Console for HTTP requests. Console for HTTP requests Console for http requests 1c

Query Console 1c - handy tool for building and debugging queries in enterprise mode 1c. Using Query Console You can run a query to the 1c database and see the result of the query right on the screen in 1c enterprise. In this article, we will look at two consoles, one for 1c 8.2 ( usual forms), and the second can work both in conventional and in managed forms ax 1c 8.3.

Download Query Console 1c

In order to start working with processing, you first need to download query console 1c, below we will give download links, but for now, let's note the fact that the 1c query console can be classified and attributed to one of the following types:

  1. For ordinary forms (1s 8.2)
  2. For managed forms (1s 8.3)
  3. Mixed (works both on 1s 8.2 and 1s 8.3)

In our article we will look at two consoles, the first works only on 1s 8.2 (regular forms), and the second works on 1s 8.3 (managed forms). They are slightly different from each other, we will talk about the differences further, but for now, note that in managed applications, the console will work properly only in the "Thick client" launch mode.

Download the 1c query console for a regular 1c application 8.2

Below is a screenshot of the processing, you can download the 1c query console for a regular 1c application 8.2

Download 1c Query Console for Managed Application 1c 8.3

And this is the second console, you can also see its screenshot on the screen below, using the link you can download the 1c query console for the 1c 8.3 managed application

Description of the principles of operation and the main functionality of the 1c query console for a regular 1c application 8.2

This 1c 8.2 query console for a regular application easy to use, and does not require any special knowledge from the user. In the screenshot you can see a test field for writing a request, in it you can write a request either manually or using the constructor. Under the number 1 in the figure you see the "Parameters" button, by clicking on it we will see a form for substituting parameters into the request, we will return to it later. Under the number 2, you see the work area and the action bar with the request itself, here we can add requests, delete them, and also save them to separate file on disk. Under the figure number 3 in query console 1c 8.2 there is a setting for the output of the result, it can be displayed in the form of a table or hierarchically in the form of a tree, the second option is used when we need to see the hierarchy as a result of a query. Point 4 shows us whether there are temporary tables in the request, if there are, then we can debug them and see the result of execution, which is placed in a temporary table.

Now let's take a look at some specific points in 1c query console.

Above you see a window in which parameters are substituted into the request. By clicking on the "From the request" button, we will receive the parameters that are specified in the request, now we just need to set desired values and close the form. By the way, if you are editing a request and your previously added parameters on the form are no longer used, they will be highlighted in gray. If there are a lot of such parameters, you can delete them from the window using the "Delete unused" button.

If you have temporary tables in your query, then you can debug them in separate subqueries and see the result of executing this subquery, if in the main window of the 1c query console we see that there are temporary tables, then click on the "Temporary tables" button (point 4 on the main console window). After clicking, the window that we saw above will appear, it shows all the temporary tables of the query, click "Debug" and we will see the following window.

A brief description of the functionality of the 1c query console for a managed 1c application 8.3

We got acquainted with the main functions query console 1c 8.2, now it's time to consider query console 1c 8.3. This processing We will not consider in detail as the previous one, but briefly go over the main parameters and settings.

The HTTP Requests Console tool is designed to generate HTTP requests using 1C: Enterprise tools, send them and receive responses for further analysis. The console allows you to store external file lists of requests for their subsequent use in this processing.

Processing is suitable for experienced users and beginners (who want to quickly understand the principles of operation of HTTP mechanisms in 1C)

Below is the information that is also located in the processing help.

Form processing areas

HTTP Request

In the area of ​​formation of an HTTP request, the parameters are specified, on the basis of which the program objects "HTTPRequest" and "HTTPConnection" will be built. It is possible to specify the following parameters:

    Address - in this field, an address string is formed, which will be further completed based on the entered parameters.

    Request address - a field containing the final address, generated based on the entered parameters, which will be used when forming an HTTP request. When unchecking the checkbox "Supplement address" the line from the "Address" field will be copied into this field without further modification (the ability to send a request "as is").

    Method- the HTTP request method that will be called on the server.

    Body- arbitrary text that will be placed in the request body.

    Headers- a list of headers that will be substituted into the HTTP request. When creating a new request (adding in the tree of requests) or clicking the button "Default" the list will add headers that are generated by the platform by default.

    Parameters- a list of parameters that will be added to the address after the symbol "?" ... You can also fill in the request body with parameters when you click on the button "Fill with parameters" on the "Body" tab.

