Open ports 3 methods. All about ports

337503 01.07.2015



Last time we are about what computer ports are. In essence, installed on the computer programs that use the Internet, for normal operation, not only access to the network, but also open ports is needed.

As with other programs that send and receive information from the network, ports are needed for networking games. It does not matter, playing the Counter Strike, World of Tanks or "Dota": all these games are multiplayer, and therefore they need ports to interact with other players. The ports are constantly using other popular programs, such as Skype, Viber or μTorrent.

But the ports of your computer can be closed. Imagine a situation: your mobile phone Suddenly stopped receiving incoming messages and calls. That is, you call someone, on the other end raise the phone, you say "Hello!", And in response - no word. You dial the number again and again, call other rooms, but everything is still - you will not hear. Then you write SMS, but they do not come to them.

You can easily describe the situation when the ports of your computer are closed. Your programs associated with the network send information, but nothing comes in response. Of course, at the same time they cannot fully fulfill their functions. In games, this is manifested by messaging error, delays in work (lags). So, for example, the "Destination Unreachable" message can appear in World of Tanks.

To understand what is happening and how to deal with it, you need to understand how the computer can be connected to the Internet. Three different options are possible: direct internet connection, connection via a router and connect using network address translation (NAT). Now we will tell about each of these cases.

Direct connection.

With this connection, your computer can be compared with a private house. This house is in itself, he has 65536 constantly open doors and its separate address - the street name and house number. At the same time, you can get out of any of the doors and go anywhere. Similarly, anyone, knowing the name of the street and the house number, can come to you and go to any of the doors. You either your guests are the packages of information transmitted between your computer and the Internet. As you already guessed, all ports are open with such connections, and information can be freely transmitted in both directions.

True, this situation is only an ideal case. Almost always to protect information, firewalls are applied - firewalls or firewalls. About what it is, we are already. If you consider it as part of our private house, then Firewall is a watchman who is watching the doors to be closed, and only those who have a skip can come out. On how to configure Firewall in order to open some ports, we will tell in a separate article.

Connecting through a router.

Externally home router It is a small box. In fact, it is also a computer whose task is to get access to the Internet and distribute it immediately to several devices - a computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone. Thus, if, when connecting to the network, our computer can be compared with a private house, then when connected to the router, it is an apartment in apartment house. You can easily get out of the apartment through any door (and we have them, as you could have guess, 65536) and go anywhere. But if someone wants to come to visit you, now he must know not only the name of the street and the house number, but also the apartment number. At the entrance, at the same time, a strict doorman is sitting, which will ask any guest where he is heading, will find out if it is waiting for him, and only after that he let guests.

As you can see, guests without any problems get to you in the apartment, you need to explain this to the Swiss, that is, set up a router. About the subtleties of setting routers different manufacturers We will tell in a separate article.

How to open ports on Windows 7, 8, 8.1, not everyone knows, but they heard them, probably, many PC users. However, for some online games or programs that require access to the Internet, the opening of additional connections becomes necessary. Sometimes you want to open or check already open ports.

The port is a specific numerical code that allows the system to exchange data with hosting from the Internet. This is a kind of path that helps you need to check and get from remote server It is on your computer exactly to the address.

Some applications do not require opening additional connectionSince it is open in advance. But for some closed resources, games (for example, Minecraft), this is done manually.

Opening methods

The easiest general way

The most affordable method is quite simple. The following are the algorithm of actions that need to be performed:

  • In the "Control Panel" we find the item "System and Security", then open the Windows Firewall.

Open Windows Firewall

  • Select "Advanced Parameters"
  • In the window that appears, select "Rules for incoming connections" (left column).

Select "Rules for incoming connections"

  • Next, you must create a rule, click on the corresponding icon.
  • Type of rules "for the port", click the "Next" button, put the marker to the TCP protocol and enter the number (you need to check it exactly). Jump again "Next".

We put the marker to TCP Protocol

  • We leave all the ticks - they determine how the rule will relate to the profiles.

We leave all the checkboxes

  • After you need to come up with a name and, if you need it, the description. Press "ready."

Name name

All - you have a new rule, now the computer will be able to connect to the desired server.

Connection for the program

This method may be required if the previous one could not provide the necessary application required network activity. That is, simply, the right program is still not connected to the Internet.

  1. According to the previous algorithm, we reach the place where you need to select the rule type, select the type of rule "for the program"
  2. We put the marker on the "program path", select using the "Overview" button or drive the program to manually.
  3. Click "Next", put "Allow connection".
  4. Then we repeat the same thing that was done at the previous method.

