The windows 7 RAM is clogged. The physical memory of the computer is loaded, what should I do? Ways to clear computer memory

The free computer program described today (from a famous manufacturer) will help (perhaps) those users who always lack memory, who have little of it.

It's about - she will allow you on time clear the computer's RAM by defragmentation.

Personally, I think that such programs are a temporary and forced solution to the problem of shortage random access memory... Completely remove this question can only physically increase its volume (purchase of an additional RAM bar).

But not all users can afford to easily fork out for such an acquisition - RAM for a computer today costs decent money 🙁.

How to determine the lack of memory

Very simple. After starting the computer, it works smartly for some time, and then starts to "dull". Programs start to work slower and the browser barely turns over the pages of sites - the computer has little RAM.

Wise Memory Optimizer allows you to clear the computer's RAM by disabling unnecessary consumers, closing unnecessary background processes and defragmenting it.

Wise Memory Optimizer has a manual mode and an automatic mode - a program in the right moment(upon reaching the specified amount occupied memory) does the cleaning itself.

By the way, the manufacturers of this program are the same that have created excellent cleaners -.

Let's clear the RAM (: connie_13. Everything is very simple - run the downloaded (from the official link at the end of the article) and installed Wise Memory Optimizer ...

Go to the settings and set the Russian language ...

Every PC user who has reinstalled Windows at least once knows that immediately after installation the system works much faster than after several months of using it. This situation is primarily due to the fact that the computer's RAM, in simple terms, is clogged. Other factors also come into play, for example, the registry, which is clogged with "unnecessary" information. However, their role is irrelevant.

How to unload RAM?

1. Certain programs in the course of their work almost completely load the computer's RAM, and after they are closed, the memory is not unloaded. If a similar situation arises, simply restart your computer... In this case, the memory will be completely cleared, and the computer will start working much faster.

Important! As a rule, this situation indicates poor optimization of the software that loads the RAM. Its use is best avoided.

2. If the RAM is constantly clogged, then you should take a look at which processes do not allow programs to function in normal mode. To do this, run Task Manager(keyboard shortcut Ctrl + alt + del) and look at the " Processes". Here we will see which programs consume the most RAM. In order to unload the RAM, we find the "gluttonous" process and click on the button " End the process ».

3. If the RAM is loaded by the program that is in the startup list, that is, it starts immediately after Windows starts, then it must be removed from there. Run the startup editing utility ( "Start" - "Run" and we type msconfig). In the window that appears, select the "" tab and remove unnecessary programs by unchecking the checkboxes.

Important! When unloading RAM, be careful not to terminate the processes necessary for the normal operation of the system, and also not to close programs with unsaved parameters.

Many computer users experience a decrease in the speed of its work after a certain period after turning it on. The reason for this is program fragments that clog up RAM - random access memory. By cleaning up all that is unnecessary, you will increase the speed of your PC or laptop, sometimes significantly. Below are some ways to clean up the RAM of your Windows 7 computer.

Remember: the user does not have access to all of the computer's RAM. Part of it is used by the services of the operating system and sometimes by the video card. Only the remaining volume is intended for processing the data of the software launched by the user, and it should be cleaned.

Most efficient way clear RAM - disable all programs and leave only the one with which you are working. This solution is especially effective when the computer has a small amount of RAM.

RAM usage statistics can be viewed in the Task Manager in the "Performance" tab. It starts by simultaneously clamping Ctrl keys, Alt and Delete or Ctrl, Shift and Esc. By opening the specified tab, you can see the used and free RAM. Usually, free memory always a little. The "Applications" tab displays running programs that must be closed to clear the RAM, so it can be cleaned.

The "superfluous" processes include program agents that do not perform any useful functions, except for monitoring the Internet resources of their developers for the availability of fresh updates. You can disable them using the utility included in the basic set Windows programs... It is launched by the "Start" button and by entering the name msconfig in the search bar at the bottom of the window that appears. By clicking on the found result, in the "Startup" tab, remove all unnecessary checkboxes and restart your computer.

Third party software

Several utilities from this list will help to increase the speed of your computer:

  1. RAM Memory Cleaner and Optimizer. Frees up RAM instantly when your PC slows down.
  2. MemoryCleaner. Works in the background. In each case of a shortage of RAM, the program deletes empty blocks and defragments the RAM, thereby freeing it up.
  3. VC RamCleaner. Checks memory for broken fragments. In a few seconds it frees them up, increasing the performance of your PC or laptop.
  4. CleanMem. Removes idle program fragments from RAM.
  5. nCleaner. Utility for complex OS maintenance. Among other functions, it defragments the RAM and optimizes its work.

All of these programs are free and do not take up much memory space. Their use is guaranteed.

Other ways

  1. Disable Windows Defender. If an antivirus is running on your computer, its work by the Defender is only duplicated, taking up space in the RAM. Launch "Control Panel" from the "Start" menu, find "Windows Defender" - "Programs" - "Settings" - "Administrator". Uncheck the box "Use this program" and confirm your choice by clicking the "Save" button.
  2. Disconnection Windows Aero... The shell that makes every Windows operating system, starting with Vista, so beautiful is also resource intensive. On the Control Panel, in the "Counters and Performance Tools" tab, there is an item for configuring visual effects. Select "Provide best performance" and confirm your choice.
  3. Adding hardware memory. If all of the above methods are of little help, you may need to think about buying an additional stick of RAM. Please note that you should install in a free slot the RAM of the same size and type. To find out for sure which memory is installed, you can use a special utility - for example, Everest.

The stability and productivity of a personal computer depends on its configuration. A significant role in this is assigned to random access memory. It, no less, determines the performance of a computer, acting as a kind of intermediary between the central processor and a hard disk or other storage medium. Let's figure out how to properly clean RAM or physical memory on a Windows PC.

Types of computer memory

Computer memory is a system that includes various special storage devices that interact both with each other and with the central processor.

Physical random access memory (RAM) is a volatile part of the system that is used to temporarily store readable software code and any other input or output data that is then processed by the processor. Its functions are implemented using random access memory (RAM) in the form of a technical strip with microcircuits inserted into special paired sockets on the motherboard. The information accumulated in the RAM modules is lost when the computer is turned off. Therefore, this type of memory is called operational. Its volume today is calculated in gigabytes. Usually these are 2 GB or more. The operation of a computer running Windows 7 without installed RAM modules included in the common logical chain is impossible.

Installing sticks of RAM in the slots intended for it

When there is a shortage of RAM, a virtual one is used, which allows you to automatically redistribute the load by moving parts of the applications being executed to the area allocated for these purposes on the hard disk. Physical read-only memory (ROM) is used for long-term storage of information that is retained even when the computer is turned off. In this case, the entire array of information is located on a hard disk with Windows 7 installed. Data can also be stored on any other media (flash drives, dvd disks).

There is also video memory built directly into the video card. With its help, an image is formed on the monitor screen.

