Setting up NVIDIA for maximum performance in games. Setting the NVIDIA video card for games How to configure 3D on a computer for games

Many computer Users Cinema Theatrians prefer home movies when in a cozy atmosphere you can run an unlimited number of film. And even if you want to see a 3D film at home - this is also not a problem, but for this you will need to resort to the help of special software.

Today we will run a movie in 3D-mode using the KMPlayer program. This program It is an extremely convenient and functional media player, one of the functions of which is the ability to run movies in 3D mode.

  • KMPlayer installed on the computer;
  • 3D film with horizontal or vertical stereo;
  • Anagly glasses for viewing a 3D film (with red-blue lenses).

How to run a movie in 3D?

Please note that the method described below works exclusively with 3D movies, a sufficient amount is distributed on the Internet. Normal 2D film in this case Not suitable.

1. Run the KMPlayer program.

2. Add a video recording to the program with a horizontal or vertical stereo.

3. The screen will start playing a video recording where there is a double image vertically or horizontally. Click in the lower left corner of the 3D icon to activate this mode.

4. This button has three modes of pressing: a horizontal stereo pager, a vertical stereo pager and a 3D mode shutdown. Depending on which 3D movie type is downloaded from you, select the desired 3D mode.

4. For a more thorough adjustment of the 3D mode, click on any area of \u200b\u200bthe video playback by right-click and hover the mouse over "3D Screen Control" . On the screen will appear extra menu, divided into 3 blocks: Activation and arrangement of 3D, change frames by meths, as well as selection of colors (you need to focus on the color of your points).

5. When the 3D setting on the computer is completed, expand the image to the entire screen and start viewing the 3D movie along with anaglyph glasses.

Today we looked at the simplest and qualitative way to view a 3D film. In principle, in the KMPlayer program, you can convert and the usual 2D film in 3D, but for this it will be needed to install a special anaglyph 3D filter, for example, Anaglyph.AX. .

The manual describes in detail the NVIDIA video card settings. We also tell me how to configure 3D NVIDIA parameters for some games. Before setting up, you need to install the drivers for NVIDIA.

If the drivers are set, we proceed to the configuration.

Click on the desktop right-click to appear a pop-up menu. In which you choose the item:

After that, we get into the control panel. Go to the section: Parameters 3D

In the window that appears, first choose the item: Image settings adjustment with viewing

Click: Apply(As shown in Figure below)

Now the most interesting begins.

Setting up 3D NVIDIA parameters for games

Go to the section: Parameters 3D management

After that, proceed to setting up the parameters in the right window.

To work correctly, you must set the following parameters:

  1. CUDA - graphic processors: Everything
  2. Anisotropic filtering: Turn off
  3. V-SYNC (vertical synchronization): Turn off
  4. Vertical sync pulse": Use 3D application settings
  5. Shading background lighting ": Turn off
  6. Maximum number of pre-trained personnel: you should choose the item that is marked with the NVIDIA icon
  7. Streaming optimization: Automatically
  8. Power Management Mode: Adaptive
  9. Smoothing - Gamma Correction: Turn off
  10. Smoothing - Parameters: Turn off
  11. Smoothing - Transparency: Turn off
  12. Smoothing - Mode: Turn off
  13. Triple buffering: Turn off
  14. Accelerating multiple displays / mixed GP: Mode of multi-power performance
  15. Filtering textures - anisotropic sample optimization: Turn off
  16. Filtering textures - quality ": Highest performance
  17. Filtering textures - Negative deviation UD: Turn on
  18. Filtering textures - trilinear optimization ": Turn on
  19. Anisotropic filtering. Directly affects the quality of textures in games. Therefore, it is recommended turn off.
  20. Enable scalable textures: Turn off
  21. Expansion restriction: Turn off
Depending on the driver version and the video card, some parameters may exist in the settings.

After changing all the settings, click the Apply button. These settings do not guarantee 100% of the result, but in 90% cases they can enhance FPS up to 30%.

What is 3D?

3D (read like three DE) - This is a collective image that includes many concepts. Most often under it implies technology for creating and displaying a surround image.

Usually on the monitor or TV man sees a flat picture, because The screen itself is flat and has only two dimensions - width and height. In the world around us, the third dimension is also present - the depth. A person is easily distinguished by a flat picture from reality.

Therefore, engineers are looking for various methods The creation of an artificial image that would have 3 measurements, and it would be as close as possible to reality.

