How to fix all system errors. How to fix the errors on the computer? Program that corrects errors on the computer

We all make mistakes from time to time. Everyday errors include error in a specific task (in the letter, set of text, diagram, and the like), the insult of the person, the action that you subsequently regret participation in risky situations. Since unpleasant randomness is quite common, we all need to learn to correct them and cope with them. Correction of any slip includes: understanding your mistake, drawing up a plan, care for yourself and proper communication.


Part 1

Understand your mistake

    Recognize your error. To fix something, you first need to understand what you did wrong.

    • Determine the error. Did you say something wrong? Accidentally made a mistake in a school or work project? Forgot to wash the bathroom, as promised?
    • Understand how and why you committed a mistake. You did it on purpose, but later regretted it? Or have you just not been attentive enough? Reflect on the situation, for example: "How did I forget to get into the bathroom? I did not want to get out there, wanted to avoid this work? I was too busy? "
    • If you are not sure what they did not do, ask a friend, family member, teacher, employee, boss, so that this person helped you find out what is the mistake. For example, if someone is angry with you, you can ask: "I see that you are angry with me, can you explain why?". A person can answer: "I am angry at you, because you said that you will be removed in the bathroom, but you didn't do it."
  1. Remember your past errors. Pay attention to your behaviors and on what such problems have been in your past. Was it so that you and in the past forget something to do?

    • Record all patterns and themes that you noticed continue to arise. This will help you determine a larger goal that you need to work (focus, certain skills, and so on). For example, you may be inclined to forget about those tasks that do not want to perform, for example, about cleaning. This will be a sign that you dodge the task or what you need to become more organized in order not to forget to fulfill certain obligations.
  2. Take responsibility for yourself. Understand that this is yours and only your error. Take responsibility for your own mistakes and do not try to blame the blame on someone else. If you play in search of the guilty, you will not be able to study on your own misses, as you can continue to make the same mistakes again and again.

    • Write down those parts of the problem you have highlighted, or a specific error committed.
    • Determine what exactly you could do differently to get the best result.

    Part 2

    Make a plan
    1. Think about past solutions. One of best ways Solve the problem or correct the error - determine how you coped with similar problems or errors in the past. Flee the following: "In the past, I did not forget what I need to do, how did it work? Ah, for sure, I recorded things to the calendar and looked at it several times a day! ".

      • Make a list of such errors you have committed. Determine how you cost each of these mistakes, and whether it was useful for you or not. If not, it is likely that this solution will not work this time.
    2. Consider possible options. Come up with as many ways to correct the error. In our example there are many options: you could remove the bathroom, apologize, suggest to get out in another part of the apartment, agree, do it the next day, and so on.

      • Use your problem solving skills to come up with possible options for solving the current problem.
      • Make a list of advantages and minuses for each possible solution. For example, if you have determined that one of the possible options for solving your problem is a nexicated bathroom will be "be sure to get into the bathroom tomorrow", the list of advantages and minuses can look like this: Plus - the bathroom will eventually be clean, cons - today it will be undershot, Tomorrow I can forget about cleaning (I can't fully guarantee that it will be done), it will not help solve the problem that I forgot to get into the bathroom. Based on this assessment, it would be better to clean up the bathroom on the same day, and not the next, if possible, and develop a plan of how in the future, do not forget to clean in this room.
    3. Decide with the order of actions and perform them. To solve the problem, you need a plan. Determine the best possible solution based on the past and possible options, and be committed to its implementation.

      Formulate a spare plan. No matter how reliable the plan seemed to, there is a possibility that he will not solve the problem. For example, you may be removed in the bathroom, but the person who asked you to do is still angry with you.

      • Determine others possible solutions And write them down from the most useful to the least useful. Come on the top view from top to bottom. TO possible options They may relate: to offer to be climbing in another room, sincerely apologize, ask a person how you can notify the guilt, or offer him what he likes (food, classes, and so on).
    4. Do not allow mistakes in the future. If you can successfully find a solution to your error, then you start the process of success in the future avoidance of errors.

      • Write down that, in your opinion, you did wrong. Then write down the goal of what you want to do in the future. For example, if you forgot to be climbing in the bathroom, you may have such goals: write a list of tasks for every day, twice a day check it, check the tasks performed, stick to the refrigerator stickers with a reminder for the most priority tasks.

    Part 3.