Checking physical memory (PAM) load

The increased load on the RAM can slow down, and in some cases even freeze the computer. In the event of instability, you should figure out which operating processes are using resources. Use the standard combination Ctrl + Shift + Esc to open the "Task Manager". In the window opened through the "Processes" menu item, you can see how and in what volume the RAM is consumed. And its total consumption as a percentage is reflected on the right at the very bottom of the open window.

Memory consumption by worker processes in Windows 7

The "Performance" tab shows the allocated RAM (in appropriate units) for running threads and processes, the amount of available, cached, free memory, a chronological graph of its use, and also presents the kernel data.

The "Performance" tab displays detailed information on the allocation of RAM

RAM cleaning method

Reducing the amount of memory consumed in all cases of increased load, leading to slowdowns in Windows 7 is an effective way to troubleshoot emerging problems. To do this, you should perform a series of actions to clear the RAM and optimize its performance.

Closing unused programs

Everything open applications can be identified by the icons located at the very bottom of the "Desktop". They are also shown in the "Task Manager" on the "Applications" tab. To close unused in this moment of the program process, it is necessary to remove the task, having previously marked the application with the mouse. This method is especially useful when some programs freeze, for example, such as Word or Excel. But closing applications like this is an emergency and should only be used as a last resort.

Disable frozen or unused applications to free up RAM

Stopping background processes

Closing many programs does not always lead to their complete stop. Many background processes continue to run. This is especially true for torrents and similar similar software. Often, such applications deliberately leave running processes in the operating system even after the program is closed. You can stop them on the "Processes" tab in the "Task Manager". And on the Services tab, you can stop the default services that are not used by the system, but consume resources. This will deactivate the associated background processes.

It should be borne in mind that after restarting the system, all changes made will be lost. To prevent this from happening, you should disable unused services on the appropriate tab in the "Administration" section, opened through the control panel. Select the "Disabled" startup type via the context menu.

Selecting the service startup mode

Table: Allowed to Disable Services

Service to be switched off Name
Remote registry - used for remote administration system registry. RemoteRegistry
Offline files - controls the logging in and out of the system using the API. Used on rare occasions. CscService
Tablet PC Service - An ink function on tablet PCs. TabletlnputService
Error logging - creating and sending reports in case of software failures. WerSvc
IPsec key modules - providing additional security for corporate networks. IKEEXT
A client providing control of link changes - control of movement of NTFS files. TrkWks
Windows Search is a file indexing service that provides faster file searches. Disable if you don't use search all the time. Wsearch
The parental control service is a kind of stub without any program load. ParentalControl
IPSec Policy Agent - the service is used very rarely, and even then only by specialists. PolicyAgent
KtmRm - Coordinates the kernel transaction flow and MS DTC. KtmRm
IP Supplementary Service - IPv6 Tunneling Method. iphlpsvc
Print Manager - If no printer is available, disable the service. Spooler
Secondary entrance on Windows - processes can be started by any third-party user. seclogon
Fax - If you do not plan to send or receive faxes, disable the service. Fax
Windows Defender - if antivirus software is installed, then the service is not required. WinDefend
Windows Firewall - Disable when installing alternative software. MpsSvc
Remove Smart Cards - Leave the service enabled only when using smart cards. SCPolicySvc
Provide adaptive dimming - dims only when a light sensor is present. SensrSvc
Platform Module Services - Used when TMP and / or BitLocker chips are installed. TBS
Server - turns on only when using a PC as a server. In other cases, you can turn it off. LanmanServer
Bluetooth support - if you are not using Bluetooth, then disable it. bthserv

It is also possible to stop and then disable the service through the command line. To open it, enter the Win + R keyboard combination and run the cmd command. Next, on the command line, write and execute net stop or sc stop and then sc configstart = disabled.

Stopping Windows 7 Services via Command Prompt

Optimization of application startup mode

V Windows configuration 7 contains a useful function that allows you to load programs in automatic mode along with the start of the system. Many applications are initially configured to use startup. But this is not always necessary, because every program launched in this way takes up some of the RAM resources. Enter the Win + R combination from the keyboard and run the msconfig command. In the window that opens, on the Startup tab, uncheck those applications that do not need to be launched automatically and save the settings.

There is an opinion among users of computer technology that there is never a lot of RAM ... And you cannot argue with that, dear reader, especially when it comes to modern machines whose hardware configuration corresponds to solid characteristics, and the Windows system installed on a PC is 64 -bit version. However, the "painful" problem of many - "the physical memory of the computer is loaded, what to do" - still continues its inglorious existence, baffling the average user and sometimes forcing an experienced computer guru to puzzle over the solution of the problem "lack of RAM". However, we will not get involved in the intricacies of "operational misunderstandings" and will resort to simple, but nevertheless effective methods of diagnosing and optimizing the computer system swap. Well, the article promises to be memorable. RAM Secrets Await To Be Revealed!

Help, the physical memory of the computer is loaded!

What to do and how to deal with it? Probably, these are the questions that come to mind of the user when he becomes an involuntary witness of a monstrous lethargy. operating system Windows.

  • With each subsequent turn on of the PC, the launch of the OS slows down and slows down.
  • The clickability of the operating system at startup and during use becomes unbearable due to the "long-playing process of waiting".
  • Once "flying" applications, to put it mildly, take a long time to start.
  • Incomprehensible service messages attack the monitor with their "unobtrusive" presence.

In general, any of the above scenarios (not to mention their complex manifestation) can quickly drive any user crazy. But not everyone "waiting" understands that all of the above may be the result of our own omissions. And hardly an ordinary user generally knows how to make sure that the physical memory of a computer is loaded?

What to do first if the PC has lost performance?

Of course, first of all, you need to diagnose the system. Moreover, everything necessary for this is provided in advance by Microsoft developers. Well, it's time to move on to the practical part of our story.

  • Click on the taskbar (the lowest area of ​​the screen) with the right mouse button.
  • Select "Dispatcher ..." from the drop-down list.
  • Once in work area service window of the same name, use the "Performance" tab.

  • A visually presented graph will allow you to estimate the RAM. If you have Vista or a later version of Windows installed on your PC, then the value of the used memory should not exceed 70-75% of the total value of the physical swap. Otherwise, it is necessary to unload the RAM-area.

Memory problems start from the start of the OS

When you observe that the physical memory of the computer is 80% or more loaded, pay attention to autoload. Most likely, at the moment Windows starts, the mentioned service activates many background applications and various software. It is often for this reason that the RAM is overloaded, literally "torn apart" between the requests of multiple programs to allocate the amount of memory they need to work. However, it is quite easy to fix such an unpleasant situation.

  • In the search bar of the Windows start menu, write the command "msconfig".
  • After pressing the "Enter" button, you will be taken to the "System Configuration" service menu.
  • Activate the "Startup" tab and edit the priority list of the launched software.

You will be surprised at how fast your OS will boot after a system restart. Nothing prevents you in practice from making sure that the problematic situation, when the physical memory of the computer is loaded on Windows 7, will be exhausted after you remove all unnecessary from startup.

