The start of the session is prohibited for backup. The beginning of the session with the information base is prohibited

Running 1C program once, at the start I saw the error "Start of a session with information Base prohibited. Backup". I was very surprised - I did not put the locks. After a small analysis, the reason was in the "glitch" of automatic archival copy, which are built into (one of the subsystems).

The error looks like this:

The case was that when creating the creation of archival copies of the database, the system automatically sets the lock to the input to the information base. It prevents the program to start the user at the time of the process.

But sometimes it happens that after copying the system cannot remove. In this case, we get the error "The beginning of a session with an information base is prohibited ..."

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Solution to the problem

Fix the problem is the easiest way to delete a file. 1cv8.cdn.(Information Base Lock File) from the database folder.

For example, on my screenshot above the location of the base:

You must go to this folder, and then find and remove 1cv8.cdn.

Removing the blocking with client-server base 1C

If you have access to the server console, remove the blocking is very simple. It is enough to proceed to the properties of the information base and remove the flag "Lock the start of sessions is turned on":

You hit on junk page! Most likely, in the morning you found that my favorite 1C 8.3 does not start with the message: " The beginning of the session with the information base is prohibited. To perform backup ...».

The first thing that needs to be done now - Urgently allow users to users. After that, calmly read the article to the end and find out why it happened and what is "blocking and removing blocking from the information base of 1C 8.3".

My experience suggests that you are a user (not a system administrator and not a programmer), and your information base is file (if the SQL base, specialists are already engaged in your problem). To start It is necessary to understand which folder (directory) it is located and delete one file in this folder - 1cv8.cdn (You can not save the file, it will no longer need it).

* If you are an IT specialist, you can safely go to read the "Lock and removal of blocking from the 1C information base".

In the window with a list of information bases, find your database (figure 1 on the illustration below) and click on it one (and only one!) Once with a mouse. Then click the "Edit" button (digit 2).

The list can only be one base, so this window can be familiar with the "Launch window 1C". In this case, simply click the Edit button.

If you see that the information base is located on this computer or in local network - My experience did not let down - the base file, and we all make it right. Copy this path ( figures 3 and 4).

Now go to this folder.

Just in case, here are some options for starting the conductor:

  • You have Windows XP or Windows 7. Click Start, execute, insert the previously copied location of the information base. Explorer will open.
  • You have Windows 7. But there is no "execute" item. Insert the location immediately after pressing the start. Explorer will open.
  • You have Windows 8 or Windows 10. Click Start, in the upper right corner, click on the meadow, insert the previously copied location of the information base, press ENTER. Explorer will open.

  • Find a yellow floppy disk on the taskbar and click on it. Insert the location of the information base into the address bar at the top of the conductor window. (Right-click on the address bar, change the address, right-click again on the address bar, paste).

  • Universal way for everyone versions of Windows And its settings. Click on the keyboard button with the checkbox and, without releasing it, click on the Latin R (or Russian K) keypad. The "Run" window opens, insert the previously copied location of the information base there and click OK.

Taking advantage of one of the proposed options, you will fall into the conductor window with the location of the information base.

In the Explorer window, find the 1CV8.CDN file in the file list, click on it with the right mouse button, select "Delete", as shown in the previous figure.

Ready! Your "1C: Accounting" or "1C: Salary and Personnel Management" or "1C: Trade Management" again launches.

Locking and removing lock from the 1C information base. We destroy myths.

IN this section You will find unique information on working with locks, and also receive a refutation of common misconceptions on the topic "Data Lock".

How to install blocking?

The information database blocking mechanism is designed to complete current open sessions and prevent new connections. The location of the lock functional in the menu may vary depending on the configuration. For example, in UT, edition 11 ( These are NSI and administration, [service] Locking user operation. Alternative option: NSI and administration, support and maintenance, lock jobs. UT, edition 10.3 ( This is a service, users, blocking the installation of connections with an information base.

* There are special sectoral configurations in which blocking from the point of view of the interface and from the point of view of the mechanism will not look as described in this article. Since we consider the standard mechanism for most 1C configurations, we will not affect special sectoral configurations.

When this item is selected, the "Locking of Users" dialog box opens, in which you want to enter a message for users, start time and terminating the blocking, as well as code for unlocking.

