How to set search parameters in Yandex. How to install Yandex search engine as a start page? Start installation of user search Yandex

It is best to configure after authorization in it. This will allow the settings even if you entered the site from the other. Otherwise, the setting will not be saved in your accountAnd in the cookies of that computer from which they were produced, which means, when entering from another computer or losing cookies, the settings will not be available.

To configure Yandex open

  1. Setting up the region. Yandex automatically recognizes from which region the user goes into, and offers a number of services oriented on this region. However, if the region is defined incorrectly, or the user wants to receive information associated with another region, the region can be changed.

  2. Interface setup. If the interface language does not suit you, select another language.

  3. Configure search results. The familiar list of search results in the form of a list of found pages with a brief information about each of them can be changed almost by making it more convenient. In this section, you can specify an extended description of the found pages, determine whether to open links in a new window, or it is desirable to use the browser window, configure the display of images and pictograms of sites and the search interface language. In addition, the restrictions of the search range may also be useful for more relevant results.

  4. My finds. This feature allows you to store search results and search queries, returning to them as needed.

  5. Search tips. It is possible to prompt the correct search path to help requests that other Yandex users did. Try to configure Yandex so that it shown them in entering the query instead of standard auto-complete.

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You will need

  • Web browser, Internet access. Optional: money, time, readiness to spend on studying SEO. The best years of life.


Explore the subject. Read I. Ashmanova and A. Ivanova "Website promotion in search engines". Read "SEO from A to Z", available for download. http: // .... Sign up for the largest forum on search engines Read new topics in the section of the search engines, delve into reading the old topics. Special attention is paid to the section of the Yandex search engine. Read personal Blogs Forum participants. Allocate among them the most informative.

Internal site optimization. Make up semantic kernel. Make queries listings to which each site page is responsible. Expand the semantic kernel by analyzing connected requests using services. Put links from the text of articles on other articles. Make the armatures of links the text describing the material on which the link leads.

Think over and implement a promotion strategy due to external factors. If you have a good budget, an integral part can be to buy links to reference exchanges, booking, reproduction and placement of thematic articles on related resources, order accommodation of announcements and post-blogging blogs, buy links in news feeds. If the budget is, it is worth thinking about creating viral content, information bombs, manual exchange of references, disseminating information about the site on social networks. All this contributes to the growth of natural reference mass.

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Do not buy so-called trust sites. This is a waste of money. Do not order a "run" site on catalogs and do not "drive" yourself. This will only give a negative effect. If you are not sure, do not put on the Yandex.Metric site. Do not trust the website promotion of the first freelancer's optimizer or even an optimizator company. Carefully examine reviews. Require full reports on the action optimizer and budget spending.

Helpful advice

If you are your own owner site. And you want to convey our thoughts, ideas, writings, information about your company with it, for example, to turn it into a permanent source of income, then it is vital for you that your site appears in the search engine rankings in the top ten. If the location of your resource does not increase you, then several tips on how you can promote your site in search engines can be interesting for you.

You will need

  • You will need your own website and understanding the task.


Your first step should be the definition of a place that yes on this moment Cares your site in search engines ranking. In our country, two: Yandex and Google are most popular. Alternately go to these and enter the name of your name in the search bar. A minute later I will give you the result. If your site does not occupy an honorable place in the first ten lines - you have a lot of work.

Review that already in these cherished five lines. Go for each of them. Examine their subjects, services, promotion strategy, design, services that they offer their visitors than they attract a large number of users. Analyze this useful information And apply all useful finds to your resource.

In order for the search engines well "seen" your site you must provide them with the opportunity to celebrate the address and name of your site. as often as possible. Therefore, do not be lazy and register your site in popular catalogs. Let it be as much as possible in this case The amount is important.

Register on site.h. social networks. Open your thematic and make newsletters - tell about the novelties of your site., promotions, updates, new services and services. The audience of social networks is huge, you will definitely find on these resources of your new visitors.

Choose several large and solid sites and exchange links with links and banners. But in this case - it is better to limit ourselves to just a few site.mi, but with good attendance.

