How to install updates to avast. How to make an Avast update? Antivirus failure

Do not know how to extend the avast antivirus for free for a year and without registration? No problems! Follow the simple instructions below to extend Avast.

Important! To extend Avast ( Avast FREE. Antivirus) for another 1 year and for free you do not need to pay and register.

* This instruction is suitable for activation Avast for the first time and for subsequent registration for a period of year.

So, we extend Avast Antivirus for another year according to the following scheme represented in the pictures, all stages:

1. Press "Please register", let this phrase do not scare you:

2. In the left column, click "Choose", because The right column for the paid version, and this we do not need:

3. We enter in an empty field any E-mail addressYou can not need to confirm your anyway. Click the "Register" button:

4. Very tricky window! Except to click on the cross, it does not close it:

At this stage, you will already get a whole year Avast for free, you can easily update the databases and the antivirus itself!

5. Click in Avaste "Upgrading to the latest version":

6. We continue the update to the final assembly:

7. Hurray, on this all, a whole free 1 year in Antivirus Avast with recent updates You have on your computer!

Initially, Avast has canceled compulsory registration for users of Antivirus Avast Free Antivirus 2016, as practiced in previous versions utilities. But not so long ago mandatory registration was restored again. Now, for the full use of antivirus, users should undergo this procedure. Let's figure out how to extend the Avast registration for free for one year in various ways.

The easiest and most convenient way to extend the Avast registration is to perform this procedure directly through the application interface.

Open the main window of the antivirus, and go to the program settings by clicking on the gear icon, which is located in the upper left corner.

In the settings window that opens, select the "Registration" item.

As you can see, the program indicates that it is not registered. To fix it with a click on the "Register" button.

In the window that opens, we offer a choice: to make a free registration, or paying money, move to a version with complex protection, including the installation of firewall, protection email, and much more. Since our goal is to make free extension of registration, we choose the basic protection.

After that, enter the address of any electronic drawerAnd click on the "Register" button. You do not need to confirm registration via email. Moreover, several antiviruses can be registered on the same box on various computers.

On this procedure for the extension of registration of Avast Anti-Virus is completed. It should be reused in a year. In the application window, we can observe the number of days that remain until the registration period is completed.

Registration through the site

If for some reason register the antivirus via the program interface does not work, for example, if there is no Internet on the computer, you can do it from another device on the official website of the application.

We open the avast antivirus, and go to the registration section, as under the standard method. Next, click on the inscription "Register without connecting to the Internet".

Then we click on the inscription "Registration form." If, you will be registered on another computer, just rewrite the address of the transition page, and manually score it in the address bar of the browser.

After that, the default browser opens, which will redirect you to the registration page located on the official Avast website.

It requires not only an email address, as it was when registering through an antivirus interface, but also your name and surname, as well as a country of residence. True, this data, naturally, will not be checked for anyone. Additionally, it is also invited to answer a number of questions, but it is not necessary. Mandatory only is the filling of the fields marked with an asterisk. After all the data is made, click on the "Register for Free" button.

Following this, on the box that you indicated in the registration form for 30 minutes, and more often much earlier, the letter with the registration code should come. If the letter does not come for a long time, check the "Spam" folder of your e-mailbox.

Then, we return to the avast antivirus window, and click on the inscription "Enter the license code".

This registration is completed.

Extension of registration before the expiration of its end

There are cases when it is necessary to extend the registration, even before it has expired. For example, if you have to leave for a long time, for which the application for registration is completed, but the computer will use another person. In this case, you need to apply the procedure for the complete removal of the avast antivirus. Then, set the program to the computer again, and register any of the methods described above.

As you can see, the extension of the registration of the AVAST program does not constitute any problems. This is a rather light and understandable process. If you have an internet connection, then it will take no more couple of time. The essence of the registration itself is to introduce the address of your email in a special form.

The safety of the operating system depends on the antivirus and the relevance of its viral bases. If the program has not been updated for a long time, then the PC will be easy prey for viruses, spyware. Therefore, in order to secure your data and operating system In general, it is worth updating the antivirus regularly. This also applies to Avast - one of the popular defenders for Windows, which has both paid and free versions.

Standard Avast update method

To quickly and easily update the avast antivirus, you should perform a number of not difficult actions.

  • Run the program and select "Settings".
  • In the left menu, select "Update". If you need to update the viral databases, click "Update" in the "Definition of Viruses". If you want to change the version of the program, then click "Update" section below.

  • If the PC is connected to the network, the update will start.
  • After installing updates, the program will request a reboot of the system.

Update Avast manually

If the antivirus is installed on a weak PC or the system is rarely connected to the network, users often set the mark in the "Update manual" settings.

