Content organization in Joomla - removal and creation of articles in admin, as well as setting parameters for all materials. Content organization in Joomla - Delete and creating articles in the administrator, as well as setting parameters for all Joomla materials are cleaned

Good all day time, if you read this articleSo, you, like a variety of novice web developers, there is a completely legal issue - how to deal with double pages in Joomla.

In this article I will try to answer this question. To begin with, let's talk about what the appearance of a double pages on the site threatens, let's see ready-made solutions to the fight against doubles and finally we will analyze alternative ways to deal with duplicate pages.

Why do you want to get rid of pages double?

Not for anyone who is a secret that Joomla, like any other content management system in the process of its work creates the same pages available at different address addresses - Dupils. For visitors to your site, these very pages are harmless, they may not even guess their existence.

However, trump-minded dubs can significantly affect the site positions in search results. Why is this happening?

Let's imagine the situation - you wrote several unique materials and published on our website. Search robots of them were indexed, everything is fine, but after some time the search robot finds the duplicate of these pages. Search robot does not understand what is a double, for him it is two completely different pagesAs a result, an initially unique material is already not.

As a result of the appearance on the site a large number of identical pages (doubles), the site's position in the search for extradition can be strongly "sacrificing". That is why the doubles of the pages are to get rid of as quickly as possible.

Why do duplicas appear?

Dupils in CMS Joomla appear as a result of installing additional extensions. But this is not the only reason their education.

No less common cause of formation of pages. This is not a well-thought-out structure of the site. How can it be connected, you ask? Yes, very simple - you created several categories on the site with one parent category, these categories have placed materials. Inside the materials you make links to previously created materials and so on. For example, look at the screenshot:

If you do not create a menu for categories, the page address may turn out to:

Http: //joom4all..php? Option \u003d com_content & view \u003d article & id \u003d 38 & catid \u003d 10

The address is far from excellence and you wanted to get rid of the numbers in the address bar. To do this, you create menu items for categories and material. After that, the address turned out more attractive:

Http: // Site / Sites-Creation / Basics / Intro

And everything would be fine, but the old page addresses did not go anywhere, they remained as a double. As a result, one and the same page can have several addresses at once:

Http: // Site / 32-Sites-Creation / 10-Basics / 38-Intro http: // Site / 32-Sites-Creation / Basics / Intro http: //joom4all..php? Option \u003d com_content & view \u003d article & id \u003d 38 & catid \u003d 10.

Not a pleasant situation is not so, in addition, search robots, all these pages consider completely different.

Ways to deal with duplicate pages

Of course, it is best to avoid the appearance of the pages of pages at the initial stage - to think about the site structure in advance, create the necessary categories and menu items. But as practice is shown, not everyone does not come, and over time the question arises on how to remove duplicate from search results.

Options for dealing with dubs There are several:

  • Using special extensions
  • File robots.txt
  • Redirect 301 in HTAccess File
  • Use the webmaster panel to remove unnecessary addresses
  • Component "Redirection"

Plugin JL No Doubles to combat duplicate pages

The easiest and at the same time enough an effective way Fighting Double Page These are the use of extensions. One of these extensions is plugin jl no doubles.

The plugin is very light and does not need special settings. All that will be needed to do it download this plugin, install and enable. He will do the rest of the work independently.

The JL No Doubles plugin removes duplicate pages in more than twenty components, including in the COM_CONTENT component. You can configure the output of the 404th error either 301 redirect to the correct page of the site. The plugin settings page looks like this:

Parameters for setting the plugin only five:

  • License key - To activate the work of the plugin with the components of the K2, Virtuemart, Zoo.
  • Multiplicity of limits - Setup for categories of Joomla materials. Can you configure redirect when generating links like / advanced? Start \u003d 3. All that needs to be done is to specify the number of materials displayed in the category.
  • Use 301 redirect - You can enable the possibility of using the redirect to the correct page or (if it is set to "no") to issue a 404th error. If your site exists quite a long time and other sites refer to its pages, I recommend putting a redirect to not lose the weight of the pages.
  • Alias. - Setup that substitutes alias to the links of the type of Component / Content / Article (default home).
  • Stop words - These are rows encountered in the page address that should not be processed.