After some time, check again at what place is your site now. Once again, go to Yandex and Google and enter your name site. In search lines of these resources. Surely, your site has risen to a much higher string in their rating.

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Support the result achieved and improve it.

Helpful advice

Most effective method Promotions of the site in search engines - the simultaneous use of all types of promotion.


  • Job Portal

Anyone who has their own Internet resource or thought about its creation, should understand that the World Wide Web has many similar blogs and sites. To get your share of visitors, readers, buyers, it is necessary to stand out from the total mass of similar sites. After all, by entering the request of the request in the search engine, the user, as a rule, enters the resources on the first page of the results found. If your site is in the top line of the search engine, then you will have more visitors, and as a result - more income from the site.

You will need

  • - Personal site / blog;
  • - knowledge of HTML;
  • - unique content;
  • - access to the Internet.


In the Russian market, the popularity of such a search engine as Yandex is the most weighty. Therefore, the priority direction when promoting the site is it. Yandex has a number of features, indicators for which is selected for users. The first thing that is worth paying attention is the age of the domain on which your Internet resource is registered. The younger than your site, the more difficult it is to get out in the first rows Top 10. If you have no site yet, and you have decided to first prepare all the content, and then register the resource, then it's better to register your website / blog /, and Es then fill it with high quality content, references and goods. In this case, from earlier time, your online resource will begin the age countdown, the trust of search robots will grow faster.

Depending on the subject of the site, you should choose for which users will be able to find your resource. In contrast to the search google systemsthat loves the direct entry of key phrases, Yandex selects results with both accurate entry of keys and aims. Therefore, filling the target pages of the site, you can more extensively and freely approach. To determine which keys will help you to leave the top ten sites, it is best to contact the service Yandex Wordstat.which determines the popularity of finding a particular phrase. The greater the indicator - the more often people are looking for this information, driven by this request.

The specificity of the selection of Yandex filters is such that more importance is attached to articles with a certain semantic release, which is done using such SEO tools as tags. The selection of headlines must be made using the "H1" tag, the "H2" subtitle. Key requests You also need to highlight, using a Strong or EM tag for this. The text does not have to allocate each entry of the query, it may look in the eyes of the search robot unnaturally and will reduce your position. To reduce the nausea of \u200b\u200bthe content, requests should be allocated only in places with a certain semantic load.

Promotion with external and internal links. The most relevant search engine for Yandex is with other trust sites similar subjects. Trust site - the site that has trust in the eyes of the search engine. Also, by purchasing a place to place references to your site on third-party sites, TIC (thematic citation index) of which is at least 10, during a certain period of time brings an increase in the top. Internal Links - Links with one site page to another, on which there is information that can be useful on this topic for the user. Sites with the presence of internal and external links are welcome with Yandex, but the main thing is not to overdo it. Because too much referring resources to your site can, on the contrary, lower your position.

Helpful advice

And of course, it is worth considering that the goods must be in demand and competitive, information and articles should be useful. Only then your resource will love both users and search engines. Content for the site should be unique, written either independently or with the involvement of professionals. But in no case is not copied from other resources, as this can entail a decrease in the relevance of the site. To check uniqueness, you can use the plugath check programs, the choice of which is now very large. Yandex appreciates quality, not the rate of resource promotion. Gradually thinking design and filling with high-quality articles, you can unlock your site on your own.

Yandex is the largest domestic search engine, which is used by most Russian-speaking users of Runet. Therefore, it is precisely promotion in Yandex that can bring your site to the main search traffic. Recently, introduces new search algorithms, imposes all new filters, and in modern realities to promotion of the site in Yandex should be approached from new points of view.

The main way to promote the site in search engines working on classical SEO schemes is to purchase reference masses on specialized link exchanges. Also good results bring systems for automated promotion of sites - reference aggregators. However, in Yandex, recently began to deviate from the classic SEO schemes, which for years have been successfully operating, for example, in Google. As a result, the usual actions of a web master leading to Google's success bring failures in Yandex.

