Install the local server on your computer. How to make a virtual server on your computer? Create a virtual server

Virtual servers: If you create a server on the local network and want to make it available on the Internet, implement this service and provide it to users will be able to virtual server. At the same time, the virtual server allows you to save the security of the local network, since other services will continue to be invisible from the Internet.

The virtual server can be used to configure public services in your local network, such as HTTP, FTP, DNS, POP3 / SMTP and Telnet. Different services use different service ports. Port 80 is used by HTTP, port 21 - in FTP, port 25 - in SMTP and port 110 - in POP3. Before setting, check the service port number.

Example setting

For example, a personal website was created on my home PC (IP address: I want my friends to attend my site through the Internet.

PC connected to the router with WAN. IP-press

Lan Wan router:

Assign a static IP address to a computer, for example

Follow these steps:

Note: The setting is performed on the example of the Archer C9 model.

Step 1

Enter the Archer C9 web interface. Read the article. How to enter the web interfaceWi- Fi routher. For instructions on how to go to the router web interface.

Step 2

Click Advanced (Advanced settings) at the top on the right, then select on the left side NAT. Forwarding (NAT Forwarding) -> Virtual Servers. (Virtual servers) -> Add. (Add).

Step 3.

Click VIEW. EXISTING Services. (View existing services) and select Http. External port. (external port), internal port. (internal port) and protocol (Protocol) Fill automatically. Enter the address of the computer in the field Internal IP (Internal IP address).

2. If the service you want to specify is not spelled out in the Service Type (list of services), then you can enter the corresponding parameters manually. You need to check the port number you need.

3. You can add multiple Virtual Server Rules if you want to provide multiple services in the router. Please remember that external ports should not be repeated (duplicated).

Step 4.:

To visit your website, users on the Internet can enter the address http.:// WAN. IP (In this example: http: //

Note: Your settings will not take effect if the NAT function is disabled. Go to page Advanced (Additional settings) > System. Tools. (System Tools)\u003e System. Parameters. (System parameters) To enable NAT.

1. WAN IP address must be public (white / external). If the WAN IP is assigned a dynamically Internet provider, it is recommended to register and use the WAN IP domain name (see Configuring the DDNS Service Account). In the future, you can dial in the address bar http.:// domain name,to visit the website.

If you are not sure how to configure Static IP (static IP) on the device, you can configure (backup addresses) by instructions How to configure address reservations on Wi-Fi routers TP-LINK (new blue user interface), so that one and The same IP address will always be assigned to your device.

2. If you change the external port from the default value, you must use http.:// WAN. IP: External port or http.: // Domain Name: External Portto visit the website.

3. Make sure the server is available from the internal network. You can check whether you get access to this server inside the local network. If you cannot access the server on the local network, check the settings of your server.

Learn more about each function and settings, go to the section Downloads on your website to download your product guide.

In the third article of the cycle on the organization of business in the field of hosting, we will tell you how to start selling the VPS using the ISPSYSTEM products. The first material contained step-by-step instructions for the second - by.

Virtual Server Hosting (VPS / VDS) is one of the types of business on the Internet, which do not require capital investments in the infrastructure. In comparison with the Shared-hosting VPS gives customers greater stability and therefore costs more.

Important!We recommend starting not from technical implementation, but from the business model and the legal side of the issue. Determine the target audience and ways to attract it, develop a pricing policy profitable and customers. Explore the legal and accounting base. Only after that go to the incarnation of the plan.

What you need to start

Virtual server (Virtual Private Server, VPS) works as well as a real physical server. At the same time, several independent virtual servers can work on one physical server.

From the point of view of business, the hosting VPS differs from a virtual hosting requirement to equipment. From the user's point of view, the VPS hosting has guaranteed resources (disk, memory, processor), selected IP addresses, flexible system settings and the ability to optimize resources.

If Shared hosting is suitable for small sites, then on VPS usually host online shopping, corporate portals.

VPS hosting can be launched without its own equipment. To do this, you will need:

  1. rented dedicated server with hardware virtualization support (one or more),
  2. subnet of IPv4 addresses,
  3. agreement with the payment system,
  4. software for creating a VPS,
  5. billing platform,
  6. site for sale services.

