How to change the standard icon of any Windows folder. Best dialer for Android

IN latest version Microsoft's operating system has done a lot to improve external view Windows 7. However, everything, even the best, gradually annoying and users begin to look for the opportunity to change the usual work environment. Banal change of wallpaper desktop at the expense does not go - today we will talk about a deeper change of "windows".

Topics and styles

The program does not require installation, but it is necessary to start it on behalf of the administrator ( Right click - Run on behalf of the administrator). After that, the utility will automatically prompt your system by making an affordable installation of various designs. Then you must specify the path to necessary files From the theme you downloaded and click on the Install Theme button. The topic will appear on the right in the list of installed topics. Now it is enough to choose the desired version of the design and click Apply Theme.To change the appearance of your system.

Start button

To change the appearance of the Start button, use the program Windows 7 Start Button Changer. Included with the utility goes ten options for designing the Start button. After selecting the appropriate option, there will be a restart of the conductor and you will see the updated Start button.

Software icons

Change icons installed applications can I. standard means Windows - choosing the desired picture in the file properties. But for all installed programs to do it for quite a long time, so it is better to use the application 7Conifierwhich not only allows one to change the set of many icons alone, but also contains some pleasant to theme.

You can easily switch between sets of icons in the program interface, as well as restore the default set, if you follow the program to the program and made backup When you first start. With 7Conifier, it is possible to create your sets of icons.

Well, as a result, after applying all of the above programs, your system will acquire perfectly the new kind. For example, such.

Some of the mains google features Android OS is the possibility of free user personalization. More in any mobile platform of our days can not be so changed the interface as in Android. For changes, only some skills for working with the system and desire will be required. If you are new to Android - this instruction will allow you to master the foundations of changing the appearance of Android.

Android Customization Methods

Sometimes the installation of a custom visual installation, also called Lancher or Launcher (from the English Launcher), is not difficult. And sometimes to change standard interface The entire system is entirely, you have to resort to root (admin. Rights), that is, you can replace and delete any wallpaper, icons and default images. Do not like what the settings look like because of the icons? It is not scary, they can be easily cut if the device is quite popular and has custom firmware.

Before you start

Any changes in appearance and original android settings lead to change of performance. Things such as built-in live wallpaper, watches, weather widgets and others will be very negatively affected by the speed of Android as a whole and the battery consumption. It depends on the number of additional features and animation, so be careful, choosing a visual shell. Think several times before installing live wallpaper, widgets and so on. More beautiful and cooler visual effects On living wallpapers, the more they "eaten" the resources of the smartphone and spend the battery charge.

Also do not forget that free Apps This plan is often coming complete with obsessive advertising. This is inevitable evil, as the developers need to live on something. However, it is quite possible to get rid of it, taking advantage of our instruction.

Change the background on Android

Change the background image is very simple. Enough through the Lancher menu or a long tap on the display, open the context menu, select the picture pre-installed wallpaper on the default wallpaper or use your own photos or pictures from the gallery.

In addition, you can use free programs - online or offline-catalogs of wallpapers, specially optimized by form factor / image volume under mobile devices. It is also recommended to use the following applications:

In some of them, in addition to ordinary static wallpapers, there are also live wallpapers, android games and ringtones.

Put live wallpapers for android

Live wallpaper is the most beautiful way to change the appearance of your Android smartphone. On our site there is quite extensive live Wallpaper Catalog for Android.

  • Material Design perfectly suitable for stylization under the clean version of Android.
  • Circulux LWP will like the lover of round forms.
  • Sky Islands LWP will make a meditative smartphone background, offering to admire soaring in the clouds of the islands.
  • Weatherback Weather Wallpaper offers live, right on the desktop, watch the weather outside the window.
  • Awesome-Land Live Wallpaper HD will enjoy lovers of wildlife.

How to install live wallpapers for Android for different versions OS and Launchers read link.

Configure the lock screen

The lock screen is also an important part interface. And it is not only possible, but also need to be configured to make the empty space as an informative and useful. To do this, there are a lot of software that allows you to display a huge number of useful things on the shield of the locked device - from the show of the news feed using Simple RSS, to an unlimited number of informative widgets when using the Extended Controls application.

Change android icons

A set of application icons that customize all icons on the desktop and in the menu to a single visual style can be a great way to transform the smartphone interface. For example, you can use these:

  • Rondo converts icons of more than 3500 applications into a stylish analogue of Material Design, and at the same time will offer background wallpapers.
  • Tay will add 1,800 applications Shaded volumetric iconscombined with dark themes.
  • MIUI 5, as follows from the name, converts icons to similar to those used in the membrane from Xiaomi.
  • Soul contains 2300 icons and perfectly suit lovers to combine bright colors with a dark framing.

At the same time, in contrast to the full-fledged launchers, even the largest package of icons for programs will not use large number system resources.

Installing Widgets on Android Desktop

5) Deep interface change

Now the rest android interface or decoration themes. To complete the graphical interface, you will need a custom firmware, rOOT rights And a pre-installed program shift program (it can be both in the Application section and in the main settings).

