflicts are possible. If the sound appears, then gradually install equipment and programs further. The sound may fall into the most unexpected moment. It may be a conflict or equipment, or a software conflict.

12). If nothing helps and the sound does not appear on the computer, the only option is to contact a specialist, or carry your computer to the service workshop.

What if there is no sound on a computer or sound bad?

Before you start something to act, remember what you did yesterday when the sound on the computer worked. What programs you were installed on a computer, perhaps the problem will decide if you delete it. Or maybe you deleted any the desired file. from a computer. If you didn't do anything like this, then do the steps above. Surely you will help you. You can also try to use the "Help and Support" section in the Start menu.

Certificate and Support Section - Music and Sound, will help to find and eliminate the cause of the lack of sound.

If the sound is quiet, scribals or something else, then try to do the manipulation with the sound tuning. And maybe you just added some kind of effect to the sound, which is why your sound on the computer goes like through the pipe, scrolls and hits.

If there is no sound only in some specific program, you need to watch the settings of this program. You can also simply reinstall the program, the sound will surely appear.

Do not fall into despair. Everything is solved, all in your hands. Today, you can buy a simple sound card rather cheap and afford any normal person.

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The main components of the computer's speaker system are the sound card and output audio device - speakers (columns) or headphones. Sound cards modern computers implemented in two main categories:

  1. integrated into the computer motherboard (on board);
  2. separate (discrete) sound cards installed inside the computer's system unit.

There are also cheap or very expensive (for professional musicians) external sound cards with a USB connector.

The widespread first option involves the splitting of the sound chip on the motherboard. The more expensive the last, the more good chip is used in it. But in this case, the sound quality in the onboard maps can not be called high, although it is quite satisfied by the ordinary users. The impact of interference near other elements of the system unit sometimes leads to the fact that the audio signal in such maps is distorted. In addition, in the event of a strong workload of the processor, the sound is stuttered.

Significantly higher audio quality accounts have discrete soundboards. The processing of the audio signal is produced by a specialized sound processor. The package of such a board includes special software that implements various acoustic effects. However, it should be noted that potentially high sound quality can be leveled by ordinary speakers or headphones. It is recommended, in particular, to use columns with a tree body.

Causes of sound disappearance

Sometimes after switching on or during operation, the sound may be lost. Why no sound on a computer? The cause of the disappearance or distortion may be malfunctions in its software or hardware components:

  • bad contact or failure of speakers or headphones;
  • incorrect settings of the parameters of the audio devices;
  • damage to drivers;
  • malfunction of sound or maternal (for onboard options) fees;
  • incompatibility with other programs or drivers;
  • incorrect BIOS settings;
  • impact of viruses.

The most simple ways of recovery

If the sound has just disappeared, then you should restart the computer. It happens that problems with sound is a consequence of a random failure. When saving the problem, make sure that the speaker speaker switch is turned on and not displayed. Then visually check the reliability of connecting the plug of columns (or headphones) to the corresponding (green) computer jack. Bad contact with the socket can also lead to hoarse sound. The performance of the speakers themselves can be checked with connecting to another sound source - player, smartphone, another computer.

In the entire lineup of the versions of the operating system - Windows 7/8/10, as in outdated Windows XP, there is a universal tool - "system restoration". It allows you to return the computer to working condition. If the sound was normal, for example, a day or a week ago, you can "scroll the clock back" and return to this state. The screenshot given below, the image of the consecutive windows, explains the return algorithm ("Control Panel" -\u003e System -\u003e "System Protection" -\u003e "Restore" -\u003e Choosing a recovery point -\u003e "Next"). After the automatic reboot of the computer, the sound must recover.

Setting up audiorameters

Inexperienced computer users for ignorance could turn off the sound from the taskbar (crushed speaker or the down slider). If so, then you need to restore it, as shown in the screenshot (to remove the shutdown, click on the speaker icon).

Then go to "Start" -\u003e "Control Panel" -\u003e "Administration" -\u003e "Services" and make sure that it is automatically launched and running windows service Audio; Otherwise, restart it.

To check the adjustment of the audiorameters, go through "Start" -\u003e "Control Panel" -\u003e "Sound" and make sure the green tick next to the used sound device. This means that the columns work. Otherwise, click on the "Properties" button,

then, in a new window, open the bottom list, select the term "use this device" and click OK.