The basic settings dealt with, now let's go to the "Components" tab:

On this tab, select the components that are used on the site and are available for indexing. The default COM_CONTENT component has already been selected. Do not choose all possible components, especially if you do not use them, it will create an excessive load on your site.

Using the Robots.txt file

Whatever was a wonderful plugin to redirect pages, it will not get rid of all the doubles. In this case, you can prohibit search robots to index those or other site pages, in other words, close access to them.

We have already spoken about all the intricacies of the Robots.txt file configuration in this article. Briefly just for the closure of your part of your "eye" a robot exists a directive Disallow. .

301 redirect and htaccess file

Another common way to combat doubles is a redirect setting, in other words 301 redirect to the correct page. This can be done in the file " .htaccess. ».

You need to use the Rewriterule directive to create a redirection, but you need to make sure that the MOD_REWRITE module is connected on the hosting.

PHP on the site page, for this in the ".htaccess file" after the RewriteEngine On Directive we write the following line:

Rewriterule http: //syt/index.php$ http: // Site

In more detail, work with the ".htaccess" file we disassembled in this article.

Component "Redirection"

It is quite useful and at the same time built in Joomla 3 component, which allows you to manually configure page redirection. This component Uses the special plugin for its work, which is disabled by default.

Initially, it is necessary to turn on the plugin, the benefit of it is not necessary to search for it among others, because after switching to the "Components" page -\u003e Redirection, you will receive a message that you need to turn on the plugin and the link to its activation.

After the plugin is enabled, you can create a redirect specifying the initial (old) and the final (new) page address:

This method is good if the pages are not too much.

Let's summarize

In conclusion, I want to say that at least Joomla is famous for the creation of pages double, there are quite a lot of ways to get rid of them. Which of the best ways you can decide for yourself, but I can say that a comprehensive approach to solving this problem will be preferable. And start standing with proper approach to the creation of the structure of the site.

In addition, it is worth thinking about how to get rid of index.php in the site address line, it will also help reduce the number of pages.

Hello dear readers! As in any case, the time of the guidance of order comes. Today I will deal with the cleaning of the basket on Joomla 3. And also wonder how to remove unnecessary extensions, from the site operating on the Joomla 3 engine.

Complex in cleaning the basket, and removing unnecessary extensions, nothing. But, at the novice user Joomla 3, it can really have difficulty. Creating your first site, also asked this question. And today I will try to explain how it can be clearer to you. So let's go up!

Cleaning basket in Joomla 3

To clean the basket, you need First, fill it out. For example, I will delete the material, and then I can clean and the basket itself. Similarly, categories, plugins, modules, etc.

1. To remove the material, it is necessary from the control panel, go to the materials manager.

2. Next, select the checkmark material that you want to delete. And click the button "Add to Cart". After that, the material is in the basket.

3. In order to remove this material from the basket, again, you need to go to the materials manager. And in the column "Selecting a state", choose subparagraph "in the basket". That is, being in the Material Manager, you can choose a condition.

If you choose "not published", not published materials will open before you. And if you choose the "in the basket" state, the materials located in the basket will naturally open.

4. Here it is necessary to highlight the material, and click the "Clear Basket" button.

As you can see everything, after these actions, the basket is empty. Similarly, cleaning in the manager of the modules, plugins I.T.D.

Deleting Joomla 3 extensions. If materials and categories in Joomla have to first be deleted to the basket, and then clean it. That extensions, such as modules, templates, plug-ins, can be deleted immediately. Now I will explain how to do it. And on the example, I will delete the module.

1. Go to: Extensions\u003e Extension Manager.

3. Now, select the checkmark the module you want to delete. Click to uninstall, after which happens full removal. As you can see, here, too, everything is simple.

Now you know, not only where to find and clear the basket in Joomla 3, but also how to immediately delete extensions. I hope the article was helpful, questions will arise, ask in the comments. And most importantly, do not forget to subscribe to blog updates.

