Media server for television. Setting up Home Media Server as a DLNA server

In this article, we will look at how to install your DLNA server on Windows on the example hOME programs Media Server (HMS)

Currently, more and more often, you need to have a DLNA server in the home network, since most modern TVs do not support data transmission protocols such as SMB or NFS, and only work on DLNA.

What is DLNA?

DLNA (eng. Digital Living Network Alliance) - a set of standards allowing compatible devices to transmit and receive a different media content (images, music, video), as well as display it in real time. That is - technology for connecting home computers, mobile phones, laptops and consumer electronics into a single digital network. Devices that support the DLNA specification, at the request of the user can be configured and combined into the network in automatic mode. (Source - Wikipedia)

Installing DLNA Home Media Server (HMS)

Installing HMS is very simple, but we still tell you in detail how it happens.

First you need to download the installer. At the time of writing the article, the official site did not work. And did not work a month before, so I will give a link to download from our server below last versions HMS:

There are not a lot of settings. In this window, the directory is selected in which the Home Media Server (HMS) and "program group" program will be installed - the folder name in the "Start" menu.

After selecting the installation folder and the folder names in the Start menu, it remains only to check the "Create a program startup label on the desktop", if necessary and click the " Set«.

At the end of the installation, which takes less than a minute ( depends on your equipment), We are offered to immediately run the Home Media Server program (HMS).

This is completed on this.

Initial setting up DLNA. Home Media Server (HMS)

So, we have a freshly installed DLNA server, let's start it and see what he first suggest to set up, as well as make a couple useful settings. Let's proceed.

After the first launch of the program, we see the initial settings window.

This window offers to choose a device to be translated by media content. The list has a lot of templates.

If you did not find your or similar to your device, you can leave the standard DLNA Device, as practice has shown, it does not affect something. After selecting go further.

And then the choice of folders appears before your eyes, of which we will take media content. Folders with your media content can be selected now, but you can add them further. We will look at a little lower how to do it. After selecting folders, press the button " Ready«.

After the initial settings, we are offered to make a backup of settings, image cache, databases, customize the schedule of automatic backup. We will not stop in detail now and let's go further. To do this, press the button " Close«.

After that, the main program window appears before us. Let us go right away to several "important" settings.

On the left are the types of settings, on the right, specific settings.

Let's go right away in additional settings and set up autoload DLNA Server With the inclusion of PC.

In order to choose paragraphs 2 and 3.

Now let's go to the tab " Server"And we write the name of our DLNA server. How we will see it online.

After changing the name, you need to add folders with media content (if you did not make it in the "primary configuration or decided to add more folders. Here everything is simple. Press the button" Add"(2) And choose the folder you want to add. After that, it is necessary " Scan"(3) so that the files from the folder / folder are in the server.

If you do everything right, then your files should appear on the right side (as in the screenshot is highlighted in yellow).

If you have your files there, then we have left quite a bit. Run and use. Here everything is very simple - press the button " Run«.

If you are included " Windows Firewall"The system will ask you, whether to resolve access to the network. Choose in which allow access and click " Allow access«.


More recently, to combine all digital devices and gadgets (smartphones, tablets) in one large media network, it was almost impossible, since their device did not allow connecting to local network. With the development of the mobile market, there was a need and the possibility of creating large multimedia servers at home. Consider more detailed what the DLNA server is and the ways to configure it on Windows 7 and Windows 8.

What is DLNA?

DLNA is a special set of instructions (protocol), which will allow you to view the media content located on the main server, using various devices located on the same network. For example, a new film located on a computer can be found on the TV (only if there is an appropriate smart functions TV), on tablet, telephone or other gadget.

Why do you need a media server?

The placement of such systems of the house, allows you to significantly save memory on all devices, create a single media library and organize all files so that they can be easily found. Another significant advantage of the DLNA is a large channel width, which will allow you to watch the same films in a full full HD or UHD quality, without waiting for the moment when the file is loaded. You will say that in the video in this resolution you can watch online. Yes it is so, but the video that is on the Internet passes additional compression And the quality is significantly lost. This is one of the few advantages that you can evaluate yourself after taking such a system at home.

What is needed to configure the server at home?

