FTP Server Installation on Windows. Create your own FTP server based on FileZilla Server

Methods for sending large files via the Internet a lot, but almost all of them with restrictions - either by the size of the file, or by volume of free space, or at racing speed.

But there is one great option - creating an FTP server. The main advantages:

  • no limit of download speed;
  • quick file sharing (no need to customize anything, download files and wait until they proceed);
  • the ability to pay any document at any time (convenient for the unstable Internet).

How to configure FTP server?

The setting is very simple. To do this, you will need a program for the FTP server (or more precisely - utility), which is called Golden FTP Server ( FREE version will be plentiful).

Downloaded the program? Installed? Now proceed to the creation. To do this, perform the following instructions:

That's all. Now you know how to make an FTP server. And you can freely exchange files with any users.

To verify that the creation of the FTP server has passed successfully, go to it via Internet Explorer.

By the way, another moment. You can simultaneously download several users who have given a download link. Of course, the speed of the jump in this case will share. But if you have 100 Mbps, then this is not a problem. Just so you are in the know.

If you do not understand how to configure the FTP server, and all this is too difficult for you, then you can try other options. Fortunately, there is at least 5 ways.

If you appeal to such items, once again remind of the essence and assignment of such servers, most likely does not make sense, but it is worth clarifying that File Transfer Protocol uses the default port 21 and can be used to view as an Internet browser So most file managers The number includes Windows Explorer.

Continuing compulsory entry, I remind you that for normal operation in local network You will need to open port 21 in the Fierwall 'E server computer (obviously on which you will be setting up), and for access from the external network, it is also necessary to defeat this port on the router. The latest reminders are needed by the happy owners of firewalls and routers. So, if you use these programs and devices, it will not be superfluous to read the instructions and configure.

Let's start with the fact that you will make sure that our operating systems can do this work at all. To do this, simply look at the assembly name and all that the HOME version is considered to be suitable for our needs.

Step one.

We find on the control panel item "Programs and Components" and in it go to the "Enable or Disable Windows Components" item

Step two

The opened menu will offer us a list of components of which we must find and enable "IIS services" and all its sublliners. It is necessary so that it is:

Click OK button and wait when Windows completes the installation.

Step Third

Now we need to directly run our server. In all the same control panels, we find the "Administration" item, and in it "IIS Service Manager"

In the window that opens in the left column, we open the tree before the Sites tab and click on this tab with the right key. Select "Add FTP Site"

Then we ask the name of the site and the directory to which the FTP protocol will physically

Next, the server start parameters are determined and the access to simplify the access is to specify the start without SSL. Do you run it when starting the system and to bind it to a specific address remains at your discretion.

On the next page We put a tick opposite the "anonymous" and "ordinary" and click ready.

On the this moment FTP - server is ready, but so that we can use them, continue the setting.

Now you will configure Windows Firewall

"Control Panel"→ « Windows Firewall»

Here we go to additional parameters.

Then you need to enable 2 rules for incoming connections.

    FTP server ( inbound traffic)

    Traffic FTP server in passive mode (incoming FTP traffic in passive mode).

For outgoing connections in the firewall, you need to enable the following rule "Traffic FTP server (FTP outgoing traffic). "

Pitch fifth

Now you need to create a user to work with the server. For which we open the system console. Press the Win + R key combination and enter in the "MMC" field

in the current console, press Ctrl + M or the "File" menu - "add or remove the snap". The menu will open in which you need to add " Local users and groups »

If you have done everything correctly, you will have a window of this type:

Now create a group for the user of our FTP server.

Press the right mouse button on the "Group" - "Create new group»

We give the "Create" command and go to the creation of the user.

Now you need to tie our user to the previously created group. To do this, go to the properties of the user to the "Group Membership" tab. There you press the "Add" and "Advance" button - "Search". Now add a group that created a couple of minutes ago.