Rent a dedicated server with hardware virtualization support and subnet of IPv4 addresses from one of. Concludes an agreement with the payment system and the domain registrar.

equipment requirements

To start the provision of VPS services, you will need one dedicated server with hardware virtualization. For example, on the Intel Xeon E5 processor. E5-2630V2 \\ 64GB RAM server will allow you to start up to 55 VPS. RAM need as much as VPS will be allocated.

Each VPS allocates a specific number of IP addresses. Therefore, you will need your subnet of IPv4 addresses or several different IPv4 addresses. Additional addresses can also be rented at the hosting provider.

Determine tariffs

When choosing a VPS provider, clients first pay attention to the specifications and cost of services. The price and quality of services must comply with their needs.

Tariff plans are created during the first software setup, so think about their content now. When drawing up tariffs, determine the target audience, learn the proposals of competitors and take into account your expenses.

For example, the tariff grid may look like this:

Number of cpu nuclei (pcs)

Place on the disk (GB)

Incoming traffic (Mbps)

Outgoing traffic (Mbit \\ s)

Billmanager allows you to flexibly configure interaction with the client. You can customize the period of writing off the means, the minimum order period, a fine for delay.

Necessary software

To sell the VPS, you need to install three panels: VMManager, Billmanager, IPManager.

Configuring Billmanager

Creating tariffs

Details of tariff creation are given in the article Connecting to VMManager. However, in the basic form, the following is as follows:

  1. Billmanager go to the section Products - Tariff plans.
  2. Click Create and select Virtual server - Vmmanager..
  3. Fill in the fields in accordance with previously defined tariffs. Click Complete.
  4. Return to the menu Tariff plans. Select the created tariff. Click on the button Handlers.
  5. Enable the tariff for the server with VMManager.

Software Verification

Try to register from the site, enter your personal account, order and purchase the service as a client. If you have questions, refer to the documentation or write to the ISPSYSTEM client department.

Start selling

Tip: Materials for promotional campaigns You can take from the registrar with whom the agreement was concluded. Usually, images and text describing the services are placed in the Partnership Program section. For example, contains such materials.

Creating a website on a virtual server. Server on a local computer.

Before creating your own website, novice web developers are encouraged to try their forces on a local machine (personal computer), for this you need distribute Denwer, you can get acquainted with the website of the developers

Gentleman's web developer set (Denver)

Software is emulation of the virtual server on the local computer, At home as a web hosting replacement, without the need to connect to the Internet. You can create a site on any CMS platform (or without CMS) in minutes, fill with content and deviate configuration. With the subsequent transfer to hosting, or to the server, respectively. The virtual server contains all the most necessary components: Apache, MySQL, PHPMYAdmin, SMTP server + the ability to connect additional extensions. Applies free of charge - in Russian.

Why do you need a local server?
  • First, to develop a site, the possibility of initial filling content and optimizing the structure of the site.
  • Secondly, the way to check the site for errors and debug configuration.
  • Third, as the backup of the site and later saving the site and SQL database to the local data server.
Denwer includes:
  • The installer is also supported on the Flash drive).
  • PHP5 with support for GD, MySQL, SQLite.
  • MySQL5 with transaction support.
  • Virtual host management system based on templates. To create a new host, you only need to add a directory directory / Home
  • The starting and completion of all components of the Denver.
  • pHPMYAdmin - MySQL control system via a web interface.
  • Sendmail and SMTP server emulator (incoming letters are placed in / TMP in format.EML); Supported work together with PHP, Perl, Parser, etc.
Distribution does not leave records in the registry and does not affect important system files, does not clog the system and verified in practice.

Hello, dear readers Habra. From this material, we begin a series of publications on how to build a VPS hosting from zero based on the RUVDS WHITE LABEL API.

In this introductory publication, we will tell you what to do first in order to start receiving the first profit as soon as possible from your own VPS hosting, how to make relatively quickly and how appropriate and profitable. If you decide to create your own VPS hosting from scratch, but you do not have your own infrastructure or there is no money and time to create it, welcome to Cat.