Such an image began to call 3D image. The name happened if I'm not mistaken, from phrase in English "Third Dimension" - the third dimension - 3D.

In a simplified form, human vision can be represented as follows.

Each eye gets its image, and these images are different, and the brain is already "collecting" from these two images with a surround picture. Thanks to this, we can perceive all three dimensions. The picture from the screen both eyes see the same, so we understand that this is a flat image.

In connection with such a device of our vision, the main approach to creating three-dimensional images close to real, has become a method for creating different images for each eye.

One example can serve sterelo Cartins or stereograms.

With the usual look at them, only the blurred uncertain color spot is seen. However, when defoculating vision, when the eyes will receive a different image, the brain will "fold" these images and you will "see" 3D image.

Here is an example of such pictures and several ways, as learned to defocheate the eyes

I myself could watch such pictures when I studied at school, now I can not, it does not work correctly defocus your eyes.

As you can see, this method has significant disadvantages: not all people can learn how to see such pictures for a changing picture (games or film) This method will not fit.

Next method - It is the creation of pictures separately for the left and right eye and then show them accordingly for the left and right eye. This method is used mainly in cinemas.

The creation of individual pictures is placed relatively simply - with the development of digital technologies, the film is immediately removed by two nearby chambers or a special way to share a regular frame on 2 - for each eye. In the cinema itself, the viewer must wear special glasses, which allow each eye to see only "their" image. As a result, the viewer sees a surround image.

Such special glasses are several types. One of them is polarized glasses.

Polarization of light - This is a special conversion of ordinary light. Polarization is used in science and technology, but sometimes it comes to use in ordinary life.

When using polarization, light from the film processor will change in such a way that the rays aimed at the screen, for example, through the left lens, were perceived only by the left eye and completely quenched for the right eye, and for the right lens, on the contrary. For such points it is necessary to create two separate images.

Such glasses are used, for example, in cinemas IMAX 3D. For this method you need expensive equipment, but for the viewer, such a picture is better than all other ways and additional eye loads (compared to the usual cinema) is minimal.

Another type of glasses is anaglyph.

These are such glasses that have glass of different color, usually left red, and right blue. There may be other colors.

Here is an example of such glasses:

For such glasses use one modified image.

The general meaning of the modification of such - the main image is created 2 additional, which are painted in red and blue shades, and which are shifted to the left and right from the main distance at some distance. Then the main and additional images are combined in a special way.

You can also create a picture-anaglyph of two pictures. For example, for photos taken from two nearby points. On the Internet, on request "how to make anaglyph" there are many references to the description of the method and on the program to work with the photo.

Here is an example of Anaglyph pictures:

This method can be used in ordinary cinemas. This option is much cheaper compared to polarization points.

A significant drawback of anaglyphids is to reduce the brightness of the image, which creates an additional eye load to consider the image. Therefore, this method for dark images is unsuitable.

3D monitors and TVs.

3D monitors work with glasses. Used glasses with a stereoscopic shutter. And the monitor must have a frequency of update (vertical sweep or vertical synchronization) at least 120Hz.

The principle of 3D modes such: Miscellaneous image for the left and right eye is shown in turn. Each image monitor shows 60 times per second so that the quality does not deteriorate.

Thus, the minimum frequency of 120Hz is needed. And the glasses are associated with the monitor and also take turns to skip the image for the left and right eye. 3D TVs complete with glasses work similarly.

3D TVs without glasses contain an additional layer on the screen, which when activated and creates a 3D image. The disadvantage is that this picture is visible from one small area of \u200b\u200bspace in front of the TV. Big company 3D no longer look.

NVIDIA even released a special set that connects to PC. This set includes glasses with an active shutter and a special hub. All this connects to a PC with a powerful NVIDIA video card and a 120Hz monitor.

As a result, we promise 3D, such as in the cinema. Here is a description of this product:

Currently, scientists work on the creation of a system that will create a fully three-dimensional image in space, and there are already the first results:

3D on PC.

Currently, there are many games in which three-dimensional reality has been created. Mostly it is "shooting", i.e. Games where you need to run a lot and shoot with the appearance of "as it were from the eye" Hero. But still such a picture is not perceived as a real three-dimensional.

Gradually, programmers came up with how to "add" 3D to the game. The first time I saw such an opportunity in the game King S Bounty: Princess in Armor » (site game

There is probably the easiest option - using anaglyph glasses. I purchased the game immediately complete with glasses. In the game itself there is an option to turn on 3D mode. After enabling this option, you can wear glasses and see the three-dimensional image.

