Firewall choice. Comodo Firewall - Best Free Firewall Windows

Indeed, Windows comes with a built-in firewall, which is especially effective in the last windows versions. However, users can choose an alternative solution, especially if it applies for free. Version 2016 Zonealarm Free Firewall is not very different from the predecessor, but still received several useful improvements.

Resistant firewall

The main window of the program has practically not changed. Three large panels represent antivirus, firewall and data protection. The anti-virus panel received gray filling with a message that antivirus protection is available, but not installed. Here it is assumed that you will use ZoneAlarm together with your favorite antivirus solution, for example, with Panda Free Antivirus (2016). If you have no anti-virus protection, click the button to install it, after which the product will actually turn into Zonealarm Free AntiVirus + Firewall 2016.

When considering the old version of ZoneAlarm, it turned out that the installer demanded to change search engine and homepage In the browser. Definitely, these manipulations allowed to obtain developers in Check Point some income. Version 2016 more forcibly does not fulfill these changes and no longer includes a licensed toolbar that many users find useful. In addition, the product lost protection from phishing, because It was a functional part of Tulbara, but, on the other hand, antifishing is not a typical component of firewalls.

Zonealarm is one of the earliest personal firewals in the market - the product is developing and improving for years. The program perfectly copes with the task of switching all system ports to the hidden mode, making them invisible to external attacks. Windows Firewall also effectively copes with this task, so unsuccessful attempts to hide ports third-party solutions They look at least suspicious. Note, despite the fact that the firewall developers in Kaspersky Internet Security (2016) decided to abandon the ports of hiding ports, the product is seriously concentrated on detecting and blocking network attacks.

ZoneAlarm does not try to detect network attacks that are trying to exploit system vulnerabilities. This level Usually not submitted to free solutions. In amateur tests PCMAG Firewall, Kaspersky discovered most exploits, and Symantec Norton Security identified and blocked absolutely all of them.

Program control ZoneAlarm sets permission to access the network and the Internet for all programs that are attempting to connect. By default, the component checks programs on the average sensitivity level, which offers an optimal balance between good protection and fewer pop-ups. The tool uses an extensive DefenseNet database from Check Point for automatic configuration Permissions for a wide range of well-known reliable programs.

When testing on the average level of protection, the self-written browser was discovered, but with automatic resolution, it was allowed outgoing compounds. When the sensitivity was set to the maximum, the component detected access attempts and asked if it was worth allowing these actions. Given the huge number famous programsThe network access of which automatically processes the firewall, it is recommended to use maximum protection and pay attention to pop-up alerts.

Of course, the firewall can only control the attempts to access the network that it can detect. Lakesta programs imitate the methods of hidden network accesswhich are used by some malicious programs for disguising under secure Applications. In the test, ZoneAlarm found most of the Lakes, and one of them identified as a malicious application.

As for direct targeted attacks, Zonealarm was one of the first personal firewalls that successfully resisted such types of threats. In tests, it was not possible to find a way to disable the firewall protection. One of the methods that often works is to disconnect the autoload of important firewall services. When attempting to do the ZoneAlarm manipulation data displayed the message "Access is prohibited." With Comodo Firewall 8 this method Worked, but when rebooting the firewall discovered the problem and suggested correcting it.


When the sensitivity of the software control was configured to maximize protection, it was noted that in addition to alerts about network access attempts, the firewall also displayed pop-up notifications about suspicious behavior. This functionality provides Osfirewall behavioral component.

On the middle mode of sensitivity, when installing 20 old utilities PCMAG alerts did not appear. After the level of protection was raised to the maximum, each utility caused at least one pop-up notification, most of which were displayed during the installation of the test sample. When creating and launching a temporary copy of the installer, the firewall reported such suspicious action as an attempt to access the administrator privileges. Many utilities caused a warning that the application is trying to interact with Windows conductor Due to the opening of its process.