You need a website

To organize your own VPS service, you will first need 2 things - the site where you will offer the rental services of VPS servers and a service provider providing you with advantageous partnerships for these purposes, your infrastructure and a reliable API with wide possibilities. What is the API? This is a certain interface using which you can provide your customers with all the same servers management capabilities, which provides your service provider to your customers.

Integrate the site with your VPS -Proter via API will be much cheaper and faster than creating your cloud infrastructure from scratch, since in this case "takes on a lot of questions in this case: no need to take care of the availability of a sufficient number of resources from the provider, about How to organize a wide and fault tolerant channel to access the Internet from virtual servers, how to collect and store data on the use of resources to servers and so on.

Now about the site. There may be many options here, we will list the most common:

  • you are the owner of the site, which offers related services (check / check-in domains, rent a DNS server, remote administration of servers).
  • you create your site from scratch using popular CMS and plugins to it.
  • you order a website at the web studio
  • enter your option
The first is the best option, as in order to add a new service to the lease of VPS servers, the improvements will need quite a bit: you will not have to write from scratch many things that are listed below. When creating your site from scratch, the launch time can change significantly for the worse. You will need to independently implement all the components from the list below (or use the implementations of third-party developers, pre-tested and adapting them to your project). We recommend using the third option only if you have a shortage of you need to create sites or the impossibility of making your site as you want.


What should be implemented on this site?

Registration, authentication / user authorization, password recovery, feedback form.

This is all the hosting providers without exception. Your future client is obliged to be able to register, restore the password in the event of its loss, have a personal account on the site with current information about its balance sheets, bought servers, etc. Also, he will definitely need to provide an opportunity to report on the problem in technical support. In order to avoid the mass registration of "fake" accounts, we recommend not to neglect the tools for additional protection, like capping on the forms, as well as maintain a maximum amount of available information that can help if any violations can be detected from it. In this case, there are many ready-made solutions that require small improvements. If you plan to create your CMS-based site, then the described functionality in it or some extent is implemented, or easily connected using plug-ins.

Customer Personal Management

It must be in some extent implemented, but you can do without it. This functionality is not blocking the start of your service.

Customer server management

What should be on this page of your site depends on what extent you want to use the available functionality of your service provider and what kind of server control you will provide your client. For example, you can create a selected server after making the required amount on the balance and writing request to technical support, or you can provide it with a full-fledged configurator for fine configuration of the server characteristics, as well as interfaces for changing the configuration during operation, obtaining server load statistics, Different opportunities like reinstalling OS and so on. The speed of launching your VPS hosting in the dependence of the selected option will differ significantly. We will consider this question in more detail in the following articles from this cycle.

Ability to use a test period

Obviously, for the initial promotion of your new VPS hosting service, you need to realize the possibility of using the test period. This is necessary in order for your client to decide how the price of the VPS rental price is consistent with the quality of your services. What should be considered when implementing? First of all, you need to choose the number of days. You should not make a test serviod too long - customers will be recorded on your service that simply want to get a free server for a certain period, and after the test period is completed, they will register a new account and try to use the test period again. In order to in some extent to protect you from such customers, you need to learn them to identify. This is especially important at the initial stage of the development of your service, as because of each such client, you will not have a potential profit. It should also be borne in mind that the long test period will be not too profitable to you, since on your partner account, to which all the servers you create created are tested, there is no test period.


And how will customers replenish the balance and buy servers? Of course, we will need another very important component, it is billing. What are we turning on the concept of "billing"? Of course, it includes creating / editing current tariffs, interfaces for receiving customer payments, internal payment processing mechanisms, creation of shares / discounts, monitoring tools.

