Archos what a brand. Do not buy Archos.

Slogans: Entertainment Your Way (Actual Slogan)
Think Smaller (the very first slogan)
On the go (second slogan)

The history of this French manufacturer of portable electronics began in 1988. He founded a company of someone Henri Crohas. The official legend says that the name Archos. (read as "Arkus") - this is an anagram from the name of the founder and, at the same time, the Greek word «αρχος» "master".

Most of the company is known as the manufacturer of audio players with capacious drives - Archos One of the first to start producing a hard disk player as a carrier. But, having a number of advantages, these devices have never managed to compile serious iPod competition, which came to the market somewhat later. The reason is often called the exceptional appearance of the "apple" device. Decisions OT Archos.Exceeding it technically (for example, there was an opportunity to connect external carriers), did not differ in such a grace.

In 2002 Archos. Introduces a new term in appeal, which later became quite popular. it PMPPortable Media Player. ("Portable Media Player"). This abbreviation arose due to the need to characterize the company's products. Further born and PVP - Portable Video Player.

To date, the range of products produced also includes various Internet tablets, which work both under Windows 7 and under Google Android. In many of them, hard drives are used, which gives the user the opportunity to work with huge amounts of information. These devices are often called portable entertainment centers. Some of them are capable of receiving a television signal.

The company also developed a phone model presented in early 2010 - Phone Tablet.. At the same time, the founder of the company reported that the model will go on sale only if it succeeds to agree with the operators. Apparently, it was not possible to do.

The company came to the Russian market in 1998. Initially, it supplied only various computer peripherals to the market. Sales of multimedia devices began slightly later - after adapting them to the Russian language.

Main market Archos. - Europe. However, the company's products are available in the USA, where it comes under the brand Pocketdish and shipped in the packages of the television operator DISH NETWORK CORPORATION.that since 2004 is the owner of the fifth part of the shares Archos..

The company also owns a brand Arnova.under which tablet computers are produced, not too productive and with a small functional, but highly assembled and inexpensive. This is a product from the lowest segment of this market.

Head office Archos. Located in Ini, France (Igny, France).

Archos. (pronounced ARKOS, [ɑrkoʊs]) - French manufacturer of mobile devices and "smart gadgets", founded in 1988 Henri Croa (FR. Henri Crohas.). Archos has developed an assortment of products, including portable audio and video players, digital video recorders, smartphones and Internet tablets. The company produces a wide range of mobile devices - both under its own brand and as an OEM manufacturer (for brands such as Gionee, Micromax, Intex, Lava).

The company's slogan eventually has been changed from the "Think Smaller" to "on the go". Currently, the company's slogan sounds like "Entertainment Your Way".

The company name is an anagram name of the founder (Crohas), and this is also the Greek "Master" (αρχος).

history of the company


Line of smartphones

  • Diamond.
  • Helium - Support Smartphones 4G
  • Cesium - Smartphones running Windows OC
  • Oxygen.
  • Platinum
  • Titanium.
  • Xenon.
  • Cobalt.
  • Power - High Capacity Smartphones

Line of tablets

  • Diamond.
  • Magnus - Tablets with large amount of internal memory
  • Helium - 4G support tablets
  • Cesium - Tablets running OC Windows
  • Oxygen.
  • Platinum
  • Titanium.
  • Xenon.
  • Copper
  • PC Stick - Personal Computer running OC Windows equipped with Intel Atom processor

Connected devices

  • Archos Smart Home - Tablet based on Android OC easily controls and connects several miniature wireless devices (video surveillance cameras, temperature sensors) in your home to automatically get information about your home.
  • Archos VR Glasses - Virtual Reality Points
  • Archos Music Light - Energy Saving LED Lamp, which Using Bluetotth can play music from a mobile device
  • Archos Music Beany - Wireless headset, built into a knitted hat.

Key innovations

Archos Fusion Storage is a software solution developed by Archos engineers, which combines the built-in device memory with the MicroSD card. After activating the combined storage, the data is automatically transferred to the internal memory of the smartphone or tablet, and then sorted. Application files will continue to be stored in internal memory, and photos, video files and other content will be on the memory card. The user can return the settings to the usual separate data storage at any time.

