Where the player icon disappears in Windows 10. They disappeared icons from the desktop or from the taskbar, which in this case take

WINDOVS 10 users may encounter a situation when the icons begin to be removed from the desktop without any action on their part. To solve this problem You need to know, because of what she could appear.

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Why labels are erased independently?

The main causes of the disappearance of labels is infected with viruses or a bug system. With system bug, you need to check some system settings, And when infected with viruses - get rid of it, and then return shortcuts manually on the desktop.

Still allocate the following causes of the problem:

  • Disconnected Explorer process.
  • Incorrect shutdown of the 2nd monitor.
  • Activated "tablet mode".
  • Incorrect installation of updates.

If there is a problem after installing updates, then, most likely, they were made or uploaded with errors that caused the removal of icons. You must check the system settings and re-add shortcuts.

The "tablet mode" is able to change some system properties, which is due to the loss of icons. In some cases, it is enough to disable it so that all the icons returned to the place, and sometimes it is necessary after it is shutdown manually add the necessary shortcuts.

Removing viruses

Before checking and changing settings, you should make sure that there are no viruses. Some malicious programs have a feature to remove and block the desktop icons.

On the computer you need to run installed antivirus and spend full scanning. Then remove the viruses found.

Activation of the display of icons

Check if there is a permission to display on the desktop of the shortcuts:

  • Deploy the View tab.
  • Check whether the value "Display icons" is enabled. If there is no tick, then put it, after which the labels should appear. If a tick is already worth, then you first remove it, and then put again. Perhaps such a reboot will help.

Creating a new item

There is a way to create any new item. In some situations, all hidden labels Immediately after that appear.

  • Press PCM in the desktop in an empty place.
  • We deploy the "Create" tab.
  • Select any element, for example, folder. If the folder appears, and there are no different icons, then this method did not work and go to the next.

Deactivation of the "Tablet Mode"

If the "tablet mode" is activated, then the icons can abide. To disable it, you need to execute the following instructions:

  • Open computer settings.

  • Select the section "System".

  • Drive the slider over the tablet mode window to turn off its function. If the mode is already disabled, then turn it on and then turn off again. Perhaps it is a reboot that will solve the question.

Solution for 2 monitors

If the error was formed during the connection or shutdown of the 2nd monitor, the screen settings should be changed:

  • Click on an empty place in the desktop PCM and select "Screen Settings".

  • We try to disable the 2nd monitor, turn it on, then change the parameters of the resolution and display. We change all possible indicators, and then return them to starting positions.

Running the Explorer process

Explorer.exe is responsible for the work of the "Explorer". It depends on the correct display of the desktop labels. because of system errors The process can be turned off, but you can manually run it:

  • Open the "Task Manager".

  • Open the "File" tab and go to the launch of a new task.

  • We prescribe "Explorer" and confirm the action. When the process is running, labels must return.

  • IN total list Tasks find the process. If it has already been running, then you need to stop it, and then execute 3 items described above for restarting it.

Manual adding icons

If the shortcuts disappeared and after the above actions did not appear, then you should add them manually. You must move the icons on the desktop or use the "Create" function on the desktop.

Delete updates

If, after deleting the updates of the system, problems with the desktop appeared, you must delete them. We carry out the following actions:

  • Select "Programs and Components" that are in the "Control Panel".

  • Go to the update list, click on "viewing installed updates".

  • Select updates that may be the cause of the problem. Click on the "Delete" button and confirm the action. Changes will begin to act after rebooting the system.

Registry setting

There is a chance that there is a change in or damage to the registry parameters. To check or restore them, perform actions:

  • Press Win + R, the window will open where the REGEDIT command will be prescribed.

  • We go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ Software \\ Microsoft \\ Windows NT \\ CurrentVersion \\ WinLogon, check the parameters: The Explorer.exe value must be for Shell, and C: \\ Windows \\ System32 \\ userinit.exe - for userinit.

  • Go: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ Software \\ Microsoft \\ Windows NT \\ Currentversion \\ Image File Execution Options. When IEXplorer.exe or Explorer.exe is detected there, we delete it.
  • Restart the computer.

other methods

In case no method of the above helps to solve the issue, it remains only to reinstall or restore the system. A second option is possible if a backup system copy has already been created.

The default recovery points are created automatically by the system. Knock windows until the desktop worked stable:

  • Select the section "Running the system recovery".

  • Select the necessary from the available copies and finish the process.

