WP ALL Import only product categories. WooCommerce

Sometimes it is required to unload goods, categories and other data from the online store on WooCommerce (WordPress). To make it means that are offered by WooCommerce plugin is not entirely appropriate, as in one site, the price of an additional extension by expansion / import starts from $ 100. Recommended export export / import extension developers from WCOMCERS you can see in the section " WooCommerce.» — « Addons", Then select a link from the top line of links -" Import / Export.". WooCommerce products can be extremely useful if you decide to transfer the site with WordPress on another engine, for example, on.

WooCommerce exports can be made free. Consider a special plugin which will allow free to unload all products from all categories of goods, or choose categories, products from which you need to export.

Wooexim Plugin - WooCommerce Export Import Plugin

Installing plugin Woexim - WooCommerce Export Import Plugin Standard, probably you have already installed the installation of plug-ins, so we will not consider the installation process. Let us now go to control and settings.

After installation in the side menu of the administrative part of the site a new item appears - " «:

Click on this item and see several subparagraphs:

  • Import Products.
  • Export Product
  • Orders.
  • Categories.
  • Customers.
  • Coupons
  • Archive.
  • Schedule
  • Settings

From active points only 3: Import Products, Export Product and Settings, which complies with the import of goods, exports of goods and settings. The remaining items become active only when purchasing the Pro version of the plugin. But we need only export of goods)

In the settings, you can specify separators for lists and several other parameters. If you do not change anything - the export of goods will be completed and so. We recommend not to change the settings, only as needed (if the exported file does not suit a new site engine when transferred - or why do you need export of goods?!)

We export goods with descriptions, references, prices, etc. from WooCommerce

So, the exportation of goods from allimmers (WCOMERS) with the help of a plugin Woexim - WooCommerce Export Import Plugin You can make in two ways: export all goods in general or export goods from certain categories. In any case, select the side menu item "Export", and then either press the "Export All Products" or "Choose Categories" button (Select categories).

As a result, you will receive the CSV file with products. Ready!

Good day! From this tutorial you will learn how import data (Import DATA) from CSV files to your WooCommerce directory.

In order to import products into your WooCommerce store, you need to install a plugin with this feature. You can find plugin WooCommerce CSV Importer In the official base of WordPress plugins.

To install the plugin, go to the tab Plugins\u003e Add new (Plugins\u003e Add New). You can either download the plug on the site downloaded by the link above, or find the plugin using Search form SEARCH FORM:

By installing and activating the plugin, you will see the tab. Import CSV. (CSV Import) in your admin panel. In order to start the process, do the following:

    In your Admin Panel WordPress, go to the tab Import CVS. (CSV Import) and check the instructions (Documentation):

    Prepare your file.csv or use the file sample.csv:

    Click the tab Settings (Settings) and check the available settings. Save the changes if you contributed them:

    Click the tab Site header (Header) and find your file:

    Check if all fields coincide. You can skip some fields when importing. Save the changes:

    Click the tab Import (Import) and find your file.csv. Check if all information is correct, and start importing:

    You can check the inverted products in the tab. Products (Products) and in Media File Library (Media Library).

IN this manual We will consider the most convenient way to mass import goods to your store using XML / CSV formats. This problem occurs quite often, especially with shops in which more than 100 products. In addition to the first import, the task of re-quickly changing prices, certain attributes, and these tasks are best to perform with mass imports of products.

Standard WooCommerce Import Opportunities

Import WooCommerce Suitable for Import small number Goods, but not to transfer the store on another platform.


  • imports in a few steps
  • enters the WooCommerce plugin, you do not need to install additional plugins


  • maximum size: 100 MB
  • supports only CSV files
  • there are no flexible settings
  • exporting only goods and related taxonomies: tags, categories, attributes

Import of goods with the WP ALL Import Pro plugin

After studying the solutions existing on the market for improving standard imports, we stopped at the WP ALL Import Pro plugin.

In addition to the usual import of goods, which offers WooCommerce from the box, it also provides the following features:

  • Import posts, pages, taxonomy, users, orders, coupons, additional fields
  • Import in the second language (with the help of addon, which made WPML)
  • Automatic Scheduled Import Updates
  • Import new data into existing content
  • Import images
  • API hooks & PHP execution for developers

Preparation for imports

To import goods correctly, make sure that the following plugins are installed and activated:

  • WooCommerce

Instructions for importing goods

Instructions for importing goods using WP All Import, more information on the official website.

1. Open the XML / CSV Import page

  • Download XML / CSV File Link - "Download from URL"

4. Select WooCommerce position in the drop-down list

5. Click on Step 2 button

6. If you imported a CSV file:

  • Click on Step 4 button

  • Go to step 8.