Step Six

We need to specify the group permissions for the directory that we specified when creating a server. To do this, open its properties to the "Security" tab and click the Edit button:

Click the "Add" button and add a group that we created. We provide a group of full access, noting the appropriate tick at the bottom of the window:

Step seventh

Let's return to the FTP settings - Server

Go to "Authorization RulesFTP. "And create a permitting rule wherewe care "specified roles or groups of users" and prescribate the name of our group. We give this group the right to read and write and click OK.

Now your FTP server is configured and fully ready for operation. Do not forget to check firewall and router for open ports for the site and you can safely start work.

In continuing the topic of transmitting files via the Internet, today I will tell you about the FTP server. Although I gave my own preference, you cannot miss the FTP server, as this is a very popular way to transfer files. So, a bit of theory. What is FTP?

FTP (File Tranfser Protocol) in English Means "File Transfer Protocol" and serves to exchange files between computers via the Internet or local network. To enter the FTP server, a fairly ordinary browser or even windows Explorer. The only condition is open port 21 (Used by default, but you can replace your), that is, it must be open. So, if you have a Firewall or a router, you have to remember where you have an instruction to arouse 21 port.

So, go to the configuration of the FTP server.

1) And the first thing we need is to add components to our operating system. To do this, we go to the "Control Panel" → "Programs" → "Programs and Components" and click the left button "Enable or disable Windows Components":

2) In the list that opens, we need to include a group of "IIS service", namely: "FTP server", "Internet service" and "Website Management Tools". Must get the same way as in the screenshot:

Click OK and wait for the installation of the components. Depending on the release of your operating system, you may need a disk with the Windows installation package.

In the window that opens in the left column, we open the tree before the Sites tab and click on this tab with the right key. Select "Add FTP Site":

Specify the name of the site and the directory to which the FTP will be accessed by the Protocol:

Specify the parameters of the start of the FTP server. If you do not want the server to start automatically when the system starts, remove the checkbox. In the SSL subsection, put a point on "without SSL":

On the next page, we put a tick opposite the "anonymous" and "ordinary" and click ready:

The FTP site is created, continue the setting.

4) We go to the "Control Panel" → Group "System and Security" → "Windows Firewall" and select "Advanced Parameters" in the left column:

Go to the "Rules for incoming compounds" tab. It is necessary to find and include two points:

- FTP server (incoming traffic);
- FTP server traffic in passive mode (incoming FTP traffic in passive mode).

To do this, click the right key according to the rule and select "Enable Rule":

Then go to the "Rules for Outboard Connection" tab and turn on the FTP Server Traffic Rule (FTP Output):

If you have a Firewall or a router, you need to open port 21 (TCP) for incoming connections and port 20 (TCP) for outgoing.

5) You must create a user who will have full access to the FTP server (recording / removal). First you need to create a new group of users. Therefore, we go to the "Control Panel" → Group "System and Security" → "Administration" → "Computer Management". In the left part of the window, select the section "Local Users and Groups" → "Groups". We click on the right key on an empty place in the central part of the window and choose "Create a group ...":

We prescribe the name and description of the group and click the "Create" button:

Go to the "Users" tab and by analogy with clicking on an empty place and choose a "new user":

We prescribe the data and invent a password (at least eight characters). Also put the ticks to "prohibit the password change by the user" and the "password validity period" is not limited ":

Open the properties of the new user by clicking on it right key. Go to the "Group Membership" tab. Click the "Add" → "Advanced" → "Search" button and choose the group that we created a few minutes ago. Click OK.

Click the "Add" button and add a group that we created. We provide a group of full access, noting the appropriate tick at the bottom of the window:

Click OK to apply the changes.

Moving the "Control Panel" → Group "Network and Security" → "Administration" and open the "IIS Service Manager" → Sites and choose our website:

Select the "specified roles or groups of users" and prescribe the name of our group. We give this group the right to read and write and click OK.

We return to the site and go to "Maintaining FTP magazine".

Indicate the maximum log size or turn it off at all. We click on the right "apply":

That's all. I hope this article has been useful to you, press one of the buttons below to tell about it to friends. Also subscribe to the site updates by entering your e-mail in the field on the right.