To configure such DLNA servers you need:

  • all necessary devices combined into a single network (no wired or wireless network is important);
  • personal computer with operating windows system 7, Windows 8 or Windows 8.1 (note that the 7 version of Windows must be no less than "home extended");
  • a little patience and minimal knowledge about the devices that will be connected (for example, new and old SMART TV TVs have small differences in setting up and connecting to networks).

Step-by-step instructions for setting up for Windows built-in means:

To create a server DLNA, you must perform the following:

  1. So, we go to the computer control panel and looking for the item "Network and Internet";
  2. We are looking for a "home group" and select subparagraph "Selecting a home group parameters and data access":
  3. Next, we need to combine all devices connected to the network in home group. Such an association is necessary in order for all groups of the group to access data that are located on the main carrier (server). Therefore, in the next window, choose "Create a home group":
  4. At the next stage, select the types of files (libraries) to which will be provided network access and click the "Next" button:
  5. After these operations, a window appears in which the setup program will display the automatically generated password. It will need to write it, since all the devices, when connecting to the DLNA, the server on Windows will request this key.
  6. Next, the settings window will pop up in which once again check the "shared" folders and mark the item allocated in the picture. Here you can change the password to a more memorable, leave the home group or, using the system, check the availability of errors in connections:
  7. After the required item, go to subparagraph "Select the multimedia streaming parameters." In the "Multimedia Library" field, we enter the name of your DLNA server, and all devices that are displayed in the list are "allowed":

    ATTENTION! Allow access, only to those devices that belong to you so that your files do not get in other people's hands!
  8. Save all settings. On this, the DNLA server configuration on your Windows 7 is over, it remains only to connect all the necessary devices and enjoy the media content.

Setting up DLNA using third-party programs

Above, we looked at the configuration method, through the utility built in Windows 7, but to create a DLNA on Windows 7 (8) can also be used third-party programs. One of these programs is called "home media server".

If you want to create on the basis of a TV and a computer home network entertainment that will provide all the possibilities for reproducing content of various format, you should be interested to know how to configure homemade media server. Let's study how to install the program for creating a server, and then see what options it provides users.

Computer connection and TV

Before you start installing a home media server, you must resolve the issue with the computer connection to the TV. It is better to carry out a wire connection of devices using the LAN cable and router. Of course you can use wireless connectionHowever, then you become addicted to the power of the antenna and the presence / absence of obstacles.

To avoid possible problems With playback of films in Full HD format, it is better to use the LAN cable, carefully paving it between the computer, the router and TV.

The router naturally needs to be configured to enter the network, otherwise there will be no media server. If you dealt with the question of how to configure the Internet on Windows 7, you can go directly to the installation and configuration of the program.

Program installation

Download the program distribution to proceed to its installation. Download better from the official site, as the current and verified version of the utility is posted here. You can select two types of boot - as a * .exe file or in the archive format. There is no difference between them, so choose your taste.

The installation process itself is extremely simple: you only need to specify the directory in which the executive files of the application will be stored, and decide whether to create a shortcut program on the desktop.

After assigning the installation parameters, click the Install button. Wait until the installation is completed to start setting up the program.

Setting up the program

When you first start the program should appear with initial settingsWhere you need to choose your media device.
Depending on the type of equipment you specified in the "Built-in Support" field, it will be displayed through the comma list of supported formats.

If your TV can play some formats that are not in the "Built-in Support" field, then check the "Arbitrary Device" item. Write manually supported by your equipment formats and click "Next" to go to the next settings window.

In the "Media Resource Catalogs" window, you need to be made visible for your device ("split") catalogs or local and network discs. Default open standard foldersbut to not be confused with them, it is better to allow access to local disks. To perform this procedure, tick the discs you want to make accessible through the media server, and click the Scan button.

You can also manually add directories or external media. To do this, click the "Add" button, select the directory you need and run the scanning process.

After scanning local and removable disks in the program interface, you can see a complete list of audio, video and photos stored on your computer.

Remember that the more multimedia information program will have to check, the longer it will be run, so do not overdo it with the number of "shared" directories.

Next setting item - Parameters reserve copy. You can specify your storage path backupused to restore the program data, or leave everything as it is.