Naturally, if you select blocking for any manipulation data, the installation will not pass or the program will not work correctly. The maximum level of protection is still recommended, but when installing new programs it is desirable to decrease to medium sensitivity. It is worth noting that the function of behavioral analysis in Comodo brought more large quantity alerts -, in Some cases are more than a dozen per utility.

Cloudy backup storage

Together with the ZoneAlarm installation, the user is offered to get free 5 gigabytes of the cloud storage from the ZoneAlarm - IDRIVE partner. Premium version worth $ 59.50 a year offers 1 terabyte cloud storage. IDRIVE received the title "Editor's Choice" in the category of services cloud storage data.

When the user initially presses the link to activate the cloud storage, the page opens, which explains the availability of the service and allows you to install separate application For data backup. As mentioned, you can get 5 gigabytes for free, a similar offer you will receive directly from the idrive. If 5 gigabytes are not enough for your needs, you can execute an upgrade to the most advantage of the plan, receiving 1 terabyte cloud space. Panda. Internet Security 2016 offers only two gigabytes for storing backups based on the Mozy service, but the user can get a 15 percent discount on other paid Mozy rates. The representative of Zonealarm said they also offer discounts in the format of promotions.

To activate the backup system, you need to create an account. Enter the name, email and password, and you can proceed to the next step. Then you need to specify the idrive if you need to use the standard encryption key or own key. When choosing the second option, you will have to remember this keyOtherwise, you will not be able to access your data. FROM positiveEven with the official request from the state service, the IDRIVE will not be able to decrypt your files.

Backup utility does not spend time in vain. Immediately after the installation is completed, the backup of important folders begins: desktop, music, images and documents. You can easily add your own folders and files to copy.

The backup tool allows you to save a copy of files on the local media or on the server. In addition, you can create a backup copy of the image of the entire disk, although most likely it does not fit on 5 gigabytes available. From any computer connected to the Internet, you can enter account and manage backup files of files. The service includes even a graphic file viewer. In addition, the tool has support mobile devices and backup social data, as well as many other functions.

Data protection

The Identity Protection component in ZoneAlarm consists of two parts. First, the Identity Protection service fulfills credit monitoring and notifies any changes in credit history. In addition, the IDENTITY LOCK feature prevents unauthorized transmission of user data from the system.

The monitoring service is provided by the ZoneAlarm - Identity Guard partner. In particular, you get one year what is called good start protection (Good Start Protection). After entering personal data, the service will check the credit data every day and notify via email about any changes in the credit file. If you have questions about the work of the service or you are confused by any alert, at your service unlimited free technical support. Although the service is free, the user will need to enter credit card data as a step of passing the verification procedure.

The default Identity Lock is disabled, because it cannot work when personal data is missing. When entering data, the user can choose from 10 different categories, among them phone numbers, Credit Cards and Addresses. For each object, you can specify the descriptive name and directly the data to be protected. By default, ZoneAlarm uses one-sided encryption to save data. Thus, if the attacker has gained access to the program, he will not be able to read your private data.

With an average level of protection ZoneAlarm notifies any attempt to transmit protected data by email and in the browser. If you select the cancellation option, your data will be replaced with asterisks. With the maximum protection level, the data is replaced by asterisks automatically, without unnecessary requests. Please note that Identity Lock does not work with HTTPS connections.

Free but proud

In modern realities, the market of autonomous personal firewalls straight say small. Growing the efficiency of the built-in windows Firewall predetermined the choice of the majority. A paid solution here will have to be very difficult.

Zonealarm Free Firewall 2016 and Comodo Firewall 8 are the title "Editor's Choice" in the Faervol category for Windows. Comodo includes a rich set useful features, including times a problem behavioral blocking. ZoneAlarm contains all the necessary firewall functions and includes its own bonuses. If you want to give up system solution In favor of third-party personal firewall, it is worth trying this product.

Zonealarm Free Firewall Review 2016:


  • successfully hides all system ports;
  • manages Internet access and network access;
  • more forcibly does not install Tulbar and does not change the settings of the home page;
  • effectively opposes attacks;
  • includes personal data protection, backups to cloud storage.