How to Clean Up RAM: Two "Fundamental" Optimizations

Let's start with the main thing - you need to disable unused software. As a rule, in order to see which programs are running in the background, you need to look into a special area of ​​the OS - the system tray - and directly from there (by hovering the marker over the object and clicking the right button) deactivate the selected software. It may well be that immediately after you implement the proposed recommendation, the question "The physical memory of the computer is loaded, how to clean it" will be completely resolved. After all, some running applications are incredibly "gluttonous" in terms of the use of system RAM resources.

Another way to free up memory

So, in order to see which programs or utilities "secretly" consume the kilo- and megabytes of RAM you need so much, do the following:

  • Press the Alt + Ctrl + Del key combination.
  • After you get into the service window you already know, open the "Processes" tab.
  • Analyze the presented list and use the manual correction method to turn off background application which you do not need at the moment.

However, do not rush to deactivate "aggressive items", as disabling some critical Windows services can adversely affect the overall state of stability of your OS.

"Miracle" - RAM optimizers

When the physical memory of the computer is loaded to 90 percent (from the previously presented section of the article, you learned that such a value is a deviation from the norm), some of the users rush to clear the RAM area using various utilities. However, not many of them realize that this kind of RAM optimization is a waste of time, since they do not contribute anything concrete to the solution of the problem. The "promising functionality" of such optimizers only creates the illusion that memory is being freed, while introducing some difficulties into the OS ... Be sure: manual method much more effective and more expedient to carry out than imaginary "help" from third-party developers. By the way, we advise you to just forget about this (second) method of RAM optimization ...

Malicious code and methods of its detection

Often the user asks himself the question: "The physical memory of the computer is loaded: a virus or not?" This problem is especially acute when all of the above actions were implemented in practice. What's the matter and why does RAM keep losing its working potential? Let's figure it out.

  • Download one of the antivirus utilities from the Internet: Dr.Web CureIt !, Malwarebytes Anti-Malware or HitmanPro.
  • After the running application finishes scanning the system, the infected objects will be cleaned, and malicious viruses will undergo the deletion process.

It should be noted that the traditional antivirus installed on your PC is not always able to fully protect your system from penetration and subsequent negative impact of one or another "digital infection". Therefore, it makes sense to check your OS using the above utilities.

When the amount of RAM corresponds to the concept "NOT TOO"

If you work in "Word" and at the same time listen to music using an Internet browser, and see that the physical memory of the computer is loaded by 77%, there is no cause for concern. But if things are different, it makes sense to consider the problem from a technical point of view and ask some questions: how many RAM modules are installed on your PC and what are their nominal "capabilities"? It is worth noting an important fact: depending on the version of the Windows system used, the requirements for the amount of RAM can vary from 256 MB to 2 GB (only for the "needs" of the operating system itself). Well, if you nevertheless decided to use a resource-intensive program on a computer with limited RAM, then it's time to think about expanding

Summing up

So, we can say with some certainty that the once difficult situation for you "the physical memory of the computer is loaded, what to do" has now been resolved. Nevertheless, one important "operational" moment is still worth mentioning.

  • If you are using Windows Vista, 7th OS or more later versions product, then if you have insufficient RAM, you can try disabling the Superfetch service.

And the last thing: do not miss the opportunity to upgrade your PC - adding an additional RAM module will significantly expand the functionality and "combat capability" of your computing equipment. Don't let your computer fall into unconsciousness!

Random access memory is the most important component of any computer or laptop. To a greater extent, it determines the speed of the device and, accordingly, the more RAM is installed on the computer, the better and easier it will work. You can increase the performance of your computer by increasing the physical amount of memory, but in Windows 7 you can do the same thing in a few different ways, for example, clean it.

What is RAM, physical and video memory

All operations with information are carried out CPU computer, and he does this only with the one contained in the random access memory. A lot of different information is loaded here, including intermediate results of various calculations and current data. Literally all operations performed by a computer imply access to RAM and its subsequent use. Thus, we can draw a simple conclusion - everything that you do on the computer, one way or another, can consume RAM resources. This makes it clear why computers with small amount RAM performance is much worse than other resource-intensive devices.

In addition to random access memory, there are several other types of memory, these are physical and video memory.

If you take a look at the system indicators that display the amount of RAM, then you will probably be surprised, because there will be a slightly smaller amount than you installed. The system automatically reserves a certain amount of RAM for the functioning of the central processor. As a rule, this volume is not very large, but it is mandatory for the work of the "brain" of a personal computer. This part is called the physical memory of the device.

Each video adapter has its own memory. In fact, this is the same RAM, only installed on separate component computer, which performs the function of transferring the image to the monitor. Unlike traditional RAM strips, each of which the PC owner can independently replace (add, remove some or replace them), video memory is non-removable. As a result, it is possible to increase the amount of such memory only by replacing the old video adapter with a new one or by purchasing an additional video card.

How to see what the RAM is doing

The Windows 7 operating system can show the user information about what is in this moment time is occupied by the computer's RAM. All this can be viewed independently, without additional tools, using the system, built-in capabilities. The "Task Manager" will help users with this. It can be opened in two ways: Press the Ctrl + Alt + Del key combination on the keyboard and select the Task Manager application in the menu that appears. Right-click on the "Taskbar" and select "Task Manager" there.

By default, the program automatically opens the "Performance" tab to the user. Here you can see the workload of the central processor at the current time, how much it is used. running programs and also take a look at the chronology of physical memory usage. In some cases, this may be necessary. However, this is only a loading graph. individual elements systems, and users can find more accurate and detailed information in the "Processes" tab.

The "Processes" contains all information about running applications on the computer, including even those processes that appeared as a result of failures. In the leftmost column, you can see the name of the process, in the penultimate one, the amount of RAM occupied by this or that process, and in the far right - detailed description... Thus, you can look at the table and sort all processes, for example, by the amount of consumed resources and, if necessary, terminate them.

How to free up computer memory

RAM is often a scarce resource for many applications. The user launches some of them quite consciously, while others begin to work at the “will” of the system or because of autoloading. Do not forget that there are such applications that deliberately harm the device, can consume a significant part of system resources - malicious software. Be that as it may, they all consume RAM, so the user needs to regularly clean up the RAM.

Close unnecessary programs and applications

The easiest way to clear RAM is to disable various programs and applications.

In this way, you can free some of the physical memory. All active programs and applications are displayed by the Windows 7 operating system in the form of special icons located at the bottom of the screen, on the "Taskbar". Thanks to the new Aero interface, which appeared in Windows Vista, the user can easily view the working view of the windows. Thus, you can understand in which windows important, unsaved information has remained. All those applications that you do not need now, you can disable and increase performance, free up computer memory, and for this, just click on the cross located at the top of the active window.

We should also mention the work of web browsers. The point is that each new inset that you open in a browser represents a separate process for the system. Thus, if the number of such tabs is large, and the amount of RAM, on the contrary, is small, then the performance of your computer will deteriorate significantly. If you don't need the browser at all now, then close it completely. If you only need some separate tabs then leave them and take away the rest. For example, it often happens that users enter a query into a search engine and leave this tab open. It will also use system resources, so make sure that all those tabs that you do not need are disabled.