Since the start and end of the blocking action is entered, it is necessary to be extremely careful in this dialog and enter information explicitly. If in the dialogue, it would be possible to enter the start of blocking "after 15 minutes" the duration of "for 20 minutes", or at least these values \u200b\u200bwere reflected on the basis of the absolute time of the beginning and end of the blocking, it would be difficult to establish blocking a year per year as it It may happen when the date-time input error is error.

The "Startup Time" option is recommended to install as the current date / time + time required by users to prepare for the output with the preservation of editable documents. For example, now 9 h 50 min, we give 10 minutes to users to preserve their results. Total blocking time should be 10 h 00 min.

End time - you can not enter, while blocking the object will be installed indefinitely (forever).

The code for unlocking is a single "password" on the launch of "from scratch", contrary to the installed blocking, which may be needed in some cases (will be mentioned below). Enter and memorize. This parameter in the case of the SQL version of the information base is visible in the "Administration of the 1C Enterprise Servers" snap and is called there "permission code".

In the case of the SQL version of the information base, the Administrator's authorization of the information base or the cluster administrator will be required.

So, after pressing the "Install Lock" button and a positive response to confirm ...

... You will return to the previous dialog box, appearance which has changed:

In the lower right corner, a message will be issued that the blocking of the users will be scheduled. This message See only you.

Scheduled? Perhaps this is somehow connected with the regulatory tasks?

Will the planned blocking of users work, if the locking tasks is set? Yes, it will work. The locking mechanism does not use regulatory tasks.

What will be seen by users and I myself?

Until the blocking starts, active users will receive "polite" reminders about the need to complete work. In this dialogue on timeout, "Yes" is triggered, so the users who are missing at the workplace will successfully come out of the 1C session.

The blocking initiator receives another message:

After starting the blocking, the information base cannot be logged in the usual way. About how it still goes, will be talked below. Please note that the dialog does not contain automatic indication at the time of the locking time, so the task to inform users about the time of resumption of work falls on the administrator. This information can be specified in the message to the user.

The bomb explodes exactly at the appointed time. Siren is how to explode.

Contrary to the popular belief that the completion of the active user sessions is made gently, after a warning, which can be ignored and continue to work, is actually completing, and it is better to say, "wrapping", active sessions occur exactly on the schedule, rigidly and with the loss of all unsaved results. All warnings are issued in the interval from the time of clicking the "Set lock" button until the start of the blocking, after which, the completion of the active session will occur without any notice, and 1C will switch to the cycle attempts to start configuration anew, with an interval of 1 minute.

Do not make up excluding the input modes of reference values, in which the value is missing in the directory - to exit the input mode cannot be (for example, close 1C cross), but it will not prevent complete operation. More significant interest is the mode of modal dialogue, so it will be said more about it.

* Completion of user sessions in old configurations occurs a little later than the designated time, because Users first receive an alert "The operation of the system is completed."

And exactly exploded?

To begin with, we note that in old configurations may not work blocking for the initiator of the lock. And now we turn to the consideration of the issue for the platform 8.3.

File IB user who has solved, for example, delete a document, and then go for lunch, leaving the "Mark Document Document" dialog on the screen, will keep an open connection with the information base. Of course, his session will end after lunch, after he answers "yes" or "no", but before that moment you will see that there are active users. At the same time, the initiator of the lock will be seen:

A message about a runtime error will appear in the registration log, which should be interpreted not as a runtime error, but how "not all users have completed their sessions":

And it is ne the only reasonin which blocking may not work (Cm. Next, "For whose clock?" And "But what about my users in Vladivostok?").

Modal dialogue in the SQL version of the information base on managed forms

The 1C application server has the ability to remove the session despite the modal dialogue mode. The 1C interface and modal dialogue will remain at the user on the screen, creating the visibility of an incomplete session, but in fact the session will be deleted, and the connection to the IB will be broken in a timely manner. When you try to continue working, the user will see an error message "Session is missing or deleted" or "Session is completed by the administrator" depending on the nuances.

Modal dialogue in the SQL version of the information base on ordinary forms

User sessions are completed.

After installing the lock from the dialog, it is better not to go out, because When you retain input to this dialog, before the start of the blocking, the message that blocking is already installed (really only half), active sessions zero (not true) pops up. In this case, the process of completing the work of users continues (contradicts the zero of active sessions + not quite so, because users "are completed themselves"). Although the code blocking code is not ideal, in the end, it will not interfere with setting the lock and complete the active sessions, however disorienting the information base administrator.