    Take care of yourself
    1. Do not be too strict with yourself. Understand that everyone makes mistakes, this is normal. You can feel guilty, but you need to take yourself as you are, despite your weaknesses.

      • Forgive yourself and move on, instead of buying on your problem.
      • Focus on now to continue to come correctly.
    2. Keep your emotions under control. When we make a mistake, we can easily overtake the feelings of disappointment, depression, may have a desire to surrender at all. If you are experiencing excessively strong emotions or stress, take a break. Increased emotions will not benefit you in trying to correct your mistake.

    3. Card. Focus on how to combat negative emotions that can make you feel better. Think about how you coped with mistakes in the past. Determine the ways that helped you correctly cope with the problem and ways that only aggravated your condition.

      • Common strategies include: a positive internal dialogue (talk about yourself good things), exercise, relaxing classes (for example, reading or game).
      • Self-depleting behavior, for example, self-destructive behavior, for example, is the use of alcohol or other substances, causing physical harm, repetitive thoughts and negative reflections about themselves.

    Part 4.

    Communicate effectively
    1. Be convincing. Use positive interaction skills, talk about your thoughts and feelings relevant way and with respect for the interlocutor. When you are affirmative, you acknowledge that it was wrong and take responsibility for your own guilt. You do not blame others in your mistakes.

      • Do not be passive: you should not avoid talk about your mistake, hide, agree with what others want from you, and not defend themselves.
      • Do not show aggression: do not increase the tone, do not shout, do not humiliate people, do not curse, do not show violent behavior (do not strive things, do not decrease your hands).
      • Avoid passive aggressive behavior. It is a mixture of passive and aggressive forms of communication, when you can be angry, but do not express your feelings. Therefore, you can do something in a person behind your back to revenge, or arrange a boycott-silence. This is not the best form of communication, in addition, a person may not understand what you are trying to tell him and why you do that.
      • Send positive non-verbal messages. Our non-verbal communication also sends certain messages to people around us. Smile, for example, says: "Yes, I have to frown, but I can be brave and go through it."
    2. Use active listening skills. Let the upset person pour out your disappointment and are not treated with the answer.

      • Try to focus only on listening to a person, instead of thinking about how to answer him. Focus on the thoughts and feelings of the person who are listening, and not on their own.
      • Make a brief statements and ask clarifying questions, for example: "I realized that you were angry and upset because I didn't get into the bathroom, right?".
      • Match out. Show an understanding and put yourself in place of another person.
    3. Apologize. Sometimes, when we make mistakes, we can hurt other people. Apologize in front of a person, so you will show that they regret the perfect mistake, feel guilty for the damage caused and want to do better in the future.

      • Do not try to find excuses and explain everything. Just admit your miss. Tell me: "I admit that I forgot to get clinging in the bathroom. I'm sorry ".
      • Be careful not to accuse others. You should not say something like: "If you remind me that you need to get out there, then maybe I would not forget, and the bathroom would have been clean."

Most computer owners, eliminate faults related to the operating system in manual mode, unable.

For this, there are standard ways and extra. What to enjoy depends on the specific situation.

To do this, log in to the control panel and click on the "troubleshooting" option. See Ric:

As can be seen from the drawing, a lot of tools. Define an error, find it in the menu and click. Next, start the utility and performs automatic elimination of errors.

Of course, they arise much more than arises in the control panel. There's solutions for everything.

Another way to automatically correct system errors is special mini utilities called "Fix".

Another standard option how to automatically correct system errors, You can call the installation disk.

Insert it into the drive, and start performing actions as when reinstall windowsBut reaching the WINDOVS 7 function to install, press below as in the figure below the system restore. Follow the written indication further.

All described above belong to standard methods. Additional in the form of programs for automatic correction of errors have arisen. For example, "RegistryBooster" or "Reg Organizer", only I do not use them.

I prefer to other - "" and "CCleaner". The second only corrects the registry, whereas the first can eliminate automatically most system errors.

To make these operations in manual mode, you need a lot of time and knowledge, but rely only on "automation", it is also not worth it.

This is especially true to. Now I do not remember what exactly I used for this program, but after its intervention, eliminating its "developments", no longer helped nothing, I had to fully change the transaction.

So take off to the automatic remedy of errors carefully and at least always create a control point of recovery, and even better write the image to the external hDD.

There is another option, find out what happens to your computer. True, he refers to the manual regime.