After clicking the "Run" button, the backup process will start. You can specify what parameters you need to save in the backup file, marking them with checklocks. After the data reduction procedure is completed, click the Close button.

Launch Server

After configuring all important parameters, you can switch directly to the server DLNA on the computer. To do this, click on the "Run" button - a message appears on the screen that the start has passed successfully.

Running the server, you need to turn on the TV. If the connection is set correctly, it will appear on the Playback Device tab in the program. If the list is empty, update it with special buttons On the panel on the right.

Test the server by running the files from the computer on the TV screen:

If the "Home Media Server" program is configured correctly, you will appear on the TV screen from the computer. But opening media files from the computer is not always convenient, so you need to learn how to further run them directly on the TV.

So that the program does not interfere with you on the computer, close it by clicking on the Red Cross. The work of the home server will not be completed, since the application does not turn off completely, but only comes to the system tray.

View files on TV

After setting up the server on the computer, you can go to the TV and try to open the "shared" folders through it. On the different models TV connection to the created server is performed in its own way. For example, LG devices have a built-in Smart Share application.

Select the created home server as a source. If there is no such item in the list, update the source list.

Do not forget to configure the firewall, temporarily turning it off; Otherwise, the firewall will block the TV attempts to connect to the home server.

After selecting the signal source, you will see the folder directory, among which will be "shared" on the computer catalogs. You can run the available files and watch them on your TV screen.


The Home Media Server provides users with several interesting features that allow you to expand the functionality of a regular TV to the level of the present home entertainment center.

Interactive television

To enjoy all the advantages of interactive broadcasting, you can customize Rostelecom television. But there is another option to do without the conclusion of an additional contract with the provider - Download Playlist interactive television And run it through a homemade media server.

To work IPTV, you must install the VLC Player program. The installation of this application will not cause care of even a novice user, since the convenient installation wizard makes everything automatically - only press the "Next" button remains.

The next step is to restart the homemade media server, which is performed by pressing a special button on top panel programs.

After that, you can go to the TV and select the Internet Television folder in the media server directory. If you downloaded the working playlist and installed it correctly, you will see a list of channels represented in it.

Of course, this is not the most convenient version of the playback of interactive television, especially if the user has a Smart TV or the IPTV function from the provider is configured. However, if nothing but the home server is not, then the use of the Home Media Server program can be called the most adequate solution.

If your TV does not support Smart TV, but you want to have the opportunity to watch online broadcasts, you can delegate some of the "smart television" functions of the Home Media Server program using installed podcasts.

Podcasts B. this case - These are files that allow you to directly run online cinema on your TV. For example, on the forum of the official website of the "Home Media Server" application, it is fashionable to download a podcast for playing and controlling video files from social network In contact with.

Load the desired podcast on your computer and throw it into the main program window, as you did with the playlist file of interactive television.

Expand the "Podcasts" section and select the online broadcast you downloaded. Click on it right-click and select "Update".

Wait until the update process is completed and go to the TV. Find the "Podcasts" folder and select inside it loaded through the media server application.

Local mediarser came out of fashion. Microsoft no longer releases Windows Home Server and finishes support for Windows Media Center. However, for those who want to create a home server and broadcast multimedia to all their devices, there are still excellent software solutions.

Of course, you can simply connect the computer to the TV, but with the help of special solutions, access to multimedia files is possible from any device. There are applications for telecommissions, smartphones, tablets and web interfaces for the rest. You can even connect from anywhere in the world via the Internet.

With you - media collecting

Organize your own media server using good free softwareBut of course, for the success of this venture you should have a decent collection of own media files. Own server - A great solution for those who have a big selection of video (including from DVDs) and music (including CDs): You can enjoy watching and listening on any devices, independent of Netflix and Spotify services. You can even watch photos - perfect if you have a big photo glare.

Plex or Media Browser: Choice for you

Two most, perhaps, popular solutions for creating their own media server is and. Both work on one principle and provide for the installation of the server program to a computer, a laptop, a NAS-drive or a special home server. You can still try (in the past XBMC), but this decision is more complicated and works a little different.