Yandex suspiciously refers to new links, especially if they are rented. The search engine with 98 percent accuracy can determine the SEO link and fights them. This leads to the fact that even with the correct purchase of links, the position of the site in Yandex is falling. If these links are removed, the positions are immediately returned. Do not be afraid of this fact and do not rush to shoot purchased links. Over time, in a month or another, the site will return to themselves lost places, and you will see quite ameniable growth. Although all the same, this fact sets the optimizers to communicate with customers.

Work with reference aggregators should be long. Many systems of automatic promotion promise to get a top in just one month. Given all the above in the previous paragraph, in one month it is impossible to do it. Whatever you do, no matter how hard you try. It is especially characteristic of zero projects - domains and age.

In Yandex, the age weight of the site pages is becoming more and more. In other words, these parameters are key in determining domain authority. Therefore, to promote young projects, it is necessary to work on their static, without this can not do. The more relevant and highly informative will be your resource, the more it will be appreciated by Yandex and other search engines. In addition, if you have conceived the creation of the site in the future, it should be registered now so that the search engine will record your resource's birthday as early as possible.

If you are going to promote the site on one of the competitive search queries, it is necessary for this keyword It corresponded as many pages of your resource. A large number of Relevant documents - a prerequisite for entering the top of Yandex. And this is not surprising: the more information on the project specific query, Moreover, it can be more useful to the visitor.

Do not forget that when moving in Yandex, everything is interconnected. Promoting one or more requests, you will inevitably move other related and thematic. Therefore, it makes sense to focus on work only with promising and profile keys, the effectiveness of the promotion of which, in your opinion, is highest.

The Internet provides a lot of opportunities in order to become famous, find new friends, hobbies, finally, you can make money on the Internet. Naturally, it is best to create your own website, but this does not end. After all, in order for the site to attract attention and began to generate income, its promotion is needed, or promotion.

To begin with, you will need to deal with tags - label of programming language, by which the search robot will determine the contents of your page. One of the most important tags is the title that will be perceived and see the search engine as the name of your site or one of its pages. It is better not to enter there too many text, enough 60-70 characters, although if necessary, you can accommodate up to 255 characters.

Keywords for which your site will be indexed in search engines, also need to be prescribed using tags. There must be no more than 50, although it is better to limit the pair of dozens. Ideally, you need to use not separate words, but a phrase. These words will need to be used in text filling of your site, but do not abuse them with quantity so as not to scare away visitors frankly "optimized" and, accordingly, poorly readable text.

In order to search program I saw your site, it must be registered in search engines. However, you can just wait until search engines find your page on your own, but it is better to save time. By the way, on main page You will need to make transitions over all pages of the site so that the search robot is all content.

Slide the site will help and mutual exchange of references with portals of similar subjects, but should not mindlessly change with anyone. Not only does it reduce the attractiveness of your site for visitors, such a step does not always bring the desired effect. Do not use programs for automatic link exchange, it may lead to the fact that your site will exclude from search engines. It is worth studying other existing prohibitions on site promotion methods to not lose the results of painstaking work, as well as familiarize yourself with the nuances of SEO-optimization.

Today, all users already know that the most qualitative search for the Russian-speaking population is still provided by Yandex. Indeed, his developers constantly improve their algorithms, improving the quality of search results with care for users. Therefore, every webmaster who wants to provide its website with a powerful traffic influx, is doomed to promotion in Yandex.

The search engine of Yandex When analyzing sites uses high-quality algorithms for checking vocabulary and morphology, but Google does not boast of this. For webmasters, in turn, this means that only high-quality publications written on their sites need to be placed on their websites. The more errors will be, the more likely you do not like Yandex.

Yandex also went far in terms of analyzing behavioral factors and plans to further rely on this important indicator. Today, to build search results are still used external links For ordinary sites, but for commercials are already used exclusively behavioral factors. Based on this, it can be judged that in the future the role of behavioral factors will only increase in search engine optimization Sites under Yandex, and for Google, too, with time.

But Yandex has its drawbacks. One of the most notable is a static database update. The fact is that Yandex works on a weaker gland than Google. The advantage of the overseas competitor is globalization, but Yandex is designed only for Russian-speaking regions and has fewer servers. Therefore, after making changes on the website, the webmaster does not have the ability to immediately observe the effect, but Google updates various sites dynamically, which greatly simplifies the promotion process.

