Double keystrokes on the keyboard. Keyboard triggers double press

The shrink function of the keys is designed for users who are difficult to hold two or more keys at the same time.

It is possible to facilitate the situation by way alternately pressing key combination.

If you need to use a specific key combination, such as Ctrl + P, mode "Shipping keys" Allows you to press the keys in turn, and not at the same time.

For some, the keys are the only way to interact normally with the computer and the operating system.

This mode extends to such keys as Ctrl, Alt, Shift and windows key (with the image of the Windows flag). After clicking on the control key, it remains active until the user presses the second key, completing the combination.

IN Windows There is such an opportunity. But for this you need to set it first.

Calling the keypad settings window can be made by fivefold button pressing "SHIFT", just not fast: o). Or standard, with the mouse Start \u003e\u003e\u003e Control Panel \u003e\u003e\u003e Special Features (If Vista or Windows 7, then in the control panel "Center for Special Opportunities").

VC mouse shrinking keys

  1. Press the button Start and select Control Panel .
  2. Make sure that you are selected classic view And the control panel icons are displayed on the screen. If not, select the control panel in the left domain.
  3. Choose Special abilities To open the corresponding dialog box.

4. Select the tab Keyboard And check the box Shipping.

For additional setting Shipping parameters The keys should be used. Setting.
Press the button Setup (1), To open the key sticking dialog box. Check the boxes corresponding to necessary parameters. Press the button OK(2), then apply (3), and then the button Close (X) on the control panel .

Window Setting the key sticking mode contains The following parameters:

If you are not madly lucky and you do not work, you do not work, then open the settings window "Shipping keys" You can use the keyboard

Enable keypads using the keyboard

  1. Open menu Startby pressing the keys Ctrl + Esc (or key with Windows emblem). Then open Control Panel By pressing the key C..
  2. Make sure the classic and control panel icons are selected on the screen. If it is not so, go to the left area of \u200b\u200bthe control panel and select Toggle to classicBy pressing the key Tab, and then Input. Use the arrow keys to select Special abilities and press the key Input.
  3. In the dialog box Special abilities Click the tab Keyboard , and then select the checkbox ShippingBy pressing the key U.
  4. Use the key the button Parameters . A dialog box opens Configuring key sticking mode in which you can select the parameters listed below.

Press the key U, To establish a checkbox Use such a way of inclusion . This parameter allows you to turn on and off shipping the keys with a five-fold key. Shift..

Press the key set the checkbox Double Pressing Locks Keys Ctrl, Shift and Alt . This parameter allows you to lock the Ctrl, Alt, Shift keys, or the Windows emblem key if you press any of them twice in a row.

Press the key set the checkbox Disable sticking when you press two keys at once . This parameter allows you to turn off the sticking keys if the Ctrl, Alt, SHIFT keys or the Windows emblem key are pressed simultaneously with any other key.

Press the key set the checkbox Imagine a beep when you press Ctrl, SHIFT and ALT . This parameter allows you to play the beep when the Ctrl, Alt, Shift keys or the Windows emblem key are pressed, locked up or released.

Press the key set the checkbox Display the status of the shrink mode on the screen . This feature allows you to display the appropriate icon in the taskbar when the plump function is turned on.

5. Double press the key InputTo exit the special features menu.

6. Close the control panel by pressing the key Alt + F, C.

How to disable the "Shipping Key" function

As a rule, the function of sticking the keys and the mouse buttons is conveniently activated in cases where native users or people with disabilities are sitting at the computer. If you do not need to use these modes, it is better to disable them.

Sometimes the sticking keys takes automatically and many probably have come across such problems. Often it happens in games when you press multiple keys at the same time.
Or the sticking is involved in itself with a long holding of one and the keyboard button.
Or you print any text and suddenly switched something ... and it was impossible to print with one click, but prints only if you keep the button for a few seconds.
Most likely, in such cases. You turned on Mode "Shipping keys» .

According to statistics, the SHIFT key is most often sticking. At the same time, when the sticking turns on, the computer begins to publish a characteristic high sound, resembling intermittent squeak. Every five seconds when sticking out the same key, the sound is repeated, which is very annoying in front of the computer.

To remove the keys to remove without turning off this mode, press the SHIFT key when working five times.

