Where to disable the autorun programs in Windows. Setting up a Windows autorun in Windows

You noticed that over time, even the most powerful PC begins to work more slowly. Why is this happening? The reason is the software installed in the system that runs automatically after the start of the OS. To solve this problem, consider how to remove the autorun programs of Windows 7.

And whether it is necessary

What happens after the PC is turned on? System utilities and programs are loaded for which the automatic download is configured in the background. It can be: Skype, ICQ, antivirus. They are displayed in the system tray (near the clock).
What they are more, the longer the download occurs. The installed software works in the background, and may be demanding to system resources (RAM).

Why they automatically start

Some applications do it automatically. Invented by developers from such considerations:

  1. Be in touch. Refers to Skype, ICQ applications;
  2. Torrent clients to download files;
  3. Dropbox services, Google Drive. Automatic launch is needed to synchronize the cloud and data on the PC;
  4. Utilities controlling equipment. For example, software to switch the monitor operation modes, programs for working with a video card.

Consider in more detail where to disable the autorun programs in Windows 7

Do not disconnect the applications whose assignment do not know. This will lead to unstable operation of the system.

How to turn off the autorun programs in Windows 7

When using a popular software, the launch is turned off in the application settings. For example, in Skype, to do this, turn off the checkbox "Run at startup".

But not every program has such an opportunity. What to do? Consider popular methods

Disconnection using the MSCONFIG system utility

Use this way if you need the installed software, and you do not want to delete it. Not necessary to install or download from the Internet. To remove the application, press the "Win + R" keys. A window will open, where we suck the command "msconfig.exe".

A window will open where to go to the "Auto-loading" tab.

The application list will be displayed automatically after loading. Remove unnecessary. Disconnect the checkbox opposite the program.

Click OK. A window will open where the OS will offer to restart the PC or exit without rebooting. Select a second option, then when the PC is turned off the system, the changes will be updated and the changes are activated.

The easiest way to open autorun programs on Windows 7

Go to "Start" - "Programs". Click on the "autoload". All that is displayed in it after loading the OS. How to limit the launch? Delete all applications in this directory.

Disable autorun programs in Windows 7 in the registry

Open the registry editor. We press "Win + R", then we prescribe the "REGEDIT" command. We find the registry branch, as in the screenshot. On the right will display a list of programs and services that are started at the start of the system.

Do not delete the service, the purpose of which is incomprehensible to you. This will lead to unstable operation of the system. If software is installed, which you do not use in operation, delete it from HDD, and not just from the startup. I recommend using.

How to Disable Windows 7 flash drives

When the flash drive is connected, the window opens.
It is convenient, but if there are many files on the removable media, the systems will hang. This is especially true on weak PC. It is also a way to spread malicious software and viruses. To ensure safety it.
Click "Start" - "Control Panel" - "Autostask". A window will open where to disconnect the checkbox from the point: "Use for all media".

How to turn off with third-party software


We looked at how to disable the autorun applications in Windows 7. I recommend that there are programs that do not use programs - delete them. Use specialized.

Users with experience familiar to the situation when the computer simply flies after the new installation of Windows, but over time its performance is reduced and strangely appear in behavior. Automatically launched programs play in this not the last role. The net system practically does not have utilities and other software starting at startup, but it accumulates. And as a result, the computer slows down, and the user spends nerves. Competent configuration of the automatic start solves this situation.

How to disable the startup of the program and reduce the number of icons near the clock

What is required to remove programs from autorun

When installing a new user, without thinking, presses the "Next" button, without even reading what will happen to its computer. But software developers embed various "chips" into it, which start when starting the system.

Consider what situations need to clean the startup:

  1. The computer began to slowly load.
  2. Reduced performance.
  3. The appearance of unnecessary reminders and pop-up windows when turned on.
  4. Failures in work.

Important! Setting up autorun is a priority action from a list of those that help solve performance problems.

The removal of unnecessary programs from the startup does not have a positive effect on other applications, as they are provided with more PC resources. Especially urgent configuration of automatic launch for owners of low-power laptops, netbooks and outdated PCs, where there is no surplus of RAM or processor power.

Important! Even the user-invisible software running on the PC consumes resources.

Why automatic launch of programs

  • the need to inform the user;
  • configure automatically updates;
  • accelerated start of software at startup;
  • quick access to the functions of the program;
  • promotion of brand and advertising.

There are a number of useful programs that automatically download is needed:

  • firewall;
  • antivirus;
  • software to emulate devices;
  • drivers.

Useful software to clean out of autorun do not need. This will lead to loss of stability or problems in the work.

Remove the programs from autorun

There are two ways to configure autorun: OS and third-party utilities. Using utilities is rarely required, and they themselves also load the system. On programs when you enable the computer, it is better to use the built-in funds in Windows.