To the implementation of your own or integration into your project of a third-party billing costs especially responsibly, because from the performance of this component directly depends on the possibility of buying a VPS server on your site (read your first money). To quickly start taking money from the most popular payment systems, we recommend that you use payment aggregators. Why? First, integrate with one aggregator is much faster and easier than with each of the payment systems provided to it. This is due to the fact that each payment system has its own interaction protocol to correctly implement and unify working with it within your system, which is extremely laborious. Secondly, you have one intrinfeas, providing most of the necessary functionality to work with customer payments - is a personal account of the aggregator. Of course, for all this will have to pay an additional commission, but in our opinion, this solution is optimal when creating your VPS service.

Of course, before integration with the payment aggregator, your site must meet certain requirements. As an example, you can cite the requirements for PayMaster's payment aggregator:

  • the site must be fully filled with information, function;
  • the site should consist of more than one page;
  • on the site should be placed information about the products and services sold, as well as the value of these goods and services;
  • the site should not be posted on a free hosting;
  • goods and services offered on the site should not contradict the current legislation of the Russian Federation and international law;

Also, it is worth paying attention to the fact that the list of payment systems is usually significantly wider if you enter into an agreement as a legal entity. In some cases, the connection of certain payment systems can take a sufficiently long time, since your site must meet the requirements of each payment system provided by the aggregator, and the verification procedure is performed on the side of the payment system.

Financial aspect

We approached one of the most important aspects (if not the most important) - financial. Working with your VPS service provider must be beneficial. Let's consider why to organize a lease service of the VPS servers by choosing the service provider RUVDS is beneficial.

Take the most popular VPS configurations based on the Windows Server 2012 R2 operating system and give some data that we received when analyzing the VPS services market in Russia as of February 2016:







Number of processors












Disc, GB, HDD






Number of IPv4 addresses






Current price configuration

When paying for the month

300 p.

600 p.

1400 p.

2980 r.

5720 p.

When paying for the year

2880 p.

5760 r.

13440 p.

28608 p.

54912 p.

In order to evaluate your potential earnings, give winnings at the price of the configurations before the average competitors price:

Also, do not forget that we have the cost of paying the commission for the transfer and conclusion of payment systems.

The current discount on the creation of servers using the API is 10% .
How to evaluate potential earnings from one server to a given configuration purchased for a month? You can use the following formula:
Earnings \u003d Tech. Price ruvds * 10% + Difference with averaged configuration - expenses for the payment of commissions.

An example of calculation for configuration 3:

Earnings \u003d 1400 * 0.1 + 794 (rounded to a smaller side) -240 \u003d 694 rubles.

It is earnings from one server. When you buy your clients with 25-30 servers of such a configuration, you go out in the amount of earnings already in 20 thousand rubles per month.

In the following articles, we will tell in detail about the possibilities of RUVDS White Label API, we will discuss how to choose optimal tariffs for your VPS hosting and under what conditions can be earned.

Some time ago, an idea appeared to test the prospects for developing a site on ASP.NET, oriented to work surrounded by Linux. However, the fact that the site will work surrounded by the host with Linux, it was decided immediately, it remained only to decide on the programming language: ASP.NET 2 in conjunction with Mono power, or PHP. Variants with testing of various VPS, even if the hosting providers provided for a short time disappeared immediately, because If the experimental success is sooner or later, in any case, a local VPS server would be required.

Virtual machine to create a home virtual server has become the VirtualBox program - from those considerations that the virtual machine may be needed at just once, commercial options were not considered immediately, and among free programs - only this is enough to configure and fully maintain the guest operating systems of the family Linux. Also, as a result of the analysis of VPS offers on the Internet, several most common and compatible with Mono operating systems were determined from the hosting providers preceded.

So, the tools used:

Install VirtualBox, Run and create a virtual machine of the desired configuration. When creating a virtual machine, I left all the recommended settings except for the available amount of memory - it was reduced to 128 MB, and the size of the virtual hard disk is increased to 4 GB. Run the virtual machine and mount the image with the Debian 5 operating system.

After downloading in the Installation menu, select Installbecause Graphic installation to us for nothing. Choose the setting language, I recommend English (if you are not friends with English at all, then Russian), then choose the location other => Europe => Russian Federation, and the keyboard layout for entering, here I strongly advise you to choose English for the United States. During installation, it is proposed to enter the name of the machine for the network, I entered the MYVPS, and the domain name in which this computer includes (here you can not enter anything). The following is offered a selection of the time zone, and the method of marking a hard disk. I chose the method offered by default, in general, for me it was not particularly important. We agree with the proposal of recording changes to the disk and confirm its markup. We are waiting for the end of the installation of the system ...