As with any other search engines, Yandex has its own individual ranking algorithms, and they differ from the Google or Rambler algorithms. When building a search results, Yandex tries to put forward for the first lines more, because it is believed to respect the elders that they are more authoritative. In Google, it is often in the first lines to be observed both old and young sites and in this plan google is more tolerant, although it also prefers old sites. IN search engine From the overseas competitor, the focus is on the contents of the site, so the quality content, the higher there will be positions regardless of age.

For Yandex, it is also important to improve the contents of sites, but due to age and reference mass you can succeed and with small errors in the internal factors. Nevertheless, high-quality content still allows you to fight competitors and in the Yandex search engine. This is due to behavioral factorswho have a great importance today as early as it said.

Search engines when using the Internet play a very important role. The career of Internet users is often starting their "working day" from search engines where they are trying to find such the information they need and solve their problems. Of course, most users enjoyed, use, and will be used by classic search engines. To date, the most popular Russian-speaking search engine is Yandex

In the Internet, such a number of information is concentrated that its search is already turning into a separate task and takes a lot of time. About how to facilitate the search for information on the network using the Yandex search engine and talk today. And let's start, perhaps, from the simplest - search tips.

Search prompts - this is additional opportunity Search, thanks to which you can, in the course of the query set, evaluate, clarify and quickly select the appropriate option of the query without dialing it entirely.

How to use?

Start typing a search box. By typing a pair of letters, you will see the list of these letters of requests.

When dialing letters or words, watch the list - it is updated.

If the desired request is listed, you can click on it. This action will automatically lead you to the search results page on this request.

Also to select a suitable query, you can use arrows "up down". To go to search, click "Enter" ("Enter").

To clarify the query, using the selected option as a sample, continue to type words on - the list of prompts will be updated.

To send the selected Yandex query, click on the key "Enter" ("Enter").

Enable / Disable Tips

You can enable or disable tips on the search settings page, removing the checkbox in the counts of the graph Personal search (To be at the bottom of the page). Do not forget to click Save After all manipulations

In the browser, there is a function of autocomplete, which when filling the fields, it offers to choose the option from the previously entered lines. If the prompts are disabled, old requests from auto-complete will be displayed, when the prompts are turned on, the data from the autofill is not displayed.


Links to sites

To shorten the search time of the site, in some cases the prompts make it possible to directly go to the site without referring to the search results. The link to the site will be shown in the prompts, if with a high degree of confidence it can be said that this site is a good answer for the user.

In order for you to make sure that you need the site you need, the prompts are equipped with descriptions.

Correction of typos

In Yandex, all search queries pass through the correction service typos, which reveals and corrects errors in phrases and individual words, and also knows how to recognize the text scored in the wrong keyboard layout and make it automatic correction.

Typo? Not scary - in the list you will see a corrected request, use it!

If the correctness of the typos detects a typo, for which the correction option is known with a high degree of reliability, for example, in the word "Yandx", it will fix it automatically and you will immediately see the page with the search results for the corrected version of Yandex.

For each word request, a torture service is trying to find similar to writing, but more consumed in this request word. If such a replacement can be found, the search engine gives a familiar to the whole tip "Perhaps you meant ....". In addition to the hint, in some cases, the results found on request, which picked up a twin service (as in our case) can be added to the search for issuance.

Well, and by yourself, you can still use the search strictly on your request if you wish: O) for example, if you think that the service is wrong and you want to view the search results for the initial (defective) request, click on the text Links Search only<...>

Not that layout?

Did GJBCR scored instead of searching? Do not hurry to switch the layout. Especially, you do not need to type the request again. Tips "predict" what you wanted to dial, and show requests already in the correct layout.

Even if with a set of a query text set, one or more typos was made, the correction service of typos will try to fix them.

In addition, you can always view the search results for the initial (defective) request. To do this, click the text link in the message. "Inquiry<...> The keyboard layout is restored. "located directly under the search string.