And Plex, and Media Browser offer server programs for Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, BSD and a variety of NAS servers. To create your own media server you can use normal computer, separate server or a ready-made NAS-drive with server software support.

Plex has client applications for Roku, Amazon Fire TV, Xbox and Playstation, as well as Chromecast support. In addition, you can connect to the server using mobile applications for iOS, Android, Windows Phone And Windows 8. There is a web interface and a Plex functional application for a PC that is useful when the computer is connected to the TV.

Media Browser also has customers for Roku and some other telecases, as well as Chromecast support. Provided mobile applications For iOS, Android, Windows Phone and Windows 8, and from the computer you can connect to the server via the web interface.

Both solutions are very similar on functionality, but Plex selection of client applications is much wider (there is support for PlayStation, Xbox and Fire TV). However, it has to pay for it: the Plex application for iOS costs $ 5, and the Plex Pass subscription for $ 5 per month is required to install applications on Xbox and PlayStation.

Media Browser and related client applications are completely free - no subscription feenor built-in purchases in applications. But Media Browser has no support for PlayStation or Xbox even for an additional fee. We will have to choose what is more important - saving or multifunctionality. And even better try both to determine the choice.

Put the server, applications - and start using

The installation takes a few minutes, regardless of the selected solution. Install Plex or Media Browser to the future server and specify the address of the folder with multimedia files in the settings. If desired, you can start account (Such an opportunity is in Plex, and in Media Browser) - then it will be easier to enter client applications and connect to the server remotely via the Internet.

After setting up the server, install the application on the TV shows, the smartphone, the tablet - and connect to your media collecting. Everything is very easy here. And if you have Chromecast, do not even need to put special application Plex or Media Browser on the TV is enough to install the application on your smartphone and with it to broadcast multimedia directly to Chromecast.

Of course, to use all these opportunities, you need the server itself on which the file collection will be stored. If the collection is not required 24-hour availability, you can put the server program to your regular computer or laptop and use media files only when it is enabled.

And you can highlight a separate server to this, which will work constantly and will even connect to the collection remotely via the Internet. Not necessarily use for this full powerful computer - the weak compact NAS-drive with great hard disk For storing media files.

  • DLNA - what and who needs
  • Media server Windows DLNA,
  • Short Overview of DLNA Server Programs
  • Home Media Server - the best among equal, or user headache
  • Configuring server part
  • Alternative and development

DLNA (Digital Living Network Alliance) - A set of technology to display in real time different kind of media content devices combined in one local network. Initially, developed this standardAnd also merged into a group to create devices compatible with this technology, several companies (Sony, Intel, Microsoft, Samsung Nokia, Matsushita, Philips, Hewlett-Packard). On the this moment Manufacturers producing compatible equipment are more than 200.

home Media Server Setup

In simple language, it is stationary computer, laptop, tablet, smartphone, televisions and other smart techniques, to view photos and video files, listening to musical compositions. The media content becomes common to each device on the local network. All gadgets must be in the same IP network and connect each other or wired (Ethernet) or wireless (Wi-Fi) in the manner.

How to set up DLNA

All devices with DLNA support are conditionally divided into two types: servers and media players. The first, mostly stored and provide other access to content. The second most part only reproduces the files you need. For example: in personal Computer There are photos, it can store them and reproduce both on its monitor and on the screen combined into a network of television, tablet, telephone.

The separation conditional is because now very many mobile electronics can be both stored and display content. For example, smartphones with special special softwareCompletely can play the role of the server.
This technology is very useful to users with large quantity Smart devices at home, as it allows you to store multimedia content in one place, and not in the memory of each device. Very relevant "chip" for significantly deprived memory of mobile devices.

Windows and DLNA

IN operating system From Microsoft, this technology appeared starting with the 7 version. However, it is harnessed so deeply that the ordinary user find it and set it up quite difficult. In Windows 8, it was possible to use to play video files, on the devices connected to the local network.

It is done by pressing the right button on the file and selecting the item to transfer to ...

But before that, you still need to configure the home media server. In the "Control Panel" we find the "Home Group" item, in the window that appears, select "Create a home group". Next, we will be offered to choose which type of file access to the home group.