After the rollback is made, problems with the display of desktop labels should be disappeared.

If the system error occurs, as a result of which the desktop disappears in Windows 10, it is not necessary to immediately access professionals. Any user will easily cope with this problem.

The reasons are that the desktop does not appear, there may be several:

  • minor errors in the system;
  • unstable functioning of installed programs;
  • the presence of malicious software;
  • failure or damage to the disappeced desktop process;
  • registry error.

Desktop restoration is worth starting with a laptop or computer power off. Do it is not necessary through the system, but directly using the power button on system block (outer panel). Sometimes this is enough to correct. If recently installed new program, after which it was noted the disappearance of the desktop, then it is necessary to remove it.

After that, check for viruses.

If, after the aforementioned manipulations, the desktop did not appear, then you should go to more serious actions.

Setting the desktop using the task manager

The desktop on Windows 10 is standard folderEquipped with graphic accompaniment. Construction Action is carried out by the Explorer.exe process. If it stops, then the desktop ceases to function. You can restore its operation by opening Explorer.exe through the task manager.

To get to the task manager, hold the Ctrl + Alt + Delete button simultaneously. As a rule, the call function works by default if it is not specifically disconnected. In the window that appears, we bring the cursor to the "File" tab and in the unfolded list of available actions, select the "New Task" line. Now in the proposed window, enter the desired command - explorer.exe. After pressing the "OK" button, we expect a few seconds (in some cases it may take several minutes). Now you have to display a screen with a desktop, on which all shortcuts, files, folders are open, working panel And the "Start" button. Despite the simplicity, it is pretty effective method solutions to the problem. But it is not able to help if the folder of the process or the path to it was damaged by some virus or assembly in the system.

Windows restoration tools

Damage to the Explorer.exe file or the registry problem is already more difficult to correct the error. For them, the ownership of small skills of working with the system will be required. recovery WINDOVS 10.

To restore a damaged file, when the computer is turned on, it is necessary, without waiting for the system startup, continuously press the F8 button until the menu appears where the download of the earlier successful configuration will be. For Win 10, 8 and 8.1, you need to enter "msconfig", open the application, find the "Load" tab and check the "Safe Mode" tab. When all actions are executed, remove the tick, exit a secure mode and restart the computer.

You can also try to restore the system to the working condition. To do this, you will need a task manager again. As in the previous case, select the "File" tab in the menu, click on the "New Task" point and enter "rstrui.exe". After that, the recovery system will work and access to earlier saved points will open.

If the date is selected, the application will roll back the values \u200b\u200bof all files to the state at that time.

You can come to the same result using command line. To do this, select the "New Task" item again in the Manager and enter CMD. In the opening line of the information entry, which is in Windows 10 black screen, write "rstrui.exe".

Refix registry for desktop restoration

The registry is the whole base of settings that are necessary for system operation. Therefore, his damage could cause the desktop in Windows 10. To exclude such a probability, you should check some indicators. We find the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / Software / Microsoft / WindowsNT / Software / Microsoft / WindowsNT / CURRENTVERSION / WINLOGON in the registry and look at its parameters. In the Shell parameter string, the value of the Explorer.exe file must be specified, and in the Userinit parameter - C: \\ Windows \\ System32 \\ userinit.exe. If these parameters have other indicators, they should be replaced with loyal values. Do not be afraid if the black screen in Windows 10 hangs or flashes when changing the indicators. This will be held in a few seconds.

The need to carry out such manipulations may occur quite often. Therefore, the most reliable way to protect the error is periodic saving a copy of the registry on a third-party carrier. Then, if a serious error occurs in the registry, you will need to simply import a previously saved copy instead of a damaged registry and the Windows 10 system does not have to be adjusted manually.

If, after implementing all the described methods, you still do not load the desktop, you should contact a specialist.

Restoring desktop labels

It happens that the icons are not displayed on the Windows 10 desktop, although the desktop itself functions normally. Different circumstances can be given to this:

  • the "Tablet" function is included;
  • disable the display of icons on the desktop;
  • computer security system operation;
  • the HDD (hard disk) showed viral software that interferes with the right organization of the workspace.

If the desktop boot normally, and there are no icons, then first it is necessary to check the use of the tablet mode on the device. To do this, go to the "Center notifications". In the "All Settings" section, select System. Among the proposed options will be the "tablet mode". There are sliders, with which you can switch the mode of secrecy of icons and taskbar. Both disable them.

