The most important part of a computer. Computer device

For a successful online business, two conditions are necessary, a computer and the Internet. To successfully work on a computer, you need to have an idea about the main elements of the computer and their interaction with each other.

Basic elements of a computer these are the system unit, keyboard, monitor, mouse, audio speakers and other parts. Regarding the monitor, speakers, keyboard and computer mouse, I think and so everything is clear. Let's talk about the system unit.

System unit is the main part of the PC. We can say that this is a computer. The remaining elements of the computer are mainly designed to deliver data to the user and manage this data. For example, when connecting a more modern monitor, keyboard and mouse to the system unit, it will be more convenient for the user to watch movies, edit text and participate in games, while the functionality of the PC will remain the same. All actions, the data of which we see on the screen, first take place in the system unit. The functionality of the PC is precisely their consequence.

Basic elements of a computer

  • frame,
  • motherboard,
  • processor ,
  • cooler,
  • RAM,
  • HDD,
  • graphics card,
  • power unit
  • DVD drive

Frame- this is, as it were, the external skeleton of a computer, everything is attached to it important details system block, it is the case that we most often call the system unit.

Motherboard(motherboard) - the main microcircuit of the computer. The main elements of the computer are connected to it. There are also USB and other connectors where the main elements of the computer are connected (shown in the figure). The main task of the motherboard is to combine these nodes into an integral organism - a computer. When opening the cover of the system unit, our gaze first falls on it.

Central processing unit, CPU (CPU) the brain of a computer (seen in the figure). The processor carries out all the instructions of a person and under his leadership are other elements of the computer. From the speed of its work comes the speed of other elements of the computer. It processes the incoming data. The most popular processor manufacturers are Intel and AMD. Central processors have the following differences among themselves: - model and frequency. It is attached to the motherboard using a special connector called the central connector - socket.

Cooler (fan)- installed directly on the processor, which is attached to the motherboard. Its main function is to cool the processor. Coolers are classified according to their physical characteristics: many of them have a copper base, an aluminum base, an aluminum copper base, and heat pipes. The cooler looks like a heatsink and a fan for cooling the processor. The processor needs cooling, otherwise it will overheat and crash the computer. If the temperature threshold for heating the processor is exceeded, the PC will simply turn off, so the cooler is simply necessary for the normal operation of the computer. The PC will not be able to work until the processor temperature drops to normal. The processor can also overheat if the cooler heatsink becomes clogged with dust. To prevent this from happening, you need to clean the cooler's radiator with a conventional vacuum cleaner or compressor, blowing out rather than blowing in air. Dust removal should preferably be done every 4-6 months.

RAM - RAM- board for temporary storage of information, which is necessary for the CPU to perform specified operations. When these tasks are completed (for example, the application is turned off), the information from the RAM is erased. When we start new data, the information that the CPU needs at the given time goes to the RAM from the HDD. Information goes to RAM many times faster than it goes to hard drive. This property helps the CPU to manage the necessary data at a tremendous speed, almost instantly.

It comes in several types. DDR III RAM is considered one of the most modern and fastest, DDR II is a little slower. DDR II retains a fairly high rating and popularity. In addition, the speed of the PC depends on the amount of RAM. To perform many tasks, the CPU often does not have enough memory from the RAM and it takes some of this memory from local disk(this is called the swap file, or stop file). Given that the data in the hard drive is much slower than the data from the RAM, the PC will start to work slowly. For more functional operation, RAM boards are installed in pairs, or two pairs (depending on the type motherboard), preferably from the same manufacturer. This is done to get two channel mode. As mentioned in the previous article, a 64-bit system requires at least 4 GB of RAM.

Hard Disk (HDD)- refers to the main elements computer. It plays an important role in storing and remembering information. It contains all the operating system data (various videos, SOFT, pictures, etc.). Hard drives differ from each other in capacity. Larger hard drives can store large quantity information. The most common hard disks 500 GB, 1 TB and 2 TB. The amount of information that can be stored in this disk directly depends on its volume. HDDs in most cases are connected to the motherboard using SATA interface and IDE. For some hard drives establish additional coolers(with strong overheating).

