Script referral program for UCoz. Simple redirect script for referral links

This example will be shown from our Quaer website, where the user can write useful articles and receive money for it. The script can and should be improved and if you have new ideas, as you can finish it, I ask you to write my ideas and refinement in the comment.

The script is installed in the "Users" module - "Personal Page of the User". When the "Catalog of Articles" is enabled.

This idea is:

The user adds an article - 1 article is 30 rubles. (You can put your price).
Next, he sees how much he has, how much is the output button and the output button.

The output is the easiest that can be. The user writes to you in feedback Wallet number and how much he wants to withdraw. When you pay him the amount he requested, go in his personal Area, Press the counter and find the module of the photo (if there is no, turn it on in the administrator) and add that amount as it turned out. To reset the counter. If there are ideas on the conclusion, be sure to write.


200? "200px": "" + (this.scrollheight + 5) + "px"); "\u003e

We go to the site catalog template, more precisely - " Main page Site catalog"And we find:

$ Categories $.

And delete, you find there in the same place:

200? "200px": "" + (this.scrollheight + 5) + "px"); "\u003e Home» Site catalog ( $ Num_entries $)
[ Add site ]

After found, replace on this code:

200? "200px": "" + (this.scrollheight + 5) + "px"); "\u003e Home" referral system

Everybody is here.

Go to the template " Page with list of materials category"And we find:

200? "200px": "" + (this.scrollheight + 5) + "px"); "\u003e Home» Site Catalog»$ Section_name $ »$ Cat_Name $
[ Add site ]

In the category of sites: $ Num_entries $
Showing sites: $ Num_shown $
Pages: $ Page_Selector $

$ Body $
$ Page_Selector1 $

We replace on this:

200? "200px": "" + (this.scrollheight + 5) + "px"); "\u003e Home" referral system

Pages: $ Page_Selector $

Sort by: $ Sorting_Menu $

$ Body $
$ Page_Selector1 $

In this template we find:

200? "200px": "" + (this.scrollheight + 5) + "px"); "\u003e $ Cat_Name $.<?if($SECTION_NAME$)?>- $ section_name $<?endif?> - $ dir_name $ - $ Site_Name $

Change on:

200? "200px": "" + (this.scrollheight + 5) + "px"); "\u003e $ Dir_name $ - $ Site_Name $

Everybody is here))

200? "200px": "" + (this.scrollheight + 5) + "px"); "\u003e Home» Site Catalog »$ Section_Name $
[ Add site ]

We replace on:

200? "200px": "" + (this.scrollheight + 5) + "px"); "\u003e Home» Referral system »$ Section_name $

In the sites section: $ Num_entries $
Showing sites: $ Num_shown $

Now go to the template " Add Add / Edit page", Find:

200? "200px": "" + (this.scrollheight + 5) + "px"); "\u003e $ Section_name $ - $ dir_name $ - $ Site_Name $

Change on:

200? "200px": "" + (this.scrollheight + 5) + "px"); "\u003e <?if($PAGE_ID$="edit")?>Editing<?else?>check in<?endif?> - $ dir_name $ - $ Site_Name $

Immediately, we find:

200? "200px": "" + (this.scrollheight + 5) + "px"); "\u003e Home» Site Catalog »$ Section_Name $

[ Add site ]

We replace on:

200? "200px": "" + (this.scrollheight + 5) + "px"); "\u003e Home" referral system "Editingcheck in

Now found $ Body $, change on:

200? "200px": "" + (this.scrollheight + 5) + "px"); "\u003e

Editingcheck inAfter registering in our referral system, you will receive a unique link that you can convey to your friends and friends. Each transition to your referral link will be taken into account. Users of transitions to referral links that will be the most will be in the top of our referral system!

$ Body $

So, not much and you will have a real working partner program!
We continue, now we go to the template " Personal page of the user"And we are looking for this code here:

200? "200px": "" + (this.scrollheight + 5) + "px"); "\u003e | sites ( $ _Dir_entries $)

And delete !!!

And so, this code put where it is convenient for you!
Where it will be beautiful and suitable place for this script!

200? "200px": "" + (this.scrollheight + 5) + "px"); "\u003e

Referral system:
You are in our systemRegister

Over the way, go into the form of entry and replace:

200? "200px": "" + (this.scrollheight + 5) + "px"); "\u003e href \u003d" $ register_link $ "

on the:

200? "200px": "" + (this.scrollheight + 5) + "px"); "\u003e href \u003d" / index / 3-0-0 "

Similarly, we do everywhere in the template where there is such a value $ Register_link $!!!

Behind the way we go to the template " Site pages", and between tags ... We put this code:

200? "200px": "" + (this.scrollheight + 5) + "px"); "\u003e

Then go to control Panel - Users - User Groups - Installing Rights for All Users - And we set the right as in the screenshot:

1. How does an affiliate program work?

The basic principle of the program is simple: you earn, attracting other users in UCoz.
You receive a personal link to and place it on your website or elsewhere on the Internet, advertising our service. Each user who switched to your personal link to the UCoz site, registered on it and created his website, becomes your referral and can bring you income. For each site of your referral, active for 3-6 months, you will receive $0.5 20% From the amount of all payments that your referrals will make, paying our services packages.

2. How to join the program?

To join the program, you need to be user UCoz. Please register on if you have not yet done so. To manage your account in the affiliate program, log in to the WebTop using the password you specified when registering with UCOZ (the second password you installed after confirming the registration via e-mail).

4. For what will I receive money?

For each referral site, active for 3-6 months, you will receive $0.5 . In addition, you will be accrued 20% From the amount of all payments that will make the referrals attracted.

5. How to attract users and manage referrals?

To attract referrals will help you by your personal link: place it on your site, on a page in social networks or in any other place convenient for you. To earn more, you can stimulate your referrals to develop the created resources or at least maintain them in an active condition. You can view a list of your referrals and send them messages. Help your referrals and they will help you earn! To view the referral list, click Start → Sites → affiliate program → Referral sites. To send a message to a specific referral, click on the envelope image near the site URL.

6. How to get earned money?

The accrual of remuneration is made in the WebTope. Click Start → Sites → Affiliate Program → General. Funds can be displayed on:

  • Account of your site
  • PayPal
  • WebMoney.

Enrollment of funds to the site will be interested in anyone who uses paying servicesBut not yet chosen the optimal method of payment from the options proposed by the system. If you have several sites in the WebTope, then you can choose any of them to enroll funds. Funds are credited without commission. In the tab "The History of Payments" you can familiarize yourself with all the ordered payments and their status.

Calculation conditions:

  • all types of rewards have a "check" period, which lasts from a few weeks to several months;
  • during the check period, the amount of remuneration is displayed on the General tab in the "Potential" column;
  • after the successful end of the test period, the amount passes into the Count "Not Accrued";
  • calculate the partner produces independently when it considers it necessary by pressing the corresponding button, which appears with a positive amount of remuneration;
  • after the remuneration is charged, you can apply for the output of funds through PayPal or WebMoney, or instantly enroll on the front account of one of its sites.