If necessary, users can use the "Task Manager" to disable active applications. This will require:

All active tasks will be displayed here, including those that cannot be closed by simply clicking on the "cross" in the right upper corner windows (hung applications). Try to use this method only when some programs on your computer are frozen and do not respond to actions.

Remember, it's best not to overuse this way of disabling apps. In this case, this is an emergency shutdown of the program and, of course, some data may not be saved. In addition, disabling this way can cause problems the next time you start the application.

Closing background processes and services

Some types of programs and applications run in the so-called background and consume RAM. As a rule, they do not have an active window. Their entire interface is either minimized to tray, or is not visible at all. However, this does not mean that they do not consume system resources. Often they are the reason for a decrease in the performance of a personal computer, a deterioration in its performance. Therefore, it is recommended to check all processes at least occasionally. To do this, you should:

All active processes will be displayed here. Be careful not to disable system processes, as this can lead to problems in the operation of the computer. If you have no idea what exactly can be disabled and what cannot, then take a look at the name of the process itself. Typically, it is identical or very similar to the application name. If you see familiar, unnecessary processes, then feel free to turn them off.

PC users rarely pay attention to running services. They, along with other applications and processes, consume resources, namely, they take up the physical memory of the computer. Some of the services are system services, disabling which can lead to problems, but there are also those that can be disabled without problems. You can view a list of all services running on your computer as follows:

As soon as you click on "Services", a special window will open, where complete information about a particular service on your computer will be displayed. You can no doubt disable the following types of services: "IP Helper", as it is simply useless on home computer and has no practical value. "Secondary login" - it is desirable to disable it for security reasons. The Changed Links Tracking Client is a service that the average user will not need at all. "SSDP Discovery" - you need to enable only if you have devices connected to your computer via SSDP protocol. "Windows Search (Windows Search)" - the service is necessary only if you are actively using the search on your computer. Fax — The service can only be left active if you are using your computer as a fax.

Cleaning up startup options

Autoloading is performed immediately after starting the graphical shell. In this case, all programs and applications included in the startup list will be loaded into the computer's RAM according to the list. Typically, various anti-virus applications are written here to ensure the user's safety while working on the network, mail applications (instant messengers), browsers, as well as malicious programs, provided that they are on the computer and have not been recognized by any anti-virus software. If the user does not regularly check the Startup settings, then over time, many unnecessary applications may accumulate there, which will partially consume RAM resources.

Most effective method cleaning startup is to change the system configuration. To start it, you should:

All programs and applications that start automatically with your operating system will be displayed here. You can disable all unfamiliar names without any problems.

Please note that the "Startup" may contain system utilities, the disabling of which may lead to malfunctions during the operation of the computer. Therefore, be careful.

Restarting Windows Explorer

You can free up a small part of the RAM if you restart the process Windows Explorer. It is nothing more than a user interface (start menu, windows, etc.). First you have to disable it, and then re-register it in a special line and run. This will free up some of your RAM. To do this, you will need to do the following:

After that, the entire operating system interface should disappear, but don't worry - everything goes as it should. The next step is to restart the process:

All the icons, the interface will immediately return to their place, and at the same time some part of your computer's RAM will be freed.

Regedit command

You can free up a small part of the memory using the regedit command - cleaning the system registry. This will require:

A special window of the registry editor will appear, where you have to navigate through it to find:

All of these directories contain shortcuts software, which starts automatically, without user intervention. They are located in the section to the right.

Be careful, as changing the data in the registry requires some skill and care. Removing important system components can cause your computer to malfunction.

Removing malware

Slightly above it has already been said that some varieties malware can only consume system resources. Others, less dangerous, simply use RAM for their work. In any case, it is necessary to fight these misfortunes in order to return the computer to its previous state. Antivirus software can be used to detect and remove malicious software. Fortunately, today developers provide free versions with limited functionality, but even so they are fully capable of protecting your computer from outside threats. To scan and remove viruses, it is enough:

Cleaning the computer hard drive

The hard drive of a computer often has a tough time. It can store a huge amount of data, including those that are not used by any program or application. All this over time can lead to a deterioration in the performance of the computer. In addition, it is on the hard disk that a certain amount of space is pre-locked for storing the paging file, which is otherwise called virtual memory. The system resorts to using it in the event that the RAM resources are no longer enough. Then the information is written into virtual memory and subsequently everything necessary is taken from there, but for effective work it is necessary that the hard disk has a sufficient amount of free space. That is why experts recommend regularly removing unused programs, emptying the recycle bin, and getting rid of obsolete files. In addition, it is recommended to defragment hard disk... It will organize all the necessary files and folders into specific partitions on the hard disk, which will allow the system to find them much faster and easier in the future, without loading RAM or virtual memory. This can be done as follows:

Video: how to unload RAM

Special programs for cleaning RAM

If for some reason you are worried that you might harm your computer, for example, delete some required files or close system processes, you can use the software. It has all the necessary functionality for cleaning and unloading RAM.

Advanced SystemCare

This application is a whole set of settings for working with the operating system. With its help, users can clear the computer's RAM from unnecessary data. The developers supply this program in two variations - paid and free. In the first case, the functionality will be somewhat richer, but in the second you will get the same opportunity to unload RAM, and completely free of charge. It should be noted that in free version there are not the most pleasant "surprises" in the form of additionally installed programs. Therefore, during installation, you should specify "Custom installation" and remove all unnecessary things so as not to clog your computer even more. If you are an inexperienced user, you can change the interface to "Simplified". In the "Expert" mode, you can specify all the data that will be subjected to a thorough check. Change the parameters as you see fit and click on the "Check" button. After this procedure is completed, click "Fix" and you will get the result you wanted.

It should be noted that in whatever mode you carry out the check, the extra information from the RAM will still be deleted by the program and you will free up a significant part of the RAM.

Wise Memory Optimizer

Wise Memory Optimizer is no longer such a professional program, but it still allows you to perform all the necessary manipulations with the RAM. It is free and has Russian localization, so anyone can easily download and install it on their Personal Computer... You don't need any special knowledge and skills to work with this utility. You can download the portable version of the program, which does not require installation, but performs all the same functions. To clear and unload RAM, just run the application and click on the "Optimize" button. After completing the procedure, it is advisable to restart your personal computer, and you will immediately notice how much faster and better it began to work.


This free application, along with others, allows the PC owner to optimize their own device, and not only by freeing up RAM. It can remove temporary and unnecessary files that are not used by any applications, delete data from the registry and clear information in RAM. To clear the RAM, just select the "Find Junk" item, click on the "Analyze" button and wait for the procedure to end.


This is one of the simplest utilities to clean up RAM. It does not have any third-party functions, therefore it takes up a minimum of hard disk space. In the application settings, the user can change the parameters for displaying processes, the program icon in the system tray, and change other insignificant parameters. Perhaps the most important feature of the program is that it will work in automatic mode... You do not have to regularly run a RAM check with your own hands. It will be embedded into RAM every thirty minutes, search for hidden and reserved data and unload them, and all this will happen automatically after installation.