Now even in tablet mode, the badges will not hide.

If, during the standard mode, badges from the worker disappeared wooden tables 10, then perhaps the system simply does not show them. Check it easy. When clicking on the workspace, some parameters open. You need to click on the item "View". Among the settings there are the "Display icons" option. We activate it and go to the desktop to make sure that now all programs, shortcuts and files are in place.

If you have tried the first two ways to solve the problem, and the question of how to restore labels is still relevant, then you need to know the third cause of the malfunction.

If the desktop works fine, but it is absolutely empty (i.e., the badges have not disappeared from the species, and there are really no), we can conclude that the utility of the system serving the device is to blame. One of its functions is cleaning the damaged desktop labels.

Automatically it makes a similar cleaning once a week, so if during this period for any reason the labels were damaged, then the utility will remove them.

To correct the situation, you must turn off the system maintenance. To get to it, you need to open the working windows in such a sequence: "Control Panel" - "System and Security" - "Search and Fix Problems". In the last window, select the "Settings" item. A tab will appear where you can disable Windows maintenance tool.

If the desktop is loaded, but in general it works incorrectly (the image may hover, the menu is not displayed, labels disappear, etc.), that is, you make sense to check the system for malicious software. To do this, launch the antivirus installed on your PC, or use third-party utility. When you start such a program, a window will appear with a list of problems found and correct them. Confirm the consent to carry out this operation and wait. The program will have to do everything automatically.

It can help return the icons to the Windows 10 desktop.

After examining the information provided in detail, you will know why the desktop does not work and labels disappeared and how to return everything to the place.

Windows 10 is full of riddles for most of its users. Despite the fact that it appeared over a year ago, questions on its use remain to this day. These are the problem with the absence of labels from the desktop. It is somewhat problematic to deal with this situation. This article will talk about how to do if the icons disappear with Windows 10.

The disappearance of shortcuts on a personal computer can be associated with several reasons:

Disable the display of the display in the properties of the system;

A virus appeared on the hard disk softwarewho violates the system;

Activated laptop use mode or personal computer as a tablet.

It is impossible to exclude that there are icons from the Windows 10 desktop and for a number of other reasons. However, the above circumstances most often lead to the fact that the user does not have the ability to run programs on the computer through shortcuts.

Check the label display settings

Hiding icons in the workspace can be initiated by the user. For example, if you need to hide everything that is located in this area. Check which mode is activated on your computer simple enough. You must click on the space of the workspace and choose the item "View". It provides several settings that allow you to manage content. Among them are the "Display Icons" parameter. If the checkbox is checked opposite it, the program shortcuts and other files should be displayed on the desktop. This setting Allows you to display or hide all the data that has been placed here.

If this checkbox is missing, it is not surprising, why the Windows 10 desktop badges are disappeared. There is a way to check whether the absence of labels with this setting is connected or not. It is enough to call the conductor and select the "desktop" on the left side. If the icons in the window are displayed, then you really need to simply enable the display setting.

Deactivation of a tablet computer mode

The lack of icons on the desktop may be due to the fact that the device uses "Tablet" mode. To check whether the current problem with this setting is connected, you should go to the "Notification Center". This section Located at the bottom right side of the screen (on the then you need to select the "All Options" settings block. This contains the tools for managing the operating system.

After selecting the System section, the list of parameters will be displayed on the left side of the screen, including the tablet mode. To deactivate it, you must install the slider to the "Disabled" state (here it is necessary for the first setting "Extras. Opportunities touch control WINDOVS when using the device as a tablet "). If all actions are implemented correctly, you will no longer have to think about what reason badges from the Windows 10 desktop are missing.

Forced Conductor Session Call

If there are problems with the work of the conductor in the system, it is not surprising that the icons disappeared from the desktop of its work can be carried out in a compulsory manner. You can make it a simple restart of your computer or through such a tool as "Task Manager". If everything is clear with the first method, then the second - requires explanation.

You can open the dispatcher by clicking on the taskbar and selecting the appropriate item. In the form that appears, you must execute the "File" command and initiate the creation of a new task. In the "Open" field, you need to enter the name and confirm the entry by the "OK" button. After performing these actions, the Explorer window will open, which is responsible for the presence of shortcuts on the user's desktop.

Refresh desktop

Sometimes the absence of shortcuts can be associated with a system glitch. To eliminate this cause, you can try or update the desktop using the command of the same name. context menu, or add a new object in a free area (for example, a folder, document, etc.). If the newly formed object appeared, then perhaps someone just cheered and removed all the shortcuts, forcing the user to pretty wander.