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  • (eng.)

Archos characterizing an excerpt

Princess mistaken the answer.
- Well, how not a fool! - shouted the prince, pushing the notebook and turning quickly, but immediately got up, walked, touched his hands to the hair princes and sat down again.
He moved and continued his interpretation.
"It is impossible, no princess," he said, when Princess, taking and closing a notebook with the specified lessons, was already preparing to leave, "Mathematics a great deal, my madam." And so that you look like our stupid ladies, I do not want. Corrects worship. - He sank her hand over his cheek. - Durge from the head will pop up.
She wanted to go out, he stopped her gesture and pulled out a new uncut book from a high table.
- Here is another key of the sacrament. You will send your eloza. Religious. And I do not interfere in anyone in anyone ... I looked around. Take. Well, go, go!
He sank her on his shoulder and the locker himself behind her.
Princess Marya returned to his room with a sad, frightened expression, which rarely left her and made her ugly, the painful face even more ugly, sat down at his desk, stolen by miniature portraits and tetraja and books. Princess was as random as his father decent. She put a notebook of geometry and impatiently printed a letter. The letter was from the nearest friend from childhood princess; This one was the same Julie Karagin, who was in the name of Rostov:
Julie wrote:
"Chere et Excelpente Amie, Quelle Chose Terrible et Effrayante Que L" Absence! J "Ai Beau Me Dire Que La Moitie De Mon Existence et de mon Bonheur Est En Vous, Que Malgre La Distance Qui Nous Separe, Nos Coeurs Sont Unis Par Des Liens Indissolubles; le mien se revolte contre la destinee, et je ne puis, malgre les plaisirs et les distractions qui m "entourent, vaincre une certaine tristesse cachee que je ressens au fond du coeur depuis notre separation. Pourquoi ne sommes nous pas reunies, comme cet ete Dans Votre Grand Cabinet Sur Le Canape Bleu, Le Canape A Confidences? Pourquoi Ne Puis Je, Comme Il Ya Trois Mois, Puiser de Nouvelles Forces Morales Dans Votre Regard Si Doux, Si Calme Et Si Penetrant, Regard Que J "Aimais Tant et Que Je Crois Voir Devant Moi, Quand Je Vous Ecris.
[Cute and invaluable friend, what a terrible and terrible thing separation! How much is how to yourself that half of my existence and my happie in you that, despite the distance that our hearts are connected by inseparable uzami, my heart is indignant against fate, and despite the pleasure and scattering that they surround me, I I can not suppress some hidden sadness, which I feel in the depths of the heart since our separation. Why are we not together, as in the past summer, in your big office, on a blue sofa, on the "Recognition" sofa? Why I can't, as three months ago, hand writing new moral forces in your glance, meek, calm and insightful, which I loved so and which I see in front of myself at that moment, how do you write you?]
Referring to this place, Princess Mary sighed and looked back in the tremor, which stood right from her. The mirror reflected a ugly weak body and a thin face. Eyes, always sad, now especially hopelessly looked at themselves in the mirror. "She flatters me," thought Princess, turned away and continued to read. Juli, however, did not shine to her friend: Indeed, both the eyes are princes, big, deep and radiant (as if the rays of warm light sometimes came out of them), were so good that very often, despite the urgency of the whole face, these eyes were made An attractive beauty. But Princess has never seen a good expression of his eyes, the expression they took in those moments when she did not think about themselves. Like all people, her face took a strained unnatural, a bad expression, as soon as she looked in the mirror. She continued to read: 211