Will the blocking work if you set the lock and close the dialog?

Whether blocking will work if you set the lock and immediately exit 1C (i.e., complete the 1c session before starting the blocking)?

Yes. The response mechanism for the installed blocking does not provide for interaction between the initiator of the lock and the rest of users. User sessions independently check if they can work.

Whose clock will lock the lock if the time on computers is slightly different?

The problem of the surprise of the watch

With a file IB, each computer itself checks whether there is a temporary blocking range in the IB, and compares it with its local clock. Depends on the accuracy of their clock whether this computer make the completion of the session exactly in opening time. If the base is blocked from 10:00, for one computer this moment will come earlier, and for another - later.

In the domain environment and with impeccable operation of system administrators, time on all computers is synchronized with the domain controller. But for various reasons, the time can be shot down: Synchronization of time with a domain controller is configured, configured time synchronization with an external current time server, which is more unavailable, failures in network or domain services, no rights to change system time, etc.

It seems that we can talk about seconds, as a last resort, minutes. But in fact, on the computer may be, for example, no update has been established. operating systemsupporting the transition to seasonal (winter / summer) time, and the error can already be not a second, and the clock. Easily carry out such an experiment: Schedule the lock at 10 am by half an hour, and on one of the computers, turn the time for an hour ahead - the blocking does not work on it.

Therefore, before installing the lock, carefully check the time in the lower right corner of the computer with your own clock, and also contact your system administrator in advance whether time synchronization works in your IT infrastructure.

And what about my users in Vladivostok?

The problem of absolute time when users from different time zones

A temporary blockage range is saved in the information base. Look at the contents of the 1cv8.cdn blocking file (which is created in the file version of the IB), it is recorded in it start time on 07/17/2017 13:59 in the format of GGHMDDDHCHMSS without any indication on time zone:

Without instructions on the time zone, it would be clear about what absolute time is we talking if the time would always relate to some particular time belt, such as UTC + 0. But in the database, the local time is saved by the computer, which was the initiator of the lock. From which time zone was this computer - it is unknown, which means unknown absolute blocking time.

If in Moscow, in a centralized IB, you set the blocking at 13:59, and this moment of time for Moscow users is in the future, then users of the same IB in Vladivostok 13:59 was 7 hours ago. And depending on the technical solution, in accordance with which work with IB users of Vladivostok is carried out, blocking these users will either work, or not.

What are the technical solutions in which the blocking will work incorrectly for users of Vladivostok? Those at which the client part 1C will receive time in Vladivostok, and not in Moscow. For example, offices are connected to a local VPN network, and the client part 1C starts with local computer, having time UTC + 10. But if they work with the database through the RDP connection or in RemoteApp mode on the Moscow server, running on this server, the client part 1C - everything will be fine, because It will have time UTC + 3.

Does there be problems with the survey of hours and time zone in the case of a SQL version of the information base?

Not. IN this variant There is a "server clock" that are accepted for the standard.

Will it throw me out of the configurator if I was in it, and the blocking began to act?

Will it be possible to enter the configurator after starting the lock action?

It is impossible! Checking the ability to work with the configurator is performed only at start-up and is not performed during operation. Therefore, if the lock is installed for subsequent work in the configurator, it is much easier to start it to run it than then bypass the ban on startup.

How to remove blocking?

In the same dialogue in which the blocking was installed. We remind you that after setting the lock in it, instead of the "Install the lock" button, the "Remove Lock" button.

In the case of the SQL version of the IB, the blocking is also possible in the "Administration of the 1C Enterprise Server Servers" snap. (see below)

What do you need an unlock code?

To enter the IB at the moment when blocking is valid. Situations in which it is necessary:

  • After installing the blocking, a session of work with IB was completed (manually or as a result of the blocking on the initiator itself), and it is required to start a new session;
  • The termination time by mistake was not filled at all;
  • The end time of the blocking was mistakenly (for example, the next month or year was inappropriate);
  • Information base in the SQL version, and to cancel incorrectly installed blocking it is not possible to delete the 1CV8.CDN file in the information database catalog.

In this case, use the hint, which is given when starting. Those. In the window with the list of information databases, click "Change" and enter the string to the advanced launch options:

ENTERPRISE / F "Z: \\ Exchange \\ ut 11" / Commandable user / UC12345

... Taking into account the location catalog and unlock code.