    URL parameters - a list of parameters that will replace the strings (name) in the address bar (by analogy with the use of configuration objects in url templates "HTTP request").

In the tab "Additionally" it is possible to set the following options:

    OS Authentication - value of this field will be used when creating the "HTTPConnection" program object.

    Template - this field is filled with a value that will be automatically substituted in the address field instead of the string ... When a new query is added to the list, this property is copied from the parent row.

    Authentication - in the field it is possible to choose "Base" authentication. In this case, the data entered in the "User" and "Password" fields will be automatically transferred to the corresponding header in the form base64 strings.

Query tree

This element is used to manage the list of requests, which can later be saved to a file.

HTTP response

The elements of the HTTP response scope are populated with data from the response received from the server. The area contains the following items

    Response code- response code received from the server with an explanation

    Body - the body obtained from the HTTP response as a string.

    Headers - received HTTP response headers

    Html- the body received from the HTTP response as a string and placed in an HTML document field.

    JSON - a string obtained by converting the response body to JSON and back to a string by means of working with the JSON platform. In field "Structure" the JSON structure is output as a tree, if the conversion is successful.

Features of work and limitations

    The request is sent on the client

    The data stored in the tree includes the following fields: Body, Headers, Parameters, AutoRedirect, Address, Authentication, Method, Template, URL Parameters

    Converting the HTTP response data to form fields is the same and does not depend on the content of the response headers.

Software Requirements

  1. Processing is designed to work with the 1C: Enterprise platform starting from version 8.3.6. Must be in Application Managed mode
  2. To access external HTTP services, it is necessary to have an Internet connection at the workplace from which the processing is carried out. When accessing services on the internal network, you need to access these services in local network from this workplace.

Additional terms

  1. The software license is valid for an unlimited period
  2. The processing code is open and can be modified at the request of the user.
  3. Processing is provided in the form of a download link.
  4. Free term technical support- 3 months from the date of purchase.


Money back guarantee

Infostart LLC guarantees you a 100% refund if the program does not match the declared functionality from the description. The money can be returned in full if you declare this within 14 days from the date of receipt of the money in our account.

The program is so proven in operation that we can give such a guarantee with complete confidence. We want all of our customers to be happy with their purchase.

The Query Console is very convenient to use when you need to debug something complex, or quickly get a selection of certain data.

You can find many different consoles on the internet. For regular and managed forms, these are usually completely different consoles. For this you can download the universal query console 1C 8.3 and 8.2, which will work in both cases. Just keep in mind that the console on the managed interface will open for you only in the thick client.

Working with the Query Console

In the 1C program, the query console opens in the same way as any external processing: the "File" - "Open" menu, or using the hotkey combination "Ctrl + O". If used frequently, it can be added to external treatments by itself. information base.

On the left side of the query console, there is a list of your queries. This allows you to store more than one request, but several at once. The query tree has a hierarchical structure, which is very convenient for grouping them.

By clicking on the "Add" button, you can add a new request by yourself giving it a name. Also, the built-in functionality allows you to create queries with copying, move up or down the list, and much more.

The request text itself is displayed on the right side of the processing form. It can be written manually or using the Query Builder. The query builder only works in the thick client.

To the right of the designer button is the Insert Query Statements button. It will immediately add an empty query construct with a condition, grouping, order and total.

To the right are very useful buttons that will help if this request you use when developing solutions for 1C.

The button allows you to convert your request to text. In our case, it will look like the one shown in the figure below.

You can save the requests themselves to a file or load from it. This is very convenient for future use.

Before the direct execution of the request, it is necessary to set its input parameters (if any), then click on the "Execute request" button. It is also possible to execute requests not entirely, but separately any package.

The view mode determines how the query result will be displayed: a list, a hierarchical list, or a tree.

The result of the execution will be displayed at the very bottom of the query console. It also displays the number of lines received and the execution time. You can move the rows of the query result as needed.

Very often, users are asked to make a selection of some data and save it in Excel. You may also need this. To complete the task, you just need to select the "Display list" item in the "More" menu. The program will offer to mark the required columns.

In addition to specifying a list of columns for output, you can also specify here specific lines... This is done by highlighting the lines in the query itself. Further, in the form of selecting columns, it is enough to set the flag in the "Selected only" setting.

In our example, we have dumped all the data of the query result. You can save them to an external file by copying them from the spreadsheet document that opens, or by using the "Ctrl + O" hotkey combination. There are many options for saving formats, we chose “*. xlsx ".