In the next window, we need the item "Allow all devices in this network, such as TV and game consoles, reproduce general contents", after clicking on which you want to come up with the name of the media server and enter it into the proposed window.

This configuration is almost completed and you can already play permitted files. dLNA devices on the computer. To do this, in each of them there are certain items (Allshare, Smartshare ...).

Description How to use them is present in the instructions for use.
Use the built-in software for simply and equipment resources it consumes less. However, there is a high probability that the format of different kinds of multimedia files may not be understood by the player, since Windows transmits them as it is. For solving this problem, third-party programs were created.

Review of DLNA Server Programs

From set dLNA Media Server Several programs are allocated. All of them are free, but for some board provide additional functions. All others are either highly specialty, or simply provide transfer information to the local network and are add-on on Windows server. Below the listed programs create a homemade non-Windows DLNA server.

Codi. - The project has grown out of XMBS. Thanks to its cross-platform, it works on Windows, IOS, Linux, Android.

It is a huge "mediacombine" which can be found on the network, recode, download, reproduce a huge number of formats. For this, we really appreciate users of TV consoles.

Very bulky homemade media server initially the adjustment of which is complex, it has a minimal number of add-ons. For different functions, different elements are downloaded and installed. In this regard, it is quite difficult to configure, but has large support and Russian-language too.

Plex - Another multiplatform home media server. It has high-quality localization and a huge number of opportunities. But therefore consumes a lot of system resources and use it usually for individual devices used as multimedia consoles.

HMS - A program with a huge number of functions is absolutely free. The main difference is the transcoding of files on the fly for playing even outdated devices. Works only in windows Environment, consumes significantly less resources, in connection with this can be installed on the usual home computer. Configuring this program and Consider below.

HMS server part (homemade media server)

The program interface is simple and configuring the first launch occurs in several clicks. Before you configure the TV, to begin with the "Setup" icon, add the folders that can view the connected devices on the Media Resources tab. Adding is by clicking on "+" in the right-hand side. For each folder, you can select the type of files, which further helps with their search. \u003d\u003e

On the next tab of the "Devices" add devices to which access to files is allowed. It is very convenient to choose a type of gadget from a variety of presets at the top of the window. There is a large number of game consoles, TVs from various manufacturers, smartphones and routers. As a result, the settings will change to each selected device. If you put a "tick" in the add device item automatically, the program itself will determine the type of device and adapt to it.

In the "Server" tab, we only need to enter a name for the created server. The rest can be left blank, unless of course at home are not multiple networks and connections.
The "Transcoder" item allows you to configure data transcoding, so that any connected device reproduced the data regardless of whether it supports them or not. Customized HMS in real time processes the file to the format supported for the TV.

The remaining tabs will allow you to more subtly configure the program that most users will not need to be at the initial stage. Therefore, we close the settings and click the "Run" button at the top of the window. After that, the media server will start scanning open folders to access and create file lists that will see the connected DLNA device.

In the main window of the program, you can also choose the resource you need and through the menu by right-click it on the player inside the network. It is very convenient and you do not need to look for the data by the DLNA device.
The program has a big user support. The official forum is thoroughly dealing with problems in working with various devices, which helps to configure any technique.

Setting up client device

The process of setting up the equipment to play multimedia files, differs from each devices and is usually indicated in the instructions for use. The same item on any device is the selection of the server whose name we came up with configuration. And the request to connect to the network, the positive response to which you only need to be done, in the future the server will be permitted permitted.


Recently, high-speed development occurs cloud technology. Devices that have access to the Internet is becoming more and more. And to store data on physical media is no longer so relevant. Of course, a collection of films in several hundred copies, hard to fit in any cloud Service. And to increase the volume of dedicated space will have to pay. At the same time required unlimited Internet Channel at high speed.

Media resources are stored in the "cloud", and access to it is provided to any device connected to the account. The advantage is that there is no need for the server part of the DLNA as a separate device. Speaking easier, no longer needed working hDD with large number of files. There is no access to files not only within the radius of the work of the home LAN, but also throughout the territory where there is access to the Internet.

With the development of Internet technologies, home DLNA Server, DLNA is inferior to the "cloud" data storage, leaving the first opportunity to exist in apartments that are not aspiring to modern technologies users.