Reinstalling drivers

In the performance of the audio card, you can make sure that the device manager: "Start" -\u003e "Control Panel" -\u003e "Device Manager". After opening the list "Sound, video and gaming devices»Availability of a model (Realtek High Definition Audio) and the absence next to a row of an alarm yellow exclamation mark means that everything is in order. If you press the right mouse button on this line, after which the "Properties", the "The device works normally" will appear in the new window.

Otherwise, you need to update or reinstall the driver. The same need sometimes occurs after installing a new partially incompatible device or program. To upgrade to press the right mouse button on the Realtek High Definition Audio line and click "Update Drivers" in the drop-down list.

The new window offers two ways to search for updated drivers with explanations.

In some cases, the effect is achieved only after removing the available driver (see Previous Screenshot) and new Installation from scratch. The Windows 7 operating system when rebooting must automatically install the missing driver (Plug and Play). If this did not happen, then necessary driver You can take from the disk attached by purchasing to a discrete sound card or to the motherboard. Finally, at the most extreme case, the driver can be found and download on the Internet on the site manufacturer's website or fees.

Sound or motherboard malfunctions

These faults are among complex and detected on special equipment of service workshops. However, if there is in the office or at home (for example, a neighbor) of the same computer, you can replace the suspected fee of the obviously good fee. After the verification produced in this way, the problem can be solved by buying a new board.

BIOS settings

It is possible that an inexperienced user, not wishing himself, turned off the integrated sound card in bIOS parameters. To turn on, you need to restart the computer, enter the settings (by pressing the DEL key before downloading the system), find the Onboard Devices Configuration section and replace the disabled on Enabled. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that in the case of using a discrete sound card, this option must be disabled.

No sound can be due to insufficient antivirus protection. In such cases, it is necessary to carefully check the entire computer, possibly with the involvement of other antiviruses. After detecting and removing viruses, drivers will most likely be reinstalled as described above.


Sequential application of the above recommendations will allow you to restore normal sound on your computer. Similar advice can also be obtained in other articles on search query "Why sound the sound of a computer".

The computer has long ceased to be exclusively an apparatus for work and calculations. Many users use it in entertainment purposes: watch movies, listen to music, play games. In addition, using PCs you can communicate with other users and trained. Yes, and working some users are best for musical accompaniment. But when using a computer, you can encounter such a problem as no sound. Let's figure it out than it can be called and how to solve it on a laptop or stationary PC with Windows 7.

The loss of sound on the PC can be caused by various circumstances, but all of them can be divided into 4 groups:

  • Acoustic system (speakers, headphones, etc.);
  • PC hardware;
  • Operating system;
  • Applications reproducing sound.

The latter group of factors in this article will not be considered, as this is the problem of a specific program, and not the system as a whole. We will focus on solving comprehensive sound problems.

In addition, it should be noted that the sound may be the abyss, both because of various breakdowns and failures and due to improper configuration of good components.

Method 1: Outfunctions of the speaker system

One of the frequent reasons why the computer does not reproduce the sound, are problems with the plug-in acoustics (headphones, speakers, etc.).

  1. First of all, perform the following calibration:
    • the speaker system to the computer is connected correctly;
    • whether the plug is included in the power supply network (if such an opportunity is envisaged);
    • whether the sound device itself is enabled;
    • whether the volume control is installed on the acoustics on the position "0".
  2. If there is such an opportunity, then check the performance of the acoustic system on another device. If you use a laptop with connected headphones or speakers, then check how the sound is played by the built-in speakers of this computer device.
  3. If the result is negative and the speaker system does not work, then you need to contact a qualified wizard or simply replace it with a new one. In case of other devices, it reproduces the sound normally, then it means that it is not in acoustics and we go to the following solutions to the problem.

Method 2: icon on the taskbar

Before looking for faults in the system, it makes sense to check if the sound on the computer is not turned off by regular tools.

But it is possible that there is no crushed circle, and there is no sound anyway.

There is also an option when the icon is simultaneously present in the form of a crossed circle and the volume control is lowered to the limit. In this case, you must alternately carry out both the above manipulation.

Method 3: Drivers

Sometimes the loss of sound on the PC can be caused by the problem with the drivers. They may be incorrectly installed or absent. Of course, it is best to reinstall the driver from the disk, which was supplied with a sound card installed on your computer. To do this, insert a disk into the drive and after running it to follow the recommendations that appear on the screen. But if the disk for some reasons you have no reason, then adhere to the following recommendations.

  1. Click "Start". Next, move to "Control Panel".
  2. Move in "System and safety".
  3. Further in the section "System" Go to subsection "Device Manager".