Thanks for attention:)

In one of my materials, the possibility of using this server to implement some tasks. In this material I will try to set out the basics of configuring FTP server FileZilla under Windows. This server Relatively simple in the setup, consumes little resources, it is impaired during operation, and also has a convenient console with very informative logging. You can manage the server remotely. The basic assignment of the FTP server is to provide direct access to files and folders to users, to the server connected, it is about this that I will tell

What we need:

1. FTP FileZilla Server - Come on the link, scroll down the page down and see Filezilla Server version 0.9.41 at the time of writing this material, download
2. FTP client or any browser to verify the performance of the FTP server

# Installation

Downloaded distribution launch and start installation

1. In the first step, click I Agree
2. Next, you need to select the installation components, there is nothing complicated here, leave both or remove shortcuts, the source code does not need to install
3. Select the installation location, you can make sure the default
4. At the fourth step, you must select the servers service aperts, there are 3 options:
but. Installing a server as a service and automatic launch
b. Installing the server as a service and manual launch, when starting the system, the server will not work
in. Installing the server as a regular application and automatic launch

The selection depends on how regular and for which the server will work, if necessary permanent access In automatic imperceptible mode, then the option BUTif to solve one-time tasks, then the option B.

In addition, you must select the port by which the control panel will occur with the server, it should not be busy with other software, in most cases you can leave the default port, i.e. 14147
5. Select the server interface launch method, I recommend choosing Start Manuallybecause By and large interface will need 1 time - during initial setting And only occasionally will be necessary to make changes, so it makes no sense to keep it always running, daw leave, then the interface will be launched immediately after the installation is completed, click Install

# Setting
At the end of the installation, the server manager will be launched, the window will first appear with the proposal to configure the connection to the server, because The server is located on the same PC itself as the manager, how Server Address Leave , I also don't touch the port, it was it that was specified during installation, or change if they have changed earlier. Password leave empty, because The default it is not, you can later install it. Put a tank, connect

# Basic server configuration

In the Select menu Edit -\u003e settingsThis is the main configuration of the server, we will produce some pleasant changes. I will not dwell on all options, but I indicate only the most significant and useful for most users.

1.General settings. You can change the 21 port on any other, usually it is not necessary, but it is useful to protect your server from unnecessary encroachments, i.e. 21 The port will be unavailable and the one who is not aware may assume that there is no server. You can also specify the maximum number of simultaneously connected users, helps to reduce the load for weak machines. Below you can specify the number of processor cores that will be used by the server for the load distribution.
- IP Filter. - Filter to limit access over IP bands, in the first list, enter the address and ranges that prohibit access to the server, and in the second the addresses from the first list of ranges that exceeds will be given, i.e. Provided access
2. Miscellaneous.. IN additional settings There are some utility. The first daw (if so) allows you to hide in the server interface interface window, sent by the user, the second daw will run the application folded. The third tank will allow you to transmit files open to record, it is not recommended to do this - you can damage the files, the fourth daw
3. Logging.. Actually logging, the default is turned off, but you can turn on. The size can be limited, then to achieve the limit file will be overwritten. You can also set a log in one large file (not recommended) or create logs of days + activate the removal option after the required time interval.
4. Speed \u200b\u200bLimits.. The ability to set speed limits for download and download. You can simply make a general speed limit or add the required number of rules by day and hours. Useful to use so that the FTP server does not load the entire channel
5. Autoban.. The name speaks for itself if the user specifies not correct credentials several times in a row, then its address is blocked. The number of attempts and interval of blocking is indicated. Useful against brutal program that is carried out by banal bust, this method can be stopped

At the end of the setting, you can click OK

# Add users

Go to the menu Edit -\u003e Users. To begin with, I will describe the general procedure for adding users.
1. GENERAL. Here we create a new account. Press Add.The field of entering the username and the group selection field, in which we want to add it. If there are no groups, then it is impossible to choose it. For servers S. small quantity Accounts to create groups are not necessary, it is enough just to create several accounts and to appoint your rights to each
Then we put the check Password. and enter the password for account. Below you can set limits for the user by the number of connections and the number of connections from one IP. Zero values \u200b\u200bwill mean no restrictions