Video card (graphic adapter, video adapter)- an element of a computer that is responsible for the speed at which video data is processed. Video cards are currently paired with motherboard using the PCI-Express connector, which is located on this motherboard. Thanks to this, we can immediately use from 2 to 4 video cards. Which improves PC graphics.

Most motherboards have an integrated graphics card. Its functions are quite enough for work in the office, you can play simple games and watch movies with it. For complex 3D games with complex graphics and professional work with Photoshop, you need a separate video card.

Power Supply- Needed for the operation of all parts of the computer. Different power supplies have different capacities. More powerful ones are connected to more computer elements.

In addition, the motherboard has a built-in LAN card, as well as a built-in sound card. It also contains optical connectors and connectors for other computer elements. Connect a CD to the optical connectors and DVD drives. To expand the capabilities of a PC, PCI connectors are made universal so that various computer elements can be connected to them (for example, a tuner, adapter, sound card And so on).

Here is a summary of the basic elements of a computer to help novice users get an idea of ​​a PC and how it works.

Among other things, if you are interested in building a computer with your own hands, you can study the video course on this topic. It's pretty convenient! I myself often study various courses, including PC building courses. Of the courses presented in Runet, I would recommend the course of Maxim Negodov "Assembling a computer from A to Z".

AT this course the author examines in some detail all the stages of assembling a computer, from A to Z. After studying the course, you will be able to assemble a PC yourself according to the main elements, and do it exactly the way you want, and not the way the seller in the store will offer you.

You can also inspect and repair your computer on your own. You will no longer need to call the master and extra costs, which in our time plays no small role! More information on the Maxim website. Just click on the image to visit his website!

Friends, I suggest you install not normal disk HDD, but on an SSD solid state drive, as I did. You can buy it on Aliexpress. Disks on the page from 120 to 960 GB, i.e., actually 1TB. You can buy from the link.... Judging by the description, the disc is suitable for both Computers and (laptops).

From the screenshot you can see the volumes of the disks. If you need to install the system exactly, it is enough to purchase a disk with a capacity of 120 GB. If, however, as a full-fledged hard drive, then, at your discretion, from 480 to 960 GB. Why do I recommend installing Windows on a solid state hard drive? Your system will boot in seconds! If you purchase a 1TB disk, all your programs will fly!

In general, you can choose the one you like SSD drive on page... For those who don't know what it is SSD drive, I advise you to read my article " What is an SSD drive».

Also, in this store you can buy a decent link video.... Good luck!

The rapid development and improvement of personal computers (PC) is in leaps and bounds. Even 3-5 years ago, we did not suspect that there could be other computers besides desktop PCs and laptops. Still the same 5-7 years ago it was much more profitable to change the configuration of your PC (add RAM, change the video card and hard) rather than buying a new one. Look now, every electronics store offers such a variety of personal computers and their types that sometimes you forget why you came. Tablet PCs and all-in-ones are almost as good as, and in some cases even better than, bulky desktops.

However, desktop PCs seem to hold their seemingly shaky positions for a long time, so this article will focus on them. Let's look at the main functional blocks of a desktop-type personal computer. "Why do we need this?" - you ask. Yes, at least for general development, you never know what can happen to your personal electronic assistant. At least in order not to overpay a lot of money to dishonest computer repairmen, who, seeing your lack of education in this matter, can break such a price for repairs that it won’t seem enough.

Parts of a desktop computer

So, let's begin. A modern PC consists of the following functional units. Let us first consider the filling of the system unit - that metal or plastic box that you usually have under the table and in which the vast majority of the computer's functional devices are assembled.

  • system board or motherboard. This is the basis of the entire system. It is the system board that performs the switching of almost all other functional modules. Motherboards differ in appearance from each other, but in general they look like a large platform on which a bunch of various blocks and individual parts are located.
  • Microprocessor is the brain of a computer. It is he who performs the basic computational operations, and performs the specified sequences of program algorithms. Modern microprocessors contain millions of transistors, diodes, capacitors, and other electronic components inside. Having opened the cover of the system unit, we ourselves CPU we won’t see, but only its “refrigerator” (metal finned radiator) and cooler (fan).

  • RAM is also located on the motherboard in the so-called slots (connectors). These are several (rarely one) strips (flat electrical boards). Even judging by the name, it can be determined that it serves to quickly provide storage space during the operation of the microprocessor.