As a result, this program will be allowed to connect to the network.

By itself, it can often block many connections, so in some cases you can simply try to turn it off. However, if any antiviruses are not installed on your computer, the use of the Internet with a disabled firewall can be dangerous for the computer.

To disable the firewall, you just need to go to it, select the "Enable and Disable Windows Firewall" item, in the settings of the parameters set markers to "Disable windows Firewall"And click" OK ".


Not always need to drive new number And choose the protocol, sometimes it is enough to know how to check whether the port is open. You can do it with special Team. First drive in B. command line (opens by pressing Win + R) "CMD" (without quotes), then press "OK", and in the window that appears, enter the Netstat -a command. After the list of all open protocols appears. Thus, it is easy to check their quantity. Such an inspection can be carried out on various free Internet services, which will also provide this information.

Open new connections or generally turn off their lock is quite easy. These restrictions with small skills will not be able to prevent access to the necessary information or data from the network. Now, if necessary, you can open the port on your computer and check outdoor.

About ports, and clarify the situation.

All have long used simulators ( local network ), after some providers at the beginning of a new decade, turn off all our subscribers from the local network, leaving them only connecting to the "Internet" channel.

It was from the moment that the popularization went simulatorsSince without them, it was impossible to play in some kind of toy. And from the moment the question about " opening ports"It became more popular, and many "pseudo-sis .admines" tried to post the current manual how to open ports on their gland. But not everyone knows what how to do it right.

What is " Open port"? Yes, all ingenious is simple - any computer in the network has a certain identifier (name, MAC address, IP) so, by IP. The router enters a certain package, but not just goes IP., and in special Channel (port.) Through which the program sends / accepts requests from the external network. According to the standard, this package on the router will not pass, since by default (hereinafter default), the port of which the program works - closed, and what to take a package, you need to open it.

What you write on the Internet - you can open ports, no matter what network equipment is - all this nonsense! Any knowledgeable SIS.admin will say - that IP is divided into two kinds - " White"And" Grey", And only one can open ports to take" packages "from outside. Grey - this is when IP may proceed from hand-in-hands many times (it is called as dynamic), White - or real (differently static) you can be assigned Only one user, and will not move from hand-in-hand.

It is on the "white" IP and it is worth opening ports on its equipment. What would get your "white" ip need reverse To your provider, and after that, he will appoint an IP on you. This service is paid everywhere, and depending on the region can be 50 rubles / month.

Suppose we bought real IP. At your provider, and now you need to start setting up. Tell with settings on 4-H. Popular models routers (ASUS / TP-LINK / D-LINK / ZYXEL):

Setting up a router asus

Open ports on real (white) IP in ASUS router

Note: Setup was performed on the equipment ASUS RT-N12 C1 With firmware (Black Interface)

  1. ), with login and password ( admin / Admin.
  2. In the left menu choose " the Internet" (or WAN.) -> Forwarding ports (or Virtual Server / Port Forwarding)
  3. Turn on this option by putting a tick on the contrary " Enable port forwarding: yes".
  4. Select the specified ports from the ready-made templates, or fit your own:
    • Service name - You can be any
    • Port Range - You can enter both one port (for example 80) and range (27000: 27099)
    • Local IP.
    • End port - Just as in the "range" you need to enter depending on what was first introduced - one or range.
    • Protocol - TCP / UDP / BOTH / OTHER - Select one (TCP / UDP ports are chosen)
  5. After entering the data, click on the plus sign (to the left of the filling form).
  6. And after entering data, click "Save".

Setting up the router D-LINK

Open ports on real (white) IP in the D-Link router

Note: Setup is made on the router D-Link Dir 615 With a white interface of the latest firmware 2.5.20 .

  1. Connect to your router through the browser ( . or in some ), with login and password ( admin / Admin.). You can learn about this on the reverse side of the router or in the manual for it.
  2. In the left menu, choose Firewatch / Virtual Servers.
  3. Choose from ready-made templates, or fit your own (selecting item " Costom"):
    • Service name - You can be any
    • Protocol - Choose the desired protocol.
    • External port (initial)
    • Internal port (initial)
    • Internal IP.
  4. Apply", and after through" System"- Select item" ", and only after that ports should open.
Note: the interface points and names may differ depending on the model and firmware of the network equipment (router).

TP-LINK router setup

Open ports on real (white) IP in TP-LINK router

TP-LINK TL-WR940N / TL-WR941ND With firmware 3.13.31 .