  • no longer includes phishing protection;
  • at maximum sensitivity, behavioral detection issues a large number of false positives.

Total assessment

Zonealarm Free Firewall 2016 performs all the traditional firewall tasks and no longer comes together with Tulbar. Cloud backup and credit status monitoring makes this free product even more interesting choice.

If you enjoyed a personal computer in the 90s, then surely believed that the firewalls are needed for organizations, but not for ordinary users. The ZoneAlarm team took several years to convince consumers in the need for reliable network protection with a firewall. Zonealarm Free Firewall has developed all this time, and its interface is transformed. The product remains an excellent choice for users who want more features than offers built-in Windows protection.

The program is installed instantly and starts to work immediately. The main window is made in gray, green and blue colors and contains three large panels: Antivirus (Antivirus), firewall (Firewall protection) and personal data protection (Identity & Data). The antivirus panel is highlighted in gray - it is assumed that the user can use a solution with any preferred antivirus, for example, free AVG AntiVirus Free or Panda Free Antivirus. When installing the product, optionally, you can choose the installation of ZoneAlarm Free AntiVirus + Firewall 2017.

Hacker attack protection

ZoneAlarm has not received major changes since the previous release, which means it is still effective when confronting network attacks. During testing, port scans and other types of web attacks were performed, but the product was reliably parried. ZoneAlarm successfully translated all system ports to a hidden mode by making them invisible for attacks coming from the Internet.

Zonealarm invented the concept of a firewall protection mechanism from direct targeted attacks. When testing, it was not possible to complete the program processes or in any way to interact with windows services - With all attempts, the message "Access is prohibited" was displayed. Disable protection due to manipulations with system registry Also failed.

Invasion prevention is a function that is associated with firewall technologies, but this is not quite so. When attacking a test system using 30 exploits generated by the Core Impact tool, ZoneAlarm did not react in any way. However, the attacks could not disrupt the security of the system, because safety patches were installed on it.

For comparison, Symantec Norton Antivirus Basic has blocked two thirds of the exploit on the network level, ensuring that they will not be able to get to the target system. Kaspersky Internet Security coped well with this test - the product blocked about half of the exploit.

ZoneAlarm assigns networks to the public zone (Public Zone) or trusted zone (Trusted Zone). By default, the security level rises to the maximum level when connected to a public network. The user will be able to connect to the network, but other devices in it cannot communicate with the user device. A mediated security level is installed in the trusted zone, the possibility of sharing files and sending printing documents.

Control of applications

Built-in Windows Firewall effectively copes with blocking external attacks. The main reason for selecting third-party firewall is to obtain a program control function that allows you to prevent unwanted network use and Internet applications.

IN early versions ZoneAlarm The user had to decide independently which programs can access the Internet. Numerous pop-up requests confused users. Allow or block? Who knows! In recent years, the company added a cloud database of well-known applications. ZoneAlarm can now automatically set the appropriate network permissions for almost any program used.

If you look at the settings in detail, you will find a slider that sets the security level to control applications. Available values: Disabled (Off), Minimum (MIN), Medium (MED) and Maximum (MAX). By default, the average level is set - in the ZoneAlarm mode screens not all programs. The product found an attempt to access the Internet from a self-written browser and automatically allowed access.

When installing the maximum security level, ZoneAlarm began to respond to all unknown programs and displayed a resolution request or blocking access. This security mode also had other notable effects. So the component of the Osfirewall behavioral analysis moved to the enhanced mode of operation and notified about a wide range of actions, which may indicate malicious activity, but may also be signs of the work of a secure program.

When you try to install 20 old PCMAG utilities, ZoneAlarm brought at least one alert for each application. One of the installed utilities caused a display of four warnings. A similar function in Comodo Firewall 8 has generated even more warnings.