Windows offers several ways to configure the autorun programs:

  • mSCONFIG utility;
  • registry editor;
  • task Manager (only in Windows 8 and above).

Important! Disable programs when you start the computer using the registry editor, it is possible, but it is worth it only to experienced specialists. Intervention in his work can lead to the loss of operability of the OS.

Disable autoloading using MSCONFIG in Windows 7

One way to view autoload and disable superfluous in Windows 7 - MSCONFIG utility. It allows you to manage the OS start parameters.

Important! Be careful when using the utility and remember the latest actions so as not to disrupt the computer.

Consider how autorun programs are configured when the computer is turned on:

  • Run the "Run" command by pressing the Win + R button keypad.
  • Enter the msconfig window to the only field and confirm the action by pressing ENTER.
MSCONFIG is a Windows operating system settings utility
  • Go to autoload, selecting the appropriate tab
Autoload data
  • Disable unnecessary programs by removing the ticks opposite them.

Council. It is worth disconnecting the torrent when the computer is turned on, while in the MSCONFIG auto start control tab. When clicking on the link, he started independently, and the start speed of the OS will grow.

Another tab of this utility - "services" deserves attention. It allows you to turn off extra services. It is not necessary to disable Microsoft or Anti-virus software services, but you need to turn off third-party service updates. Fully remove Skype from the autorun will be turned out only when it is disconnected on both tabs. The situation with other programs is similar.

Council. Carefully reinfeit to editing the list of services launched by the machine. Disabling the necessary will affect the operation of the OS.

Services launched automatically

After confirming changes to the OK button, the utility will ask to restart the computer. If the necessary applications have been disabled accidentally, they are returned to the autoload, they perform actions in the reverse order.

Changing autorun using Windows 8 Task Manager

In Windows 8, Microsoft changed the location of many elements. Log in to the autoload, it was possible through the "Task Manager".

Consider how to find downloads in a computer with Windows 8:

  • We enter the "Task Manager".
  • Click on the desired program and click "Disable".

    Programs that are included in the autoload

View downloads on a computer through the "Task Manager" is more convenient and accessible to inexperienced users.

Turning on automatic launch back occurs here. Inactive applications, the Disable button is changed to "Enable".

What programs can be removed

The program developer includes the modules not necessary for most users, you do not need to run all update check services and you need to turn off all unused applications.

It is worth knowing. The programs will continue to be updated even when the relevant modules are disconnected, only checking will occur when the application is started.

Consider that you can safely disable:

  • Unused modules to installed programs.
  • Skype and other messengers. They should be launched as needed.
  • Update tools.

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No need to turn off antiviruses and protective equipment. This will jeopardize security and violates the performance of the system. Now you know how to remove the autorun programs when the computer is turned on.

If after turning on the computer you have to wait long until the operating system is finally loaded - do not put up with it! Some of my friends who bought a powerful laptop literally two months ago, believed that this is normal - wait five minutes before you start working with him. Accidentally seeing it, I immediately opened list of autoloads And discovered a large number of applications that started with the system.

The fact is that many programs after installation are independently prescribed in bus loadAnd then each time you turn on the computer together with the operating system. This, of course, does not affect the upper side of the Windows boot time. To increase the speed of the system loading exclude extra autorun applications.

There are several ways to remove from autoloading unnecessary programs:

The first method is. It stores shortcuts to programs that are started after successful user registration in the system. Labels in this folder can be added by programs when they are installed or by the user independently.

There are two autoload folders:

General - For all users of this PC. Located in the catalog Documents and Settings \\ All Users \\ Main menu \\ Programs \\ Busloads. Programs from this directory will run for all users of Windows, no matter how much they were.

Individual - For the current user who has entered the system under its account. Stored in the catalog Documents and Settings \\ Username \\ Main menu \\ Programs \\ Autoload. Programs from this folder will run for the current user.

So, if you do not want programs from these folders to run when Windows starts, simply delete their shortcuts from folder data. You can also delete these shortcuts if you go to "Start" - "All Programs" - "Startup".

Second way - using the built-in utility system setup. To call it, go to "Start" - "Run" - type msconfig and click "OK". In the window that appears, go to the "Startup" tab. To remove unnecessary programs from autoload - just remove the ticks opposite them and click "OK", then restart the computer.
If by name in the first column you can not understand which program is in the startup, look at the "Team" column. Here is the path to the executable file that will help you determine the folder and, accordingly, the program name.

Third way - in the registry editor. Go to "Start" - "Run" - type regedit. and click "OK". The autoload information is contained in two registry branches:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ Currentversion \\ Run - responsible for autoloading programs of all users of the system.
HKEY_CURRENT_USER \\ SOFTWARE \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ CurrentVersion \\ Run - responsible for autoloading the programs of the current user system.