To disable key sticking function , follow these steps

For compulsory shutdown of the sticking of the keys:

For Windows XP. :

Method 1. Standard

1. Pass in "Start" → "Control Panel". Call component "Special abilities". In general, the initial actions are the same as when the key shaping mode is turned on (see above)

2. Click on the icon "Special abilities" The left mouse button, the new dialog box opens. In the window that opens, go to the tab "Keyboard".

3. In chapter "Shipping keys" "Sharp".

4. Click on the button "Apply"So that new settings entered into force.

5. Close the window "Special abilities"by clicking on the button OK or icon [x]in law upper corner window.

For Windows 7: for convenience, I also give an example for english version.

1. Go to "Start" → "Control Panel".

Below we find item «» (Ease of Access.) And go to it.

In the next window, you will find a list of work simplifications with a computer. Choose « Facility working with keyboard"(Make The Keyboard Easier to Use)

By the way, by default, in the section "Simplify text set" Most options are not noted that it does not interfere with Windows every time to propose the inclusion of new functions when you press a specific key sequence. To get rid of these proposals, you will have to dive even deeper into the settings.

Click the link "Set up Up Sticky Keys)to go to the window " Set up Sticky Keys. In this window you need to remove checkboxes not only from the point « Enable sticking keys» ,

but from the point "Turn on the sticking keys with a fivefold key to press the Shift key" (Turn On Sticky Keys When SHIFT IS PRESSED FIVE TIMES).

Then Windows will stop offering to enable this feature.

When everything will be ready, save the settings made by pressing "Apply". Close button button "OK ".

Method 2. Lightweight

To disable key sticking function, you need to make simple actions:

With quick fivefold press left key in windows xp A dialog box appears with the proposal to include Shipping keys

After pressing the button "Parameters" Window opens immediately "Special abilities" . Next, we work with this window, as in the first way.

For Windows 7 Dialog box with a proposal to enable keypads Will look like this:

Or a window Sticky Keys. For the English version:

3. The keys shrink settings window appears.

6. Enjoying work in Windows or play your favorite game.

Turning off the "Input Filtering" function

You have disconnected the "key sticking" function, but the problem has not left, there is still a print delay. Perhaps the case is that in addition to sticking the keys, mode can be turned on "Input filtering"

"Filter Keys), turns on if you press and hold right key more than 8 seconds.

To disable it,

For Windows XP. :

Go Start \u003e\u003e\u003e Control Panel \u003e\u003e\u003e Special Features \u003e\u003e\u003e Keyboard.

In chapter Filtering input Remove the marker from the field opposite the inscription "Filtration".

Press the button Setting To open the parameter filtering dialog box. Remove the checkbox from the point "Turning on the filtration mode: holding the SHIFT key on the right within 8 seconds"Press OKthen apply and close by clicking OK or H.

For Windows 7:

Go Start \u003e\u003e\u003e Control Panel \u003e\u003e\u003eCenter special features

In the window "Lightweight work with keyboard" Remove the checkbox from the section "Enable input filtering":

- "Enable input filtering" and "Enable input filtering mode while holding the SHIFT right-hand key for more than 8 seconds" (Turn on Filter Keys WHEN Right SHIFT IS PRESSED FOR 8 SECONDS)

Press Apply, Close the window by pressing OK

Well, last:

How to disable the notifying mode of the "Sharp keys" mode

If keypads need to be left active, but only you only need to turn off the distracting beep, published by the computer,

that For Windows 7. tick \u200b\u200bat the option " Enable keypipes » Leave / or put and click on the blue link "Setting up the ships of the keys".

In the window that appears, remove the tick in front of the option « Sound signal Clicking Ctrl, Alt and Shift »,

then click Apply, then OK And close the control panel.

For Windows XP. This action will look like this:

You can also remove a tick with "Use such a way of inclusion" in Settings section "Switching modes"
In this way, you do not disconnect the sticking of the keys, but remove the irritating sound.

That seems to be all that I wanted to say about such windows features , as "Shipping keys" and " Input filtering ». If these special abilities You do not need, disabling these two options will save you from obsessive offers. operating system And from the annoying scoop of the speaker.

Based on materials,, www.nb1000.

There are two ways to solve the situation, you have a solution to differ from mine, as our mouse and systems are different with you, do diagnosis!

Here are two ways to solve, mechanical and software, now we will understand everything.


In this article we solve the problem of involuntary, double click, which should not be in principle. That is, correct the glitches and violations of the software, and perhaps and mechanically adjust the rodent ...