Protection of personal information

On the data protection page (IDENTITY & DATA) in ZoneAlarm you will find additional ways to enhance security. To begin with, you can activate the cloud storage of backups of 5 gigabytes, offered by ZoneAlarm partner - IDRIVE. The same storage can be obtained directly from idrive.

Another partner Zonealarm - Identity Guard - offers a free annual subscription to protect personal data. After registering and entering data, the service warns about various events, such as verification of data or potential capture account. You can access the help of the corner of the data.

The Identity Lock feature offers a completely different approach to protect personal data. The user simply adds confidential data to a special safe. ZoneAlarm allows you to save 15 different types data, in particular credit card numbers, passwords of online stores and even maiden's name Mother. It is also possible to use another category.

For each object, you can specify one-sided encryption, otherwise the data will be in the risk area. You should also leave activated data protection options for the Internet and email.

If you set a high level of protection for the Identity Lock, the function will block data transfer from the computer until you visit the web resource defined by you personally as trusted. Personal data is replaced with asterisks. In the average security level, Identity Lock shows a warning and offers to prohibit transmission. When testing there were cases when the data was sent, despite the attempts to block the transmission. In addition, the Identity Lock cannot protect the data transmitted to the HTTPS-protected sites.

Easy win

Previously, in the segment of third-party firewalls, serious competition was observed, but the systematic improvement of the Windows firewall weakened this struggle. In a particularly disadvantage, paid firewalls were, the need for which dropped sharply with the arrival of free and efficient system protection.

Zonealarm remains a "choice of editorial board" PCMAG portal in the category of third-party firewalls. The product shares the title with Comodo Firewall 8, which, however, has not been updated decent time. If you want to get extended firewall protection options, then feel free to choose these solutions.

Zonealarm Free Firewall Review 2017:


  • hides all system ports to prevent external attacks;
  • internet access control by applications;
  • successfully confronts direct targeted attacks;
  • includes the cloud backup function and other additional tools.


  • there is no protection against exploits;
  • osfirewall technology marks both malicious and secure programs if the settings are specified the maximum security parameters.

Total assessment

What is the best firewall ( Firewall) For Windows - this question is tormented by many Internet users, paid or free, software or equipment. This question can be answered immediately and almost definitely: the best firewall ( Firewall) This is a preparatory but, the most best firewall ( Firewall

As previously mentioned the best firewall ( Firewall) This is a fabric, the prices for which sometimes comes to 50-70 thousand cu. But, today's theme will be a brief parselation of software firewalls ( Firewall) for Windows By the ratio, reliability / performance ...

Farwall (Firewall) An important element in your PC security arsenal. Unfortunately, the standard firewall ( Firewall) Windows does not provide the desired functional and blocks or allows only incoming connections, and all outgoing are resolved by default, although the reliability of the built-in in Windows Firevola. (Firewall) without doubt.

The most popular firewalls today ( Firewall) For personal PCs it is:

It must be determined that for you is a decisive factor when choosing - ease of use or reliability / performance?! Above Dan. list of the most common firewalls (Firewall) For Windows, in order of their preference to our citizens. We will not delve into the details of each product, and consider only the main points of the first two ...

Agnitum Outpost Firewall Pro

Agnitum Outpost Firewall Pro Development of domestic programmers and is the most preferred firewall ( Firewall) among ordinary ordinary domestic users who almost never look at " Task Manager". Agnitum Outpost Firewall Pro More convenient to use and provides more extensive information about the ongoing network events around your PC ..

It is convenient to use and provides good statistics on what is happening on the network but, ease of use does not mean reliability / performance! Ease of use " Agnitum Outpost Firewall Pro"It costs the user in terms of system resources and places in regular Bsod.. So for example, a combination NOD32 V4.0 + Outpost Firewall 2.x Called regular Bsod., Outpost Firewall Older differ in greater voyage of system resources, and especially during loading of large files through a quick network connection and from servers with good returns!