2. Shared Folders. Here for a specific user we choose the folders in which it will have access to these folders.
If there are already several users, then in the right window, choose the one who we will add rights, then press on the left Add., and select the folder on the PC if you need access to multiple folders, add more, one of the folders should be marked like Homedir, those. The folder in which the user will fall as default when connecting to the server. Sometimes it is necessary to give access to different disks PC one user, there is one nuance here - you can add how many folders within one disk, but in order to give access to another disc, you need to make an alias, i.e. The pseudonym link from the Homedir directory disk to the desired folder of another disk. To do this, create access to another folder on another disk, then press the PCM on the created folder - Edit AliasesIn the Homedir folder field, to which the user has access to + add a pseudonym virtual folder, which will send us to the other disk folder. In our case, it turns out D: / TEMP / SOFT. Now when connecting to your main folder, the user in folder temp will also see the Soft folder and can go to it, while it will be on another disk

Now about the rights to files and folders. Select the necessary user and folder, and work with dalks, depending on the necessary features.

Read. - Only reading, i.e. You can view files and folders on the server and download them.
Write. - allows you to overwrite existing files
Delete. - Delete files and folders
Append. - add new files to the server
Create. - create new folders
List - view the contents of the folders
+ Subdirs. - view all the folders that are invested in the main

If we create an anonymous user, i.e. which will be used by several users at once to get any data from the server, then we need to create a student with the name anonymous. Without a password, add it the necessary directory and appoint rights on them. Usually anonymous users need only reading (for safety purposes first), i.e. turn on for him right Read., List, + Subdirs.

3. Speed \u200b\u200bLimits & IP Filter. Here, as in the main server config, you can produce individual settings For account relative to the limitations on addresses and speeds, convenient to create exceptions from the basic rules

Save settings. If desired I. large quantities Server users can create several groups if there are differences for them for rights. To do this, go to Edit -\u003e GROUPS. The group's rights configuration does not differ from the individual user configuration, after creating a group, you can simply create a user and choose a group for it, after which he will have the rights of the group

While setting up the server is quite logical and convenient to protect access to users from it, for this you need to go to the menu Server, it will have 2 options - Active. and Lock. The first option by default is active and if you remove the checkbox, then the server will be turned off and no one can connect, at this point you can make it configuration, when you first enable the server, all settings will be applied. Activation Lock Allows you to leave the server in a working condition, but blocks it, i.e. Users will see that the server works, but they will be denied access to it.

After configuring the server, you can close the administrative panel, start it for the server not necessarily

Among the most popular programs for the organization network connections using the server in home or small corporate network - Decision FileZilla. What are the features of its configuration? What to pay attention to when exposing one or another options in the relevant program?

Installation of the program

Obviously, before considering how the necessary FileZilla is carried out to ensure Server Setup Windows 8.1 or older versions of the OS, we will study the features of the installation of the program that is discussed. Distribution available to the user must be launched, after which it is necessary to select the optimal installation mode by: Standard, full, FTP only, only an interface, selective installation.

The standard version involves the installation of the software in question, with the participation of the user in all major stages, the full option is generally similar to the first, but it also assumes copying the source code of the solution under consideration. The third scheme involves the installation of only FTP modules without interfaces for organizing access to it from the administered PC - it becomes possible in this case, for example, with remote computer. The fourth version involves, in turn, the installation of only control interfaces - as an option - to gain access to remote server. You can use the fifth option - a selective setting where different combinations of options are possible, and the user can choose optimal in terms of network operation.

In general, experts recommend choosing the first option to install the program. Then the catalog is selected in which the program needs to be installed. After that, you need to select the installation model, as well as server startup. Here are 3 options:

Install the server as a service and set it to start when the computer is loaded;

Install the server as a service and set manual launch of the program when loading a PC;

Use a simple installation when manual loading software.