  • - this is also memory, but it is much larger in capacity than operational memory and is used to permanently store data even when the computer is turned off. It looks like a small metal box connected via cables to the motherboard (system) board.

  • video card(video adapter) is used to convert a data array into a video signal and transfer it to a video monitor (display). Also, the video card helps the microprocessor process video data when running programs or capturing video from external source signal.
  • Optical CD drive, card reader, floppy disk drive c - these are devices that allow you to exchange data with external portable devices for storing information.

Here, in principle, are all the main components of the desktop personal computer. Monitor, speakers, keyboard and mouse, I think everyone knows and visually represent. What they are for, too, no need to explain. Yes, and if you still have this high-tech miracle broken, then computer repair can be done in two ways: on your own and with the help of qualified specialists. In the first case, it is cheaper, but also more dangerous - you can break something that still somehow worked. The second method is more expensive, but more reliable. The main thing is to understand a little about the components of the PC and not let yourself hang "noodles on your ears."

What do you, dear reader, know about the computer? Of course, the completeness and depth of your answer will depend on many factors. Some of you will unwittingly turn to superficial knowledge from the school curriculum obtained in computer science lessons. And it is unlikely that the average user thought about what is hidden under the protective cover of the system unit. As a rule, the knowledge of a housewife is based on a visual understanding of the subject of our discussion: an iron or plastic box, a monitor, a keyboard and a mouse. And we should agree with this, since the objectivity of such an opinion really characterizes the PC standard configuration in outline. However, the components of a computer are something more than the simplicity and limitations of the visible body parts of the system unit and some connected to it. Reading promises to be fascinating, and the material of the article is guaranteed to become the starting point for your curiosity.

The main components of a computer: about what a housewife sees

As much as we would not like it, we simply cannot do without computer terminology. So be prepared to get familiar with some specialized words. By the way, this will save you a lot of time in the future. Now let's jump straight into the fascinating theory and consider the basic configuration of a desktop PC as an introductory list.

  • The system unit is the body that contains the hardware of the computer.
  • Monitor - a device for displaying graphical and symbolic information.
  • The keyboard is a keyboard instrument for controlling a computer, through which data and commands are entered.
  • A mouse is a manual manipulator that converts mechanical movements into a control signal.

Design features of computing devices

The mentioned components of the computer are integral elements of desktop modifications. Laptops, tablets and handheld electronic devices are of the portable type. computer science. Such devices have a compact body. All the basic hardware components are combined into a single device, resulting in the maximum practicality of the device. An indisputable advantage laptop computers is operational autonomy and mobility in use. There is another type computer technology- monoblocks. This type of computing device is a cross between desktop and mobile systems. Borrowed from laptops, the miniaturization of the hardware and the stationary "attachment" to the workplace of traditional PCs isolate this species technology into a separately presented type of computing devices.

Inside the protective case are located what is ultimately the PC hardware configuration. The main part of the computer is considered to be the motherboard of the device, since given element is a kind of backbone of the electronic system, on which, in addition to the required components - the central processor and RAM strips - additional expansion modules can be installed. A special place in the system unit is reserved for the storage device - the hard drive. Computer components such as the cooling system and power supply are also located inside the PC case. However, portable devices receive power from external power supply devices. As a rule, a personal computer is equipped with an optical drive for reading and writing data. The main interface panel is displayed outside.

Important parts of the computer: the processor is the "heart" of the PC

This chip performs the function of a computing center. Without cpu computer just won't work. CPU power is characterized by clock frequency, which is measured in MHz. At the same time, the final indicator of processor performance depends on the level of applied technology. When performing multi-threaded operations (the work of two or more simultaneously used applications), CPUs with a multi-core architecture have an unconditional advantage. This technical part of the computer - the processor - consists of the core and its associated components: the input / output bus and the address bus. The speed of data processing between the specified CPU components is expressed in terms of bit depth. The higher the mentioned indicator, the larger the CPU bus.

RAM: fast CPU helper

This is a volatile component of the system, which is a kind of intermediary between the central processor and the hard drive. However, data exchange can also occur directly between the CPU and RAM of the computer. The RAM module is installed in a special bank slot on the motherboard. From the amount of RAM, which is measured in units of information (MB), as well as throughput system bus device, depends on the speed of the OS. To date, there are several types of such memory:

  • The obsolete type of RAM is SIMM and DIMM.
  • The most common are DDR, DDR2, DDR3.
  • A new type of RAM is DDR4.