Refix request when nothing has found

Automatic correction of the request occurs in one case - when it was not found on the source request, and the twin service detected an error in the query. In this case, the authemistry of the request is made independently of the degree of replacement reliability. Watch in empty search results Usually nothing to do, and automatic correction, as a rule, saves the user the time required to correct the request for manually.

If you still want to return to the defective query wording, click on the text link in the message "On request<...> Nothing found " under the search string or "The desired combination of words is not found anywhere."

How will it be in Russian

Do you know the exact word writing? Cancel as you know. In many cases, you will see a hint before printing the word to the end.

The origin of search tip

Internet users specify a variety of Yandex search engine queries. The query that Yandex gets more often than others is shown in the first place. Following the less frequently asked query, and so on.

That is, Yandex sorts tips on descending popularity of requests from users.

My search prompts

What it is?

Search tips can be personalized - show not only common request options, but also your personal requeststhat you have already set before. Your requests are highlighted by color among other prompts.

How to enable personal queries?

To enable "My Requests", log in to Yandex, go to the search prompt settings, check the box "My prompts in the prompts" and press "Save».

By the way, on the same page you can enable / disable all search bookmarks, and add your favorite sites to search bookmarks.

My favorite sites in search tips

To make it even easier to open the sites to which you most often go from the search, you can include them in personalized prompts (check the box "Favorite sites in tips" and press "Save"). You can even see your favorite sites without dialing the request - just click the mouse over an empty search bar. Enable

For example, if you regularly gain a request "classmates" or "VKontakte", then tips links to relevant resources.

For example, on request [Kittens], the search understands that you can search for photos with kittens, are going to buy a kitten, etc., and offers the appropriate tips. In one click you can proceed to the search results on a refined query and get only the necessary answers.

To cancel this action, it is enough to click on the cross in the prompt or remove the refinement in the search bar.

While the user enters the request, it is shown on average ten sets of tips. For the whole day, all users of Yandex shows the hints of more than a billion times.

Like the search responses on Yandex, search tips depend on the user region. For example, starting to write a request [Cinema] or [Restaurant], Petersburst and Muscovite will certainly keep in mind the institution in their city. And they need the prompts for St. Petersburg and Moscow, respectively. For each region there is a list of search prompts based on requests from this region.

By default, Yandex itself determines your region by IP address. For example, it gives me this in the issuance of answers to requests

And I, let's say, I just want Russian sites. We'll talk about how to set up the right region next time ...
According to

Quite comfortable in itself. However, it has a wide possibility of adjusting the interface for itself, which we will tell in this article.

Many Internet users (and more specifically - a runet segment) do not even realize that the search page in Yandex can be configured personally for themselves. But this allows you to output necessary information, delete unnecessary, and also have it as convenient for you! Consider a closer time.

The Yandex setting occurs on the page installed on the computer. This site fully belongs to the service itself.

Let's start with the highest: setting up the city. By clicking on the link, we set the city "by default". You can also install a tick "Do not specify my location" so that the site will no longer asks if you are in a particular city.

"Setting the Interface Language" - Also everything is clear. The point here is only one, choose a language and come back.

"Setting Search Results" - Specifies the default search results. Automatically here are the most optimal settingsBut you can substitute them and under yourself.

  • Description of the document: either standard or advanced with additional information;
  • Open the found - in the search box or in a new window;
  • Documents on the page - how many results of the query will be issued: 10 (default), 20, 30 or 50;
  • Graphics - whether it is necessary to show graphic banners and pictures or pictograms of sites. Necessary to save traffic;
  • The language of the interface - choose between Russian, Ukrainian, Kazakh, Belarusian and Tatar;
  • The interface is standard or without AJAX - scripts;
  • Language of the found documents - either anyone, or selectively - Russian, English, French, German, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Tatar or Kazakh;
  • Filtering pages - Family search is the most stringent filter that does not give out any "forbidden" for children of pages, a moderate filter is standard, without restrictions - the results are not filtered at all;
  • Correction of the request - automatically or with the prompt of options;
  • Search results - take into account or no search history in Yandex;
  • Search tips - show or no requests or favorite sites in tips;
  • Record or not the history of the service "My Finds".

It was understood. We return.