As you can see, working in the Query Console is very convenient and useful, so we strongly recommend downloading it and putting it into practice.

One of the most powerful tools of 1C Enterprise 8, without a doubt, is the Query Builder. The constructor is a visual tool for working with queries in the 1C language. But the constructor has one big drawback - it doesn't show the result of the queries. This disadvantage is especially felt by novice developers. applied solutions on the 1C: Enterprise 8.3 and 8.2 platform.

In addition, even experienced 1C programmers often encounter a situation when it is necessary to do a "one-time" analysis of the infobase data in various sections, but I do not want to write a full-fledged report for the sake of such a "one-time conclusion".

For all these and many other cases, we are pleased to offer you external processing Query console with the ability to process results for 1C 8.3 and 1C 8.2!

Key features of the Query Console for 1C 8.3 and 1C 8.2:

Universal processing, runs on any configuration of platforms 1C: Enterprise 8.1 - 8.3;
- runs in 1C: Enterprise mode;
- the request can be written manually, or you can call the Query constructor;
- shows the result of the query;
- you can specify report parameters directly in the Query Console;
- knows how to save and load request files.

To start the Query Console, you need to run your configuration in 1C: Enterprise mode and open the external processing of the Query Console like any other file stored on disk. Such processing will work in exactly the same way as if it was part of the application solution.

External Processing Query Console familiar interface and most functionality standard toolkit for drawing up queries of the 1C: Enterprise 8.3 and 8.2. It also allows you to retrieve the results of queries, batch queries, and temporary tables.

The Query Console is executed both in the client-server and file-server modes of the system, both under the thick and under the thin client! The Query Console has an integrated standard Query Constructor that can be called via the context menu in the query text field.

IMPORTANT! Query constructor in thin client does not work, this menu item for opening the Constructor is unavailable. In the thick client, the Query Builder is available!

In the thin client, we can only write requests by hand, all other functions work without changes.

And fast information. In this article I will try to describe how to use the Query Console and provide a link to download the Query Console.

Let's take a closer look at this tool.

Download 1C Query Console

First of all, to get started with the Query Console, you need to download it from somewhere. Processes are usually divided into two types - managed forms and regular ones (or sometimes they are called on 8.1 and 8.2 / 8.3).

I tried to combine these two types in one processing - in the desired mode of operation, the required form opens ( in controlled mode the console only works in fat mode).

You can download the 1C 8.3 (8.2) query console for managed and regular forms at the link:.

Description of the 1C query console

If you are interested in how requests are written in the 1C system, I recommend that you read the article and.

Let's start looking at the query console with a description of the main processing panel:

In the header of the query console, you can see the execution time of the last query with millisecond precision, this allows you to compare different constructs in terms of performance.

The first group of buttons in the command bar is responsible for saving the current requests to an external file. This is very convenient, you can always return to writing a complex query. Or, for example, keep a list of typical examples of certain constructions.

On the left, in the Query field, you can create new queries and save them in a tree structure. The second group of buttons is just responsible for managing the list of requests. With it, you can create, copy, delete, move a request.

Get 267 1C video tutorials for free:

  • Execute a request- simple execution and getting the result;
  • Run package- allows you to view all intermediate requests in
  • Viewing temporary tables- allows you to see the result that are returned by temporary queries in the table.

Request parameters:

Allows you to set the current parameters for the request.

In the query parameters window, the following is interesting:

  • Button Get from request automatically finds all parameters in the request, for the convenience of the developer.
  • Flag Uniform parameters for all requests- when installed, its processing does not clear the parameters when moving from request to request in general list requests.

Set parameter as a list of values it is very simple, when you select a parameter value, press the button to clear the value (cross), the system will offer to select the data type, where you need to select the "List of values":

also in top panel there is a button to call the settings of the query console:

Where you can specify autosave query options and query execution options.

The query text is entered in the console query field. This can be done with a simple query test suite or by calling a special tool - the query designer.

Called from context menu(right mouse button) when clicking on the input field:

Also in this menu there are such useful functions as clearing or adding hyphenation characters ("|") to the request, or getting the request code in such a convenient form:

Request = New Request; Inquiry. Text = "| SELECT | Currencies. Link | FROM | Directory. Currencies AS Currencies "; QueryResult = Query. Run ();

In the lower field of the query console, the query result field is displayed, for which this processing was created:

Also, the query console, in addition to the list, can display data in the form of a tree for queries containing totals.