Special voyage is different versions " Outpost Firewall"Above the 6th, in which the process" aCS.EXE."While loading large files through a quick network connection and from servers with good return devours from 15-T. and before 50% System resources, and sometimes above! And it does not matter setting up the rules or disabling all the additional features - devours system resources ( CPU + Memory.) Despite anything and even in idle state ( CPU 8-15%) !!! In the version " Outpost Firewall 7.5."Name" PERFORMANCE EDITION":)) "aCS.EXE."In idle state behaves less aggressively, but the time of loading large files through a quick network connection and servers with a good return is all one devouring from 15 and up to 50%

Version " Outpost Firewall 4."Not such a voracious but, often there were falls when changing user accounts and not only! No offense of the company's programmers" Agnitum"But they are still very far from such products as" Comodo Firewall Pro.", "Comodo Internet Security" or " Checkpoint Firewall-1"! How not to twist, and Western developers seek great success on the field of software rather than domestic ...

Comodo Firewall Pro.

After long-lasting wanders in search of the best firewall ( Firewall) My choice finally stopped on " Comodo Firewall Pro 3.14"Which, in contrast to" Outpost Firewall"The attempts of incoming connections are remarkably suppressed and wildly devours system resources - in idle state uses no more 0-2% CPU and 3-4 mV. In addition, with full shutdown or fall " Comodo Firewall Pro 3.14"that there is little likely to access the network is missing, which you can not say about" Outpost Firewall".

The program is able to independently analyze each potential threat and, if necessary, to issue an appropriate warning. Wherein " Comodo Firewall"Recognizes more than 10,000 different applications in various categories ( for example, "Safe", "Spy Module", "Advertising Module", etc.).

"Comodo Firewall"also has proactive protection, proactive protection includes HIPS ( Host Intrusion Prevention Systems) - The reflection system of local threats. The task of HIPS is to control the operation of applications and blocking potentially dangerous operations on specified criteria.

Main characteristics " Comodo Firewall Pro.":

  • - Full constant monitoring and protection of your personal computer from Internet attacks, Trojanov, hackers, malicious scripts and other unknown threats.
  • - Free updates - Comodo Firewall Pro. You will tell you about the availability of updates and, after your consent, establish them.
  • - Full control over the activity of programs on the Internet.
  • - Control over software updates.
  • - Travel tracking in real time provides you with the opportunity to instantly respond to possible threats.
  • - simple, intuitive multilingual interface ( including Russian).
  • - Free for home and other network users.

"Comodo Firewall Pro."By default, it does not provide statistics on all comparted attempts of incoming connections, but, when creating certain rules and due configuration, you can get this statistic. My choice is definitely in favor of" Comodo Firewall Pro 3.14"And I think that it will remain unchanged ... Why exactly version 3.14, not 4.s or 5.h? - Yes, because in version 3.x, the most basic functions without excess" bells, "and it is less demanding to Resources rather than 4.2 or 5.h? ...

According to, Comodo products continue to occupy the first positions among the participants of the test:

True in " Comodo Firewall Pro."There is no such beneficial features as blocking active elements and statistics illegal, but this deficiency in favor of saving system resources can be compensated by the" Firefox "browser and the" Adblock "plug-in +" noscript ", and if you need to be collected by other programs ...


wIPFW is an analogue of the IPFW Console Firewall, but only for Windows. It has more opportunities compared to standard firewall from Wndows XP. May limit the number of connections from a specific IP address or address range of IP addresses. It is possible to define packages on the installed SYN, FIN flags, etc ..


How many people have so many opinions, in the network a bunch of firewalls ( Firewall) And each of them has its own faithful users who chose one or another firewalls ( Firewall) By virtue of their preferences. Once again, I want to emphasize that the best firewall ( Firewall) This is a hardware but, the most best firewall ( Firewall) This is the one that is configured by straight hands ...

Firewall, he is a firewall or between network screen - Important security element system. Firewall filters incoming and outgoing traffic, protecting a computer from unauthorized access.