7. If you imported an XML file:

  • The system automatically selects the desired item if it did wrong - select the item that contains all necessary information About the 1 product, its name can be: post, product, etc.

  • Click on Step 3
  • The system automatically recognizes all data available for import and will offer to choose the desired. Drag the tags from the table to the right, which displays information about the goods, in the appropriate fields on the left to specify which data is imported. Be sure to drag the name of the goods.

  • Click on Step 4 button

8. Click the automatic definition to automatically generate the unique identifier of each product, or drag the necessary names of the fields or tags, separating them with a hyphen, in the Unique Identifier field. This action is necessary to prevent errors when importing these goods.



The settings on this page relate only to the import of goods from the downloaded file. If imports from this file is done for the first time - be sure to make sure that Chekbox Create new entries from records that are recently present in your file., Activated, otherwise the goods will not be imported.

The following two parameters:

Delete messages that are no longer present in your file and update existing messages with changed data in your file. will be involved in the next launch of this import

9. Click on the Continue button

10. Check all the settings on the page and, if correct, click on the Confirm & Start Import button.

11. Wait for the end of the import of goods

12. Import result:

Updating existing goods:

1. Open page XML / CSV Import

2. Select the data import method:

  • Download XML / CSV file from Computer "Download File":
  • Download XML / CSV File Link - "Download from URL"
  • Use the previously used import file - "Use an existing file".

3. Wait until the file is loaded.

4. Click on the "Existing Elements" button

5. Select WooCommerce products in the drop-down list

6. Click on Step 2 button

7. If you downloaded the CSV file:

  • Make sure that the system correctly determined the field separator, it is shown in the Set Separator field for the CSV fields. If not, then enter the field separator that is used in the selected CSV / XML file, in paragraph 2, and click Apply.

  • Click on Step 3
  • The system automatically recognizes all data available for import and will offer to choose the desired. Drag the names of the fields from the table to the right, which displays information about goods, in the corresponding fields on the left to specify which data you need to update. Be sure to drag the name of the goods.

  • Click on Step 4 button

8. For XML file. Perform the following steps:

  • The system automatically selects the desired item if it did wrong - select an item that contains all the necessary information about the product.

  • Click on Step 3
  • The system automatically recognizes all data available for import and will offer to choose the desired. Drag the tags from the table on the right, which displays information about the goods, in the appropriate fields on the left to specify which data you need to update. Be sure to drag the name of the goods.

  • Click on Step 4 button

9. Click to determine automatically for the automatic formation of the unique identifier of each product, or drag the desired names of the fields or tags, separating them with a hyphen, in the Unique Identifier field. This action is necessary to prevent errors when importing these goods.



The settings on this page concern all goods: those that already exist, and those that will be imported.

10. Click on the Continue button

11. Check all the settings on the page and, if correct, click on the Confirm & Start Import button.

12. Wait for the end of importing goods

Detailed Block Overview 3 Steps Importing Goods:

All data entered manually will be used for each product.

1. Text description editor has two modes: Visual - it works as ordinary text editorAnd Text is designed for HTML and CSS code.
This block provides the opportunity preview. Click on the same button to see the result of the import of this data.

2. In this block you can configure the import of the main product data.

3. In the image block, you have the ability to import images in 3 ways:

  • download Images from the Internet
  • use images that have been previously downloaded to the site library.
  • use images that were previously downloaded to the folder to the WP-CONTENT / UPLOADS \\ WPALLIMPORT \\ FILES server \\

4. If you did not find a suitable data field from an imported file, create it:

You can use the ACF Pro plugin and addon for WP AI for even more flexible settings for additional fields.
5. In this block you can import taxonomy (categories of goods, tags of goods, brands, if you have our PREMMERCE WOOCOMMERCE BRANDS plugin) for goods in several modes with flexible settings:

  • each product has only one category;
  • each product has several categories;
  • each product has a category hierarchy, if provided for in taxonomy.

6. Parameters of the publication of goods are configured here:

7. In the Function Editor block, you can write additional scripts or functions that are performed when importing:

Import management

This is a page of all previously made imports. You can perform the following:

1. Delete imports with mass actions, or clicking on the appropriate button called import.

2. Download export file - click on the link called Import

3. Change the import template - click on the Edit Import button.

Change import settings - click on the Import Settings button. On this page you can change the import file

5. Run Import - click on the same button.

6. CRON SCHEDULING This page describing the automatic import setting.

Does not work if you download a file to import from a computer.

7. View all import logs

Here you can view all magazines import goods

How to make a massive import of goods to the online store running on the plugin WordPress - WooCommerce.? More recently, it was impossible to do this for free, but the paid import plugins exists abound, including WooCommerce. These are their earnings, because the plugin itself is distributed free of charge, but with disabilities.