If you just want to change a double click on a single one, in order to not interfere with the parents to sleep, in Tikhari at night playing in, this article is not about that \u003d)


Remove the old drivers and return, and better, visit the manufacturer's website and download the latest driver, for your operators. How to define a real office. Site and distinguish it from the twin, read, (important!). But in this way, we reinstall the standard mouse driver in Windows: Start \u003d\u003e Control Panel \u003d\u003e Device Manager \u003d\u003e

Choose your mouse. Right-click the context menu, "Properties". Driver tab, and remove the "Delete" driver. We do not argue with all Windows warnings, agree. If everything is smooth, then the driver will be fully removed, then the mouse will stop working. Now remove the connector and reboot the computer, it is not necessary, but it will not be superfluous.

If the double click is not where it did not disappear, but simply went to drink tea and returned, we conclude that the decision is not in providing in the device itself. And it needs to be edited for this: And so, we take the chisel, the hammer with a file and act like this guy on one of the forums: \u003d), and if seriously, let's look at how it is done.

Mechanical method

1. Unscrew the screw
2. Take out the microcircuit

5. Refning the record.

7. Insert the chip.
8. Tighten the screw (s).


Yes, and of course from the manufacturer, here for example, buying your problem mouse Logitech Seller just gained **, that the firm is just a leader in niche and the quality of such a thing simply not to find, at a price of 250 rubles. \u003d)

And also, do not forget to repress the article in our societies, I will be pleased with it \u003d)

Hello, I have a Logitech mouse on a laptop, started involuntarily to do a double click of the left button, with one press. This is an abnormal phenomenon, nothing more than, the problem that today is solved.

There are two ways to solve the situation, you have a solution to differ from mine, as our mouse and systems are different with you, do diagnosis! Here are two ways to solve, mechanical and software, now we will understand everything.


In this article we solve the problem of involuntary, double click, which should not be in principle. That is, correct glitches and violations softwareAnd perhaps and mechanically set up rodent ...

If you just want to change the double click on a single one, in order to not interfere with the parents to sleep, by the way, if you don't know how to install Android applications, classmates, VKontakte, games and applications, read this post.


I came to the conclusion that my problem is in the mouse itself, it suggested to me by Windows, quite recently, I moved from 7 to 8.1 and the problem of double click remained.

As an output, you can assume that problems in the mouse itself.

How to fix, mechanical way, just below. Now you need to think about carrying out a small analysis.

Perhaps you changed OS recently, but DV. Click stayed?

This can be confirmed by removing the device drivers, reinstalling.

If you have a cool, gamer device, then 100% of it is included in the kit with firewood.

Remove the old drivers and return, and better, visit the manufacturer's website and download the latest driver, for your operators. How to define a real office. Site and distinguish it from the twin, read, (important!).

But in this way, we reinstall the standard mouse driver in Windows:
Start \u003d\u003e Control Panel \u003d\u003e Device Manager \u003d\u003e

Choose your mouse. Right-click the context menu, "Properties".

Driver tab, and remove the "Delete" driver.

We do not argue with all Windows warnings, agree.

If everything is smooth, then the driver will be fully removed, then the mouse will stop working.

Now remove the connector and reboot the computer, it is not necessary, but it will not be superfluous.

Once the mouse is disabled, to restart the computer, use the keyboard.

Press the start, with the help of the arrows and the Tab keys, select "Completing work", and davir in ENTER.

After rebooting, we connect the mouse back to the connector, the system will automatically determine the device and set a re-driver.

If the double click is not where it did not disappear, but simply went to drink tea and returned, we conclude that the decision is not in providing in the device itself. And it needs to be edited for this:

And so, we take the chisel, the hammer of a file and act like this guy on one of the forums:

And if seriously, let's look at how it is done.

Mechanical method

We disassemble the mouse, twisting several bolts from the bottom, my problem was that the deflection of the plate increased, changed to an indecent state in the micro switch of the left mouse button, the figure shows how to disassemble and correct, this nuance:

Observing caution and sequence:

1. Unscrew the screw
2. Take out the microcircuit
3. Disconnect the meals from the microcircuit
4. Move the microcement to the light

5. Refning the record.
5.1. I disconnect this box with a knife.
5.2. Hands remove the plate, we wipe it almost to the flat state.
5.3. Install it back.
5.4. With scissors for clamping, we hold the Nutcracker and put it in the box.
5.5. We take the entire design with these scissors for the Nutcracker and insert the box back.
5.6. We snatch with your fingers, she snapped and that's it.