It is better to copy this string to the clipboard and correct in the Editing Information Dialog dialog. If you confused the type of quotes or Russian "C" and Latin, you will see an error message:

In the case of proper input and subsequent launch of 1C in the enterprise mode, 1C will automatically remove the lock and will complete its operation. After that, you can delete additional parameters and run 1C as usual.

What to do if I did not install the lock, and SQL base is blocked by someone? At the same time, I do not know the unlock code.

The information database lock can be set by the configuration itself at the time of creating an archive copy. If the process of its creation has not been completed normally, the SQL base may remain in the blocking state. In this case, access to the console (more correctly - snap-in) "Administration of 1C: Enterprises" servers.

Where to look for her?

Entering "Administration of Servers 1C: Enterprises" is often installed on the same server where SQL Server is deployed, as well as where the "Server 1C" (or "1C application server") is deployed. Although it is not necessary: \u200b\u200bSQL can be installed on one computer, "Application Server 1C" - on the other, and the snap can be deployed on its own workstation. With a high probability of success, you can achieve by making the following:

  • Connect to the RDP to the server, which is specified in the SRVR \u003d row ... Using your domain login and password. If you are impossible to connect, ask system administrator Add you to a remote desktop user group. (In case of refusal of such rights, expand and configure to the workstation to snap "Administer Enterprise Server 1C");

  • On the server, find the "Administration of Servers 1C: Enterprises";
  • Run the snap-on, expand the tree to the node with your information database;

  • In the properties of the information database, remove the checkbox "blocking the start of sessions" or correct the start and end of the lock or see the "permissible code" to enter the IB (it is "code for unlocking" in the lock setting dialog).

What if all users of the SQL information base came out, and the configurator can still be launched, because Are there active users?

In the "Connection" node of the information base, the available connections can be removed on the right side of the screen.

This is not all questions related to the blocking the information base.

If you have any questions:

  • Is it possible to work for Moscow time if you rent a server in Europe and do not want to depend on his time zone?
  • How to find 1c applications server if unknown where it is installed?
  • How to unfold "Administer 1C: Enterprise Servers" and how to configure it?
  • If in one local network multiple applications servers, how to be?
  • How to be in the case of a cluster system? etc.

Our certified technological advisors 1C will be happy to answer them.

  • First, it will contribute better to understand what happened. And in more rare cases, it can even help solve the problem independently.
  • Secondly, unless they could not cope, then first and above all should be contacted to a specialist for technical support With the content that appeared information and diagnostic window.

Let us consider in detail the content of the received dialog messages:

Line 1.A "The start of the session with the information base is prohibited." It is a standard entry indicating the installed blocking of user input to the program. With such a blocking in the information database directory, a special file with the extension "CDN" is automatically created (Read more: See the following sections).

In line 1.B, the reason, the duration of the lock is usually indicated, as well as another helpful information. Depending on whom or what (in the case of the system), the input lock is installed, as well as for what purpose, the information in this block may be different. The "Backup" string is a standard entry for manual or regulatory backup (in this case, the line is also characteristic to perform a backup. ") Information base using 1C enterprise.

Administrator, in case of creating a lock in user mode 1C 8.3 Enterprise, or a programmer 1C, in the event of a lock job in a software manner in the configurator, can invent your own messages:

In line 2, a hint is given how you can run a program from under command windows stringsIf you know the so-called "permission code" (see the next step).

In line 3 explains the course of the process and the action of the buttons.

Step 2. Solution How to remove lock and log in to 1C 8.3 database

Session blocking conditionally can be classified as follows:

  • Planned. When manually configured the session lock, serving the planned process in the 1C database ( backup, regulatory task, update);
  • Others, erroneous. When the blocking is set as a result of erroneous actions of the user or the errors of the system itself, when it does not automatically remove the previously installed blocking. For example, the backup process was launched, but the user interrupted it, forcingly closing the program.

Method 1

In both cases, when setting the session lock, as mentioned above, a file with a resolution "CDN" is created in the storage catalog of the current information base:

Thus, simply solving the program launch error due to a session lock will be deleted 1cv8.cdn file.

However, the user should be previously defined by the question "After all, if the sessions blocking is installed - it means that something is due?". Perhaps another user with administrative functions (hereinafter referred to as the administrator) launched in 1C 8.3 accounting, really important task or processing, not tolerance simultaneously finding multiple users in the database.