VC RamCleaner

VC RamCleaner is an analogue of the previous utility. This is also a small and simple application used purely for cleaning and unloading RAM. After starting the utility, you will receive information about the maximum amount of RAM on the computer and the currently used one. Click on the Clean System Memory button, and you will immediately get the desired result after the cleaning procedure is completed. The procedure can be performed with your own hands or you can specify in the settings an acceptable time interval, after which the program will automatically re-analyze the system.


The program, like the others, has a simple interface, does not take up too much space on the hard drive and allows you to unload the RAM. After starting, it will be enough for you to click on the Start button, the verification and cleaning procedure will start. The results and history of checks can be viewed in the corresponding tab. The utility shows up-to-date information on the amount of RAM, the amount used and the amount cleared.

RAM Memory Cleaner and Optimizer

The same easy-to-use, small program that suits every user. After installation and launch, a window will appear where actual information by the consumed system resources at the current time. Despite the seeming simplicity of the utility, it allows you to free not only RAM, but also the central processor. To do this, just click on the Start Optimizer button. You can minimize the application to the tray and not complete the process, then the utility will systematically be introduced into the device's RAM and regularly free it from unnecessary information.

How not to clog the computer's RAM

In order not to clutter up the computer's RAM, it is enough to regularly monitor what programs you have open. If you don't need any running application now, then feel free to close it. Do not forget that each tab of the web browser also consumes RAM, so when surfing the web, try to remove those sites that you no longer need. Often, users forget to restart their computer, and such a simple procedure greatly contributes to the unloading of RAM. The last thing to mention in this case is to use an antivirus to prevent malware from entering your computer. Many viruses and worms consume a lot of RAM, which will have a negative impact on PC performance.

Video memory, by virtue of its specificity, does not need any specialized cleaning. The user will only need to restart the computer or reinstall the drivers for the graphics adapter.

How to clean virtual memory

Virtual memory is no less important than RAM. The device usually resorts to using it in the event that the RAM resources are already insufficient. Therefore, users are advised to regularly clean it. This can be done in two ways: using the "Control Panel" or "Editor group policy».

In the first case, you will need:

The current information about the virtual data of the computer will be displayed here. Change the parameters of the paging file using the "Set" button and specify the optimal value.

Remember that it should be no more than 50% of the RAM.

In the second case:

  1. Press the Win + R key combination on the keyboard;
  2. In the line displayed, enter the name of the gpedit.msc application;
  3. Go to the "Computer configuration" tab;
  4. Open "Windows Configuration" and select "Security Options" on the right;
  5. In the "Local Policies" folder, go to the "Security Settings" folder;
  6. In the list you need to find the option "Shutdown: clear the paging file of virtual memory" and run the parameters;
  7. The last step is to change the switch to the "On" position and confirm the changes.

Video: how to work with virtual memory

Manually or with the help of additional utilities, each user can free up a significant part of the RAM and increase the speed of his own computer, optimize it and continue to work without crashes and freezes. Regular cleaning and unloading of RAM will bring great results.

It is possible to ensure high performance of the system and the ability to solve various tasks on a computer if you have a certain amount of free RAM. When the RAM is loaded by more than 70%, significant system braking can be observed, and when approaching 100%, the computer generally freezes. In this case, the issue of cleaning the RAM becomes relevant. Let's find out how to do this with using Windows 7.

Random access memory, stored in random access memory (RAM), is loaded with various processes that are launched by programs and services running on the computer. You can view their list in "Task Manager"... You need to dial Ctrl + Shift + Esc or by right-clicking on the taskbar ( PKM), choose "Start Task Manager".

Then, to view images (processes), go to the section "Processes"... There a list of currently running objects opens. In field "Memory (private working set)" indicates the amount of RAM in megabytes, occupied accordingly. If you click on the name of this field, then all elements in "Task Manager" will be arranged in descending order of RAM space they occupy.

But some of these images are not needed by the user at the moment, that is, in fact, they work idle, only taking up memory. Accordingly, in order to reduce the load on RAM, you need to disable unnecessary programs and services that match those images. These tasks can be solved both with the built-in Windows toolkit and using third-party software products.

Method 1: using third-party software

First of all, let's look at a way to free up RAM by using third-party software. Let's find out how to do this using the small and handy Mem Reduct utility as an example.

  1. After loading installation file run it. The welcome window of the installation will open. Push "Next".
  2. Next, you need to agree with license agreement by clicking "I Agree".
  3. The next step is to select the application installation directory. If there are no important reasons to prevent this, leave these settings at the default by clicking "Next".
  4. Next, a window opens, in which, by installing or unchecking the checkboxes opposite the parameters "Create desktop shortcuts" and "Create start menu shortcuts", you can install or remove the program icons on the desktop and in the menu "Start"... After making the settings, press "Install".
  5. The application installation procedure is in progress, upon completion of which click "Next".
  6. After that, a window opens, informing that the program has been successfully installed. If you want it to be launched immediately, make sure that near the point Run Mem Reduct there was a check mark. Next press "Finish".
  7. The program starts. As you can see, it has an English-language interface, which is not very convenient for a domestic user. To change this, click "File"... Next choose "Settings ...".
  8. The settings window opens. Go to section "General"... In the block "Language" there is a possibility to choose the language that suits you. To do this, click on the field with the name of the current language "English (default)".
  9. Select the required language from the drop-down list. For example, to translate the shell into Russian, choose "Russian"... Then click "Apply".
  10. After that, the program interface will be translated into Russian. If you want the application to run together with the computer, then in the same section of the settings "Basic" check the box next to the parameter "Start at system boot"... Click Apply... Plenty of RAM space this program will not take.
  11. Then navigate to the settings section "Clearing memory"... Here we need a settings block "Memory management"... By default, the release is performed automatically when the RAM is 90% full. In the field corresponding to this parameter, you can, if you wish, change this indicator to a different percentage. Also, by checking the box next to the parameter "Cleaning every", you will run the function of periodically cleaning the RAM after a certain amount of time. By default, this is 30 minutes. But you can also set a different value in the corresponding field. After these settings are set, click Apply and "Close".
  12. Now the RAM will be automatically cleared after reaching a certain level of its utilization or after a specified period of time. If you want to clean up immediately, then in the main Mem Reduct window, just click on the button "Clear memory" or use a combination Ctrl + F1, even if the program is minimized to tray.
  13. A dialog box will appear asking if the user really wants to clean up. Push "Yes".
  14. After that, the memory will be cleared. Information on how much space was freed will be displayed from the notification area.

Method 2: using a script

You can also write your own script to free RAM, if you do not want to use third-party programs for these purposes.

