Jointed network. Local LAN and Global Wan Networks, Network Complexes or United Networks, Intranets, as well as Network Representations Joint Internet

Joint Network (Internetwork) is a union of individual networks,

Connected by intermediate network devices functioning as one large network. The concept of the network includes technologies, devices and procedures that allow you to solve the task of creating and administering the combined network. On, schs. 1.1 shows how several different types of networks can be interconnected using routers and other network devices and form a combined network.

History of united networks

'The first networks are in the time of time separation and consisted of mainframes with terminals connected to them. Such environments were built both based on the IBM system architecture (SNA), and on the basis of the Digital network architecture.

The emergence of local networks (Local-Area Network - LAN) is associated with widespread use. personal computers PC. Local networks allow multiple

users located in a relatively small geographic area, share files and messages, and share shared resources, such as file servers and printers.

Fig. 1.1. Networks using various technologies can be interconnected and to form a combined network.

Distributed networks (WIDE-Area Network - WAN) combine local networks among themselves in order to ensure communication between users located far from each other. To combine local networks, technologies such as T1, TK, ATM, ISDN, ADSL, Frame Relay, radio communications and others are used. Every day, all new ways to connect local networks deleted from each other are appear.

Currently, the scope of high-speed local networks and switched joint networks continues to expand because they work on very high speeds And support applications such as multimedia and video conferencing that require a large bandwidth.

The combined networks developed as a means of solving three main tasks: Associate isolated local networks, exclude resource duplication and more efficient network management. Isolation of local networks from each other makes it impossible to exchange electronic information between offices and departments. Duplication of resources means installation in each office or department of the same equipment and software, with individual staff technical support. Insufficiently efficient network management means the absence of centralized network management and troubleshooting systems.

Problems of creating integrated networks

Functional implementation of the combined network is a difficult task. At the same time, many problems arise, especially in terms of ensuring communication, reliability, efficient network management and flexibility. Each of the above tasks is critical when creating a high-quality and efficient unified network.

When connecting different systems, the problem of data exchange between networks using fundamentally different technologies. For example, various transmitted environments operating with the data can be used in various data transmission nodes. different speeds, or even various types of networks, between which you need to exchange data.

Since the efficiency of companies is largely depends on the information exchange, the combined networks should provide a certain level of reliability. Network medium is largely unpredictable, so in most large combined networks is provided by the so-called. redundancy, allowing not to interrupt data exchange even in case of problems.

In addition, the network management and troubleshooting in the combined network must be centralized. In order for the combined network to work without failures, it is necessary to choose the configuration correctly, configure the security system, achieve maximum performance And solve other issues. The security system is an integral part of the combined network. Many mistakenly believe that the security system is needed only to protect the private network from external attacks. However, it is equally important to protect the network from internal attacks, especially considering that most often the protection system is disturbed from the inside. Therefore, protection from using the internal network as a means to attack external nodes is also necessary.

In early 2000, many large web nodes became victims of distributed attacks of the "Distributed Denial of Service Attack - DDoS Attack). Such attacks became possible for the reason that many private networks connected to the Internet were not properly protected and served as an attack.

Since everything in the world changes, the combined networks must have sufficient flexibility so that they can be changed in accordance with the new requirements.


Manual on the technologies of combined networks, 4th edition. : Per. from English - M.: Publishing House "Villama", 2005. - 1040 p.: Il. - Paral. Tit. English

    joint Network - Two or more switched packet switching networks (they can be different types), combined with routers to a logical network. Subjects Network Computing En Internetwork ...

    Combined settlement system - "United Settlement System" (ORS) - non-bank credit institution, uniting ATMs, cash deposits (PVN) and receiving payments of various banks into a single network. Today, ORS includes more than 100 Russian credit institutions. ... ... Banking encyclopedia

    joint Academic Network - network intended for exchange scientific information between academic organizations. [E.S. Alexseev, A.A. Muchev. English English dictionary According to the system engineer. Moscow 1993] themes information Technology In general, EN JOINT ACADEMIC ... ... Technical translator directory

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    joint Local Computing Network - A combination of local computing networks connected by bridges on the suggestion of access control to the environment. [GOST 29099 91] network topics Computational generalizing terms Relationship between local computing networks en Bridged Lam ... Technical translator directory

    joint Energy Network - All combined power lines, regardless of voltage, within one or more enterprises within one or more geographic areas within one or more countries. [Anglo Russian Glostic ... ... Technical translator directory

    - (Al Gumhuria Al Arabia Al Muttahida) (Oar) of the state at S. V. Africa and partly in Asia (Sinai PS). Polysh. OK. 1 million km2. Poor. 30 million h. (1966), ch. arr. Arabs. OK. 99% of us. Lives in the Delta and the Nile Valley, in the Oasis Fayum and in the Suez zone ... ... Soviet historical encyclopedia