SAMSUNG interface is in great demand, the original interfaceMiui.and Touchwizthat will not be difficult to find. They are not in the Android store, but these topics are on most popular devices. They are spoken by quite experienced users.

This question is too wide to cover it within this article. In addition, the firmware methods depend on the device. Popular firmware and shells you can find on Internet forums regarding your device.


Any changes in the appearance of "Stock" and the original Android settings lead to a change in performance. Things such as built-in live wallpaper, watches, weather widgets and others will be very negatively affected by the speed of Android as a whole and the battery consumption. It depends on the number of additional features and animation, so be careful, choosing a visual shell, and think several times before installing live wallpapers, widgets, etc. The more beautiful and cooler visual effects on live wallpapers, the more they "eaten" the smartphone resources and spend the battery charge.

The exceptions make up living wallpaper without animation, which simply change the daily static background (I use it), for example

Windows has the opportunity to change standard icon Folders on any other. It happens conveniently when folders are much and you need to highlight some for a faster visual search, or if old icons are already tired. Some applications like to change the icons on the folders in which they are installed. Information on how to change the icon is not some secret, someone even straightened entire multi-scale programs for this, with some of them even paid. And here you are my instructions for beginners and advanced users.

I'll start with the illustrated instructions for the smallest. Choose B. Windows Explorer the desired folder, Press on it right-click, select "Properties" item in the menu, and find the "Settings" tab in the Properties window.

Click the "Change icon ..." button. By default, the list of icons from system File shell32.dll. You can search the icon there, but the choice is not the biggest, and the icons are ugly, many have not changed since the days of Windows 95. Therefore, it is better to look for free or car sets of beautiful icons on the Internet and choose something from them. In addition to graphic files icons, you can choose any executable file and then select any icon that is stored in it.

Save the changes. The folder icon will immediately change to the selected one. It will be displayed in the conductor in the list of folders, in the address bar when opening the folder and in the status bar when the folder is selected.

And on the General tab, the name folder can be changed in the properties window. There will be no folder on the disk and will change and will be called as before, but in the conductor will be displayed as you called it.

As you can see, nothing complicated. Next will be technical informationSo the beginners can be stopped at this.

Now a little about how the system changes the icons. When you select the icon icon, the file is created in the target folder (or updated) file desktop.ini.. It usually has the attributes "hidden" and "system", so it is necessary to turn on its display. hidden files. If you open the file to edit in some notepad, then the following is found inside:


If, in addition to the icon, the folder name was changed, then another line will be added to the description file:

IconResource \u003d C: \\ Windows \\ System32 \\ shell32.dll, 115
LocalizedResourceName \u003d Cartoons for large and small

Activate the mind. If a system folder creates this file to change the folder icon, then what prevents us from the Create the same file yourself, but with the values \u200b\u200byou need? That's right, nothing bothers. Open notepad, write there as follows:

IconResource \u003d icon.ico, 0
LocalizedResourceName \u003d here was Vasya

And save to a file named desktop.ini.. We transfer a freshly-free file to the folder you need, we put the file icon.ico. With our own icon. And here we are waiting for a bummer. Neither the icon nor the folder name has changed. Well, maybe it's in the file attributes (if you remember, the original desktop.ini files were they "system" and "hidden")?

Install the attributes "hidden" and "system"

Not there was something. Instead of our icons, we continue to observe the National Indian Wisen "Figvam". What is the matter? It turns out that in order for the system to start processing the desktop.ini descript files in the folders, the folders themselves must have an installed read-only attribute, and the aspect file attributes do not matter at all. Install the read-only attribute to the folder.

Install the read-only attribute

Now the full order, the icon changed to our description, too.

Finally, a few more features that need to be taken into account when manually forming the descriptor files. If the file with the icon is in the same folder as desktop.ini, then the absolute path to it in the parameter IconResource. It is not necessary to prescribe, just specify the file name. Otherwise it is necessary to prescribe the full path. Text description in the parameter LocalizedResourcename. Must be recorded in the Windows-1251 encoding.

Although modern smartphones long ago ceased to be simple phonesIn terms of functionality, it is significantly approaching some laptop models, however the ability to carry out voice calls is still a priority. To ensure the interaction of the owner with the receiving and transmitting device of the gadget, a special software module is the so-called dialer, or, in a simple, dialer.

On the one hand, this is a regular application with a graphical interface, through which a set of desired number is carried out, and on the other - a special interpreter that transforms the user-dialing numbers and characters in the modem control command. In general, the "Android" dialer from "Google", from the point of view of the principle of operation, is completely identical to solutions used in devices from other manufacturers (the same Apple).

Modular principle

As mentioned earlier, the dialer is a conventional program operating in one way or another operating system. Due to this, it can be easily replaced by alternative. True, this is true only with respect to Android.

