Windows 10 Right Alt. The right alt on the keyboard stopped working

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Frequently operating users windows systemsAnd not only, it is found with various problems that, in turn, complicate, and make work at the computer not so comfortable as I would like. For example, one of the blog readers, asked a question: does not switch the language on the keyboard, how to solve the problem? It is not difficult to solve this problem, but it is harder to identify the problem due to which the keyboard layout does not switch. There may be a lot of reasons, but this article will talk about solving the problem itself with switching keyboard layout.

Does not switch language on the keyboard. Solution to the problem

To switch the keyboard layout, use ALT + SHIFT or CTRL + SHIFT. If this combination does not work, pay attention to language panel On the taskbar. If the language still does not switch even with the help of the language panel, then you should restart the computer. As a rule, this procedure solves the problem with the language panel.

But there is another way to solve the problem of "non-disconnecting" of the keyboard without restarting the operating system. To do this, you need to run the file that is located in the C: \\ Windows \\ System32 \\ Ctfmon.exe folder.

After launch this file The performance of the keyboard should be recovered.

If the performance has not recovered - this means that your registry is damaged and should be restored.

Restoring the registry of the language panel

  • To restore the registry, you need (hot keys Win + R) and enter the command.

Often you can see how users complain that they do not work "Shift" on the keyboard. This phenomenon is not as rarely found. It can be caused by different reasons. Nevertheless, such a variant of the development of events delivers a lot of problems to users. Sometimes even becomes very problematic.

So how to be if "Shift" refused to work? Why does this happen? Are there any reasons for concern? Answer all these questions is not as hard as it seems. The most important thing is not to panic. After all, the problem under study is not always critical. Moreover, only in rare cases when the Shift button fails, it is necessary to act radically.

Keyboard fault

The first reason is obvious. It meets quite often, but manifests not only that the "Shift" does not work on the keyboard. The thing is that all equipment can wear out. It is likely that the refusal of the specified key to work is a consequence of the fault of the connected device. How to be? You can either install a new keyboard and check the performance of the specified button, or try to fix the old one. As practice shows, the first way to solve the problem is the most efficient. What's next?


Button "Shift" on or "sticks"? More precisely, it is not pressed from the first time or the computer in principle does not respond to this key? Then should be cleared the keyboard. This phenomenon should not scare. After all this problem It often meets, especially if a person is used to eating right in front of a computer or laptop.

What is the matter? In the usual marrow. From time to time, any keyboard is required to clean. Otherwise, its buttons begin to refuse to work. Including SHIFT. Therefore, users are often advised by each other in each other when any problems with the keyboard appear to disassemble this component and clean. Surprisingly such a way very often helps to get rid of the problems that have arisen. But on this possible reasons why does not work "Shift" on the keyboard, do not end.


But the next version of the development of events is not so frequent, but it gives a lot of trouble to users. It is about the impact on the operating system of various viruses and Trojans. That is, you should not be surprised if the "infection" settled in the computer, and the "Shift" button on the keyboard does not work. Or if it performs only the individual functions that it is originally intended.

How to proceed? It all depends on the nature of the virus. First of all, it is recommended to save important data on the media, and then scan the operating system antivirus program. After that, the computer is required and re-check. Previously all that did not succumb to treatment are removed.

After that, you can restart the system. And "Shift", if everything is done correctly, earn. Otherwise, you can try to reinstall OS with preliminary formatting hard disk. This is definitely, because it will only be possible to fully get rid of those or other viruses. Perhaps this is the most serious situation that can only meet.


Does not work "Shift" on the keyboard? The following version of the development of events is also far from rare. And he, as a rule, is corrected without any problems. Shift refused to work? It is worth thinking what operating system is on the computer.

If the user bought and installed a license, then the proposed reason is crossed automatically. But often the users put pirated windows on computers. Surprise that at one fine moment there was a problem at which the "Shift" does not work. This is a completely normal pioneer.

You can act in several ways. The first is to reinstall the OS. Sometimes it works not the first time. In some cases, no result gives any result. The second is the change of the operating system on the license. If the problem lies in the version of Windows, the keyboard will start working in full power.


But not everything is so scary as it seems. Before running for buying a new equipment or to engage in OS reinstalling, it is recommended to check the computer settings. What exactly? Sometimes B. operating system Exhibited special settings. Or for some incomprehensible reasons they are knocked down. Because of this, the left "shift" on the keyboard does not work. Yes, and the right often too.

To check this item, you will have to go to "Center special features Pay attention recommended for "filtering settings" and "sticking". Here you can try to turn on-off extra optionsassociated with the "Shift" button. Changes are saved, after which you can check the operability of the keys.

That's all. Now it is clear why the "Shift" button does not work on the keyboard, and how to deal with this situation. In fact, everything is not so difficult. If you cannot correct the problem, it is not recommended to contact service centres for help.

If you stopped to work the right alt on the keyboard, when you switch the input languages \u200b\u200bby the ALT + SHIFT combination, then the reason lies in one update, which was recently installed on Windows. The problem with the right alt is appeared after Microsoft has released an update that supports the input of a special symbol of the Russian ruble from the keyboard. For this, the right alt involved.

As a result, it turned out that switching the input language from English to a Russian combination Alt + Shift is obtained, and reverse switching (with Russian to English) not happening. Moreover, such behavior is present both on Windows 7/8/8/1 and on Windows10.