To remove the program from the startup - just delete the appropriate key (right-click on the key - select "Delete" in the context menu):
Fourth fashionautoload control using third-party programs. There are many utilities that allow you to turn off the autorun of unnecessary applications. Among them and repeatedly mentioned on the blog of the program and.

IN CCleaner To control the auto start, it is not necessary to select the "Service" tab - "Auto-loading" - find an application that is not necessary to load with the system - select it and click "Turn off":
In a programme Starter. To do this, go to the "Startup" tab - find the right program in the list on the right and remove the checkbox from it. In the appeared window, click "Yes."
Another program for managing the Windows startup, about which I must tell you, called Autoruns.. This is a small, but very powerful utility, with which you can see (and if necessary, disable) All programs, services and drivers started with the operating system. Autoruns may be useful if the virus settled in the autoloader. In more detail how to work with this program I will tell

Good day, dear blog visitors. Today we will talk about how to disable the autoload of programs on Windows 7. Because the more programs are opened simultaneously with Windows, the slower the computer works.

Most users paid attention to that the computer after purchase is loaded quickly, and after some time the loading increases in time. Owners with experience explain this situation to that by installing new programs, the game or utilities on PCs, the additional components are automatically installed, which make changes to the registry, and not rarely and in the autoload register.

It is in such a situation when you start a computer, some programs are able to automatically boot in the background. Such actions are able to increase the load on the RAM, which entails the long-term loading of the system.

It is worth noting that the auto-start of the system opens a not a large number of installed programs, for example, the start of the anti-virus program is necessary, since the utility checks the contents of the computer for the presence that could get from the network, or the infection occurred from the flash drive or disk. The antivirus is very important and its opening will not greatly affect Windows startup.

However, if the start of the download follows the opening of additional programs, such actions are capable of increasing the start time. Most developers intentionally add data to the registry to install, thereby promoting their programs.

It must be remembered that the disabling of all programs from the autorun is not appropriate, as many programs work on security and data protection. It is necessary to worry in the first place about malicious utilities that are seeping into the system together downloaded by data or films on a computer from the Internet.

When viewing the data, they are capable of automatically downloading and set, without creating shortcuts, such an equipment makes a very complicated search for a bad file to remove it.

Quite often, questions arise how to get rid of such actions if the opening programs interfere with, and they are not planned to use.

Disable Windows 7 autorun programs

To solve such a problem, there are several sufficiently simple ways.

  • Via Msconfig;
  • Cleaning with the team Sesleer;
  • Cleaning registry Windows 7.

Command Utility on Windows

Through this feature, you can view all the data used as autoload programs. Starting such a program is carried out using the Start command and execute commands.

After such simple actions, the user opens the entire list that runs from instead of the system. Here it is necessary to find out how I have a malicious program or simply interferes with the PC load. If you have any problems with identifying the utility, you can use the special tab on which information about the program will be available, and for which it is responsible.

When performing such actions, it is necessary to clearly know which program you remove from the download. It is very important to ensure that you do not turn off the antivirus systems, since such an action can adversely affect the computer itself. Such programs fully protect the computer from malicious files.

Choosing the necessary (or rather, just the same, worth it)) utilities, remove the labels opposite their name and click "OK". After performing such actions, the computer should be restarted to consolidate the work done, but this is not necessary.

Including computer, the user launches only the operating system. All other actions are performed in the graphical interface on their own. Depending on the task, a specific set of programs is launched. At the same time, each user has those that will be open at mandatory. Someone the first thing launches the postal client, someone opens social networks in the browser. Do not everyone know that these routine operations can be automated by setting up the autorun programs.

The net OS automatically starts only system services. Installing programs, most users do not pay attention to the initial settings. As a result, after some time, the computer turns into a zoo. In it simultaneously "live" several browsers, customers of a variety of cloud storages, utilities of optimization and file downloads start independently. Thus, from the useful tool, the startup turns into the "enemy" of the user who slows down the operating system.

Windows 7.

In Windows versions with the traditional menu "Start", the startup folder can be found in the overall list of installed programs. In this place, it is an extended label intended for quick access.

In fact, the folder is in the hidden area of \u200b\u200buser files. Direct access to it can be obtained by calling the context menu. The items indicated by the framework will open in the "Explorer" directory of a specific user, and the arrows specified by the arrows are system-wide.

In order not to search where the autoload is in Windows 7, you can use the universal command in the "Run" menu. We enter into the text field "Shell: Startup". Pressing the "OK" button opens the "Explorer".

At the top of the window, we see the full path to the desired directory. By default, APPDATA is not displayed in the "Explorer". Therefore, if you just open the user folder, we will not be detected until you turn on the display of hidden files.