On the website AG.Ru there is a section with stereoshrons from this game. You need to view them in anaglyph stereoons, red-blue. Here is the link.

Due to the fact that the game itself is bright and light (there is not scary in the dungeons), switching in 3D mode does not worsen the image.

After a while I learned about the program «IZ3D DRIVER». Developer's website:

This program is installed in addition to operating system And allows you to configure the operation of the video device into one of the 3D modes, depending on your monitor or TV.

In the settings there are the easiest mode - anaglyph. To switch to this mode and the settings there are several key combinations. When using this mode, the frame rate (FPS - FRAME PER SECOND) falls roughly.

An example of a PC setup to obtain a 3D image.

Relatively recently, NVIDIA has implemented a 3D support feature in its drivers, similar to IZ3D work.

Now I will tell you how it can be used. This method is only suitable for PC with NVIDIA video card. It requires anaglyph red-blue glasses.

Step 1. Download (link:\u003dRU) and install latest versions Drivers and additional software for your video card model.

Step 2. Call the NVIDIA control panel through the context menu or control panel.

Step 3. In the left part, choose the section "3D stereoscopic mode", and in it item.

On the right there should be such contents:

In this section of the settings you can click the button "Running the installation wizard" Or install a tick.

Step 4. After that, a new window will appear to which 3D mode must be configured.

Window 1. - "Installing NVIDIA 3D Vision."

Here the type of implementation is selected here. Our option is the lowest, there are just painted red and blue glasses - "3D Vision Discover glasses".

Window 2. - "Test the equipment settings."

Here you have to wear glasses and correctly specify visible objects.

I do not know why, but even in glasses, closing my eyes in turn, in the bottom row I see all the objects.

I determined the method of samples and errors that the correct option is such - for the left eye you need to choose a hexagon, and for the right - triangle.

Window 3. - "Check settings."

Glasses need to look at the big square in paragraph 1. Inside it should be visible "convex" square smaller.

Accordingly, after checking in paragraph 2 We must specify the left square.

Window 4. - "Congratulations on the completion of the settings."

You can put or remove the checkmarks to create a shortcut for viewing the photo, and to view the slideshow. We click "Finish."

Here is an example of an image from this slideshow:

You can exit the slideshow by "ESC".

After that, this content appears in the control panel:

Slider - adjusts the depth of 3d.

Button "Change 3D Laser Sight" - Calls the settings window of the sight. This sight is needed for shooting games.

As a result of the image conversion of the "native" sight in the game, most likely will not be visible. And to return the scope back is used. This laser sight is. The effect of use is best to check in a specific game.

Button "Assign a key combination" Causes a window with key combination settings for additional settings 3d right in the game. The effect of the change will be visible immediately in the game.

At the bottom button, you can once again run the 3D installation wizard or check existing settings 3D.

In the control panel on the tab, you can check how much the game supports 3D mode.

For example, the famous game "World of Tanks" has good compatibility. The list of problems is indicated, the truth is in English that some objects will be drawn incorrectly.

I launched the game and saw that tank markers are displayed not above the tanks, but in arbitrary places of the game scene. More problems with the image did not find.

Also, when starting the game, the 3D mode immediately turns on and information about the game appears in the lower right corner:

Here is the image of the tank in the game itself when the 3D mode is on:

To turn off the 3D mode, it is necessary to remove the checkbox in the NVIDIA control panel "Turn on the 3D stereoscopic mode" And click the button "Apply".


So you can get a 3D image at home now. If you have installed in a video card PC NVIDIA, The 3D mode can be enabled directly in the driver settings.

The list of games that are supported by the driver itself is constantly updated, all the most popular games are included in it.

If the video card of another manufacturer - then you need to study the driver settings or use additional software, for example, IZ3D.

Usually, when this mode is turned on, the number of frames falls in a second by roughly twice. need a good video card For a comfortable game in this mode.

I liked this option with its relative simplicity of implementation. But in fact, after 2-3 days of the game for 15-20 minutes, interest disappeared, and I stopped using this regime. Yes, and the eyes tired strongly.

Below is a few more references to interesting materials about 3D.

Maxim Telpari - Specialist of the support service of the video course "Confident PC user 2.0", after examining which, you can customize the BIOS yourself, install and configure Windows 7, restore the system, solve problems when working with PC and much more.

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