There are only two ways to solve the specified problem. The first method is not the most correct and not suitable for everyone - it is to delete the installed update that the right alt will use. It is known that for Windows 7 it is necessary to uninstall the update KB2970228., and for Windows 8.1 - KB3000850.. However, updates come out regularly, and no one will guarantee that after deleting the update, the newly installed update will not return to you the well-known behavior of the right alt.

To uninstall any system update, run and go to the section.

Which is used to delete applications and system components. Click on the left line - view installed updates.

In a new window, you should find the required update. It is convenient to use the search by inserting the update number with letters in the search string in the right corner. After that, click the button and perform the update uninstallation.

After rebooting, check whether the right alt began to work.

there is alternative way Delete updates if the system is issued an error during uninstallation.

Launch command line (Win + R\u003e CMD\u003e ENTER) And enter the following string:

wUSA.EXE / UNINSTALL / KB: 3000850

A special stand-alone update installer will uninstall the specified update if it is present in the system.

There is another way to make the working right Alt - it is to make it the left alt-alt. In this case in all windows versions Regardless of the installed updates to change the input languages, when Alt is pressed, the right + shift will always occur. That is, when you press the right Alt, pressing the left alt is mimic. For this method, it will be necessary to make changes to the system registry. Nic additional programs It is not necessary to install.

Run the Windows Registry Editor on the computer.

The most effective and universal method for all systems is to press the Win + R keys. The execute command window opens. Enter Regedit. and press OK.

Note that administrative authority may be required to make changes to the registry.

The left of the registry sections tree is located. Sequentially reveal sections:



In the main window, press the right button on the free field and choose Create \u003e. Specify the name of the parameter as.

now double-click on the created parameter and insert the following line to the string:

hex:,00,00,, E0.00.00.00,00.00

After that, we close the registry and restart the system. When entering Windows, the right alt will work normally, as if you press the left alt. In this case, there will be no dependence on used in this moment Language layout.

It was the second way to many users been selected for many users, and now nothing prevents using the usual keyboard shortcuts, both to change the input language and for other commands with the right alt.

The non-working keys on the laptop keyboard is a phenomenon that occurs quite often and leads to a known discomfort. In such cases, it is impossible to use some functions, for example, to introduce punctuation marks or uppercase letters. In this article we will provide ways to solve problems with non-working chip.

The reasons causing the shift key of the SHIFT. The main of them is to reassign the keys, turn on limited mode or sticking. Next, we will describe in detail each of possible options and give recommendations to troubleshoot.

Method 1: Virus Check

The first thing to be done when this problem appears this to check the laptop for viruses. Some malicious programs Capable to reassign keys, making changes to the system settings. You can identify and eliminate pests using special scanners - free software from leading antivirus developers.

After the viruses were found and removed, it may have to work with the system registry, removing the "extra" key. We will talk about this in the third paragraph.

Method 2: Hot Keys

On many laptops there is a keyboard operation mode, in which some keys are blocked or reassigned. It turns on using a specific key combination. Below are several options for different models.

  • Ctrl + Fn + Alt, then press a combination Shift + gap.
  • Simultaneous pressing of both creiples.
  • Fn + Shift..
  • FN + INS (INSERT).
  • Numlock or Fn + Numlock..

There are situations where for some reason the keys that turn off the mode are inactive. In this case, such manipulation can help:

Method 3: Editing Registry

We have already written above about viruses that can reassign keys. You could do it and you or another user with a special software, which was successfully forgotten. Another private case - The keyboard failure after the online game session. Looking for a program or find out, after which events there were changes, we will not. All changes are recorded in the value of the parameter in system Registry. To solve the problem this key You must delete.

Before editing the parameters, create a system recovery point.

Read more: How to create a recovery point in Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7

Method 4: Disabling sticking and filtering input

The first function temporarily includes the possibility of separately pressing such keys as SHIFT, CTRL and ALT. The second helps to exclude double presses. If they are activated, then the Shift can work not as we used. To disable, do the following:

  1. Run a string "Run" (Win + R.) And introduce

  2. IN "Control Panels" Switched into the mode of small icons and go to "Center for Special Opportunities".

  3. Click on the link "Lightweight work with keyboard".

  4. Go to the sliding settings.

  5. Remove all daws and click "Apply".

  6. Return to the previous section and select the input filtering settings.

  7. Here we also remove the checkboxes shown in the screenshot.

If you fail to disable the sticking in this way, it is possible to do this in the system registry.

Method 5: System Restore

The essence of this method is to roll back system files and parameters to the state in which they were before the occurrence of the problem. IN this case It is necessary to determine the date as accurately as possible and select the appropriate point.

In a situation where, after disconnecting all services, Shift did not earn, you need to turn on everything back and pay attention to other ways.

Method 7: Editing Startup

List of startup is edited in the same place - in "System Configurations". The principle does not differ here from the clean download: we turn off all the elements, reboot, after which we continue to work until the desired result is obtained.

Method 8: Reinstalling the system

If all the ways above have not worked, you will have to go to extreme measures and reinstall Windows.


You can temporarily solve the problem by using the screen "clamp", connect the desktop keyboard to the laptop or reassign the keys - to assign the function of the chiffs another, for example, Caps Lock.. This is done with special programssuch as MapKeyboard, Keytweak and others.