It is possible to go to the startup "Windows" 7 in this way, but it is impossible to fully edit. The lack of a method is that most programs that have the automation option in the settings will not be visible here. You can edit the autorun list in the configuration utility. Start the "Run" menu and type the command shown in the screenshot in the text box.

In the Configuration utility window, go to the "Auto-loading" tab. Here we see a common list of programs, to manage the behavior of which you can using the ticks specified arrow. Removing them, we exclude an automatic start. The changes made first need to be applied by clicking on the appropriate button. The "Location" column highlighted in the green color contains the forwarding path for each program and will be needed in the future.

Having finished working with the configuration utility, we will get a system notice. The choice is invited immediately or postponed reboot.

The following method that allows you to open the autorun programs on Windows 7, requires interference with the system registry. Once again, using the "Run" menu.

Opening the registry editor, remember the green field in the configuration utility. There are full paths for which autorun settings are located for specific programs. The AIMP player was prescribed just at the specified frame on the path screenshot. To cancel the automatic start, the key specified by the arrow must be deleted.

So, we reviewed several ways to find and clean the startup in Windows 7. The most versatile is the use of the configuration utility. Only in it all the necessary data and tools are collected in one place.

Windows 10.

For Microsoft to surprise users of their OS has already become a good tradition. Changes are not only external, such as the disappeared "Start" button in Windows 8. The system changes significantly inside. We just found a universal way to clean the autorun programs. We use it in Windows 10 and see a picture shown in the screenshot. The configuration utility is, the tab on it is also there, and the control menu "moved". Thanks to the engineers of the company, which indicated where the autoload in Windows 10 is located, and not forced users to look for it on their own. Press the hyperlink to the specified arrow.

In the task manager, go to the designated tab of the same name. Disable autorun programs in Windows 10 can be directly in it. To do this, now just call the context menu. The desired item is shown in the screenshot.

On this, the changes made by Microsoft to the automation setting are over. Management moved to the task manager, it became more convenient and does not require knowledge of special commands. The remaining opportunities have been preserved. Remove the autorun programs in Windows 10 can still be by opening a latent user folder or making edits to the registry.

Setting up autorun.

In a well-confiled system, without a user's knowledge, nothing should be launched that it will not be required in the first five minutes. Sleeping the autoload from unnecessary "garbage" and guided by this rule, you can configure the autorun programs that are necessary in the first place.

By auto start

Open the settings of the selected software and looking for an item responsible for integration with the operating system. If the developer has provided such an opportunity, it is necessary to simply take advantage of it. For example, take a popular AIMP player.

Here the desired parameter is present. Therefore, we can add it to the Windows 10 autoload, putting a tick in the specified arrow place.

By without autorun

If the parameter you need is not in the settings, we do as follows. We find a program using the search. Call the context menu and go to the location of the file.

In the "Explorer" window, choose the icon of the desired program. We open the contextual and drop-down menu for it. In the second, we get to the point that creates a program label on the desktop.

We use the Shell: Startup command to start an optional "Explorer" window. To add an application to autoload, transfer the created shortcut to the open directory. Now in the Task Manager, we will find both applications added by different ways.

Using the described method, add a program to autorun, regardless of whether the developers provided such an opportunity or not. Windows 10 "Capricional" system, after updating the application to the new version, it may refuse to recognize old labels. In this case, the operation will have to be repeated by sending an updated file to autoload.

Task Manager

Using the scheduler, you can organize the forced launch of the schedule programs. Open the wizard create simple tasks and follow its instructions.

For example, we plan a regular launch of the music player. To subsequently, it was possible to find the created task, we ask her the name.

Select the start when entering the OS.

By default, the scheduler offers to create a task to start the program.

Use the "Overview" button to specify the path to the executable file.

The task is created, and the system gives us an overview window with specified characteristics.

After completing the work of the Master, the trigger can be edited by setting additional conditions.

For example, activate the limit for the deadline. Using the designated area, specify the initial and final date value for our task.

Owners of laptops should be paid to the "Conditions" tab. For the task to be performed anyway, and not only when connecting to the power grid, we remove both ticks in the specified frame area.

The result of the manipulations carried out will be the automatic launch of the player at each entrance to the OS. At the same time, it is impossible to delete the program from the autoload. In the Task Manager, it will not be displayed. To cancel the task you need to remove from the planner.


Automatic program launch is a useful tool that eliminates routine action. However, it will be able to work "for the benefit" of the PC owner only in case of a reasonable approach. If the installation of programs is performed according to the principle "Computer himself asked", the system will quickly turn into a "zoo", and the autoload will cause the "brakes" and the main enemy of the user.