There is a standard firewall in Windows, but its reliability is in doubt among many experts. Regardless of which version of the operating system you use, it is recommended to use individual specialized solutions. Prepared the top five best free firewalls available at the moment.

Provides real-time protection and provides additional Wi-Fi security tools. This is one of the oldest and reliable firewalls that exists for more than 20 years. Current version Zonealarm is able to hide open ports, automatically determines suspicious traffic, turns off the malicious programs and is checked with the threats of DefenseNet. Also, the program can protect the computer in public Wi-Fi networks, which is very relevant for laptops.

Please note when installing ZoneAlarm Do not forget to disconnect unnecessary parameters, otherwise the installer will make Yahoo your homepage. You will also have to provide ZoneAlarm email address to activate, although the company is not divided into unauthorized.

- Another good free firewall. Its main chip is the Sandbox tool that allows you to run any applications in a separate virtual environment. Thanks to this, even clearly malicious program It will not be able to damage the main system. Very useful option if you like to experiment with free software from unverified sources. The program allows you to easily manage permissions for various networks and create rules for specific programs.

Note that comodo installation Free Firewall is also important to follow vigilance, otherwise the installer can replace your homepage and install the Comodo Dragon browser. The corresponding parameters should be disconnected.

- Well-designed firewall with focusing on information and transparency. The program conducts detailed accounting of network activity, so you can find out exactly what application consumes traffic, and in what volume. When any application or process is trying to enter the Internet, the user instantly receives a notification and can block access to the network with one click.

- Very simple and lightweight utility. This is not so much an independent firewall as a tool for advanced settings and improve the built-in Windows Firewall. In the work of Tinywall tries to be as unobtrusive as possible. The program will not disturb you with notifications, unless it happens something really important.

The utility fully meets its name - it takes less than 1 MB on the hard disk and it does not affect the performance of the computer.

Unlike the options presented above, is not a downloadable firewall. This is a set of network settings that will automatically redirect your traffic through the OpenDNS cloud filtering service from Cisco. If you specify the settings in the router, it will protect all devices connected to this network. OpenDNS HOME filters automatically block traffic from well-known dangerous sources and prevent phishing attempts.

In the heading "Firewalls" collected free programs To protect the computer from threats of emanating from the local and Internet network. The firewall controls all traffic passing through it, and blocks suspicious connections, and does not allow the viruses to get to the computer. If you are an active Internet user, the use of firewall is required.

Glasswire - Monitor Network Activity and Protection

The program for monitoring and displaying network activity. It has a network screen function - allows you to block the incoming and outgoing traffic. The application helps to analyze all network connections and identify malicious. It leads detailed statistics for each incoming and outgoing compound.

Simplewall - small but powerful network screen

The tiny protector of network activity makes it easy to manage Windows Filtering Service (WFP). Works on the basis of a white list (allowed, what is noted) or on the basis of a black list (block everything that is marked). A lightweight application to protect the system from the threats from the network, in a pair with free antivirus (for example Kaspersky FREE.) It will be a reliable protection for the computer.

PrivateFirewall - Reliable Protection against Viruses and Internet ...

free network screen that provides proactive comprehensive protection against various network threats and dangerous applications. The firewall is able to detect and block any activity that is characteristic of famous viruses, hacker and phishing attacks. Any programs seeking access to the network will be blocked and unlocking them only computer user.

Windows Firewall Control - Manage Settings Auxiliary ...

The program allows you to quickly allow / prohibit other programs to go to the network, completely disable all connections, customize the additional Rules of the built-in Windows Firewall, view the current active network connections and much more.

Windows 10 Firewall Control - Internet Protection for Windo ...

Windows 10 Firewall Control - Free utility to control the built-in network protection in the new operating room windows system 10. Manages Internet applications, monitors network activity and conducts a detailed report.

Windows7 Firewall Control - manage built-in brand ...

A program that will help control the applications trying to enter the Internet. Uses the Windows XP / 7/8 / Vista firewall mechanism, while offering additional features To manage software access to local network and the Internet.