How to edit joomla template. Change of appearance

Changing and editing a template like changing and editing a regular document. The difference consists only that it is necessary to open a template, not a document. The difference is small, but essential because the pattern is still not a document.

  1. Select Team File\u003e Create.

The area of \u200b\u200btasks will appear on the screen. Creating a document.

  1. Select a template from the list or click on the link On my computerTo open a template from a hard disk.

In fact, you do not open the template, but create on it new document. You do not use the template itself, but by reference to it.

  1. Make changes.

The template is edited in the same way as any other document. Do not forget only that you are dealing with a template, and not with a "real" document. All styles or text changes will cause a change in the template, and then they will be saved on the disk as the same pattern.

  1. Save the edited template by selecting the command. File\u003e Save as.
  2. Assign a new name template, and leave the source template unchanged.
  3. Choose in the drop-down list File type value Document template.
  4. Click on the button Save.


The changes made by you in the template will not affect documents created using this template before. However, they will affect the documents you create after changing the template.

Mystery of storage of file templates on hard disk

It is often easier to change the existing template, as described in this chapter than finding the necessary [template on the hard disk of your computer. Do not think that I am exaggerating, but the places in which Word saves the templates of documents, not to be found at all. The location of the templates is not a secret, but the place itself is chosen, to put it mildly, unsuccessful. In Windows XP, the Documents and Settings folder is used as a repository of all user data. In this folder you will find the Application Data folder in which many applications save data specific to users. Templates should be first follow: Find the Microsoft folder, and in it folder Templates. I doubt that without assistance Susanin could find this place.

From the author: Greetings to you dear readers. Template in the control system content Joomla, Plays a very important role, as it determines the design and structure of the user part of the site. But for a beginner developer, a rather ordinary process of replacing the template may be a serious test, so in this article I would like to show you how to change joomla template.

What is a template?

The template for the Joomla content management system is an extension that defines the execution of the CMS user part of the CMS. Of course, there are patterns that are intended for the admin panel, but they are used much less frequently. At the same time, you must understand that the template generates the basic structure and sets the position to display the modules. That is, how the site cap is formed, as and how much, the side sidebars will be created, as a foothold is formed, where the main content will be displayed, etc. And the contents of the site, that is, its content (for example, materials), is formed directly in the components, along with the design. Thus, it would seem that some part is not controlled by a template and can be displayed in several other form than the entire site. But in the template, for those elements, the design of which is formed separately, redefinitions are provided. That is, in the template you can override the design and design of the elements that are formed in the joomla extensions. But, of course, if the expansion data supports such an opportunity.

At this time, a huge number of templates are created under various versions of CMS Joomla, which are distributed both free and paid ones. And accordingly, web developers can find a suitable template for their website, and at the same time the question arises - how to change the template in Joomla? The answer to which I will give below.

How to change the jumla pattern?

First of all, let's install a new template in the Joomla content management system, and then figure it out with a question about replacement. So, go to the administrator panel, then the extension manager.

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Select the archive with the template you want to install and click on the "Download and Install" link.

After the installation is completed, go to the template manager (extensions -\u003e template manager).

Template manager is a special section of the Joomla admin panel, which allows you to manage CMS templates. At the same time, this manager allows not only to assign a template that will be used to design a user part, or the admin panel, and configure each of the templates for your own needs, of course, if the template supports settings. To configure templates, you must click on its title.

Now, we directly go to the answer to the question - how to change the jumla pattern? So, in the templates manager, opposite the header of each set templateThe button is displayed using which can be assigned a certain template as a default template for the corresponding CMS partition. That is, this is a regular switch using which we specify a new template, and accordingly the previous one - deactivate.

In this article we will look at how to edit the appearance of the template Joomla.

Any person who creates the site wants to make your site unique, well, or at least not like others.

Now almost all templates for Joomla are publicly available, download and install them on the site can each.

Let's analyze the modifications of the standard template Beez5.