    Also in the Device Manager you can make a transition by entering the command in the tool field "Run". We call the window "Run" (Win + R.). We enter the command:

    Press Ok.

  4. The device manager window starts. Click on name Category "Sound, video and gaming devices".
  5. A list of where the name of the sound card is located, which is mounted in your PC. Click on it right mouse button and choose from the list "Update drivers ...".
  6. The window is started, which offers to make a choice, exactly how to perform a driver update: to automatically search on the Internet or specify the path to the previously downloaded driver located on the hard disk of the PC. Select option "Automatic search for updated drivers".
  7. The process begins automatic search Drivers on the Internet.
  8. If updates are found, they will immediately be installed.

If the computer fails to detect updates automatically, then you can search for drivers manually via the Internet.

  1. To do this, simply open the browser and vnue the name of the sound card installed on the computer. Then out search results Go to the web resource of the manufacturer of the sound card and download the desired updates to the PC.

    If there is an exclamation mark near the device name in the device manager, then it means that it works incorrectly.

    Method 4: Enable service

    On the computer, the sound may be missing and for the reason that the service responsible for playback is disabled. Let's find out how to enable it on Windows 7.

    1. In order to check the performance of the service and, if necessary, include it, go to the Service Manager. For this click "Start". Next click "Control Panel".
    2. In the window that opens, click "System and safety".
    3. Next go through item "Administration".
    4. The list of tools is revealed. Stop your choice on the name "Services".

      Manager Services can be opened in another way. Dial Win + R.. The window will start "Run". Enter:

      Press Ok.

    5. In the discontinued list, find the component called "Windows Audio". If in the field "Startup type" It is worth the value "Disabled", but not "Works"This means that the cause of the lack of sound lies just in the service stop.
    6. Click twice with the left mouse button on the component name to go to its properties.
    7. In the window that opens in the section "General" Make sure to in the field "Startup type" necessarily stood option "Automatically". If another value is installed there, then click on the field and from the dropping list, select necessary option. If you don't do this, then after restarting the computer, you will notice that the sound disappears again and the service will have to run manually again. Next, press the button on the button. Ok.
    8. After returning to the service dispatcher, highlight "Windows Audio" and in the left side of the window, make a click on "Run".
    9. The service startup process is performed.
    10. After that, the service will start working what attribute says "Works" in field "Condition". Also note that in the field "Startup type" The value was set "Automatically".

    After performing these actions, the sound on the computer should appear.

    Method 5: Check for viruses

    One of the reasons why sound is not played on the computer may be viral infection.

    As practice shows if the virus has already sneaks into a computer, the system scanning the system with a standard antivirus is ineffective. In this case, a special anti-virus utility with scanning and treatment functions, such as Dr.Web Creatit, can help. Moreover, the scanning is better to spend from another device, pre-connecting it to the PC, relative to which there are suspicions for infection. In extreme cases, if there is no ability to scan from another device, use the removable medium to perform the procedure.

    During the scanning procedure, follow the recommendations that will give an antivirus utility.

    Even if it is possible to successfully eliminate malicious codenot yet guaranteed to restore sound, as the virus could damage the driver or important system files. In this case, it is necessary to make the procedure for reinstalling drivers, as well as, if necessary, perform the restoration of the system.

    Method 6: Restore and reinstall OS

    In the event that none of the described methods gave positive result And you made sure that the cause of the problem is not in acoustics, it makes sense to restore the system from a backup or roll back to the recovery point created earlier. It is important that the backup and the recovery point be created before problems with sound started, and not after.

    If you have no recovery point on your computer, created before the sound failed, and there is no removable media with backupIn this case, you will have to reinstall the OS.

    Method 7: sound card malfunction

    If you accurately performed all the recommendations described above, but even after reinstalling the operating system, the sound did not appear, then in this case, with a large probability, it can be said that the problem is a malfunction of one of the hardware components of the computer. Most likely, no sound is caused by a breakdown of a sound card.

    In this case, you must either contact a specialist or independently replace the faulty sound card. Before replacing, you can pre-test the performance of the computer sound element, connecting it to another PC.

    As you can see, there are a lot of reasons why on the computer under windows control 7 may disappear sound. Before you begin to correct the problem, it is better to find out the immediate reason. If it cannot be done immediately, then try to apply various options for fixing the situation, according to the algorithm given in this article, and then check if the sound appeared. The most radical options (reinstalling the OS and replacement of the sound card) should be made in the latter queue if other methods did not help.