Of course, for the right and useful addition, not a pity and pay, if your store began to generate income. And how to be beginners, who want to try and see? You will not buy everything in a row for different experiments. So, what am I doing all this, not so long ago in the tab Goods -\u003e All products, two buttons appeared - Import and export.

I am terribly interested, and what can you really make these buttons? In altruism team WooCommerce, I do not believe. Let's see what buns for us did not regret the developers of the plugin.

Import of goods from CSV file

This tool allows you to import or add data from CSV. File to your store. The size of the downloaded file should not exceed 2 megabytes (substantial limit). It is also possible to update the data of goods if you check the checkbox in Chekbox, then the goods with the same Idupdated. This feature It will be useful when updating the base with goods.

Advanced settings

There is a field where you specify the path to CSV. file on server. Why do you need it? Let's imagine that there is a supplier whose goods you sell in your store. The supplier changes prices and remotely updates your CSV. File to current, with new prices. In my opinion it is too difficult, is it easier to supplier simply send you an updated file.

In the field with separation CSV. The default is a comma, which separates from each other product data. What do you need to know and understand? Separator B. CSV. The file should be the same as in this import field. You must always check the received file from suppliers, if for example, there is a point with a comma, then you will prescribe a point with a comma in this field, otherwise imports will not happen.

Example CSV file

IN top string We see the names of the fields separated by the comma. In the following lines - the values \u200b\u200bof goods. In some columns, instead of values \u200b\u200bare commas, it means that the column is empty, that is, there is no value in the database.

Program for working with CSV format

Well for working with CSV. Files fits free program On the page OpenOffice. , Before opening CSV. File for editing, a pre-window with settings will open. Choose a coding UTF-8. And put a tick opposite the desired separator.

CSV file import process

Step1) Download CSV file

Step2) Assign CSV fields

All values \u200b\u200bof goods with column names appeared in the left column, you need to choose the appropriate names of the fields from the left post.

If imports have passed successfully, you will see the next image.

All goods imported.

I will reveal to you the secret that I have a smooth import process, just because I first made the export of several goods from the store. At the exit I got ready CSV. The file, with the correct names of the fields and then imported the same file.

Thus, the first benefit from innovation was revealed, you can quickly make changes to CSV. File and back to import than to open the item in turn.

What problems arose

You can't import CSV. The file as it is, whether you get it from suppliers or from a affiliate. Names of columns B. CSV. The file must strictly coincide with the names of the selected fields when importing. In practice, you first need to replace the names of the columns, which in the top row on the same as in the plugin, otherwise there will be no imports.


Do import of goods through native import / export WooCommerce It does not work out, you need patience to figure it out. And those who figured out, is to edit CSV. File (replace column names). The truth is once again confirmed that a good product cannot be free. According to today's standards, it's good, this is when everything is simple and do not worry. Just for this simplicity there is a huge work of developers.

Surely very often you have a question "How to add 1000 products in WooCommerce avoiding the routine add" a little prehistory.

A client applied to the development of the online store, the entire nuance is that the goods were more than 2400. We certainly knew that there were tools to simplify such work, but were never faced with such a number of goods (mainly there were shops for 30- 80 products)

And then the hour is X. We began to look for plugins, of course stumbled on the Woothemes plugin, but we did not suit the price of the plugin (199 green) and then it started ...

Import goods in WooCommerce using the WP All Import plugin

The WP All Import plugin seemed to us the most successful solution to solve the problem. You need to additionally put WP ALL Import - Woocommerce Add-on.

1. Install Plugin

2. Go to the import file

What we have: Name Product (product name) | Price (price of goods) | Description (Product Description) | Category Product (categories of goods) | Image Product (miniature of goods)

3. Enjoy all the necessary information

4. We save in Excel in format.xml (if you save in CSV format will be "CrakoNews")

5. Go to Open Office ( Analogue Word. and Excel)

6) open the file and save it in CSV format (Be sure to specify UTF-8) (separators must be commas ",")

7) We begin imports. Select Upload File

Select Woocommerce Product

Go to the next step. On the 2nd step, how many rows in imports will be shown (the first line is not taken into account, provided that the tags are properly written: for example, Name Product)

Go to the third step.

nameProduct is transferred to Title & Content, Price transfer to WooCommerce Add-on (If you do not see this field, it means that you have not been installed WP ALL IMPORT - WooCommerce Add-on) Description transfer to Title & Content, CategoryProduct transferred to Taxonomies, Categories , Tags.

Well, of course imageProduct in Images (the photo can be stailed not only from your site, but from others too, it pumps out) when they chose go to the next step.

If nothing is clear from the writings, or just read Lena Watch the video