6. Connect the power cord back to the microcircuit.
7. Insert the chip.
8. Tighten the screw (s).

The log of your actions may differ slightly from mine, as the designs are different, but the point does not change.


As always, everything rests on the quality of manufacture, as a consequence of the cheapest choice.

And from the manufacturer of course, here for example, buying your problem mouse Logitech Seller consultant just gained ** that the firm is just a leader in niche and the quality of such a thing simply not to find, at a price of 250 rubles.

So that the guys wish you smaller problems, and a good choice!

Have you helped my advice? Have questions?

Be sure to write in the comments, the topic of the topical and possibly of my recommendations is not enough!

And also, do not forget to repress the article in our societies, I will be pleased

  • Tutorial
  • Recovery Mode.

There was a mouse, and called it Defender MM-525. She picked up her mouse strap - on the links Click, the pages scroll through, the cursor moved. But once the trouble happened - instead of one click she began to do two, or even more. It happened, you want to suspend the video on YouTube - and it opens to the whole screen instead. Or allocate text - and at the last moment is discarded. It is clear that it could not continue to continue.

What to do? The Internet offers these options:

Top powder, bottom ground, right - wire to enter the processor. And at the entrance, it has a fuel transistor. In our case, we can assume that this is simply the perfect voltage meter. The voltage is more specified - it means that the output of the processor makes the unit at the entrance, and if less - then zero.

But if the input of the processor is perfect, the switch is such with all respect it will not be possible. When the switch closes - this means that one piece of metal comes into contact with another piece of metal. But between the states "turned off" and "inclusive" there is that awkward moment when these two pieces come into contact hardly. And if there is contact now, then it may be a gap through the microsecond, and then recover again. And sometimes one contact is not at all about the other and according to the laws of Newton bounces off him, or even several times. What will think mom processor think? That's right - it will think that the switch turned on, turned off, turned on, turned off, turned on, turned off, etc. Although it was "in fact" turned on only once. This phenomenon even has its name - the rattles of contacts.

Wait, nothing reminds? Oh yeah, the same case happened with our mouse! So, our working hypothesis will be that the developers of the mouse either did not remember them at all about the possibility of a stray, or their efforts to combat it were in vain. And we will have to compete with this enemy for them.

Note two things. First, the speed of our clickey is limited. It is unlikely that we will press the mouse for more than ten times per second. Secondly, the switches are trying to do so that the moment of the rattling passed as much as possible, and certainly for one tenth second, the mouse button will have time to calm down. Thus, our task comes down to the separation of high-frequency presses from low-frequency, that is, we need a low frequency filter. The simplest way to do is to have a capacitor:

This is what we do.

Here it is our button:

And it is she, but without a lid:

Subscribe contact numbers for convenience:

The principle of operation is obvious - in a state of rest, contacts 1 and 3 are closed, when the button is pressed for a while, all contacts are blocked, and then contacts 1 and 2. During the discharge, everything is all the same in the reverse order.

We opened the button not to bend something, but in order to see how it works, and if you're lucky, then look at the rat. And will help us in this camera Samsung WB2000 and the lens I96U. The said apparatus can shoot video with a frequency of 1000 frames per second. True, not so hot, but, as they say, than rich.

The most complex installation for high-speed shooting:

And, in fact, movies:

As you can see, the contact has time to fly all the pressure per 5 frames (siren 5 milliseconds), and no visible bounce is observed. Perhaps the rattle could be seen on an oscillogram, but unfortunately, I remembered that I had an oscilloscope, only when the mouse was already collected. But one way or another it is clear that the characteristic time of the barn is clearly less than the minimum clique time, and that the border between them takes approximately five milliseconds.

Lyrical digression. How would I do the mouse if I had a switches of the above design? That's how:

Cheap and angry. The processor input is not only an ideal voltmeter, it is also a condenser for several picofrades. So for those milliseconds, while one contact flies from the second to the third, the voltage will not have time to change noticeably, and when he arrives, the capacitor will charge, and even if the contact will jump, he will not be able to discharge, so it will not be. Well, except that only he jumped to the opposite contact, but this, as we have seen, an extremely unlikely situation.

But the valiant mouse developers, as we will see now, do not seek easy paths.