    Joint parcel delivery service - (Yu.P.) (United Parcel Service, UPS) One of the world's largest carriers, providing a package for delivery services. loads of certain linear and volumetric characteristics (parcels, small shipments, etc.) and their consolidation. ... ... Glossary Terms for freight transportation, logistics, customs clearance

    Joint Local Computing Network - 1. The set of local computing networks connected by bridges on the suggestion of access control to the environment is used in the document: GOST 29099 91 networks of computational local. Terms and Definitions … Telecommunication Dictionary

    Hundred 70238424. Unified National Electrical Network. Development conditions. Norms and requirements - Terminology Hundred 70238424. 2012: Unified National Electrical Network. Development conditions. Norms and Requirements: 3.1.4 Balance Trucks: Persesses included in the acquisition or consumable balance and showing which part ... ... Dictionary directory terms of regulatory and technical documentation

    Library system, combined: community of tasks; organizational solutions; and a number of uniform signs: belonging to a certain territory, founder, industry, etc. In English: Library Network See also: Library Systems Financial ... ... Financial vocabulary


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  • The path of Cassandra, or Adventures with Macarona, Julia Voznesenskaya, the famous bestseller-anti-nightopia about our near future. The United Europe after an ecological catastrophe is under the authority of the president who calls himself the Savior and ... Category: Social Fiction Publisher:

Greetings, dear blog readers Site! Today we will talk about different types Networks such as Local Area (LAN), examples of which can be found in organizations, training campuses or even at home, global or regional networks (WAN), as the most vivid example here can be brought Internet, network complexes or combined networks, i.e. . Combines, for example, several local networks in a larger regional network. You will also learn what to be intracted and get acquainted with network performance.

Local Networks (LAN)

Network infrastructures may vary quite significantly in terms:

  • Network coating size
  • Number of connected users
  • Quantities and types of available services

Usually extends within the same geographic area, providing services and applications to people inside the general organizational structure, for example, one enterprise, campus or region. This type of network is called. The LAN network is usually administered by one organization. Administrative control that manages security and access control policies is carried out on the network level.

Regional (global) network

When a company or organization has several locations, which are divided by large geographic distances, it may need to use the telecommunications service provider services (English Telecommunications Service Provider or TSP) to connect to each other LANs located in various locations. Telecommunications service providers work with large regional networks that can extend over long distances. Traditionally, TSP providers transferred voice and informational in separate networks. Now, increasingly, these providers offer services to their customers.

Separate organizations usually use leased connections to the telecommunications service provider network. EN Networks that connect LANs in geographically separated locations are called regional or global networks (WIDE AREA Networks (WANS). Although the organization serves all policies and administering LAN networks on both sides of the connection, policies within the network service provider network are controlled. TSP.

WAN networks use specially designed, connecting LAN local networks with each other. By the importance of these devices for the network, configuration, installation and maintenance of these devices are integral skills for the enterprise network.

LAN and WAN networks are very useful for individual organizations. They connect users inside the organization. They provide, including exchange of emails, corporate training, as well as the exchange of other resources.

Internet Network Network

Although there are advantages in the use of LAN or WAN, most of us need interaction with the resources of another network, outside our local intermination.

Examples of this type of communication include:

  • Shipping e-mail Comrade from another country
  • Get access to news and products on the website
  • Getting a file from a neighbor's computer
  • Exchange with relative from another city
  • Observation of the achievements of the favorite sports team on a cell phone

Network Complexes (Network Combining)

The global web of interrelated networks (network complexes) serves. Some of these interconnected networks belong to large public and frequent organizations such as state agencies or industrial enterprises, and are intended exclusively for use. The largest well-known and widely used publicly accessible network is the Internet.

The Internet consists of interrelated networks that belong to Internet service providers (English Internet Service Provider or ISP). These ISP networks are connected to each other, providing access for millions of users worldwide. Warranty through this diverse infrastructure requires the use of agreed and generally accepted, as well as the cooperation of a multitude of network administration agencies.


Term intranet It is often used to designate a private connection of LAN and WAN networks belonging to one organization, which are designed so that access to them has only members of this organization, workers and other authorized users.

Note: The following terms can be interchangeable: Joint Network (Network Complex, Association of Networks, Complex Interconnected Networks), Data Network and Just Network. The connection of two or more data networks generates a combined network - network network. It is also generally accepted to call a unified network of data network - or simply a network - when considering communications at the highest level. This use of terms depends on the context, in connection with which the terms can be interchangeable.

Presentations of networks

When transporting complex information, such as when providing a network connection and work of a large combined network, useful to use visual representations and graphics. Like any other language, the network language uses the well-known set of characters (designations) for the presentation of various, and. The ability to recognize logical representations of physical network components is decisive for the ability to submit the organization and network operation.

In addition to network representations through special designations, special terminology is used when discussing how each of these devices and connections are connected to each other. It is important to remember the following terms:

Map Network interface (eng. Network Interface Card or Nic) or LAN adapter provides physical connection to the network of a computer or other device host . , connect right in network cards (NIC).