It seems to see what is recorded in the "WINDOVS magazine". There are all the mistakes that happened to your computer.

Sometimes they are recorded in the form of a code that is to decipher. Although it is not to relate to the automatic elimination of system errors, but sometimes the only way to find out what happened and then fix it.

So that such problems did not arise how I wrote above try to purchase outdoor hard Disk and from time to time make copies of images.

Only then can you be 100% confident that you will always automatically correct absolutely all system errors.

The Windows operating system is a very complex complex of a plurality of programs and services that continuously interact with each other are updated and changed. It happens that when you start one or more of these processes, a number of system errors or failures occur, which cause damage to various parts of the OS, for example, the registry. This article describes the correction of registry errors and hard disk In Windows 7.

The most frequent causes of such emergencies is infection personal computer viruses and malicious scripts, incorrect deletion and installation of programs, incorrect completion of the PC and power interruptions when starting a PC.

Recovery (rollback) system

Users can use the standard Windows restore function. To do this, follow the following:

In the course of this procedure, the registry errors will be eliminated installed drivers and programs displayed at startup.

Command line

If you do not have a recent rollback point, you can enjoy manually troubleshooting. To do this, you will need a Windows console. it special utility without graphic interfaceBut with a very powerful functionality. Despite the apparent inconvenience and unusual interface, working in the console is very simple:


This utility has enough useful functions for users. First, with its help you can correctly delete any programs with subsequent registry correction. Secondly, the CCleaner has a special tool, when starting which you can automatic mode Review and eliminate all registry entries errors.

To do this, you will need to run the utility and go to the tab called "Registry" ("Registry"). Mark all available items available and click on the "Problem Search" button. When the scan is completed, click "Fix ..." to troubleshoot.

This section should be the first place you visit if any faults occur. You can find it at the Control Panel → "Troubleshooting".

Here you are waiting for several step-by-step masters that will help solve problems with connecting the printer, playing sound, internet access, and so on.

It may well be that your problem is nothing complicated, and therefore quite bye this built-in repairman.

Optimization of disk

Modern hard drives Usually do not require so frequent maintenance as in the past decades. In addition, new versions have learned to optimize disks on a schedule and in minutes of idle time. Nevertheless, if you have noticed a slowdown in the computer or strange sounds from the drive, it will be useful to run the disk service utility.

It is easiest to do this by following the name search. Using the utility you can analyze the status of the drives, optimize them or change the schedule of automatic maintenance.

System rollback to the previous state

An excellent function, which many users for some reason forget. It can be useful if you have any errors and failures after installing new programs or updating drivers. With the help of the system recovery, you can return the computer by the time everything worked.

Sometimes recovery leads to partial loss of user data that have recently appeared. Therefore, before proceeding with treatment, it is better to do backups. And yet rollback to the previous checkpoint is a simple and fast way to solve many problems.

System Stability Monitor

To fix something, you need to understand what broke. Get the answer to this question will help you the utility "System Stability Monitor". It is not so easy to find it, as it is harnessed in the depths of the "control panel". Therefore, it is easiest to use the search for where to introduce the phrase "reliability magazine".

Here you will find a detailed report on work. operating system and installed softwareas well as emerging failures. Sometimes one look at the magazine is enough to determine the cause of the problems and eliminate it.

System Restore

If the methods listed above did not work, you can try a more radical agent. To do this, you need to use recent versions Windows feature Return to the initial state. It has several options: the most gentle allows you to even save everything, while the other will return the computer by the time of purchase.

To access this feature, open the "Computer Settings", and then go to the "Update and Security" section. Here locate the "Restore" tab on the left pane. Depending on which system was established initially and which updates were applied, the composition of the items may be somewhat different.

Diagnostics of RAM

Quite often problems are associated with errors random access memory. The special cunning of this case is that bugs begin to occur without any system. Therefore, if you suffer sudden reboots, blue screens and non-prompt programs, be sure to check the status of RAM.

Find this useful utility The search will help "Diagnostics of Memory". After starting, select the verification mode that suits you and wait for the test results.

Resource monitor

Another wonderful tool that allows you to know what is happening under the hood of Windows, called the "Resource Monitor". It will be useful to you, for example, if any process starts to behave in an inappropriate manner, too loading the processor or indifferently recording something to the disk. Of course, it will cause a slowdown in the computer, so the intruder needs to be quickly found and neutralized.