Now - settings for the service "My finds", which is responsible for keeping the requests for Yandex. Here you can either enable the history record, or stop the record.

In the "Search Tips" menu, you can mark "search prompses", "My requests in search prompts", clear the history of requests, as well as include "favorite sites in the prompts."

In the "Banner Show on the Main page" menu, you can turn on or off advertising banner on the home page. Advertising, as a rule, is formed from search queries, which means it can be useful. The default is turned off.

Now Yandex search has become more personalized, and therefore - more comfortable! Use on health!

The start page in the browser is the tab, page or site on the Internet, which opens first when you open your browser each time it starts, or when you press the Home key.

Did you have a desire or the need to work with the search engine of Yandex? Start page, with the installation of which the user can cope completely any level, will always open the first when loading the browser program.

To achieve this, you can use one of the following methods. Install and secure Yandex in the role of starts fairly easy and in this article We will consider in detail the options how to do it.

It all depends on how the browser you use, because applications and settings algorithms each program has different. Only here is the wonder why Yandex browser itself start page absolutely not?

The most universal and easy way: to type your browser "" in the address bar and wait for the web resource download. In the upper left corner you can see the inscription "Make the starting".

Click on it and everything is ready. From that moment on, you start your work with the site "" or, speaking easier, with a search engine of Yandex.

Installation with free utility

Read also:Yandex Mail - the fullest registration and configuration instructions (2017)

Yandex itself supplies us convenient and comfortable way to customize primary Pages In browsers with the help of automatic utilities specifically created for this.

When the download is over, the browser manager should be installed on your computer or laptop, and this smart utility will be able to follow the change in the home page, even contrary to the actions of various malicious programs.

The manager will be able to save from such unpleasant surprises as Webalta and calculate so that only Yandex remains in your browser. But not always the manager can bypass all obstacles. About this further in the article.

The most basic used browsers today:

If you are a supporter of a classic default browser Internet Explorer.The next algorithm is facilitated to you to configure the starting page of Yandex.

Open Internet Explorer and click icon "Settings"
in the upper right corner that calls the window "Service" .

You can also call this menu Simultaneously pressing the combination of hot keys Alt + X.

In the drop-down menu choose "Browser Properties" , or else it may be called "Observer property" . Next, open the tab "General" .

Such operating systems As Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 Internet Explorer is a built-in program.

But the installation is carried out in the same way as other versions of this browser for almost 20 years.

To make the Yandex start page in Internet Explorer 10 and Internet Explorer 11, follow these steps:

  1. In the upper right corner click "Settings" and choose "Browser Properties" .
  2. Enter the links to the homepage addresses. If other links are needed besides Yandex, then Introduce the addresses on them. Each row must have only one address.
  3. Choose "Start with a home page" .
  4. Confirm the actions by pressing the button " OK" .

After executing all the steps, our Internet Explorer will give the Yandex first page.

Installation in Microsoft Edge

Read also:Yandex Zen: What is it and how to use it? + [Pros and cons]

For fans Microsoft Edge. There is the following algorithm. To open the parameters in Microsoft Edge, click on the icon

At the bottom of the page will be displayed function "View additional parameters" and include supplement "Display home page button" .

We need the address "" We enter in the text field as well as in the case of Internet Explorer.

Fix our actions by pressing a button "Save" . When rebooting the Yandex browser will be the innovation homepage.

Installation in Google Chrome

Google Chrome. - The most popular browser on independent polls on the Internet offers us next method. In the browser looking for an icon "Settings"
And open it.

Find a button "Appearance" . Turn on the supplement "Show the" Home "button .

In a row with a request "Enter the Web Address" Enter the desired link: "". On this setting is completed, because all user actions are immediately synchronized with your profile in the browser.

After completing all manipulations when rebooting Google Chrome, Yandex will be displayed when the button is pressed "Home" (Image of a house).

And if you want Yandex to load completely automatically, you should use another installation option. To change, it will be necessary:

1 In the Google Chrome menu in the upper right corner, call the command "Settings" .

2 are looking for clause "Starting Group" where we put a tick (if it is not worth it) "The following pages" .