  1. Connect to your router through the browser ( ), with login and password ( admin / Admin.). You can learn about this on the reverse side of the router or in the manual for it.
  2. In the left menu, choose Forwarding (Forwarding) -> Virtual servers (Virtual Server).
  3. After opening the section " Virtual servers"You must appear a page with a list of open ports. In order to open the port you need here you need to click on the "Add New" button and fill in the form:
    • Port Services - External port. Here you need to enter the port (or the range of ports through the defisity sign, for example, 10100-10200)
    • Internal port - Internal port that will be used by programs on your computer.
    • IP address
    • Protocol
    • condition (Status.) - port status.
  4. After entering data, you can click " Save" (Save.).
Note: the interface points and names may differ depending on the model and firmware of the network equipment (router).

Setting up a zyxel router

Open ports on real (white) IP in ZyXEL router

Note: The setting is made on the router Zyxel Keenetic. With firmware 2.0 .

  1. Connect to your router through the browser ( ), with login and password ( admin / Admin. or admin / 1234.). You can learn about this on the reverse side of the router or in the manual for it.
  2. In the left menu, choose "Safety" (in the form of a shield) -\u003e.
  3. After opening the section " Broadcast network addresses (NAT)»Press the" Add "button and add the template:
    • Interface - Select the necessary interface.
      Attention! You must correctly specify the value of the interface field. Depending on whether your provider uses authorization (PPPOE, L2TP or PPTP), the value of this field can be different. If the provider's authorization is not used, you should always select the Broadband Connection interface (ISP). If the provider uses PPPoE to access the Internet, then you should select the appropriate PPPoE interface.
      If you are provided simultaneous access to the local network of the provider and the Internet (LINK DUO), for the port of the port from the local network, you need to select the Broadband Connection interface (ISP), and for the port of the port from the Internet - the Tunnel interface (PPPOE, PPTP or L2TP).
    • Protocol - You can specify a protocol from the list of pre-installed, which will be used during port promotion (in our example, use TCP / 21 - FTP files). When selecting the TCP or UDP protocol field, you can in the fields.
    • TCP / UDP ports - Specify the port number or port range.
    • Redirect to address - Indicate the local IP address of the computer.
  4. After entering data, you can click " Save".
Note: the interface points and names may differ depending on the model and firmware of the network equipment (router).

Summing up, you can make such a conclusion - that for the forwarding ports and the preservation of its nerve cells, it is better to immediately buy at your provider static (white) IPSince on gray - the port of ports will not be able to do. If everything managed to do, then the visibility of ports can be checked on, or on. From the experiment with routers, I managed to do everything right only on three of the four routers (except ZyXEL).

If you are actively playing Minecraft or other multiplayer games that require connecting to the server, then surely the question will be asked how to open ports. By default, the firewall and antivirus close most of the ports, so games and programs can work incorrectly. It is possible to correct this deficiency in manual mode.

Configure firewall

Before you start opening the port, you need to know its number. For example, for normal operation of the online GTA V mode, you need to open an input with the number 80. For Unturned, open port 25444 is required. You can find out this information on games dedicated to games, or on support pages.

In some cases, you need to specify permission for two protocols - TCP and UDP.

It is simple: two incoming rules are created for which different protocols are specified. The remaining data must match.

Firewall in Antivirus

Some antiviruses manage firewall independently, so you need to open the inputs in their settings. There is no fundamental difference, but the order changes slightly. Let's see the algorithm on the example of the ESET Smart Security Anti-Virus.

If you do not want to configure the rules in the anti-virus settings, turn off its firewall. The system will propose to activate Windows Firewall, after which you can open access using the first part of our instructions.

Access permission in the router

If you have a router, you must additionally open access to its interface, otherwise the data packets will not be destined. See first physical adress Computer on the network - the entrance opens for a specific machine.

  1. Go to the Network Management Center and click the connection you use.
  2. Click "Details".
  3. Lay and remember the address ipv 4.

You learned the physical address of the computer on the network, now you need to open ports in the router. Go to the web interface of the router (usually available at Go to the section responsible for work firewall. You need to set up virtual Server.

Click "Add" to open the Virtual Server Setup form. Specify the necessary information:

  • Name (Use the game name).
  • Interface - all.
  • The protocol is the one that you need, TCP or UDP.
  • External and internal start port is a specific number, for example 25444.
  • Internal IP address IPv4, which you looked in connection information.

After saving the configuration, the port will be opened. To check his work, go to the website There is a "Test Port" tool.