As you understand, the components of a computer must correspond to someone common standard. When purchasing an additional one, you need to know exactly what type of RAM your motherboard supports.

Hard disk: "iron" memory

Unlike RAM, recorded on HDD data can be stored for a long time. The operation of the hard drive is based on the principle of changing the magnetic field near the recording head. Storage device of this type is a mechanical device, the efficiency of which depends on its inherent characteristics:

  • Nominal capacity is the amount of data that can be stored on the HDD.
  • Random access time - performing a positioning operation on an arbitrary section of disk space.
  • The speed of rotation of the central spindle - the parameter is measured by the number of revolutions per minute.
  • Buffer size - intermediate memory, which is calculated in MB.
  • Data transfer rate - the ability of a device to read a certain amount of information per second. Sequential access to a certain (meaning external and internal zones) disk part of a personal computer is taken into account.

Upgrading a PC, a compact computing device and service equipment is often associated with an increase in performance operating system. And recently appeared solid state drives as well as possible can solve the speed problems of any computer technology. However, the relatively small amount of disk space at the high price of an SSD device is, to put it mildly, an unacceptable solution for many users.

Video card: visual representation

What parts of a computer are responsible for graphics? The answer to this question is quite simple. First of all - this is a video card, then - the central processor, and only after that - the RAM of the PC. It is worth noting that graphics adapters are discrete and integrated. Therefore, it is necessary to consider in more detail the issue of the difference of this kind of equipment.

Integrated graphics chip on the motherboard

As a rule, computers of the lower price category are equipped with integrated video controllers. As you understand, such chips do not have special performance. However, to solve office tasks, view multimedia material, and even launch a non-resource-intensive game application this option is quite acceptable. Please note: the video adapter built into the chipset cannot physically be considered a separate package item.

Discrete video card type

To date, this is the most effective method raise graphics capabilities PC. This graphics module is inserted into a special PCI expansion slot on the motherboard. Through the interface connector, which is located on the video card itself and brought out of the system unit, a monitor is connected. The amount of video memory and throughput its tires, as well as the core clock, texture fill rate and pixel fill rate are the main indicators of the graphics performance of the specified PC component. Now, if someone asks you: “List the components of a computer,” you should consider that, unlike an integrated graphics chip, this is a separately presented module.

PC configuration: expansion of functionality and modernization

After you have learned or refreshed the previously received information about what is inside the PC system unit, let's touch on the question of how it is related to the topic of the presented article.

So, additional parts of a computer are not only peripheral devices: printers, scanners, web cameras, etc., connected to any interface connector or connected via wireless technology with a PC, but also some components of the system, which are commonly called basic. For example, a user can always add operational resources to his computer by installing in free bank slots system board additional RAM modules. Avid gamers often put two powerful graphics cards on their computers. Audio capabilities can be greatly expanded by connecting a fancy sound adapter. Network and DVB cards, various readers and TV tuners, as well as a lot of other equipment - all this can become elements of modernization, that is, a PC upgrade. The only limitation for the flight of user's imagination may be the insufficient level of manufacturability of the motherboard.

Before I finish

Now you will not be taken by surprise if you are asked: "List the components of a computer." Nevertheless, for the completeness of knowledge about the PC device, there is still something to understand. Indeed, in the previous paragraphs, only casual mention was made of communication capabilities computer. Meanwhile, the PC motherboard is equipped with various interface connectors, among which the main ones can be distinguished:

  • PS / 2 - for connecting a mouse and keyboard.
  • USB is a universal port for connecting with peripheral devices.
  • VGA is a monitor connector.
  • RJ45 - for connecting a network connector.

Today, the modern one is equipped with various wireless modules. Developers endow the PC with new communication properties. Manufacturers are introducing revolutionary technologies that seemed fantastic yesterday. Electronics is rapidly expanding the boundaries of its influence. However, the process of human thinking will always be the basis for computer technology. Because no one and nothing in the world can think the way a person thinks.