  1. Click on "Start"... Move over the label "All programs".
  2. Select a folder "Standard".
  3. Click on the inscription "Notebook".
  4. Will start "Notebook"... Insert an entry into it using the following pattern:

    FreeMem = Space (*********)

    In this entry, the parameter "FreeMem = Space (*********)" will differ for users, since it depends on the amount of RAM specific system... Instead of asterisks, you must specify a specific value. This value is calculated using the following formula:

    The amount of RAM (GB) x1024x100000

    That is, for example, for 4 GB of RAM, this parameter will look like this:

    FreeMem = Space (409600000)

    And the general record will look like this:

    MsgBox "Do you want to clear RAM?", 0, "Clear RAM"
    FreeMem = Space (409600000)
    Msgbox "Cleanup of RAM completed successfully", 0, "Cleanup of RAM"

    If you do not know the amount of your RAM, then you can see it by following these steps. Push "Start"... Further PKM click on "Computer", and in the list, choose "Properties".

    The computer properties window will open. In the block "System" there is a record « Installed memory(RAM) "... Here opposite this entry is the value needed for our formula.

  5. After the script is written in "Notepad", you should save it. Click "File" and "Save as…".
  6. Window shell starts "Save as"... Change to the directory where you want to store the script. But we advise, for the convenience of launching the script, to choose for this purpose "Desktop"... Value in the field "File type" be sure to translate into position "All files"... In field "File name" enter the name of the file. It can be arbitrary, but it must end with the .vbs extension. For example, you can use this name:

    Clean up RAM.vbs

    After the specified actions have been performed, click "Save".

  7. Then close "Notebook" and go to the directory where the file was saved. In our case it is "Desktop"... Double-click on its name with the left mouse button ( Paintwork).
  8. A dialog box appears asking if the user would like to clear the RAM. Agree by clicking "OK".
  9. The script performs the freeing procedure, after which a message appears stating that the RAM cleanup was successful. To complete work with dialog box push "OK".

Method 3: disable autoload

During installation, some applications add themselves to startup via the registry. That is, they are activated, as a rule, in the background, every time the computer is turned on. At the same time, it is quite possible that in reality these programs are required by the user, for example, once a week, and maybe even less often. But, nevertheless, they work constantly, thereby cluttering the RAM. These are the applications that should be removed from autorun.

There is also another way to enable startup for programs. It is produced by adding shortcuts with a link to their executable file in a special folder. In this case, in order to reduce the load on the RAM, it also makes sense to clear this folder.

There are other ways to disable startup programs. But we will not dwell on these options, since a separate lesson is devoted to them.

Method 4: disable services

As mentioned above, the load of RAM is affected by various running services. They act through the svchost.exe process, which we can observe in "Task Manager"... Moreover, several images with this name can be launched at once. Several services correspond to each svchost.exe.

In the same way, you can turn off other services if you know for sure that they will not be useful to you or the system. More details about which services can be disabled are discussed in a separate lesson.

Method 5: manually clear the RAM in the "Task Manager"

RAM can also be manually cleaned by stopping those processes in "Task Manager" that the user considers useless. Of course, first of all, you need to try to close the graphical shells of programs in a standard way for them. You also need to close those tabs in the browser that you are not using. This will also free up RAM. But sometimes, even after externally closing the application, its image continues to function. There are also such processes for which a simple graphical shell is not provided. It also happens that the program hangs and you simply cannot close it in the usual way. It is in such cases that it is necessary to use "Task Manager" to clear the RAM.

But it is important to note that the user must necessarily be aware of which process he is stopping, for what this process answers, and how it will affect the operation of the system as a whole. Stopping important system processes can lead to incorrect work system or to an emergency exit from it.

Method 6: restarting "Explorer"

Also, a certain amount of RAM temporarily allows you to free up a restart "Explorer".

There are quite a few options for cleaning up the system's RAM. All of them can be divided into two groups: automatic and manual. Automatic suggestions are performed using third-party applications and self-written scripts. Manual cleaning is performed by selectively removing applications from startup, stopping the corresponding services or processes that load RAM. The choice of a specific method depends on the goals of the user and his knowledge. Users who do not have too much time, or who have minimal knowledge of the PC, it is recommended to apply automatic ways... More advanced users who are ready to spend time on spot cleaning of RAM prefer manual options for completing the task at hand.

Random access memory or RAM (from the English. Random Access Memory) is one of the most important components of a computer, which largely determines the speed of its work. Increasing the physical size or speed of memory can help improve performance, but you can achieve the same goal in Windows 7 in less costly ways. Often times, good money, cleaning and professional care are more beneficial than buying new RAM sticks.

What is the difference between the types of memory: RAM, physical, video memory

The central processor of the computer performs its operations with data stored only in the main memory. The executable module is loaded into it, current data and intermediate results of calculations are also stored here. Almost every operation performed by a computer involves accessing RAM. It is for this reason that an insufficient amount of free RAM space leads to a slowdown, or even a complete stop of the system.

There are several approaches to classifying computer storage devices. Random access memory got its name from high speed work and dependence on external sources energy. Any power failure leads to the reset of the RAM data, therefore ROM (read-only memory) is used for long-term storage of information - non-volatile, but slower. With the development of technology, this division becomes largely arbitrary, since the speed of modern ROMs, for example, solid-state disks, is comparable to the speed of RAM. In addition, for a more economical use of RAM, Windows 7 uses a reserved part of the hard disk, called "virtual memory".

Part of the RAM is constantly used to display the image on the monitor. These are resource-intensive and similar operations, so the manufacturers considered it justified to physically allocate part of the RAM for these purposes. Unlike traditional strips of RAM, which can be replaced with others, the allocated part is non-removable, therefore it got its own name: "video memory".

Sometimes the term "physical memory" is used to refer to random access memory, that is, not video memory or virtual memory. The presence of this particular part of the RAM unoccupied is critical for the operation of the central processor.

How to see what the RAM is doing

Windows 7 provides detailed information about what the RAM is doing with the Task Manager tool. This program can be called different methods, one of which is the Ctrl + Shift + Esc hotkeys.

The "Task Manager" utility by default opens the "Performance" tab, where you can immediately see the load and free amount of physical memory, as well as the number of running processes that consume it. More detailed information can be found in the "Processes" tab.

The system, user-launched applications, background programs, and even malfunctions spawn processes that consume some of the RAM (second column from the right). The rightmost column gives short description the corresponding process, although it is far from always clear.

How to clean your computer's RAM

RAM is a scarce and desirable resource for many applications. Some of them are launched by the user deliberately, others fall at the request of the system or are included in the startup, others penetrate against the owner's wishes, and some, like viruses, deliberately harm him. Therefore, it is necessary to put things in order in this matter, sequentially cleaning each category.

Close unnecessary programs and applications

The easiest and most painless way to free some amount of physical memory is to close unused applications. Windows 7 shows all unclosed programs as icons on the bottom panel of the screen, and the branded Aero interface allows you to quickly view the appearance of their working windows. It is better to close everything that is not needed during the current session to increase performance.

You should also pay attention to browsers. As a rule, their interface is built in the form of a set of tabs, each of which is perceived by the system as a separate process that requires the consumption of resources. By closing unused tabs, we free some of the memory.