During the installation, a password for the administrator, user login and its password are requested. Next, it is proposed to select the address of the nearest repository and proxy options to access the Internet. If you do not use the proxy server to enter nothing. Now the installation program connects to the repository you selected, requests information about the available software and download the packages you need to continue. After that, the system kernel will be configured and the selection menu of the installed software will appear. Remove the mark from the point Desktop Environment (I don't need the desktop on the VPS), we definitely leave the mark at the point Standard System, the remaining items choose at will. Upon completion of the installation, the question will be asked: is it possible to put the GRUB operating system loader as the main, choose Yes. After that, it will be prompted to pull the disk and reboot. Unmount the disk image and click Continue. To restart the virtual machine. Congratulations! On this installation OS is completed.

So, the virtual machine is rebooted. It is proposed to enter login. We enter the root, then the password will be requested, introduce it. Now you need to install SSH. To do this we enter the command

APT-Get Install SSH

The program will analyze dependencies and request confirmation for downloading and installing the package. ssh. and those packages from which it depends.

After installation, turn off the virtual machine. So, as the operating system is used by a single user, we enter the command for this.

Now you need to configure our virtual machine to access SSH, as well as configure access to the future web server of 80 ports. This can be done in two ways.

    Close all VirtualBox windows. Go to folder C: \\ Users \\% UserName% \\. VirtualBox \\ Machines on windows 7 and vista or folder C: \\ Documents and Settings \\% UserName% \\. VirtualBox \\ MachinesIf you have Windows XP.

    Open the folder of the virtual machine you created, find the file in it with the name of your virtual machine. In my case it is MyVPS.xml. Open it and add to the section Extradata. The following rows

    Close VirtualBox. Open console. If you have Windows go to the folder C: \\ Program Files \\ Sun \\ VirtualBox. Enter the following commands in the console

    VboxManage SetExtraData "% Mashine_name%" "VboxInternal / Devices / PCnet / 0 / Lun # 0 / Config / Apache / Guestport" 80
    VboxManage SetExtraData "% Mashine_name%" "VboxInternal / Devices / PCnet / 0 / Lun # 0 / Config / Apache / Hostport" 80
    VboxManage SetExtraData "% Mashine_name%" "VboxInternal / Devices / PCnet / 0 / Lun # 0 / Config / Apache / Protocol" TCP
    VboxManage SetExtraData "% Mashine_name%" "VboxInternal / Devices / PCnet / 0 / Lun # 0 / Config / SSH / Guestport" 22
    Vboxmanage setExtraData "% Mashine_name%" "VboxInternal / Devices / PCnet / 0 / LUN # 0 / Config / SSH / Hostport" 2222
    VboxManage SetExtraData "% Mashine_name%" "VboxInternal / Devices / PCnet / 0 / Lun # 0 / config / ssh / protocol" TCP

    where% Mashine_name% The name of your virtual machine.

Run VirtualBox and turn on the virtual machine. If an error about the impossibility of inclusion is now issued, close everything and again perform the configuration of the virtual machine. Probably, you were allowed when entering commands. If you have changed the settings in the XML file, check the added entries for errors, if in the console - enter commands again.

After starting the virtual machine, run the PUTTY program if you are in Windows, in the HOST field localhost., in the PORT field we put the value 2222 . Press Open.We agree to accept the SSL key. If you are in Linux, enter

SSH -L% User_Name% -P2222 Localhost

Enter login (in Putty) and password.

To manage the file system, you can use the WinSCP program. It will be necessary to enter localhost., PORT value to set equal 2222 , enter login and password.

The server in the minimum configuration is ready. Now you can install Apache, Nginx, MySQL, etc. Please note that the web server should work with 80 port. If you want to use any other port, change the virtual machine settings using the VBoxManage program.