"Resource Monitor" is an older brother of a well-known task manager. It provides the most complete information about each process, service, driver, network connections and the use of processor, memory, hard disk.

Well, I tried everything, but Windows did not cure? Then it is really worth taking a phone and call a familiar "HOME".

Can you offer other rescue options? In this case, welcome to the comments!

Any operating system on windows database gives failures after a long time. System disks are clogged with residual and temporary files, programs. Disorder in the system leads to a decrease overall productivity. The device is loaded long, slowly performs operations. The biggest user problem is the occurrence of errors against the background of the failures in Windows 7. There are internal and external ways to eliminate errors in the system. Internal implies the use of Windows power and resources, external ways Programs and utilities are used.

Checking disk using chkdsk

CHKDSK - service utility built into the operating system. The destination of the utility is to restore the damaged sectors on the hard disk. Also, Chkdsk corrects errors system files. The utility runs from the command line in Windows 7. You can start the command line in several ways:

  • The combination of keys on the Win + R keyboard;
  • Start key, in the search bar, enter a request "CMD";
  • Start, Programs, Standard, Command Line.

In the black window that opens, the command is entered: "CHKDSK C: / F". Command value:

  • Chkdsk - disk checking;
  • C: - Name system Disc, the letter can be another, colon necessarily;
  • / F - action designation, the system automatically checks out for errors by eliminating them.

After entering the command, press the ENTER button. Upon the next reboot, the system will check and correct the error.

Check by the SFC ScanNow command

The utility is also running from the command line. To start checking, you will need administrator rights. In the command prompt, you need to enter "SFC / SCANNOW". The system will automatically check the files, including closed, correct errors, restore damaged from the cached copy.

Standard diagnostics of Windows problems

Using the command line is suitable for advanced users. Those who are poorly understood in the operation of computers, suitable window version of diagnostics and troubleshooting. Additionally, Windows 7 operating system users are available for searching for solutions and downloads. important updates in updates and support centers.

Troubleshooting in the control panel

This is internal windows programallowing you to diagnose the system for errors and search for solutions to eliminate them. You can run it as follows:

A window will open with a list of all computer system capabilities. In most cases, it is enough to start checking the "Speed" item. Double click At the selected item, the user will start checking. In order for the system to immediately eliminate the errors, check the box to "automatically apply corrections".

Search for solutions in the center of support

The support center tools tracks the operating system status, saves error and failure reports. Through the Center, you can find the problems that have occurred, correct them.

To correct errors in the system, go to the "Maintenance" section of the center.

Check updates in the center of updates

Windows 7 is already considered outdated. Microsoft has stopped active support for users on this version of the operating system, but updates are still. The installation is not necessary, but the system corrects errors, restores corrupted files during the download process of the next updates.

For recently installed Windows updates It is searched and downloaded automatically. If this option is disabled, the user can start the process manually:

  1. Press the Start button;
  2. Log in to the section Control Panel, System and Safety;
  3. Select Windows Update Center;
  4. On the left side of the window click on the "Search for Updates";
  5. Wait for the completion of the procedure.

The system will offer to establish found updates. It is recommended to agree.

Error correction programs

For operating rooms windows systems A variety of programs have been developed that can improve performance, fix errors, delete registry errors. Such utilities weigh a little, do not take computer resources.

Advanced System Care.

The utility leads a computer in order comprehensively. Advanced System Care is distributed free of charge, you can download on the developer's website.

Important! When installing, you should carefully read the proposed information, remove the checkboxes from the installation points of the additional, advertising software.

After installing and running Advanced System Care, a simple interface window appears before the user. 2 modes of operation with utility, simplified and expert are offered. In any of the modes, it is enough to press the larger "Start" button. The utility will independently check the system on:

  • Viruses;
  • Erroneous entries in the registry;
  • Temporary, residual, unwanted files;
  • Network problems;
  • Erroneous labels;
  • Possible threats for confidentiality.

On the user team, all threats or some of them will be deleted.


One of best programs For cleaning and fixing the registry for Windows operating systems. CCleaner is distributed free of charge. As in the previous case, it is recommended to carefully read the information in the installation windows. You can download CCleaner on the official website of the developer.