Change the rear background of the template (background)

I use browser Chrome., Press F12 or click the right mouse button in the desired place and click "View the Item Code".

As can be seen in the figure, the tag is responsible for the background of the template. body. with style background..

In styles indicated color background #Eee. And the background picture (path to it). It is these parameters that give us the background of the site.

To change them, you just need to replace these parameters (specify a new color and path to a new picture).

All changes are made in the file, which is specified in the developer panel, here it beez5.css.After a colon, a string is specified in which you want to change the parameter, we have a 19 string.

You can see the path to the file if you visit the cursor.

Change site logo

Change the logo is very easy and there are several ways for this.

Method 1:

Just as in the first way, we carry the cursor to the logo, click the right mouse button and press the view code of the item. All we need to know is the address (path) to the logo. Now make your logo, give him the same name (fruits.gif) And just replace the old logo on it.

Method 2:

This method is the easiest, but it is not found in all templates. We go to: Template Manager - Beez5 - Indicate the logo.

Method 3:

We do the same, just replace the wrong file, but the path to the logo. As can be seen in the picture, the picture is inserted through hTML., not through cSS.. Therefore, you need to change the source code of the template. It's easy to: Template Manager - Beez5 - Change Template main page. Looking for a line C.

And change the path to the logo to the desired one. In this template, the path is registered on php.Since there is option number 2. Therefore, it is better to take advantage of version number 1 or number 2.

Change the width of the template and blocks

We find the main block - div. As can be seen in the picture, it

It is he who is responsible for the width of the site. We look at the parameters of CSS - styles, find widths indicate the desired width. After that go to the file position.css., in 33 row we write the parameter and save the file.

In the same way, separate blocks are edited. We find the block, look and change the style.

Changing the color of the text and links

All this is done the same. Click the right mouse button on the text and press the view of the element code. We will show us a block and block style responsible for text parameters. The color of the text and links is set to the Color parameter.

All files can be edited via type editors. notePad ++. or through the standard "editor" Joomla.

Template manager - desired template. Here you are issued a list of files (index.php, page template 404, print page template, styles.).

That's all.

Your opinion is important to us. Write your comments.

Each Word document is associated with some template. If you use a custom template for the current document, but forgot what it is that Word allows it very easy to find out. And also you can easily change the template associated with the current document.

Comment: Illustrations for this article are taken from Word 2013.

To determine or change the template associated with the current document, you will need a tab. Developer (Developer). Turn on the display of this tab on the tape and open it.

In chapter Templates (Templates) Press Document template (Document Template).

A dialog box opens Templates and add-ons (Templates and Add-Ins). In field Document template (Document Template) recorded the name of the template (or path to the template file) associated with the current document. To change the template, click Join (Attach).

In the dialog box Attaching template ATTACH TEMPLATE) automatically open the folder selected by default for custom templates. Select a template in this folder or go to another location to select another template. Then click Open (Open).

Now in the field Document template (Document Template) is shown the full path to the template file. If you want the styles of the document to be automatically updated, when you close this dialog box, check the parameter Automatically update styles Automatically Update Document Styles). Click OKTo save the changes and close the dialog box.

The contents of the document will change in accordance with the new template. Styles, customizable toolbars, macros (if a custom template was created and saved with extension .dotm) Stored in the template are now available in your current document.

Comment: Attaching the template to the document does not add text or pictures from this template to it. This happens only when you create a new file from the template.

When you close the Word, you will most likely be shown a dialog box, as in the figure below. This is a warning that styles in a template that is associated with the document has been changed. Click Save (Save) to save changes, Do not save (DON'T SAVE) if you do not want to save changes, or Cancel (Cancel) to return to edit the document and not close Word.

Comment: Such a dialog box may appear, even when you did not make any changes in the template. If you do not want to change the template, just click Do not save (DON'T SAVE).

This procedure can be used in order to disconnect the template from the document. To do this, just attach the template to the document. Normal Instead of existing. Remember that each document should have a template associated with it.

site. It depends on what hosting it is located. Choose hosting for your personal preferences, based on the advantages and disadvantages of various hosting. Let's tell me more about how to change the template site. on the hosting UCoz.