We measure our multimeter switch. First, we find that none of the contacts are shorted to food. Anyway. In a state of rest on the second contact of 2.5 volt food, on the other - zero. Pressed on all contacts zero. This suggests that the developers did not go to my way, and the processor entry, apparently, serves the second contact, and the third contact is not used at all. But the most funny - after pressing the zero button on the second contact, another five seconds are saved! Unfortunately, the mechanism of work and the benefits of such a solution and the motivation of developers remain a secret for me. I hope one of the knowledgeable people will enlighten me.

Thus, the whole of our slender scheme of struggle with the rat is divided into a deaf wall of misunderstanding of modern schemechnical solutions. But, in fact, do not stop when it is almost done. So we will solder without understanding.

We will share the capacitor between contacts 1 and 2. And to measure the effect we will use the script like

What if the mouse began to do a double click instead of a single (constantly or from time to time), although you press the button only once? Here we consider the reasons for this problem and how to solve it.

The reasons

Departure of the microswitch

The most common cause is a microswitch wear, as a result of which the bounce of contacts began to occur. On the left mouse button, there are always more clicks than on the right (and on the contrary, if you are left left and configured the mouse under left), and the microswitch is designed for very large, but still a limited number of presses. You can fix it yourself, you will need your accuracy and half an hour of time. If your mouse has been for several years and you do not want to repair, the easiest way to go to the store and buy a new mouse.

Software problem

Double-clicking instead of the single is not necessarily associated with the mouse fault. This can be a pure software problem with drivers or additional software.

To determine what is the reason in your case, try connecting the mouse to another computer or laptop. If the symptoms persist, then the case is obviously in the microspector.


Solution with the problem with drivers

If you have Windows, this method can help: through the "Control Panel", find the mouse in the device list, remove it from there and reboot. After that, the mouse must connect again. Perhaps the problem with double clicks will disappear (unlikely).

Software solutions for the wear of the microswitch


There is a purely software solution that helps with the rattles of contacts in the microswitch: Daniel Jackson MouseFix utility (for Windows). It intercepts the clicks that occurred through a very short time after the first, as such clicks can only be associated with the rattles of contacts in the microspector. This utility can be used at least as a temporary solution.

  1. Download the MouseFix utility and unpack it into a separate folder.
  2. In the All Programs → Startup folder, create a shortcut pointing to mousefix.exe.
  3. Exit the system and log in again (or just run the utility manually for the first time).

LEFT Mouse Button Fix

The mouse participating in the shooting, after the operation, has been successfully operating for a year and a half.

Many PC users notice some oddities in computer mouse. For example, the mouse is so strive to make a double click instead of a single one. Pleasant in this is not enough, so the willy-noilists think: how to remove a double click computer mouse?

If we speak as a whole, then the main reasons that the mouse makes a double click, maybe two, namely:

  1. Pure mechanical wear of the buttons that occurs over time.
  2. Problems with drivers or settings of the Windows operating system.

So let's see what can be done in this caseHow to fix and repair the mouse that began to behave disagreement.

What is the reason for double click? How to fix? Let's try to disassemble the mouse

In the most complex launched case, only "surgical" intervention can help. To do this, you will need to disassemble the mouse. One of the screws can be located under the sticker, the other can be visible, and in addition to this, somewhat can be under the legs.

Do not be surprised if you saw a decent dust layer, garbage particles and dirt inside the mouse. It is quite natural and scare you should not. To clean the inner surface of the mouse, take a piece of fabric without a pile, moistened in alcohol or vodka. Koloysiko mouse so that it does not interfere with the workflow, it is better to extract.

How to fix the icon buttons

For the most part, the problem of double click is related to the push-button player or, in other words, with a gap with a bad connection of parts. In order to get rid of dual-clicking, you need to take the isolent and pieces cut into the size of the buttons, gently glue it from the upper inside of the mouse, overlapping all the gaps, as shown in the figure. It is very effective to use an unnecessary protective film from the PDA or smartphone in good condition, as it is distinguished by strength and durability.

When the glue is completely dry, the mouse can be collected. Then simply check if its parts are functioning normally. In the event that the button is pressed extremely tight, or does not want to succumb to all, remove the excess layer of the isolet.