Verification of a computer for viruses and malicious software

If Windows 10 desktop icons are disappeared and it is not possible to achieve their mapping methods in the above methods, it makes sense to check the system for malicious software. Can do it through the used antivirus programwhich is already present on the PC or use fidewly utility. It is possible that the lack of icons was due to a violation of work with malicious programs.

Another universal method is to use the rehabilitated tool in the operating system. With it, you can return the desktop to the previous state. Access to this tool is made through the Start menu, the "All Programs" section. The list should find "Standard" and then "service". Of course, a similar "rollback" of the system will raise some of the settings that were made in the period from the moment the recovery point is generated by the current moment.


You should not despair if Windows 10 desktop are disappeared. How to return them, other files and documents that were on it, we reviewed earlier in this article. As a rule, one of the above methods is able to help eliminate this situation. The lack of icons in the workspace is more likely due to the fact that the user itself, without noticing, turns off their display.

Also, viruses can be served and so on malicious programswhich can penetrate the computer via the Internet or external equipment (discs, flash drives, mobile devices). Before proceeding with radical measures (such as, for example, the restoration of the system), you should use the previously considered advice in order to understand what reason all the icons from the Windows 10 desktop are missing.

It was time to consider the problem when the icons disappeared from the Windows 10 desktop. This can happen after the next update, and without the apparent reason, for example, after the PC is turned on. Oddly enough, Microsoft representatives never called the exact source of the problem, and only recommend a couple of options for its solution. Another users found themselves.

The simplest method of returning icons on the desktop

First of all, you need to check the system settings. It is possible to visualize the desktop icons is disabled in windows parameters 10.

To check the status of the option, call the desktop context menu, move the pointer to the first point of the drop-down menu and look at the "Display desktop icons" parameter stood the checkbox.

If everything is in order, remove it, then install it and update the desktop status through the same context menu or the F5 key.

Option number 2.

The next elementary accurate problem is the creation of a new desktop item. Open the context menu of the desktop, move the cursor to the "Create" option, click on any object, then click "Enter". Sometimes, so everything falls into place.

After, if the solution did not help, the created object delete.

Display parameters

In the new menu "Dozens" Lots of its settings, about which even advanced user Does not always know.

  1. We call "Parameters" Windows 10 (climbing Win + I or through the Start context menu).
  2. We visit the System section.
  3. Activate the Tablet Mode tab.
  4. We translate both switches to the "On" position, and then back to the "Off".
  5. We close the window and update the desktop if its condition has not returned to the previous one.

Problems with conductor

XP users are familiar with the proposed way to solve the problem, and some of them, for sure, has already tried the proposed option. If earlier the conductor had to be launched or restart due to the invasion of viruses type Win.32, now this option is less likely, but still takes place.

1. Call the tool called "Task Manager".

2. Using the Start context menu, if it is displayed by combining Ctrl + SHIFT + ESC or any other.

3. In the dispatcher we find the process of the conductor (may be called Windows Explorer) In the appropriate tab.

If it is, call the context menu of the item and execute the "Restart" command.

Or click on the button of the same name, highlighting the process. The latter will be restarted and the problem occurring is likely to disappear.

4. When the start is not displayed, and there is no conductor in the list of active tasks, click "File" and call the "Run" or "New Task" command.

5. Enter "Explorer" or "Explorer.exe" (no difference) and send the system to the system.

You can also run the command in the "Run" window, which opens using a Win + R combination.

In this way, the conductor will be launched, which for some reason did not turn on (the operation of malicious software) or was completed by someone.

Problems with file "explorer.exe"

If a message appears that the file is not detected or the tool is not available, it's time to check the system for viruses and make sure the integrity of the file responsible for the window windows interface 10. Checking system Disk And RAM to malicious programs, then perform the "SFC / SCANNOW" command through the "Run" or Task Manager.

In order to check only the status of the file that is responsible for the graphic shell, perform:

sFC /Scanfile\u003dC:\\Windows oscplorer.exe.

In the case when all of the listed tips did not bring the desired result, the following can be implemented:

  • check for Explorer.exe on the path to the above, if the file is missing, you need to roll back / resume the system;
  • buy B. safe mode and check the availability of a problem if there is no - look for a source of a problem in Windows 10 launched services and programs;
  • enable your computer from the last successful configuration - it is likely that it will return it to a normal working condition;
  • replace Explorer.exe on its analogue, for example, copied from a friend who uses the same windows version 10 similar bit, making a copy or by archiving the original and completing the process of the conductor.