In order to change the template site. First go to the page editor and select the "General Settings" item there. Opposite the line "Design site.»Click" Select Design "and a selection window opens. Now simply select the design that you like, install on your website and proceed to edit.

For example, change the picture of the caps site.. Graphic images that are used in design are described in Style.css Style file or HTML page template.

For pictures registered in CSS. IN top panel Select "Design", then "Design Management". Next, the window will open in the window, you are looking for a look of the #Header ('/ ee.jpg') no-repeat-height: 182px; ....), Which will be the address of the cap. Note that in different templatex Everything is different, so looking for which picture with what it relates.

For pictures prescribed in the template. The same as in the first case in the top panel, select the "design" line, then "design management", then look for a line of the species in the window that opens. Now select a picture that you like.

In order to draw a new header, remember that if it is different sizes than the original, or you want to place it elsewhere, make the necessary corrections in the template or style file. Save the header in the root directory, to do this, use the file manager, also change the address of the old picture to the new and save. In the same way, do with all the pictures of the design or create a new design for the whole page immediately and screw it to the site.

The easiest way to create a website with a template. However, the resource becomes allocate, it is necessary to change the standard design. And here without elementary knowledge of HTML and CSS can not do.


On the Internet, find the site template that you most like. Pay attention to its capabilities, the ability to adapt to the dimensions of the monitor, the features of the menu and the location of the columns. Download your favorite computer, unpack the archive. Check it with its performance, for this fill the files to the root of the site. Perhaps the template contains errors and will not be established correctly, then it makes no sense to work with him in the future.

Even if you are not going to completely redo the template, replace most of the images, and especially those are located as a logo. Replace each picture in this way:

Open the graphic file in the Photoshop program
- in the "Image" menu - "image size" look at its parameters
- Open a new sheet with exactly the same dimensions.
- Create the desired image using the application tools
- Complete all layers and save (not for the Web) a new picture under the same name and in the same folder by setting the original format.

Thus, instead of one image, another should appear.

Once change all the pictures, archive the file folder (in the case of Joomla) and download it through the site administration in the "Extensions" menu. Look, whether the topic with new illustrations is correctly displayed.

Change the remaining parameters in style.css. And this is much more convenient to do it through the admin panel, but on the computer. For the speedy view of the result of the transformation, it is reasonable to use the local host (Denver). This will avoid the need to load the result to the server each time in order to view the results after the next editing.

Download free Firebug plugin for Mozilla Firefox.. After installation, an icon of a yellow beetle will appear in the upper right corner of the browser. Click on it or press the F12 key and the page page will appear at the bottom of the screen in the folder version. It can be revealed, for this you need to bring the mouse to the plusies. And if you click on the line of the element, it will be highlighted at the top of the screen. IN right side Code window You will find styles with lines that are responsible for appearance. And immediately becomes clear where you need to edit the file with the styles to change the design.

Open Style.css in NotePad ++. You can use other programs designed to edit code, however, for this purpose, a standard "notebook" cannot be applied, otherwise there will be errors due to encoding. Using Firebug Find the necessary parametersto be changed, and at the same time rule them in NotePad ++.

Save the CSS outcomes and download the file to the server.


So, let's start a lesson: Replacing the UCOZ template. First of all, you need to go to the Site Management Panel - Settings - General Settings. In the site design line, you see the number of the installed template, it should be replaced with a new one. Replacing only the number of the template to the new one. Next, we save and see the result. If everything happened, you congratulate you, you were able to change the UCOZ template.

Helpful advice

How to change the standard template on ucoz and can it be done? Answer: Yes, standard templates can be changed. To date, there are 254,58 templates. How to change standard templates, you can read just below. For each template, 3 questions were specified: - How to change the hat? -How change pictures in blocks? - How to change the background in the template?

ATTENTION, only today!

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