"TUT MOSCOU NE PARLE QUE GUERRE. L "Un de Mes Deux Freres Est Deja Al" Etranger, L "Autre Est Avec La Garde, Qui Se Met En Mariechere Vers La Frontiere. NOTRE CHERE EMPEREUR A QUITTE PETERSBOUR ET, A CE QU" ON PRETEND, COMPTE LUI MEME EXPOSER SA Precieuse EXISTENCE AUX CHANCES DE LA GUERRE. Du Veuille Que Le Monstre Corsicain, Qui Detruit Le Repos De L "Europe, Soit Terrasse Par L" Ange Que Le Tut Ruissant, Dans Sa Misericorde, Nous a Donnee Pour Souverain. Sans Parler de Mes Freres, Cette Guerre M "A PRIVEE D" UNE Relation Des Plus Ceres a Mon Coeur. Je Parle du Jeune Nicolas Rostoff, Qui Avec Son Enthousiasme N "A PU Supporter L" Inaction et a Quitte L "Universite Pour Aller S" Enoler Dans L "Armee. Eh Bien, Chere Marieie, Je Vous Avouerai, Que, Malgre Son Extreme Jeunesse, Son Depart Pour L "Armee A ETE Un Grand Chagrin Pour Moi. Le Jeune Homme, Dont Je Vous Parlais Cet Ete, A Tant De Noblese, De Veritable Jeunesse Qu "On Rencontre Si Rarement Dans Le Siecele Ou Nous Vivons Parmi Nos Villards de Vingt Ans. Il a Surtout Tant De Franchise Et de Coeur. Il Est Tellement Pur Et Poetique, Que Mes Relations Avec Lui, Quelque Passageres QU "Elles Fussent, ONT ETE L" UNE DES Pauwe Douees Jouissances De Mon Pauvre Coeur, Qui A Deja Tant Souffert. Je Vous Raconterai Un Jour Nos Adieux et Tout Ce Qui s "EST DIT EN PARTANT. TUT CELA EST Encore Trop Frais. AH! Chere Amie, Vous Etes Heureuse de Ne Pas Connaitre Ces Jouissances et Ces Peines Si Poignantes. Vous Etes Heureuse, Puisque Les Derienieres Sont Ordinairement Les Plus Fortes! Je Sais Fort Bien, Que Le Comte Nicolas Est Trop Jeune Pour Pouvoir Jamais Devenir Pour Moi Quelque Chose De Pour QU "Un Ami, Mais Cette Douee Amitie, Ces Relations Si Poetiques et Si Pours ONT ETE Un Besoin Pour Mon Coeur. MAIS N" En Parlons Plus. La Grande Nouvelle Du Jour Qui Occupe Tuat Moscou Est La Mort Du Vieux Comte Duffle Et Son Heritage. Figurez Vous Que Les Trois Princesses N "ONT RECU QUE TRES PEU De Chose, Le Prince Basile Rien, Est Que C" Est M. Pierre Qui A Tout Herite, et Qui Par Dessus Le Marieche a ETE Reconnu Pour Fils Legitime, Par Consequent Comte Duffle Est Possesseur De La Plus Belle Fortune de la Russie. On Predend Que Le Prince Basile A Joue Un Tres Vilain Role Dans Toute Cette Histoire et qu "Il Est Reparti Tout Penaud Pour Petersbourg.
"Je Vous Avoue, Que Je Comprends Tres PEU Toutes Ces Affaires de Legs et de testament; CE QUE JE SAIS, C "EST QUE DEPUIS QUE LE JEUNE HOMME QUE NOUT CONNAISSIONS TOUS SOUUS LE NOM DE M. PIERRE LES TUT COURT EST DEVENU COMTE DUZHEY ET POSSESSEUR DE L" UNE DES POSSIES Fortunes De La Russia, Je M "Amuse Fort a Observer Les Changements De Ton Et Des Manieres Des Mamans Accblees Demoiselles a Marieier Et Des Demoiselles Elles Memes Al "EGARD DE CET INDIVIDU, QUI, PAR PARENTHESE, M" A PARU TOUJOURS ETRE UN PAUVRE, SIRE. COMME ON S "AMUSE Depuis Deux Ans a Me Donner Des Promis Que Je Ne Connais Pas Le Plus Souvent, La Chronique Matrimoniale De Moscou Me Fait Comtesse Duchery. MAIS VOUS SENTEZ BIEN QUE JE NE ME SOUC NULLEMENT DEVENIR. A PROPOS DE MARIEIRE, SAVEZ VOUTE QUE TUT DERIENIEREMENT LA TANTE EN GENERAL ANNA MIKHAU DU PLUS Grand Secret Un Projet de Marieiage Pour Vous. CE N "EST NI PLUS, NI MOINS, QUE LE FILS DU PRINCE Basile, Anatole, QU "On Voudrait Ranger En Le Marieiant A Une Personne Riche et Distinguee, et c" Est Sur Vous QU "EST Tombe Le Choix Des Parents. Je Ne Sais Comment Vous Envisagerez La Chose, Mais J" Ai Cru de Mon Devoir de vous en Avertir. ON LE DIT TRES BEAU ET TRES MAUVAIS SUJET; C "EST TUT CE QUE J" AI PU SAVOIR SUR SON COMPTE.