Method 2.

If this situation is possible, it is necessary to contact the administrator and find out if it is possible to enter the database and does he have a special permission code, which was said slightly higher. In this case, we use the second way - the input into the locked information base by running the program from the command line with an indication of the permission code launch parameters:

  • "C: \\ Program Files (x86) \\ 1CV8 \\ COMMON \\ 1CESTART.EXE" - the path to the launch program 1C 8.3;
  • Enterprise - denotes that the program will start in user mode, i.e. in 1c enterprise mode;
  • / F "F: \\ Baza1S \\ Accounting" - denotes a file information base (parameter / F) and the path to it (the address of the server base is indicated in the / s parameter);
  • / With Allow user operation - optional parameter: If installed, the system does not start, but the blocking will be removed (the blocking file will be destroyed), subsequently users can be found in the information base.

If the parameter is not installed, then the input is allowed to the specific user, but the blocking is not removed. Complete Unlock This user can do in user mode, passing to the Support and Maintenance panel (Administration section - group of program setup commands - Team Support and maintenance:

And calling the form Blocking user operation According to the team of the same name:

In the form that opens, remove session lock by pressing the remove lock button, where / uC12345 - the permission code is indicated in the / UC parameter (12345). The names of the parameters are written in English.

For more information about the command line parameters, see Help 1C 8.3 Enterprises.

Method 3.

There is an alternative and even simpler use for the user to use the above information base launch options (hereinafter - IB) - it is possible to register the database you need in the properties of the database.

1. In the Startup Program window (Mark "A"), select the locked database and press the Change button, after which the IB properties edit window opens (B »Mark):

In the property Extra options Launch We prescribe the unlock code and, if necessary, the parameter to resolve the operation of users (in this case, after the first launch, and before the next launch, this parameter must be deleted). For more information, these parameters were described above.

Note: When automatic backup occurs (directly either as part of another procedure, for example, automated update), the system blocks 1C 8.3 information database and puts the standard unlock code " Backup ».

Therefore, if the procedure "broke" and blocking the base remained, but there is no possibility to delete the CDN file, then you can use the parameter: / u clarifying.

3. Press the button is ready and return to the startup program window, where you run IB by button 1C: Enterprise. Thus, the error "The beginning of a session with an information base is prohibited. Backup "Eliminated:

If 1C 8.3 Enterprise functions in the client-server version, but the user does not have access rights and necessary database administration knowledge in this mode, then in this case, you should contact the system administrator. We only note that in the client-server variant, in addition to access through command line With additional parameters, it is possible to remove the lock using the 1C server cluster administration utility: enterprises, namely, in the properties of the desired information base, remove the flag Locking start sessions included.

Anatomy of the 1cv8.cdn blocking file

Inquisitives can look inside the 1cv8.cdn file sessions created by locking sessions - it's a simple text file.which can be opened with the corresponding editor notepad:

The text in the file is framed by figure brackets, in which the following separated blocking parameters are listed:

  • 1 (0) - a sign of blocking installation (1 set; 0 - disabled);
  • 20160706154700 - Full date (date + time) start blocking a session, in our case it is July 06, 2016 20:00:00;
  • 20160706154700 - Full date (date + time) of the end of the session lock, in our case it is July 06, 2016 20:00:00 (if the end date is not specified, then the default parameter is closed 00010101000000);
  • Next, the text parameter is followed, where the auxiliary text is placed in dual quotes, displayed by the user in the dialog box;
  • "123" - specified the permission code.

As you can see, the file is spelled out all the parameters displayed in the emerging information and diagnostic dialog box.

On the site you can familiarize yourself with other free articles and video tutorials on the 1C Accounting Configuration (

Today I encountered a problem that appeared after the automatic backup of the base of 1C Accounting 8.3 passed. I have a backup of the database when you leave the program. I safely went out of the program, but, apparently, this time as it was unsuccessful :). And I could not go. My smart program wrote me a very smart phrase, which is designed rather a 1C programmer than a simple user. So, let's figure it out with the problem not as administrators 1C, but just an accountant :).

What to do if 1C 8.3 does not open after backup and the message "The start of a session with an information base is prohibited backup ..."

If when opening a base 1C, a message is issued instead of opening the base:

"The start of the session with the information base is prohibited. To perform backup. ... ". Next, the instructions for the administrator should be launched, but this instruction will help the accountant.