After starting the program before the user 2 menus. On the left side, the main functions, in the right - launch of specific operations. Working with CCleaner takes place in 3 stages:

  1. Tab "Service". There is a list of all installed programs on PC. They can be uninstalled. There are also startup tabs, search for duplicate files, analysis of system disks.
  2. Tab "Registry". It is recommended to switch to it after removing programs. CCleaner will find all erroneous entries in the system, will offer to correct or remove them.
  3. Tab "Cleaning". The utility detects temporary system and browser files, removes them. This procedure allows you to clear the space on the system disk.

The above-mentioned actions will significantly improve PC performance. It is recommended to regularly analyze and clean the CCleaner utility.

Windows 7 Manager.

The Windows 7 Manager utility allows you to fully maintain the operating system. Download software.

Windows 7 Manager works by analogy with CCleaner, but gives the user access to the extended functionality for optimization, cleaning, working with the network and the protection of the PC.

To find and correct Errors in Windows 7, you should sequentially select the items in the left menu, analyze and clean the system.

Microsoft Fix IT.

Software created specifically to work with Windows. Downloads and installed microsoft utility FIX IT for free. In the Utility window, the user offers a list of system tools, for each of which you can run an error check with the subsequent correction.

FIX IT has been developed by Microsoft and is one of the official troubleshooting tools.


The program is created by the developers of the famous AVG antivirus. Download and use the program is free. The creators of AVG PC Tune Up promise that computers after using utilities work faster and do not break longer.

To use the AVG PC Tune Up features, it is enough to install it and stages to start checking, eliminate errors.

Kaspersky Cleaner

Free utility from the company offering antivirus software. Kaspersky Cleaner is very simple to use. You can download it.

After starting, the user is proposed to press only 1 button to search and eliminate the internal problems of the operating system.

List of system errors with blue screen

Most users begin to worry about the state of the system only when regular appearance blue Screen "of death". The following is a list of the most common.

Error numberWhat means
0x00000001.Errors in the file system, drivers. Lack of hard disk space / in RAM
0x0000000A.Invalid device driver address
0x0000001E.Problem with driver or OS function
0x00000020One of the APC counters is disabled / damaged
0x00000023.Failure B. terder section Disk (FAT)
0x00000024Hard disk failure (NTFS)
0x0000002A.Turning off the IPR during the execution of the driver command
0x0000002b.The kernel driver uses too much space in the stack.
0x0000002E.Failure in the field of RAM
0x000031System Initialization Error (Early Stage)
0x00000032.System Initialization Error (Late Stage)
0x000035.No free space on the OS stack for drivers interaction
0x000036.Attempt to remove a component that was in work
0x0000003E.System processes do not correspond to each other in terms of level / symmetry

The listed errors are solved by starting checking and correction, system rollback or reinstalling Windows.

Reset settings in BIOS

This method is suitable in cases where the user installed incorrect settings on the computer, but does not know what the error is. Entrance to the BIOS on different devices It is carried out at the time of inclusion. For start menu Bios. You need to hold one of the hot keys (you can specify on the manufacturer's website). Most often, these are the buttons F8, F10, DEL.

On old types Bios Reset The default settings were performed on main page. "Load Fail-Safe Defaults.

On new PCs and laptops, this feature is in the right tab "EXIT" is usually referred to as "Load Setup Defaults".

Using a secure mode of operation

In some cases, the system is damaged so that it does not start in the usual window format. You can start checking and troubleshooting errors in safe mode via the command line (see above).

On most devices safe mode It starts with a frequent press of the F8 button at the time of inclusion. A boot menu will appear where the option should be selected. The pointer moves the "Up" and "Down" buttons, the choice is made by the Enter key.

System Restore

If the error correction does not lead to the expected result, you should try to restore the system to more working condition. The easiest algorithm:

The computer will reboot, will function correctly.

Restore in Windows Re

This method is suitable in cases where nothing helps at all. Recovery B. windows Environment Re is not carried out from the operating system, but from under the BIOS. Algorithm of actions:

  1. Insert disk or blood flash drive with recorded Windows 7;
  2. Turn on the device, enter the BIOS;
  3. In the Advanced Features section, select the PC start from the disk or USB device;
  4. Restart;
  5. In the menu that opens when the menu boot, select one of the recovery options suitable for the user.

It is recommended to choose "Run Restore" to troubleshoot, restore damaged files. "System Recovery" conducts comprehensive troubleshooting. Also in the Windows Re environment available command lineThrough which you can run internal utilities for verifying and troubleshooting.

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