The CNC command - is responsible for optimizing the redirection of URLs ("Url") of the site pages addresses for search enginesBy simply, the SEF configuration (CNC) configures links to pages to readable links, both for users and search engines. It is no secret that search engines are currently taking into account the name of the Ils in search issuance and when indexing the site pages, so many addresses are written on transliteration (transliteration), russian word - with Latin letters.

We remove the ID (numbers) from the URL of the pages in Joomla 2.5.x / 3.x.x.x

Methods for deleting ID from URL addresses Pages:
  • install Artio Joomsef or SH40SEF plugin

The first way to remove page identifiers and categories by installing special extensions is quite convenient, but has one important negative item, SEF (CNC) The components rather significantly increase the load on the server, therefore such a method is used extremely rarely and at extreme cases when without additional modules or plug-ins It is impossible to do. I.e a large number of installed plugins The Joomla platform increases the time of downloading the site, which adversely affects the relationship to the site of users and search engines (especially for Google).

The second method adds to the admin panel additional setting, Additional choice, show ID page or hide. At the same time, negative consequences are also possible in the form of an error 404 (for example with categories) and it will be necessary to make additional changes to the configuration files. But after making all changes, the site will work in normal mode and without identification numbers in reference

The third method, the most convenient and simple. Replace one configuration file to others, or register additional command Lines. The minus of the method is to automatically replace the file when updating the Joomla version, the rest of the site does not appear on the performance of the site. When updating the CMS version, remember this file (Router.php) and save it under a different name, after the update simply replace the original PHP file.

Good day Dear site visitors Site! Today we will talk about how to maximize the tracks of Joomla with your Internet project so that competitors cannot understand what CMS system is your site. These measures to hide traces of Jumla are needed so that your competitors or hackers can hack your site in order to lower your project in the results of the search for Google and Yandex. The Joomla website management system software code is open, so and hack the system is easier than any other. Therefore, we recommend that you update your Joomla sites as soon as possible as soon as updates for this CMS.

To remove all traces of Joomla engine, we will need to make the following items:

  • Remove the copyright from the joomla engine
  • We remove the possibility of displaying blocks in the template through the command http: // TP \u003d 1
  • Cleaning Meta Tags from all Joomla references
  • We carry out work on protecting Admin Panel Joomla

1. How to remove copywrites or references from a PHP script in CMS Joomla, which will score our website management system that our Internet project is running joomla system?

This measure is essentially the simplest, on each template, copywrites are removed differently from different files. Let's consider just a template, that is, we will look at how to remove the copywrit from template Joomla Premium Templates:

Enters your FTP server. and open Template / your template / index.php and find approximately the following code:

Xhtml CSS.

This code from the file you can easily delete, or in the code simply change links to your own (for example: my clear site)

2. If you enter the http http: //vash- oscil. Kg/? Tp \u003d 1 in the browser, then all available positions of modules (blocks) are displayed in the template.

To hide the display of modules, you will need to edit the following file: /Librurseys/Joomla/application/Module/helper.php

In the file looking for strings 96-103:

if (Count ($ result) \u003d\u003d 0) (
if (jrequest :: getbool ("tp")) (
$ result \u003d jmodulehelper :: getmodule ("mod _". $ position);
$ result-\u003e title \u003d $ position;
$ Result-\u003e Content \u003d $ Position;
$ Result-\u003e Position \u003d $ Position;

and we are still looking for 199-201 lines:

if (jrequest :: getbool ("tp")) (
$ ATTRIBS ["Style"]. \u003d "Outline";

Now you can remove the above code. If you need to see the location of the blocks in the future, it is better not to delete the above code, but simply to commemorate it to substitution before each beginning of the string // or / *.

3. Let's remove with you or correct the Meta Joomla tags on your site. Each site can see the source code of the page where you are at the beginning of the page and you can see all meta-data, and there will also be registered Meta-tag Joomla:

Meta Tags "Title", "Description" and "Keywords" are prescribed to the admin panel of your site in the settings.