Apple's iOS operating system is closed, so any changes / modifications of software modules are carried out only by official updatesprovided by the company itself. But the replacement of the standard dialer in Android, by the use of even a newbie user. Perhaps the main difficulty with which you have to face is an abundance of proposals. It is important to understand that the overwhelming majority of third-party dialer are, in fact, are an add-in over a basic software solution. That is, they are changing only by user interactions, and the command converter to control the receiving-transmitting unit remains the same. Due to this, 100% compatibility is achieved and, as a result, the absence of any problems. Thus, the replacement of the dialer on the "Android" is to install the desired software solution From a third-party developer, with the preservation of the base dialer. It is impossible to make a mistake and somehow disrupt the functioning of the gadget.

The best dialer for Android

Users "with experience" know how sometimes it is hard to stop their choice on a particular program. The reason for this lies at all in the overestimated requirements, but in the abundance of decisions.

For example, the user can like the call interface in one of the diagnoses, but the way to work with the contacts implemented in it is inferior to the convenience of some other one. How not to remember the famous film, in which the protagonist choosing a robe, looking for "the same, but with pearl buttons." Thus, it is possible to approve with full right that the best dialer for Android, alas, does not exist. Each person has its own opinion about convenience, its interface requirements. Next, as an example, we will look at some popular applications of this class.

Select source

Thus, if the smartphone owner for any reason decides to replace the replaced by the manufacturer, the first one, with which it is necessary to determine, to choose where the corresponding software modules will be made. IN currently Their two are the official source submitted by the Google shop to which everyone has access to PlayMarket, as well as many third-party resources on the network.

The advantage of the first is the guarantee of the absence of viruses in applications, which is provided by the company "Google", as well as simplicity of selection and installation. It is enough just to dial the words: "The application" Ring "for Android". Deciding to take advantage of the second option, the owner of the smartphone may even find those programs that apply on a fee basis, which for many is undoubtedly an advantage, although not entirely legal. True, in this case, the question arises about how to replace the dialer on Android. In this case, the user must find a resource on the network, download from there to the gadget desired APK file and install it. Since by default, such installation is prohibited, you need to pre-activate it. In the popular version of "Android 5.1.1" for this, it is necessary to proceed to the main menu, choose the Safety section there and find the item "Unknown Sources".

Here you need to translate the switch to the "Allowed" position and confirm your choice. After these steps, the installation of the downloaded APK file will be allowed. Thus, in how to replace the standard dialer on Android, there is nothing complicated. This is a regular program designed to work under the management of the "Google" system.

Selection of the program

In order for a third-party ring for "Android" correctly speaking in the system, after installation, it is necessary to activate it. To do this, click on the image of the handset, as with the usual call. Depending on the installation method ("Market" or third-party sources), it may be necessary to choose the desired list of installed dialers in the displayed list, additionally, noting or ignoring the item responsible for its continuous use. If this menu does not appear, then the dialer for Android must be called manually, by starting installed program through the corresponding label. Subsequently, you can simply replace the main start icon to immediately turn on the desired dealer.

True Phone program

Perhaps this diagnosis for Android with full right can be called one of the best, if only because her discussions occupy hundreds of pages. It is worth noting high speed Work, small smartphone resource consumption, the ability to work with the contact book, correct processing of requests on devices with 2 or more SIM cards, etc. After starting, the user sees the call list on the screen. If you spend on any of them to the left (perform a swipe), the window will open for the SMS set, and if right, then the call menu. This principle It is very convenient, as it makes it easy to control the interface with one hand. If the firmware does not provide a mechanism that allows you to ignore unwanted calls, then in True Phone there is a built-in "black list". Sometimes this opportunity is in demand. The disadvantage of this Daler is one - the need to be written off with the developer 7 days after the start of use (perhaps for payment). If this is not done, then the unobtrusive advertising links will be shown, which can be easily close immediately. Absolutely unobtrusive, so virtually true phone is free. Support is carried out in full, as well as the release of new versions.

Miniature Dialer

No less interesting is another project, with a memorable name Pixel Phone. The principle of interaction is almost completely similar to the TRUE Phone considered earlier. The difference lies in a more convenient display, which allows you to immediately see the number of calls, their date and direction. It is also worth noting the support of plug-in software modules that expand basic opportunities. Whoever seriously thought about how to change the dialer on Android, and decided to stay on Pixel Phone, you need to remember that in this case You need to pay the application or stop using them after 7 days. Find somewhere free options New versions will not work.

Apple Lavra

Not all owners of devices working on "Android" voluntarily buy them. Sometimes a person is simply not enough to acquire fashionable iPhones that are much more expensive. However, one is positive Parties Systems from "Google" is the openness and possibility of flexible setting, which makes it easy to modify graphic interface, turning it into a copy of iOS. In particular, the iPhone radeller for Android can be easily found and installed in the system. There are many similar proposals. Thus, lovers of the interface from "EPL" are worth trying Hi Contacts, iOS 7 Dialer or search in the Espier project modules, which is just created for the shell substitution.

Summing up

Perhaps, only the lazy smartphone owner on "Android" did not try to install third-party dialors. Still, the basic functionality implemented in the "native" dialer cannot be considered a riding perfection and requires refinement. Continue to enjoy them, not surviving about the board, advertising or possible problems With compatibility, or choose something more convenient to choose the user itself.