Technical epilogue

You can safely assume that now you know what the parts of a computer are called. However, the information presented is only a drop from the ocean of information on the topic, since to talk about the device of a computer in general terms means to say nothing! Therefore, as mentioned earlier, it is necessary to show curiosity and approach the issue of studying the computer device more seriously. Rest assured, such knowledge will make you much richer. After all, the computer is the future!

The composition and structure of the personal computer.

SYSTEM UNIT a personal computer consists of a motherboard measuring 212/300 mm and located at the very bottom, a speaker, a fan, a power supply, and two disk drives. One drive provides input-output information from a hard drive, the other from floppy disks.

MOTHERBOARD is the central part of the computer and is composed of several dozens of integrated circuits for various purposes. The microprocessor is made in the form of one large integrated circuit. There is a slot for an additional micro Intel processor 8087 - Perform a floating point operation. If you need to improve the performance of your computer, you can place it in this slot. There are several modules of permanent and random access memory. Depending on the model, from 5 to 8 slots are provided, where boards of various adapters are inserted.

Adapter - This is a device that provides communication between the central part of the computer and a specific external device, for example, between RAM and a printer or hard drive. The board also installs several modules that perform secondary functions when working with a computer. There are switches that are necessary to ensure the operation of the computer with the selected composition of external devices (computer configuration).


Every computer has a keyboard. With its help, information is entered into the computer or commands are given to the computer. The great-grandmother of the computer keyboard was the typewriter. From her, the keyboard inherited keys with letters and numbers.
But a computer can do more things than a typewriter, and therefore its keyboard has many more keys. Different keys serve different purposes. For example, an ordinary typewriter does not have keys for erasing what is written, but a keyboard does. Such a typewriter cannot insert a new word between two others, but a computer can, and there is also a special key for this.
When we play computer games, we most often use the arrow keys. They are also called "cursor keys". Using these keys, you can control how the hero of the game runs around the screen. Very often in games, the Ctrl and Alt keys are used. The hero shoots with one key, and jumps with the other. These are quite large keys, besides, they are located at the very bottom of the keyboard, and therefore they are convenient to use.

The longest key is SPACE. It can be pressed even blindfolded. And because it is also very often used in games.


When working with a computer, we get most of the information by looking at the monitor screen. A monitor is similar to a TV. But TV cannot be watched close up, because it is very harmful to the eyes. The monitor also affects the eyes, but not as much as the TV. The image of the monitors is clearer.

Monitors are different. They differ in screen sizes and image quality. Screen size is measured in inches. If you don't know what an inch is. then take a match and break it in half. The length of such a half is an inch.
Measure the screen obliquely - between opposite corners. Regular monitors are 14 inches. Often there are also monitors with a size of 15 inches. There are even more, but they are rarely used at home.

If you have monitors with a size of 14 inches, then you must definitely put on a protective screen on it - it will greatly reduce the harm from monitor radiation. IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO WORK WITH A CONVENTIONAL MONITOR WITHOUT A PROTECTIVE SCREEN!

Much better monitors, which have a size of 15 inches. They cost more, but their quality is higher. These monitors can be used without protective screen although he doesn't bother them either.


Mouse - a very convenient plastic machine for computer use. This is a small box with a rubber ball spinning inside. When the mouse moves on the table or on a special mat, the ball spins, and the mouse pointer (cursor) moves on the screen.
Like the keyboard and joystick, the mouse is used to control the computer. It's like a keyboard in reverse. The keyboard has more than 100 keys, and the mouse has only 2, but the mouse can be rolled around the table, and the keyboard stays in one place.

The mouse has buttons. Usually there are two of them - the right button and the left one. On the left button comfortable to press with your index finger. Therefore, this button is used very often. (For those who do not wash their hands before playing with the computer, this button gets dirty especially quickly). The right button is used less often - when you need to do something very tricky or smart.
There are mice with three buttons. They have a middle button between the right and left buttons. This button is remarkable in that it is one of the most useless things in the world. Many years ago there were very smart people who invented it, but they don’t make programs for such mice, and three-button mice are still found.


The mouse, although simple, can be used to do many different things. If you roll it on the table, then the arrow moves across the screen. This is the mouse pointer or, as it is also called, the cursor. True, it is more convenient to roll the mouse not on the table, but on a special rubber mat.