4 If you are a fan of Yandex, then you can configure it by the search engine "by default". In chapter "Search" Specify the search system Yandex.

5 Close the settings. Confirm your actions by pressing a button "OK" No need, in this browser, everything is synchronized instantly.

If you configured the browser as described above, then when you include Google Chrome, then installed in the initial page of the page (in our case - Yandex) will always be opened. "Settings" - "Basic" .

There we are looking for a string "When running Firefox" And tighten the value "Show homepage" . Accordingly, in the string "Homepage" Enter the link "".

As in Google Chrome, in Mozilla Firefox. The transition to the home page is carried out by the combination of hot key Alt + Home.

Installation in Opera

Supporters of the Opera browser can use the following method: Writing hot keys Alt + P Call the menu.

Switch to "Browser" In section "When starting" . Next click on the link "Set Pages" and in the field "Add a new page" Enter the path "".

After all operations, confirm the actions by pressing the button "OK" and install the switch to the position "Open the Start page" .

That's all the necessary actions in order to achieve our goal - to make Yandex Search a home page in Opera browser.

After executing all the instructions, the browser will automatically open the search engine at startup.

For sites and blogs it is very important to have good and practical navigation, but also to implement it, and today will be today.

If you read my article by clicking on the link above, it can be determined with the search and start it to implement it, or give a job with the Bashkin programmers. The first option requires considerable knowledge. And the second big money, fortunately there is an alternative to which I can not rejoice, and her name " Yandex.Poysk for the site" We will analyze the whole procedure for installing this tool, the end result will please you, in this I am almost sure).

Start installation of user search Yandex

So, dampness in the article is completed, now only in the case. First, visit the Yashkin blog search on this link Here immediately rushes a large orange installation button, click.

User search for Yandex

Now we need a little time to configure and install the search from Yandex.

Search area - Configuring the base part here. In the first line " technical name Yandex Search »Enter any word you like, it's just to display in the" My Searches "tab if you have several of them to be confused. Next, enter the name for browsers that support OpenSearch, come up with the name so that it would be clear that the search for exactly your site, add one word that matches the subject of the site, so it will understand what kind of request to enter the search string. For example (search on culinary site

Next goes the so-called " Family filter"I left the middle journal" Moderate Filter ", but here you already determine ourselves, according to your subject. In the "Search Area" line, if you want to search only in your resource, click "Add sites and exceptions" and add to upper string Your site. To add a few URL, drive a list in a column, in this case entered search query It will be processed over all added sites, in the future you can enable and disable unnecessary sites without removing them. So you can expand the search by adding the categories of category with I. Catalog.

Search technology - You are granted to choosing " standard search" or " SaaS-search" Next, briefly about each:

Standard is a search in which a person seeking on a specific request on your site can find only the information that is already indexed in Yandex (large search). Non-crushed pages will not be displayed in the results of your search!

SaaS is a quickly indexing search option, using SaaS technology, your just published posts will be almost immediately available in your search for the site. Turning on "SaaS" do not need to wait indexing in Yandex!

ATTENTION: Tips from a large dictionary and from logs are not available to search for SaaS

To receive notifications about various changes, add your e-mail confirmed in Yandex.

Search form - with the first stage finished, now we go to the second step. Choose your favorite form of your search, the choice is offered three options, (without background, with an arrow and rectangular), pick up the design with the button to find or depicting the magnifying glass, set up colors to your taste and more applicable to site design. In the query field, you can enter your name for example "search ...", just an empty field or leave the display of the Yandex logo. Adjust the size, font color, add italic or bold.

At the bottom of real time, all the changes in the form of the Yandex search form will be shown.

Step Three output " searching results»You can configure the show (output) of the results of the future search directly on the Yandex page, in this case the settings will be available as the main properties of the page, logo, and heading, search results, sorting results, links and navigation, footer.

When selecting the results on the page of your site (I think you and select it) You can set up the above functions with the exception of the footer and the heading logo. Put advertising with Ya.Dell from the right side or one with the results of the line (advertising will not be displayed if you do not earn with advertising network from Yandex). Check the "Open the results page in separate tab»If you want, when entering the request, the results opened on new pageRemove to display on the same.