In general, no problems with the functionality of the program under consideration should not appear if you use, for example, the first option. Directly launching the interface can be carried out by means of 3 mechanisms:

Directly when loading the system - for any user;

When running OS - for a specific user;

In manual mode.

It will be useful to consider the criteria for selecting a particular interface loading model.

Install FileZilla: Selecting an interface download model

This nuance of installing the software in question is primarily in terms of protecting the server management modules from unauthorized access. Of course, it can be carried out when installing Filezilla Server in which the probability of unauthorized network connections is reduced, however, an equally significant aspect of security should be considered to be the organization of access control directly to the computer on which the software under consideration is installed.

If one user is most often working on the PC, then it will probably be possible to select the first version of the interfaces. If there are several people on the computer, then the second option of downloading interfaces will be more optimal. If necessary, you can additionally enhance the security of the server by configuring manual loading interfaces.

After the software in question, will be installed on the computer, the user will need to set the optimal IP address, as well as the port that is supposed to be used when organizing access to the server. You will also need to install the program administrator password.

Basic program interfaces

The Filezilla Server solution, the setting of which is carried out in several steps, consists of 2 basic interfaces.

First, it is the actual FTP server. It functions as an independent system module and is not subject to configuration by any user interface from the PC administered. If necessary, this module can be found in the list of functioning system services through the OS control panel. Using the appropriate tool that is in Windows, the FTP server can be started or, on the contrary, stop it - for example, if the option is selected when installing its interfaces should be started manually. But, as a rule, Filezilla Server (Windows XP, Vista or more modern version OS from the point of view of the corresponding function is not too different) is launched in part of the system service under consideration automatically, directly when the computer is loaded.

Secondly, the considered by the interface in question, which is designed to manage the main modules. As soon as it starts, it is connected to modules that run server functions. In an inactive status, the program control interface window is folded into the system tray, which is located near OS clock.

Let us now consider how it is done in practice - with the use of the specified interfaces of the FileZilla Server program, the setting of the corresponding software.

Setting up Filezilla Server: What to pay attention to?

What is primarily useful will pay attention to the configuration of the program about which? In some cases, some functions related to monitoring network processes may be useful for.

For example, via the program control panel can be found in the content of network processes log. It records the actions of certain users connected to the server. IN this interface Also reflects a list of specific PCs that are connected with the server. It can thus be traced how network traffic is distributed.

Another feature of Filezilla Server is to configure the appropriate solution thanks to this function can be optimized in many cases, it is possible to use the solution interfaces from other PCs. To do this, you only need to set the correct settings in the service, which blocks the server control from third-party computers by default.

Experts do not recommend making any changes in the Security Settings options in the interfaces of the software under consideration. The fact is that when adjusting in these settings, it is possible to accidentally specify optional restrictions on incoming, as well as outgoing network connections.

Similarly, settings that will not have a special value from the point of view of the correct server configuration will be available in the Miscellaneous Options. Among those - a ban on the password show in the interfaces, the amount of data transfer buffers. Providing network functionality practically will not depend on making changes in the appropriate settings group. Also, most likely, the Kerberos GSS protocol is not required by the GSS Settings interface.

Through the Admin Interface Settings interface, the user can set the optimal IP address, as well as the port to be used to access the server control modules. It should be borne in mind that the Filezilla Server option is not related to this option. Another IP address is prescribed on the router. Creating an option about which you can configure a list of IP addresses from which computers are open access to the server.

When using the Logging option, the administrator can activate the record of various operations within network connections in separate files, as well as set the limit value of these files.

The Speed \u200b\u200bLimits option can be very useful through which the administrator can limit the file exchange rate between the server and the PCs that are connected to it. IN this case The restriction can be installed constantly, or on schedule.

Saving traffic volumes will help another remarkable option of the program under consideration - FileTransfer Compression. It is noteworthy that the corresponding function can activate the minimum or maximum degree File compression. In addition, you can fix the IP addresses, when queries from which the traffic compression will not be involved.