Simple click. If you need to select something on the screen, then place the cursor on what you want to select. Then click once with the LEFT button - quickly press the button and release. Since it is the LEFT button that is almost always used, it is not possible to say that it is the LEFT button. When something is not spoken about because it goes without saying, it is called silence.

So if it is written that you need to "click" the button, then this means that you need to click the LEFT button. And if you need to click the RIGHT button, then they write in full "Right click".

DOUBLE CLICK. Double-click to launch a program or open a window on the screen. A double click is two quick clicks. If you click once, then wait and click a second time, you will not get a double click, but two regular clicks. Therefore, you need to click quickly.

RIGHT CLICK. This is a right click. It is used quite rarely and serves for auxiliary matters. It is used quite rarely and serves for auxiliary matters. For example, in computer games ah, right-clicking can sometimes get a useful hint.

DRAGGING. Executed with the left button pressed. To move something from one place to another on the screen, do "drag and drop". You need to place the cursor on the icon that you want to drag to another location, then press the left button and move the mouse without releasing the button. The icon will move across the screen along with the cursor. It will move to its new location when the button is released.

PULLING. Swiping is similar to dragging, except that nothing moves, only stretches. If you place the cursor on the frame of a window or on its corner, the cursor changes shape and turns into an arrow with two tips. Press the left button and move the mouse. The size of the window changes.


Scanner - it's like a printer "on the contrary." Using a printer, a computer prints texts or pictures on paper. And with the help of the scanner - on the contrary. Texts or pictures printed on paper are entered into a computer.
Artists use scanners when they draw pictures for computer games. But artists do not like to use them very much. They are used to drawing with a pencil on paper - it turns out better and faster. Therefore, pictures for games are first drawn with a pencil. The image is then entered into a computer using a scanner. So the drawn picture is converted into data that enters the computer. The picture is colored on the computer. For coloring use a graphic editor.
Although the graphics editor is not very convenient for drawing, it is very suitable for coloring.
An artist needs a scanner as much as a printer needs a writer.
An analysis of new solutions for building a computer structure shows that the processor, memory, input-output devices form the basis of any computer. Consider the most common block diagram, which underlies the most common models of computers, in particular personal ones. Modularity, backbone, microprogrammability, is used in the development of almost any computer model.

Modularity is the construction of a computer based on a set of modules. The module is a structurally and functionally complete electronic unit in a standard version. This means that with the help of a module, some function can be implemented either independently or in conjunction with other modules. The organization of the computer structure on a modular basis is similar to the construction of a block house, where there are ready-made functional blocks, for example, a bathroom, a kitchen, which are installed in the right place.


If you manage to create something on a computer, for example, draw your portrait using a graphic editor, then, of course, you will want to show it to your friends. What if your friends don't have a computer? Then I would like to print this drawing on paper.
A printer is used to print information stored on a computer. Printer is a separate device. It connects to the computer with a connector. The very first computer printers were very slow and could only print typewriter-like text. Then there were printers capable of printing pictures point by point.
The most popular printers today are laser printers. They produce pages that are not inferior in quality to book pages.


CPU - This is a device that controls the course of the computational process and performs arithmetic and logical operations.
Inner memory is a memory of high speed and limited capacity. In the manufacture of a memory block, either electronic circuits on semiconductor elements, or ferrimagnetic materials. Structurally, it is made in the same package with the processor and is the central part of the computer. Internal memory can consist of RAM and permanent memory. The principle of its division is the same as that of a person. We have some information that is stored in memory constantly, and there is information that we remember for a while, or it is needed only at that moment while we are thinking about solving a problem.
RAM is used to store the operational, often changing in the process of solving the problem. When solving another task, only information for this task will be stored in RAM. When the computer is turned off, all information in the RAM is in most cases erased.

Permanent memory is designed to store permanent information, which does not depend on what task is being solved in the computer. In most cases, constant information is programs for solving frequently used problems, for example, calculating the functions sin x, cos x, tg x, as well as some control programs, microprograms, etc. Turning off the computer and turning it on does not affect the quality of information storage.