All changes can be observed in a living way without updating the page.

At the fourth step, you can finally test performance newly created custom search Yandek.

The fifth and concluding a step is insert Custom Search Code to your site. The first part of the code is designed for the form search stringThat we set up in a step, here you can choose the site encoding or leave "auto-detect" (I left as it is), well, everything is clear with the tongue.

The second code will be visible if you have selected the display of results on your page, if you prefer the output on the Yandex page, there will be only one search form code. The second code must be inserted on the page that you entered in the results field.

Select the result type you need, setting the check mark in CSS the results code need if you are going to configure appearance Search from Yandex.

Non-user search results for DLE

It is sad, but fixable. So like my site on the engine DataLife Engine I encountered the problem of displaying requests, the output was simply not loaded. The decision was found during the half an hour, which was realized in 2 minutes.

No problems of the problems of the Yandex user search results are not a lot, the first simple, perhaps you have a new site and pages not yet indexed in the Yandex search engine, may request (word) which you are not in your site, and the third option I encountered This is the included Function "Process Invalid URL CNC", turning off it all earn it, but I really do not recommend this, you can go to another way and bypass the problem.

In the Static.php file that is located at the ENGINE / MODULES / STATIC.php address, you need to find part of the code (I had 59 row, in DLE 10.3) and delete, save and throw back.

Header ("HTTP / 1.0 301 Moved Permanently"); Header ("Location: ($ re_url) ($ static_result [" Name "]). HTML"); DIE ("Redirect");

After the operation performed, everything should earn.

Additional Functions and Settings Yandex Search for the site

After all the actions that we produced, the search is already working in standard mode, but it can be configured and improved for more comfortable use.

Statistics - After your visitors start using Yandex.Poisk, you will have a mini request statistics that have entered the site users.

This feature pushes me to write a article that is not, but people are trying to find it on my blog, this is another motivation and unexpected.

All requests can be filtered through the period for yesterday, over the past week, month and even for the previous quarter. In the list, you will see the number of a certain request, how many results have also been shown the number of clicks.

Indexing - Using Yandex search you can speed up this process. There are three rules to use this feature, but they seem to me every webmaster already produced.

There are also special plugins that will increase the rate of indexing for popular CMS - Drupal, Joomla, K2 for Joomla, MODX, TYPO3, WordPress. Select your engine, its version and download the plugin. Installation instructions are attached.

For other CMS, the following functions are provided. If for example you need to tell Yandex on new articles automatically, you need to use the message function robot with HTTP request. There is instructions for use.

And if you want to send posts manually, then use it for this manual addition URL. Just enter the address (link) in the form, and send.

Search prompts - highly useful feature, a person entered the request on your site can receive tips that do not correspond to your subject. For example, your site is dedicated to recipes and a person wants to find any " culinary recipes"Introduces the request" Kuli ... "and it is shown in the prompts" Kulikovskaya battle "somehow not logical, yes?

For this, this tool is made. In a special field, start entering the word and on a specific (for example unfinished), press the green plusion and finish the word or proposal, you can add multiple tips for one word. After that, save, now the search will not send your visitor to the battle).

Synonyms - Function allows you to specify requests entered by your visitors. For example, a person wants to find the cutlets and in addition to them in the search results will be added schnitzels, zrazy, laneget, etc. To add a synonym in the left column, enter the requested word A in the right performed synonym that will be displayed as a result.

Creation - If you want to limit visitors in the search for example in a specific category, by keyword, according to the format, by the date of publication of the article, language. That feature will help you realize your whim.

Snippets - This is what will be displayed after a certain query on your site as a result. The function can be configured so that the output results in Yandex searching on the site was displayed with fragments of pictures and video files. There is nothing to add here, everything is written in very detail in this section, and there should not be difficulties with setting. Personally, I have not used the "Snippet" feature, and there is nothing to add to me.

Well, finally, all, this is such a very large-scale article turned out for a small but very important and functional tool for your site. I hope you will not be disappointed in Yandex search for the site, and please our users convenient search in its resource. See you!