The solution is easier:

You need to find a folder on the disk in which the base of 1C Accounting 8.3 is located. Open folder. Inside the folder you will see the following:

In the folder you need to find a 1cv8.cdn file. Need to delete 1cv8.cdn file and re-run 1C: Enterprise.

As you can see, everything is simple. And it's great that my article is useful to you, I am very glad to help you. Let accountants be easier to work to work more free time on themselves and loved ones!

Today is all!

With you was Inna Izovova.

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In this article, I will tell you about the parameters of the launch of 1C and how to apply them. I will give a few examples as these parameters to use. After reading the article, you can automate some everyday processes.

When you start 1C: Enterprises can be used by the startup parameters that can be specified in the settings or in the shortcut that run 1C.

Launch mode 1C.

Config - 1C starts in configurator mode.
Enterprise. - 1C starts in the enterprise mode.

1Cestart.exe.- File to start the 1C program, is usually in the 1CV8 \\ Common folder. When starting, automatically determines the desired version of the client. When you install 1C, labels on the desktop and in the Start menu, refer to this file.

Launch options 1C for automatic user selection

  • / N. "Username"
  • / P. "User Password"

The username and password must match the name and password that are specified in the list of users, in the configurator. You can see users in the configurator, go to the top menu: Administration\u003e Users. If the password is empty, then this field can not specify.

These parameters can be specified in the settings when editing the database in the database list. In the "Advanced Run Settings" field.

Run 1C and go to the information base settings, the following window will appear:

Push the parameters as shown in the figure, specifying your username and password, then click Finish. If everything is done correctly, then when entering this database, you will not ask the username and password.

Launch options 1C for automatic startup start

  • / F "Address" - address to the database if it is stored in the file version.

If your base is stored on the server, you need to set the launch parameters otherwise:

  • / S Address Address: "Server Name (Information Base Cluster)" \\ "Information Base Name on Server"

These parameters must be prescribed in a label that run 1C: Enterprise. Go to the label properties, at the end of the field "Object" add the parameters you need.

If everything is done correctly, when the label is started, the base you specified in the parameters should start.

For convenience, you can create a new shortcut, or copy the one you use.

Startup 1C when starting the system

If you want to run 1C Enterprise when the system is started with the desired parameters, you need to copy the 1c shortcut to the "Auto load" folder.

If in it, the parameters of the launch of 1C will be specified, they will work when the system is started.

You can combine any option parameters 1C. For this just register the necessary parameters In the settings 1C or in a shortcut.

Advanced launch options 1C

  • / Logui. - Record the user's actions in the log. (The recording will be made to the user directory, to the file under the name "Logui.txt")
  • / DUMPIB "Load file address « - Unloading database. Suitable for creating automatic archiving database.
  • / Execute "Address external processing"- The parameter is designed for automatic launch External processing after starting the system.
  • / C. "Line parameter" - transmits the parameter to the configuration. You can contact it through a global context in the "Parametress" configurator.
  • / Disablestartupmessages - The parameter removes the system messages when you start 1C Enterprise.

When editing an information base. You can specify version 1C through which it is started (suitable if you have several databases operating under different versions client)

An example of using parameters to automatically archive information base.

"C: \\ Program Files (x86) \\ 1CV8 \\ COMMON \\ 1CESTART.EXE" Config / F "C: \\ Base_BUH" / n "User" / P "111" / DisablestartupMessages / Dumpib C: \\ ARHIV \\ BUH.DT / Out »C: \\ ARHIV \\ LOG_ARHIV.TXT» -Notruncate

If you specify these parameters into a shortcut to start 1C in the "Object" field, the database archive will be made, which is "C: \\ Base_BUH" in the "C: \\ ARHIV" folder under the name "buh.dt". It will also be recorded in the log file "C: \\ Arhiv \\ Log_arhiv.txt". Specify your paths where the base is located, and where to create archives.

Configure application debug settings

When developing applications, it is often necessary to start the 1C debugger under a specific user, for this you need in the configurator, go to: Help\u003e Parameters

On the "Launch of 1C: Enterprise" tab in the "User" group, the current user is installed (under which you entered the configurator). You can change it to anyone you need. And the launch of debugging will occur under the selected user.

Also, here you can specify, under what client start the application.

These are not difficult actions can be implemented useful functions In the program 1C: Enterprise.