External memory is for long-term storage information, whether the computer is running or not. It is characterized by lower performance, but allows you to store a significantly large amount of information compared to RAM. In external memory write down information. Which does not change in the process of solving the problem, programs, results of the solution, etc. Magnetic disks are used as external memory. Magnetic tapes, magnetic cards, punched cards, punched tapes. I / O devices are designed to organize the input of information into the computer's RAM or the output of information from the computer's RAM to external memory or directly to the user. (NML - magnetic tape drive NGMD - floppy drive magnetic disks, NMD - hard disk drive, UPC - input-output device from punched cards, UPL - input-output device from punched tapes).

And the last. One should not hope that the development of computer technology will somehow radically change our existence. The computer is no more (but no less) than one of the powerful engines of progress (like energy, metallurgy, chemistry, mechanical engineering), which takes on its "iron shoulders" such an important function as the routine of information processing. This routine always and everywhere accompanies the highest flights of human thought. It is in this routine that daring decisions that are inaccessible to a computer very often drown. That is why it is so important to "blame" routine operations onto the computer in order to free a person for his true purpose-creativity.

Let us recall the famous words of M. Gorky "Everything is in a person, everything is for a person! There is only a person, everything else is the work of his hands and his brain." The computer is also the work of the hands and the brain of a person.

PC speaker PC speaker; Beeper) is the simplest audio playback device used in the IBM PC and compatible PCs. Before the advent of inexpensive sound cards the speaker was the main sound reproduction device.

A good high-end gaming PC can be a big investment. It's not like the console market where everyone gets a standard build to run the same games. The right choice of gaming system for your individual needs requires more thought. The nice thing is that you yourself can control the assembly of parts and the quality of the final product. Before you make your final decision to buy a new gaming PC, consider the points below, just to make sure your investment pays off.

  1. 1.

    What games do you play?

    The most important thing is to determine what kind of games you are going to play on your gaming PC. Even at a competitive level, strategists don't need a lot of power and graphics to showcase their expertise. On the other hand, modern first-person shooters require the equipment of the High Quality in order to successfully complete the levels.

  2. 2.


    Once you figure out exactly how you'll be using your computer, you'll know which processor you need. If you are not a serious player, then the base processor will be enough for you Intel Core i5. However, if you really want to run the latest games on your computer, you will need a multi-core processor with a higher clock speed.

  3. 3.


    Some processors are made with overclocking capability. In other words, manufacturers often set processors to a lower frequency than they can actually run. You can also increase the speed to improve performance. But you have to be careful with this, if only because any damage caused by overclocking is likely not covered by your warranty.

  4. 4.


    High performance computers generate a large number of heat, which can damage your system if not removed from it. This is especially problematic when you overclock your processor. You need a reliable cooling system. If you're a casual gamer, air fans will suffice, but if you upgrade your system to more high level, you may need a liquid cooling system.

  5. 5.

    video card

    Graphics are very important for games. There is a huge selection of graphics cards on the market, and for most games, a mid-range graphics card will suffice. If you need to launch every game with maximum resolution for multiple displays, you'll need something more powerful.

  6. 6.

    Multiple displays

    More and more games are starting to stretch across multiple displays. This means you can stretch your game across three monitors, which opens up the game world more than you can imagine.

  7. 7.


    At high performance, there may not be enough system memory, so determine how much memory will be enough for your needs. There are not many games that require more than 8 GB of RAM, but if you really want to have a unique gaming experience, then you need to increase the RAM to 16 GB.

  8. 8.


    If you are a serious gamer, then you can quickly run out of hard drive space. The latest trend among gamers is SSDs, which provide a much better and faster user experience. During the game, it is not necessary to have access to the SSD, throughout the game it will make loading and saving much faster.

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    The right hull is about more than aesthetics. It should provide easy access to all internal components, be open to future upgrades, and help the system air cooling protect all expensive parts from overheating.

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    While it is possible to play almost any game with a standard keyboard and mouse, there is a wide range of peripherals, which are specifically designed to improve the game experience. There are different mice with different grip styles and gaming keyboards have extended keys to make it easier to use certain features in different games.

So before you go out and spend a lot of money on a new gaming PC, take these ten factors into account. It is well worth considering and studying everything in order to get gaming computer, which meets all your gaming requirements, which will give you the opportunity to improve your level and overall gaming experience.