Writing about your ways to get rid of the problem. Write in the comments.

Since its implementation latest version operating system Windows has passed more than one month, so users managed to "look" to the "dozen" as it should. Of course, during the operation, some users had to deal with certain errors and failures (where without them) and without a council of specialists in such situations, not many could do. Oh, the "dozen" not so long ago in the market, so that it would know from the inside of at least 50% of active users.

In this article we will talk about the next problem with which the owners of "dozens" are found. In a kind of collection of failures that we often tell us, the loss of icons from the desktop also adds.

With that, this happens very unexpectedly and notice such whims of the system both after the update and after the clean installation. Despite such confusion, no other deformations and failures in the operation of the operating system are observed. By the way, the loss can occur not only after the update or installation, but after the next launch, when you simply turn on the system.

Amazing, but still no one could call at least one source of this problem.

Of course, we can assume that one of the reasons may be viruses that always bring continuous troubles, but these are just guesses.

Fortunately, the lack of determining the reason did not prevent the craftsmen find ways to solve the problem we and we describe in this article.

Return the icons using the context menu options.

1 way

It happens that the user simply disabled the display of the icons through the "View" option and now breaks his head, not knowing that it is punishment. This item can be found at the beginning of the context menu that can be called after pressing the right mouse button when you are on your desktop. In this option, you need to check whether the item "Displays the desktop icons". Even if it is activated, try noting it again.

2 way

The following problem solving method is also carried out using the context menu of the desktop, only through the "Create" option. From the proposed options you can choose any (albeit first, i.e. "folder"). As soon as the element is created, all the icons that were before the disappearance should come back on the table.

Using system settings

The "Dozens" parameters are very comprehensive and surround settings in which the reason for any problems often hides, although it turned out later, no malfunction was not at all - just the necessary item was not marked, etc. So, first, activate the "Parameters" and open the System section. Go to the "Tablet Mode" item (left side of the screen).

On the right side of the dialog box, you will see two switches with which a simple trick should be done - first activate the "enabled" mode, and then put the indicator to the "Disabled" position.

Actually, after such simple actions, the external appearance of the desktop should return to the previous state.

Restoring icons through "Task Manager"

This method got distribution in previous versions OS from Windows. If the previous methods did not help you, then the reason may be in a malfunction of system files (in any case, it was in the "seven" and "eight"). It is specifically about the Explorer.exe file, which is responsible for displaying the elements of the desktop. Consequently, when problems arise with the launch this file, It is possible to face a similar situation, although this option is not confirmed at the Ten.

Generally, this instruction All the same remains relevant, especially since no negative consequences will occur after its implementation. So, for a start, activate the "Task Manager" (use the Ctrl + Alt + Delete key combination and select the corresponding item).

In the Manager, click the "File" option, then "New Task".

After that, enter the name of the file (without extension) and activate the OK button. Thanks to these actions, you manually run Explorer.exe, which for any reason could not earn at all after the system is loaded.

However, some users compiled on the lack of ability to use the "Dispatcher", since after trying to start the system, the system issues an error message, they say, the tool is not available. Similar picture hints on serious problems with system fileswhich could significantly hit various viruses.

In this case, you need to fully scan the system, because here it is not only about displaying icons, but also about the safety and safety of the system as a whole.

In some cases, launch the Explorer.exe file in manual mode may not take place. The user will simply see a message that tells about the absence or damage to the specified element. In this situation, you need to use the recovery system. In principle, for the implementation of the procedure, the user may have to go to the system using a secure mode.

Whatever it was, but the above instructions are worth trying. At least the sweat that other solutions is not yet invented / not announced. In general, each advice implies a minimum set of actions from the user, so you do not confuse and spoil anything if you doubt some moments, because we are not in vain sign instructions as much as possible so that the reader does not have any questions.

Regarding the problem of the disappearance of icons from the desktop, we tried to connect in one article all available on this moment advice. We hope that among them you will find a solution to the problem and you do not have to wait for those times when the "bright" heads from Windows will tell about new methods of eliminating this problem.

To learn about what to do if the desktop disappeared completely or the task manager is disabled, you can also on our website.

If you have questions about "Were gone from the desktop Windows 10, what to do? "You can ask them in the comments.