An independent update is performed as follows:

  • Determine the version of the program. To do this, select the "On Program" section in the settings. In the main window, we look at the parameters: "Version Definition Version" and "Program Version".

  • Next, go to the official website of the program to the Avast Update Database section and download the update package that is suitable for the version of the already installed software. Since we have Avast 12, the update package we will choose the appropriate one.

  • Download file with updates. Run it.

  • After downloading the databases of updates in the "About Program" section, the "Version Definition" version will change the number. This suggests that the databases are updated.

Important! Manual installation of updates does not lead to a change of the version of the program.

How to update Avast Look in the video:

If you need to update the Avast anti-virus databases installed on a computer that does not have Internet access, you can update with using USB. Media or CD.

Download updates for the software version you need. Then copy the update file vpsupd.exe to the computer on which the antivirus needs to be updated.

Base files are updated daily. Viral databases are available for Avast version 5 and above

Run the vpsupd.exe file and wait for the antivirus update to be completed:

After a successful update, you will see a message about the completion of the update:

Possible error messages when updating AVAST:

"Avast AntiVirus Was Not Detected to Be Installed On This Machine. This Installer Cannot Continue." - The system does not detected the installed Avast products.

"VPS Database Is Alady Up to Date. - Anti-virus databases have already been updated to version in the running file. Such a message may appear if you are re-either doubled the database update file.

"This VPS Database Is Older Is Then Currently Installed. You don && 񖔃t Need to Update VPS. - Installed anti-virus databases newer than the databases in the running file. Load the newest antivirus file.

"Avast! 4 is Probably Not Yet Installed or the Installation IS Broken. Download Full Install Package and Reinstall, Please. - You launched the update file vpsupd4.exe. For 4 version of Avast!, this version of the program is not installed. Perhaps you have no avast, or an older or new version of the program is installed. To update 5 and 6 versions of Avast! The corresponding file is required vsuppd.exe.

"This VPS Database Requires Latest Program Version. Please Download and Update Program Using Full Setup, Then Run VPS Update Again." - This error can appear if you have Avast! Early 4 or 5 versions. In some versions of the program, the format of anti-virus databases was changed. To update the databases, you need to update the version of the program by downloading and running the installation file new version Avast.

"avast! Updater Is Alady Running, That Could Mean Internet Connection Problem. If Your Computer IS Connected to Internet and You Are Using Third-Party Firewall (not windows Firewall), Check if Process Avast.Setup Has Allowed Access to the Internet. If you don && 񖔃t Have Internet Connection, Set Avast Updates to Manual. Then Try to End Process && 񖔃avast.Setup && Using Task Manager and Run This Program Again."- Update Avast! It has already been running, which may mean problems with the Internet connection. If your computer is connected to the Internet, and you use third-party firewall (not Windows Firewall), check whether the process is provided" avast.Setup " Internet access. If you do not have an Internet connection, install in the Avast settings! manual update. Then try to complete the && 񖔃avast.setup && 񖔃 񖔃 in the task manager and run this program again. "

"Sorry, But The License for Updating This Product Has Expired"- the license is expired and updated is impossible.

"This Program Updates VPS Database Only for Program Version 7.0.1497 OR LESS. INSTALLED PROGRAM VERSION IS 7.0.2006. Please download the Latest VPSUPDATE AGAIN" - To fulfill the database update, you need to download the VPS update file for a newer version of Avast.

As you probably know, each antivirus needs to be updated, and is not an exception. This refers to the update of antivirus databases, and, in fact, the update of the program itself. Relating Avast happens, as a rule, automatically. These are the default settings. However, you can configure this feature on your discretion.

Here is a list of available options when updating anti-virus databases and programs:

  1. Automatic update - You do not need any actions. After the update is completed, the Avast will notify you with sound or voice messaging.
  2. Ask for updates - In the event that Avast is available, the program will ask you what kind of action must be taken.
  3. Update manually - In this mode, the update process switches completely in manual mode. You will need to go through the settings manually to start updating the program and anti-virus databases.

It is preferable to use the first option, especially if your computer has permanent connection to the Internet. In this case, you will always have actual version Programs and anti-virus databases. What provides a high level of protection against viral threats.

What if Avast is not updated?

In some cases, when trying to update Avast nothing happens. That is neither the program nor antivirus modules are updated. It is possible a message about the error or the impossibility of connecting to the server. In such situations, we recommend primarily checking the availability of the Internet connection. To do this, open some major sites.

If the connection to the Internet is present, then most likely, your computer is infected with a virus that has been made in hosts file. This file is responsible for broadcasting IP addresses to symbolic names (i.e., indicates that when entering the name you need to contact the computer at You need to find this file through the search, after which open in text editor "Notepad", and remove all lines from it, where there is a mention of the word "avast". After that, repeat the update attempt.