The reason for the double click may be in the sensors of the buttons

If the device and after the manipulation performed produces a double click, most likely the problem of the double click in the buttons sensors. First of all, find the sensors with the right and left buttons on the board. It is easy to do, since the sensors are small-sized rectangles with a button from above. You need to click on this button. If everything goes normally, we will hear the usual click of the computer mouse. If, after all these manipulations, your computer mouse continues to do a double click, you have to go out - two:

  1. Most computer mice have 3 sensors: left, medium (under the wheel) and right. They are all exactly the same. However, the average mouse button is often not required to users. Therefore, its sensor can be completely overwhelmed instead of damaged. If you have an old unnecessary mouse, then the serviceable sensor for the overpass can be taken from there.
  2. But if you do not have a different computer mouse or you do not want to mess with a middle button, or there is no skills to work with a soldering iron or simply no time and desire to repair the mouse, there is a simpler way out of this situation - go and buy a new computer mouse.

Remowering the keyboard keys, mouse buttons and wheel scrolling Key Remapper. Allows:

    Reassign keyboard keys, Pressing the mouse buttons and scrolling the mouse wheels New values \u200b\u200bwith the ability to set the keys that are not present on the keyboard and the mouse buttons. For example, the CapsLock key can be replaced with the "middle mouse button", F11 to the "scrolling of the mouse wheel", F12 on Win, Browser Home or "Mouse X2" (which can be physically absent on input devices).

    To replace the keys and mouse buttons. Virtually change their functional purpose. For example, you can virtually swap right SHIFT and ENTER, "middle mouse button" and left shift.

    Replace certain keys or mouse buttons Combinations of keys or mouse buttons with modifiers. For example, you can set the key on the Browser Forward multimedia keyboard key - ALT + SHIFT + ESC combination (quick program switching), to the mouse button X1 set the Ctrl + C combination (Copy), on right Alt. Set the CTRL + combination "Left Mouse Button.

    Emulate double click buttons mouse or double keyboard keystroke With the ability to set the delay between presses (double click with delay).

    Block (disable) keyboard keys, mouse button, scrolling mouse wheels And their combinations with modifier keys.

    Limit Action of reassignments and locks defined programs and windows. For example, you can define that the X1 mouse button on the "Space" key was carried out only in the program "A" and anywhere else. Or so that the NumLock key is replaced with the Ctrl + C + C combination (double pressing C) everywhere, except for the program, in the header of the window of which is the word "b".

    Create and quickly (in two clicks mouse) switch key set profiles.

At the same time, the program does not produce any changes to the scan codes in system Registry And does not require the reboot of the computer to replace the keys to take effect.

Via Key Remapper. It is possible to reassign virtually any keys and mouse buttons.

System requirements: Windows 10/8.1 / 8/7 / Vista / 2008/2003 / XP / 2000


How to use the program

Download and install the Key RemaPper program

To work with the program, you need to download the installation distribution and then run it. Installation will begin, after which the program will be ready for use. After starting the program, a window appears on the screen shown in Figure:

Working with the program

At the top of the screen, there is a drop-down list of profile selection and buttons to work with them. Nearby is the "pause" button, which allows you to temporarily disable the program. Below is the main area in which the replacements and key locks are determined.


For specific programs and purposes, different key sets are required, so the program provides profiles with which you can create sets of different replacement and key matches that can be configured to quickly switch. You can create them (Add new button), rename ("Rename" button) and delete ("Delete" button).

When creating a profile, a window appears in which you need to enter the profile name and select whether the new profile will be filled with the current data or not.

You can switch the created profiles using the drop-down list or through the context menu called the right mouse button on the program icon in the taskbar.

Definition, Replacement and Lock

To replace one key to another, you need to define the key or the mouse button that will be physically pressed and the key to be transmitted to the system as pressed:

To determine the replacement of the keys, the mouse buttons or scroll the wheels, make a double click on the line "(double-click to add)". This operation can also be performed using the Insert key or using the context menu:

A window shown in Figure appears:

When this window appears, the focus automatically goes to the definition of a pressed key / mouse button.

Press the desired key, the mouse button (to determine the left mouse button - hold the Ctrl key or any other modifier) \u200b\u200bor scroll through the mouse wheel and select what you need to do: replace another key or combination or block?