To remove the Joomla traces mention in the Meta-Name "Generator" - you must open the following file via the FTP client: Template / My_slock / index.php and before Register a small code:

sETGENERATOR (""); ?\u003e

We prescribe the code, save and see the resulting result.

4. Now we will protect the Admin Panel Joomla from various kinds of hacking attempts, or that people simply could not get to the login and password page of your site. All webmasters who make sites on CMS Joomla know that the entrance to the administrative panel http: //

To prohibit access to the admin panel, you will need to install a free Jsecure plugin. After installing the plugin and turn it on, in the Key field it will be necessary to register any word - for example poc-Chettkij.Next, we keep the changes and try to enter the administrative part of the site. Only after the above gestimation, the address of your admin will be the next http: // Poc-Chettkij

Hello. In this article we will clean the Joomla site from the demo, cache, unnecessary plug-ins, modules, components, extensions and garbage in the basket and search results. For these works in the site administrative panel, additional extensions are not needed. All work we carry out the CMS Joomla tools.

How to Clean Demo Data

Demo data can only be on the site only in one way, when installing Joomla and that if you put a checkbox in a checkbox "Install the demo data". Establish demodata is not necessary, but if it happened to be removed. You can do this immediately or after familiarization with them. In general, demodata is needed to familiarize yourself with the device and structure of the Joomla site. They include various information, including references to third-party resources that are definitely not needed.

Demodata posted in all units of site content: in articles, sections, menus, modules. As well as in system components: banners, contacts, news ribbons, links.

Cleaning Joomla site, general principle

The general principle of data deletion is not complicated.

  • Go to the desired component or content manager;
  • Allocate checkboxes of the removable demonstration material;
  • Send them to the basket;
  • Next, filter the data on the "state selection" → "In the basket" and clean the basket.

Show examples, delete various data:

Delete the menu and delete the menu item

Clear Basket Menu

Remove material, category, selected materials

Remove banner, banner category, banner clients

Clear basket banners

Remove module

Clear basket modules

Delete users

How to clean the cache site

If you set any caching of the site data, then after changes to the site settings or add new content, you need to clean the site cache.

class \u003d "Eliadunit"\u003e

The cache site is cleaned on the tab: System → Casha Cleaning. You can clean the cache directly in the site directory. To do this, delete all files in the directory cache. Site, with the exception of the index.html file.

Note: The cache cleaning button is present on the system update page and on the Extensions Manager page → Management. True called this button "Refresh Cash".

How to remove unnecessary extensions

Unnecessary extensions are deleted on the tab Expansion Manager → Management. Allocate the extension and click the "Uninstall" button.

Note: Extensions type SYSTEBLODs from removal. They are "hanging" the castle.

How to remove traces of uninstalled extensions

After removing some extensions, they remain "traces". These can be the extension catalogs and tables in the database.

Extension catalogs are deleted by FTP connection, by the name of the extension (extension directory) from the root folder of the site and directories: components, Modules, Plugins, as well as directories Administrator / Components, Administrator / Modules, Administrator / Plugins.

How to clean the joomla garbage basket

Joomla garbage basket is not a catalog. If you place something (article, menu, category, module, link, news feed, banner, etc.) Add to cart, this is assigned to TRASH. Data on the basket can be restored (photo below). If the material is removed from the basket, "cleaning basket", it is deleted forever.

Why clean basket?

I repeat, any material material from the basket can be restored. This means that the material remains the name, Alias \u200b\u200band other parameters. Create another material with the same name (alias) will not work, as long as you do not delete the material from the basket. For example, you created a menu item: Nature, then deleted it to the basket. Then they decided to create a menu item again with the same name: it would not work, the Alias \u200b\u200bparameter is busy and to free Alias, you need to clear the Menu Cart.

Clearing search results

By default, the search component is enabled in the SSTEM and the smart seat is turned off. Collection of search results statistics is also enabled (Tab General Settings-Search). To clear the search results, log in to the Craton tab \u003e\u003e\u003e Search and the "Reset Search Results" button Clean the search.