The task manager also contains a list running applications, which is located in the corresponding tab.

In this window, you can also exit any program, but this should not be overused. An abnormal interruption of the application can lead to the loss of unsaved data, as well as to some problems the next time it is launched. In addition, Windows 7 may not always correctly recognize all dependent processes, some may remain in RAM, wasting computer resources uselessly. However, shutting down an application using the Task Manager becomes a better tool when the program is frozen and unresponsive. In this case, you should use the "End task" option without a doubt.

Stop background processes and services

Some programs (for example, torrents) intentionally leave some of their processes in memory, consuming computer resources in the background. Therefore, after closing them, it is better to check the "Processes" tab of the "Task Manager" Windows again and delete everything unnecessary.

Not all active Windows 7 services are required by the user, so some of the physical memory can be freed by stopping some of them.

Table: list of services that can be stopped

Service Why can you remove
KtmRm for Distributed Transaction Coordinator
Offline files
IPSec Policy Agent
Adaptive brightness controlUseful for saving battery only if there is a light sensor.
Windows firewall
Computer browserThe network service is not needed in the absence of a network.
IP HelperUseless on a home computer.
Secondary loginMust be disabled for security reasons.
Print managerThe service is only needed if you have a printer.
Access to HID devicesThe service is needed only if there are devices connected via USB ports.
Windows defenderCan be removed if antivirus is installed.
Changed links tracking client
IPsec Key Modules for Internet Key Exchange and Authenticated IP
NetBIOS HelperThe network service is not needed in the absence of a network.
SSDP detectionThe service is needed only if there are devices connected via the SSDP protocol. Better to disable it for security reasons.
TPM Core ServicesThe service is only needed if you have TMP or BitLocker-based control devices.
Windows SearchIt is only needed for a very active search on the computer.
Parental ControlUseless service.
ServerThe network service is not needed in the absence of a network.
Tablet PC Input ServiceOnly needed if you have handwriting devices.
Download service Windows images(WIA)The service is only needed when using digital cameras and scanners.
Bluetooth support serviceOnly needed when connecting devices via Bluetooth.
Error Logging ServiceThe service is not needed by a regular user.
Smart cardOnly needed if smart card based monitoring devices are available.
Remote registryThe service is not needed by a regular user. Better to remove for security reasons.
FaxThe service is only needed when using a computer as a fax.

Windows "Task Manager" shows all available system services in the tab of the same name. To stop, you need to find the desired name in the list, then use the right mouse button and go to the "Stop service" option in the window that appears.

Stopping a specific utility only affects the current session. A reboot will allow the system to restart all services stopped in this way.

Cleaning "Startup"

An effective way to remove extra programs from the "Startup" list is the editing of the "System Configuration". We press the combination "Win" (the button with the branded Windows icon) and R. In the "Open" line of the "Run" window that appears, write the msconfig command, and then press the "OK" button.

We remove unnecessary programs from the list by unchecking the mark in the left column. The changes will take effect only after a reboot, so after finishing editing, click "Apply", "OK" and reboot the computer.

Restarting Windows Explorer

Another way to free some of the RAM is to restart user interface Windows Explorer systems. To do this, you first need to disable it using the "Windows Task Manager". Press Ctrl + Shift + Esc, in the pop-up window go to the "Processes" tab and look for explorer.exe.

Press the on-screen button "End the process". The taskbar should disappear, as well as the desktop icons. Now you need to run the utility again. To do this, go to the "Task Manager" on another tab - "Applications" and click the "New task" button located in the lower right corner. In the small window that appears "Create a new task" in the "Open" input area, type explorer.exe.

Click "OK", restarting the application. The desktop icons and the taskbar are returned back, and some of the RAM was left unoccupied.

Regedit command

You can unload startup using registry editing. First, we call the editor, for which we press "Win" + R, and in the "Open" input area - the regedit command, and then press "OK".

The Registry Editor window is organized as a tree of sections. Moving along it, we sequentially find:

  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Run
  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ RunOnce
  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Run
  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ RunOnce

Each of them contains shortcuts to programs that start automatically. To remove an application from the Startup list, remove its shortcut from these sections.

Editing the registry requires certain user qualifications and caution, since careless removal of important components can disrupt the operation of the system.

The changes made will take effect immediately after the computer is restarted, and applications removed from "Startup" will no longer move to RAM without an invitation.

Virus removal

Insufficient physical memory can be caused by malware activity. It is necessary to install a good antivirus program with a fresh base of signatures. For a while, free virus scanners, which can be downloaded from the manufacturers' websites, can also help. For example, Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool.

Cleaning your hard drive

A portion of the hard disk space is used by Windows 7 to store the paging file, otherwise known as virtual memory. Applications loaded into RAM but not running for a while are unloaded and written to this file. This frees up additional physical memory. For this method to work effectively, you need to have sufficient free space on your hard drive. Therefore, you need to regularly delete unnecessary files, empty the trash can and uninstall unused applications. If your computer has a magnetic rather than solid-state HDD, you should regularly defragment, which is more convenient way organizes the storage of blocks of information and consolidates unallocated space.

Special programs for cleaning RAM

Advanced SystemCare

The Advanced SystemCare app is a flexible tool for customization Windows work, including by putting things in order with the RAM. The program is distributed in several configurations, including a free one, which can be downloaded from the manufacturer's website. As in many free apps, Full installation includes several promotional "gifts", so it is better to choose "Custom installation" and remove all unnecessary.

The application interface is made in an unusual "magic" style, which can be changed if desired, but everything is presented in an accessible and convenient way.

Advanced SystemCare can do everything on its own if the user does not want to delve into the details, for which the "Simplified Mode" is provided. More fine tuning is available in "Expert Mode".

Before starting work, you need to check, having previously marked (in the "Expert Mode") the investigated parameters.

Tab " Quick parameters»Also serves to customize the operation of the application and once again demonstrates the advantages of the paid version, in which there are much more possibilities.

Having set all the switches to the desired position, click "Apply", and then run the check. The app shows interim reports for the user's entertainment.

The results are presented a little dramatically, in red tones, but also very informative. Fortunately, you can click the big Fix button to fix any problems you find.

The green color of the final screen means that the system is free from the found problems.

Advanced SystemCare has many additional utilities, one of which (Smart RAM) is designed to manage RAM.

However, an ordinary user can work in a simplified mode, this will significantly improve the performance of the computer and clear the RAM. There is also a modification of the Advanced SystemCare Ultimate package that contains a built-in antivirus.

Mini-programs to optimize RAM performance

Wise Memory Optimizer

Wise Memory Optimizer is another free program that specializes in memory management. It is aimed at novice users, has a simple and intuitive clear interface... There is also portable version that does not require installation.


NCleaner is also free and takes up very little space. However, the app claims nearly a hundred options and cleaning tools, resource monitoring, download settings, major browser management, office applications and communicators.

The program removes temporary files, scans and fixes the registry, and also makes it possible to monitor and manage the state of RAM. An option is the ability to delete files from the hard drive without the possibility of recovery, which is important for sensitive or personal information.