If you want to determine the new key value, set the cursor in the input field under the button "Replace the key, mouse button or a combination" and press the keyboard the desired key or combination (holding the modifier modifier keys Alt, Ctrl, Shift and / or Win Press the main key). If there are no appropriate keys on the keyboard, you can define them by selecting the basic key from the list. If you want to set the modifier keys, check the check mark opposite their names. If you need to click on the mouse button or rotate the mouse wheel, click them or select the action in the drop-down list, starting with the "Mouse ...". For example: "Mouse - Press the right button", "Mouse - Rotate the wheel up", etc.

If you want to block the key, select the "Block" checkbox. If the "Full Lock" checkbox is not set, then the simple keystroke will be blocked, but when the modifiers are pressed (Ctrl, SHIFT, etc.), the key will not be blocked. If the checkbox is set, a full blocking will occur. For example, if you block the "A" key and not check the "Full Lock" checkbox, the Ctrl + A combination will work. But if you turn on the full blocking - it will not be.

At the end of the definition, click the "OK" button.

If the program is not in the "pause" mode, then the replacement will already work.

If you want to virtually change the keys and / or the mouse button ones, you need to spend two key replacements - one to another and vice versa.

It is important to note that one key cannot be placed two or more replacement or blocking actions. If this happens, then it is performed above in the list. If one action is in the folder, and the other on the same key is below it below, then the action will be performed from the folder.

Work with replacements and locks

The program allows you to structure replaces and locks in folders that can be created using the Ctrl + Insert key combination or through the context menu - "insert a folder".

You can freely move the actions and folders just dragging the mouse. If at the beginning of dragging pressed ctrl keyThe action or folder is copied. Also provided the usual cutting, copying, insert and removal functions.

If you need to temporarily disable any replacement or blocking, or even the entire folder, you can use the "Space" key or context menu - "Disable ...". To turn on, you must repeat the operation.

Hot Programs Keys

Ctrl + P. Turn on pause
Insert. Insert an action (replacement or blocking)
SHIFT + INSERT Insert folder
ENTER Add / Edit folder or action depending on context
Space. Disable / enable an action or folder (including all the actions that it contains)
Ctrl + Space. Disable all actions folder
SHIFT + SPACE. Enable all actions folder
Ctrl + SHIFT + Space Invert the status of all actions folders (enable off and disable the included)
Delete. Delete folder or action
Ctrl + Delete. Delete all folders and actions (Clear current profile)
Shift + top Raise folder or action up
Shift + down Lower the folder or action down
Ctrl + X. Cut action or folder
Ctrl + C. Copy the action or folder
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ent »21 Mar 2016, 17:43

Good afternoon, such a misfortune:
Gave the keyboard, and there is a space on it twice. I tried in the Word to make a replacement fails, I shot the button and put it in place, reduced the speed of the repeat, but all the same double clicks. I am engaged in copywriting, and every time you press "replace everything" there is no desire. The check is not left, it is impossible to change, can anyone come across this, how did the problem solved?

Tehnik. »21 Mar 2016, 18:31

Problems can be in the keyboard controller, drivers curves and poor contact key itself with a board.

ent »21 Mar 2016, 19:51

Tehnik wrote (a): Problems can be in the keyboard controller, drivers curves and poor contact with the board itself.
Do you have a KSB? Try it through the Device Manager to find and update for it. You can try to remove the key, and the contact place to wipe the monitor to clean the monitor from dust, well, to me, the napkin is cleaning or chopped in alcohol or something like something.
Well, if it is in the controller, then there is an unlikely to do something. And such a glitch was from the very beginning or only recently appeared?

I got out of the box and immediately appeared glitch. Connecting on yusb, driver updated, but in general there are no them for my model of clav. Model Zalman ZM-K300M. Removed when the button, everything is clean and even a space sprout is lubricated with something along the edges (inside the keys either dust nor the lubricant's droplets). I sin on the factory marriage, it was a pity that the check was not preserved, it was not a trouble to the player, and when you print a lot, No Real work.

k0ttee. »March 22, 2016, 07:32

SHIFT five or more in a row, a message appears about sticking keys.

Taki go through the blue text and look attentively on the ticks that can be put / removed.

There is also a couple of crutches:

1.) For all systems. If witchcraft does not help, you can invent a bicycle ... use the macro replacing two spaces one to work everywhere. But what to implement under Windows - I do not know, I do not have Windows.

2.) Word only. You can make the author to "two and more spaces" were replaced with a "one space". In the Word is done through "Avtotext".
If there is to write a regular expression, it will be somehow so (instead of the lower underscore, write a space):
this is
Code: _ (2,)
replace it