Key settings

Consider now in more detail how Filezilla Server is set up. Configuring a program about which is speaking, starts with the General Settings page - the software interface about which is discussed. english language. By selecting this option, the user will be able to, for example, change the standard port for connection - the default number 21 is assigned to any other.

Another option of settings - set the optimal number of users who can connect to the server on which the considered software. In addition, the corresponding interfaces allow you to determine the settings for the termination of communication with PCs that cannot correctly connect to the network.

IP settings

The next noteworthy item Filezilla Server is setting up the FTP server in terms of prescribing IP addresses. In this case, we are talking about using the IP Bindings settings. Through this option, Filezilla Server, the FTP server can be configured by prescribing IP addresses to which other computers will connect to the administered. The user can configure access to a PC server that are only within the local network, or in a certain way to expand the powers of other computers.

Creating an IP Filter setting, you can configure specific IP addresses, as well as the range of certain addresses from which it will not be connected to the server, and if necessary, to set certain exceptions.

Passive mode settings

Another remarkable option Filezilla Server is a passive mode setting. To do this, the user needs to use the Passive Mode option in the program interfaces in question. The appropriate setting generates, thus, the parameters that are needed to provide a passive connection to the administered server. It may be necessary when you make adjustments to the appropriate Parameters Filezilla Server - setting the router. TP LINK, for example, other popular router brands allow you to make the necessary parameters in the appropriate device. Of course, it is important that the router supports the Firewall and NAT function to activate many of the necessary options.

Most likely, the user will need to find out a specific IP address, which is assigned to the provider. It can be found by using the router program interfaces. This task can be successfully solved regardless of what operating system FileZilla Server is installed - setting up windows 7 In terms of gaining access to relevant addresses will be carried out in the same way as if it were, for example, Windows 8.1. In practice, you need to make adjustments to the settings of IP addresses in most cases, if there are problems with connecting one or other PCs to the server.

Safety Settings Server

Let us now study how to configure the safety of the use of server connections. We will need to optimize the corresponding FileZilla Server settings. SSL configuration. It is carried out through the SSL / TLS settings interface. In this case, you need to activate the support of the relevant protocols. As a rule, in this case, the address must be recorded in the settings. closed key, certificate, as well as password.

But it should be noted that experienced administrators involve such options in practice. In general, the SSL configuration when adjusting the parameters set by default is not required. Server security can also be enhanced by filtering unsuccessful user connections.

Setting up Accounts

The next most important group of settings under consideration is related to the registration of user accounts. In order to create a new account, you must select the Edit menu item, then select the Users option. After that, you can work with user accounts.

To add a new account, you must select Add. After it fits and, if necessary, the group to which the computer should relate. After necessary settings Will be performed, you will need to set a password for the created account. You can also activate the limit for the number of connections to the server.

Experts recommend whether to install a password for an account in the program under consideration, although, in principle, it is possible to do without it. Technologically solved this task is easy, especially, taking into account the universality of the decision Filezilla Server. Configuring Windows 7 to access the external network, for example, or setting the necessary options in Windows 8.1, is carried out according to the same algorithms.

Setting sharing folders

Another remarkable option in question general access To folders. To do this, the Share Folders module is activated. In order to select the catalogs to which access will be organized, you must click the Add button, after which it is necessary to select the desired on the disk. Also sets a list of access rights to a particular catalog. For example, you can adjust operations such as reading, writing, deleting, as well as making changes in files that are located in a particular directory.

How to ensure the connection of users with the server?

Another important task after the necessary options are set to Filezilla Server, - setting up Windows 7 or a newer OS suggests quite quickly accessing the key interfaces, can be in providing communication with the computer administered. For this you need, first of all, find out the server's IP address. To find out, it may be necessary to refer to the provider or, again, enter the router settings interface if the network administrator uses it.

Also, users will also need to pass logins and passwords to the server, as well as the port number, if it has been changed in the manner prescribed by us above.