The CleanMem utility is also designed to optimize memory performance, but it works according to a special algorithm. Every half hour, the program accesses the RAM, finds the blocks reserved but not used by other applications, and unloads them. CleanMem is also free and takes up very little space.

VC RamCleaner

VC RamCleaner is a miniature free program specially designed for cleaning RAM. In automatic or manual mode the application finds blocks of memory previously used by other programs that the system considers reserved and frees them.


MemoryCleaner is a slightly more functional, but also very small program for cleaning memory. Allows you to choose one of four optimization levels, has a memory status monitor, and can also start automatically.

RAM Memory Cleaner and Optimizer

RAM Memory Cleaner and Optimizer is a small program whose manufacturers also promise an instant release of RAM with all the positive consequences.

Video: how to unload RAM through Windows optimization (Mz RAM Booster program)

How not to clog the computer's RAM

In order not to clog up the RAM, you must follow a few simple rules:

  • Close unnecessary applications on a computer or laptop. Windows 7 allows you to quickly switch from one task to another, but unused applications take up a significant portion of your memory.
  • Close unnecessary windows in browsers. Browsers willingly open additional windows for the user, but sometimes their number becomes overwhelming for the system. It is better to close the unnecessary ones.
  • Reboot regularly. Such a simple action can remove frozen or "hidden" programs from RAM. In addition, restarting sometimes has a positive effect on the performance of applications.
  • Use antivirus. Excessive activity of malicious programs in RAM can be suppressed by an up-to-date anti-virus application.
  • Due to its specific nature, video memory does not require special cleaning procedures. Problems that arise are solved by rebooting, as well as updating the video card driver.

    How to clean virtual memory

    Virtual memory is essential for system stability. However, for various reasons, errors can accumulate in it, which causes the need for cleaning. Technically, this means deleting the paging file and re-creating it manually or every time you restart Windows.

    Using the "Control Panel"

    Press the "Start" button and select "Control Panel" in the right column.

    We are looking for the line “System” in the window “All elements of the control panel” and go to it.

    In the left part of the window that appears, there is the button we need " Extra options systems ".

    The System Properties window is organized in several tabs. We need "Advanced", or more precisely, one of the "Parameters" on-screen buttons, related to the "Performance" part. We select it.

    In the next window "Performance parameters" go to the "Additional" tab. This is the current total paging file size. Click "Change ..."

    The "Virtual memory" window gives a more detailed description of the paging file parameters.

    We remove the check mark from the item "Automatically select the size of the paging file", then in front of all disks set the switch "Without paging file" and click "Set".

    It remains only to press the "OK" button, and then reboot. The paging file will be deleted by the system. Now you need to do the same, but in the last window, return the marks and restore the creation of the file.

    Using the "Group Policy Editor"

    In this way, you can force Windows to clean up virtual memory on its own during the logout process. The paging file will be deleted regularly, but for the same reason it will take a little longer for the computer to shutdown.

    Press "Win" + R, in the entry position of the "Run" window, type gpedit.msc, then click on the "OK" button.

    In the "Local Group Policy Editor" window that appears, go to the "Computer Configuration" tab in the left third, then select "Windows Configuration".

    Select the "Local Policies" directory.

    Go to the folder also named "Security Settings".

    We are there. In the central third of the window there is a long list in which we are looking for "Shutdown: clearing the paging file of virtual memory", then activate the pop-up menu by pressing the right mouse button. Since we do not need "Help" now, we will stop at "Properties".

    In the window with the same name, switch the switch to "Enabled" and select "OK", saving the entered data.

    From now on, Windows will automatically clean up virtual memory when the system shuts down.

    Using the "Registry Editor"

    This method is faster, but requires some experience, since windows registry 7 is a very important element, it should be handled carefully.

    We call the "Registry Editor" using the already known Run window, but now we type regedit.exe at the input position.

    The registry is presented in the form of nested folders, moving along the tree of which you can get to the required parameter. We need ClearPageFileAtShutdown, which is located here: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Control \ Session Manager \ Memory Management.

    After we select the required directory, a list of parameters stored in it will be displayed in the window. Select ClearPageFileAtShutdown and right-click to open the pop-up menu.

    Click on the "Change ..." option, after which a small window "Change DWORD (32-bit) parameter" opens. The parameter must be changed from "0" to "1".

    It remains only to click "OK". Now the paging file will be cleaned by the system every time it finishes.

    Video: increasing RAM using a flash drive on a computer or laptop

    After editing the "Startup" list, the simplest way to clear the RAM is to reboot the system. Appropriate registry and Windows services settings will also add free RAM space. If these measures are not enough, you can try to rectify the situation with the help of specialized programs or expand the memory by using external drives.

    A lot of unnecessary things are spinning in the RAM of your computer, interfering with the work of the software you are using. We have collected five for you simple ways free up RAM to speed up the launch of the operating system and the operation of programs. Read the easiest way at the end of the article.

    Terminate unnecessary processes

    Every program that runs on your computer is a system process or a whole group of processes. Processes can work both explicitly (you yourself opened the program and use it) or in the background (the program independently creates processes for its work).

    Click on Ctrl + Alt + Delete and open the task manager. Look at the list of processes that are currently running in your RAM? Which ones are unnecessary? Usually these are various background software update services or programs "hanging" in the system tray that you do not use. Right click on the process and select Remove task... By removing unnecessary processes, you free up your RAM from them.

    Disable unnecessary startup programs

    Programs configured for autorun are launched when the computer is turned on, regardless of your wishes, and run in the background, taking up space in the computer's RAM. Remove Skype, uTorrent, and various driver update services from startup, and the memory will unload a little.

    To do this, type msconfig in the Windows search bar and open the Windows Configuration Utility. Go to the tab and uncheck (or right-click and select Disable in Windows 8.1) from programs that run in the background.

    Disable unnecessary services

    Windows services generally run independently of you - you don't even notice them. But at the same time, they take up their share of the RAM. If you are not using Bluetooth on your laptop, you can simply disable the corresponding service. Or turn off all services and manually install them.

    To do this, use the same utility msconfig... Go to the tab Services and uncheck any services you don't need. Be careful: you can disable the Windows system service, so before disabling, google what this or that service is for, and whether you can disable it. You can just check the box for fidelity "Hide Microsoft Services".

    Close unnecessary browser tabs

    If you have a habit of keeping fifty tabs open in your browser, get rid of it. And from pinned tabs that open with the browser - too. The more pages are open in your browser, the more memory it consumes.

    Especially if you have Google chrome... After all, Chrome creates a separate process for each tab, which "grabs" its share of the RAM. Move everything required pages bookmarks and open them as needed. Like this open tabs in Chrome consume memory:

    Use an app to clean up memory

    There is the most easy way clean the "RAM": special utilities who know how to determine what is superfluous in memory. They will handle for you if you are afraid or too lazy to work with services and processes on your own (but you still have to close the tabs in the browser yourself). For example, you can use the following utilities.