The French company Archos has a wide selection of consumer electronics segment devices, but one of the most important and successful directions are tablets. These devices are usually aimed at the fiscal market segment, while they offer an excellent value for money.

Archos tablets are presented in several rules, which allows users to better navigate in the model range, selecting the product based on their budget and needs. Despite the fact that the French company does not yet claim to the role of the market leader, and does not position himself with a direct competitor Samsung or Apple, it is not afraid to experiment. For example, she one of the first large companies decided to release a tablet with a 13.3-inch screen, and its Archos Gamepad gaming device found reviews among gamers. The plates of Archos Arnova, which have a very low price, are particularly popular, but offering good functionality for everyday tasks.

Mostly, Archos tablets work on the Android operating system, and buyers can choose models made in all major screen sizes. Separately, it should be noted that the French have extensive experience in creating multimedia devices. This allows the company's tablets in their segments to be one of the best in the plan to play audio and video.

On the eve of the exhibition IFA 2016, Archos introduced five new smartphones at once. And in Berlin, the French manufacturer brought new tablets. The first of the new products was the 13.3-inch Archos 133 Oxygen gadget on the Android 6.0 Marshmallow platform.

Archos rarely suits the lush presentations of its new gadgets, so it is not surprising that the debut of the Archos 101 Xenon Lite model passed unnoticed. As the name implies, the novelty is a simplified version of the Archos 101 Xenon tablet.

The French company ARCHOS announced a new family of tablets on the Android platform. The main feature of Archos Magnus gadgets is a large amount of integrated memory, up to 256GB. Sales of new devices will begin in April of this year.

Slogans: Entertainment Your Way (Actual Slogan)
Think Smaller (the very first slogan)
On the go (second slogan)

The history of this French manufacturer of portable electronics began in 1988. He founded a company of someone Henri Crohas. The official legend says that the name Archos. (read as "Arkus") - this is an anagram from the name of the founder and, at the same time, the Greek word «αρχος» "master".

Most of the company is known as the manufacturer of audio players with capacious drives - Archos One of the first to start producing a hard disk player as a carrier. But, having a number of advantages, these devices have never managed to compile serious iPod competition, which came to the market somewhat later. The reason is often called the exceptional appearance of the "apple" device. Decisions OT Archos.Exceeding it technically (for example, there was an opportunity to connect external carriers), did not differ in such a grace.

In 2002 Archos. Introduces a new term in appeal, which later became quite popular. it PMPPortable Media Player. ("Portable Media Player"). This abbreviation arose due to the need to characterize the company's products. Further born and PVP - Portable Video Player.

To date, the range of products produced also includes various Internet tablets, which work both under Windows 7 and under Google Android. In many of them, hard drives are used, which gives the user the opportunity to work with huge amounts of information. These devices are often called portable entertainment centers. Some of them are capable of receiving a television signal.

The company also developed a phone model presented in early 2010 - Phone Tablet.. At the same time, the founder of the company reported that the model will go on sale only if it succeeds to agree with the operators. Apparently, it was not possible to do.

The company came to the Russian market in 1998. Initially, it supplied only various computer peripherals to the market. Sales of multimedia devices began slightly later - after adapting them to the Russian language.

Main market Archos. - Europe. However, the company's products are available in the USA, where it comes under the brand Pocketdish and shipped in the packages of the television operator DISH NETWORK CORPORATION.that since 2004 is the owner of the fifth part of the shares Archos..

The company also owns a brand Arnova.under which tablet computers are produced, not too productive and with a small functional, but highly assembled and inexpensive. This is a product from the lowest segment of this market.

Head office Archos. Located in Ini, France (Igny, France).